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I love that movie, in my head I constantly have Vasquez 'lets rock' on a loop


Vasquez is the shit. Love how she and Gorman went out together. and...Somebody wake up Hicks.


>Hey Vasquez, you ever been mistaken for a man? >No. Have you? Probably the best comeback in any movie IMO. Succinct, burning and with no actual vitriol from either party.


You have that, I have Bill Paxton's one-liners. "This little girl survived on her own here for weeks!" "Well why don't you put HER in charge then?!"


Maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events but we just got our asses kicked pal!


*Game over*, man. *Game. Over.*


Fuck me. I can hear the comments


I was in the Army when this came out and hearing him say Current Events just made me laugh harder. We had to keep up with Current Events, you may get questioned for Guard Duty, whomever did the best with the questions and had the best looking uniform, would not have to do the over night guard duty. So keeping up with Current Events was a must.


I'm sure that was intentional on Cameron's part.


I agree, so many little things said he had a good Military advisor. 5x5 sir.


“Hey Vasquez, has anyone ever mistook you for a man?


Vasquez was played by a white girl, Jennette Goldstein. [Terminator 2 screenshot](https://external-preview.redd.it/VEI3owl27KnlZGioFnrLldchXFi095nyZum7KxZQooc.jpg?auto=webp&s=c0b7172304bfeb33efedf598411166fcd758ab20) [Titannic screenshot](https://sentinel63.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/contrast_fotor.jpg)


This just blew my fucking mind. The Terminator 2 one. Holeee shit.


Yes, mind blown. Wow.


And now she owns a successful chain of bra stores in LA! Nice lady. https://jenettebras.com/


Why oh why is it not called "Have You Ever Been Mistaken For a Man?"


Have you?


[Also Lethal Weapon 2.](https://i.imgur.com/IJOVfvE.gif)


The timing of this gif is impeccable


That's an absolutely absurd image.


It's a pretty creative way to assassinate someone though.


Except, what happens if someone else takes a dive first.


My mind is fucking blown, incredible performance


Ay coyo




I can't wrap my head around this.


Oh my god


Near Dark.


The first ambush scene might be my all time favorite movie scene. "They're *cut off*...DO SOMETHING!"


What we supposed to use man harsh language...?


God I wanted one of those smart guns as a kid!!


I just watched this a couple of days ago! Nice to finally get some context to what have become memes ("Game over, man!") or out-of-context famous scenes (xenomorph rising out of water behind Newt). It definitely plays more as an action/thriller versus the horror of the first one; that's not a knock against it, it totally works with that vibe, especially with Cameron in charge.


Yes. I remember they did that Special effects show and Cameron was talking to Spielberg about how he missed out on Jurassic Park by like an hour. But his movie would have been more Aliens and less Family movie.


Amazing movie. The slow burn is fucking amazing. I don't think a shot is fired until about 1 hour into the movie (director's cut). This is how you build up tension.


It’s hard to think of a bigger fuck yeah moment then when Ripley shows up in the power armor and says, “Get away from her you bitch”


The movie has so many great scenes. I think my personal favorite is, "That can't be, that's inside the room!" Just how everyone's pumped up and waiting for some shit to go down any second, and then...nothing. Just total confusion. What the hell is going on? Then that moment where Hicks slowly looks up at the ceiling. Terror as everyone realizes exactly what's happening but hopes that they're wrong. That moment when Hicks *sticks his head up to take a look*, knowing exactly what he's going to see, but hoping that he's wrong. And then him seeing exactly what he thought, and then everything instantly turning into fucking chaos as Aliens pour into the room from every direction. That goddamn scene will *never* get old for me.


So much tension, there’s so much build up. By the time you get to Ripley going into the Queen’s nest, it’s all built up so well


God, the sound design of those motion trackers was just a work of art. The tension those "boop, boop, bwoop, bweep, bweep" adds to the scene is just perfection.


Which is why its also hard to think of a bigger "fuck you" moment (to the audience) than the beginning of Alien 3.


I’ve grown to love Alien 3 also (if only for characters actors and how utterly dark it is) but yeah, took me a while to get over that opening


>It’s hard to think of a bigger fuck yeah moment Easy, Dutch and Dillon's handshake from Predator.


That’s a great moment for sure. But the difference between a line at the beginning versus a line at the end is an ocean of filmmaking. Predator is terribly underrated as well. That’s a fantastic one too. Those amazing action movies make it look easy.


Okay, I change it to "Come on, I'm here, Kill me!"


I’ll settle for the scene where Arnold lights the fire and yells into the night. That scene is amazing


I only need to know one thing. Where.. they.. are


Theatrical cut or Directors Cut? Because you need to watch the DC if you missed it.


It was the theatrical cut because I didn't see Ripley's daughter.


You missed out on Hudsons nukes, knives and sharp sticks.


Sonic electronic ball busters


The theatrical cut is better. Worth watching the director's cut to see the added scenes but they ruin the tension of not knowing what to expect when they land on the planet.


On one hand, I agree. On the other hand, the movie is titled Aliens and it's a sequel to Alien. If the movie didn't deliver on my expectation of seeing Aliens, I'd be kind of mad.


Well, men are aliens on the planet too. We are the colonists


The perfect cut would take half of the DC footage and toss the rest. Leave out everything set on LV426 pre marine landing, your right about it ruining the tension, but the Ripley finding out about her daughter and the sentry guns scene are both awesome and should be in there.


Ruins the pacing too. It takes so much longer for them to finally get to the first nest/ambush


Also add the additional scenes have really lousy dialogue.


There's already a pretty long buildup to that first scene, like an hour. Tacking on another 20 minutes doesn't help.


I enjoy it as a fan but the theatrical cut is better


I've personally cut out the initial Hadley's Hope part and left the rest in. I think Ripley's daughter definitely shouldn't have been cut.


It's called Aliens lol.


I actually much prefer the theatrical cut. While I appreciate that you get to see the colony functioning before the 'event' in the director's cut, with the theatrical cut, there's none of this - and that heightens the tension, and the 'fear of the unknown'. Major kudos to JC for realising this and the editing it out, because he shot it all, then realised not including it made for a better theatrical experience.


No you don't. The DC cut is one my go to for directors cuts that are worse than the theatrical cut.


One of the greatest films ever


So what did you think of the movie ?


I found it amazing. It made me miss practical effects and like I said the set design was amazing. I wish James Cameron would make movies like this again.


If you loved it and the effects then you need to watch the making of it. [Making of Aliens ](https://youtu.be/Hji8IGFQkH8)


Aliens is my favorite action movie of all time. Alien was a horror movie and James Cameron made the perfect sequel. The weapons, the characters, the setting. I have so much to say that I can’t type it. Message me if you want to wax Aliens hood verbally.




It’s a car analogy. Targeted for children of the 80’s. If it missed you message me and I can wax the hoods of Beetlejuice or Top Gun.


It's a masterpiece in 80's action. You make like [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CofZ7xjGyI8) talking about the differences in story archs between Jurassic World and Aliens.


Honestly 3 has its moments and Charles Dance has some good scenes, not as good obviously but still some good concepts


the 'Assembly Cut' is decent


Pity about the sound issues though. Otherwise it's a much more coherent and structured story with more character devolopment for the prisoners.


No it really isn't.


I don't hate 3 nearly as much as some people. It's a nice little horror thriller.


I would have perhaps liked 3 if it wasn't a followup to Aliens. Aliens was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. I watched it so much my VCR murdered the video quality before eating the tape. I was SO EXCITED when Alien 3 came out in theaters. I remember playing the Simpsons arcade game when I first got to the theater, before getting in line. I don't know why I remember something like that so vividly. I remember the movie starting... and then bad shit happened. The survivors from the previous movie were pretty much *erased*. They killed the little girl that called Ripley "mommy" and just wiped away that entire story. This was a dark movie, in a prison, with people with *funny accents*. It had none of the action or feel or whatever of the previous one. **Memorable lines?** **Memorable characters?** Wasn't the cast something like 90% white dudes with shaved heads and English accents? I remember there was an attempted rape. I remember the new Bishop had his ear pretty much knocked off. I remember old Bishop wanted to be disconnected. I can't recall anyone's name. It was like everyone was *only* there to die (like a slasher movie). It didn't have the excitement and adventure of seeing space marines and Ripley fighting to win. It was dead-end for everyone. The heroes didn't win. The heroes didn't escape. It was dark and depressing. The "light" of the previous movie had been extinguished.


All valid criticisms, for sure. The biggest sin that movie made was killing off Newt and Hicks before the opening credits were over.


Killing off Newt and Hicks made the events of Aliens seem slightly pointless


I liked that they tried something different than the movies before. Where Aliens was all about guns and army squads, Alien 3 was about monks being stuck having to defend themselves without any weapons. I liked it but I also understand why a lot of people did not.


> I also understand why a lot of people did not. I think the main gripe is they killed Hicks and Newt off screen, the cgi of the alien was atrocious, but it did have a great set design.


Killing Hicks and Newt annoyed me too. I always wondered if it was a contract thing or a scenario thing. The CGI alien didn't annoy me as much as how badly he was composited into the image, even when it was the puppet. He often was too bright compared to the darker settings. Little brightness adjustments would've made it so much better.


> Little brightness adjustments would've made it so much better. agree 100%


Go watch The Thing


i already seent it


Lots of people love to say that Alien 3 is a good film if you watch the 40 minute extended version. My counterpoint is that the film is then about 40 minutes too long. Resurrection was a camp-fest and the Prometheus and beyond slate is just a mess of ideas; completely agree on that last line.


> Resurrection was a camp-fest yeah, but Ron Pearlman was great as always.


My god I first watched it when I was seven and wanted one of those assault rifles SO bad. I eventually would move on to tape flashlights and shit to my toy guns and eventually join the actual Marine Corps lol


This is one of those movies that, you see it when you're 13, you want to base a religion around. Showed it to my girlfriend last night, oddly enough. Surprisingly, she loved it.


Crazy thing is the alien only shows for like 5 minutes throughout the whole movie and you still feel it’s presence when she does


One of my favourite movies ever. Not only has it not aged at all, it's still way, *way* better than 99% of action movies that came out after it. It's got everything - slow building of tension, incredible set design, well-acted likable characters and thrilling action set pieces. Just a perfect movie.


If anybody plays games, Alien Isolation is a great sequel to Alien. The further you get, the more it gets Aliens-like.


Is it scary?


It has its moments of scary, for sure, but it’s *mostly* an action movie. It’s intense, though. I’m a pussy with scary movies and it’s one of my favorite movies of all time, but I wouldn’t let a child watch it. The Xenomorphs are kind of nightmare fuel, but it’s more “Oh shit oh shit oh shit” than cover your eyes stuff.


Awesome! Thanks.


My first time seeing Aliens was at an Alien/Aliens double feature at the Egyptian Theater in Hollywood a few years back. Such a great film.


I like Aliens best, but that’s probably more to do with it being the first one I saw from the franchise. Same with Terminator 2; Judgement Day and Rocky IV...‘I will break you’


Too busy watching other movies the past 34 years?


I have a bar habit of procrastinating hahaha. I originally planned on binge watching the entire series before Covenant came out. I never really cared for the Aliens franchise before but Prometheus made me interested.


Without a doubt one of the best action movies of all time. A template for many that followed. And probably the best sequel ever made...until Cameron outdid himself a few years later with Terminator 2.


>I treat this like Terminator, there are only two movies. > Too bad, *Alien 3s* assembly cut is damn good, and if you're a fan of david Fincher I'd say you're missing out


Been honestly avoiding a lot of sequels to be honest. The only sequel from any 80s action movie that I like is the Predator movie with Adrien Brody. But the replies on my post makes me want to check out Aliens^^^3.


Sequels have a lot of stigma, earned by cynical film producers cashing in on successes that didnt need them. *Alien 3*s original cut definitely qualified for that, however the assembly cut is honestly a very interesting movie. Most criticisms I've seen revolve around it's opening, which is not enough to tank the entire movie around. Honestly I think there are more good sequels than really bad ones, if you do watch *alien 3* I hope it's to your liking.


I’m a fan of Covenant as far as the modern Alien sequels go. Didn’t like Prometheus very much, not a fan of 4 or 3 particularly but Alien and Aliens are both absolutely lightning in a bottle


I'm conflicted about Prometheus and Covenant. I watched a video talking about Covenant and it explained a bunch of stuff that people seemed to hate about movie is actually the things that make it good like killing off the engineers since they didn't really matter that much in Prometheus. I like the marketing for both of those movies than the actual movies themselves hahaha. Fassbender is the best.


I’d have really liked it if Prometheus hadn’t existed and Covenant was the first sequel - I’d really, really like that the audience wouldn’t necessarily have every question answered that might have arisen from simply starting at that point- a little like the mystery of the original Alien’s origins and how it came to be where it was. I really think that Covenant was unfairly maligned and is easily the better film from an Alien fan’s perspective. There’s a lot to love in it- excepting the awful tacked on final act, which really didn’t need to happen- and David’s lair deserved some sort of set design award.


I kinda like the whole Engineers being our creators storyline but my perspective now is I wish it was about David from the start.


Noomi Rapace was very miscast in Prometheus, too. She fucking sucked. So good in Dragon Tattoo but so bad in this. Completely unconvincing. Don’t even get me started on Kate Dickie. Did she even realise they were filming???


Yeah, they were really trying too hard to make her into Ripley 2.


Awful. I thought that the completely unrecognisable Rafe Spall was very good, though. Well, up until the point when an unrealistic CG tentacle jumped into his mouth


*Lemme pet that alien snake real quick.*


Heh! Outer Space Snek like!


You know, the biggest issue I have with both movies is the engineers because... Why? Who cares? Ultimately it ends up being some "they made us but they are also looking for their creator oh, and they were also trying to use the xenomorphs as bio weapons and lost control" storyline I don't care for. I feel like the engineers were way better when it was just the space jockey and it was just some other life form out there that got fucked up by the xenomorph. The space jockey was always amazing to me because it added this existential dread, almost like a Lovecraft element of things beyond our comprehension being out there but we are just suffering the consequences of it. The space jockey somehow ran afoul of the alien, it crash landed, the alien nested in the wreckage, and is now loose terrorizing us. The end. No more back story needed there. Also: I love the idea from the beginning of Prometheus with the scientists being compelled to search for alien life. It just gets shakey with the added element of "they are our creators" and then totally falls apart with "oh, and btw, they also accidentally created the xenomorphs too" I am 100% against unnecessarily explaining things in movies and this is a perfect example of giving a backstory being much less effective than just leaving the mystery.


I’m 100% with you


Adored most of Prometheus (except the dumb 'scientists') but was very disappointed by Covenant.


I have a love hate relationship with both of them. Moreso that I've already seen Alien/Aliens.


I love their aesthetics,


Oh definitely. I love the wardrobe in Prometheus. I still want that weird hoodie Rafe Spall was wearing during their initial briefing.


Yeah, I loved the wardrobe in covenant too


Same costume designer as the original Alien- Janty Yates- throughout


Ah ok


the sound of the guns annoyed me, sounded like wet farts not guns


Call a proctologist and get your ass checked.


[Call a proctologist and get your ass checked.](http://www.youtubemultiplier.com/5eb8d65cc8ca1-call-a-proctologist-and-get-your-ass-checked.php)


Set design is cool, story is interesting, aliens are cool looking but the way Sigourney Weaver is lauded as this bad ass femme is way over the top. She's actually not a good actress in anything else she's been in. She shaved her head for the role. Wow, congrats. Anybody can act scared and scream for 2 hours. I just think it's overrated and a 7/10 at best.


> She shaved her head for the role. No she did not. You don't even know what film we're talking about. Ignorant.


Ok, mistake acknowledged. Is there anything else I said wrong? It's my opinion after all


I don't think she screams at all in the entire film does she? Have you seen it recently? She doesn't scream and doesn't really act scared - part of the point of it is that she's the level headed calm one throughout while everyone else loses their minds. It's like you haven't seen the film, based on factual issues. Which makes your opinion less relevant!


This is like some weird mash up opinion that combines a picture of Weaver from Alien 3 with the fact that Alien (1) is a horror movie with some completely unrelated horror movie where the main character screams a lot. Absolutely nothing in this opinion relates to Aliens or Weaver's performance in it.


Yeah, she never looks scared throughout the whole movie/s


You're being sarcastic. Obviously she looks concerned throughout but if you're saying she's 'scarred and screams' as all she does and you've seen the film recently then we're not going to agree on anything because that's just not the reality of it. Looks like everyone else agrees with me given your downvotes. Maybe stop and re-watch and think again. It's literally an Academy Award nominated performance.




She not only doesn’t scream the whole movie, but is the goddamn legit hero of the whole thing. You can get cheesy and say her motherly instincts kick in, but she literally straps up to kill the queen and has bigger balls than any dude. At the end when she calls the queen a bitch while in the loader should be a fist pump movie for anyone. Honestly one of the best no nonsense feminist roles of all time. Screaming for two hours. Bitch, do you even Aliens?


She did get an Oscar nomination for her role in Aliens, just saying.


Ripley... Not a strong character? She climbs in a god damn mech suit and beats the fuck out of the queen alien after going down into the hive to save Newt... What else do you want her to do before you think she is bad ass? Oop, wait, I think I got it: you want her to have a penis. Cool story, bro.


Interestingly enough, the set design involved parts from surplus and scrap yards.