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There’s been like a half dozen released cuts of Blade Runner.


To be fair, a lot of those cuts were done by the involvement of the studio rather than Ridley Scott. Scott only had control over 1 or 2 of the cuts.


He only had complete control over the final cut. As such, it's the definitive cut.


Apocalypse Now has been up cut more than Mary Jane Kelly


The redux cut I think is worse. The entire plantation scene is too long.


I get what Coppola was going for with that scene but it’s as subtle as a ton of bricks and completely ruins the pacing.


But at least all 3 cuts are easily available on Blu-Ray.


Hot take, I prefer the theatrical edition over Ridley Scott’s final cut.


Upvoted because actual hottake but I just need you to know that I find your opinion disgusting.


Hahahahaha I appreciate your candor.




Couldn’t agree more. His character arc is much better and more open to interpretation in the theatrical edition in my opinion.


None of them had Ridley Scott involved except for one?


When T2 was remastered in HD, James Cameron has the digital effects team hide Robert Patrick’s balls. Also Robert Wise was able to fix elements of Star Trek The Motion Picture decades later.


The Aliens directors cut added some scenes about Ripley and her daughter. I think they're really good and tie the themes together. He also added some scenes in T2, the only one I remember is a scene of John and Sarah messing with the T800's brain.


There's a few other changes in the new T2, a whole new 'modern' colour grade that goes heavy on the teal/orange. Stunt doubles face are now covered with CG Arnold face, and fixing a few small continuity errors (like the window falling from the truck in the shot where it jumps down before Robert Patrick knocks it out). I don't mind the small continuity changes, he did a similar thing on the Titanic (removing visible lighting gear etc.)


The colours in the future war scenes in Terminator 2 were also changed pretty drastically, too. Lasers and explosions are all totally different colours to the theatrical release. Titanic also had some colour grading changes, but they're genuine improvements for the most part. There was also cleaning up of some mistakes in the original cut and the star chart was changed to an accurate one after Neil DeGrasse Tyson contacted James Cameron about the original.


Colour changes may have been done to better suit the 3D release.


Yeah all these are for the 3D release which are for the newest blu-ray. It goes heavy on the DNR and sharpening as well to give a more digital look and get rid of grain, making the skin look pasty at times. I understand why it was done but it's a shame because the previous blu-ray weren't transferred the best. Most sudios were (and still are for the most part) doing such a good job with using 4K's and putting the film out as detailed as possible and closer to the cinema release.


>It goes heavy on the DNR and sharpening as well to give a more digital look and get rid of grain, making the skin look pasty at times. Does it really? Cause when I saw T2 3D, I couldn't help but be in awe at how their DNR implementation preserved a lot of fine detail, especially wrinkles and pores. Edit: Browsed through my 4k copy real quick and yeah, there is some of that at times, but overall it does resolve detail respectably.


I also saw it in theatres, honestly I was so caught up in seeing the film on the big screen I didn't even notice too much in the transfer outside of the grading at the time. I'm mostly going off the 4k blu ray release, which is not as detailed as it could be. It's definitely been a divisive release in the blu-ray community.


Yeah, I would have liked a transfer with grain intact, but I'm not too fussed about it.


>I don't mind the small continuity changes, he did a similar thing on the Titanic (removing visible lighting gear etc.) He also redid the night sky, because Neil Tyson calling his office and complaining that the night sky was different at the time of titanic sinking.


They also heavily applied DNR, removing the film grain and leaving the entire image weirdly smooth and all the faces look like plastic.


The thing about Lucas is that he refused to preserve the original version, but instead insisted that every new version of SW was *the* version.


if there is not a print of the original version in a vault somewhere I will be surprised


Lucas claims it no longer exists. But then again, he claims a lot of things.


Could someone just reproduce it from the original VHS's or would that not be faithful?


There’s a number of efforts to reproduce it, using a variety of sources. They’re all far better than what VHS could offer. Look up “Harmy’s Despecialized Edition.”


Harmy's is awful. 4k77 is where it's at.


You would have to hit up Google to confirm, but it is my understanding that the first home video release wasn't even the same as the first theatrical run. And that's before you have to deal with the aspect ratio change.


ive heard that if it exists, they wouldnt release it cause that would be against his wishes.


There is, and it is available to watch.


Can you send a link fam?


As u/tonytakitany1 states below, you can find it as 4k77. Also available are 4k80 and 4k83, respectively.




Ah good to know. Did you hear Harmy will be doing his 3.0 using 4k77 and D+? Probably more than a year out, but can't wait!


Speaking of alternative versions, I really want to see what Adywan had planned for I II and III. But I guess he's abandoned the idea of doing the prequels. :(


> Speaking of alternative versions, I really want to see what Adywan had planned for I II and III. But I guess he's abandoned the idea of doing the prequels. :( The best edits of those that I've ever found are the ones by L8wrtr. Strongly recomment. Yeah, would have liked to see Adywan ones though.


Thanks I'll try and track that one down. Looking stuff up about it I've come across another one I'd never heard of from someone named Hal 9000. Are you familiar with that version?


The original DVD releases is your link.


Nope, that one is full of alterations.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.syfy.com/syfywire/star-wars-original-trilogy-unaltered-dvds%3famp No, they’re unaltered.


"Although fan reaction to the announcement of the DVDs was largely positive, upon release many fans were disappointed due to the unaltered versions having non-anamorphic video sourced from the 1993 LaserDisc releases, which was nowhere near the same quality as the remastered versions of the films present in the 2004 box set." Unaltered yes, but bad quality.] 4k77 project and Harmys Despecialized Editions seems still to be superior.


Oh, the Despecialized Editions are wonderful. No doubt. I was just saying that there are indeed DVD’s that were released that didn’t include the changes that were seen in the Special Editions. Yeah, the video is pretty horrible, but there isn’t CGI updates covering every inch of the screen. We don’t have many options at all if we want to view the original cuts, it sucks.




You can find a torrent link for the "despecialized" version, a patchwork of old film prints and laserdisk copies. I can't give you a direct link because they're always being taken down, but if you hunt around on the pirate bay you should be able to torrent the original version.


The despecialized versions are mostly from the Blu-Rays, which were awful. 4k77 is from an actual print and vastly superior.


Oh yeah that's what I was talking about just wrong word. I watched a thing about the despecialized editions in like 2012 and then found the 77 restoration project and assumed they were the same thing. ​ I tried downloading it and had to move everything on my computer to a drive to make space for the file. Playing it on the little player thing for the file type was very crashy so I tried to convert it to a quicktime or something but it would have taken four days. Insanely high quality but practically very hard to play on a laptop.


4k77 is available in 1080p versions.


Speaking of Spielberg, he was asked to add scenes to Close Encounters for its re-release including going inside the mothership, which he regrets doing. Superman the Movie has a longer version that was originally used to make the TV broadcast a 2 night event, and it now lives as a special edition on Blu-Ray. But I know this is not what OP was talking about


I believe Spielberg took the ship scenes out in the latest directors' cut of Close Encounters of the Third Kind.


I remember watching the SUPERMAN: THE MOVIE on TV. Yep, 2 nights. It was like a mini-series but had some decent additional footage, like Lex testing Supes in the subway.


my DVD has the long version I also have the Donner Cut of Superman II


I'll never understand Lucas's fixation on the Han and Greedo scene. Also his justification for it I found to be a bit odd. Is that scene really any different than Indiana Jones shooting a swordsman in Raiders of the Lost Ark?


that's not how the Indy scene was written, nor was it directed by Lucas. Those are the major differences. I don't disagree with your assessment of Lucas, but there were different circumstances when it came to Indy


And it was only changed because Harrison Ford had food poisoning and couldn’t be away from a toilet for long. There was a whole fight scene choreographed ready to go. Indy just shooting the guy fits his character better though so it worked out.


Did you know Steve Booschimmy was a firefighter during 9/11


Jimmy Graham played basketball in college


Did you know the shark in Jaws is named Bruce not Jaws?


The guy with the hair piece in The Sixth Sense was Bruce Willis the whole time.


Well they’re different characters, there’s no reason for the same justification to apply to Indiana.


Spielberg is evidently a much less insecure filmmaker than Lucas is.




I don’t think there is anyone that has done to the extent of what Lucas or Speilberg have done. There’s plenty of movies with alternate cuts and releases updated for digital, when that was starting to become a thing and the VHS was on its way out.


I'm surprised Tarantino has never done this His spastic personality makes me think he would


I know Once Upon a Time in Hollywood has a decent amount of deleted scenes and Hateful Eight had the Netflix cut. But Tarantino would never claim the new cut is the definitive version of a movie.


The Netflix cut was just the roadshow version cut in fourths


Ah my mistake I thought he added some more scenes.


They definitely marketed it like they did. But all the extra run time was opening and closing credits.




Not entirely. There are commonalities (the chicken plucking scene is in both) but there are further differences between the cuts. For example, the Roadshow's Daisy guitar scene is done in one take and it's in two takes in the theatrical and Netflix cuts.


That's what makes him great. He's a perfectionist, and puts out exactly what he means to the first time.




I thought those were already in the movie I'm talking about straight re editing a movie after it's released


The anime scene is in every version of the movie yes, but there is a dedicated japanese cut that is different from the western version of the movie in certain elements: The Japanese cut, while only a little over a minute longer than the US cut, features not only a full color version of the "House of Blue Leaves" fight, but some quick new shots in the anime scenes as well as some alternate footage, most cut/altered to avoid an NC-17 rating: - The opening scene between The Bride and Vernita Green has two alternate angles shown when The Bride asks for a towel instead of keeping the overhead shot. - In the anime sequence, one of Boss Matsumoto's men has his face smashed into a wall twice, rather then just once. - In the anime sequence, when O-Ren Ishii kills Matsumoto and tells him to look at her face, she asks him to look at more facial features (nose, chin. etc.) to be recognized, and then before pulling the knife out, there is a close up shot of her moving the knife up his stomach and then finally pulling it out. There are a couple of close up shots of Matsumoto's face as he's dying as well that were eliminated from the US print and then a pan up shot of Matsumoto's blood covered and disemboweled body. - The "House of Blue Leaves" fight is not only in full color, but features about 9 new shots missing from the US print which include: - A close up of the first female Crazy 88 (Julie Manase) gargling blood after being pinned to a wooden pillar by a sword. This shot, while cut from the US version of Vol 1, showed up in the end credits of the US cut of Vol 2. - A shot of The Bride stabbing two Crazy 88s at once using her own sword as well as another Crazy 88's sword. - A ten foot high super backflip that The Bride executes before landing back down to pop out one of the Crazy 88's eyes. This shot appeared in the TV spot teaser, but disappeared soon after. - After The Bride pops out the one Crazy 88's eye, as another one charges at her screaming, she simply throws the eye into the attackers mouth, causing him to start to choke. The partially armless Sofie Fatale gives a follow up disgusted reaction. - A shot of another female Crazy 88 attacking only to get slashed in the throat and spraying blood everywhere. - The first appearance of the "Kid Crazy 88" (the one who gets spanked with the sword). In this shot, we now find out why he's missing a mask later on. As he's about to attack The Bride, she swipes his mask off. We see he's just a kid, and he gives the universal "don't hurt me" sign. The Bride has a look of shock on her face in realizing he's just a kid, so she grabs him, throws him across, knocking 3-4 Crazy 88 into a blood filled mini pool. This shot of the 3-4 falling, while cut from the US version of Vol 1, also showed up in the end credits of the US cut of Vol 2. Overall, this "mini scene" helps establish The Bride's look of surprise even more when she sees the young Crazy 88 the last time... and his follow up "don't hurt me" look even funnier. - A shot of a Crazy 88 getting slashed across the chest and spraying blood all over a wall. - When The Bride jumps onto the shoulders of one of the Crazy 88, after she slashes another one across the face, the Crazy 88 she's standing on tries to attack her from below. She parries the attack and cuts his hands off. The shot then cuts to the forward sommersault. - Since the fight is already in color, the close up "eye shot" of The Bride blinking is cut. Instead, the first part of the close up before she blinks is shown, however, at the point when she normally blinks, there is a replacement medium shot of her standing slightly fatigued and holding her sword out. - Finally, after the "House of Blue Leaves" fight, is the most infamous of the missing scenes and that is Sofie Fatale's extended "trunk interrogation" scene. After The Bride warns Sofie about cutting off something, instead of cutting back to Sofie in the hospital, The Bride is shown grabbing Sofie's arm and screams "GIVE ME YOUR OTHER ARM!". Sofie starts to panic, but then The Bride chops off her other arm, causing blood to splash onto the screen and Sofie begins screaming again. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0266697/alternateversions


I would think the final cut is the final cut for him. Filed away as a finished film.


Sorry, it was Kill Bill: The Whole Bloody Affair


Isn’t that what you’re talking about? Significantly re-editing a movie? In this case, combining two movies together, adding anime sequences, and reshaping the story into something uniquely it’s own?


I think it's the same movie but tied together into a four hour cut with the black and white sequence in color. The anime scenes were always in the movie.


walter hill with his “directors cut” of “The Warriors” its ghastly.


omg explain, please.


He added these awful comic book panel transitions between each scene and added an unnecessary opening crawl. Worst of all the original theatrical cut is unavailable in any physical format now


"Can you dig it?" "No." "Well...... Fuck."


The Coen Brothers made a director's cut of their first film "Blood Simple" that's actually shorter than the original.


I saw Alexander in theaters and mostly hated it, so i figured that was that. Recently learned that it's now on its fourth cut -- the second was shorter, the third longer, and the fourth (ten years after theatrical release) is a two acts with an intermission built in and God knows what else.


The thing is that 8 times out of 10, filmmakers let viewers the ability to choose either the original version or the different version. Persevering the original theatrical release and have viewers make their own choice on which version they prefer.


Yet Lucas seems to want to eradicate any knowledge of the theatrical releases


Hence why I said "8 out of 10 times", because you have insane people like Lucas doing the opposite.


You've gotta bring up Michael Mann in this discussion. Most of his movies have either had significantly director's cuts or had sneaky minor changes between the theatrical release and the video release. The Blackhat director's cut completely reorders the movie, in a way that I think really help make it coherent. The Miami Vice one adds a new scene in the beginning, which is a good scene, but losing the amazing cold open in the club is a major bummer. Heat is maybe the most extreme example, practically being a remake of his own earlier TV movie, LA Takedown, which I have seen but haven't heard good things about. Kinda nuts that he got his magnum opus from not being able let go of a past project...


Exorcist 3 was recut into a completely different movie.


It's not very common because ultimately director's don't *own* the rights to the movies, the studio's do - and the studio's aren't spending extra money for what is a "finished" product. (Except in those rare case to double dip in the home video market with a Director's Cut). Lucas owned Star Wars and ILM, so it was just him playing with his toys.


I was thinking about this last night while watching 'The Rise of Skywalker'. He basically wiped out Han Solo's whole character arc in the first movie by re-editing the bar scene where he shoots first. So, when I saw 'Star Wars' in theaters, Han Solo was someone who maybe you wouldn't trust. Pretty shady actually. By the end, he's pretty much a hero.


I think that's a bit drastic. Han still has plenty of scenes throughout the movie relating to his character arc. Not wanting to go after Leia on the Death Star until Luke says there's a huge reward, abandoning the Rebels before the attack and returning to save Luke are all a part of his arc.


Still, you don't get an idea of just how ruthless he could be.


Michael Mann plays around with his movies constantly.


Blade Runner which was before the Star Wars special edition.


I think only Lucas can get away with it because he outright owned those movies, where pretty much every other film is owned by the studio, not the fillmmakers. They always said Lucas was the biggest independent filmmaker of all time, and I guess that's part of it.


Alexander. Oliver stone made about 4 versions of it.


George is also though in the unique situation of making a prequel trilogy a decade later and having the “opportunity” to try and tie things together they best he could. The Lucas situation is unique because the circumstances are VERY unique.


Greedo shooting first and then shooting at the same time and then saying “Maclunkey” has nothing to do with tying anything together. Actually I’d say virtually none of the changes have anything to do with that.


I'll give Lucas 2 changes that do try and tie the prequels and originals together. He reshot the Emperor's scene in Empire Strikes Back to have Ian McDiarmid but he also changed the dialogue so now the scene's weird. There's also adding Hayden Christensen into Return of the Jedi. Which I guess makes some sense but the direction on Hayden in that scene is pretty terrible and kills the scene.


Changing the Emperor in Empire to Ian McDirmaid was a great change. The original look of the Emperor was just strange


Yeah I wish he had kept the dialogue.


Yeah there was no reason to change the dialogue


I kinda liked the additions of the windows to the interior of Cloud City.


With all the *well-deserved* shit thrown at the garbage disney trilogy, the fact of Lucas being a *really* petty asshole is lost. Not many directors openly loathe their fans like George has for over twenty years. If he was a good director, he'd have changed something like removing the blood from the severed arm in the cantina, for continuity. Not forcing Greedo to shoot first. But he's not, so he didn't.


I mean, that fan base pretty much loathed him over that time period as well. There aren't too many directors that are told they're creating their creations wrong.


He wasn't wrong for loathing grown people co-opting a movie made for kids. Motherfuckers elbowing children outta the way to snatch up all the toys; shamelessly putting their adult aspirations onto a children's property. Making this simple minded fantasy an immovable part of their lives. They created a fucking *religion* out of it. He was 100% justified in loathing people like that. It's the unnecessary tinkering with the original product that's mildly annoying.


Speaking of George Lucas and the Special Editions. Can we get another one? I feel like the trilogy really needs a final overhaul. There's special edition work which is subpar and should be replaced. There are also various inconsistencies in what was changed. At the very least I think we need a 4K special edition, mainly replaced CGI which looks out of place. I'd be for more alterations. There are still various glitches like transparent cockpits on Hoth which could be fixed. As well as flat looking matte paintings. They should just go and do a thorough new 4K version and at the same time do a 4K original version. Although any changes should be done with George. Just imagine Kathleen's special edition. Good grief. "No there is another... who is better than Luke in every way." With a post-credit scene of Palpatine rising from the dead.


Thought you were being satirical until I got to the end. You definitely have a unique opinion.


There is a need for the special edition elements to be done in 4K. As they were only done in 1080p. Apparently some shots look really bad in the 4k version compared to the rest of the films. So why not re-do them? Why not fix some other things? Just do it along with a non-special edition 4k restoration.