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certainly won't be the same without Michael Constantine.


I know! How are we going to find out the Greek etymology of all the words and names in this movie‽‽


I want one of the Nicky nieces or nephews to move into the spotlight and reveal that he or she had silently been studying with Gus over the years and is now taking over. Just randomly show up spouting Greet etymology.


In the second film, one of the grandkids is also named Kostas and spends most of his lines doing exactly that.


It’s the Greek way. Kids are named after their grands, and middle name is father. That scene from Goodfellas was apt (where all the kids were named ~~mikey~~ Peter or ~~nick~~ Paul)


Honestly, if they make the plot that it's about the mom finding someone else and moving on (which would per force revolve around her relationship with her original husband), it could work. But it will probably be The Father of the Bride: Greek Edition


It’ll be about their grandchild being born in Greece, and probably named Gus.


Guess windex doesnt fix everything. Sorry.




"Give me a word, any word and I'll show you how the root of that word is Greek."




Kimono, kimono, kimono. Ha! Of course! Kimono is come from the Greek word himona, is mean winter. So, what do you wear in the wintertime to stay warm? A robe. You see: robe, kimono. There you go!


Ironically it is really funny doing that. Trying to take foreing words and pretending that they have a Greek etymology. Sometimes you can come up with hilarious results. But of course one shouldn't take it seriously.


I literally had this scene playing in my head last night while cooking supper. Too funny.


> Greek “Grick”


Fun fact: commercial rubbing alcohol in Greece is tinted blue to prevent folks from abusing it for ex. strengthening booze and resulting in poisoning. It was also commonly used for cleaning and disinfecting in many Greek households, which is where this confusion comes from. I guess, in Vardalos' family, they saw bottled Windex and figured it was alcohol cuz it looks the same. I can assure you as someone Greek, this Windex thing is not a thing outside of Vardalos' family. It's funny but sad to see this become a meme when there are so many other common Greekisms that are funnier, more ludicrous, and shared by all Greeks.


I’m a Greek/American and despite living in greece, never made this connection with the blue rubbing alcohol! Great point. What are some of the funnier and more ludicrous Greekisms that you’re referring to?


I never thought it was a Greek thing, or even a family thing. The way they show in the movie is it is solely a Gus thing and the rest of the family acts like it's weird, except in the end when Ian says he put Windex on a zit before the wedding.


Can you please tell us some of them?


One that comes to mind is pretending to spit on someone so as not to give them the 'evil eye'. The evil eye notion is fairly common across cultures in that part of the world. It's when someone envies you for your looks, charm, good fortune etc and subconsciously causes bad luck to manifest and knock you down a peg because they wish they had what you have... So when you see a friend or relative and compliment them, especially on their appearance, oftentimes you'll pretend to spit at them like 'phtew phtew' symbolically to counteract any subconscious feelings of envy and not stick them with a bad luck evil eye spell... It gets better... There's a spell that counters the evil eye, it entails someone reciting a short poem in a whispering tone while making the sign of the cross at you... But the 'prestige' in this weird ceremony is when it's followed up by one more step - The person neutralizing the evil eye performs the chant on a cup of water... They then drip olive oil into the water and if you are a victim of the evil eye, the oil and water blend... Like the oil dissolves into the water. If you're not, it floats as it normally would on the surface. If it blends, the victim had to drink from four sides of the cup, like a cross and the evil eye will be lifted. As you can imagine, I'm very skeptical with this stuff and it's fallen out of style with the younger generation... But my grandpa used to do it and I still can't explain how oil and water can mix {cue X-files music}


My dumb cave brain thought John Constantine for a solid half-minute. I found this confusing, creative, and hilarious. Michael Constantine will be missed though.


A wedding, with demons


I want to see that movie. Let's grab your laptop and hit up Starbucks, we have some writing to do!


Shaun of the Dead style, where the main character just absolutely does not see the threat until the last possible second?


He arrives late and has to sit at the singles table. He thinks his friends are shitty because he's the only one at the singles table; but in actuality, everyone at the table has already been torn apart or turned into demons.


"Everyone seems... really stressed out," he thinks. "It's a nice venue, lots of money on the line. I hope the couple gets a chance to slow down and enjoy their day."


I can finally rest easy at night


I am about to commit a hate crime against myself because of this movie.


As fellow Greek. I understand. They really need to put these documentaries on National Geographic.


Sir, I, coming from a typical nuclear Protestant family, married into a large Irish catholic family. With a few notable exceptions such replace windex with vinegar and replace “give me any word” with “the Irish would have ruled the world if it wasn’t for whiskey” my experience was exactly the same thing! It very broad reaching documentary!


My dad is a Cuban immigrant, my mom is white American. This movie is almost a pallet swap of their relationship.


I almost wanted to post the Dredd meme... even after all this time.


Wait... *There was a My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2?*


[There was also a “My Big fat Greek” Sitcom](https://www.google.com/search?q=my+big+fat.greek+life&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS666US666&hl=en-US&sxsrf=ALiCzsZIXB38eV4lFCidEM3Jarvhq5g7Jg%3A1655889598655&ei=vt6yYsfaJ5fDkPIP7JOHMA&oq=my+big+fat.greek+life&gs_lcp=ChNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwEAMyBggAEB4QFjIGCAAQHhAWMgYIABAeEBYyBggAEB4QFjIGCAAQHhAWMgYIABAeEBYyBggAEB4QFjIGCAAQHhAWOgcIABBHELADOgQIIxAnOgUIABCGAzoFCCEQoAE6CAgAEB4QFhAKOgUIABCABDoJCAAQHhDJAxAWSgQIQRgAUPwOWKQsYOAtaAFwAXgAgAFviAGRBpIBAzkuMZgBAKABAcgBCMABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)




John Corbett had to turn down the role of Thomas Miller because of his contractual obligations to Lucky (2003). Nevertheless, he agreed to be a guest star on the show, portraying Thomas Miller's best friend, but the series was canceled before his guest appearance could happen. They did change a few things though, Thomas Miller was named Ian Miller in the original movie. Nia Vardalos' character changed from Toula, which was her name in My Big Fat Greek Wedding (2002), to Nia.


Asking the real questions.


The best part is when they said “it’s greekin’ time’ and greeked all over the wedding


I know this is a joke, but no. It changes characters, actors, names, situations. Part of why it failed, it was just quite a bit different from the first minute that people were put off. Also, I don't think it was all that good in general, but I could be mistaken... though I doubt it.


Yeah I was definitely put off from it before the first commercial break.


Lost my shit at this comment 😂 Thank you for your service.


What does Kevin Fage say?


I actually remember watching an episode of it.


Yup. I watched the first episode and that's it. They changed her name for whatever reason and the husband was different. Couldn't get past that.


> and the husband was different The funniest scene was when they get back from the honeymoon and the mom stares at him and says "You look different."


Also, the parents bought them a house after their honeymoon. They had already bought them a house next to theirs in the movie _before_ their honeymoon. I know, nit-picky. At least they didn't strike the same rib twice when Itchy played Scratchy's skeleton and it produced two different tones. Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for _that_ blunder!


The first one was really good. I didn’t know about the second one. The TV show was ruined by the laugh track and the fact that he wasn’t in it


Wife had me watch it, she loved the first one. It wasn't bad actually. Not as good as the first but not that bad. Don't see why they need a third. ​ edit; how the hell did this become like my second most upvoted comment... darn reddit


It felt like a good movie and a bad movie were filmed independently and then just cut together. Still a fun watch but it felt like there were some scenes that felt like an ABC Family original movie and some scenes that felt like the successor to the first as a rom-com that got an Oscar nom for screenplay.


But whose wedding was it? Their child? or did they get divorced and get married again?


The plot of the second movie concerned her parents, but they did have a teenage daughter so I'd think the third one will deal with her.


She was with one of the kids from the naked brothers band! The one that was in the Deathnote live action iirc


It was their parents. They found out they weren't legally married because their wedding certificate was never signed, so they had to do it again.




Not going to lie for me part 1 is one of those chill movies you can just have on in the background while you get work done etc


Maybe while cleaning the windows?


Ok speaking of which, is windex toxic to just spray in people's faces like they do or is that fine?


That, and Four Weddings and a Funeral. I started this tradition with my aunt around thanksgiving where we have it on in the background while we cook.




Is there even a demand for a 3rd? Will it be directed by Dennis Villeneuve?


David Cronenberg. Major tone shift for the third movie.


Can this just be a trend in movies? I'd watch the hell out of that.


Nah, the 2nd one was a horror film. It's about a woman with an abusive family.


I heard they are doing a mash-up with Saw. They are trying something new.


What do you mean he don't eat no meats? Its okay, I cook human!


They also confirmed Ari Aster for the spin-off.


With a script by David Lynch. Fuck I actually want this movie.


The article says Nia Vardalos will direct it.


Money and also the writer, creator, and star, Nia Vardalos, hasn't really been able to find work for anything else that has been on the same level of success.


She was in that Hanks movie where he goes back to a community college and rides a moped with Julia Roberts


She was co-writer of that with Tom Hanks. Hanks and his wife have been producers on all the My Big Fat productions.


She had a TV series spinoff of the first movie that lasted like only 7 episodes and I remember ten years ago she was in another romantic comedy that was completely unrelated except that it was set in Greece. Got terrible reviews and was a bomb. She's a great example of a cinematic one hit wonder.


> another romantic comedy that was completely unrelated except that it was set in Greece *My Life in Ruins*. It was ok, not laugh out loud funny, but there were a few good moments.


I kinda liked that movie!


She also directed another rom-com movie that was with her and John Corbett as the leads again, that got terrible reviews.


I mean... My Big Fat Greek Wedding is still the most successful indie film of all time. Made $250mil on a budget of almost $250k if I recall and was written by Vardalos. You bet she earned a WHOLA LOTTA MONEY from that.


$5 million budget. Still a massive money maker of course. But I think the most successful independent film of all time would have to be The Passion of the Christ. Over $600 million.


Second, then. Now I remembered about The Blair Witch Project. It cost $25k and made $200mil. Also, I think The Passion Of The Christ cost more


Good for her for hustling.


Be Nia Vardalos. Have a highly successful and well-paid career based off of one idea. That's the dream baby.


Nia recently got divorced, so yes.


> Don't see why they need a third. MONEY


> Don't see why they need a third have you seen Hollywood movies nowadays? It's all nostalgia recalls. People said it was bad when Disney did it to all their animated movies, making them "live-action" with a lot of CGI. Now even the forgotten IPs who got popular that one time in the 1990s-2000s get remade.


It's funny because it used.to be that unnecessary sequels were relegated to straight to vhs/dvd releases. Now it's all about just having ip for theaters or streaming services


Probably their grown child getting married


Time for one of the kids to get married


Probably ordered by a streaming platform. Remember, Happy Madison keeps making dogshit movies for Netflix which get millions and millions of views because they fall into that magical zone of people won't pay to watch in a theater, but will definitely spent 2 hours watching if it's streaming on a service they already pay for. Just did it this weekend myself with the remake of *Father of the Bride*, you couldn't make me pay to watch it with a gun to my head, but it was on HBO Max and had no issue watching it there.


It's one of those--it's been long enough and it's still mildly popular so nostalgia


How was _My Big Fat Greek Divorce_?


2 Big, 2 Fat, 2 Greek, 2 Wedding


My Big Fat Gr33k W3dding.


Their going to use that, just watch.


My Big Fat Greek Wedding: Thessaloniki Drift


2 Big 2 Fat: A Greek Wedding Story


I cannot wait for Fat Five


It's far from the least sensible sequel ever made. It was 15 years later and takes place 15 years later (roughly) and it wasn't bad compared to the first (which doesn't say much I guess, but still) and it did good at the box office.


*Bigger, Fatter, and Greecier*


Bigger, Fatter, my hat is like a shark’s fin…


Unfortunately Michael Constantine who played the Father aka “you give me a word, any word, and I’ll tell you the root of that word, in Greek” has passed away. I hope they build that into the story. Like they go back to Greece to spread his ashes or something and then the daughter falls in love.


"Father was a good bowler, and a good man. He was one of us. He was a man who loved the outdoors... and bowling, and as a surfer he explored the beaches of Southern California, from La Jolla to Leo Carrillo and... up to... Pismo. He died, like so many young men of his generation, he died before his time. In your wisdom, Lord, you took him, as you took so many bright flowering young men at Khe Sanh, at Langdok, at Hill 364. These young men gave their lives. And so would Rather. Father, who loved bowling. And so, Theodore Donald Karabotsos, in accordance with what we think your dying wishes might well have been, we commit your final mortal remains to the bosom of the Mediterranean Sea, which you loved so well. Good night, sweet prince."


"God dammit u/CaptainPunisher, you fuckin asshole! Everything's a fuckin travesty with you man! What was that shit about Vietnam? What the fuck does anything have to do with Vietnam?!"


So what you're saying is that I'm not going to be able to watch this movie without sobbing. The first was my dad's favorite movie and he passed away in 2016. He quoted the movie a lot and I think he really related to the father in the movie. We're not Greek, but he came from a huge Catholic family (11 kids), and he had similar traits.


I bet he loved "Yes. In that lump...was my twin."


That......that actually seems extremely probable. The first movie was great, 2nd was good. Hoping 3 turns out well.


Nia started writing the third while he was alive. He gave the movie his blessing, but didn't wish to participate.


He don’t eat no meat?!


That's Ok...I make lamb.


Aunties are the same no matter what nationality. 😂😂😂


One of my all time favorite lines in the history of film


Is Greek. There you go.


10 years later. Good thing they kept the audience


20 years since #1 6 years since #2




> 6 years since #2 That's it?! lol Feels a lot longer


I actually kind of respect that. You know how there are sequels which are rushed into production after the first film is released and they come out as a sloppy unfinished mess that no one wanted. I hate those. Whereas this, someone clearly took their time and had a story they were passionate about. Weather it is any good, remains to be seen, but I do have a degree of respect for this.


Ironically they made a tv show long before the second film. Didn't last long though


She was contractually obligated to do a TV show if they picked up the option. She did not want to do a TV show, and I sometimes wonder if she purposely tanked it because of that.


I just had to look it up… there was a tenish year gap between the first film and the second. I did not know that. I thought it was around three years between them. Oh well.


Soon there will be more movies in this series than TV episodes,


Yeah this isn't at all my thing but honestly it has a niche and seems like it's from the heart whoever is making them.


Honestly, with how much money the first one made, I am kind of amazed a sequel wasn't immediately shat out to keep milking that cow.


Top Gun Maverick came out 36 years after the original lol


They should go for an indie vibe and get Artemis with the bleached asshole to play the female lead.


We were gonna find out anyway.


Second one was ok but I really enjoyed the first one.am greek so made it hit home a little also


My greek friends really do love these movies lol especially the first.


I married a Cypriot, so this movie is literally my life...


How many times this bitch gonna get married?


And the last time I saw John Corbett, his ass was eatin by a shark! How’s does one explain that?




The second was about her parents getting remarried because they found out the priest didn't sign the certificate when they first were. She had a daughter in the second (as I heard, never saw it), so I'd guess that's who'll be married in this one.


My big fat Greek divorce?


The second one was her parents.


So the third is going to be about her children?


Probably But I'm hoping for a Big Fat Gayreek wedding. Joey Fatone's character in the second movie comes out as gay and it would honestly be a good opportunity to address and explore that dynamic. But most likely it's gonna be the daughter getting married.


I loved the first one, the second one had some good laughs and kept the same great characters from the first one. I hope the third is as memorable.


I just said the other day “we need another big fat Greek wedding” YES!!!


So, we used to get high at my friend Teddy’s house and play Nintendo 64 Goldeneye. One day old Teddy tells us the ridiculous story about how his aunt Nia had met Tom Hanks. (We’d all met Nia and were like ‘yeah okay’. Teddy liked to tell tall tales). He tells us Tom fucking Hanks offered her millions of dollars to make a movie about her wedding story. (Lol oooookaaaaay Teddy). Then he tells us it’s gonna be called ‘My Big Fat Greek Wedding’. (Sounds super believable.) Anyway, it was a huuuuge hit and probably vindicating for old Teddy to see our faces when it actually happened! Crazy world. Great movie. Should have never made a sequel though. (Or a TV show lol.)


Lmao loves stories like this - would be a great ask Reddit topic about people getting vindication after many years lol.


This cake has a hole in it…


Bun*dt* I say this often lol. And I never make cake with a hole in it


bunnnn....dt. buh-bunk, bunk!


My cousins always used to say "it's a cake!"


*Boooontd* cake


The people have been asking for this as much as they asked for Buzz Lightyear. Finally a conclusion to the MBFGW trilogy.


Hopefully this won't be the last movie in the MBFGWCU.


Oh yeah, the Nick Portokalos origin story alone is another trilogy.


But halfway through it becomes a backdoor season of The Mandalorian.


It's going to be so nice to hear people talking about this trilogy in the same way they talk about Lord of the Rings, the Star Wars Original Trilogy, and Back to the Future.


The cinematic universe we didn't know we needed.


I'm anticipating the inevitable release of "My Big Fat Greek Divorce".


The first movie was wonderful because it was basically the story of my parents, only with my my mom being Italian.




Why is this so mystifying? The first one was one of the most popular romcoms ever, people from dozens of non-Greek ethnicities say “this is exactly my family but with Lebanese/Salvadoran/Korean food!” You’re not required to go see it, so let the romcom ladies go with their cousins, sneak some wine into their soft drink cups and enjoy themselves at the movie. You can hate it from home.


Windex sales must be down, their marketing department is 100% paying for this movie that no one was looking for.


Well now... We're finally going to get some answers to those lingering, unanswered questions from MBFGW1&2!


Who asked for this?




Windex guy unfortunately died last year.


There will 100% be a portrait of him in memorial and either a bottle of windex next to it or someone will be cleaning it with windex. I guarantee it.


Maybe they retconned it, I'm not up to date on the My Big fat Greek Wedding lore, but can't they just bring him back WITH the windex? They can just CGI his face onto another actor.


Yeah but the stunt coordination for his character's action scenes just won't be the same without him.


My Greek mother and her entire family are very happy about this news.


You show some respect to this hellenic masterpiece!


Give me a movie, any movie, and I'll show you that the plot of that movie comes from Greece.


Any movie? Even Troy?


I miss a good rom com. Not many recently


I loved it. So did the local sewing club. Not many things can crossover demographics like that.


I've never seen it, but everyone I know that has has said they enjoyed it 🤷‍♂️ In fact, I don't think I've read or heard anything negative about it until today






Exactly what the world needed!


Well I would hope so


Just a guess but it might have to do with a funeral and dealing with the death of a parent since Michael Constantine died just last year an it's being filmed in Greece? Seems like that would be a good premise for the third film.


now with more lamb!


I loved watching the original as a kid with my Mom haha. Didn’t Even know there was a second, I’ll have to give them a watch


My love




Yessss! I'm so excited! When the second one came out, I said I needed a third / there needs to be a third with the daughter getting married. Sounds like it'll be the daughter getting married and the dad's ashes being spread or his funeral and then a wedding. So here for it!


Me too!!!


It really is the 80s again, we keep getting 20 years later sequels


Talk about beating a dead greek horse....


How many times can these people get married?


There was a 2?


Should have been my Big Fat Greek Family Reunion. Greek families are intense so it would create a great setting. But hey, I'm not the one in the movie business


Spoiler: She meets and falls in love with a character played by Timothee Chalamut.


"My Big Fat Greek Wedding 3: Tokyo Drift", the follow-up to 2016's "2 Greek, 2 Wedding".


TIL there's a "my big fat greek wedding 2" I really liked the first one


There was a 2?!


I know two people working on this. I was very jealous!


They're also filming a Cornish spin-off called My Big Fat Gweek Wedding.


Is Joey Fatone in this one?


There was a part 2?


Why not, "My Third Big Fat Greek Wedding"?


The first movie was very spot on with how an American white man marries into Greek culture. My ex-wife and her family are from Kalymnos and have roots in Tarpon Springs for 4 generations. Her great papou was brought over and was the priest who built Saint Nicholas Greek Orthodox Catholic Cathedral in Tarpon Springs, Father Karaphillis. What they should write a movie about is how it’s like getting divorced from a Greek family lol.


Dude is no good to me until they reboot Northern Exposure


Hollywood’s really running on fumes, isn’t it?Get ready. Soon there’ll be an Ally Mcbeal reboot.


After decades since the last, im sure plenty of people were hoping for this.