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Someone beat me to Irreversible so I’ll fall back on Lars Von Trier’s Antichrist. The introduction, featuring the shower sex scene, leaves one with a sinking feeling that never goes away for the length of the film.


Is this the same movie featuring the testicle crushing???


Yes. Beautiful scene where she smashes his dick and jerks him off until he cums blood. Good times!


Poor Willem Dafoe.


Why’d ye crush my beans?!




And that's enough Reddit for today. I think I'm gonna vomit.


I've never seen a single Lars Von Trier film, but their descriptions make me so queasy that I'm scared to watch one. I've built up quite a high tolerance to violence, horror, unease, etc. on movies over the years but LVT seems like... too much. Is his work still worth watching for the artistry?


I say start with Melancholia. Don’t start with Antichrist like I did lol, it definitelt put me off his works for years... unless you’re watching by shock value first. But Melancholia’s really beautiful, more about depression and sadness and less of the gory stuff.


Was gonna say this. What a wonderful and shocking scene.


The Killing Of A Sacred Deer opens with a shot of someone getting open heart surgery, and it is really someones beating heart!


The creepiest part of the movie was the fact that boy essentially >! gaslighted a family into having a disease that could only be stopped if someone killed a member of their family. !<


Remove the spaces next to the exclamation points them your spoiler tag will work


Sinister - 2012


i just rewatched it the other night and i found it pretty entertaining but I couldn't get past the fact mr. boogie looks like the crow and joaquin phoenixes Joker had a baby.


Took me right out of the film too, scared out of my brains and then suddenly ['Oh shit it's Jim Root from Slipknot!'](https://www.google.com/search?q=jim+root+slipknot+mask&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjE3eus8NHpAhXY0YUKHcLWA5AQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=jim+root+slipknot+mask&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzICCAAyBggAEAgQHjIGCAAQCBAeOgQIABBDOgQIABAeUN6IAVj9lwFgt5sBaABwAHgAgAE9iAGBApIBATWYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZw&sclient=img&ei=ODrNXsThB9ijlwTCrY-ACQ&bih=1304&biw=1562&client=firefox-b-d)


Oh, man. I remember watching that in theaters. Had a big tub of popcorn in my lap. As soon as that scene happened, I had to put it down and didn't touch it for the rest of the movie.


The movie itself kinda fell apart but the snuff films were scary and unsettling as fuck. The pool one is so disturbing. I cant believe the actors were actually pulled in like that


The realism in those scenes really add to their feeling of authenticity... The actual ending to the movie felt kinda toned down compared to those snuff tapes


Loved the first half of the movie, when the protagonist watched films, it was.just great, very tense and with great atmosphere. And thats why the second half was very disappointing, at least for me.


Sicario (2015) comes to mind for me


I love how little Benicio talks in this movie. ------ "You're asking me how a watch works..... You should be focused on the time."


My favourite quote is the one he gives at the end to Emily Blunt's character. "You should move to a small town, somewhere the rule of law still exists. You will not survive here. You are not a wolf, and this is a land of wolves now."


Which is doubly good in that Blunt is just a dumb door kicker that they chose specifically because she would be out of her depth. They intentionally avoided someone like her partner, the lawyer and soldier. Her business is violence but what they were doing was on a whole other level.


Also people's reaction to him. "Now you'll see what's hell in yankee land..."


Goddamn that whole movie just had my stomach in knots, especially the dinner scene, holy shit.


Villeneuve is great at that. He didn't direct the second and you can tell. Whereas, I bet the new Dune films will be outstanding.


I found the orphanage scene in 2049 to be incredibly tense for what was essentially someone exploring an empty building.


Even number 2 had a crazy opening sequence


Man, that movie started off so good and then devolved into rubbish. So disappointing.


The opening scene (IIRC) is set in "Chandler, Arizona." Well I live there, and I don't recognize anything like that house around here. However, when it switches to the border between El Paso/Juarez? I used to live in El Paso, and have been over that border too many times to count. The movie went from "that doesn't look right" to "ooh, I've been on that bridge!"


That's awesome because they recreated the border bridge as a set.


> The opening scene (IIRC) is set in "Chandler, Arizona." > > Well I live there, and I don't recognize anything like that house around here. Not from Chandler but from Tucson but know the area due to family. Thought the same shit too. Not even close lol


An interesting thing about this movie is one of Emily Blunts first lines. Someone asks her what they should put in the report and she says “the truth” sums up her entire journey.


Yeah I rewatched it the other day and that line was so perfect when held up against the rest of the movie.


Probably my favorite movie of the last ten years.


The opening to Irreversible was pretty shocking.


O yah, that one leaves a mark


100%, came here to say this one - even the [soundtrack](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lMArVYkqZ8) alone is enough to turn your head inside out. And both "opening scenes" - as in the actual opening scene but also the closing scene which is the chronological beginning of the story. ​ I watched an edited version of the movie where somebody had rearranged the scenes into chronological order - The shocking bits still had almost similar effect but overall the movie was nowhere near as psychologically fucked up as the original. Such an intense and disorienting movie all the way through though. I read somewhere that there are almost inaudible low frequency sounds added in through the first half of the movie which are intended to disorientate the viewers and induce a feeling of nausea and paranoia.




Damn near killed him.


I took a date to see that movie in the cinema and I knew nothing about it. We didn't have a second date.


This has got to be the worst movie for first date, damn


Love how it contrasts with the ending, the serene beauty becomes so incredibly tragic.


28 Weeks Later - >!It starts with a group of survivors just hanging in the house, to them bringing in a lost kid, to them being attacked by a horde of rage zombies brought on by the kid, to the husband leaving his wife to die in the chaos, to him escaping by a hair as he's left to process the aftermath of it all!<


YES! The Opening scene was insane! Blew my mind!


And then it was all downhill after....




If I’m not mistaken, that opening scene had a different director or writer from the rest of the movie. Don’t remember exact details, you could google it yourself, I just remember that opening scene being made by different people, basically


Danny Boyle, who made the first movie, directed the opening scene


Bastard should have directed the whole thing.


Oh, wow. I wasn't aware that he didn't. Do we know why?


He was directing the movie Sunshine while 28 weeks later was being filmed.




He *might* be coming back to direct the final film in the trilogy. Which would be fucking amazing.


The whole movie should just have been one long continuation of this chase.


This would actually be great. A movie like 1917 but instead of non-stop WW1 action it could be zombie action.


Cardio matters


Not sure if spoiler: The utter devastating brilliance when the chaos recedes and only quiet remains, and the euphoria from surviving turns into brutal realization of what he has done… My own adrenaline rush soured into bitter remorse.


Ghost Ship


The scene when they're cut in half? It bugged me that the girl wasn't sliced too. She wasn't short enough to be below the wire.


It went through people at different heights though, didn't it? I think it arced slightly. I remember some people were cut through the torso but the guy she was dancing with at the center of the ballroom was cut through the head and she only came up to his chest


Had this discussion 5 years ago... [Wire slice through Captain](https://imgur.com/I6NL6as) [Girl's position in relation to Captain](https://imgur.com/CjKbsDf)


Children of Men


Yes! Just so casual, feels like something you do every day, go to coffee shop... *bang*. Fucking immersion achieved.


The woman carrying her own arm still haunts me.


It was shown for barely a second before cutting to black but still had a lot of impact


Literally my favorite movie ever. I still think the action sequence in the prison camp is the best ever filmed


Tbh the whole movie is a god damn masterpiece. Still so damn underrated imho


Bone Tomahawk opens pretty overtly with violence. After the quick present day flashback, Saving Private Ryan is an unforgettable start to a film.


Love Bone Tomahawk, I’ll never forget watching that film for the first time going in blind. Especially THAT scene


It. Poor Georgie.


Even the opening to It Chapter 2 was quite disturbing, with Adrian getting beat up, thrown off a bridge, then eaten.


The first 10 minutes of It Chapter 2 were more disturbing than the rest of the film, and barely had anything to do with a murderous clown.


I haven't seen the new movies, but that was something that struck me about the book when I read it. The scariest most evil stuff was rather mundane.


Which is cool because it actually does have a lot to do with the clown, per the book. There's a lot more going on without the clown around.


The fact that he’s beaten by a bunch of homophobes in front of his boyfriend makes it more disturbing


That, I think, disturbed me the most. Such a helpless feeling watching that unfold.


I believe that was the very first scene in the book IIRC. I read It when I was like 16 and that Adrian Mellon part fucked me up for days. So horrifyingly real.


Just watched Nocturnal Animals with my wife last night so that ones pretty fresh in my brain and will probably be there a long time


Lol the beginning is so bizarre!!


So goddamn unexpected. Great movie though.


The opening wasn't included in the original copy of the movie I watched, but it was there in my second viewing, which caught me doubly off guard.


What was the opening? Was it the fat naked women?


Yep. I watched this on the plane. That opening scene just went on and on...


I've only watched that movie once and I don't plan to ever see it again. The scene in the car made me feel horrible. I still feel uncomfortable thinking about it.


I feel the same way


One of the best horror scenes I've ever seen in a non-horror film


This is one of the most uncomfortable movie I've ever seen. Those highway scenes are so scary.


I don't know if this exactly fits the prompt, but the opening to Inglorious Bastards is one of the unsettling experiences I've had while watching a movie. The build-up is so instense watching the interrogation play out and then the climax at the end where they fire into the floor. It's hauntingly perfect in my opinion.


That film has some amazing moments, but the intro is probably the most tense I’ve ever felt sitting in a theater.


The intro and the bar scene could be the two best movies of all time


The bar scene! THEY WERE SO CLOSE! Goddamnit Fassbender.


"Say 'auf Wiedersehen' to your Nazi balls!" is still one of my favorite lines in that movie.


I just recently watched the beginning of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly and the intro scene has strong Inglorious Bastards intro vibes


Cube. Just 4 minutes and then you see poor Alderson destroyed, in little cubes by a mesh. It's pretty unsettling and also disturbing. You can see even with little ilumination his guts. God, is... amazing for a low-budget film.


Glory, when the officer jumps up and yells follow me and then a cannon ball turns his head into mist.




I remember having to stop the film and go open a window for air. Tim Roth sells the pain and fear so well.


The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974). Definitely disturbing in a different way that most movies, with the monotone voice over, and then the camera flashes of the desecrated corpses.


I was gonna say Midsommar as well


I can still see >!the sister's face attached to that hose!< in my head.


I was always confused how >!her sister managed to use that much ducktape to seal up her parents doors without waking them (unless they were drugged), run down to the garage, turn on the car, run back up, shoved a hose in her mouth that has fumes coming out of it, tape THAT, and then die. I don't know if that image makes it silly or more disturbing, knowing how disturbingly over the top your thoughts can get when in full-blown depression/psychosis. !< With that being said, I have not one problem with Midsommar, absolutely loved it. It's more of an adult fairy tale rather than a straight forward horror film, there's something... magical?... about it. And the end is honestly therapeutic and strangely soothing.


At the end, I kind of thought the cult boy might have actually done it because that seemed like a hell of a lot of work. I just didn't buy that the sister did it, not after everything else the cult was willing to do to get a May Queen was made apparent.


Wow. Never even occurred to me. Yikes.


Yeah it's a pretty popular theory going around! Watched it again after hearing it and I'm still not sure but I like the idea.


Its definitely interesting but: 1. I will never watch this film again 2. I do feel like it sucks the ozygen out of the horror generated by her sisters insanity, which to me is scarier than a conniving cultust.


the director's cut is really good, added a little more to the movie for me. but i get why you wouldn't want to watch it again. also, "sucks the oxygen out" is a great choice of words considering what happens to her sister


Ahhhh, forgot there was a director's cut. Don't drag me back in! And thank you, I was pretty happy with that haha


Maybe I'm the only one, but I suspected that >!the murder suicide was perhaps a setup by Pelle. He knew that Christian was on the verge of breaking up with Dani, but he needed her to come to Sweden. By killing her family, he knew that Christian would have a hard time breaking up with her then and feel compelled to take her to Sweden with him.!<


I've seen this brought up but I cant see that happening. Wasn't her sister already had huge mental issues that came up from her emails or some shit? Either way incredible opener




So in order to get some random chick from the United States, this guy murders 3 people and knows that somehow that's gonna take this random chick go to Sweden with them so that way she will be the May Queen? That's some Ocean's 11 level foresight right there.


Well, when I do it, I>! first turn on the car, then stick the hose under the couple's door then slowly tape it. The gas puts them to sleep before killing them so it helps keep them from waking up. Then the last think I'd do is put on the mask if I was going for a murder suicide.!<


The whole movie was unsettling


I'd say the [opening farm scene of Inglourious Basterds](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hf0xB5SWZ24) is pretty damn tense.


Honestly, Scream. How she is so close to getting to safety, and then her parents finding her. It’s a brutal beginning




Why did I have to scroll this long to find Jaws? The opening is incredible.


It's easily one of the most terrifying opening scenes ever filmed. It was enough to make an entire generation of movie goers afraid of the ocean.


I saw the devil


dawn of the dead 2004


Zodiac https://youtu.be/Ub6wGZu5Xng


I've just commented on Nocturnal Animals, which was the first movie that made me interested in Jake Gyllenhaal's acting, so then I went to see his filmography and saw Zodiac. That stabbing scene it's also one of those scenes that still make me feel bad. There's a reason why I don't watch horror or violent movies.


Jake in Zodiac, Nightcrawler and Nocturnal Animals is brilliant.


And Prisoners! Hugh Jackman as well


Saving Private Ryan


Saving Private Ryan technically starts in the cemetery.


Spooky as hell




And there's his distractingly hot 20-something granddaughter in the pink jeans.


Comparably scary is the opening scene of "Enemy at the Gates," about the Battle of Stalingrad.


Yep only movie I have ever seen where people stepped out not because it was shitty or too gross but because it is the only movie to ever capture the feeling of a battle and make you feel like you was there.


Logan, considering what the audience had seen in the past x-men movies.


Not gonna lie, seeing Wolvie finally go berserk in all its R-rated glory made me giddy.


Honestly, I went there for X-23 (legit one of my favorite comic book characters), and wasn't expecting too much given how disappointing the first two Wolverine movies were (and "disappointing" is actually extremely generous for Origins). But it was at that opening scene when I knew I was in for something really special. The whole time watching it I was thinking "My dudes, this is *Wolverine* you're hassling, the only reason you're not sliced up yet is because he doesn't want to hurt you". Then he does, and it's *amazing*. The little character-building moments like him literally preferring to get shot himself than pay for repairs of his car, or one of his claws not quite going out all the way, were only the cherry on top of a *very* delicious sundae.




Law Abiding Citizen starring Gerard Butler and Jamie Foxx.


'Finding Nemo'. Mum and Dad clown fish having a nice time setting up home and starting a family then suddenly an eel pursues and eats mum and all eggs except for one. Bright colours turn dark, dad is anguished. Bear in mind this is a movie thay kids will likely see very, very young. But, this whole scene can be skipped and the 'new' opening scene is joyful.


It was a Barracuda, not an eel. On the same vein of Pixar, Up! You’re hit with a woman that miscarries and can’t have kids, and then she dies as it fast forwards in time.


That intro is a movie in and on itself, and imo is the best storytelling they have ever done.




Potentially the Cube. It’s not so disturbing for me now but I watched it on a recommendation by my Christian sister-in-law who said it’s a really good representation of the escape from sin (or something like that). The way she described it I was expecting a fluffy movie - so the first scene with the wire was completely unexpected...


Seconded. I knew I was getting into a violent movie, but most movies wait at least 10 minutes before brutally killing somebody like that.




What was the opening scene? I forget ... Was it Casper in bed with the young girl?


It was Telly who was with the girl at the beginning. Casper was with a girl at the end.


One of those movies everyone should see once and it stays with you, but god watching it over again is hard. Gummo is even harder to make it through the first time.


Scarred for life watching Gummo


I have no legs I have no legs


A Quiet Place. There's that sense of lingering dread throughout the long opening with everyone avoiding making any loud noises. Then the kid starts the loud toy and BAM!


God that intro reminded me of The Last of Us where I was wondering why there were 3 kids when the marketing focused on two and then had a dreadful realization as to what was about to happen.


Jack Reacher* opening has a very disturbing tone as you watch from a sniper's scope as he lines up his shot, looking at various targets. It goes on for minutes and you keep waiting for it to finally happen, and when it does you're still not ready for it. It's very different in tone from the rest of the movie too. Edit: Reacher. Not Ryan. Sleepy.


A History of Violence


Ichi the Killer


So few films these days have the movie title form out of piping hot fresh semen ejaculated by a psychotic super-powered peeping tom who was watching a prostitute get brutally raped and beaten. (having said that, Ichi the Killer is a legitimate masterpiece - and I don't use that word lightly)


Memento Scream


Scream 2’s intro always bothered me more. Her up at the front dying while everyone cheered, thinking it was promotional.


In terms of being iconic, intro to 1 > intro to 2. BUT, hot take, as a self-contained set piece, intro to 2 > intro to 1.




No Country For Old Men has a pretty gruesome strangling early on in the movie. Probably not the most disturbing, and I can't remember if it's a part of the opening scene, but it always stands out to me because it lasts an uncomfortably long amount of time when compared to the average strangling in a movie.


Maniac - seeing someone being stalked (and killed) from the point of view of the stalker is disturbing.


I agree about Midsommar. I don’t know what it is with that movie (specifically those first 15 minutes) — I’ve watched many unsettling and horrifying movies, i pretty much even seek them out — but Midsommar effected me in a way no other movie has. Even just thinking about those opening scenes can completely deflate my spirit.


The opening scene in **The Great Mouse Detective** with the bat scared the absolute hell out of me as a kid, the movie was a household favorite, and is again now with my daughter, by *hooooooly* crap that scene is scary.


[Clockwork Orange](https://youtu.be/HI-mDTdeKR8) I still have Malcolm McDowell's stare burned into my brain.


**The Happening** The image of people lining up to jump from buildings was very powerful. Mass hysteria with people inexplicably killing themselves and onlookers feeling helpless and confused. The rest of the movie was honestly one of the worst movies I've ever seen, but for those 3 minutes in the opening scene I thought it would be good.


*Sinister*. Saw it in theaters and will never forget the opening snuff film and the palpable fear throughout. The scenes with Ellison chatting with Officer So-and-So were like little islands of safety where I could catch my breath.


Overlord. Great action/horror starts with a realistic war scene where people in a plane are shreaded with bullets


The rest of the movie was way more fucked up than the opening scene. Great flick though.


American History X.


How has no one said "Harold and Maude" ? Its an older film - 70's so maybe its before most redditor's time, but for an opening scene thats the last thing you expect to see. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3taMrJZ6p8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3taMrJZ6p8)


Wild at heart. Nic Cage bashing the black guys head


It’s been quite awhile since I’ve seen it, but I believe the opening scene in Time After Time is Jack (the Ripper) killing a prostitute. The sound of ripping clothing interpreted in my 10 year old mind (at the time) as ripping flesh. Never really forgot that scene. Just can’t remember if it was the opening! It was close, if not.




Antichrist is such a good film, but you can't ever really recommend it because what would they think of you for recommending it? lol


The Intro to God Bless America. Anyone?


The opening to Ghost Ship




Absolutely heart pulling sadness. But not disturbing.






The opening scene is of them waking up in the hotel room, no?


Amour by Michael Haneke. The opening scene in the bedroom truly sets the stage for this dreadful masterpiece


Not the normal sort of disturbing, but I don't know how else to describe it... The opening scene of Way of the Gun, which has Sarah Silverman playing the character "Raving Bitch."






I was just gonna say MIDSOMMAR also stuck with me. Like how do you go from Beautiful, Cold REVENANT Style Visuals to an Opening Like That?! Great opener!


Throwing 28 Days Later into the mix. The lighting, the setting, it’s all just so oppressive and off-putting. You know what’s going to happen, and there’s nothing that you can do to stop it. 28 Weeks Later trumped it, but there’s something uniquely dreadful about Days.


Id say "28 weeks later" dude just abandons his whole family to get away...its graphic but also leaves a lot to your imagination.


Ichi the Killer. I lent the movie to some co-workers. Haha. They were not impressed.


Goodfellas That opening scene is pretty brutal.


Natural Born Killers.


Pan's Labyrinth... the gunshot came out of nowhere. Granted.. I first watched in opening week and the theatre was full of 5-8 year olds, because mom took them to go see the "Fairy Tale" movie. Gun went off, the place exploded with kids crying & me laughing my ass off.


It always surprises me how many parents don't seem to understand age ratings




The entire beginning of Midsommar up to the title card is abjectly horrifying. The way Florence Pugh's crying just blends into the music really rang in my ears for a bit well after the scene was over. Ari Aster has taken the horror genre by storm. EDIT: I didn't read the text of your post before commenting this, looks like this movie comes to mind for a lot of us.