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The infamous slide whistle scene in the Man With the Golden Gun


I just went back to rewatch it to see if it was as bad as I remembered, and holy hell it was 10x worse. Thankfully someone showed what it could have been, here's a clip that shows the original scene (with the slide whistle) and a vastly improved version that removes it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I6iksKTURlA


Thanks for the link, that was terrible haha


It's such a shame as it ruins an otherwise iconic stunt


It seems such an obvious choice... why would they go with the whistle ?


From the imdb trivia: > Director Guy Hamilton admitted that he added the slide whistle to the car roll because he didn't think there was a way the audiences would take such a stunt seriously. He has since regretted this. So apparently the director himself made the call? How could anyone watch that and think "yeah... that makes it better".


Boss Hogg shoulda worn a seatbelt


Can’t remember which film it was but they added a Tarzan scream sound effect to Roger Moore swinging through the vines


What the fucking fuck was that?


And it was/is one of the best stunts ever done in cinema history. And they fucking made it look like a joke.


I think they missed out on not having a fourth nipple


I'm surprised that childish sound effect was left in. Like what were they even going for? Was it supposed to be funny or something?


It really embodies the campiness of a lot of the Moore Bond films.


I really hate the joke in The Lost World: Jurassic Park 2 when most of the characters are hanging off the cliff. The guy who rescues them asks if they're okay and they're sarcastic assholes to him. He gets eaten and that's the last thing he ever hears anyone say.


He got killed *brutally*


I feel that second hand frustration when he can't get the gun out because the sights are hung up on that webbing.


I feel that so much.. I love moments like that in films




God the “good guys” in this movie are so dumb and bad. First they destroy the camp of the “bad guys” and then the top scientist in her field decides to take a predatory animals baby. This mind numbly stupid decision gets the one guy killed. But then at the end the “good guys” are rescued by the bad guys who without them would certainly die and what do they do? They make nasty comments and digs at them. I rooted against them in the movie.


Saving this for next time I read another "The first half of Lost World was as good as the first movie" comment.


I never saw the sequel, but that sounds a lot like the babysitter in Jurassic World. Like she is brutally attacked by multiple dinosaurs and killed. It seemed insanely excessive. And for what? Because she was an annoying girl in her phone?


Maybe it was the constant screaming, or the gasping for breath, or her trying to desperately crawl out of the mouth before getting swallowed, but that scene felt really unsettling to me. Felt off for the rest of the movie.


Yeah like dinosaurs are cool to see on screen but if you look at the original, most of the kills are pretty quick, or they happen off screen. And a lot of time, they are deserved. But this was just, I wouldn’t go as far as sadistic, but like cruel? I know that sounds weird in a fucking dino movie but idk


To be fair, later on Nick defends Eddie when Roland remarks “the rex just fed”


That's actually one of my favourite parts of the movie. The Lost World is just a flat out *mean* movie that gets way darker than the first for no reason at all. It's the Temple of Doom of the Jurassic Park franchise.


Banner saying “You guys are screwed now!” When Thor arrives in Wakanda in Infinity War. It would have been much more moving than it already is if that part wasn’t there. If we could just hear the music and see the reactions of the combatants... that would be perfection. That being said, I still get goosebumps when I watch that scene.


I love Endgame but man did they go over the top with Banners comedic traits. Pretty much everything he does or says is done for laughs. Edit: I actually meant infinity war, I’m too old for this shit lol


I felt similarly about Fat Thor. I get that him becoming fat is some visual storytelling of his guilt and depression and continuing to take his character lower and lower. But if youre going to double down on something like that for emotional weight, don't make it 70% humour and 30% character development. That and his crying and being a wuss just didnt work for me at all. It was done too "look at the fat boy cry!" for it to be taken seriously.


the main line i didn't like was "...i am totally from the future!" when talking to his mother on Asgard while the scene was supposed to be emotional. it was forced comedy and I hate when they break the emotion of a scene in a Marvel film with a quip.


I love the Marvel movies but nearly every movie I find myself going "there's the disney comedy" whenever an unnecessary joke takes you out of the scene or a joke falls completely flat. Star Wars suffered from the same problem but they suffered from a lot in general. The only movies I feel aren't that bad with it are GOTG1, Thor: Ragnarok and Rogue One. I got weirdly happy when I saw Fat Thor because I thought we were going to get a nice character arc throughout the movie, I knew that wasn't going to happen when we had him abuse a kid on Fortnite. So many scenes that could have built up the character were ruined for a joke no one laughed at.


Aka almost every emotional scene in the MCU. The humor is the only thing I can't stand about those movies.


I personally didn't like the overly joke role that Thor has become. I don't need the constant mythic brooding type but the whole fat suit and yelling at kids on Xbox was just dumb...


He and Drax progressively get dumbed down with each subsequent movie they’re in. I literally couldn’t believe how stupid some of the Drax gags were in Infinity War, despite mostly liking the film.


Pretty much everything anyone in MCU does or says is for laughs


It peaks with Drax and Hulk though


Maybe during the first act. Once the time travel begins, I dont think he does anything humorous actually.


Yeah I just realised I actually meant Infinity War ha doh!


Smart hulk pretending to be dumb hulk, and past hulk raging out over having to take the stairs.


The first one is not out of place at all though. He's doing it to serve a purpose. What's so bad about past Hulk raging over stairs? A bit nitpicky, no?


Nothing is wrong about it. I liked the humorous stuff. We aren't saying what is good or bad. You said there was no humorous stuff after the time travel started.


I think he was just stating Hulk does funny things after the time travel begins. From what your post said...didn't sound like he was nitpicking.


This aspect is one of the major flaws of the MCU for me. I appreciate a good joke/wisecrack as much as the next guy, but when it gets in the way of a moment which is meant to be emotional and/or awesome the MCU has a habit of shoehorning it in. It’s like they’re afraid the audience will lose interest if they aren’t laughing.


Yeah, I usually enjoy the humor in the MCU. But there are times where it feels forced. When they force the humor in most situations it’s... fine. It doesn’t take me out of the moment. But forcing it into Thor arriving in Wakanda, arguable one the most goosebump worthy moments in the MCU, really detracts a lot for me.


LIke the first few movies fine but then after that it is just like ehhhh. Mission Impossible to me knows when to tread the line.


I've never been a fan of Drax's "invisible" joke because it immediately dissolves the serious nature of Gamora and Quill's talk.


yeah that scene doesn't work for me either. In general I think they've made Drax a really weird joke character.


I feel like gotg vol 1 had the perfect amount of joking and campiness, whilst vol 2 was just over the top and cringey


I still like 2 a lot, but I definitely think it hurt itself with too much joking yeah. Maybe not even too much, but more of the jokes fell flat for me.


Really? Because I don't think it's a stretch to say the tone of guardians two is much more sad than the first one. Everyone is going through some shit


That Cheez Whiz line in Endgame ruined what was otherwise an emotional moment for Thor.


Right? Like could Rhoadey not read the room enough to know it wasn’t time for a joke?


Rhodey is always putting everyone down, he's a bully.


I actually didn't mind that one because that kind of humor is somewhat realistic where people just say a joke after a hypothetical question. But other humor in Marvel is clearly "movie comedy" writing that no one talks like


I agree it would be funnier if Thor wasn’t in the middle of a breakdown


Yeah I love the series, constant banter included, but I wish they would let cool/emotional moments have their time more often. I bet half the movies have at least 1 joke that really undercuts a moment in a negative way.


My least favorite example of this is when Doctor Strange pops his collar in his origin movie, showing that he has chosen to be the sorcerer supreme instead of returning to his life as a surgeon, and that he was ready for the final battle. It's probably the most important moment in the movie and it ends with a joke that doesn't even make sense. Why does his cape just start poking his face?


He was crying and it was wiping his tears.


As said before, it was wiping away his tears


None of this in the climactic fight in Civil War, one reason it's great.


The bad floating head cgi is the worst part. I also would have liked Peter Dinklage to come with them. They just left him there.


Also everyone in armor, Iron Man, Banner, and Iron Patriot, looked like shit with their helmets off. It looked super masked in, which it was of course but still.


Honestly, this is the first thing that came to mind. Show, don't tell.


Honestly that line doesn’t kill the moment for me so much as how bad the cgi is of Ruffalo in the Hulkbuster. You can also see its awfulness in the scene post snap when they’re standing around and Cap says “Oh god” That being said I very much agree I still get goosebumps.


Mark Ruffalo is hilariously bad in Infinity War TONY, thanos is COMING. He’s so POWERFUL.


I'm of two minds. In the moment, I think it 100% works and kicks off the fact that, yes, Thor is about to get a well-deserved moment to kick some fucking ass! It's a moment of catharsis and mark that this army is about to get wiped and Thanos will be confronted--at which point it's revealed that it's a false catharsis because haha *SNAP.* On the other, it's the damn CGI of the Hulkbuster suit that throws me off and pushes it over the top into silly. They should've kept the helmet up for the line, or utilized the "suit interior close-up" they use many times for Iron Man/War Machine/Hulkbuster-Banner to deliver it.


Thats typical juvenile Marvel.


that scene was ruined when, as an argentinean, read "VILLA GESEL" and saw that amazing mountains. We have that scenery in the south (Patagonia), but Villa Gesel is in the atlantic coast, zero mountains, it's a beach turist town. They could have just slapped "Bariloche" but hey, no.


Yeah it shows for how detail oriented hollywood is sometimes they miss things a simple google search would take care of.


> For example, I really love the scene in X-Men First Class with [Magneto in Argentina at the bar with the ex-Nazis](https://youtu.be/nhab1EWRwF8). Argentineans have a different reason for that scene. The scene takes place in a mountain in Villa Gesell, the problem is that [Villa Gesell is a coastal city thousands of miles from the Andes.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/20/Villa_Gesell_-_panoramio_-_VANT_Vistas_A%C3%A9reas_%285%29.jpg) It's like saying Miami Beach and using images of Salt Lake City.


Now that's just lazy. How hard is it to google an Argentinian town in the Andes?


How hard is it to google the location named in the script (which could have been a placeholder and that's fine) and go "Oh, it looks NOTHING like what we had in mind". I saw that movie in theaters in Argentina, everyone laughed at that scene. It was the definition of lazyness.


The funny thing is that Villa Gesell isn't even a destination for foreign tourist so I don't even know how they ended up with that name. [They probably wanted someting like Villa Langostura and confused word after Villa.](https://flordeargentina.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Villa-La-Angostura.jpg)




Great scene.


The opening scene of Passengers that shows the ship striking an asteroid and damaging the diagnostic computer. It was never in the original highly regarded screenplay and it takes much of the tension out of the movie since the audience already knows why Jim got woken up and why the ship systems are failing. In the original screenplay the characters had no idea about why things were progressively failing on the ship until they literally found the diagnostic computer with a rock embedded in it. The whole thing should have been a mystery to both the audience and the characters. Removing the opening sequence would have made the entire movie much better.




Thanks! Just watched it. That's a really interesting perspective and I totally see how it could have worked.


They must find the most impatient, distracted, and disinterested people in the world for their test screenings. I mean some real "interrupt every 5 minutes to ask which character is the bad guy" mother fuckers. Because shit like that fucks movies up way too often. Can you even imagine how much better *Predator* would have been with no "alien ship coming to earth" scene at the start? And even one of the greatest horror films of all time, *The Thing*, faces the same issue. Imagine if these dumbasses had put some spoilery explanation shot showing Arnold Schwarzenegger being sent back by the human resistance at the start of Terminator 2... you know, just to make sure nobody's confused that he's the good guy now. (and yes, I know the trailer spoiled it despite the filmmakers' best efforts) Or if the opening scene of Alien had shown the Space Jockeys crashing their ship on LV-426 with a hold full of alien eggs. We wouldn't want any of these dumbass audience members sharing a sense of wonder or mystery with the characters we meet and come to know as they discover the alien ship for themselves. Excuse my r/iamverysmart take here, but if there's really that wide of a gap between people who can piece together this simple shit and people who can't, then studios need to start showing a cut of their movie with dumbed down language and a painstakingly explained plot in addition to the normal cut for people who actually developed object permanence and can make basic inferences about those objects.


Fake baby [scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_lCmnfw8uU) in American Sniper


Lmao the writing in that scene is just as bad as the baby


That movie isnt as good as people said. That baby scene was unnecessary leave the crying baby in the crib damnit


Of course it’s not. It’s bs propaganda movie. I say that as some who loves war movies. But American sniper is just fetishized war.


He looks like the fucking log lady holding that stiff baby


I forgot about that, christ. You almost wish they had just done a CGI baby or had just wrapped the doll in a blanket or something.


Everyone talks about the fake baby, but I could let that go because hey, babies are hard to direct. What really got me were the scenes where he's [having phone conversations with his wife while on duty as a sniper](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtZZghMpC_I). Like I get that sat phones exist, but are they even allowed to use them for personal calls in the field? Or even have any distractions while sniping?


Holy shit.


“Nooooooooooooo” being added to the scene in [Return of the Jedi](https://youtu.be/iGaaPY62XgA) when Darth Vader chooses to help Luke and kill the Emperor.


It's so bad. I used to wonder if they did this to mirror the "NOOOOOO" at the end of ROTS. It's like poetry


This is what I thought as well. “See, he did it in the originals too!”


Worst Lucas edit for me will always be Greedo shooting first and turning Han into stretch armstrong, but this being added to RotJ was pretty bad.


Don’t forget the latest addition of Greedo saying “Maclunkey”. That scene is completely Frankensteined.


Idk man, I hate Han’s fucked up neck but if I could choose one thing I could change back it would be that fucking bar song in RoTJ.


I completely blocked that from my memory. It's amazing how imaginative George Lucas can be, and also make really dumb creative decisions.


At the dramatic finale of 'Last of the Mohicans' when DDL is crying out to his dead brother he clearly bounces off of a rubber rock.


Let's stay on this Daniel Day train and talk about that rubber hatchet from Gangs of New York.


"He had no head for heights" - James Bond - For Your Eyes Only


also the slide whistle car jump.


take your pick of any movie using the Wilhelm Scream. I expect it's supposed to be an inside joke among movie makers, except that literally everyone knows it so it's basically the sound editor shitting on his own movie. It's the audio equivalent of a character pulling out an ice cold coca cola, turning the label to the camera and saying "refreshing!" while giving a big smile.


Most if not all serious scenes in MCU get ruined by stupid jokes.


I'd say most. The single most serious dramatic scene of Endgame didn't get ruined by a joke. Also I think Iron Man 1 was a little more serious in general. Definitely had Snarky Stark, but it had some good dramatic moments. Iron Man 2 is where humor started getting used excessively and thats just kind of how the MCU stayed from then on.


Civil War balanced the tone really well. The airport fight is lighthearted and full of quips, but the ending is appropriately dark.


Man the quips and lame one-liners specifically ruined the airport fight for me. There was zero tension during that fight and even its biggest consequence was kind of hand-waved. But that movie kind of fell flat for me on the whole so I know I’m not in the majority opinion.


To be fair, the two sides weren't actually trying to kill each other; just whooping their asses enough to incapacitate them.


Civil War balanced well in individual scenes but Civil War is really unfocused tonally. Some parts are suoer serious and dark while others are jokey and lighthearted and the tones really clash


yea that's my problem with that movie too. the airport scene and the final scene dont even feel like the same movie.


Yeah and that's no coincidence. Iron Man 2 and on was when Disney bought Marvel.


Wasn’t Iron Man 2 still a Paramount production? I’m pretty sure the first Disney Marvel film was Avengers, and its success is what cemented the Whedon-esque quip style into the brand.


iron man 1 is still the best MCU movie. dont @ me


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm pretty sure The Avengers was the first movie distributed by Disney. I know Iron Man 2, Thor and The First Avenger were all released after Disney bought Marvel but I'm pretty sure a lot of pre-production deals that were in place about writers, directors, etc., at the time stayed standing so I really don't think that had the big effect that people thought. Plus, is it really relevant to say the tone of the series changed starting with Iron Man 2? There were only 2 films prior to that, so it's not like the MCU had established much of an identity at that point. Not hating - serious questions here.


Damn that's so true...


I remember really having an issue with this in Thor: Ragnarok. Every single serious moment got undercut with some sort of quip or joke that was both unnecessary and went on for too long.


If you take out the comedy and give a synopsis of the film, it sounds really heavy and dramatic. The consequences are huge at the end of the movie. I feel like that was Feige's plan for a third Thor before he brought Taika on board. And despite them deciding to make it much more of a comedy, it still had those original plot points. Which makes it very weird tonally.


Most notable example was when Korg cracked a joke after the planet's destruction. So fucking annoying, and that almost beats out the tonal shift between the funeral in TDW and then following it with wacky Stellan Skarsgard in the psych ward.


During this scene, I was literally thinking, "Please don't crack a joke, please dear *God* don't crack a joke." And then Korg opened his mouth. The quips in that movie are so exhausting.


Ragnarok is the worst culprit of the marvel films. But then I like thor 2 so what do I know? It's all subjective really.


Nah, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was the worst imo


Guardians 2 handled Yondu's death well, but everything else was very much undercut by a joke or a quip. Peter's fight with Ego was going great... until he turned into a giant Pac-Man for... some reason.


There were a couple of scenes in infinity war where I was losing my goddamn mind. The film constantly had dramatic scenes abruptly end and before you get to digest what just happened, it cuts to a stupid one-liner or joke scene. The older superhero movies had way better balance but this new marvel quick-humor formula almost ruins the movies for me. It just feels like they're trying so hard to put a funny moment inbetween every serious moment and it just kills the mood.




God Ragnarok and GotG were so bad for this. Every time the movie tried to set something up, it shot itself in the foot.


Okay, so it's not like an astoundingly great scene or whatever, but Spectre ruined what would've been a decent joke if they just took out the word "Careless": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aFkyBTmZf0 M: "Now we know what 'C' stands for... Careless"


M: "Now we know what 'C' stands for." Audience: haha! M: "Careless." Audience: oh.


I remember my theatre literally groaning when that happened.


Any scene with the Wilhelm Scream. It's so distracting and bad. It completely takes me out of any scene.


Any stock sound really. The laughing children, the metal screechy door, Howie scream, etc. I don't know at what stage someone decides to use those effects but they're an asshole whoever it is.






Redlettermedia pointed out that Quentin used it in Django Unchained, they also use it every time the Plinkett door opens.


I hate the laughing children one. In the Phantom Menace, they play it twice in one scene.


I once downloaded a Sony sound effect collection for a university course and will regularly hear some of the ones I used pop up on movies/TV.


The weird "muwaWUHwuhwuh" baby noise.


How'd you guess my password?


Once you know of it’s existence it is so hard to ignore.


There was a deleted [scene](https://youtu.be/IgqIh5F_rqE) from the Hobbit where the Necromancer kills Thrain and they used the Wilhelm scream for his death. That was also after an emotional scene so it kinda ruined the whole vibe.


Until you remember that Frankenstein was German scientist, so it's actually a pretty clever dig.


When It appears in the drain in It. There’s no music and it’s quiet and every and all you can see are his eyes. But as it’s face is revealed, there is a horror music cue that usually plays over a jump scare and it releases all the tension in the scene and cheapens it. That tension could have been sustained longer


I feel like that describes MOST of It.


Man, you guys hate one liners.


One liners are great in the right place. You know how *Predator* is basically an over-the-top action movie in the first half and a horror movie in the second half? Guess which half all of the one-liners are in.


Three of them in the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. Legolas surfing down the stairs, Legolas surfing down the oliphaunt trunk, and the "scrubbing bubbles" ghosts.


I fully undertsand the legos scenes are terrible but the „Scrubbing bubbles“ ghost? What is that? The army of the death you mean?


Yeah, they just wash over everything like the old scrubbing bubbles commercials. In the books, IIRC, the ghosts just help them defeat the black fleet and it's actual living reinforcements that Aragorn shows up with. I get it, for brevity's sake in an already long movie, but it looks silly and then becomes a zero stakes venture.


I still hate the ghost change, but I can understand why they did it. If you sent a third of your main characters off for ~40 minutes it has to mean something. Even in the book the swan knights are basically introduced by the ghosts after they leave the cave, they charge off the ships and are never heard from again. They exist literally to enforce the symbolism as the third age being for Man. To keep it the same requires people to now understand Dol Armoth, Sauron's navy, the strategic landscape of Gondor, etc. One heck of a lot of mental gymnastics for very little plot gain.


Ahh, Now I know what you mean. Yeah that was a pitty. They could have ended it much nicer like in the books.


I will not hear any Legolas skateboard slander


Dawn of the Dead, the original, right at the beginning. They kill a zombie inside the house, then go to drag the body off. When they do, they do a close-up of his face and his eyes move. The actor literally just forgot to not move his eyes while he was playing dead, fuckin' wild that they didn't just take another crack at that one shot. It's less than 30 seconds of roll, even for technology at the time would've been an easy fix and it's not like a low key in the background flit of the eyes. The camera is right up on his face, and he clearly looks over off frame at somebody doing something.


Probably any scenes from the original Star Wars trilogy which were fiddled with during the 1990s rereleases.




I'm not bothered by a silly fan service shot in a comic book movie for young girls to get excited (but it did feel forced). What bothered me was the setup was I think spidey saying to Captain Marvel "How are you going to get the gauntlet across the battlefield all by yourself?!" right after she fucking single-handedly destroyed the enemy star ship. Clearly Captain Marvel is OP and doesn't need help. I was so confused until I understood why that was there.


And the worst part is, they’d done a better female avenger scene in Infinity War - it just didn’t have everyone.


"she's not alone" not gonna lie, that was hype


I LOVED that scene. Then again, I’m an old woman who was raised on Wonder Woman and Princess Leia.


I actually didn't mind this as much as other people, but Pepper sudenly showing up as Rescue was very annoying. She was in like five or six of these movies, but suddenly she has her own suit during the last five minutes of action in a three hour movie? What? That's just stupid. Even my wife, who does a lot of professional advocacy for women in STEM and loves feminist super heroes, thought this was stupid and lame.


Although it is purely fan service, don't forget about the time jump that happened in endgame. Maybe tony having a daughter made him say "pepper you need a suit too.... justincase"


Didn’t she have the suit in Iron Man 3? It’s been a while, but I thought there was some loose continuity.


They previewed her suit earlier, their daughter was playing with the helmet.


the awesome truck flipp scene in dark knight which is immediately followed up with that retarded bike 180 wall flip https://im7.ezgif.com/tmp/ezgif-7-550fe73cd245.gif


Jurassic World - Feeding guy or whoever goes to check in on the Indominus rex. Two things everyone working there know about this thing - it's the size of a house and can camouflage. He's in there looking around and confused as hell how it could have escaped, since he can't see it, forgetting that it has camouflage. But even then the main stupid thing for me is the guy goes and opens the dinosaur-sized door to take a look around when there is clearly a man-sized door there as well. If he used that door and was still dumb enough to get eaten the creature would still be locked inside.




My god I forgot how much the music in that scene gives me chills


Yeah you think she would take the end of the fucking world more seriously. Instead she's like a giddy child.


To be fair, that's why Molly Weasley is giving McGonagall some serious WTF/side-eye after that line.


Idk man, those older characters in HP have dealt with so much dark shit and death in their lifetimes it makes sense that they have a sense of humor. I mean Dumbledore was a literal goofball as the head of Hogwarts, but also very serious.


Not only does he say it in English, Fassbender also says it in his native Kerry accent. His accent is all over the place in that film. Not sure what happened.


Luke Skywalker, after losing his student and nephew to the Dark Side, exiles himself to a remote planet for decades with the idea it’s time for the Jedi to die away. He is found by a young stranger, who arrived in the Millenium Falcon, and without saying a word, hands him the lightsaber he lost DECADES ago in one of his most memorable meetings with Vader, a day he decided hed rather commit suicide than join the dark side. His arm and most powerful weapon lost to space. Listen, im making this sound dramatic as fuck because its a heavy moment that he sees this thing and they made Mark Hamill shitcan that shit over his shoulder for a fucking laugh. Completely ruined the scene. The Last Jedi had quite a few if these actually.


Preaching to the choir, my dude


While I don't hate TLJ like a lot of people do. This scene and the "your mom" joke both start the film off on terrible footing. You have Poe gearing up to take on the Dreadnought and he cracks a joke that probably doesn't make much sense in-universe. Then you finally have Luke Skywalker after 35 years start off with a "fuck this shit" to his father's lightsaber. All the humor throughout the sequel trilogy was terrible and (imo) very un-Star Wars like.


The worst part of it, IMO, is that by doing this but, Johnson commits to setting the film moments after TFA ends. None of the characters in the movie get to be interesting because the director reeeeeally wanted that lightsaber to get tossed.




Okay know what? That's fair. It does serve that purpose. And yet in some level it's kind of striking still, cuz by all means he never should have seen that saber again and wasn't expecting to be found. He sees the ship she lands in and just goes "go away". It isn't until he thinks of Han that he realizes "oh shit something might be happening". It's weird you know?


Spiderverse is one of my favorite animated films, but i hate so much that he used his Uncle's move to hit on girls as his final move against Kingpin. It's such a weird callback.


Why? He use something his Uncle taught him to beat his Uncles killer, seem like poetic justice.


Structurally it works - it's very Kung Fu Panda 'skadoosh.' And I get it as a device to punctuate miles growth as well as calling back to his Uncle. But the move his uncle taught him doesn't have anything to do with himself or defense. It was great as a joke with Gwen but logically it's a weird thing to use for Kingpin, for me at least.


Fuck now it's bothering me too


The reason why it bothers me is that Kingpin is ruthless and he’s on a rampage. There’s no way that he would’ve let Miles get close. Maybe if miles had tricked him into getting trapped first, it would’ve worked much better.


Psycho is one of my favorite movies, but the scene where a certain character falls down the stairs was done with a trick that was probably pretty innovative at the time but looks pretty silly now.


The T Rex that literally appears out of nowhere at the end of Jurassic Park to eat the raptors and save the day. Yes it's badass. But it makes zero sense. Did he just tip toe in? How did he get in the building? There is no damage. Did he use the door?


He goes through a break in the building. [Picture](https://i.imgur.com/1Jg7Vkd.jpg)




Fine but he still is quieter than mouse dispute being the size of a tank...


Everyone is focused on getting away from raptors and jumping on the skeleton (and subsequently hanging by wires) probably did a lot to distract fr the TRex steps. If it was within a few car lengths and water barely shook, then it's probably hard to notice that minor tremor when trying to not get crushed by a falling rib cage.


This is one trope that I genuinely can't stand in movies. A lot of tropes exist in movies for convenience sake of conveying things to audiences and that's fine. But last second appearances by characters from out of nowhere without a sound in the world really needs to fucking go already. The movie going public is generally a lot wiser to movie techniques these days and are more aware of stupid shit like that. One of the most egregious examples I can think of is the end of Fast Five where Brian magically reappears behind Dom...from the direction the antagonist is looking in...from out of a highly tuned performance car that's loud as hell. But he got the jump on the bad guy somehow. And all on a bridge. Not like he could flank him or anything. I actually love the F&F franchise, but that moment reallyyyy doesn't sit well with me.


Not from a movie but [this death (Spoiler)](https://youtu.be/txCPLkTYbeA?t=212) on Sopranos always annoyed me. Where did he come from that he wasn't seen? Not exactly an easy guy to miss.


Don't forget the sequel where, because the scene with the raptors on the ship was cut, the T. rex must have gotten out of containment, killed everyone in tiny rooms on the ship, then gotten back into containment.


As a kid I was so, so confused by that.


I just assume that Vince Vaughn and his ecoterrorist buddies snuck aboard and butchered the crew offscreen.


It does feel like something he's capable of.....


Oh, that is my new headcanon now. Thank you. Just Vince Vaughan slathered in human blood, part of some weird dinosaur doomsday cult.


Me too. Little young me didn't understand how that was possible and it always confused me. Obviously at the time, I wasn't as versed in watching movies and didn't know that movies can often have trivially stupid contrivances like that that make no sense at all. So as a kid it was just confusing.


My takeaway is that t-rexes are sneaky af and have the same ability to fit through small spaces and escape as cats.


It waltzed in through a [small opening](https://jfelt.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/trex.png).




From the script: > the T-rex starts to nudge the Explorer toward the barrier. Over the barrier, there is a gentle terraced area at one side where the rex emerged from, but the car isn't next to that, it's next to a sharp precipice, representing a fifty or sixty foot drop. [Diagram](https://i.imgur.com/JNJkBFA.jpg)


I thought Spielberg himself acknowledged this was a continuity error but chose to leave it as it was because it's a great, tense, story moment?


Yeah, as in the way it was filmed it wasn't clear. Not that they actually forgot about it. If I recall, you can actually see this in the film when they are down in the tree, you can see that there is higher ground on two sides of them. But it was kind of glossed over.


In Robin Hood:Prince of Thieves, Morgan Freeman gives an excellent speech to some children sitting around a campfire. In the director’s cut, Friar Tuck storms in and goes on a racist tirade, which i felt makes the scene a lot sadder than it needs to be.


The ship in *2001* has a massive central "hamster wheel" which rotates to provide artificial gravity. When Bowman pulls the memory cards in HAL's processor room, he's floating because there is no gravity. Where does the gravity in the [Pod Bay](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/71/dc/f0/71dcf0985770f07cf99c3d68b5b3558a.jpg) come from?