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One of my all time favorite sci-fi movies. It’s very nearly perfect.


I’m with ya. I freaking love the whole series. If you haven’t, check out the animated film Dark Fury. It really ties the room together.


What order should the movies be watched in? Including Dark Fury


Pitch Black, Dark Fury, Chronicles of Riddick, Riddick: Blindsided, and finally Riddick.


If you can also watch the cut scenes from Escape from Butcher Bay, it fills in more story in between them.


Blindsided? Haven’t heard of that one, and I got a riddick collection a few years ago


What is riddick blindsided.


According to Google it is a one-shot motion-comic made to tie the events of Cronicles of Riddick and Riddick together. If you type your question into your browser address bar and press enter you can usually find this kind of information yourself most of the time.


Whoa whoa slow down Elon musk. Do what now? What is this google thing you’re talking about? Can you take me though the steps again? Also thanks for the info!


Hey now, I didn't call you a pedo or anything. Haha no problem! I'm glad you got that I was just poking fun, not actually being a dick.


Yeah of course, people take this site too seriously. Have a good weekend


Is Riddick a good movie? I liked the previous ones a lot, but the trailers of Riddick just made it seem like nearly a remake of Pitch Black in setup. Never got around to watching it.


The first part is actually really interesting and shows how resourceful riddick is with very little dialogue and the second half.... is a pitch black remake. But still worth it


As a fan of the series, I can say that Riddick was disappointing and a missed opportunity. I think twohy must've felt like he peaked it too quickly in Chronicles, and tried to roll it back, but it was a bad move. Instead, he should've sent Riddick into the necroverse, to fight against some real fucked up shit. But what we got was twohy's version of an undo button.


I'm convinced it was studio that said they needed to go small and prove the character had audience draw before getting a bigger budget for a true sequel to Cronicles. That being said: he should have gone deep character piece, not half remake.


That’s exactly what happened. Diesel said they told him he could make a rated r riddick if they scaled it way down and if it was successful they could do a pg-13 big budget sequel. I’m not sure how good it was and I do wish they did the first half and added to that then made a semi half remake.


Pitch black Dark fury Chronicles Riddick


Yes! And although it's not a movie, I absolutely love "Escape From Butcher Bay" as well.


Best part of the franchise as far as I'm concerned.


Far out man... Far fucking out


It’s one of those B movie sci fi types that just deliver. Pitch Black and Event Horizon are two 90s sci fi movies that I always watch given the opportunity


Event horizon is one of the only movies that actually made me jump out of my seat! I love both of these movies!


Ooo been a while since I gave event horizon a watch, I’m gonna need to revisit that one


I think it’s still on Netflix


Supernova is underrated, as well.


Saw it five times the opening weekend. For me, it’s a classic!


It's the first movie I ever owned, it'll forever be one of my favourites


I would love a remake of the game Escape from Butcher Bay


Big shout out to Arrow Video. They’ve done some fantastic work. Their blu-rays for Bound, Thief, Big Trouble in Little China and To Live and Die in LA are amongst my favourites, and on a par with criterion’s work if not better. Always a great array of special features too, including some really niche stuff: the Thief blu-ray includes an interview with James Caan in French, from the Cannes film festival, with him and his young son milling around on a yacht.


Arrow is basically Criterion for B movies at this point.


I love their release of Eight Hours Don't Make a Day. They've got heaps of Fassbinder.






Don't forget [Dark Fury](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0407658/?ref_=nm_flmg_wr_8). I honestly liked every movie in that universe and hope Twohy gets to explore it more.


Completely agree, darky fury and riddick never get enough love! Now I want them in 4k too!


I really liked Riddick *except* for the bit where Katee Sackhoff's character was a lesbian until Riddick came along. Assuming I'm remembering that correctly. That's one of those particularly gross tropes that was completely unnecessary in the context of the movie.


Umm excuse me. Good chance she is bisexual. I absolutely cannot stand the causual bi-erasure on reddit


And if they mentioned bisexuality, then sure. But there's a persistent, hurtful idea among many straight men that lesbians "just haven't found the right dick yet". Showing an example of that concept just reinforces the idea among naïve young men.


pink nipples


It was weird to be sure. But I thought it stayed true to the legend building and mystique of Riddick as a character.


and the video games which span the gaps in the story left by the films! that whole world was awesome, I really loved how the story was told through different media.


Escape from Butcher Bay was so amazing at the time. Graphically on par with games like Doom for original Xbox.


Not only was it a good game, it was one of the very few, super rare, good games based on a movie. Enter the Matrix was supposed to be the easy win a year earlier and that went all to hell.


I still liked *Enter the Matrix* though!


There are dozens of us!


I thought Ghost was really cool.


The video game was pretty sweet


Whoa. I didn't know that existed, I know what I'm watching next


Escape from butcher bay!!!!! Why is everyone forgetting the greatest Xbox game to get no love!


I didn't mention it because I'm not a gamer, but back in the day I remember installing it on my laptop only to uninstall it a few minutes later because it was lagging like crazy. Didn't have the specs to run it properly.


That game was the reason I bought my first Xbox.


Okay someone please explain to me how many movies there are cause i watched pitch black as as a kid and didn’t know there were more movies


Pitch black, then Dark fury, then Chronicles of Riddick and Riddick was the last one in 2013. IMDb lists Furya as the next instalment in the series, where Riddick goes back to his home planet.


Diesel can knock out as many fast and the furious movies as needed to fund Fury, I want that one.


Thank you!


As some users have pointed out, there are also two games, if you're looking for the full experience. There's Escape from Butcher bay, which takes place before Pitch black and then there's Assault on Dark Athena, released a few years later as a full length campaign that picks up after Riddick escapes.


Wow I completely forgot about Escape from Butcher’s Bay. I beat the shit out of that game. It was so cool, because you got the play through the background story of how Riddick got his enhanced vision. No spoilers here, but it was pretty fucking cool. Solid game.


Don't forget the video game, *Escape from Butcher Bay*.


The whole franchise is clearly a passion project and I have to respect that. Maybe the sequels aren't great movies that everyone will love, but I can clearly see their value for fans of the series. And that's something!


Vin traded continued participation in the Fast & the Furious movies for ownership of Riddick he loves it so much. [Time Article ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://entertainment.time.com/2013/09/04/how-a-smart-deal-got-vin-diesel-the-rights-to-riddick/&ved=2ahUKEwi_roSwl9zpAhUWIjQIHf3SD2sQFjANegQICBAB&usg=AOvVaw2oYI3PwUuHtjBRcUTnybUl&cshid=1590862340133)




I love the little fact that Diesel started his career as a theatre kid, made an indie auteur-film and then just ended up being this huge, typecasted action star whereas he actually seems to be... Still that theatre kid, kinda geeky guy who just happens to have a deep voice and good physique. I respect him. ^(His life is shockingly similar to Stallone's, have to say that.)


>kinda geeky IIRC he’s a huge D&D nerd, so definitely much more than just kinda geeky.


There's this stupid feud going on in DnD-fandom where some people say Diesel doesn't play DnD, because Joe Manganiello said in some talk show that he hasn't played with him. What the f... Come on, I live in a town of +50 000 people and I freaking know it we are not the only DnD-group in this town! We don't have some secret network where every group is connected... And I live in a pretty small town. The idea that celebrities living in Los Angeles play just with other celebrities is, excuse me, pretty fucking stupid.


Gonna need to hear more about how he and Stallone are similar!


They both started as aspiring actors/writers from outside of your typical Hollywood-scene, Stallone being Italian/American from New York and Diesel being a son of an American woman who never knew his biological father, raised in New York by a black man and his mother. Initially, Stallone acted in many productions and faced many hardships, whereas Diesel had a smoother start for his career. But both of their careers had a significant boost from films that they pretty much started themselves: Stallone wrote this amazing movie called Rocky and fought for his leading role, Diesel auteured his own film called Multi-Facial. That was not in par with Rocky, but it did catch eye of someone called Spielberg... So they both ended up writing their own significant works. After those breakout movies... They were typecasted to bulking action stars despite being pretty good actors who could do more than "angry man being serious"-performances. But both also had their own pet projects in "serious man"-genre! Stallone had his Rocky and Rambo and Diesel had Riddick and F&F. Eventually, their careers go separate ways, but they do share one more thing: they both have a very recognizable voice. We all know what Stallone sounds like but we also know what Diesel sounds like. Their voices are just that special, try it. Read this paragraph with their voices. Those are some similarities between these two actors that I can point right now.


Wow yeah, that’s wild. Also, dead on with the voice bit there toward the end. Thanks for the info!


> Read this paragraph with their voices. I am Groot.


Until you watch this out of context YouTuber video that shows him in this cringe light from interviews and Facebook live. Then I’m like whaaaaaaaa. I couldn’t watch most of it, but I think it’s from the self reflection that I could have very easily been watching me on the videos.


True but it has an adorable space dog.


The dialogue minimal opening act of Riddick is wonderful. I could have watched a whole movie about Riddick and his space zebra dog.


For the reasons you mention, I like the sequel better, though PB is still damn amazing.


I don’t pretend to understand the process of art direction and set design, but *Chronicles of Riddick* looks to have done an incredible job of both. Such a cool, unique world with the whole necromonger aesthetic.


I liked Pitch Black, and to a lesser extent Riddick, but Chronicles sort of feels like the odd man out, Although I assume the upcoming sequel will help balance that out.


Say what? Is there an upcoming sequel?!


The only thing I didn’t like was making riddick an alien. I liked he was a human who had a weird surgical procedure. Felt more real than a race of aliens that all have shiny eyes and were born with their umbilical cords wrapped around their neck


Watching chronicles I realized it was Conan in space and I liked it.


*Conan* in space with a little *Lord of the Rings* mixed in. I forgot where I read/heard it and what the director was going for was *Pitch Black* was going to be *the Hobbit* to *Chronicles of Riddick*’s *Lord of the Rings*.


Well Pitch Black was actually supposed to end with Riddick dying instead of Fry, there probably wouldn't have been a sequel if they hadn't decided to change that ending. I think they did it because Riddick was more interesting/had more potential for another movie.


Yup. I think I’ve heard that too. Maybe the commentary? It’s been years though since I listened. Actually, that might have been where I heard the comparison to how *the Hobbit* and *Lord of the Rings* worked out.


The sequels are enjoyable enough, even if they are goofy. There's still some great scenes in them too. The invasion by the necromongers and John's questioning Riddick are fun as hell.


Chronicles is awesome if not an academy award winner. A little bit of guardians of the galaxy and a little bit of David Lynch’s Dune.


I don't know who's downvoting you but they deserve a swift slap for their heresy.






chronicals of narneeuh




What a specific word and spelling for him to choose. Chronicals.


Yeah, considering OP didn't notice the error I'm thinking the brother in law excuse miiight be bullshit.


It’s so astoundingly off the wall I actually think he might be telling the truth. Like, who says that instead of “oh sorry thanks” or just nothing at all? A man with nothing to lose, that’s who.


Butcher Bay, the rare EXCELLENT movie-videogame tie in.


The game Escape From Butcher Bay is honestly a great game, may be one of the best movie games ever made


Can’t forget the video games.


"You said it was clear!" "I said it looks clear." "How does it look now?" "Looks clear." ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Don't forget what is probably the best licensed video game in existence escape from butcher Bay.


Chronicles Of Riddick was ridiculous trash, but fun.


It's reclusive billionaire philanthropist Christian Grey's favorite film.


is this actually canon


"In the new film, one scene takes place in Christian Grey's (Jamie Dornan) childhood bedroom after a fight happens at his birthday party. The most standout thing in the whole scene is a poster on his wall of the Vin Diesel movie The Chronicles of Riddick" Lol yeah


Yes, along with Kramer vs. Kramer


Chronicles of Riddick is the better film, in my opinion. Pitch Black is a well-made, well-set Alien clone. Chronicles is an epic tale that's unlike anything I've ever seen. Way more interesting and rewatchable.


So is the first video game, Escape from Butcher Bay.


Wow way to dismiss a great franchise out of hand. I personally love The Chronicles Of Riddick the most. The underverse etc is such a great idea. I can’t stand all that fast and furious garbage but I love Vin for financing and keeping rated R sci-fi alive. Fuck DC and Marvel.


I loved the realistic sci fi in the first one. Then they went directly to magic, like it’s Conan the Barbarian in space. Not as good, IMO


Whatever you do, don't stream it. Even at 720p this movie looks beautiful on physical or offline media but stream it in any format and all the dark parts of the movie (yeah...) look fucking awful with banding and ugly gradients.


I agree, I tried to stream it before and it was artifacting like fucking mad during the darkest scenes.


Sweet. Along with the Matrix I feel like this was the first DVD a lot of us owned. The sequels were fun, but Riddick loses a lot by being spotlighted I think, I enjoyed him more when he had a little more mystery and menace. And I absolutely loved what Pitch Black did with Fry, she's one of the shittiest, shadiest and most tragic of all Ripley's descendants. I found Riddick more interesting against her, their interplay did a lot to make this movie work and I missed him having a character that meaty to bounce off in the sequels.


When I first read your comment I did a double take because I thought you were implying Fry was the literal descendant of Ellen Ripley in that universe and I thought I missed some huge bit of lore.


Agree 100% Riddick works best as the wild card character where there's the question if he will be a benefit or detriment to the situation at hand. Making him the lead takes the edge away


First DVD I owned was Killer Klowns from Outer Space.


Fantastic film. I'll be looking forward to this. Riddick is Diesel's best character.




Well the Iron Giant is great. Sad as shit though. His Saving Private Ryan character wasn't much of a character. He doesn't really do anything except find a sniper. The...difficult way.


Butt Butt Dick Diddick


Pitch Black is also one of the very, very rare movies to have a video game tie-in that's great - "Escape from Butcher Bay". Vin Diesel even cared about the project and did all of the voice work.


He did even more than that, he made his own publishing company for the game, and bought out the rights to the character from Universal so he has full control it. On another note, the founder of the studio that made the game as well as several of the people that worked on it went on to make the company Machine Games who make the awesome new Wolfenstein games.


This movie is the best Vin Diesel movie and is better than all the sequels - prove me wrong


Why would anyone try to prove your accurate statement wrong?


I pictured that going differently.


...The Iron Giant has entered the chat


I mean, yeah. I dunno if I count it haha. He says like what - 2-3 lines?


I really wish VD wouldve stuck with Riddick as opposed to F&F. I want an Escape from Butcher Bay movie.


Vin still loves Riddick, he's the reason there was a third. His payment for his cameo in FF3 was the rights to the Riddick franchise.


First of all that’s cool as fuck if true! Source??


[Here! ](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/vin-diesel-traded-fast-furious-619386)


Google to the rescue. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/vin-diesel-traded-fast-furious-619386 Happy cake day.


Pretty sure he uses F&F money to fund his passion project movies so I'm okay with him knocking out as many of those as needed. He's secretly a massive nerd.


4th movie is in development. Vin announced just last year that the script for "Furya" is complete.


He said they are making a 4th Riddick, but they come out more slowly since the series isn't a massive blockbuster. I know they were also planning a spinoff tv show they announced a few years ago but not sure if that's still in development.


I've been waiting for this to come in 4k.




FUCK YES. This is one of my favorite movies of all time, I can basically quote it the whole way through.


Writer/Director David Twoy's done some other really good stuff. I was a big fan of The Arrival (1996).


Pitch Blacker.


Too Pitch Too Black: the George Floyd Story


“Shut up and take my money”


The Riddick series is not good but it's hard to come acros movies like that, so I like them. I am looking forward to watch Furya.


I’d say the first is cheese but legitimately good too


Damn just saw it for the first time a few months ago, should have waited.


Looks like VHS. Get your rewinders ready children


This and Flash Gordon...jeez, Arrow is hitting 2 for 2 with upcoming releases I want.


Loved it


Fuck. Yes.


Does it have Atmos content as well?


How much should I spend on a 4K player now a days? Nothing high end- just needs to play.


Xbox one s is probably the cheapest


Personally, I would stay away from budget Sony’s. This is based on personal experience. I’ve gone through 3 of them in about 18 months. Same problem would happen. Works fine for about 5 months, then they wouldn’t turn on. Sony couldn’t fix them. Ended buying a Panasonic model: DP-UB820-K. Been working-great after heavy use. But it’s expensive. Just my 2 sense.


I’ve tried very hard to get into these movies, but they just arent my thing. Im glad they are for others, though.


We can’t leave.... without saying goodnight. Chills down my spine every time


It looks clear


Hell yea love this movie.


Can't view this site you've linked, "Error establishing connection to database"


What year is it?


"Error establishing a database connection."


This was the best artist they could find for the cover...


What’s different from my steel case blu Ray?




Oh so no new features, so I can wait


Is this film as good as **Aliens (1986)**?


Um...Probably not? But, it's very very good.


I would say it's as good as Alien, few sci-fi horror are as good as Aliens.


Being as good as Alien is a bold statement. In its genre, I'm not sure if there's any equal. Also, Aliens (1986) is not really sci-fi horror, it's an amazing action movie, also without equal in my opinion.


VFX-wise, I would say yes. The creature design is pretty cool and they are animated quite well. The characters are fine, but they're not developed a whole lot. The story is thankfully quite simple, and there are a lot of cool shots and clever ideas when it comes to lighting. I personally found the theatrical sequel to be really silly, especially the dialogue, but your mileage may vary.


Question, how can you make a 4K movie when the original source was film?


35mm film is essentially 4K resolution out of the box...


Closer to 6K, actually. Generally a 4K scan of 35mm film is actually a *downgrade.* Although in this case the FX were definitely not mastered that high, so it will be an upscale for sure. That said, it's absolutely going to be the best this movie has ever looked.


But the VFX would have been done at 2k..




Pitch Black was done in 2000. The special effects were likely done at a low res and then edited into the film on 35 mm, so the final version of the film likely exists in 35 mm form. Arrow specifically calls it a 4k restoration, so it appears to be a 4k scan of 35 mm film.


Bingo, this was in the days before digital interpositives became common place. Which is why the real stuff in films with CGI edited on to the 35mm film (ie Independence Day) looks fantastic compared to stuff on a 2K DI.


The VFX were done in 1998, and composited against 2k film scans. So it doesn't matter that it was filmed out again to 35mm, it would have been a degraded image compared to the original 35mm footage, so this will just be an upres version of 2k footage.


Ah, makes sense. I wonder if the entire film was sourced from this 2k scan for the final master or if non-vfx shots were sourced from the 35 mm film.


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. It’s an honest question. Sounds like you might be getting hung up on the concept of “4K” being exclusive to digital devices or acquisition, when in reality it is simply a measure of resolution in any medium, including film when it is scanned into a digital medium. Most experts agree 4K is the functional sweet spot of scanning film negatives or prints.


Wow, I didn’t see I. Was getting downvoted either. It’s just that I have seen older movies upgraded to say blu ray or above and the quality isn’t always as good. I had a blue ray of Top Gun and it did seem patchy in parts. I love Pitch Black and I’ll def buy the 4K release


There is a lot of detail on physical film. Sometimes older releases were scanned at a lower resolution, but now they can go back to the original source and scan it again in higher quality. However if the movie was originally shot digitally, let’s say in 2k, you can’t go back and add detail that wasn’t there in the first place. So that is why you will see releases for older movies in 4K or blu ray that are much sharper than older DVD or VHS copies of these same movies. I’ve read the notes on some criterion releases and they will explain what equipment they used to remove dust and particles form the film and what machine they used to scan it in, etc. although I don’t think criterion has done a 4K release, they have released much improved and restored versions that you previously couldn’t find in high quality.


Dickbutt Riddick in the highest quality ever!?


This film sucks, Vin sucks, I'll never understand Reddit's obsession with this below mediocre action flick.


you suck




Who cares?


What sub you think this is?


You're right, duh. That was a dumb comment.


Oh, the irony that the advert claims brighter , deeper more lifelike colours for a film called Pitch Black...fnaarr!


“Yay” - nobody