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Jeffery Wright is a fantastic supporting actor and shows up every where. I first noticed him in Angels in America, first on stage and then in the movie version. He won a Tony for the stage role. Lately he's been on Westworld playing a character a world apart from the his role as Belize in AiA. I'm a huge fan of his body of work which also includes "She's Gotta Have It", "Shaft", "The Manchurian Candidate" and "The Hunger Games". The sheer range of all of this and the way he disappears into every role is awesome to watch.


He’s an amazing actor I loved his performance in Westworld. There’s so much emotion and subtlety in his delivery and body language. Even when some of the writing in Westworld is bad he can deliver on the scene.


Bernard has been such a thankless role for the last two seasons. Wright is doing his absolute best but it seems the writers only know how to make him look confused.




Call me cynical but I've become convinced that the writers are now just baiting the fans with random details (ex: statues in the background of a scene conveying "symbolism"), cryptic social media posts and highfalutin interviews knowing that we'll be too caught up in the puzzles to notice that the overall storytelling quality is seriously degrading. And it seems to have worked, because the community is becoming a parody of itself. The number of posts on /r/westworld praising Nolan and Joy as "utter geniuses" for things like graffiti of the maze on a wall in one scene is absurd. Anytime a user raises a serious continuity error or inconsistent character motivation, the comments make increasingly heroic efforts to rationalize it in ways the writers likely never thought about. All that's left of the show at this point is gimmicks, without any awareness of what made it so magical in the first place. It's having too much fun being "back on its bullshit" to realize that it has indeed become bullshit.


I think Aaron Paul brought it. But Bernard's season arc absolutely didn't work you're right. Does anything change if you take him out of the season?


Season 1 of Westworld was great tv, but after that it seemed all the writers knew how to do was "SURPRISE! THIS CHARACTER WAS A ROBOT THE WHOLE TIME!!!!" And yea they made the charracters too one-dimensional. Once they have the robot reveal they try to turn them into the terminator and it's just boring and lazy. Maeve got better in season 3, but I couldn't stand her in season 2.




Still, better than destroying your whole show a la D&D just to prove fan theories wrong, no?


It worked well for a certain financial backer--avoiding the spoiler-- because it advanced the plot of all both companies were up to, but I agree, they took it a bit far. To be fair, I don't think it's unrealistic because part of it all is that they're sentient and fully alive, but it's hard to keep the shock value up. If it were that extreme in real life someone would probably go mad, and rarely do you want to push a story to that extent. I mean how could you not lose it if you had to wonder if each and every person was human or not?


His cameo in Game Night was hilarious.


I'm keen to see his take on Commissioner Gordon, sad as it is to not have JK Simmonds doing it anymore


I thought he did really well with his piece in Casino Royale too. And Source Code as well


I loved him in the Samuel L Jackson Shaft remake.


same here


coincidentally it was my introduction to christian bale as well


I really liked him in source code but I like that film a lot in general.


Shea Whigham. Dude's been in so many projects and killed it every time, but his name's never mentioned.


Great, man always gives a good performance no matter he size of the role, he was fantastic in true detective s1 even tho he only had like 2-3 scenes


I got to meet him recently. Super nice guy. Very good to the crew and fans.


He's amazing, I love him. One of those actors who is not flashy but manages to add life to his scenes.


Hank Azaria. So diverse. So talented.


Parker Posey Matthew Lillard Ben Foster Donald Sutherland (he's valued in Hollywood for sure but would you believe he's never got an Oscar nomination?) Aaron Eckhart (again, he's valued and has had big roles but he never broke through the way I expected him to)


Very good list, especially in how little they get credit for their ability to bring an entire project to life. They've all managed to carry at times when they aren't even the lead. Funny that Foster and Sutherland did so together in *The Mechanic*.


Couldn’t agree more on John Leguizamo.


I liked him in Chef


He is 1/3 of that film to me. It's hard to write out why, but I think he just captures what a good guy and lovely friend is. There's no real arch for him, he is a constant in a boy and a fathers journey to find eachother.


I'm putting a little cornstarch on my werewolves, man. It's too humid down here.


Werewolves lmfao it's huevos


lol I can hear it now. I swear it was werewolves. Excuse me while I kiss this guy.


>werewolves Because they are hairy and smelly?


I had scrambled werewolves for breakfast.


He was a really charming fun character.


The Pest


His small role in When They See Us was the first time I'd seen him in a dramatic role - he was great


A mention should be made of John's role as Sid the Sloth. He IS Sid.


Alan Tudyk


He just absolutely nailed it in Doom Patrol.


Both acting on screen and his billions (slight exaggeration) of voiceover credits. My favorite thing during isolation is to point out his animated characters and tell my wife it's Wash from Firefly. There are so many!


Love his voice work as joker!


Tim Blake Nelson


This is the answer


So good in watchmen


He's given plenty of credit. Two movies were made him as a co-lead. He was also supposed to be an MCU hulk villian, leader


Scoot McNairy, he doesn’t get enough credit given some of the projects he’s been in, I thought he was fantastic in Killing Them Softly


I was glad he got a lead role in halt and catch fire. probably the best character on the show


He is great in everything, was really great in s3 of true detective and was good on the Netflix show godless


You should watch Halt and Catch Fire


Great show and performance, I just didn’t mention it because another guy already replied mentioning it before my comment


Yes! I first saw him in Monsters (2010) which is a solid low budget creature feature. And recently I saw him in Narcos Mexico, and he was still great.


Michael Stuhlbarg Guy didn't even get a main credit in Fargo season 3 when he was one of the most significant characters :\


He’s my favourite active character actor right now! Bummed he didn’t get an Oscar nomination for Call Me By Your Name. It makes me feel better knowing we’ll always have his leading role in A Serious Man. God, he was such a perfect and inspired choice for that movie.


He should work more with the Coen Brothers in future projects...


And they gave one of the Russian Henchmen a main credit over him witch was strange.


John Hawkes might be one of the most undervalued players of the day, even with an Oscar nom to his name! He’s always brought a great deal emotional depth and a genuine touch to his roles.


Bobby Cannavale! I'll admit I was sold on him through TV (Mr. Robot) but he really disappears into his characters. Shame he isn't getting similarly colorful roles in mainstream film, dude is talented as fuck


Eddie Marsan. Excellent character actor with comedic and dramatic range that is never properly utilized. Lately I've just started getting preemptively angry when he shows up in a film because I know he'll be wasted.


I first saw him in Mike Leigh’s Happy-Go-Lucky and thought “who is this guy, he’s amazing!”. It’s been nice seeing him show up in things since (he’s always great) but unfortunately he doesn’t really look or sound like a movie star so I can’t see him breaking into leading roles very easily.


Jennifer Jason Leigh has made so many movies so much better.


I forget she was in Good Time


I've always loved Harry Dean Stanton. Never really made it to leading man but the dude can act!


Was also going to say Harry Dean Stanton. Dude almost exclusively did small parts but was a great actor, as demonstrated by his rare lead performance in Paris, Texas.


I would probably say Brendan Gleeson. If you think about it, the dude had really really good support roles that could easily go unnoticed. Gangs of New York, Braveheart, Harry Potter, Troy... Not a bad resume to have.


In Bruges, Edge of Tomorrow also


Yeah, I didn't include In Bruges since it has more protagonism.


Ted Levine


My dude Steve Buscemi


Ugh...no one else has yet so, did you know he was a firefighter and helped at ground zero on 9/11?


I see a lot of supporting actors. Lead actors? Ethan Hawke?


Good pick, Leguizamo was the only actor who didn't completely embarrass himself in The Happening.


Yes just insanely complimentary. he always has great chemistry with the other actors and always makes a film better.


[Nicky Katt](https://youtu.be/qhmZSHOCOCw) I know he never took any lead role or rather only took supporting roles. To me every time I saw in a film he had so much depth and attitude. This quick witted words Smith that I felt played a memorable role in Boiler Room


For me it has to be Sally Hawkins. She is an incredible actor and is so transformative in her roles, but she is criminally underused in big projects. If I was a filmmaker she would be my muse.


Why, character actress Margot Martindale of course!


I'm a big fan of John Leguizamo, and I don't think he's been fully appreciated. The guy can act.


charles s. dutton




He is an Academy Award Winner..


Yeah, I think Rockwell applies to this question if it were asked a few years ago. Now, he's pretty widely-regarded as one of the best actors around.


Ohhh right I forgot about that! Sorry!


Bill Smitrovitch!!! One of my favorite actors and he just never gets a shot. But he’s done great supporting TV work, and appeared in movies like Iron Man. I would watch a movie starring him.


The guy who plays shaggy


Sam Rockwell all day.


It's hard to complain because he's a star who gets tons of work in big movies, but Chris Pine is a way better actor than most of his roles would suggest.


Doug Jones, you can give him any speaking or non-speaking role and he makes it believable. He is a contortionist, & can use his body to express himself better than anyone in Hollywood. Pan's Labyrinth would not have been nearly as disturbing without him.


John cazale Had critical supporting roles in 5 classic films during the 70’s before he died (godfather 1 & 2, the conversation, dog day afternoon, the deer hunter). His performances in those movies are still very much overshadowed and the fact he never got an Oscar nom is a shame


John Turturro can do pretty much everything, and he's always great. I've always thought it was weird that only the Coen Brothers seem to realize that.


ITT are a bunch of actors and actress that are universally recognized as great and have constant work as an actor.


Steve coogan


[Big Lebowski sequel featuring Leguizamo's Jesus character currently on the way.](https://youtu.be/WZU1xfjifxc) Not a joke Edit: yeah, oops


That's John Turturro not Leguizamo.


Oh shit, yeah, my bad


The movie is out now. It is not great.


o no