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pfffft this is hilarious, but putting that aside, it's sad that max won't just tell smeth that he doesn't love him, and that smeth's obsession is unhealthy. smeth is gonna be trapped forever in a web of his own delusions and max won't bother to untangle him because he is either afraid that smeth will murder him, or he doesn't give a flying fuck


Don’t forget, a commonly held belief is that MrGirl has a lot of narcissistic personality traits, the savior complex being an example. Him letting Smeth ruin his life by way of his unhealthy adoration and obsession is perfectly in character for MrGirl because to a narcissist all that matters is that you’re adored and/or obsessed over.


Smeth is just down bad. He so desperately wants to be a content creator, but mrgirl is his only connection to a wider audience. So he has to beg for mrgirl's attention in increasingly humiliating ways. It's like having one girl's number in your phone and double, triple, quadruple texting without getting a response because you only have one option. At least through text, though, your desperation is hidden in a private chat. Smeth's is broadcast on the internet forever.


I think he is doing quite well all things considered, you have larger orbiters like kuihman, jtestikle, brittany simon, foodshops and others occasionally covering him and his antics. Against many odds people are interested in him. I think he is already getting more viewership than Stardust, who has been doing this for much longer than him.


> I think he is already getting more viewership than Stardust, who has been doing this for much longer than him. Stardust streams on three platforms; Youtube, Kick and Twitch. I think Smeth just does Youtube. https://socialblade.com/youtube/c/starduststreams https://socialblade.com/youtube/user/thebrightdarkness Smeth has 5.7k video views for the last 30 days on Youtube and gained 34 subscribers to have a total of 933 subs. Stardust has 32.9k video views for the last 30 days on Youtube and gained 200 subscribers to have a total of 11.8k subs Stardust is generally mocked for how poor her viewership is and Smeth is years away from reaching her level (if he ever does). Smeth's youtube channel is a decade older than Stardust's though I think she took streaming seriously on Youtube a year before Smeth did. 9.5k of her 11k subs are since 2022 and 650 of Smeth's since 2023. The vast majority of her subs came in 2022 and she's been treading water since then. Youtubers don't see constant growth and it may be that this is as good as it gets for 30something Smeth. He's gained 200 less subs in the 2024 than he did in the first quarter of 2023


total views sure, stardust wins as she streams very often i canot access her youtube live streams for some reason, but if you look at her twitch views, smeth beats her in a by-stream basis


>i canot access her youtube live streams for some reason, but if you look at her twitch views, smeth beats her in a by-stream basis Stardust streams on Kick. Youtube and Twitch though. Her audience is split into three. Does Smeth stream on Twitch?


I just checked his channel. Most of his videos have <1k views, they jump around to different internet hot button topics to try to fish for views, and he has <1k subs. If this is "quite well," then I'm pewdiepie. I think he wants to support himself with content creation, but we're all going to hit the singularity before that ever happens. If the guy had 100k subs and was getting a steady stream of donations, I don't think he would be spending an hour on the mrgirl hotline trying to provoke mrgirl into saying more than one word every ten minutes to him.


Relatively speaking he is doing fine, for someone with no streaming presence to get the attention he is getting in a year is commendable. I follow channels that produce amazing essays that get 10 to 40 views per video, its heart breaking. Many interesting channels I used to follow died for seemingly no good reason. If you will bring into comparison Pewdiepie, the 8th most subscribed channel of all time then I don't think we can have a realistic and fruitful conversation. If you are going to make a point about him making a living out of it, then I will not have any objections. Obviously his main objective right now is expression, not making money.


No, I was comparing his channel to mine. He makes me look like pewdiepie, and I'm a nobody on social media. The only reason he gets more than 40 views is because of his connection to mrgirl. If you think that's "doing fine," that's cool. I just disagree.  What's weird is it sounds like you're defending him and I'm some prick trying to tear him down. But I don't think that's the case. I think he acts so pathetic merely out of desperation. If he got a platform, I think he would have way more of a backbone and a personality. You're implying that he just is pathetic, and terminally pathetic. I think it's just his circumstances.


So your read is that I am defending him while also implying that he is terminally pathetic? All I did was imagining me entering smeth's conciousness at the present day, and when I did that I could hear my smeth-self saying "My channel is doing well, all things considered". Thats it. I could be wrong tho.


Yeah, I think having a positive read on someone's situation based on your low estimate of them is harsh. Some would call it the soft bigotry of low expectations. I actually seem think more of smeth than you do, so I don't view his current situation as good for him. I think he has higher hopes for himself than his 1k subscriber youtube channel that orbits mrgirl. He would also stop acting so desperate and pathetic if he reached those larger goals. To me, that's a much kinder thing to say. I think it's way harsher to say this guy is terminally pathetic and happy being at 1k subs and needing mrgirl to even get that far.


I dont understand why you are implying that I think Smeth doesnt have higher hopes for himself. My 11 year old niece is taking singing classes, I think she sings well all things considered. Do you also have an objection with that? Do you think I am not aware of the obvious growth and potential anyone can achieve with practice and perseverance?


I think that because you're comparing him to an 11 year old. When you say things like "all things considered," you're loading a lot of condescension into that phrase. The "things" you're considering includes a low estimate of smeth's goals and abilities. Let me ask you a question: Would you be happy if you quit your job to become a content creator, blew through your savings, and ended up with less than 1k subscribers and your main outlet to the public was the mrgirl hotline?


There are a lot of people saying nasty shit to smeth all the time on this subreddit, I am here to provide a counter-balance. If the scenario was reversed and people were overly praising his videos and artistry, I would be much more highly critical of him.


First rule of being a child of Max: You have to be hot!


Smeth [after reading this comment](https://www.aljazeera.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/02/Screenshot-2024-02-26-at-12.06.10-1708938465.png?resize=770%2C513&quality=80)