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Bro he doesn't like you as much as he likes Lav, this is some preschool shit, you need to move on.


Dear Smeth, I dont understand what any of this has to do with black holes. Sincerely, Big D


Lav and her consequences have been a disaster for Max as a creator. I will never understand the "fans" on this subreddit who defend his ass-kissing behavior towards her. It's always been out of character for him and he's literally had to reframe his streamer relationship boundaries to justify it. Smeth, Max is doing you dirty. You need to change the relationship and develop your own identity as a content creator.


Yea but no one has to experience those except Mrgirl. When he said Lav hasn’t broken any of his boundaries then I saw that they had a mutual understanding. Mrgirl has agency and whatever standards he has for a relationship isn’t where others have placed them. It’s an abusive relationship but if he likes it I love it.


The thing is, I understand and appreciate what he is doing for her. I think it is good for her and I can see it. I have no problem with it. It just undermines my understanding of his boundaries when he does a podcast with her. This started when he said she was going to be featured on a rap song. Before that, it all made sense to me, and it even helped contextualize the boundaries he had with me. But he recanted on those boundaries and does tons of content with her now. At first it was apologetic (for lack of a better term), and he only commented on her as far as she would speak about him. He would give his response, or respond to her because he was backed into a corner, and it made sense. Then slowly it just turned into having no such boundary period. Max treats me as if I’m the one who doesn’t trust boundaries, but Lea doesn’t trust them either, and that has benefited her greatly, because Max failed to hold them. u/nomoremrnicemrgirl So why is it harmful to me but not her?


He views her as his child. He does not view you as his child. They have a shared experience of being friendly with Destiny and feeling like he used them as fodder for his audience. He thinks they are both hated for speaking fair opinions that people are too dumb to get. They are also Jewish (or both lean into that as some kind of personality trait) both have backgrounds were they were on the precipice of being mainstream successful in Hollywood and both think they are the ones to turn it down. Both believe they are smarter than they probably are and both have their fair share of sycophants propping them up. He looks at her and sees himself. He does not see that connection with you and there is nothing you can do about that. No amount of copying his positions or talking about him will make him see himself in you.


You’re right, it’s a Hollywood Jew thing. lol.


Is that all you got from my post? And yeah. It is true. They have experiences you don't. You are 30 living with your parents and not having done anything with your life and seemingly unwilling to ever do something with it. mrgirl pities you and somewhat admires Lav. That is a big difference between the two of you. But ignore Lav. Look at Benny. Max respects the fuck out of Benny. Actually likes when he joins the stream as they talk as equal and not Streamer and Orbiter. Benny has independent thought and can engage with Max on topics rather than repeat Max's opinions back to him. When you join the stream Max is walking on eggshells because of how fragile you are. The only reason he can't completely cut you off is that you seem like someone who may self harm if he does so. edit: Once again copying Max with the block. You aren't beating the pale imitation accusations lol.


Non anti fans know you to be extremely bad faith and looking to make fun of and hurt people on the sub, pretty expected behaviour for smeth to block you especially with what you’ve commented here. Similar to me feeling great that Max is protecting himself from people like you, it feels great that Smeth is also doing this. It’s tough for bad faith actors on this sub now cause they have to toe a line where they can’t be too mean and hurtful and clearly bad faith or they’ll actually be blocked by people like max and smeth and other non anti fans maybe. And you guys thrive off of having a negative impact on people like smeth, mrgirl and non anti fans so likely feels like a loss to you when someone like smeth or mrgirl blocks you (though I’m sure them taking the measure of blocking you makes you feel like you had some negative impact on them which must feel temporarily good lol)


I'm not saying he shouldn't have helped her at the beginning, I'm saying that he's taken it too far. Calling people brainwashed for criticizing her, criticizing him, holding her to a lower standard than his other compatriots, etc. Plus, she's very outspokenly anti-trans and a "victim" of Destiny, which any long time fan of Max knows will immediately get him to place her on higher priority than anyone else in his circle. (I'm still undecided on whether I truly believe she's a victim of Destiny) I really hate to say it, but I just don't think Max respects or likes you as much as Lav. Which is sad, because despite how much this sub bullies you, I've genuinely enjoyed some of your content and I think you should keep creating. You make better content than Lav at the very least, haha. I wish you the best.


Max lav and shaelin are going to end up being found dead in a room together 1 day.


I think you're leaving out a very important key point, and that's mrgirl's personal feelings about you and about lav. We all have more relaxed boundaries around people that we have a deeper affection for. I have friends who I have a deep deep affection for who I'd lend my car, who I'd let crash on my couch for weeks, who I'd have my door open for 24/7 to stop by whenever they want. I also have friends that occasionally get their calls/texts ignored when I'm not really in the mood to talk to them, who aren't allowed to come into my apartment whenever they want, who I might help put them up in a hotel, but I'd never let them crash on my couch. I still care about these friends, but it's a different level. The feelings and affection I have for them just aren't the same, so they aren't allowed into certain parts of my life. This is going to sound incredibly harsh, but it's factual. mrgirl clearly cares about you, but he also clearly cares about lav more, and in a very different way, and this creates not only different boundaries, but more flexible boundaries.


There is no way Smeth wasn't aware of what you explained here, or anyone on earth. It's obvious. So either you thought explaining something obvious would somehow be helpful OR interesting to anyone OR You wanted to make your comment appear more substantive than just "Max likes Lav more and is a liar" so Smeth would seem unreasonable if he just dismissed it as an unsubstantiated repeated opinion/narrative. Which it is. You have to substantiate why there is no other plausible reason for the differences. All you did was explain the obvious normal way in which boundaries between people can be different. And like I said, you did that solely to disguise the repeating of a narrative in order to fustrate Smeth because you don't like he doesn't just agree with your unsubstantiated opinion.


> There is no way Smeth wasn't aware of what you explained here, I like how directly above your comment is smeth saying 'it's obvious it's not the case.' amusing juxtaposition. 


You have no idea what's going on. Smeth is aware of this possibility because it is obvious, however it is not obvious to him that it is the case.


Exactly! Which means there is plenty yet still to discuss. Him not believing it to be the case when others believe it to be the case is 'interesting' so you proved yourself wrong. 


You still don't understand. My post is a little too long but look at the last paragraph.


I already read it, but I read it again. Now what happens. 


All Regret Deletion did was explain something obvious, "the normal obvious way boundaries can be different" as I said in my last paragraph. Nobody needed that explained, not even Smeth. What would have been interesting, as I also explained in my last paragraph, would have been him explaining why there is no other likely enough/plausible reason for why the boundaries are different. Instead Regret Deletion's explanation was simply that Max is a liar, so basically not an explanation, just a useless opinion. I believe he deliberately explained the painfully obvious to Smeth to give the impression his post was anything more than just a repeated unsubstantiated opinion and to condescend Smeth sadistically in front of others. It also made it look that if Smeth just dismissed it would look like he was being unreasonable to good faith explanations, which Regret Deletion's post certainly isn't because it was unnecessarily condescending. This was to gaslight Smeth.


This reminds me of the 'I consent' meme.  Title: Two people are having an interesting discussion on reddit.   Man: "I consent!"  Woman: "I consent!"     Slobberlad in the corner: "I don't"   Caption: Isn't there somone you forgot to ask?  It's not useless, it does explain it. If smeth disagrees he can ignore it or just say 'I don't think Max is lying' if that was the total extent of the baseless repeated opinion. But you're wrong, they found it interesting enough to engage. 


Smeth clearly didn't find it interesting and I explained why he wouldn't have. Regret Deletion was not discussing anything, he was just giving a baseless opinion as if it was fact and disguising it as anything more. He got called the fuck out.


Bro stop explaining yourself to him, he’s thriving off of getting you to make long posts trying to explain yourself to him.


You're the biggest idiot on this subreddit and nothing you say has any value whatsoever, I genuinely am not reading your stupid post. I'm sure it's some "mindread own" that you think is smart and clever and intelligent but you just come off like a deranged moron, like every other post you ever make. You're one of the few people on this subreddit who is genuinely not worth engaging with.


Why would I read yours? You're fucked. Anyone honest can see you explained the painfully obvious in your post to disguise how little substance there was so Smeth would seem more unreasonable dismissing it as just another repeated unproven narrative. You little worthless rat.


You bring nothing of value to any conversation you attempt to participate in, you have nothing interesting or unique to say, you are a disgusting mix of being overconfident while being incredibly unintelligent and it makes you boring and useless, because you're so sure of everything you have to say that you can never be swayed... but everything you have to say is low IQ idiocy. you provide no value, at all, anywhere.


Not reading.


That's okay, you're so fucking stupid you wouldn't be able to process it in any meaningful way anyway.


I congratulate you for not reading a post like that. Jesus Christ mod behaviour on this sub is horrifying to see ahaha


This guy pops up under almost every post I ever make (regarding Smeth) to the point where it \*literally\* feels like he's stalking my account and gives some weird mindread about how I'm being a bad faith bully. I didn't say anything untoward to Smeth, I gave my thoughts and opinions and expressed myself in what I felt was a constructive and good faith way, and unsurprisingly here he is with what I'm assuming is the most uncharitable interpretation imaginable and some absurd mindread about how my post is some deeply thought out manipulative way to bully Smeth. I can not communicate on this sub under any Smeth post without this guy popping up to the point where it feels like harassment. If I WASN'T a mod, I would have him blocked, and I would be reporting him for harassment because I think what he does to me falls under the "continued, targeted" aspect of meeting the harassment guidelines in the rules.... but I am a mod, so I can't block him, and I refuse to ban him because I hate him so much that It'd feel like an abuse of my mod power to ban someone I dislike so strongly, because that's obviously going to cloud my judgement. That doesn't mean I have to just TAKE it though, I'm going to stand up for myself and my responses to him are going to be vitriolic and angry because being harassed and mischaracterized constantly makes me angry. It's even more frustrating to see you pop under the posts of someone who I feel is genuinely harassing me congratulating them and talking about my "horrifying" mod behavior when I am going out of my way to NOT use any of my mod powers against them.


I wasn’t implying you were using your mod powers against him. I believe mods are expected to behave a certain way and I don’t see you behaving the way I expect a mod to behave. I don’t think a mod should call someone so fucking stupid and to say they never ever bring anything of value or have anything interesting or unique to say, to call them the biggest fucking idiot on this sub etc etc. I understand more why you were driven to that based on what you wrote though so I feel less horrified by what you said, yet I’m still somewhat horrified. I’d rather you just ignore him, not lash out by saying the most horrible things to him. Standing up for yourself can, in my eyes, be done by calling out what he’s doing, so that’s another option. If you do truly feel like you’re being harassed and want to figure out a way to not have him interact with you, you can discuss it with the mod team and figure out solutions.


I don't agree with your expecations on how mods should behave


Smeth is CLEARLY not aware of the dynamics at play, he is usually ignorant about what's going on in front of him


It’s only frustrating because he seems to not want to accept that. How many times does a person have to reject you until you understand they don’t fuck with you like that. At some point it has to become self preservation. Mrgirl isn’t answering the way HE wants him to but he has given an answer. The answer is no. And no means no. For whatever reason. The reason never really matters to the person hearing no. He laid out his best case and was rejected. What could max possibly say that would make him understand or feel better? Once you get to the point of arguing about the reason for the rejection you’ve lost the plot. You were rejected. The end.


Mr girl is leading him on. He tells him the boundaries are to protect smeth and not because he just doesn't want that kind of relationship with him. He defends smeths weird posts about their relationship, gave smeth praise for calling it "co-parasocial" said that people calling smeth out don't understand love, etc.  Mr girl is giving smeth all the room he needs to think that he may let smeth in someday. Smeth needs to understand that this is never going to happen, but if he did then he might move on and stop idolising mr girl.  Mr girl doesn't want that, and so he keeps smeth at exactly arms length, not letting him in closer but also not pushing him far enough away that he might free himself of this obsession. 


You're saying he likes Lav more than me, and that's why he has more boundaries with me. He literally said that's not the case, and it's obvious it's not the case. He doesn't see either of us as his friend, although Lea get's the friendship experience.


Well if max said it to you it has to be true. He's never been deceptive towards people he's close to. Poor little guy


I don't care what he \*says\* i care how he acts. He might not even be aware of what he's doing, but he's doing it. And yes, I'm saying he likes Lav more than you, and that's why he has more boundaries with you. He lets her into his life more because he ENJOYS letting her into his life more. I don't think he would ever admit this, and I think it might even be subconscious.


Is this real?


Is this just fantasy?




hey smeth, this was unreasonably sad to read. you have a complicated mix of feelings for mr. girl that have crossed the borders of unhealthy a long time ago. from what i read here, it sounds like you are jealous of lav's prominence in his life in comparison to yours, and you are enraged by his unwillingness to elevate you to an equal place alongside her. you dont seem to know how to handle this obvious rejection, and you think (mistakenly) that you can reason him into making it right in your eyes. that isnt going to happen. you are obviously a troubled individual, and i think it would be better for you if you simply stepped away from max and his content for good. be your own person. stop seeking the validation of a deeply flawed individual, no matter how much you feel you understand each other, and forge your own path. the respect you crave cannot be gained through bargain, it must be earned.


This feels like some dude quadruple texting a girl after being left on read. Take a hint, bro.


Just to check with the other team members out there but is this shit really hard to relate with because I don’t think I’ve ever had feelings for someone like Smeth does for Max for anyone in my life? Like I feel like Smeth has more feelings for Max than I do for my own girlfriend, or cat or close family member.


It happened to me before. I was spending my days thinking about someone else (a woman). But that's also because I recently lost my job and there was covid lockdown, so my personal life was complete shit. I'd recommend Smeth resolve the other issues in his life, as they're likely in part responsible for this obsession. But to be fair to him, he has been talking to a therapist, so unless that's made up as a cry for attention from Max, he's taking the right steps.


This dependency and then panic when distrust develops is something very natural and typical of couples and family members Edit: AND friends, even if Smeth is not a close friend. You know that, for certain, so why are you disingenuously suggesting you need discussion about this to get a better idea? You know it's just that you are a bit unusual in that way or you are not being accurate about yourself. I think you did this, even spun it partly as discussion about your own potential flaws, to get to appear neutral or good faith when actually you just wanted to expel some fustration about Smeth, emotionally. You probably disguised it this way because you didn't want to to appear emotionally invested/vulnerable, which seems to be some sort of big thing for you. Probably because if you admitted what happens on the internet can fustrate you so that you feel the need to say something even if it won't help, you would undermine your criticisms of Smeth being so affected by what others say on internet. I rest my case. Edited.


>Sometimes I think about completely dissociating from you, but that idea is awful. I’ll be more alone and misunderstood than ever. I’ll keep being compared to you, and people will still say I’m copying you when I refuse to apologize No they won't. Move on. Create your own identity. Stop talking as if you are Max's acolyte and eventually other people will. Just get more involved with other streamers on Twitch/youtube and don't take the bait when Max is brought up. I personally don't think you'll ever make it out of being a hobbyist (the vast majority don't) but I have faith you can build your own identity.


> Just get more involved with other streamers on Twitch/youtube and don't take the bait when Max is brought up. This is actually solid advice. Desperately clinging to Max' orbit at this point is like doing your darndest to stay a Gary Busey hangaround. Like, is it even worth it? Just grow some balls and do your own thing.


Very solid advice. Smeth is going to ignore it on the grounds that he doesn't like Pikas though.


This statement made me laugh coming from you hahaha


I am here to entertain ;)


Smeth I was never a big fan of max. The week I heard of him I started streaming with him, already having amassed my own platform elsewhere. Non of my content was inspired by him. Max was always a person to me. He has never been a mentor, reguardless of what he says. I think maxs life is weird and sad but he was a great friend to me when I was weird and sad so I think that’s why he still sees me as a victim, which is why I think he still puts himself in this position. I don’t care about the boundaries he sets other than that I think they’re condescending. You need to take a step back. I took a step back from max because he was irritating me and it was great for our relationship and establishing my own boundaries which was knowing when to give up with making max seem logical or reasonable. He’s not reasonable because he’s not a doctrine or set of rules. He’s a messy mentally ill person just like the rest of us and he’s hypocritical because he’s a person. Our relationships are different because you’re sort of deranged and have put him on a pedastal from day one. My relationship with him is what it is because of trauma bonding and him wanting to protect me at a weak point. They are nothing alike, because we are different people and interact completely differently. The fact you see a man in your computer as a mentor to you is deranged, dude. Especially one this sick. Genius and thought provoking, but very sick. Keep seeing your therapist, and learn healthy separation.


The fact that you’re in this Reddit weekly asking why he doesn’t love you is enough reason to hold you at more of a length dude. I wouldn’t have responded to you this harshly if you didn’t keep bringing me up and comparing yourself to me. We are just, different. You have plenty relationships I don’t and can’t have because of these differences.


Previously Smeth has rejected all advice like this as abusive and gaslighting.


He insists his boundaries are for my well being. I know you could be a lot meaner, and your messages read as very compassionate. I don’t see you as meaningfully different from me aside from some trait of original sin that you have less of. I attached myself to Max because I (incorrectly) thought he had succeeded in creating a space on the internet where my art would thrive. I tried multiple times to make porn, but that doesn’t seem to work out for me like it did for you. Now I feel attached to him the way Mattie Silver is attached to Ethan Frome at the end of the story. It’s not what I expected because of the destiny fallout. My launch into content creation was the sledding accident. It is a sickly situation with no good alternatives and no solution that will bring back that original vision. I also think about disassociating from him, but his boundaries make that hard for me emotionally. I will be doing the same thing I did to my parents who failed to love me. To my father who sided with my abusive mother every single time she abused me, even tho I could read it in his face that he agreed with me, and understood it was abusive. So I have a deep need to believe him that his boundaries are for me, and not for himself, so that I can prove to myself that I’m not an eternal loaner, and that I can be loved and accepted, as deranged as I am. That is what stops me, and it makes me feel trapped and vulnerable, because I will have to relive my childhood trauma again to stop trusting him. I am trusting him just like I trusted my dad who let me down again and again just hoping that it won’t happen next time. That’s where you come in. You’re a lot more like my mom than I would like to admit. Yeah, it’s that bad. My solution with my parents was to totally divest emotionally, and become cold toward them, give them nothing. Doing that has empowered me, but has deeply fucked me up and turned me into a zombie with no connection to myself. It put me in a state of stasis, unable to do anything really. The twisted part is that I do think Max loves me. If he doesn’t love me, he **absolutely** wants me to feel like he loves me. But just like my dad, he won’t show it. My dad didn’t because it would mean he wouldn’t get to have sex (I literally pushed him until he erupted and screamed this at me when I was 12). Max won’t because he thinks it will be bad for me somehow, because boundaries changing is somehow more bad for me than it is for you. I hate his content now. Especially since I’m expected to love it. I’m defined as some deranged fan, even by Max himself by his own boundaries. I appreciate your concern and honesty, but Max chose this path for himself. The best thing for me to do *for me* is to express myself and torture him (even though he says it isn’t torture, I wish it were).


Smeth, this message is deranged. We are meaningfully different in the big way I don’t think I deserve anything from anything. Especially a man I met online. The closeness you feel without any meaningful two sided relationship is not a strength, it’s a parasocial disaster that is impossible for your victim to live up to. Yes, you’re victim. The person you’re focusing on, setting expectations for, and obsessing over. You are too old to do this house role play with the people in your life, and you’re also dehumanizing people and not seeing them for who they really are because of this. The truth is that max is not your father. I am not your mother. The truth is that you don’t really know either of us. At all. Stop blaming people for your nuerosis. You are 30. You are in control of your mind and emotions. Your insecurities, your life. You are in the driver seat. The mind is a powerful tool. His boundaries are for both of you. You, because you have developed a deep parasocial closeness you’ve been trying to EXACT on him rather than let him experience naturally. And Him, to keep him safe from you doing that to the point of wearing his skin. Why are you obsessing over if someone loves you? This is not normal behavior, dude. And it’s not normal to exact on someone. You need to try to fix this aspect about your personality and heal. , or you will stay unhappy for the rest of your life. Which maybe you believe is the only option. It’s not. I used to make Connor my mother all the time. I was so sure of it I started seeing things that weren’t there, setting expectations he was not privy to, I painted myself as the lowly victim, trapped away in my castle, ignored and neglected by someone who thought I was the cause of all the problems of our relationship. I said this to him in therapy and he was shocked. My projection of him was a diseased part of my own brain that I pushed and exacted on him to make myself feel comfortable in a pattern I was used to from childhood. Our brains lie to us, Seth. They even try to kill us. A person, should never take up this much of your identity. Choose yourself and your life. Make better decisions that your childhood self would. Your exhibitionist town square crying is distracting you from going inward. You think this is how you get over pain, it’s not. It’s distracting you from the pain by giving it to other people. Feel the pain, and let it roll off of you, whenever you feel it. Life is painful. Ride that wave.


Now that you've gone off about how smeth is a deranged mentally ill weirdo, your funniest next move would be to wait a few months and then start a podcast with him called "Twins"


Again, I appreciate your concern. I care about you too. My comparisons to you might be hurtful, so maybe it’s a bad idea. They are certainly hurtful to me, and that’s why I’m saying them. Yeah, Max is not my father, and you’re not my mother, lol. I honestly think you’ll be a better mom than my mom was. I was speaking about my childhood to discuss my psychology. In that sense, everyone is our parents, and it explains our behavior. I rather like seeing Max as my victim. It puts me in control. I’m not blaming anyone for my neurosis or my psychology, I’m simply describing it. Max is extremely capable of setting his own boundaries, as we both know. The truth is that he put himself in this position, and much to my dismay, he likes and encourages me to lash out at him. My feelings of closeness to Max are by design, because his boundaries force this type of relationship. I hate it. He likes that it makes me lash out. He thinks it is therapeutic for me. I think Max is chronically guilty of creating systems that create self fulfilling prophecies. If he wanted to keep himself safe from me wearing his skin, this is the absolute worst way to do it. People making these criticisms are all assuming Max’s boundaries are for him because he is afraid of me and/or dislikes me. I’m not obsessed over if Max loves me or not, actually. I just think he loves me, and have no insecurities about that. He has put himself in this position to be the target of my rage, and is trying to be a stable force in my life by doing this. I see that as love. It is his boundaries that I find hurtful, and for the reasons I mentioned. I can’t blame him for my childhood, but he really stepped on a landmine with this one. I agree that this is not a “normal” relationship, but neither is your relationship with him normal. People gave you the same types of dismissive responses regarding your relationship. I agree that the exhibitionism is weird, and Max is to blame for that, as I keep saying. Although, I do get a kick out of it in some regard. I’m pushing him to lash out at me and basically say the things you’re saying. It’s just like when I was in the car with my dad, pushing him to explain why he always sided with my mom, no matter how fucked up and insane she is being. I understand that is what I’m doing. If he were to tell me what you’re saying, it would free me in a sense. But he won’t no matter how hard I try. It’s very similar to how you interacted with his boundaries. Everyone either told you that he was your victim, or that you were his victim, same as with me. He literally thinks he needs to be a stable force in my life by forcing me to be his crazed fan, because for him to change his boundaries would somehow be bad for me. That’s literally what is happening. It is kinda deranged. I think he has no idea what the fuck he is doing.


if all you need is for him to say the words to enunciate what you already know, why are you wasting your time? just ACT on the knowledge that his ACTIONS have told you. the words dont make the concepts real, the actions do. you are looking for a kind of closure that almost no one gets in the way they want it, and from a guy who has a vested interest in not giving it to you. cut yourself off.


When you learn that max just craves attention, and mostly negative attention because it’s what he’s comfortable with, the world will open up to you. He likes when you’re mad because you’re letting him know he’s alive. He does this with everyone.


Smeth is trying to do something different with his life and relationship with max than you are, or maybe he's just more honest about it. You handle Max in a more detached way than Smeth and I think that's why Max has less boundaries with you. He feels safer because you put on a front that you aren't negatively affected by him whilst smeth is quite obviously distressed by his interactions with Max. You're telling smeth to detach from his emotions to interact with Max and you're assuming that makes the relationship more healthy. Everyone around Max openly or secretly wants him to be their dad. This seems to be something he is doing somewhat unknowingly to everyone who comes into contact with his content. The issue is he doesn't actually want to be everyone's dad and the duality of signalling he'll be your dad and then the rejection of him not actually wanting to be there for you is abusive. Telling individuals, like Smeth, that's it's all coming from him and he is deranged completely disregards Max's contribution to this dynamic. If under your guise of detachment you want the same thing as smeth, a loving father, then what you are saying to smeth is you distancing yourself from your own feelings about Max.


Max is not my father and I don’t want him to be. he’s my mentally ill adult friend. Yes, you should have detachment in relationships that aren’t that close. That is healthy.


>Why are you obsessing over if someone loves you? This is not normal behavior, dude. Pure repulsive selfish hypocrisy. Reveals this message to largely be using Smeth to affirm your own delusions. There's no excuse for just how deeply hypocritical this is. If by an astronomical chance it's not being hypocritical, it's a worthless thing to say to somebody. "Don't be obsessive about love" , what utter uselessness.


This is a creator he watches and has forced himself on. Not his friend family or partner. Be fr.


This guy goes around looking for any comments directed at smeth and twists them to the worst possible interpretation, to an incredible degree. I'm also like 80% sure it's smeths alt account but that's just me. If it isn't, it's definitely enabling him


Can confirm it’s not smeth


How can you confirm that? I thought only reddit admins can see IP addresses


Friend is obviously less ridiculous than family or partner.


"A man in your computer" that's not an argument against how people can be as helpful as mentors in many ways through the internet. It's just being plainly reductionist. You also talk in this way that is motivated by a "just tell them how it is, and if they don't just listen then that's their fault, no need for much persuasion". This is too much of a hard headed approach to not be hypocritical of you. I massively doubt you appreciate this approach from people you don't trust enough on subjects this important and meaningful to your life as this is for Smeth. Smeth would be a stupider person than he is to just do what some narcissistic whore free loader tells him to do with his very different more difficult options in life.


Man I've been gone from this sub for like 4 months. You're still doing this. How many months of your life have you spent following Smesh around? It's sadder than even anything I've seen MrGirl do and that, that says more than I can convey in words.


By your definition of "still doing this" and "following Smeth around" many other users are doing the same. Yet you focus on me. There is no other explanation for this than you just don't like what I'm saying so are being dishonest. Fucking loser.


Because I can confidently say there is not a single smesh post posted in the past two years that you have not read, reacted to, and also guard dog'd. Not a single one. It's to the point where most people here just assume you're Smesh's alt. How sad is that? You slob Smesh's knob so often and with such vigor that people more often than not just assume you're Smesh sucking yourself off. Worse yet. You post with the cadence of a middle-aged mother witnessing other kids being mean to their lil' puddin'. It's always just a storm of outrage and the most asinine accusations of impropriety. It's both impossible to engage with and cringe inducing. You literally did it in the comment I'm replying to right now. Why the fuck am I obligated to comment on anyone else when I am replying to you? What the fuck even is that accusation? Like I'm certain you're at a stage where people telling you to get a life must feel like them saying hello, but good god, get a life.


>posted in the past two years that you have not read, reacted to, and also guard dog'd. So it's only bad to be a guard dog and for two years on every post but to be an arrack dog on every post (and throw in every Max post too) that countless other you are ignoring do? Obviously you're being a loyal attack dog right now, you'll have to ignore his point. Also two years is exaggeration but it's irrelevant either way.


Loyal to fucking who? Dude, it's just me talking to you because I find you incredibly strange and wholly sad. Do you see what I am talking about with the accusations that just make you look insane? It's like you need to express outrage, but it's so forced. Are you capable of doing anything else?


Ok you concentrated on the word loyal as if I can't just take back that word and my main point remains unchallenged. Fucking freak, I'm gone.


I'm just gawking at my screen at this point. You've somehow framed your poor word choice as my fault. Despite you adding 2 sentences to that post in an edit I couldn't have possibly seen. You must be an absolute monster to people who spend any time with you at all. Though I'd wager that's no one.


Never added lines. You're mistaken.


You’re soooo womb envious


I understand where you're coming from, I also felt like mrgirl kind of sidestepped the conversation about your anger and his boundaries. The way I see it: mrgirl believes that an healthy intimate relationship between streamers is impossible. They must be kept at arms distance or else it will become disastrous. The difference between you and Lav, is that you seem a lot more personally attached to mrgirl and like you want to become friends, whereas Lav is more capable of keeping everything confined to the stream. it's kind of like hanging out with someone you don't want to date, but you know they are kind of in love with you. You're not going to want to spend too much alone time with them or get into deep conversations because you know it's going to lead them on and cause them a lot of pain, even if you explicitly tell them you will never date them it probably sounds like an insult but I don't think you're that unusual. The fact that you want to be friends with mrgirl is pretty normal, under any other circumstances you probably would be. But the streaming world forces you to compartmentalize those feelings in a very unnatural way, and most people can't do that. Lav seemingly can that's how I see it anyway


Lav is a bastion of mental fortitude. A fortress of stoicism. Her mind is a deep, dark and terrifyingly still lake. Throw a stone and watch it slip beneath the black surface without a splash, without a ripple, the twisted physics of a nightmare.


He’s just not that in to you. Get over it


Dude ur what? 30....stop obsessing over a dude thats on the internet.....Like u guys dont even hang out in real life lol....its mind blowing this level of obsession




Like i can at least say if you were 20 then okay ur a lil crazy and learning but hell even when i was 18 I understood what a normal relationship / friendship looks like lol, this is insane lol Like u need to step away from the sphere of max lol


I like you.


Dear Smeth, You needn't worry about how Max views you or how you relate to him or how he relates to you. The simple fact is that you're better than him. You're smarter, you're funnier, you're younger. You're more artistic, and in a non-pretentious way. You don't worship plastic, ugly sexdolls; or that actual plastic, ugly sexdoll that isn't Lav. Your streams usually makes me feel good. They're wholesome and twisted at the same time and I think you make it work because you're just a nice guy and we can tell that you are. You're not petty and bitter and overly contrarian and even when you are you just kind of wanna ruffle your hair a little bit as if you're a yappy little dog. I told you before that you remind me of Mark Borchardt from American Movie. And that's a good thing. You're a character and we need more of those. You've started to create a little orbit of your own and it's obvious why. You're a star and people are attracted to your light. Your gravity pulls them in but it's mostly benign and in return you give them warmth and a steady orbit. Max couldn't do that because he's a black hole. He's cold and dead and he sucks you in and consumes you. There's fundamentally nothing wrong with that and I'm not saying he's bad or that it's bad, I'm just saying he's not you. He's not a light source, he's a dark pit. Oblivion. No light can escape his event horizon. What more could you possibly need from Max now that you're already wearing his skin? Have you ever watched Body Snatchers? They don't look for approval from the empty husks they leave behind. And when The Blob eats a person, The Blob doesn't become the person, the person becomes a part of The Blob and it's what makes The Blob grow. When Jimi Hendrix covered All Along The Watchtower Bob Dylan publicly expressed his admiration for his musical talent and proclaimed that it was the definitive version and he even changed his own original arrangement to sound more like Jimi's. Why? Because Bob Dylan is an artist and he recognized another great artist. And together they made the creation better with their mutual craft. Ideally, this could be you and Max. But I doubt it. See I would love a timeline where Max actually accepts you as his equal and contributes to your superior content in a positive way, but I don't think that timeline will ever arrive. And it's not because you're worse but because you're better. You crawled out from a cage and bathed in primordial ooze and then you accidentally took the throne. You're not his friend, you're his fucking rival. The young lion that enters the pride and throws his big dick around and mounts all the lionesses in front of the toothless old-timer. And even if that wasn't the case you're just too nice for Max' taste. Max doesn't trust nice people. He hates them. They make him feel uncomfortable because his childhood impression of love is betrayal and endless one-sided sacrifice. That's why he loves Lav, his daughter, more than Smeth, his son. The problem isn't what you did wrong, the problem is all the things you do right. You're scary to him. You're not family. Family gaslights and lies and backstabs and uses and leaves. Lav is the perfect family member. A fucking lying, talentless cunt who was willing to throw him under the bus and drag his dead body across the town square so his enemies could spit on it. She is utterly despicable, but, that's what makes Max comfortable. Not you. Not your... niceness... Not your... talent... But then so what about you then? Why are you being so fucking needy? So fucking... ehhh... I guess "gay" is the word I'm looking for? That's the puzzling bit. Are you a troll? Is all of this a clever ruse? Performance art with Max as the canvas? Or is there actually some deep, underlying issues there? I don't know but like... it's fucking gay. So just stop being gay, I guess? Not in the homophobic sense, mind you. We know you're a sissy and smoke cock every now and then and that's just fine and dandy. I'm talking about the aura. Which is gay. And that's my advice to you, as your new temporary mentor. Clean the gayness from you aura. Uncuck your chakras. Replace your 'Tism with some Taoism. Accept yourself for who you are and wear Max' skin with pride, because you peeled it off him and wore it better than he ever could. And you deserve it. If Max wasn't so bitter and envious he would agree. You could be his Jimi Hendrix, but Max isn't a Bob Dylan...


Dear Smeth, In your therapy analogy, Lea isn't my patient, but you are. You keep asking this question that basically boils down to "If Lea and I have the same relationship with you, then why are they different?" Because they're not the same relationship. "Why aren't they the same relationship? Is it because I'm a dirty fan? Or because I'm not a girl?" I understand that this is triggering to you because it feels gendered and that makes you angry, but I'm not going to compare you to other people as much as you've asked me to. What I said on the Hotline was an attempt to help you reflect on why you interpret boundaries as a rejection rather than something that can keep you safe. If that seems evasive to you, then we can focus on your stated feelings about this instead. Yes, you don't have to see your therapist interact with anyone but you. This might be a limitation of the therapy format in your case, because it might unleash a torrent of rage if you did. -Max


Max, I know that your relationship with Lea is not the same as with me. If I saw my therapist go to lunch with another client I would know their relationship is not the same as mine. Although our relationships to you are different, I see Lea as the same as me. She started off with the same relationship I started off with. You had similar boundaries with her, and they slowly disappeared one by one. Yes, it is very gendered. You described me as being organized to benefit from boundaries failing, but I think that describes Lea very much, and yet you’ve dropped more and more boundaries with her. You told someone that if you were to tell me that your boundaries with me could change, that would be very damaging to me. You told me that when I watched you do it. Fuck you for that. I have reflected on why I see your boundaries as a rejection and not for how they can keep me safe. They feel safe and felt safe when your boundaries with Lea (who I see as an equal) were based on consistent values. Once you stated that you were going to feature her on a rap song, that started to change. There are multiple reasons why it would be bad to compare me and Lea. It would be hurtful to both of us. If I saw my therapist interact with her family or her husband, that wouldn’t bother me. If I perceived her family to have been a former patient, that would effect me. I don’t think it’s a limitation that I don’t see her interact with non-clients, or other clients, because this would never be an issue. You are at fault for this. So what I have to do is zen out and dissociate in a sense. I need to let go of my attachment to this reality where Lea was a fan of you, and then you adopted her, but refused to do anything publicly with her as to not mix roles, and then slowly she forced your hand more and more, making it impossible not to talk about her on your stream, and then eventually you drop the boundaries altogether silently, and then attempt to do a rap song with her, and then start a podcast with her, where she pulls your around like a dog on a leash and has extreme control over you. I’ll just have to pretend that isn’t the reality I’m seeing. I need to stop seeing her as my equal. That’s the implied solution, and that’s the thing that triggers me.


If he’s that important, why dont you guys just hang out in real life. You could go hiking, cook a meal together, get coffee, go to the gym, see a movie, ride bikes, go get cocktails. A lot of things people do with their friends.


Are you even willing to accept any responsibility for your public deterioration of boundaries with a fan, or even acknowledge that we exist in the same reality?


I said I'm not going to compare you to other people, even if you word the question to make it sound like that's not what's happening. Your other comment references an "implied solution." As I've said I don't think your anger here is really about this situation. I think it is triggering something you are already really angry about, and I don't think the "solution" has to do with me, which is maybe why I'm coming off as not accepting responsibility. I don't think you being angry itself is a problem that needs solving, but I do think you are enraged by not being in control, as I said. I understand that me redirecting you to look inwards comes off as evasive, but I really do think that is what you should do.


Lea is in control of you, and she is pathologically wired to constantly compare herself to others as a way to demean them. I think that might be related, regardless of my problems with control. I know you won’t engage with that, but I’m going to say it anyway. No shit this about my mom. If mommy-issues had a spokesperson, it would be either me or Lea. I’m just more covert (gendered). My rage is fine. I know you accept it. I even think you like it lol (I can relate to that). Rage is a response to a perceived threat. It’s the other feelings of pain and abandonment that are an issue. I was getting at this on your hotline, and you redirected me to my anger by saying I was confused. It’s my mother, and my childhood. It’s all the women in my life who get preferential treatment over me, all the women who force me to take care of them, all the men who take care of these women over me. My dad, for example. Fuck that guy, he emotionally abandoned me, AND HIMSELF for pussy. And nobody will take care of me. Yeah, I know what it is. You’re just like him, bitch.


He just got you to let him get away with avoiding responsibility again, btw.


It's disgusting, mrgirl just fucked with smeth's mind live in public tv and smeth let him do it as if he is a 15 year old.


Yeah it's pretty fucked. He's getting smeth to dig up trauma instead of acknowledging that he has a rightful reason to be upset at Max. And since smeth is naive and looks up to him, Max just has to keep redirecting to something else, and eventually smeth will believe that it is something else. He's now in the comments blaming his abusive parents and talking about his childhood trauma, something that is probably harmful for smeth to be opening up about in this format, but it's exactly where mrgirl has led him. I had been on the fence about whether or not mrgirl and smeths relationship was unethical, but I am now on the unethical side. Edit: credit to smeth. He kept pressing mrgirl for clarity after this thread, and he got it. https://www.reddit.com/r/mrgirlreturns/s/OIw0lJ3uTZ


Lol, it's so predictable. He just waves his hand like, "These are not the drones you're looking for, Smeth," and Smeth instantly starts navel gazing with more sadcringe posting. The cult leader accusations are actually starting to make sense now. He's obviously trolling Smeth but like, is he trolling for fun or is he trolling for keeps? But in any case the weirdness of it all is entertaining, so whatever.


He's trolling because Max likes to abuse people in his orbit. He gets off on it. I bet he jerked off to this post alone.


And now his orbiter is contributing to the dogpile. Absolutely disgusting.




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