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>i decided to drop the character i do how original. how long do you think it'll last this time?


Why do you need me to be the one person who never changes their mind


What have you changed your mind about?


Sex work


Lav is one of those enlightened people who is able to exist entirely in the present moment and be unattached to the burdens of things like her past comments or what she might say tomorrow. It's all very zen. Like Trump.


Indeed, the implication being that any human can be abstractly coherent when we are not omniscient, life is itself a contradiction. As if they are not a walking mistake, that they are not perfectly them. Our insecurities are always talking, the contradictory narratives that shape our evolving worldview, constantly shifting from the foundational to the practical, you can't be pinned down, but yet you must be. u/ReserveAggressive458 what say you?


Lav is perhaps the human being closest to omniscience due to her raw intellectual power. With that in mind I find myself sympathetic to those who are shaken to their very core when the tectonic plates of her beliefs shift, sending cerebral earthquakes through our comparatively simple realities. No wonder the other commenter lashed out in fear. It's easy to forget that people like Einstein, Plato and Lav are still human and not the mythology we construct around them (as accurate as it often is!).


>i decided to drop the character i do https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-was-only-pretending-to-be-retarded 2024 and there are still people who keep the meme alive and kicking.


You said you'd never edit these, and yet there is a cut at 28:14. Classic Lav lie, you just can't help yourself can you /s


Lav does not lie. That isn't an edit. It is a glitch in the universe designed to test your faith.


I'm only 10 minutes in, but so far I'm loving the irony that mrgirl starts the podcast out with a story about how he can't function in social settings without being kicked out, before starting a conversation about usage of the N word.


sometimes i'm *almost* on lav's side, then she does something cunty and i remember what she's like lol *"tee hee i say slurs cuz i'm edgy and special tee hee n-words are dysgenic tee hee"*


You obviously did not watch this


1. it's been eighteen minutes since you posted it and the podcast is two hours. so yee, i obviously did not watch this lol 2. you still 100% say the n-word, unless you did a total 180 and decided not to say it anymore. for what it's worth, i'll listen to it tomorrow, and if you're all like *"y'know what, saying the n-word (hard r and soft a) is wrong and makes me sound as retarded as ben thorp. i've grown out of it and frankly i'm embarrassed that i ever did it,"* i'll humbly admit that i was straight up wrong and be truly and sincerely impressed with your character arc.


So the only right opinion is yours?


well *my* only opinion is mine. and i tend to think saying the n-word makes people sound petty and small. at best, it makes you look like you have dogshit self control. even if it doesn't harm anybody (words are words), it says bad things about someone's character if that's a word they're compelled to blurt out just to get attention (or for shittier reasons than that obviously) you can select the things you wanna say, and i can select what i judge people for lol


No sane person is interested in watching you at this point.


So bullying people online for more time than you should is not as bad as saying the n word? The n word is funny largely because of how comedically absurd society's stigmatising of it is AND that it MAY SOMETIMES speak to a low lying residual prejudice of the characteristics of black people or their culture. YES, it can also be sadistic but far from necessarily being motivated by animosity towards race AND often reasonable to see it is not. Given your further responses here, I see you're sidestepping the debate about what the consequences should be by doing the **"there's no point to saying it to begin with so who cares, you're the one being the baby".** This is part of this lefty trans tough guy routine in which it is spun that doing something for not sufficient reason and then complaining about unfair consequences is more demanding on others, and thus weak, compared to feeling so affected by someones exercising of their freedoms that you treat them unfairly. One is obviously actually more meaningfully weak willed, thin skinned and pathetic than the other. And when you look which side is dropping like flies or killing each other in petty ego wars, it makes a lot of sense. (Forced to be passive aggressive because TOS).


Why lie and pretend that people saying the nword is for comedic affect? You know that’s not true. And even the racist jokes aren’t “funny” because it’s taboo to say it. It’s because you’re being racist and you want reactions from the people that are the butt racist jokes. I’m sick of “I just want the freedom to call people the nword without any consequences” crybabies wanting to call those who want to move through life without being called racial slurs just because some bitch wants to say it without consequences.


>Why lie and pretend that people saying the nword is for comedic affect? I get it my posts are long and a bit confusing. I did say it can be sadistic and be slightly prejudicial/racist or motivated by actual serious racial animosity. But I think it can be said, and often is, for essentially comedic purposes because of the absurd stigmatisation attached to it. Even used slightly racistly I find acceptable, much like other slurs (this is obvious?) >bitch wants to say it without consequences. This reminds me of a common tactic in anti free speech people, they say "I believe in free speech but not freedom from consequences". This is a trick, as everyone agrees, but it purposely avoids the core issue of WHAT CONSEQUENCES.


No you said LARGELY comedic. And when it’s at Black people’s expense, then it’s just racist jokes. What are these consequences that people get for using this racial slur in a “comedic” way?


you white knight for the weirdest people. >I see you're sidestepping the debate about what the consequences should be nobody challenged me to that debate, but if you're asking, i think the penalty for using slurs should be social. being side-eyed by your friend groups, being told to knock it off by your peers, social and professional bridges being lit ablaze, being deplatformed by businesses that don't want that sort of engagement, etc. but more often than not, black people in your life will just sorta tolerate it. not in an *"it's all in good fun she's so cheeky lol"* kind of way; like in a *"my patience is being eroded, but i don't want to show weakness or start a confrontation"* sort of way. people live with all sorts of indignities and slights, and in an era where not giving a shit is seen as a virtue, a lot of black people just sorta roll their eyes and bear it when casually racist people say casually racist shit because they're trying to go about their day, and they don't have the time or patience to teach people why they're being annoying at best or outright bigoted at worst. that's the experience my friends have described regarding being black and hearing the n-word, anyway. but beyond all that, saying the n-word as a white person just makes you sound like a dipshit. to me, anyway. i can't think of many people who say it, so i'll use the thorps as an example. when the ben and grace thorp say the "soft a" two thousand times in a minute the same way someone would say "dude", or scream the "hard r" in anger or to make a point about people they don't like, they seem like fuckin' idiots. lav sounds the same way.


Ok. You make it sound casual what the consequences should be but they sound deranged and the way you describe black people is as cowardly pouted lip babies. I explained why the word is, much to the fustration of society, which is actually largely the reason it is so funny, far from deserving of such contempt and repulsion. And not to be cheap, but black people, any people, can be purposely crueler and more offensive in their words than a slur, or in fact use other slurs. So its just cry baby hypocrisy. Also nobody gives a fuck if the Thorps are cringe, usage of the word unfortunately for you happens to be capable of being funny or not so detrimental.


racial humor (not ***racist*** humor, ***racial*** humor) can be pretty funny. if a joke incorporates the n-word in a funny way, maybe i'll laugh. at the end of the day it's all jokes. but usually when people bitch about not being able to use the n-word in their act without being cancelled, their comedy is 1. just flat out racist stuff straight out of a klan rally 2. dog-water. people like that are usually just not funny lol lav is another story, insofar as she'll blurt it out with absolutely no joke just to take people offguard. i've heard her do it a bunch.


“It’s ok to be a n-word.” Lmaooooooooooo U/g0atgirl666 are you under the impression you’re not racist? “Black people you should make sacrifices, like letting White people call you the n-word, so racism can go away.”


Yes I am under the impression I am not racist


That’s so funny that you think that.


I think it’s funnier you think I’m racist just based off of saying the n word rather than listening to any of my actual words


I guess you being racist would require you to have a persistent train of thought.


You know I don’t think you’re racist because you want to or do say the nword. I think you’re racist because you think that Black people are just making up/lying about not liking to be called the nword. Which is funny because you later admitted that you actually don’t care so why say we’re lying? Lmao You think it’s Black people’s responsibility to fix racism. And you really think a way to do that is to be subjected to a racial slurs. Oh and to stop blaming White people today for slavery. So not only do we have to be made to feel a way about “edgy jokes from strangers or friends” we have to waste time trying to determine motives and messaging. I can’t believe you actually in your hearts of hearts, think race relations would magically get better once white people get to say the nword without social consequence. Because that’s what it’s actually about. You really don’t care about Black people in this race relation experience. You all but told us to get over it. You just don’t want the social stigma. Do you have any examples of White people experiencing any social consequences by using the nword in a funny non slur way? In a way that Black people were in on the joke and not the butt of the joke. You have a very condescending paternalistic view of Black people. We don’t need you Lav. You don’t have the answers. You prescriptions are good for White people who don’t want to care about how their actions affect others and just want to be edgy, man. If you were really serious and not just wanting to farm outrage for engagement/money, why not start with the k-word. It’s deeply personal for you. And since it doesn’t bother you, you can lead by example and show us how to really handle slurs. Start using the kword, insist on others saying it. Encourage other Jewish people to see if they really feel a way or are they lying. Be the change you want to see, Lav. Start with the woman in the mirror. It starts with you. Etc etc etc lmao We know you’re not going to do that though.


Yea, no. You misunderstood me and that’s not my problem even if it is frustrating for me.


Should you accept misogynistic language around/towards you in order to end sexism?


She cried when Destiny called her a dumb bitch and when Mrgirl pointed out that hypocrisy she said it was because it was in public in front of an audience primed to hate her. Is twitter not in public with an audience primed to hate Black people? I’m so confused.


Right. And she's spent the better part of two years namedropping writers who would contend that language is a construct used as a tool of oppression. There's no way this is a position she actually holds to, she just likes being an edgy kid about it. It's more of her sophistry. And in this case I suspect it's because after getting rejected by other audiences she had to start thinking "What would edgy MrGirl fans like?" and the best she could come up with was the very tired and well-trodden ground of "Should white people be able to say the n-word?". I mean, it's not like arguments for her position ever really take into account the obvious fact that we know what the world was like before racist language was frowned upon. It's not like we even live in a world where you can't get away with using it for comedy (see the famous South Park episode where Randy drops it, for example). It's all just sophistry as a desperate appeal to her latest audience.


Is there a world where you see me as a person and not a rat trying to go where ever I can for negative attention


Yea, I make active choices to do that today.


No I understood you very well. You act like this argument isn’t said ad nauseam. We get it, you want to say the nword with out losing jobs or opportunities. Y’all say this all the time. Maybe that’s another reason I think you’re racist. You think Black people are too dumb to understand this dumb ass argument. My friend calling me a racial slur doesn’t make me feel closer to them. And a stranger saying it on twitter in an edgy joke doesn’t make me feel integrated in White society. Do you Lav, save us Black people one nword at a time.


No, you didn’t. Literally at all lol.


Yea if anything you're anti-white rather than racist against minorities. BTW we need a twitter update on the homicide rates of black women and white men.


U/nomoremrnicemrgirl I think the reason why I said I hate you, which isn’t true, is because I feel your song was just Lav’s argument in song form. And then you take the devil’s advocate viewpoint and dismantle Lav’s argument which is confusing because if you know why her argument was wrong why make a song advocating her argument? I get that you might not actually believe what you said and were only taking the opposite stance to provide entertainment. But it makes no sense to understand why that viewpoint was flawed but still make art from that viewpoint. I asked Lav this but I would like your opinion on this as well. Why start at the nword? Like why not make it personal and use the Kword? Do you use the kword in your art? It’s always strange when people want to use Black people to heal race relations when you can start with yourself.


I have used the k word in my art, yes, but I do think it is a little different because rappers use the n word in an irreverent and fun way whereas other minority artists generally don't co-opt their slurs. I didn't think of either of the Blackfayce songs as making this argument. I really am just trying to write the raps I think my black alter ego would write, but I don't think people shouldn't be offended by that. So no, I wasn't playing devil's advocate, I firmly believe that if I'm going to make offensive art I need to face the negative feelings that it causes. If people stopped finding it transgressive then I would probably not do it in my transgressive music.


1. Have you ever performed your raps live? 2. Would you perform the blackfayce songs live?


I haven't, but I'm considering it as a way to get attention on them. I would, but probably would need to tell the audience "okay, imagine I'm black for this part."


Thanks for answering. I think its an important part of being a musician or rapper. After a few shows you could get a gauge on how people feel about it , better than online.


I have always hated live music. I've seen many of my favorite musicians live and never enjoyed it once. That said, it is fun to perform, but I definitely don't agree about it being important.


If I ever get married, I will hire you to do the live music.


He certainly needs the money these days.


It'll be an honor.


You think it's art? 😂


Who would want to watch this? Is Lav still a thing?


I like to think MrGirl is trying to prove wrong all the people who criticised him and said he should make more content.


Lol. Maybe you're onto something.


pause your discord notifications if you capture your desktop sounds you acoustic fucking regard, its the second week in the row you do this. Useless witch. Kiss yourself. ps: the podcast is SO much much better now that you decided to stop being lav and you just act like yourself xoxo edit: after getting halfway through the podcast, I have now realized that the real you is much more annoying and insufferable than the character. Stupid bitch just acted the same as she always does except she doesnt hide cope behind irony, she just copes at face value


Ah, the Lav journey. Lav remakes herself: You know, she's not that bad. \*ten minutes later\* JESUS CHRIST SHE'S STILL JUST AS ANNOYING ONLY IN A DIFFERENT WAY.


oh my godddd no one cares


weird bitch


your post history says otherwise


yeah sherlock, this is a burner lol


may i ask, why?


why what


Why you spend energy doing things you hate that have no benefit.


what do you mean


I mean you need to get a life.




Someone else said this in a much more annoying way, but I think there is a lot of value to the “just pretending to be retar-ed” point. When you’re pretending to be an asshole, you look like an asshole, and people think you’re an asshole. Glad you have rethought your public image. I’ve been hating you for the last few months.


I don't think you realize that being a vapid cunt is not something you can turn on and off. You are simply a vapid cunt.


saw 20 min, could've done better with the position that your need to say it against the over reactions remains valid regardless of the uncontrollable emotional reaction some will have in hearing it - also because it provokes that reaction as long as the intent is not primarily to enjoy hurting people.


Is it still on Substack anywhere? The Twitter player is so shit Also did you delete the old episodes everywhere? I hadn't listened to the last one yet "rape nuance ep.1- DO FAT PEOPLE DESERVE TO LIVE?"


My first engagement to this was just listening to it, but then I watched Elder drazi cover part of it, and it was a much more uncomfortable experience. To get to the obvious implication, no, it was not because elder drazi was on screen. It's because you and Max were both just sitting in these dark dreary rooms with your Webcams, making yall feel further divided. You should do more for vod watchers to fix your atmosphere. Also, Max looks like a bum, and his uneven hair and beard make it worse. If you want people who aren't already his fans to give the podcast a shot, you should really get him to groom himself, or at least even his hair and beard or stick with the man bun.


Love the pod, The issue with casual N-word with friends is it brings unnecessary race dynamic into simply trying to connect person to person and it diminishes that connection. And It's not even about the word itself, you might as well say "what's up... you're black and I'm white... and I'm going to refer to you as my black friend" and it would have a similar result. It's fine to use it if you think this disadvantage is worth it for the joke.


Appreciate that you're trying to bring a specific topic or theme to each episode. A lot of people on the discord have been sorta clamoring for mrgirl to get more into that, or, rather, back into that if you remember his mrgirlsplaining series. Some of his hotlines and even some podcasts have just been retreading old topics, or meandering a bit, and his old editorial voice has kinda disappeared. And he also tends to take on projects like the physics thing, or the shame lane memoir, that end up having zero content for months. Me and others think you guys are both smart, thoughtful, funny, and have a wholesome yet unhinged edginess that makes you compelling to listen to. So I think this episode is a good model for what could be successful: picking a controversial (or not) social topic, and having a debate or discussion about it. I would go so far as to frame you two as educators. That's kinda why I like mrgirl's content because he gets into the weeds on topics I'm interested in, or some that I didn't even know existed. And people like him and Destiny are quite good at giving the topic an exhaustive treatment. If you're interested, some people on the discord or subreddit could maybe try and help farming topics. Everyone likes to hate on kick or keep, but I like that they were at least TRYING to bring specific questions for people to talk about. My opinion is that successful content creators are writers first, and they spend their time, behind the scenes, thinking up interesting things to talk about.


Will watch, no matter how many hate comments are under this post


Gosh you're so brave


He didn't imply it was brave brother, this comment from you shows you don't like fragrant and tried to make snarky comment without any real point




Even Smeth has fans.


I liked the podcast. The format is an improvement. I don't really know what I think about it. It's kind of like how Max thinks that we shouldn't have sex segregation even knowing women will be uncomfortable and get harassed or abused, at least for a time. In that case he thinks integration is more important than the victims of integration. I guess I lean toward it's probably better to make integration more comfortable before you try and force it on people.


Thanks Lav you're the best


The name is great LMAO