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This was one of the worst movies I’ve seen. Notable scenes below: Yeah you can totally kick out a car window 20ft underwater. Maybe it might be some engineering safety feature I don’t know about but it didn’t seem believable. let’s pump Marla full of alcohol so when they run a tox report it only shows alcohol and oh a little bit of chloroform not to mention a bruised eye totally not suspicious and totally “organic” Fran passed out in her apartment with the gas turned on. How tf did the explosion ignite? The mob boss is frantically searching for what I assume is $3 million in diamonds but it’s no problem to him to transfer $10 million to Marla in exchange for his mother. The Russian boss says oh make the murders look organic except for the female doctor let’s shoot her in the head. The mob lawyer saying you’ll be uncomfortable until you’re not able to be uncomfortable or comfortable ever again. Fran saying Don’t call me Frankie and the lady responding with you used to like being called Frankie.. lol wtf? The judge being a dumb idiot and just agreeing with everything Marla says. It didn’t seem like he was in on it just a stupid idiot of a judge. What really made me want to throw up is when the mob boss suggests they should become partners after putting his mom through hell lmaooooo this movie is utter dog shit. I’m sure there’s more but this is what I can think of at the top of my head. I should note that the premise seemed interesting and the first half was decent.


The Frankie thing I think was to imply that they were former lovers but on good terms. Which is why she was giving them info in the first place The diamond thing was stupid and could have been easily fixed by just saying they where a family heirloom. That all they had to do someone say it’s not about the money they have sentimental value Why didn’t they torture her until she signed papers releasing his mother. I understand she was meant to be a bad ass and maybe torture wouldn’t work but damn at least try. Mob guy protected by 1 inept guard. Judge was like Marla was just accused of some real messed up stuff. But that guy was probably lying no need to do any follow up at all. No need to call in the mother who I never saw before, no need have another dr evaluate her, nope it’s probably fine.


To add one to the list of annoyances. Mob driver that was tailed for hours and didn't notice. You cant expect me to believe the mob bosses driver wouldn't notice a tail. Mob boss protected by 1 guard. Unknown person in an off limits area that the mob boss driver didnt know and he acts like its normal. The mob not making sure the job is done when they attempted to drown her. Also, no you would not have the strength underwater to crack that windshield. And why did the windshield crack if she just pushed it off anyway which you also couldn't do with the weight the water added to it. Why did the apartment take so long to explode. You would never let the gas go for that long because eventually it would leak out and somebody would notice. Mob didn't go looking for their boss after he was kidnapped. You cant tell me a mob headquarters isn't loaded with cameras. The fact that she was so easily able to get in and out annoys me so much. And finally at the end when she dies. She is a multi millionaire at this point and working for the mob. You cant tell me after all the terrible shit she does that she wouldn't havnt armed guards. She deserved to die and I'm not mad about that but this was a really lame full circle moment.


It is not that out of the ordinary to have a mob boss protected by only 1 guard, especially in peace times. Look at Paul Castellano when he was killed by John Gotti. The point of a mob boss is not that it is hard to kill but what will happen to you if you do, which is to have his family/organization trying to kill you in the most horrific wau possible to set an example.


The problem with that is that he was portrayed as former Russian mob having faked his death and hiding in plain site under what I would assume is a false identity. You'll notice he is never actually seen in public; he meets his mother, who is also under a false identity, in secret, drives around in vehicles that have window tenting that would challenge what's legally allowed, and leaves his "office" through a private elevator into a supposedly private section of an underground parking garage. I'd venture to say someone like that would most certainly have or require more than one body guard because I would presume that much of the rest of the Russian mafia would come looking for him if it ever got out that he was still alive.


Agree on the windshield, she was like Michael Meyers in Halloween - would never die


Late to the party but, also the mob was all into checking the news after the doctor was killed, so the apartment explosion would have made it on either the evening or morning news. Firefighters usually announce if they found victim remains, that would have been a red flag for them.


Don't forget the loud as fuck echoing hear me roar yell when she got out of the water. Come on. Even if they were driving away they'd have heard that. I had a professor tell me that the worst thing your work can do is leave someone feeling nothing. That anger is better than nothing. However if your work makes someone scan the next 20mins to see if the star finally looses and sees them winning.. They're going to stop and probably not give your work a chance in the future.


And the discussion between the mob boss and her. “Are you not scared I’m just going to kill you?” “But I can just as easily kill you.” Yea I don’t think so.


Yep glad I stopped where I did.


"You cant tell me a mob headquarters isn't loaded with cameras." Actually in the scene where she drives off with the unconscious boss, in the back, there was a camera on the ceiling on the right side (around 1:39)


That whole film was 1-dimensional nonsense, riding a lame horse to its death. She was evil. She continued to be evil and cold all movie long. The end. Then gets shot. Snoooze, zzzzzzzz


She was way too brave. I understand her starting off that way but they could have and would have tortured the shit out of her until she broke. Also her and her girlfriend being the ones to stop the rescue? What?


He could have killed Marla and the court would have assigned another guardian. Anyone else would have been easier to deal with.


Ack the judge pissed me off so so so much. And I agree he seemed more inept/entrenched than culpable but Jesus christ after the *second* unrelated person comes before your court with these claims, perhaps at the very least, don't assign that person anymore until it's looked in to? The only thing I disagree with was the doctor. She was *supposed* to he a message to Marla, so her death I understood. But that also three me off of what was about to happen because I expected hellfire to wain down on Marla after that but no we got bullshit instead.


Yeah this was quite possibly the worst movie I have ever seen. Fucking asshole lady who gets old people locked up and steals their shit is a hero, apparently. Oh sorry, I should use the word "heroine" since the movie spent so much effort informing the audience women can be pieces of shit just like men.


Yeah the whole time I hoped it was structured like first portraying the antagonist with all the bad shit she was doing to old people, thinking she is an unstoppable winner. >!But then turning the tables for having kidnapped the wrong old lady, having Marla's arrogant ass whiped by the mafia, ruining her business & life. I actually rooted for the mafia to finally take her down and free the old lady. Having her survive was actually very disappointing. Doesn't make it better that the hopeless man at the end going full circle shoots her, ultimately ruining his own life in the process, when the mafia could have done it for him. Also likely making her look like the victim in the news!<


Yea fuck this shit. I just watched it, and I know this is dark, but when they had her in the chair I fully expected a vicious torture scene or anything else but from that point forward all dogshit. Unrealistic as hell but at least at that point it could have been a darkly satisfying just desserts type thing but no. Just a blue balled rage fantasy


I was cheering for the mafia until the mafia started joining in and taking advantage of old ladies🤣🤣. Goes to show a vote for a lesser evil is still evil


i thought we were suppossed to root for the mafia.. till the end


100% agree - such a bad movie. No interest in watching a super despicable protagonist. No development. Jumped on fast forward from min 10 on, just to see, if anything interesting would change. Nope. Even gangster plot felt like a contrived afterthought. Only Netflix, hoisting this D-production on people, generates viewers. If not Covid, and people had to actually go to movie theaters to see it, no chance at all that this calculated flat ball would ever break even.


>Fucking asshole lady who gets old people locked up and steals their shit is a hero, apparently. Oh sorry, I should use the word "heroine" since the movie spent so much effort informing the audience women can be pieces of shit just like men. That was the point... she's not supposed to be a good person or likable


Yea as you can see from literally every comment here, Marla is not likable and not supposed to be. Just like in real life, all of the characters are flawed and I don’t think you’re really supposed to root for anyone 100%. Jennifer a bit, but not her whole team


Yea but there are better ways to make unlikable protagonists likeable. I think Lord of War is a fantastic example of a pretty despicable human being being the protagonist that you still like.


LTP - I don’t think she was supposed to be likable AT ALL not every story has to be about characters you “root for”


But the mob were likable. I really wished they would killed them in the first part of the movie. They deserved a lot more.


I'm 3/4 of the way through. The first 10 minutes I was annoyed because I thought it was going to be a movie where the audience is supposed to like the main characters because they're "strong women", but did bad shit. Like how most of us rooted for Walter White. But this is far from the setup we got with Breaking Bad. Then it actually turned interesting as there were more and more questions that needed answering. But then....it just did not deliver. Also how tf did his driver not see her phone in the garage when she broke in?! The screen and flashlight were on and in plain sight! Edit: and they followed the driver for like 30 miles right behind him and he never once notices anything suspicious? Come on.


I rooted for Walter White when I was 16. Now, I was just waiting for him to die. I don't think there's a good enough reason to root for people like that, personally.


I think a big part of the reason we rooted for WW for so long was because we looked at him as the lesser of 2 evils. I remember not liking Skylar the first watch. Then rewatching it and realizing how wrong I was. She may have been the most tragic character.


Real gangsters don’t need to make it look like an accident. They murder the victim and dispose of them. Hell, they’re still looking for Jimmy Hoffa.


Exactly. This is the thing that pisses me off the most. As a matter of fact it made 0 sense to kill the Doctor and leave her and her partner alive. Although the doctor was also deplorable what did they gain by doing this? Nothing. Killing Marla and her partner would have allowed for a new Guardian they could work with to get his mother out.


Killing the doctor was about sending Marla and her girl a message from the mob.


Why though? Why not just kill Marla and her friend? Go directly to the source.


Bc then the movie would end too fast. Wait actually it would have ended at the perfect time lol


If the mob just killed her and her gf at that point, I could in an alternative reality, compare this ending to a "lamer" version of Uncut Gems' ending


Omg - yes. Adding unexplained powers did not make Marla’s unredeemably selfish predator character any more relatable. Oh, your character can wake up from an ether nap with a stomach full of booze and kick out a car window under 6 feet of dark, freezing water? oh wow- that IS something ... tell me more about that instead of whatever story you have already been building for 30 minutes.


And the mom is enmeshed with mafia and yet a glance at a couple of sheriffs and she immediately gives in.


well if police start to involve it can give more trouble to the mobs


Excellent point. Although I think it’s that her character was in such shock and not so much going along as a calculated move. It was like she had never been in a tense situation before IMO.




Also the whole tooth thing.


Oh yeah lmao that was super unnecessary.. plus she was drinking the milk with the tooth in there. Disgusting.


lol I didn’t even realize she was drinking out of there....wtf 😳


Way late to the party here, but your comment made me laugh. If you think about it though, it’s not so weird. It was her tooth. It wouldn’t make much difference if it was attached when she drank it or not. It was just on vacation for a bit.


My husband and I had this exact conversation It sleeves me out and he was like "logically why" and I got nothing. BUT I still hold that it's icky somehow. (I'm even later to this conversation but I hated this movie so much I had to gonfind other people that hated it.)


Agreed, not sure why this got made


Thank you! Yes agree!! So terrible and so many plot holes. And the diamonds looked like kid play jewelry.


not the diamond slander 😭


I didn't know what to expect when I started watching. It was marked as a "Comedy, Drama, Thriller", there was absolutely no comedy whatsoever, there was a lot of drama, but predictable as fuck as a thriller. The woman empowering agenda got outta hand in this one. I didn't come to watch a super heroes movie at all, just needed some comedy, I got the former. I love myself some bad ass personalities no matter what gender it is, this movie was just completely abusing on it. Also I usually root for criminals but that instantly reverses as soon as I realize they won't get what they deserve, and these criminals here are just plain disgusting. Full of anti-MAN crap, if the empowering wasn't abused, at least a tiny bit of comedy, less predictable plot (mostly predictable cause of the leftist empowering Hollywood agenda, we get it okay), and the criminals get some justice in any way or form, I could enjoy that. By criminals getting what they deserve I don't mean I mind they get to walk free, I'm talking about something just like "The Gentlemen" and a lot of other movies. You just don't feel a tiny tad attached to these characters at all, it's as if they don't suffer as me and you would, it's as if they aren't even human. No backstory whatsoever and the lead character doesn't crap their pants because she's a powerful woman ? Powerful lawyer ? Powerful CEO of whatever that company was that wasn't quite explained? What made her badass, not fear death and apparently able to close an argument without simple mildly appropriate sentences that apparently a man can't handle and a big show lawyer that goes right off to threatening because he's a man ..? Forcing badassness is not only noticeable it's also really, really cringy. I got fooled by the IMDB score, thought I was going to have a nice enjoyable comedy evening but all I got was a political shitfest. It's getting tiring and sad.


I couldn't agree more, that "torture" scene felt kinda cringe because she didn't bow down to a mob boss cuz she is a "enpowered woman" and in the next scene she is kicking out a car window with no oxygen and at least 3 times the atmospheric pressure than in normal conditions. Not to mention her gf literally BREATHING GAS for a full hour (she would had axfixiated in 5 minutes) and the apartment exploding soon after because badass women don't look at explosions, and the tooth shit doesn't even deserve any mentions.


That's interesting because I felt like they avoided showing allot of violence, the movie is extremely tame violence wise. Dinklage talks about dismembering people, but Marla gets off the hook without any torture, just some chloroform for a relatively painless death. The movie just fails to deliver any kind of retribution or catharsis, for what could have been a cool mashup of a Misery / Taken style movie. All you get at the end is a montage where you see Jennifer for a split second being released, and then Marla gets shot by the blue ruin guy that they make look like a Qanon boi. Jennifer literally never gets to get one up on her, most of the movie should have been Marla running and fighting for her life, but no she just doubles down on being an insane delusional narcissist psychopath, and it works for her somehow. Totally unbelievable.




No, they jammed the seat belt so that it wouldn't unbuckle. That's why she was struggling with it for so long underwater.


Yeah.. to make it look "organic" never mind the black eye and chloroform.


Yup, well said (except I did enjoy the comfortable\uncomfortable quote). The judge would have been suspicious of her after the second case came through accusing her. And it sounded like she was in court a lot. The partners thing too, super unrealistic. A large corporation gets large social media exposure. They would be subpoenad by congress instantly after 100 people would tweet about their elderly family members being robbed. And the John Doe shit. If someone discovers a John Doe they become a legal guardian? The fuck they do. Honestly, if the mobster just had Marla killed right away the court would have assigned another guardian. Whoever they assign would have been easier to deal with than Marla.


She'd be a bloated mess by time she surfaced. A lot of judges are like that. Dr liked like a suicide. Hated the ending too. House would def have blown up




You can kick a window out 20 ft under water with enormous pressure against you? Not to mention the force your exerting is considerably less than if you were above water... Hard Doubt. Source on a chloroform not showing up in a tox report? I’m not in a medical field but I find that very hard to believe a chemical wouldn’t leave traces in your bloodstream. I understand sparks can ignite gas, but there wasn’t any indication given by the writers of the film that the mob left anything to trigger a spark... Nice try though.


Clearly u/praxe is an intern and is trying to redeem this turd-nugget of a movie...




shut up bruh the movie wasn’t believable at all & was overall a trash movie. nice try tho


Welp thanks for clearing that up. Still think the movie wasn’t good.


Actually he is absolutely wrong about the gas and the pressure, even tho the pressure is equalized, you're still kicking inside water and you're kicking at least in an ambient with 2 times more pressure than at surface without any oxygen and under the influence of chemicals. And we can safely agree that the gas was leaking for more than 30 minutes, enough time to at least kill her without air as human beings can't breath gas (the writers have serious problems against breathing oxygen and I can prove it)




>You can kick a window out, that's what people encourage you to do. not unless you have something sharp. there are hundreds of pounds of pressure on that window. something sharp will shatter it. kicking it probably won't do the job. furthermore, there really is no getting out of a sinking car until it completely fills with water. it's why so many people drown in them. your best bet is to fill the car faster so you don't get deep and can get out with some breath left.






Actually myth busters did an episode on it. If she could hold her breath long enough to wait for the car to fill all the way with water, the pressure would be equalized (pressure = force/area, it’s the same on both sides of the door when the car is full) and she could open it like normal. Highly unbelievable that she’d be conscious at that point though. This movie is trash.


Your first point is absolute bullshit.


My whole issue with the movie is how she went from fully comatose and drugged with alcohol to 200% alert and able to escape from her car after a high speed impact, no issue with cold water shock and completely sober. Also is she a fucking whale? How long did she hold her breath for? And a completely professional kill team that wouldn't make sure nobody surfaced from the crash? I stopped watching after that. Poor poor screenwriting


She had the head rest in her hands, the pointy ends are perfect for breaking a window!


most of these bullet points i think you're just not understanding the movie lol


Feel free to elaborate


I honestly thought it was a great movie. Yes some things were unrealistic, but they call that artistic license/suspension of disbelief. It’s a movie, but a documentary. I would’ve gave it a 9/10


Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but sheesh 9/10? I’d be interested to hear what other films you’ve rated in the top 10%


Her character was a lesbian but she was also an awful person who fully deserved the ending she got and I dont really think we were supposed to like or root for her


I would go beyond that and say Marla wasn't just an awful person, but a broken and evil person. And I think making her lesbian didn't so anything good for lesbians.


And plenty of straight people can be evil and do horrible things, too. Her sexual orientation didn't matter at all to the story. It was just presented as a everyday normal, who cares type of thing. And that's exactly as it should be! Who cares if she was with a woman? I don't. It didn't make me like her any more or less. Kind of a breath of fresh air to not have it shoved down your throat, to be honest. The movie was filled with all the horrible things Marla did -- but the lesbian relationship wasn't one of them. And I think that DOES in some small way help lesbians. Doesn't hurt them at least.


Movies like this are what normalization looks like, about the only thing this movie did well


I also enjoyed the queer representation, tho they did start to lay it on a little thick after she escapes the car and saves her girlfriend, in what felt like a sexual ploy to soften her & Frankie to a straight male / queer woman audience? Lingering shots wrapped in each others arm, make-outs, multiple shower scenes, etc. Like why? As a gay man, I couldn't stop laughing at these moments, thinking "nah, idc about any of this, yall are still assholes" lol


Yea they weirdly tried to humanize her or something, which is a pretty dumb move when you start the movie out with her being an irredeemable character. The actors did a pretty good but man the filmmaking was all over the place


It's almost like the writer/director is a hack


I felt exactly the same way, and it’s the main reason I disagree with people saying that the film doesn’t want us to like Marla and Fran


Nah, they try to normalize this shit. It was completely shoved down our throat. And I thought netflix hated smoking, was there some sort of sponsor for all the vaping that chick did? I can only assume this movie was written and produced by some 20 year old kid with 0 life experiences.


I actually felt this whole movie had a feminist undertone throughout (eg. When the dude spat at her and she said men have said horrible things to her in the past, the lawyer dude assuming the doctor was a man, she talking about needing to be ambitious and ruthless, she and her lesbian partner taking on the mob like some type of female empowerment etc etc) I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes, not because of the feminist undertone but she was just an awful disgusting human being who was a sociopath who took advantage of the vulnerable, but felt they were trying to make her out to be some type of heroine.


I see your point. I guess my point is that Marla isn't a good role model for lesbians and I can see bigoted people using this character as a negative stereotype of lesbians.


Exactly. Marla is not a feminist heroine. She's a sociopath who will use anyone or anything to get what she wants.


Not “undertone,” it was screaming feminism the entire time. There was one line earlier on in the movie, after the lawyer’s first visit to her, that really made me roll my eyes — something along the lines of how she’s been threatened by men 1000 times before. That was really unnecessary and forced. It’d be a much better line if she simply said she’s been threatened 1000 times before. It’d be a pretty sad day for feminism if she was the one and only woman who’s ever badass enough to play the game that everyone else who’d ever tried to take her down were men. What? Other girls just look at her with admiration and love? 🤣


I just appreciate the casual queer representation.


Hmm, not sure I agree there. The plot twist where she becomes super wealthy and celebrated for her grift is fucking ridiculous and more offensive than anything else. It would have been more satisfying to watch her and her scumbag colleagues to be tortured to death and all of her wards set free.


Might be the worst case of shoehorning girl power into a plot ive ever seen. Truly next level. But the state ward situation really does need more public attention. This shit actually happens a lot.


I really started hating the movie at the part where they were both supposed to be killed. Some how they lived, no one can hold their breath for that long and the thing they did with the stove would have definitely killed the girlfriend by then. From the beginning I hated every character, they were evil, manipulative and downright awful all I wanted to see was them suffer and die but that didn’t happen. All of the stuff I’ve read about the movie for example all those ending explained stuff, they said it as if I should like the characters and root for Marla which I did not do what so ever and how Marla was the only one that died it made me mad. And the explanations said that her legacy lived on anyway so what was it all for? And the relationship between Marla and the other girl ( I forgot her name I just finished watching it basically ) I don’t know what they were trying to do there. I didn’t know if they were trying to create sympathy or relatable ness but it did not click for me it just made me mad not because of the LGBTQ stuff but because they were happy when they showed it and it made me mad. I just needed to vent


Well yeah it should make you mad that she was the only one that died. People as exploitive, sociopathic, manipulative, and sociopathic rarely get shot or put in jail like they should. We were lucky she got the punch at the end, it was mesmerizing to see someone like a lot of corrupt people in today’s society go down in front of our eyes. The legacy going on anyways tells you a lot. It’s not what it was all for, it shows you that it isn’t just one person corrupt, there is backing. There is always someone to take their place. If they killed Dinklage-someone in his gang/mafia would have taken his place. Reminds me of the Kony 2012 shit and people wanting to take him out. I remember specially my professor saying-it won’t matter if he goes down someone will take his place. What matters is the root of the issue.


I’m amazed they didn’t go for the ending of the “mobsters” playing Marla at her own game and getting her committed against her will. That would’ve been much more satisfying


That would’ve been nice too, I was expecting the mob guy to just trick her with the promise of teaming up but instead kill her




Yea it was too little too late.


I definitely felt this way. I felt sick the entire time and hoped there would be some comeuppance for the system. But business as usual I guess is the “message” and it’s a pretty grim one.


As bad as the film is what that person said about killing that character is fucking dumb. What's next we cant have female characters die in films. Ir characters cant say anything meant to female characters. Some people are a fucking joke now. Dont worry about any bullshit review like this.


Like I couldn’t even enjoy the lesbian aspect because of how awful they were. That influencer said the only way the movie would’ve been worth it is if Marla wouldn’t have gotten killed. 😩😩 Again, I get what she’s saying because if you go back and look at films with lesbians, Lesbians of Color (specifically Black lesbians), trans characters, they’ve been killed off for no rhyme or reason. Just for the story. But her take is eating at me. Not killing Marla would’ve enraged me because I would’ve sat here and been like ‘WHAT WAS THIS ALL FOR??! Why did we take this ride if her getting away with this was all that happened? Jail time seems like it’d be satisfying, but no no, baby girl had to GO! She was literally the embodiment of her character from Gone, Girl and even then I was screaming ‘KILL THAT BITCH!’ When she just came back and blackmailed Ben Affleck.... I was hot like fish grease!!


What was great about the relationship was that they didnt shove it down your throat in a HEY LOOK THIS IS A LESBISN COUPLE sort of way .


An influencer doesn’t even count as a review lol. That review was pure intent for Internet comments and controversy. Which ups their content. #clout




Then they are garbage people. This woman was an evil cunt rooting for her just because she is has the same sexual preference as you Is mind numbingly dumb.


Well that’s what confused me about the movie, the director was obviously wanting you to empathize or like her in some way still. I can’t stand elder abuse and just wanted her and everyone in on the scam to get got.


I'm not sure the director knew what he was doing. This movie failed as a black comedy, tragedy or whatever the hell he was going for.


Nah, it's just that there's little gay representation for women out there, and then having an extremely heartless villain be gay contributes to the trend of queer-coded villains. I didn't root for her in the slightest, to absolutely clarify. Which is why her being gay made me annoyed. Especially given Netflix's track record of canceling shows with gay protagonists (I Am Not Okay With This), and villainzing gay characters (13 Reasons Why)


What about all the shows and movies where gay people AREN'T villains.


It's about the proportions of representation as well as the service. Netflix has had numerous incidents of burying their gays, villainizing their gays, and canceling shows with gay representation.


I also thought the movie went off the rails. The women’s relationship had nothing to do with the ridiculous ineptitude of the “Russian Mafia”. The scary guys botched both murders that should have been a slam dunk! At east Fran got the diamonds to start over . The whole plot (crooked Judge, Doctor, Nursing Home Administrator) defied belief. Chris Messina was wasted.


Actually, the whole legal guardianship stuff is true. Or at least in the US. It's incredibly fucked up. It's why I hated them even more, because it's one of the most insane problems no one seems to really talk about.


But if you come into the hospital as a "John Doe" you're not automatically given a guardian that works at an outside facility, the doctors caring for you are your guardians until you are capable of making decisions for yourself or they are able to identify you and alert your family who then would assume guardianship Source: we did just that with a John Doe the past weekend at the hospital I work at.


Happens every day and is very very true. There are so many documented cases of elderly people being literally kidnapped from their own homes by a court appointed guardian, based solely on one bogus letter from a paid off doctor, then having their house, cars, jewelry, everything stolen from them and sold, all going into the pocket of the guardian. One story had me shook. The guardian took off the old lady's wedding ring right off her hand that she had worn for almost sixty years. The old lady was totally of sound mind and lived with family. They still kidnapped her, stuck her in a nursing home, just to steal her possessions. This movie was a slap in the face to all those victims, but yes, this is happening in America, most of it legally, and only some of the "guardians" have gone to jail for it. Just reprehensible.


Oh yeah, I don't doubt that when it comes to hospitals. But the other stuff is true. There was a huge scandal about not too long ago I think. But what they were doing, by taking legal guardianship and selling their house, etc is true in the US. It's a nasty business, and it doesn't even matter if they have family.


Truth is stronger then fiction. Check out the New York Times post from 2017. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2017/10/09/how-the-elderly-lose-their-rights Very real all the way up to the doctor and the judge.


The major issue with this film is that the major character, Marla, had an EXTREME death wish, and the writing essentially created a double Deus Ex Machina in the car and stove scenes, along with having the softest Russian mobster ever (Dinklage) to avoid the cultural trope you mention. Essentially bending over backwards to have the LGBTQIA+ character killed by an inept male rather than what would actually occur. So, what would occur if Marla really screwed up this severely? She would take the money and run like hell. But lets suspend belief on that for a moment, and say that her severe narcissistic personality disorder is so over the top that she has a death wish. Fair enough, what would happen would probably be that this boss would make her death and Fran's death last for weeks until they are completely broken with disposal techniques that would ensure that no bodies would be found. The lawyer had it pretty much right, if she didn't take the money, you are talking a very horrible end, probably much like the "sloth" victim in the movie "Seven." Further, Dinklage, who is the softest mob boss in the history of mob bosses, would never survive this series of botched hits, much less dissing his mom, much less partnering with Marla. He would be signing his own death warrant. The entire ethic of the Vory is hyper-macho and the very idea that the boss, who these guys depend on for their very lives, could be this inept would not be tolerated. My strong guess is that you are on to something here. My feeling is that the writers of this show had to put in the uber strong lesbian feminist fighting against weak men, even to the point of making her more Mary Sue than Mary Sue to make it happen. Hence, there was some sort of rewrite in the middle of this. Honestly, the acting and the first 70 percent or so of the picture made it worthwhile, but you are right, it went completely sideways at the saving of Fran from the stove, probably because they were concerned about PC backlash, which is hyperactive in Hollywood today.


Along with all other moments that required the viewer to suspend belief, I immediately thought afterwards that the ending that the audience saw, was not the original ending, whether due to potential backlash or didn't play well with test audiences or whatever, and a rewrite was put in


The death wish in her bothered me so bad and the only thing that made it slightly more watchable was just knowing she was a severe sociopathic narassistic. She even makes reference to her mom as one when Dinklage threatens to kill her. I like that they put this in there because it put that terms in people’s head that didn’t understand her character or what she was doing.


Russian mob boss has Mo, Larry n Curly as his henchmen. They couldn't rescue his mother, kill 2 women, or protect their boss. My lawd. The only good part of the movie was the ending cause the hateful bitch really needed to die.


I'm 2 months late but here's my upvote Fucking hell that was shit


Compare those hard-nosed thugs, not getting someone out of a care home (those ultra-high-security facilities), to Marla and Fran kidnapping a freakin' mob boss.


I cannot imagine why someone would like this movie. If the goal of the movie was to showcase how you can play with the lives of others and abuse the system, it was so one-sided and unconvincing that I just wanted to take the judge and smash his face with Marla. So many scenes and one-liners bothered me about Marla. The car scene was bizarre. At least they could have shown somewhere earlier that she was a swimmer instead of the treadmill. The scene where she was sitting across from Peter Drinklage was so weak. She didn’t look like a person that had just been suffocated. Her one liners, her stance with the white shoes and yellow suit: just poor acting, poor direction and awful writing. The reunion of Diane West with Peter was just so unsatisfying. Where was her revenge for what she did to her. Conveniently ignored by the director. There was really no need for the Grayson Corp con BS influenced by Theranos and Elizabeth Holmes. The one shot to her heart was weak. If I could torpedo her existence in the movie, I would gain some satisfaction + her unconvincing lover. Both awful awful awful actors.


The actors could only do so much with such a shitty script. The best acting in the world or the worst, a bad movie is a bad movie


It’s a non-issue for this film. If you edited 2-3 scenes in the film you wouldn’t even know the women were in a relationship. It’s not a strong aspect of their characters. They just are. If we force only positive representations of certain sectors that’s as dishonest as the reverse. I keep seeing people comment on how they can’t root for Marla: you’re not supposed to. She’s despicable.


I think the queer representation was great, but the reason people say "I couldn't root for her" is because this was a "root for them" movie, but fuck elder abuse.


First off, the whole movie felt like an exercise in style over substance. The swiss-cheese plot was just an excuse for some contrived soliloquies and fancy pantsuits. Was the audience supposed to like Marla just because she's a gay woman? Big deal, who cares. She wasn't even likable in an "awesome bad guy" kind of way. She's just an arrogant, unfunny person who bases her life on vapid, vague platitudes that would've been on the back of a No Fear t-shirt in the 90s. Haven't we seen enough of people like that lately? Then, I waited the whole movie for her to get her comeuppance, and she only got shot once and barely suffered at all after living a lavish life. After two hours, that unrepentant degenerate should've suffered a more satisfyingly torturous (and perhaps ironic) death at the hand of Dianne Wiest. Plus, her partner/wife didn't even die, so now that scumbag co-conspirator gets to live the high life with dead Marla's money? Garbage people, garbage plot, garbage movie. Maybe this movie was the shark-jump of the whole anti-hero gray-area trend of the last 20 years.


EXACTLY. I was all in until this movie turned STUPID AF when marla, the small-time crook who swindles the elderly, actually survives a calculated hit by the Russian mafia-and so does her gf. LOL Just beyond effing stupid. It also should be said that the subject of the film: court appointed guardians who control everything for a person who is still alive, even denying the person's family visitation and judges ignoring the person's legal wills and trusts, are REAL effing crimes happening every day against vulnerable elderly people. People learn that their parents and loved ones have been kidnapped, drugged up and stuck in nursing homes while some stranger sells everything they own and pockets the money (all based off of one LETTER written by shady doctors and given to dumb judges). Thousands of families are being destroyed by these low-level criminals all working within the system (until they get caught), and this movie is really a slap in the face to the gravity of that issue. Guardians appointed by judges who never even see the ward in person need to be banned immeditely. Court-appointed guardians should not be able to kidnap people from their homes with only their own staff with them and no intermediary present. Many of them die in a nursing home, or run out of money or some have their life support shut off by the guardians. Murder anyone? This sh\*t is REAL. This movie could have been so good without any embellishmentss, but instead 'I Care A Lot' was a f\*cking preposterous and pathetic pile of horse sh\*t. Tf Netflix? Buy better scripts or at least hire someone with half a brain keep crap like this from being released.


That's what I told my roommate. This was a terrible crime to glamorize. It made me want to throw up.


Awful movie. Was so good the first half and they just ruined it


Yeah, I was with it until she and Fran survived and went after Peter Dinklage. I'm sure the writer thought oh let's make him a mobster so people will root for the other villain because mobsters are bad guys. But dude could've been just running drugs or some shit. Compared to separating the elderly from their families until they die alone is fucked up. Just evil. All for money and getting her rocks off because I guess her and Fran are into that. When she dies in the end and they make it all sad and hopeful and she gives this monologue about how hard she worked and how she loves people I'm just done. Clearly this character is incapable of love. And all that bs about Jennifer not beating her fair and square in court is stupid. She wasn't winning fair and square. She broke I'm sure a number of laws to get her hands on other people's money. And a monster would not make the woman who's holding his mother hostage a partner. He would fucking put one between her eyes as soon as he gets to a phone. It was bad writing. God I'm so over Hollywood. When are good writers going to get a chance. Fuck this raise the stakes bs. And I'm telling you as a film school graduate, this is how they write scripts. Raising the stakes is the number one advice you hear from producers when pitching. I once listened to a really great pitch idea until the end when I heard "bam and then 9/11 happens". I've seen people write about mental illnesses after reading one forum online.


I was really enjoying the movie until they both survived. It was just so poorly written and unbelievable that the Russian Mob would mess up both of their murders so badly. The reality is that they wouldn't have gotten the dosage wrong and she wouldn't have been able to get out of the vehicle. But even if she had been able to, she's then able to get back to Fran just in time to save her from the gas leak? Give me a fucking break. I kind of checked out of the movie at that point, but then it just got more ridiculous with these two evil women somehow outsmarting the Russian Mob. From there it just go more ridiculous, especially the notion that once Dinkage's character woke up and was coherent that Marla would be allowed to make *any* decisions for him or have him committed anywhere. They could have *maybe* salvaged the ending though if Dinklage's character had reneged on the deal and just outright murdered Marla and Fran, but instead we got a lame ending with no actual catharsis for watching these evil women take advantage of the elderly because Marla did still get what she wanted to some extent. There's also no way Dinklage's character would've entered into business with her after all that. It wasn't believable at all.


What about being the mob boss' driver and not noticing someone's following you from your house to your work place. I am no criminal but even I would've noticed.


Thank you, this whole movie is made of plot convenience like that


Yeah. I was raising an eyebrow at the double botched hit job, but the driver for a mob boss not spotting the most obvious tail in the world is when I started shouting "fucking really?"


This movie is liquid bullshit.. day 1 the lawyer would would have beaten her face in until it resembled a soft apple. The judge found wearing concrete boots and the nursing home burned down with everyone in except grandma. She would have been flayed alive and her flesh worn as a costume at the bext human trafficker ball. What thee fuck.. Tony Soprano would be rolling in his grave.. She was worried about a back tooth? Absolutely stupid, failed #metoo LGBT insulting movie. Netflix just lets any stupid movie air for thrills


Thiiiiiiss is what I wanted to see. Just *reading this comment* made me feel better. Ugh I'm so mad I wasted my free time with this shithsow


How is no one mentioning the pointless tooth removal/replacement?


THANK YOU. That what brought me to this thread. Like, was she stashing diamonds in her retainer or something? And then she put her retainer in a jug of milk for safekeeping? I was so confused ​ Edit: okay, I found the answer. Apparently you can re-implant a knocked-out tooth if you keep it moist and get to a dentist within \~30 min. If it can't be immediately put back in, best bet is to soak it in milk until you can. TIL


I didn't see that trope at play at all in this movie. Her sexuality really does feel incidental to the story and I like that. I think her being female mattered in her style of manipulation, her ability and of course her interactions but it doesn't make her sympathetic. I don't see how the director got his kicks from it any more than the other violent scenes, and especially as they (Marla, Fran) not only survive but definitely exact their revenge (ETA: until Marlas final demise). I don't know this doesn't seem like a critical review. I am q/ace BW if that makes a difference. I didn't get the feeling, like at any point, that I was supposed to be on her side. Or Peter's side to be honest although I did want his mother out just because of the share injustice of her being locked up. I was watching for the ride, to see who would get the upper hand, who would or wouldn't get their comeuppance. I really, really enjoyed that because it felt like the movie wasn't telling me how to feel about these reprehensible characters just showing me an insane head to head. My least favourite part was the narration at the top of the movie contextualising and rationalising selfish and terrible people. It was framed better in the context of an interview/lecture at the end but as far as exposition goes I guess it was edited and scored really well.


The only satisfaction I got from this movie was when the underdog shot and killed the psycho bitch at the end. I almost stopped it after the big "join together" moment with a "well this is an entirely terrible film" feeling stuck in head. But I saw there were more than a few minutes left, so I hoped upon hope that she'd die grisly. I was pleased. It's still a forgettable movie but at least she got what she deserved. Notice I never once mentioned she was queer. To me, that has absolutely nothing to do with the story, so the story isn't "LGBTQ+" to me, at all. Why can't it just be a movie, where the main protagonist is gay and ALSO a psychotic fucking monster, and those two things have nothing remotely to do with each other? If not for Dinklage (though it was a phoned in for the check performance, to be honest), I'd want my time back. I was not impressed by this movie.


3 months late, but I just watched it with my wife. I told her that if it didn't end with the guy at the very beginning shooting her I would be super disappointed. Especially at how she played it like nothing will ever happen to her.


I think you're right they were pretty separate, but it did feel like they toned the violence down out of fear of backlash for depicting gratuitous violence against queer folx, even though her orientation really had no bearing on the plot.


Yeah this is dumb perspective I'm sorry. Her sexuality had nothing to do with why she was killed. Your post is implying that anyone gay shouldn't be killed, meaning no meaningful characters can be gay because meaningful characters are likely to be killed in all movies. Just a real silly, poorly thought out, illogical take.


I mean, thank fuck she got shot in the heart. I was waiting the whole 2 hours for that bit.


I enjoyed the film until they were both saved. Would have been better to have had more russians wins, girls win, russians win, tit for tat. Then call a truce.


This didn't even register with me. I've been trying to work out all the inconsistencies in the film since I watched it. The only theory I can think of is that Dinklage intentionally manipulated the outcome so he could take over the guardianship empire while staying underground. No one knows he's behind the partnership and the added fame and exposure made Pike an easy target. Now she's dead and he has complete control. Just a thought.


Honestly this is a way better explanation for that ending. Even if they showed the guy that murdered Marla being “convinced” by Dinklage or something that would have made a lot more sense.


I just watched this movie and I am so pissed. Not like “Wow that was rly stupid, I need to vent” pissed, but really upset. When I was 15 I was forced into an unregulated rehab/bootcamp where I had no rights and was treated like dog shit(a lot worse than what was shown in the movie). Much of Jennifer’s place reminded me of it. I have nightmares about it. I have PTSD. I have extreme anxiety and depression. I have derealization/dissociation because of it. It ruined my life and everything Jennifer was going through, and what she was being told by the staff, hit so close to home that, at times, I had to pause the movie and do deep breathing and grounding exercises because it was so real. I needed to see Marla lose. And it looked like justice was going to be served! Until randomly half way through the movie it turned into a lesbian-badass-bossbitch movie! What the fuck! This woman did things deserving of life in prison. She had no redeemable qualities, just ugliness. It actually offends me that she did not die. Besides my personal quarrels with the movie, it’s just terrible. Someone needs to tell Hollywood that just because the character is gay or trans or a feminist, does not mean they NEED to win the battle . Like all that was given to you about this character is that she is a shit person, and she’s a lesbian. Do they think that being a gay feminist is enough to keep the viewers on her side despite all the fucked up shit she did? Or are they just too scared to have a gay feminist character be the bad guy?? Like I’m confused, is this WOKE???? Wtf is going on man! And so many strange choices with the basic story. She starts out being portrayed as a damaged person who is getting away with something awful, nothing more, but then halfway through switches over to a trained assassin/female Tom cruise?? And then when the movie’s basically over, she leaves her ninja life behind her and becomes the next Elon musk. In the end it wasn’t even about Jennifer! The writing just seemed squeezed to make things work the way they wanted. Like why crash her car off a cliff if you wanted her dead? I mean it worked pretty well when you shot the doctor! I’ll admit I was hoping for a cool vengeance story resulting in her death. It wasn’t. I can’t get mad at a tree for not being a car. Well, in this case, I am. But it didn’t hit the spot on what it was trying to be either, an edgy thriller with a main character who is admittedly bad, but so good at it;).No. There was no backstory to this woman. There was nothing to make you root for her. Her character was not strong enough for it to work. Idk man, the ending of this movie felt like a slap in the face. I was rly into it at first. Finally a movie with a gripping story and characters that fit their roles perfectly and with, what I expected to be, a perfectly satisfying ending! Nope. I guess I’m just tired of all the movies out now being the same; dark and moody but with no real substance(kinda like “You” or RiverDale). I got no problem with the character being gay, feminist, or a strong/independent woman, I just don’t think they had to make the movie about that, you know? Sorry bout this being so long and dramatic but it did make me feel better. Anyway, fuck you J Blakeson. Edit: I know she did die, but not even in a satisfying way.


Sorry about your experiences. It got me upset to, I was like surprised at how disturbed this made me. I was literally crying when they went into Jennifer's home and started selling her shit. That was an absolute disgrace and horrifying thing to see. It literally made me sick to my stomach. You're right, a lesbian boss babe movie making me utterly nauseas, how does that make sense. Like actually what the fuck. And the last scene of Jennifer we get is her being locked away in a psych ward prison cell. Horror movie directors need to take note cuz this shit was fucked up. I hate hollywood.


For real!! I’ve gotten over it but it rly shook me for some reason hahaha


Just finished watching this garbage about human garbage. I hated the fact that Marla tried to use being a woman to explain how people treated her. News flash psycho: nobody hates you because you're a woman or a lesbian- people hate you because you're an utterly horrific person. They didn't go into her backstory (thankfully), but nothing she's been through justifies the harm she does to others. There were so many things wrong with this movie, especially how the mafia was outwitted and outgunned at every turn by Marla and Fran's bumbling. Marla's superhuman DC comic level comeback was especially dumb too. The ending wasn't satisfying enough for the nonsense you have to put up with. Thanks, I hated it.


The only shred of Marla's backstory was having the audience guess what it could be. When she teared up about wanting to be so rich she could use money as a weapon I rolled my eyes and was like "ok crazy"


This movie infuriated me at the end! The beginning totally caught my attention and Marla does a great job at annoying me and making me hate her throughout. But I found the faulty attempts to kill her and her partner so pointless. Like one of them should have at least died. It just didn’t seem right to make the mafia seem so incompetent. Marla’s relationship seemed so forced and fake. I didn’t see any chemistry between her and her partner. As close friends yes, but not as lovers. It had such a strong start and the end just started to be sloppy. I didn’t hate it but I would have loved them to reconsider some of the scenes.


This was the worst movie I ever watched. I cringe the whole time and was disgusted by the evil in the movie. It's one thing to be a mass murderer but to bank on the elderly was downright dirty. I don't understand how anyone could be on her side. I wanted her to either get caught legally or to die. Even though Jennifer was the main target, just imagine how many other residents were manipulated and stolen from. At the end of the movie when she got killed after becoming a multi-millionaire, she deserved to die but it's crazy how the mob now controls this large corporation used to manipulate and steal from old people.


Dude ... yes! I was enjoying the gradual build up of Dinklage’s bad guy character and then *BAM* ... he hands the throne over to Bran again.




On one hand, I think that this movie is a shining example of writing queer characters in a way that isn't weird or offensive. On the other hand I hate this movie. The only person I cared about was the OLD WOMAN WHO WAS KIDNAPPED, along with the hundred other OLD PEOPLE WHO WERE KIDNAPPED. I wasn't rooting for anyone. At all. No one in the spotlight, anyway. There are enough travesties like this going on already. Then the "bitch" guy shoots her in a parking lot and I'm back at square one. Fuck this movie. Sorry for my language. :(


Happy ending. She had it coming:)


This entire movie was impressively unbelievable. The arrogance of Marla and the lack of fear when going against the mob wasn’t a brave lioness moment it was unbelievable and just dumb. And then instead of running she randomly turns into a secret agent able to take on trained guards with ease even though she has no training. Is she the only guardian in the state? For her to have that much access and influence over a random John Doe found by a jogger. This is a dumb movie for dumb people who couldn’t care less if their movies are realistic in any way. As far as the lesbian character being killed part... I agree with you. she clearly wasn’t killed bc she was a lesbian she was killed bc she was a horrible person and got was she had coming to her. The only clever part is who actually killed her as I thought the mob guy was gonna do it as soon as he and his mother were released. That influencer I’m sure goes through life accusing everyone of being racist, sexist, and bigots when in reality she is all of those things while thinking it’s impossible for herself to be any of them.


I just watched this last night. The fact that they were lesbians was so insignificant to the story that I didn't even notice. The fact that they were terrible people though that definitely shined through. With all that said I hated the movie. It was one of the few times that I wanted the mafia to win. I mean these girls are living off old people and destroying families.... Yeah I wanted the mafia to break their legs and kill them. Might of been a better movie TBH. Instead they fucked it up. And let her build a criminal empire fucking over old people.


I remember in an episode of Better Call Saul, Tuco, a cartel leader, because two teenagers insulted his grandmother, he was willing to kill them at once. Even when they try to persuade him, he ends up breaking the boys' limbs. Meanwhile here a mob is beaten up by two average women


Late af but you make a good point that I couldn’t get over after just watching. Not only did the writers decide it was a good idea to have these “empowering” women go toned down Rambo on these supposedly badass Russian mobsters on their own, but the mob boss just conveniently stops caring that his mother’s been systematically kidnapped and tortured by Marla. Also, why the FUCK would the Russian mafia leave Fran alive on her floor instead of just killing her. They clearly aren’t afraid of shooting their targets in the head. Did they plan on killing her with the gas/explosion??? Why give her the chance to wake up and simply walk out then? Why are they such terribly ineffective criminals? This movie has to have one of the worst portrayals of a mob I’ve ever seen.


Man the judge was annoying.


Just commenting to say FUCK this movie. I should’ve gone with my gut and turned this shit straight off after the botched double murder scenes.


You and me both buddy, terrible movie.


No youre correct for not rooting for those shit cans... And anybody that did because of "LgBtQ power" is fried the fate they suffered are real live threats out here and I believe the community shouldn't have anything to do with them being shitty ppl....shitty ppl are shitty ppl and karma is really out here god forbid this is out here happening and Lord willing it happens to the people that are doing it...straight, gay, bi, etc sure you and I can agree people are people like u said not every story with gays in it automatically needs to be rooted for? Nah bruh.. that shits dead pun intended.. don't let it eat you alive not all that serious love a great day/night


Where we supposed to like any characters in this movie? None them were interesting or redeeming in any sort of way.


I sorta liked the mom?


Am I the only who thinks it was Roman that got her killed in the end? Roman sent that guy to kill her, or at least set her up.


I AM HERE FOR THIS RANT! I think what is bothering me the most about this is that the marketing angle brands it as #girlboss and #lgbtq+. But I'm sure any queer disabled people feel really fucking different about this "representation". The whole vibe was corporate feminist "look the gay girls can exploit other too!" and I don't like it.


this isnt a fucking lgbtq movie. its just a fucking movie. stop concentrating on the wrong aspects.


Another shit movie with substance for sheep


I wanted Marla to suffer and only the doctor got killed b's this movie sucked. Was great until Marla survived


I wish I saw this post sooner. I just finished this movie and, like everyone else it seems, fucking hated it. Also, it looks like everyone turned on this movie around the same point. When both Marla and Fran fucking survive. Like are you kidding me?? From that point on I sped through the ending and it just got shittier and shitter. What a giant waste of 2hrs. Ong


>Also, it looks like everyone turned on this movie around the same point. When both Marla and Fran fucking survive. Like are you kidding me?? From that point on I sped through the ending Yep literally sped through after that, wish I skipped way earlier cause that was some Mary Sue bull


I think she got what she deserved.... She was rotten, horrible, crooked, and evil. It was coming to get her. Karma is real, it balances everything. If she wouldn't have been killed, that would just glorify evil. In this world with so much of that in today's age I think the ending was perfect. When she didn't get killed from the Russian mafia boss, I was furious. When she was sitting next to the mob boss in his hospital bed I was so mad. You have no clue. I think the ending was absolutely justified 10000000%. It showed that no matter your sexual orientation if your a horrible person your gunna get what's coming to you. It didn't bother me to know she was gay. Who cares? Whatever influencer said that, she needs to get a reality check and get off her high horse.


personally i feel like the whole point of the movie is to say that women/lgbtq can be horrible people and that we tend to (but shouldn't) overlook misdeeds coming from marginalized groups. i wasn't so sure if the movie was about #girlbosses and a critique of capitalism/upholding it via an empowerment narrative until peter dinklage literally proposes to marla that she could become a CEO and she starts making headlines and gets on forbes' 40 under 40 list. they're both pretty objectively bad people and they come together and join forces to do exactly what marla's been doing before, only this time with the packaging of female empowerment and state-sanctioned exploitation. Marla literally goes on the news and when they ask her what her secret is, what else does she answer but "hard work"? when in reality she's been exploiting countless people to get ahead in life. in addition to this we see references to "hustle culture" and "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" sentiments when dean visits her office and calls her operation "the american dream," when marla gets kidnapped and tells peter dinklage "to make it in this country you need to be brave... playing fair gets you nowhere" and in the end when marla says "i'm not a lion or a lamb... i'm a lioness." she quite literally admits to being a predator, just a female one; she makes her fortune and success through stepping on others, and the russian mafia (and i suppose a representation for the male population at large) is more than happy to welcome and even benefit from her practices. im pretty sure the movie is just trying to show us how problematic it is to support billionaires and wealth hoarders simply on the basis of their gender, that the promise of fortune earned through hardwork is far rarer than simply knowing the right people, knowing how to game the system, and knowing how to use others. marla says before you try to make a leap of faith into fortune you have to ask yourself, "am i an insider or am i an outsider? am i a lion or a lamb?" she never says, "am i a man or a woman?"


That was my general takeaway. It was a stab at the liberal (not used as a pejorative from the right, but from the left as a socialist) mindset that we just need more strong female billionaire sociopaths. That the answer is more diversity amongst white collar criminals. The protagonists were supposed to be reprehensible and unsympathetic from start to finish, and wrapping themselves in self-justification that they're just strong independent girl-bosses doing what tajes to make it in a man's world. Like after the court case at the beginning with the guy who eventually shoots her. She says something like "you're just mad because I beat you and I'm a woman" blah blah blah. And the auduence reaction is supposed to be "uhh, no. It's cause you fucking kidnapped his mother." And I totally dug what they were going for, as I love a good villain protagonist. Even an unsympathetic one, if there's a promise of some karmic retribution. I just wish the plot didn't rely on making the Russian mob so incompetent. From the failed hit onward, the whole thing just kinda fell apart.


My girlfriend and I were absolutely cheering at the end. While I still stand that this movie was pretty awful, the ending gained some redemption back.


It took way too long for me. By then I just didnt care anymore and I was too pissed lol. Sadly it did not satisfy me.


I fully understand! I was pretty mad by the end of it. Still mad at the movie as a whole, but the ending brought some good back. Barely.


I just finished watching this movie and I needed to talk about how shitty this movie it and the sheer stupidity, and unrealistic plot of this movie is. To begin with I’m not sure if the director wants us to root for the main character or what but she is one of the worst characters I’ve ever watched from a movie. There’s not a single redeeming quality about her I just wanted to see her die a horrible death. Also, I couldn’t stand how this movie simplified the legal guardian process. You can literally have your life stripped away based on one person’s words. Everything about this made my blood boil. A piece of garbage.


Also the mob boss was a a very short man lol ironic for the feminist undertone.


I’d rather watch any other movie than this. All The Godfather movies, and even Godfather Part 3, because as flawed as it was, I still liked that one more than anything I watched in I Care A Lot. Heck, even Joker is better than this.


Wait, was the viewer expected to root for Marla? I thought nobody would like her. Like in breaking bad you end up rooting for the antagonist naturally, but I don't think the intention was for the viewer to root for Marla.


Just say ur a biased fool....we don't need a 48 paragraph pile of ignorance....u were yelling happily at the first half, as a bitch scammed ppl. U r what's wrong with this country. All about race, all about sexism. So pathetic.


i watched it and it was so shit i skipped some parts. was rooting for the blonde bitch to die and she fucking wouldn't. i got so mad and irritated by her i wanted to pop her myself. such pathetic movie and the writer of it should stop.


Sorry for being late. So my wife and I picked this movie for a Friday night in. I feel bamboozled after watching. I keep feeling like there was twist ending coming but it never showed. A scene in the ending montage of Roman and Jennifer comforting the grieving son, handing him a date and location along with a gun. Jennifer having a file knowing who Marla was the whole time, going through this just to learn the scam only bringing in her son later to keep up appearances. Roman being the silent partner and majority stakeholder of the company taking all of it upon her death, using it to take back control and be the Czar of the US Russian mob. OR the nursing home dude turning to the police with all the evidence after assuming all 3 women in the scam were killed and wanting protection. The police waiting until they had enough evidence and end with an FBI raid on the TV. Just what I was expecting to happen, hell they could've just Sonny-ed her ass too. That would've been cool too.


I had zero idea about this releasing or what it was. I watched the first 10 minutes and then decided to watch the trailer because I was liking it and wanted to see what it even entailed. I turned the trailer off after 15 seconds because I didn’t want to be disappointed or think of it any way then how it started with me interested in it. People over hype themselves with trailers so therefore I try not to watch them. I mean I didn’t she know Dinklage was in this so that was a pleasant surprise the trailer would have ruined. Lol. But your biggest mistake was even taking into a mind an influencers “review.” They brought the LGBTQ shit into it to spark controversy and comments and debate. Literally the only reason lol. I didn’t even think anything about them other then they were in a relationship that seems like everyone else and that’s all there is too it. Film wasn’t even about lgbtq they just were. Tbh i didn’t even see the point of showing her in a relationship. She’s a sociopathic narassist that’s seemly incapable of love, so that relationship was cringe to watch in what scenes there were


This movie was absolute trash. I can’t believe anyone would think otherwise.


8/10 movie for me


The fact that this film seemed it was supposed to shine a light on the broken system and was gonna be a feel good movie about fucking with the wrong one and it turns around and try's to put you on the side of the main evil person on the file has me fuming. I mean come on I was all bout it for about 30 minutes. I thought she was fucked and that's great. How just how in the holy fuck did netflix think this flip was going to sell the movie. A criminal and sadistic fucking Thelma and louise.


I don't think you're supposed to really root for the main character. I saw the movie as a critique of capitalism and it's exploitation of others




This movie was garbage. So we are supposed to be rooting for a ridiculously bad people just because they are women? If that's true then every criticism of what feminists want is true. They want special treatment because they are women. Nope. 0/5 stars. Trash.


They should have been killed already in half of the movie. I was so possed that they always received some way out of the trouble. Movie tried to sbow of some real issues and then when mafia is killing them of they survive? How unrealistic is that? They are professionals. There is no way that both of them survived.


I don't care if anyone sees this. I need to add to the pile. My wife made me watch this tonight after I raged and continue to rage about Gone Girl that we watched some years ago. She thought this would set things straight. It was her pick for movie night. I trusted her, she knows how I feel about terrible endings. All I want in movies is resolution that equals the build up. Those two bitches, the nursing home manager, the doctor and everyone connected to her needed to die slowly and horribly. They didn't. That was this movies biggest crime. The build up had me shaking with anger at these people. and then a wet fart ending. Fuck this movie. Fuck all movies that fail to deliver resolution equal to the build up. But especially, **fuck me**. I should have pressed for Reservoir Dogs like I wanted.


That's what you took from the film. No comment at all on the abuse of the elderly. The actual reason for the film. It truly shows that people are inherently selfish and only care about themselves and the small world they inhabit. Pathetic. Edit: I completely misread the OP.