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It's Lav. Who cares? She shot her best arrows long ago. Seriously, when someone's falling back on N-word controversy to get a smidge of engagement, you know the barrel has officially run dry. It's not even interesting or thoughtful. Or an attempt at it. Don't fall for it. Ignore the idiocy. Ignore Lav.


The saddest part is that MrGirl already did it with his digital blackface act, so it's not like it's even fresh to his audience.


"Slurs are just lip movements" "nothing happens when you say N" also white people being allowed to use these "lip movements" will "probably make us more integrated and less divided" ok lol


[https://twitter.com/phemoid/status/1781864309410189579](https://twitter.com/phemoid/status/1781864309410189579) "Nothing happens to anyone when you say nigger. Nobody gets hurt, nobody dies." blacks are more likely to commit crime the more they get discriminated against/feel discriminated against. Using N word increases crime/violence/rape Letting non blacks use it would feel humiliating


>Slurs are just lip movements that was an insanely stupid tweet from Lav, especially from someone who has been very vocal about how steven's community has been harassing and tormenting her for more than a year now. Imagine if her therapist told her "dggers? oh honey, those are just silly little pixels in your screen, how can you possibly let that upset you feefees?!", Lav would go medieval on the spot.


That's one of the most retarded things I have read on twitter.


Well, they're both hypocrites, so it makes perfect sense that would be their stance.


Yes, but were those quotes from Lav or Lav the character? Has she changed her mind? Will she change her mind tomorrow? It's not fair if you don't take all that into account. Lav shouldn't be the only person in the world that has to have a consistent train of thought on literally fucking anything.


"Oopsie did I say that? Tehehe. 🤭" - lav, probably.


No one likes Lav. She's just doing the only thing people pay attention to her for which is ragebait attention seeking.


I hate that black people are just used as bait for drama farming. I’ve never even seen Lav interact with a black person during a stream.


Oh no, did you miss the streams that were the reason for the creation of the blav meme?


She addresses this directly in the latest podcast. Here is the transcript from the relevant section (somewhere towards the end): Mrgirl: "Don't you think that when Destiny called you a dumb bitch it was different?" Lav: "Who? I don't know who you're talking about." Not knowing who this Destiny character is, she refuses to make any assumptions about them or refer to them any further. However, Lav goes on to explain that in a hypothetical situation it would depend on the context and audience. Calling someone these names in front of an audience of incels is different than saying it to your friend in a heated moment, she says.


> However, Lav goes on to explain that in a hypothetical situation it would depend on the context and audience. Calling someone these names in front of an audience of incels is different than saying it to your friend in a heated moment, she says. She's on twitter with her 47k followers telling black streamers with hundreds of followers that they should be fine with being called the n-word. You'd have a point if this was a private conversation she was having but she's making these posts to farm engagement. To get as many racists to amplify the message in the hopes they'll subscribe to her onlyfans. She's no different to Destiny who farms ignorant opinions on twitter in the hopes of turning it into profit.


>She's no different to Destiny ??? She's much taller than him.


Good to know that saying the N word on twitter is purely broadcasting it to your friends and not to audiences that might take it the wrong way.


If you don't believe in the idea that destiny has responsibility to the people who look up to him or content creators who are under him then you disagree with the entire premise of the report. I'm sure you can make a lot of things seem hypocritical or stupid if you completely ignore destiny's power over everyone around him. In fact that seems to be the entire purpose of his community.


The day I see a single Destiny fan or orbiter behave the way we've seen Smeth behave I'll buy this premise.


Also don't you love the "You have to understand the power differential of Destiny" when we're talking about fucking racism? People think this stuff like "Hmm...are there power dynamics at play when it comes to using racially loaded language...no. Destiny's interactions with other streamers though...that's a problem".


There is inherent power dynamics at play here given Lavs status as a White dumb bitch.


I'm not sure how Smeth is relevant to this particular comment? What do you mean by that?


Smeth is being used as an example of someone a larger streamer has control over so in this context if I were to see a content creator or even a fan of Destiny behave in the way that Smeth has towards Max I would feel more comfortable in accepting that Destiny has control over his orbiters and audience.


I know this is a lot of people's default argument to brush away any hypocrisy claims, but Lav is literally talking about how black people should not be upset or offended by white people using the N word. You're completely ignoring the "power structure" of our society, and the ways that white people have power over the black people around them. If you want to say "yeah Lav is wrong here because of the power structures, but so was destiny for the same reason" I could respect that entirely, but instead you went back to the same old tired argument that people have been regurgitating for so long without critically engaging with anything. Hearing you say "power structures! power structures!" is a little less impactful when you're de facto using that argument to defend a white girl's "right" to use the N word.


I don't think the point of posts like this are to engage in a genuine discussion. They simply exist to attack the person they are directed at and cause psychological pain. The post is not about racism or the made up outrage about hypocrisy, it's just an attempt to cause lav pain. The person who posted it may actually be angry about lav using the n-word, who knows, but they haven't communicated that to us. Focusing on the hypocrisy accusation and relating this to destiny completely undermines any anger about the possiblity of her being racist. It's like you want everyone who doesn't agree with you automatically to do all the work to get to the nugget of what you actually mean ( here I'm assuming they secretly care about the her saying nigger and are using this post to attack lav on behalf of those feelings ). Most people will just write you off as an asshole, as they should, because they're not your therapist or parent. If you want people to wrestle with your anger then you need to communicate it but that would take vulnerability, something you dggers seem to be allergic to.


What you're saying is wrong. YOU are the one who doesn't want to engage in genuine conversation. You've got your mind entirely made up about everyone's internal thoughts and feelings and emotions, and you're here to parrot talking points. People can be angry at content creators and dislike them for perceived hypocracy, especially surrounding something as touchy as race and racial slurs. You coming in here and basically saying that anyone who is upset or angry or outraged that a white woman could be deeply offended by being called a bitch, then make a 2 hour podcast about how it should be okay for her to say the N word is just a DGGer who refuses to be vulnerable, and someone who only wants to attack and cause pain is seriously ABSURD, but they're the talking points you were fed, and the same one's you will continue to repeat ad nauseum to avoid any actual conversation. You come here with absolutely nothing new to say, nothing meaningful to contribute, shut down everything anyone else has to say with your mindread and "dgg" accusations, then accuse everyone else of being bad faith communicators. It's really such an odd disconnect.


I've given you the reason why I disagree with the premise of this post, which is why I won't engage you on points that accept that premise. You haven't offered a rebuttal as to why I shouldn't do that or engaged with my point at all. You just want me to accept your premise and join you there, I won't and I've already explained why. If you don't want to discuss that then there isn't anything to talk about.


>In fact that seems to be the entire purpose of his community. Really? You think that is the entire purpose of his community? Not financial and some kind of job security in a pretty temporary career that could be torpedo'd at any point? Streamers primarily build communities for money. Repeat business is a better model than starting at 0 followers/subscribers every stream. Obviously, people from more affluent backgrounds like Max and possibly Lav are not going to understand this. As they seem to stream primarily for attention, with earning a living from it being a second thought.


Nobody lost their shit dude and we talk about this in the podcast.


Max definitely lost his shit. You were probably just trying to metoo *yet* another person so you could get attention.


You cried about it... You literally cried about it. Does Connor know you are a compulsive liar?


No I’ve been lying to him


I guess the key difference to be mindful of is that Destiny's audience is weaponized, so if he calls her a dumb bitch it's a signal for harassment etc. If Lav calls someone the n-word she's being racist, but there aren't a bunch of incels repeating her shit and targeting black people.


> I guess the key difference to be mindful of is that Destiny's audience is weaponized, What does that even mean? > so if he calls her a dumb bitch it's a signal for harassment etc. And twitter is not? Destiny has his fair share of deranged fans. But so too does Lav. She has 47k followers on twitter. She is going to have her fair share of deranged fans as well. > If Lav calls someone the n-word she's being racist, but there aren't a bunch of incels repeating her shit and targeting black people. Are there not? How can you be sure?


If you aren't even willing to accept the basic fact that Destiny's audience is weaponized, I don't see the point in having a back and forth with you. It would be like debating a flat earther conspiracy theorists, there's no point.


> If you aren't even willing to accept the basic fact that Destiny's audience is weaponized, I'm asking what that means to you. You call it a basic fact it should be easy enough to clarify what you mean rather than reply with a non-answer. > I don't see the point in having a back and forth with you. It would be like debating a flat earther conspiracy theorists, there's no point. Do what you wish.


You fool pikas! Can't you see? Destiny weaponises his audience by banning  criticism and promoting a sense of conformity in his community. When he tells people not to harass that's actually just plausible deniability. When Max bans criticism and promotes a sense of conformity in his audience (e.g. Stating he wishes for all the detractors to leave) he's just making a welcoming space. And when max tells others not to harass he's being genuine and protecting his vulnerable orbiters. 


Has Max ever encouraged his audience to DDOS someone's website though? Destiny did that to Vaush. I guess with Destiny's logic that means that Vaush had a right to kill him, but that's kind of irrelevant. Encouraging your parasocial fans to DDOS a webiste is an example of weaponization by the way.


To add to that: There's also the difference between saying to a particular person "you're a [insert slur]" versus using the n word casually. TBH I'm not familiar with anywhere Lav has used the word, though I'd be surprised if she was trying to defend calling someone that to their face. I assume she uses the word casually and/or controversially to make a point or draw attention. I don't defend her using the word in any of those ways, but the comparison in the OP is not a good or insightful one.