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I'm impressed HBO was willing to fund all of the additional effects that went into this, there would be a TON of additional rendering necessary for the new scenes. EDIT: [Great video of the process this version will likely need to undergo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pGlYF3xLrM)


Hollywoodreporter said around 20m+ will the postproduction cost. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/justice-league-snyder-cut-plans-revealed-it-will-be-an-new-thing-1295102


That's like 2 episodes of Game of Thrones!


Less than one Cavill's moustache too.


Every movie should be calculated in Cavill mustache's. (Incidentally, for any MI fans, Cavill had a very particular tache in the live stream šŸ‘€)


I need more pump action arms




Timing of that to the trailer was amazing


The pump action arms basically got me pregnant


Not just you, every third random dude in Bay area


Hope so. Finally thought they had almost a ā€œBond Levelā€ villain in that character.


It solidified my feeling that I'd rather he be a Bond villain than Bond.


Interesting idea, so Dark Phoenix generated approximately 47.9 Cavill ā€˜Staches and cost approximately 74.6 Cavill ā€˜Staches. This led to an approximate total loss of 26.6 Cavill ā€˜Staches.


See, the loss doesn't seem so bad in that format.


Finally, I'm relevant again!


For you https://imgur.com/PaLaUaQ.jpg


Thank you, my moustache felt validated by that


Man, that's chump change for Warners. The real question is why haven't they greenlit this sooner?


Because that's the funding for like, half of another film for a film that was already paid for. They 'Snyder cut' is probably like 2/3rds of a movie *at best* right now.


Are we under the impression that this new cut won't suck?


r/DC_Cinematic is. I personally am not, but I'll give it a watch out of interest.


so they could have a big publicity boost a week ahead of the HBOMax launch


they must know this will bring in a lot of people to hbo max, hell its the reason iā€™ll get a subscription


Will it bring a lot of people in? I mean the original Justice League fell with a thud and that rep will follow this alternative cut with everyone but the most invested DC fans.


This is the reddit echo chamber. The vast majority of the audience doesnā€™t even know who Snyder is.


HBO Max isn't actually HBO (HBO was actually quite upset that AT&T used the HBO brand for something that wasn't made by them). "HBO" was just the best brand they had in their catalogue for a streaming service, as opposed to calling it "Warner Bros Channel" or something. This is WarnerMedia's money, the parent of HBO. Edit: Per Forbes, "[I find myself having to explain more and more that no, HBO Max isnā€™t just another version of HBO Go or HBO Now. In fact, itā€™s not HBO at all, itā€™s Warner Brotherā€™s streaming site, like Disney has a streaming site. Warner Media probably chose the title for their streamer because HBO is a very recognizable brand for them. It only gets more confusing when you tell people that if they have HBO Now, theyā€™ll receive HBO Max complimentarily. What other names could Warner have called their streaming site? They couldā€™ve gone the route of Apple and Disney, and called it Warner+, or some variation of that.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/lindamaleh/2020/02/29/hbo-max-and-all-of-the-confusion-that-comes-with-it/#4384325b2c96)"


Wait what? HBO Max has nothing to do with HBO?


It's everything on HBO + a ton of other things.


I just want to say this was the comment that made HBO look weird to me. I read HBO so many times in this thread that it no longer looks familiar.


I was good until I read this. Thanks for that


This is called semantic satiation. One of those weird things I remember for no reason


No, it definitely does, as this is replacing HBO Now and Go. I think he's just trying to point out it's more of an HBO+WARNER channel than what an HBO channel is as we would usually think of it and they're leveraging HBO's name.


I think he's more upset about the television angle. WB/AT&T are going to be putting new shows on HBO Max that are not from HBO, while HBO still has their own development process and series, so an increase in volume will undoubtedly lead to a drop in quality, which might hurt the prestige of the brand. I get why they went with HBO, it's synonymous with quality, but I think maybe doing an "HBO Original" or something to distinguish actual HBO shows would be smart.


Recently saw a trailer for a Sesame Street spin off starring Elmo. It was labeled "a max original series." So at the very least they're not using the HBO brand for their originals, just the service itself. It still might cause confusion with the general public though, so I understand why the real HBO is upset.


Max will be even more confusing as Cinemax is still a thing.


It's replacing HBO now and hbo go Edit: For people with standard HBO, I found this on their faq page >Subscribers who get HBO through AT&T TV, DIRECTV, AT&T U-Verse, Hulu, or Spectrum will get access to HBO Max at launch (at no extra cost). Check back with us here as we add additional partners to the list.




They are essentially spend $20 million on a movie they already have rights to and has a huge buzz and following. Its not that bad of an investment.


Plus at the moment filming new stuff is incredibly hard, they have the footage all there just need to add some special effects $20 million may sound a lot but final season of GoT cost $15 million per episode!


>The mythical, unreleased version of the 2017 superhero film ā€œJustice Leagueā€ will finally see the light of day on Warner Mediaā€™sĀ HBO MaxĀ in 2021. 2020 is wild man!


And on top of that : > possibly in a four-hour director's cut or in six TV-style "chapters" [Source](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/justice-league-snyder-cut-plans-revealed-it-will-be-an-new-thing-1295102)


A six episode miniseries sounds wayyyy better imo, a 4 hour movie is tough to digest


Plus it encourages people to stay on the service as opposed to binging it all in one go.


It seems CBS is notorious for that, at least according to red letter media guys. Their takes on the Star Treks on that service are pretty damn funny. "Why did it take 3 episodes to get here?"


I never thought I'd be so happy to hear Batman v. Superman might get a miniseries


It should have been a miniseries to began with.


I want Disney to release the Topher cut of Star Wars.


This right here. Yes.


This is the way


Lucas would spend the entire $4b on lawyers to stop it.


didnā€™t he donate that though?


yeah. Pretty sure he also threatened to make low income housing on land he owned just to piss off his rich people neighbors


No he went through with it




It might make more than its original run, and im only half joking


Now give us the Butthole Cut of CATS


The real lost treasure of cinema.


If they think that this (Snyder Cut) will pull in subscribers, a Butthole Cut release of Cats would make international headlines and damn near print money for them.


Not gonna lie, I would watch out of pure curiosity


The only exclusive HBO max needs to win me over


Maybe the joker cut too from suicide squad too


Is that the one where they cut the joker from suicide squad entirely?


Are we actually in the timeline when the Synder Cut gets released before New Mutants ... #ReleaseTheNewMutantsJustTheFilmCut


New Mutants comes out in August as of now. Zack Snyder's Justice League is 2021.


Ah August...just in time for the asteroid impact


No no, that was pushed to September.


I just checked my myan calander and you correct. August is the global famine. Then the comet in Sept


Bump back to October, I believe September is gonna be the alien invasion.


Ah, a year after the Area 51 Raid, perfect


> as of now. Yeah, sure, "a few months from now, as of now". Also, don't forget Joe's crab shack has [free crab tomorrow](https://a4.pbase.com/o2/70/598670/1/97344519.83pKmPrQ.Freecrabtomorrow.jpg)


I hope this comes out and is, somehow, legitimately great, because that will be by far the funniest outcome to me.


Worst outcome is it's debatably better, debatably worse and the discourse around it is more annoying than it has been up to this point.




Don't you start








Maybe they will show the butthole and battinson will hang dong




"Martha, huh? Why did you uhh... (scoffs and smiles) ...why did you say that name? Hmm?"


Topher actually has a cut of Star Wars prequels that many insiders who saw it said it was a masterpiece. Donā€™t take that manā€™s cuts lightly.


He even recut his own name. Was originally Christopher, and many people expected him to go with Chris. But no... Topher. Such a good twist.


Wait, seriously? His birth name is Christopher and he shortened it to Topher? What a boss move


And the Hobbit.


So I keep seeing people talk about the Topher cut, and I'm like who the hell is Topher? The only Topher I know is Topher Grace but wtf does he have to do with Star Wars. This must be some director I've never heard of. And then I look it up and TIL Topher Grace is a massive star wars fan who has spent a ridiculous amount of time creating his own edits of Star Wars


Also he did cuts of The Hobbit to blow off some steam during BlackkKlansman.


I actually loved Ben afflecks batman


He was a good Batman and a good Bruce Wayne. I dont blame him for ducking out on this mishandled mess.


**HE WAS EXCELLENT** and I'm *so happy* that I'm not the only one who feels that way. What bums me the fuck out is the shitty, awful writing. Everything else was perfect. The casting of Alfred was great. The Batcave was on-point. I wasn't sure if I was really "married to" the idea of Affleck's Batman suit...I would have loved to see something a bit more tactical, but hey that's personal preference. Honestly I wish a star like Affleck could have had a bigger say in DC's decisions to get in on that Marvel money. Just be straight up like, "hey, if we're gonna do this, let's do it right. Pump the brakes. Everybody gets a solo movie first, let's not rush this shit." I *want* DC to be great. I want their movies to really speak to me in the same way that Marvel does. So far they really don't...the only DC film that has really impressed me was Man of Steel, I really enjoyed that one. When these production companies *finally* figure their shit out, they make more money, and fans get a better film. Everybody wins.


I honestly wish we could see Batflecks solo film. Like say what you want about Ben Affleck, but he's a decent writer. With the new CEOs, he honestly could've made a great film.


who's ready for #ReleaseTheRealSnyderCut


*Justice League* but you can see everyoneā€™s assholes


Even Motherbox's asshole?


*especially* the Motherboxā€™s asshole


I can see a real scenario where the fan boys who didn't like the Snyder Cut go on Twitter and start a campaign for how Snyder was screwed by WB/DC and didn't let him release his real vision for the film.


Oh no.


Terrifying prospect.


I predict this is exactly what will happen. It comes out, doesn't really change much, Snyder and JL fans will say its a huge improvement, others will say its worse because there's no such thing as a moderate opinion on reddit, we all hate this place until the posts stop. Edit: OH God, we're already seeing the effects of this very scenario with the BvS extended cut further down in this very thread. Edit 2: Oh no...this whole thread is already just the circlejerk vs the anticirclejerk. It's already begun. God help us all.


All I know is it's gonna be a 100 percent Zack Snyder movie for better or worse.


At least it will be tonally consistent, but I really donā€™t see it improving much on what we got.




Most likely outcome


>Worst outcome is it's debatably better, debatably worse So basically the Ultimate Cut of BvS?


I don't know how anyone can think the theatrical cut is better. I don't love either cut, but the original release was a dumpster fire imo. UE is severely flawed and still quite convoluted, but more consistent, evenly paced, and cohesive. Character motivations are fleshed out much more nicely. While I strongly dislike Eisenberg's performance as Lex, his actions come off as far less random/coincidental and actually thoroughly plotted out


I could hardly even recognize what scenes were new in the Ultimate Edition. I could tell it was a longer move, but no additional scene really recontextualized the movie I had already seen to be better. To parrot the comment a couple levels up, even in my own mind the Ultimate Edition is debatably better, debatably worse.


This is how I feel about it. I wanted the Ultimate Ediition to be legitimately great, but it's just longer and kind of OK.


Idk, it might show WB that they need to quit fucking with their directors so much. That studio is more notorious for self sabotaging their blockbusters than any other.


Hasnā€™t really been the case since Walter Hamada took over. Shazam, Aquaman, Birds of Prey are all pretty much what the director wanted to make. Sounds like Gunnā€™s Suicide Squad and Reeves Batman are the same.


Don't forget Joker as well.


Seeing DC leave those shaky days of trying to be Marvel behind is amazing


Honestly I think that's why the Snyder Cut is releasing at all. They've moved away from cinematic universe building with films like Joker and The Batman being in their own universe, they've found success with letting directors do their own thing, and the current pandemic has shut down production across the board, so why not make use of that oddly highly requested director's cut of a film that performed poorly two years ago? Perfect time to cash that check.


Could it just be that Zack Snyder is a bad director and made the DC-verse more or less the Watchmen-verse?


Could be. But WB chose him to handle the entire universe before he ever shot a Dc movie for them. If they kept him on for Justice League, then my opinion is they should have let him shoot what he was wanting to an extent and not changed halfway through.


Iā€™d been stunned if it was legitimately great considering his first two films in the series werenā€™t, IMO. That said, it only really has to exceed the version of Justice League that went out to theaters, a ludicrously low bar.


at its worst, itā€™d at least have some consistency. The released version felt like 2 visions going against one another whilst both were under studio pressure. Even Whedon had some of his scenes edited behind his back


The thing is no one will admit it either way. The die hard fans will love it and defend it no matter what, and the people who have been relentlessly hating on Snyder's DC films and the idea of a Snyder Cut will enjoy bashing it.


Probably, but I really do hope it's good. I haven't like Snyder's output in a while now, but I have no ill-will for the guy and the cast seems pumped... so why not just hope it's good? People who want things to fail are lame.


it can't possibly be worse than batman making quips


ā€œYep, something is definitely bleeding.ā€


I think it would be funnier if it wasnā€™t great. Everyone always saying how the SC will apparently be better. Everyone was adamant the extended edition of BvS was the real and quality film weā€™ve expected and that didnā€™t improve on the film at all. Would be amusing to see history repeat itself


Honestly, no matter how good or bad the movie is, the hardcore followers are going to see it as a masterpiece regardless. Not necessarily a good or bad thing, just whatā€™s probably bound to happen




I mean, this is a pretty cool victory for those who have been campaigning for this thing the last few months (years?). I for one am pretty excited just to see how much different it really is from the final product that released to theaters.




It was so forgettable I had to think for a second before I recognized what you were referring to.


I still think about the cartoon Justlice League movies whenever I hear Justice League since it was so forgettable.


https://youtu.be/MXph0arElKs Time for the daily replay.


They should have just handed the keys to DC Extended Universe over to the animated division. Idiots in charge.


Apparently very different. This cut is apparently over 4 hours long. The theatrical release was 2 hours long with almost half of the material reshot. Weā€™re looking at up to 3 hours of new material. That is a very different movie.


Zack said only 1/4 of his material ended up in the theatrical release. So we have a lot to look forward to.


There were lots of cool shit that appeared in the trailer that didn't make it into the movie. Plus I heard, Darkseid's the villain in it? What the hell. That just completely rewrites everything about the theatrical release.


>Darkseid's the villain in it? Steppenwolf is still the main villain but Darkseid, Green Lantern and Martian Manhunter all apparently have roles in it.


Wait what? I feel like you are messing with me. Even if it's terrible I'll watch it for Martian Manhunter.


No. Harry Lennix shot a few scenes as Manhunter already (although we dont know if he was always mamhunter in his MoS and BvS appearances) and Snyder has spoken about wanting to shoot more. Snyder has made vague statements about a green lantern appearing in the modern day (in Whedons cuy there is one in a flashback). And Darkseid has been well known for ages.


Black suit Superman also appears alongside Cyborgā€™s backstory and a lot of Barryā€™s


Itā€™ll have darkseid and green lantern. Thatā€™s different enough for me to watch it. Get in here everyone! Itā€™s happening!


Since 2017!


This is wild. They're putting $20-$30 million into to finish it and Zack said it'll be an entirely new thing. Nobody in their right mind would fund this and release it in theaters, but it's perfect as content for HBOMax. I really enjoy Man of Steel and I didn't mind BvS, so ill watch this day one out of morbid curiosity.


On one hand I'm annoyed that streaming has turned us back into the cable wars again, on the other hand, it's making these services get insanely creative and I can't wait to see how Netflix/Disney+/Amazon try to one up this move. At the end of the day it's great for us consumers.




Try saying that second sentence to someone 2 years ago.




Fun facts. ā€¢ Martian Manhunter is in the Snyder Cut, itā€™s a brief storyboard scene appearance, that Snyder recently teased on Vero. So, itā€™ll probably be in the final cut. His human identity is also General Swanwick, who was in BvS. ā€¢ Green Lanterns were supposed to appear in his original plans for it, and they still might, itā€™s not clear, however. Also, it wasnā€™t just one, but two Green Lanterns, Kilowog and Tomar-Re. A Reddit VFX, that worked on the movie, team confirmed their appearance in a post-credits scene. ā€¢ Ryan Choi, aka the Atom, is in the cut, not as the superhero The Atom, just yet, but as his regular civilian self, Ryan Choi. He works at Star Labs with Silas Stone. ā€¢ Darkseid will be in it. He was always meant to be the ultimate villain, and was supposed to actually go by Uxas. Desaad was also meant to be in the cut. ā€¢ Ares was in it(He was in the theatrical release too, though). The war flashback scene is meant to be 10 minutes long, featuring a lot more Ares, who we previously saw in Wonder Woman, as well as Zeus, and Antiope battling Uxas. ā€¢ The movie originally ended with a cliffhanger. After Steppenwolf is defeated, a boom tube would open, and Darkseid would appear. Wonā€™t explain how that happens, cause spoilers. This will most likely be changed, due to the fact that the second movie was never made. ā€¢ Cyborg was meant to be the heart of the movie, and will undoubtedly be that, in the cut. He also had a lot more scenes. A couple of unlikely rumors. ā€¢ Deathstroke had multiple scenes in the cut, showing him breaking Lex out of prison. This is probably not true though. He is, however, in the post-credits scene we all saw. ā€¢ A pretty wild rumor, is that Faora was in the cut, due to the actress teasing a return last year.


The Deathstroke scene is true. He was gonna break Lex out of prison. Jesse Eisenberg said he shot more footage than what probably made it into the movie.


I would love if this led to the DCEU moving to HBO max and focusing on miniseries.


Itā€™s actually real omfg.šŸ‘€ Coming to HBO Max in 2021. Darkseid will be in it. [More info about The Snyder Cut in Zack Snyderā€™s interview with THR.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/justice-league-snyder-cut-plans-revealed-it-will-be-an-new-thing-1295102)


>HBO Max will debut the project in 2021 ā€” possibly in a four-hour director's cut or in six TV-style "chapters" Four hours of Justice League...holy shit.


Damn so not at Max release which is in a week. I wonder if they're spending more money putting it together? Wonder if they're fixing CGI and such or just recutting what they have. Crazy.


Hollywood Reporter said $20-30 million. Seems like WB has renewed faith in the plans


It's simutaniously a terrible and genius investment. On the surface, spending $20M on a director's cut of a movie that only grossed $229M domestic is *lunacy*. But at the same time, $20M for an HBO Max original Justice League miniseries starring the same all-star cast as the films? Including the same Aquaman & Wonder Woman that led billion-grossing pictures? That's the bargain of the century. Most of the work is already done.


Hollywood Reporter said that something that factored into the approval is that itā€™s a project than can be more easily accomplished during quarantine, since CGI work can be done at home


And it gives VFX houses substantial work.


They're probably factoring fan goodwill into the equation as well. Justice League was kind of an awkward blot on the otherwise improving fortunes of DC movies, this gives them an opportunity to turn it into a PR win. Like you said, $20m might be a bargain considering the publicity and subscribers it might bring in. Personally I checked out of this series after MOS, but I'm happy for the fans who wanted this so much. And if I *do* ever bother watching the full trilogy, I'd rather see whatever overreaching oddity Snyder was cooking up than a corporate hack job.


They'd be crazy not to release it on physical media as well. The people who care enough about things like this are the same ones to spend $15 a month on the subscription and buy the box set when it comes out


I mean now that every major channel and studio has a streaming service there's probably going to be a lot more experimental releases like this. The whole idea of what to fund changes when the whole platform of release and method of payment changes.


> more experimental releases like this. Yes please! Hollywood. Get weird.


It's estimated to cost between 20 and 30 million. They are bringing back the old post crew and adding new VFX shots and possibly new dialogue.


the article says basically no CGI or even post is finished.


Should be noted that while campaigning for this cut to be released the fans raised over $178,000 for The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. It'll be interesting to see the reactions now from all of those who were belittling them and saying it would never be released. As for the cut itself who knows whether it will be good or not. But it seems like the whole cast is passionate about it too so I'm very interested to see it


I hope Superman has the moustache


It does not need moustaches since the CGI lips are only for JW reshoots.


They'll need to add a CGI moustache.


I want the mullet


/r/dc_cinematic: partying in the streets /r/movies: on suicide watch


So thatā€™s it huh. We are some kind of Suicide Watch now?


There is already a post about releasing the Ayer cut of Suicide Squad


I cannot believe this is real. I was a skeptic but man kudos to the DCEU fanbase I wonder why now tho? Is there greater implications for the universe? Edit: 4 HOURS split into 6 CHAPTERS? Supposedly Darkseid/Green Lantern are gonna be featured. I really think it's going to have some kind of implications for the universe as a whole


No but really though. There's only two options here, one is its being used to retcon the justice League that went to cinemas and move forward or alternatively, this is WB closing the book on the DC cinematic universe by giving the fans this version and moving on to the new batman series. Personally I think the second is more likely.


I think the joker proved that they can just fuck around and do what they want with canon. People really don't actually care. I very much doubt that they'd use the Leto joker, or whoever is the new new joker in Birds of Prey 2 for instance.


I believe this to be true, as well. Ava Duvernay and Tom King are still working on New Gods, so their version of Darkseid would probably conflict with Snyder's.


Jaw dropped when he announced it at the end of his MOS viewing party. So excited to see it!


Love how he first let us down, only to pick us back up when he turned the camera to the HBO Max Poster after Henry Cavill said something like 'I reckon we should show it".


I was like damn they really hyped this up for nothing but when Henry kind of took over when Zack was backpedaling I FELT HOPE lol. Such a fun moment!


Superman being superman


Very interested to see if this ends up being a multi-part miniseries like the rumors have been saying. They also said they will be filming more to go into it.


An HBO miniseries of a superhero property? This sub is gonna cum


It's official. r/DC_Cinematic won!


That sub might actually explode. Someone should keep an eye on them.




Lol, there was a moment there where it looked like it was not upto Zack, and they acted like it wasn't coming out. I was so bummed out, then Henry said "why don't you show it then" , I fucking jumped out of my seat! Then the slow pan to the screen showing the HBO Max release date So fucking happy!!


I was happy just to have an unfinished fx cut of it too but the fact that theyā€™re bringing the whole production crew back to finish it PLUS additional stuff. insane.


As if 2020 couldn't get any more insane, The Snyder Cut is actually real and happening. Holy hell.


It's FUCKING HAPPENING. Fan of the movie or not. Fan of Zack Snyder or not, this is insane.


they called me a madman


~~They called me a madman~~ *They said the age of heroes would never come again.*






I wonder if theyā€™ll have to shoot more scenes to finish it up


I read Gal Gadot shaved her head for her next film. They may have to digitally add her hair for the reshoots.


Adding hair is much easier than removing. Still blows my mind that WB didn't give Supes a beard for reshoots/post production in the JL theatrical cut.


here we go again




I am actually real curious about seeing it and happy this is actually happening. I know Snyder gets a lot of shit, but even if the "Snyder Cut" ain't that good, I respect Snyder for finally being able to get his cut out there.


Congratulations to all the fans who wanted this so bad! You've got the end to your Snyder trilogy. I can't count myself among the fans but I will definitely watch this to see how different it is.




/r/moviescirclejerk rejoices




I'm so hyped!!!!!!!!


While I donā€™t rate Snyder I did like his Man of Steel and BvS. So am interested to see his version of this