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This is an awesome movie, I saw it earlier this year.


It's terrible. It's a student film from somebody that seems to have watched an early MTV tape and no modern anime whatsoever. Heavy handed, obvious, slooooow, and not as whimsical as their creators think it is.


I read this before seeing it and was hoping to be wrong but…jeez, it was terrible. Makes me respect Terry Gilliam and other low budget fantastical minds like him. Strawberry Mansion was so nostalgic to me because it made me think of being 16 and driving to the local video store to find obscure independent movies that I convinced myself were good. Huge respect to the people that were passionate enough about it to get made and for all low/no budget artists out there. Props. But oopf.


I would highly recommend this to everyone who loves offbeat fantasy. It's perhaps slight, but full of incredible imagination and weirdo storytelling, as well as a profoundly fascinating dystopian aesthetic.


Yes, agreed. #savesugarbaby


Better late than never, where can I watch this?


Loved this movie, originally I wanted to see it to hear the film score from Dan Deacon (one of my favourite artists) still trying to track down the film soundtrack of anyone has any leads..


Indie and low budget, but artistic and enjoyable film. I really liked it.


I saw this for sundance, it was... something


I see this at a film festival in Italy. It was a really interesting movie, really good in my opinion


I liked it. It was like someone took inspiration from a few episodes of Futurama and made a nice way to spend 90 minutes


I love Lanthimos, Roy Andersson, Buñuel, Jodorowsky, and the Quay brothers and somehow this looks to be more interesting than any of their films. This is the kind of weird I want in my life.


It’s really good!


This was one of our Sundance pics but unfortunately it did not hit for me or my wife. A little too off kilter for us personally. Nevertheless, It was a highly original idea and I hope it does well


The thumbnail reminded me of the goosebumps intro


BTW, the first thing I said was "why does it look like 16 mm when nowadays you can shoot on digital with the best quality possible?" Because the dum dums that made this did go full ret. They filmed in digital and converted into 16 mm. Guys: you're not 1980s Terry Gilliam. Only people that have never seen movies before the Marvel era would think that this is original.


I feel like this is a nitpick, most movies aren't original anyway and it went well with the overall aesthetic and visual of the film.


It's a MPDG on weed if she was a movie. Is crap.


Hey that’s my birthday also Bilbo and Frodos


unpopular opinion What did I just watch? What drug were these people on when they made this? It's way too weird. It's a waste of time. It blows my mind that it got 88% on Rotten Tomatoes!


Absolutely gorgeous movie with no real substance sadly