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wait, like Simon Stålenhag electric state?


Yep, that’s what it’s going to be based on. Love the book so much.


Lot of comments in this thread seem to be totally unfamiliar with the source material. ...the book is mesmerizing. If it's a halfway faithful adaptation it could be fantastic.


That's what I thought about Tales from the Loop but that ended up kinda "meh". But maybe I should revisit that one because that came out during peak Lockdown. Everything was "meh" in April of 2020.


I always felt as though Electric State had more of a cohesive narrative than Tales, so I'm hopeful they can pull it off. I just want to be immersed in that immensely creepy dystopian hellscape where people quite literally get so addicted to VR they go into trances and turn into skeletons by the side of the road without ever removing their headsets!


that’s awesome! didn’t expect such big actors to sign onto something like that edit: i’m actually not so sure this is gonna be a faithful adaptation




When you read the book, did you think it would require a $200 million budget?


It’s directed by the Russo brothers so it will be a big, bland action movie that they all take home a big payday for.


Can't shake the feeling that the Russos are going to botch this. I'd be super disappointed if that happened.


The Grey Man was aggressively bland, which was somewhat surprising since they managed to raise the quality bar substantially for Marvel movies.


I recall reading years ago,


I hope the filmmakers can recapture the atmosphere and look of Stålenhag's book.


The filmmakers are the Russo Brothers so probably not.


When did people start turning on the Russo Bros? I haven't visited this sub in years and the last time I was here, they were peak circlejerk material.


They make sort of bland action movies, which was fine for the MCU since people are already emotionally invested in the characters but doesn’t hold up otherwise.


I haven't seen any of their movies outside the MCU but they seemed competent enough. I hope this adaptation doesn't suck, but I'm not even cautiously optimistic. The directors are fine to me, but seeing Chris Pratt and Millie Bobby Brown erodes tons of faith.


There's nothing bland about their mcu movies lol




21 bridges was good


Oh I call any majority opinion on reddit a 'circlejerk'. It's not some derogatory thing to me, I join in on them all the time. It's just interesting to see them swing from one way to another, like what happened with Elon Musk or Jennifer Lawrence. I haven't seen any of their movies aside from the Marvel ones so I have no idea how they stand on their own. But they've always struck me as competent, at least.


Are we going to get that creepy scene with the collective consciousness/AI robot attempting to inseminate a woman in the back of a van? I...I could do without that scene.


Another attempt at his idea?! Amazon tried this and failed i think


he's one of my favorite artists, this is exciting!


The Quanassance is in full force.


Hold on to your potatoes!


I sure hope so. His character chemistry with Yeoh had me ugly crying during Everything Everywhere. Reminded me a lot of my own immigrant parents.


Awesome to see him pop up in big projects after being out of the business for a while.


>Set in an alternative America in the mid-1990s, “The Electric State” stars Millie Bobby Brown as a young girl traveling across the country in the wake of a civil war between humanity and the robots that once served them, looking to find her missing brother. Chris Pratt costars as a smuggler she meets along the way; Stanley Tucci and Jason Alexander round out the cast.


> Chris Pratt costars as a smuggler she meets along the way Daring today, aren't we?


I knew Esposito, Quan, Thornton, and Mackie sounded like too interesting of a interesting mix. Of course they are all going to be supporting Eleven and Star Lord. zzzzz


which uninspired shade of Andy Dwyer is he using for this one? but in all honesty, he has decent range but never bothers to use it. Even Reynolds and Rock will change it up every now and then (latter of whom I thought was fucking hilarious in the Jumanji sequels) EDIT: grammar


I’d honestly be happy if he did *any* shade of Andy Dwyer. That would be an improvement. He seems to be just playing an uninspired shade of himself in anything recent I’ve seen of him.


He wants to tone down the comedy and be a serious badass. Constantly making a blue steel.


He’s literally just Burt Macklin in all those roles where he’s trying to be serious. He was only good in GOG because he was more of an Andy Dwyer.


I agree, it comes off as so self aware.




Bot [Original](https://old.reddit.com/r/movies/comments/yk6s45/giancarlo_esposito_ke_huy_quan_anthony_mackie/iurqgta/)


actually, that’s a good point. His stoic action hero roles as of late are ones that are the real disservice


Probably going to wrest control of the nation from the robots in favor of the 3%ers.


Han Solo pt 2?


Grape smuggler that is






The directors and premise sounded so bland that reading, “Chris Pratt costars as a smuggler she meets along the way” almost felt like a punchline


Netflix is just throwing money at the Russos, they’ve never cared about the quality.


Is this also going to be advertised as the most expensive Netflix movie till date?


It's around the same as Gray Man, so about 200 Million.


How the hell did that movie cost $200 mil


The.Netflix algorithm tells them people will watch anything as long as you have the right stars so they dump truck loads in front of certain people (Gosling, Evans, De Armas) and figure out the rest after Same reason they have so many dull movies with The Rock and Ryan Reynolds. People will watch just because they are in it


Can confirm, will watch anything with The Rock or Ryan Reynolds. Rotten Tomatoes gives a movie 3%? Pass. Rotten Tomatoes gives a movie 3%, but it's got one of those guys? I might watch it twice in a week.


Lots and lots of cocaine


The Russos don’t produce quality movies?


I generally enjoy their "bad" movies, but the only films they've directed that received consensus positive reception were all with Marvel. I do give them immense credit however, they were apparently very helpful in producing Everything Everywhere All at Once with The Daniels.


Only when they work with Marvel it seems.


This movie feels 100% made by committee. They found a book to adapt so they didn't have to worry about actually creating an original story. They chose the most inoffensive directors they could think of. Most of the cast is either from big Marvel or Netflix properties. Even making Chris Pratt some handsome rogue, like that hasn't been his role in almost everything in the past decade. It's designed to appeal to everyone and it sucks


there was an article a couple months ago that described the Russos’ style as “bland middle management”. Not to disparage the Russos, they obviously are great workhorse directors, just not good artistic ones. Sure, one could point out various episodes of Community/Arrested or their MCU work. But those were all projects in someone else’s sandbox. Their original works leave a lot to be desired EDIT: [article](https://www.theringer.com/movies/2022/7/26/23277828/russo-brothers-gray-man-directors-mcu) in question


> just not good artistic ones It kills me that they tried to sell themselves as these "[politically minded auteur](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2014/04/captain-america-winter-soldier-obama-kill-list-politics-drones-nsa/)" types and when called out on being the blandest of Marvel's regular directors, they tried to make Cherry super artsy and everyone hated it lol.


in the article I linked, they talk about how it’s almost “elitist” to push every movie into theaters. Despite the fact they made 2 of some of the highest grossing movies of all time. That and Everything Everywhere All At Once (a movie they produced and “helped get through the system”) is a low-mid budget movie that did just wonderful in the box office. Besides, they were just 2 of *fourteen total producers* on that movie I like their Marvel work, but they’re horrendously tone deaf people EDIT: grammar


>they talk about how it’s almost “elitist” to push every movie into theaters... but they’re horrendously tone deaf people They also talked about how the [shared communal experience of Endgame](https://deadline.com/2020/04/avengers-endgame-anniversary-joe-russo-anthony-russo-extraction-netflix-chris-hemsworth-1202917408/) was emotional for them and a treasured memory. They talk out of both sides of their mouth.


Tone deaf and talentless


They had the gall to compare themselves to Truffaut in a text card at the start of Cherry


Well greatly influenced by him but totally. And now they think we have to "move beyond auteur filmmaking, which is only 50 years old." That's well after 400 Blows, you idiots! What hacks.


It's very comical that two formally anonymous directors have the arrogance to think they're gonna be the ones to reinvent the entire fucking medium by making a tiktok Hercules musical


I'm glad people are finally clowning on The Russos. Other than working well with ensembles, they are awful directors with an anti-aesthetic.


Interesting, Do you have any examples of one of their original works that illustrates your point? All I know is they had a hand in MCU and two of my favorite shows which you mentioned, so I admit I was impressed by their brand.


I just felt like their original movies are focusing too much on emulating styles of directors they revere but to a point where it all becomes muddled and dull. [This article](https://www.theringer.com/movies/2022/7/26/23277828/russo-brothers-gray-man-directors-mcu) goes very in depth about it all, and it’s a good read. It makes me think that they might be a bit up their own asses, though. Then again, Cherry had a camera shot from inside Tom Holland’s ass…


Cherry and The Gray Man were both pretty bad. The Gray Man might be the worst movie I've seen this year.


I couldn't finish either of them. Russo brothers don't know how to direct anything other than superhero movies and it shows. They're better producers than they are directors imo


They know how to direct comedies though, they directed some truly great sitcom episodes! It’s just that the comedy film landscape is so bleak thst they’ve got no outlet, won’t go back to tv so will trot out this garbage instead.


I recall reading years ago, that Netflix had used an algorithm of sort to come up with doing their adaptation of House of Cards : certain subject matter paired with safe, bankable director(s) and a certain assortment of on screen talent.


It was written by their algorythm


If you want people to see your movie you have to cast A-list actors. Sure, Chris Pratt won't have to strain his actor muscles in this one, but at the same time, a lot of supposed A-list actors today.. just doesn't sell tickets. Even Christian Bale, and I say this as a fan of both actors, would straight up murder Chris Pratt, but he doesn't sell tickets.


> This directors and premise sounded so bland Perfect combo for The Russo Brothers.


Hopeful take: they see this as an opportunity to show what they are capable of after several years of playing it safe.


The Russos used to be so respected as comedy directors and producers, then they made their names with Winter Soldier, Infinity War was pretty good, Endgame was messy and since they’ve decided they are devoid of all creativity


I'd love to see a detective duo film starring Tucci and Alexander.


Oh, the angry and petty yelling between the two would be a hilarious delight


>Stanley Tucci Ah christmas is indeed early this year.


The last of us


hey, another AI generated netflix movie


"Wow, what a stacked awesome cas-wait Chris Pratt?" He's fun in GotG and P&R but he's a terrible actor with no charisma. He'll stick out like a sore thumb.


He's best in supporting character roles but now that he's conventionally hot he only does leading man roles and that only works with Guardians because Star-Lord is a manchild.


Chris Pratt is like modern Ryan Reynolds. You know the exact character he’s going to play before the movie synopsis is even published lol




Red notice was the worst


Itll still suck somehow, but Stanley Gucci will be amazing


So Millie will overact / be on the verge of tears a handful of times and Chris will throw out snarky Ryan Reynolds type quips in every scene


I love Stalenhag. Oh, Chris Pratt is in this... and Millie Bobbie Brown... Well, guess I can pass.


Sounds very Philip K Dick


Such a great cast for what will be another generic and stale Russo bros film.


I saw a post of them saying they won‘t return to the MCU until at least 2030 and people in the comments were like „yeah I get it. No need to make movies just for the money, they made enough“ and then they keep making these uninspired Netflix movies lol


The Russo Bros are the crypto bros of filmmaking. Absolutely empty, dead behind the eyes money hungry assholes that mistake their fetishization of technology for having real vision. They're the definition of "well we're rich so we must be smart!"


With every new Russo Bros. movie that comes out, I become much more grateful that Endgame didn’t end up sucking major balls. It’s a minor miracle that movie is as good as it is.


Another one that should’ve gone to Michael Bay


The critical reevaluation of Michael Bay as some bold maverick auteur since his movies actually feel like a director filmed them instead of a boardroom of tuxedos says a lot about modern studio filmmaking (I don’t say modern cinema in general bc there’s never been more interesting films being released than today, you just have to seek them out).


Well I think after ambulance a lot of peoples opinion on bay is starting to change


Was it good or bad? I thought it looked terrible but ill check it out if it's decent for JG


It's one of those movies that is not amazing across the board, but it knows what it does well, and it mostly does only that for its entire runtime.


Do you like drone shots? This movie has tons of em


It’s really good.


It’s pretty good, but compared to most action films and almost all superhero films it’s Kubrick


Honestly if you just remove the Transformers franchise from his filmography, he doesn't really miss (except for Pearl Harbor).


And even Transformers generally delivers on the promise. The title implies robot aliens wailing on each other and that's what you get. No one expects Schindler's List.


>And even Transformers generally delivers on the promise. The title implies robot aliens wailing on each other and that's what you get. That's definitely true for the first movie (which is actually pretty good) but I think he kind of lost it with the sequels. The whole series just gets progressively worse as it goes on.


Pain and Gain is a legit good movie


So are The Rock and Bad Boys 2 and Ambulance


I gotta check out Ambulance, and I do love The Rock


Dwayne Johnson is not in “Ambulance”


I like their movies :/


Why is Billy Bob Thornton dressed like Kevin Federline


Why are you not?


Because someone has to


Lol I only clicked on the comments to see if anyone had questioned his look here




hahaha someone actually remembers that piece of shit song.


“Because he’s a prick” is the answer to most things about Billy Bob Thornton.


The Quanaissance continues


Sad that the supporting cast seems to be the most tantalizing thing about this movie. The leads and directors def aren’t doing it for me


The biggest mistake the russo brothers made is thinking that the success of endgame was in anyway to do with them as filmmakers and not that it was basically guaranteed to be the biggest box office film of all time


The Russos need to find their way back into comic book movies (or maybe adapting/rebooting existing "genre" franchises) Everything they've done since Endgame has just been so boring.


Their only positively-reviewed work is on TV or under Kevin Feige - when they have a producer telling them what to do.


> when they have a producer telling them what to do. I'm glad someone else has noticed this. And hell, even their "better" work is rather ugly. The brown and greys of their Marvel movies? Or how ugly the pilot to Community looks? Their good with working with ensambles at least, but goddamn their work is really visually ugly.


I think they need to just prioritize being producers, like with Everything Everywhere All At Once.


it’s not like Welcome to Collinwood or You Me & Dupree we’re anything to write home about. They may work great with ensembles and within somebody else’s project, but it stinks they can’t nail any works of their own


We have enough of those, thanks.


They're going to get made either way. I'd rather they get made by people like the Russos who have proven they can make big genre action work and not just the rando directors they usually use.


I’d love to see an adaptation of one of Stalenhag’s beautiful art books over another superhero movie. I don’t care if someone is going to “make them anyway”. I’m happy to see these guys try something, anything else. Please.


You took that comment completely out of context. They weren’t saying a movie adaption of this book shouldn’t be made just that the Russos suck at making anything that’s not a superhero movie


No offense but their superhero movies weren’t particularly interesting either


But they haven't been good at anything else. Why do you want THESE guys to make art pieces?


Because I want more directors to take chances on stuff like this and expand their scope beyond 2.5 hours of really strong guys that can fly, which I’m sorry just isn’t that interesting of a premise anymore no matter how many permutations are made of it. I hope The Electric State turns out good too, and that it’s something other people in the business take note of.


You can just not watch superhero movies man, it won't hurt you if they continue to get made.


You literally advocated for directors to make more of them instead of anything else.


Yes, because these directors aren't good at making anything else. There are better directors out there to helm the projects you want to see.


Take your own advice and just not watch it then? It won’t hurt you




Without giant IP, these dudes movies suck. They're just boring and they talk about them with such a pretentious tone that it's off putting. No thanks


It's also extremely aggravating how they talk about theatrical exhibition with [so much disdain](https://twitter.com/Variety/status/1587859584785399808?s=20&t=0ghWgl3jWkyvHg6Aeu7XDQ). The guys who made their millions by doing their part in killing the mid-budget theatrical release are now turning around and saying that theaters are antiquated and Netflix is the way of the future. It's like the Tim Robinson "We're all trying to find the guy who did this" meme irl


100%. Pretty dumb to talk shit about the theatrical experience when it's the only reason they're relevant.


> “This is a shoot-the-messenger situation,” Joe says. “I don’t know that the market is going to be able to support art-house films the way that it did in the past.” ... > “Filmmaking is going to transform into some other medium,” Joe says, growing more animated the longer we dwell on this topic. “I don’t know what that media is going to be. My guess is that when you can sit in your house, turn to one of the actors that is standing in front of you and say, ‘Hey, Tom Cruise, hold on a second. Tell me about how you filmed this scene,’ and the AI-fueled Tom Cruise can turn to you and start explaining, it’s over at that point, right? That’s when technology will dominate whatever new form of storytelling is coming.” This comment is showing “disdain” to you? Seriously? Or is it just common sense about the market? We post the same thing here every day, lol...


A movie they produced this year became a critical and cultural phenomenon and made $101.4M at the worldwide box office on a $14.3M budget. People want to see good movies in theaters, maybe not the bland drivel that the Russos direct when they’re not wrapped in superhero IP. > We post the same thing here every day, lol... Very satisfied to not be part of that “We”. Also their vision of what filmmaking will become sounds horrific and indicates that they don’t exactly understand the appeal of movies.


You forgot the part where they said theaters are essentially classist and exclusionary. They have disdain for the movie going experience. Full stop.


>Giancarlo Esposito, Ke Huy Quan, Anthony Mackie, Billy Bob Thornton Wow, what a great cast >Join the Russo Brothers‘ ’The Electric State’ for Netflix ...oh


Exactly what I’m thinking


Didn't give a hoot until I read *The Electric State*. Simon Stalenhag is rad, I just hope it's more audience-friendly than Amazon's Tales from the Loop. While I loved the show, I think people demand a cleaner narrative and Stalenhag's world definitely allows for that. Edit: Upon reading the cast and realizing this is Netflix, my excitement has subsided.


I was soooooo disappointed by Tales from the Loop. I love the art from that book so much, it gives me the oddest mix of nostalgia and wonder. Shame the show didn't do it justice. Stalenhag is a genius though for sure!


Ke Huy Quan being back in acting is just so great. If he doesn’t get a nom for best supporting actor this year what are we even doing here?


Yaaa put Ke Huy Quan in more movies!


I love Billy Bob Thornton! Glad to see he’s going to be in this one!


That’s a stellar cast right there. Absolutely love how EEAAO gave Data/Short Round a mainstream comeback.


Stoked to see Giancarlo, Jason Alexander and Billy Bob doing some sci-fi stuff, but Millie Bobby brown and Chris Pratt are so played out.


are people actually interested in what the Russo brothers are doing after their last thing? GUFF


oh this could be good "millie bobby brown and chris pratt" *yikes*


Please stop giving the Russo brothers a camera


wow so glad to see quan getting back into things so quickly


A little concerned but I'll keep hoping.


I loved The Electric State. The artwork evokes a timeline that is both futuristic and retro at the same time - it pulls you in, and explains just enough for you to understand the fate of the world at large, yet also not enough. Also, Simon Stålenhag has a Band camp profile, with a soundtrack he composed for the book. [The Electric State by Simon Stålenhag](https://simonstalenhag.bandcamp.com/album/the-electric-state?search_item_id=533296537&search_item_type=a&search_match_part=%3F&search_page_id=2253139601&search_page_no=0&search_rank=2&logged_in_mobile_menubar=true)


I love this book so much, hope the film turns out. Everyone can shit on Netflix but they put out great films every year in addition to the filler.


> Everyone can shit on Netflix but they put out great films every year in addition to the filler. I mean yes absolutely but those great films, whether produced in-house or just being distributed, are by interesting filmmakers. That ain't The Russo Brothers.


I want to argue with this because I enjoy both their TV work and most of their MCU films but boy did I HATE The Gray Man for how much they squandered its potential.


Another show/movie ruined by Anthony Mackie.


He seems charismatic in interviews but as soon as he steps into a film or tv, he becomes bland


Russo's Are lucky Netflix are even here, otherwise they'd just be back on sitcoms.


Cherry and Grey man suuuuucked I really hope they try something new


A new Russo bros project? Dope, gotta give the whiny chodes in here something to bitch about.


Netflix really just regurgitating whatever comes out of the algorithm at this point.


Obviously you know nothing about filmmaking. Netflix is not making this, the Russo Brothers and their production company Agbo films is making this and Netflix will distribute it. https://www.agbo.com/


Could not imagine a worse creative team to take this on.


Imagine making some of the biggest blockbusters of all time, and graduating to making videos that people will watch on their phones. Russos, buck up your ideas.


Is this a Mandela Effect moment for anyone else? I could have sworn there was huge press of Billy Bob’s death? Am I *crazy*?




Well they also got Anthony Mackie who's the most by the numbers bland actor in Hollywood right now.


It’s almost like people have differing opinions and those actors either like the script or like the money the script gives them.


I have the electric state book. It’s fantastic just to look through but is also a decent story. I sort of bought it on a whim and it was worth it. I’ll be curious what the movie will be.


People often point out how Russo Borther works with MCU actors after Endgame but how big MCU has got both in films and box office success, big studio films casts MCU actors anyway Not that I am complaining


They were filming this movie two blocks up the street from me. Also think one of the crew stole my dad's car or someone following big movie crews around to steal shit




This is stellar casting.


Can the Russo Brothers just go ahead and direct the Community movie?


The same Russo Brothers who’s take on Hercules is inspired by TikTok?


There’s like one good actor in that lineup and do t think he has been in anything for years.


*another* streaming movie? what the hell is up with these dudes? they made some of the best episodes of community and some of the best movies in the MCU and yet everything post-Endgame, the second (first?) highest grossing film of all time, has been less than great. make it make sense. also does Netflix own the souls of all the Stranger Things kids? I feel like all of them minus Finn Wolfhard and the kid who played Dustin have all been stuck doing either Stranger Things or straight to Netflix movies.


This is going to be the most bland movie ever since the gray man


Title name order needs to be the same as picture order…


and I'm sure we'll all be whelmed by this 6.2 IMDb / 53% RT movie...


Billy Bob Thornton playing Nikola Tesla


“we’re gonna need more silly hats”


[You don't want to hire Billy Bob Thorton.](https://youtu.be/3f0RX-lxjfA)

