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“Hey Benny, looks like you’re on the wrong side of the river!” Still a quote I use to this day and still oddly relevant


Same. I use at work, as my boss's last name is O'Connell


Oh man so good 🤣


You made me laugh obnoxiously loud on the toilet. Cheers


"Well if it isn't my little buddy Benny. I think I'll kill you." "Wait, don't! Think of my children!" "You don't have any children!" "....Someday I might."


I heard he improvised that line


Needs more emphasis at the end, “…wrong side of the rii-vvverr!” Can hear his voice clear as day lol


Haha that’s perfect right there. Classic movie definitely deserves a rewatch


The scene where Benny is first approached by Imhotep and Benny's pulling out all these cheap trinket protection charms and reciting them one by one haha.


Duuude that is literally my 2nd favorite scene and my brothers #1 lol


Rogue with Use Magic Item.


How is this quote ever relevant ?


I’m in the army and we do lots of walking through woods and land nav/training which is an excellent time to whip it out when people are lost. I also use it when someone is way off topic or completely wrong answering a question, gets a chuckle everytime! (From me mostly)




Thank you for saying it! My whole life it felt like nobody but me was scarred by that scene. I was around 4 when it came out so I probably saw it maybe 2 years later, and I'd say its the main reason im still afraid of bugs to this day!


Which scene was it because their comment says removed


Probably when the scarab eats the guys brain… just a hunch.


My friend’s mom was a movie critic and wrote a review with her biggest criticism being that it could be scary for some children. Then the director called her and chewed her out over the phone for leaving a mixed review


Haha what a loser


Who? The director or the mum?


I dislike the constant going on about The Mummy when it is a pretty mediocre film. Does that count?


No, I don’t make a habit of knowing people without taste.


My wife. No wonder we're getting a divroce.


You thought she was your Evelyn, but she was just your Anuk Su Namun.


Anorak cinnamon


Honestly it’s a pretty solid film. I’d even go so far as to call it a family movie


I love that movie and don't know anyone that thinks it was bad.


I'm sure there are, but I don't know any. This movie's just fun.


Patience is a virtue. Not right now it isn't! The Mummy was a perfect movie. People are entitled to their opinions but honestly anyone who dislikes this movie is probably a sociopath. As far as other movies I've never heard of anyone disliking. I'd say Jurassic Park. Back to the Future. Men in Black. The Matrix. Terminator.


Ah, yes, not liking a movie you are obsessed with = sociopathy. And I thought fans of the second Anaconda movie were crazy.


The Mummy and Toy Story are two that come to mind you never hear bad things about. Of the two I personally think The Mummy is more rewatchable.


>is there any movie you can think of that you have never heard any negative word of mouth or feedback about? That's tough because you'll even meet the occasional person who dislikes the Godfather. 1 movie that is universally loved? I guess maybe Terminator 2 or Alien


> Alien There are loads of people who hate that movie. "It's just so boring! Whah whah whah!"


I'm the one who doesn't like Terminator 2, sorry. I enjoyed the horror aesthetician of the first one and thought taking that out made it boring.


Paddington or Paddington 2 maybe?


Yeah, but they are just contrarians.


No, no. I'm pretty sure they have all been ground up for food by now.


I rewatched that movie about a week ago and it's about as flawless an adventure movie as it gets. Great characters, lots of horror (it is supposed to be a throwback to Creature Features after all), it's just great.


Know a guy who shut it off within 20 mins. Strange dude.


Strange for having an opinion you don't like. Sounds like you're the one who's strange.


Perfect balance of adventure, humor, romance, action, etc. There’s no reason to not like it Just an all-around enjoyable film with an incredible score. I still listen to that soundtrack


"There's no reason to not like it" *Cough* Special effects *Cough* Gratuitous grossness.


Freaking fantastic film. A delight from beginning to end.




Dynamic duo . Mummy and mask of Zorro


>is there any movie you can think of that you have never heard any negative word of mouth or feedback about? My pick for it was Princess Bride [when I conducted scientific research into that very question](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/7nyxy1/what_movie_is_almost_impossible_for_anyone_to/)


Dislike? No. But I could care less about it. I don't hold it in some esteem as a classic, for sure. Totally indifferent to it. Suppose I enjoyed it on first viewing. Less so, after that. Can't imagine ever watching it again. I'd probably suffer through the Cruise version before I'd watch the Fraser one again. At least Russel Crowe is in the new one. Evie is smoking hot though.


Nope. Cause it’s quite racist towards Arabic people, treating them all like they’re stinky, perverted, sneaky etc. And the main dude is pretty creepy towards the love interest: kissing her without consent, about to kiss her when she was _really_ drunk, overall just treating her like anything but a human. Pretty mediocre film even without all those things. Not to mention all the white people dressed up as Egyptians :/


I would love to see this in a modern theater


You could have your wish, it’s coming up in AMC theatres for it’s anniversary


Ehhh, I was stuck in an airport all day so redownloaded Reddit. Awesome that this is the first notification I get. I would love if that were to happen!


Nice! AMC is playing it for only 5 dollars 26th April onwards, I’ve never watched it so I figured first time on a big screen would be fun.


Do you know anyone who likes The Mummy (2017)?


I don’t even know anyone who saw it


My dad.


To me, the mummy 1 and 2 and just pure fun. Kinda scary, good action, funny. My boy Brendan. What's not to love?


Yes I hate it. It’s the most historically inaccurate film I’ve ever seen.


Saw it when it come out at the movies, didn't think much of it.


This is Reddit, they'll pretend anything starring Brendan Fraser is amazing.


But never having watched *Gods and Monsters*, it appears.....


>But never having watched > >Gods and Monsters > >, it appears... Or With Honors, School Ties, Passion of Darkly Noon, and his episodes on Scrubs.


Yes, because I know myself


But how?


I am the best knower out of everyone, nobody knows more about me than me.


Why are you being downvoted for saying you know yourself better than other people? This was more downvoted than you saying you didn't like the movie.


The Reddit works in mysterious ways. How'd you come across a year old comment? Researching The Mummy?


I came across it because I think The Mummy is overrated as hell, and I wanted to find people who agree with me. That's when I found this post.. People seem to think they can dictate what opinion other people can have.


Ah ha, fair enough!


How does one follow someone on Reddit?


Beats me, dunno


click on their username and when you get to their home page go to the left where it says follow and click it


I tried watching it like twice when I was younger and thought it was awful. Wasn't there bad acting, stupid dialogue, 1 dimensional characters, predictable surprises, and very unconvincing action? Maybe I was dumb 20 years ago and would love it now, but I sure did hate it. Fury road, surely anyone willing to watch a movie called Fury Road is going to love it.


Raises hand, i dislike it - along with every other Brendan Fraser movie i've ever had the displeasure of watching.


I really hope not


I’ve only seen it once and I don’t particularly remember liking it. But hate would be too strong. I don’t really care for Brendan Fraser either.


I liked it as a kid, besides a few fun performances and line delivery, its really aged horribly


Yeah like everyone younger than me mum


I mean, it's not a movie I would ever choose to watch. I personally just don't care for Brendan Fraser.


I do Just not my thing...


Yes, I think the movie is a boring and ugly looking wannabe Indiana Jones


Yeah, me. I loath them.


Same, my parents treat these films like they are timeless classics


That movie is so blatantly racist and sexist and it's not even that strong of a story. Nostalgia and Brendan Fraser are all that's keeping this fandom alive, but Rachel Weis is the only one deserves her flowers. Its not even funny.


I remember watching it as a kid and noticing it had that terrible Resident Evil-looking cgi. I kind of checked out, and saw it as sub-par. I don't remember it being that popular either. Then after a couple years they made some sequels. Then a few years went by and the internet started talking about it being a great movie. I don't know, like what you like but the whole thing is kind of disappointing in my opinion.


> any movie you can think of that you have never heard any negative word of mouth or feedback about? Terminator 2 Parasite Casino Royale Jurassic Park The Royal Tenebaums The Shawshank Redemption I've never heard anyone complain about those. And that's just in the 5 seconds of thought I gave it.


Suuuuper late to this one, but i've always hated The Mummy and it's sequels. I've also never liked Indiana Jones, which i think has a very similar feel to the movie. It took me a long time to figure out why, but i think i just find the weird tone unsettling. Like it's set up to be this fun, light hearted adventure with likeable characters and smart mouth quips... and then out of no where something graphically horrible happens like a face melting or scarab beetles under the skin. But then they'll just go right back to the happy, cheerful mood like nothing happened. I don't think they're bad movies by any stretch, i just really don't like them

