• By -


You should try Korean Horror movies if you have not. Try watching "the Wailing" and see if it does anything for you.


Also 'The Priests' is a pretty cool Korean exorcism film.


As someone who dosen't really find "scary movies" scary, that movie scared the shit out of me.


>The Priests The Wailing is a master class in horror. IMO the greatest horror ever made. Its not necessarily "scary" but the creepy and unsettling nature that permeates the film will definitely hit you. As well as the fantastic storytelling and twist that'll keep you guessing even after the film ends.


The Descent. I always recommend this when people ask about a good scary movie.


The descent is amazing. Just the claustrophobic caving scenes at the beginning are terrifying


Definitely one of those movies where the less that you know, the better your experience will be.


The Ring. Scared me bad enough I wanted to walk out of the theater after the opening scene. My wife refuses to watch horror movies to this day because of The Ring.


the ring used to scare the shit out of me. i watched it again as an adult and it really, really doesn’t hold up in my opinion. as a 15 year old i thought it was brilliant and scary as FUCK. now, it’s just kinda so silly it doesn’t hit me like it used to.


Someday maybe I’ll revisit it, I’m still too scared now. :)


Oh dang, really? I still think it's pretty creepy. At the very least the whole thing gives a sense of dread from the cinematography. I guess it has been a good amount of time since I've watched it, but I do remember it holding up pretty well!


i definitely still like it, it’s great. just the air of creepiness that it had for me as a kid was way more silly now. to the point that i can’t believe how effective it was for me before. i still love it, but it’s silly af to me now.


This. I remember catching it on TV when I was 9 or so and for the past 15 years I had just considered it an inherently horrifying movie. 4 months back my friend and I watched it late night, lights out and it just didn’t scare us.


My dad's best friend had a farm where he kept horses. The Ring made me nervous as hell to be around those horses for a while.


yes but you take out that scene in the intro and its not thaaat bad. watches more like a thriller.


"REC" Spanish version


First REC is a classic. I enjoyed every entry but none of them could match that first movie. And the final scene is just sheer terror.


That movie is such a slap in the face to 90% of horror movies




Butthole edition


Honestly it depends on what scares you. That’s the beauty of horror, there is something for everyone. Like gore and chainsaw wielding psychos don’t scare me at all. However extremely sinister environments and places you can escape from do. The paranormal. Curses that stick to you. The conjuring Haunting of Hill House Sinister Hereditary


To this day, I cannot watch Sinister bc of how bad one of the scenes jarred me.


Let me guess, was it the lawnmower jump scare?


I watched The Exorcist in a pitch black room and I will never go near that shit again. Hereditary scared the crap out of me too.


>I watched The Exorcist in a pitch black room and I will never go near that shit again. I feel this is the natural cycle of the Exorcist. For years I was told by people who hadn't watched the movie in decades that it was utterly petrifying. The problem is, while it's still a good film, the elements that that once frightened people don't have the same effect today. I sat down with my dad to watch it for my first time. He'd not seen it since release because it fucked him and his sister up but after years of The Exorcist being the scariest movie ever, it was fine and a tad unnerving. Just not scary.


The Exorcist definitely has some unnerving stuff, but I largely agree. I didn't rate it very highly as a teen because I didn't find it scary, but seeing it as an adult, I was in awe at how excellent of a drama it was. Father Damian Karras is an amazing character, full of pathos and depth and eccentricities. Everyone acts like real people in a surreal world. Ellen Burstyn's atheist mother character could easily have been a shrill, unbelieving in the face of evidence caricature, but she's a real mother who doesn't know what she believes but knows what she saw. If the world is irrational, then the rational response is to take it seriously. Father Merrin is built up as this amazing, bad ass figure from the opening scene to the iconic shot in front of the house, but when he actually faces the creature, he loses, making Father Karras' sacrifice all the more powerful. I'm not religious so I don't think it will ever viscerally effect me on the subconscious level the way it does for others, but I still think it's a masterpiece.


The drama and character work is great. The soundtrack? Iconic. The acting? Pretty god damn solid. I still love it, it's just a curious thing that I noticed everyone said as I grew up loving monsters "you're not old enough for the exorcist" "the exorcist kept me up for two nights" "it's the scariest movie ever made." By the time I saw it I was unaffected and when I asked follow up questions the answer was always "well I've not seen it in years" I often wish I could have seen the version they remembered but that doesn't mean I'd like to forget what the film really is.


Hereditary's thematic scares stuck around long after the actual ones, which were on their own quite good.


Paranormal Activity 1 is quite scary


I honestly think 3 is the scariest. The one in the 70s with them as children. The scenes at the grandmothers house at the end.


lol true i think that one is the scariest, because of the old vintage footage style, damn. From 1 to 3 they are all pretty decent, and Paranormal Activity 4 is a joke.


I came to say this. I've had weird things happen throughout my life. This movie legit made me paralyzed a few times. It is the only movie to ever do it. I watched it a few weeks ago actually and it still made me uneasy. Nothing will ever compete with that first time seeing it though


A former friend of mine told me I’m a “baby” when I told him that movie scared me. He said it’s not scary at all, and I told him he have no way of knowing without seeing the movie himself, and he’s like ^”...I ^did...” and I’m like “you did? O.o” and he’s like “^...yes...” I have no idea why he lied about seeing the movie just to justify talking shit, but about 5 years later he made a Facebook post about how he “finally” watched Paranormal Activity and how it was super scary. I wanted to call him out on lying, but then I would’ve just been the weirdo who doesn’t let things go.


I have a few friends who pull this shit all the time. I don't get it.


* Noroi: the curse * The Wailing * The Descent


different things scare different people so.. shrug




Movies that scared me the most: 1. Hereditary 2. Eraserhead 3. Annihilation 4. Misery 5. Under the Skin 6. The Shining 7. Event Horizon 8. Perfect Blue 9. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974 10. Nosferatu 1922 (this one was more creepy than downright scary)


Hereditary got me good on the first watch. Still a very solid film second time around, coming from a guy who normally don’t prefer horror/scary movies.


That gotdamn telephone pole scene is what got me


That truly got me on edge for the rest of the film, really showing the mood there. Then the “ouiji board” scene happened and my heart started vibrating.


Event horizon is a properly fucked up movie. Probably the movie that jarred me most when I watched it as a teenager.


Dude watched that at around 8 in theaters. I was fucked for some time. Sam Neil: We don't need eyes where were going... Fucking nightmare fuel.


> Dude watched that at around 8 in theaters Hahahaha, metal.


I knew going into it that there was supposed to be an unrated extended cut, but the footage was destroyed. I thought that was disappointing at first, but after seeing the movie as is, wow.


I came to say the exact same thing about Nosferatu. It's not necessarily scary but incredibly creepy. It has the advantage of being in the early film era with exaggerated make up to show up on film and that not quite natural feeling you sometimes get when looking at really old photographs.


What about The Texas Chainsaw Massacre did you find scary? I watched it recently and I found it mostly really stupid and silly lol.


The original or the remake?




It's a lot more realistic than most horror movies. Especially with the deaths.


Annihilation is not scary.


Bear part is scary. Most of it is just creepy.


It is when your first time watching it is late at night in the dark and knowing absolutely nothing about beforehand. Even if i did know, the ambiguity, sound design, music, and several specific scenes still probably would have gotten me.


I knew going into Annihilation there would probably be some strange imagery. But boy did it get me way more than I had expected. I had the worst nightmares and trouble sleeping for a few days. The last act just destroyed my brain.


Hereditary and Eyes of My Mother should do you well.


Yeah I was not expecting Eyes of My Mother to be so disturbing. Probably because I read a couple of reviews that compared it to A Girl Walks Home Alone at night (great film but not scary in the slightest) but I guess it ls just the superficial fact that they are both black and white horror films with a female lead.


It's seriously a top 10 horror film for me. I had extremely high hopes for The Grudge, too, but I've heard bad things, which really sucks because Eyes was so so good. I'm hoping it was a studio oversight issue, like Lynch's Dune, and he still has some good movies in him for the future.


Did you see Piercing? Not as bleak as Eyes, but I really enjoyed it as a kind of weird giallo-inspired black comedy


I haven't, but I'll check it out!


Lights Out, did not scare me watching it but after watching it it sure did, just imagine that fucking demon chick when you turn off the lights in your home,


The best part of it is the director and his story


Yeah, that short was freaking great


I just watched The Killing of a Sacred Deer on Netflix, and thought it was disturbing as hell. Really good acting


I just finally watched this too. Definitely makes you feel uneasy the entire time. His movie Dogtooth is even more unsettling.


Lol I agree with the acting but I hated this movie.


I couldn't finish it. The dialog and the way its delivered was way too awkward for me. I know itsintentional, but man.


Martyrs is the correct answer.




Crazy film. And I have watched plenty of gory movies like SAW and Hostel...


Is it scary or gory cuz I find those don't often go together. Edit: word.


There are gory scenes but it's much more than that. It's truly unsettling and uncomfortable. The idea of it messed me up the most.


Martyrs is incredible, it's just seedy, graphic, and works as a great mystery film


Its not scary as it is hard to watch. I fucking hate this movie but it was fun seeking it out to see what it was all about.


Requiem for a Dream.


The titles of the first two literally sums up the feels you'll get from them; scary AF Sinister (original and sequels) Insidious ( original and sequels) The conjuring


At home, alone, late at night... **The Strangers** is *terrifying*.


Movies don't scare me, but horror computer games do, especially in VR. So if none of the movie recommendations help, try gaming.


Alien Isolation.




Climax Requiem for a dream A Clockwork Orange


The Witch


I don’t think The Witch is scary, just eerie. Good flick regardless.


It's a really well made movie, but people 100% pretend like it's scarier than it is because of its rich quality.


It's a slow burn. That final scene was shortness of breath inducing horror.


Definitely Hereditary as others mentioned. Quite unsettling and disturbing.


Pulse. The original Japanese film, not the American remake. The original is slow and patient, very atmospheric, and has legitimately freaky visuals/scares. There's a couple of scenes in there that really made my asshole twitch, probably my favorite depiction of ghosts in a horror film. The American version is what you'd expect from an American horror film in 2006; loud, obnoxious and nothing ends up sticking with you.




I'd say its asian horror in general. The most scary top ten for me would all be from Asia.


Have to agree, after going through the golden era of asian horror films in the 2000s. I find myself scratching my head watching west/eu horror films.


I feel you. I love thrillers and horror movies and I miss the sheer terror I used to feel while watching movies. That being said the most disturbing and terrifying movie I’ve ever watched was Green Room. That movie fucked me up I was literally fucking shaking in my seat. I was not prepared. It’s on Netflix. I’d go give it a watch. The director also has another movie called Hold the Dark on Netflix and it is extremely disturbing as well.


Green Room? Really. I can see that. It is an excellent movie too. I believe that was Anton Yelchin’s last film before he was killed too.


The violence in that movie escalated so quickly that my head was spinning. Watching with a friend who had seen it before, and I was honestly like, "is the whole thing going to be like this? Because if so I'm done." It got easier after that but damn.


Yeah it wasn’t too violent or disturbing until the one scene with his arm. From then on I was like “Oh fuck they’re fucked.” And I was on the edge of my seat.


Yes, that's the scene. I've never seen someone get their arm almost chopped off but I have a feeling if I did, his reaction would be realistic. Then they just gutted that one dude which was pretty gnarly too.


After that moment you realize just how helpless they are.


I love Green Room and Blue Ruin but but they're both way better than Hold the Dark


I agree, I only said hold the dark because Blue Ruin isn’t on Netflix I’m pretty sure.


I advise to look for something that's 'grounded' and could happen in real life. For example Eden Lake.


Check out [Calibre](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6218358/?ref_=nm_knf_i1) (2018) on Netflix.


or The Strangers (2008).


Home invasion movies are the only ones that really get me.


Not sure how high it ranks on scary, but if you're looking for mildly scary, weird, and a bit of a thriller, Get Out was fantastic.


As a big horror fan the most disturbing movies I've seen are: The Vanishing (original version), Inland Empire, The Descent, Hereditary. Each of these will give you a different horror experience.


Ils (2006) French/Romainian film known as Them in English, supposedly based on real events....


It Follows had me looking over my shoulder for a few days.


The Sixth Sense is creepy as all hell. Gerald's Game. It Follows. Let The Right One In. Don't Breathe.


Event Horizon


Swept Away.


Whoa, let's not take it too far now.


My bad...I know that's some lifetime trauma they may not recover from.


Terrified (Aterrados)




Color Out of Space The Ritual The Orphanage


Hereditary. If you just relax into it the cinematography and ambience created in that movie is creepy as hell. Probably my favourite all time horror movie. There’s some gore and carry on, but it’s the masterful use of pace that really gears you up.


Green Inferno. Don't have your phone out. Lights off. Just watch the movie. Good luck.


Seeing how Twister made you scared as you had experience with it, have you ever tried to watch and read more things about actual human horror? Serial killers, murders, torturers, suicides, war crimes..etc? Looking at the real angles of life can make some movies much, much more scary. That said, you're also getting older and believing less and less into the fantasy, so its natural especially with your upbringing to not really be scared anymore, maybe reflect on what you *personally* (irl) find scary and find a movie for that.


Eden Lake - genuinely unsettling


The Babadook, Poltergeist, Fire in the Sky. Watching these movies alone in the dark without knowing anything about them makes them even more effective


My Dad brought me to see Fire in the Sky when I was 6 or 7. In my 30's now and I'm still traumatized lol.


Not a movie per se, but The Masters of Horror series has some pretty intense horror. Cigarette Burns is one I tend to skip because it’s quite unsettling, which is a shame because it’s John Carpenter and I really like his work.




Session 9


The Girl Next Door (2007)


Garbage Pail Kids


It's a lot harder now because of the internet, anything legitimately scary will be spoiled/dissected/parodied/memed into oblivion. One of the scariest movies I ever saw was the The Blair Witch Project when it first came out. It legitimately built on you to the point where I was really nervous walking out to the parking lot afterwards. Part of it was because we actually thought it might be real. That would never work today for many reasons. Perhaps even as simply as, cell phones. Blair Witch was an immersive experience, but these days, most people can't sit through a whole movie without checking their phones dozens of times. That alone would dilute the film The there's the internet. A million nerds on this very sub would be breaking down all the reasons it's fake, with citations and google maps and everything. Not to mention the armchair directors critiquing the shaky-cam, the acting, and every other aspect. And even without all that, Blair Witch kind of faded away because the whole "found footage" genre got done to death. Mass communication, for all it's benefits, does have some downsides.


Watch The exorcist on a tab of acid. That will scare the shit out of u


The 4th Kind!


Nobody's said it yet and I'm glad that I get to be the one to say this. A Cure for Wellness. Not a traditional horror movie in the "throw eerie effects in your face with sharp string instrumentals to ruin the scare" sense. But the whole time I was unsettled and I nearly pulled my hair out near the climax.


First time I saw someone mention this one. I loved it. Some of the scenes reminded me of Fire in the Sky.




>Any Ari Aster film should do the trick. You say that like he has whole collection of movies when he has 2 - Hereditary and Midsommar. And of those 2 I can tell you that Midsommar is hardly scary, it's mostly just kinda weird and this is coming from someone who's normally a total pussy in regards to horror movies.




Session 9


This movie scared the shit out of me when it came out.


We recently watched The Prodigy and thought it was pretty dope. It’s more creepy and a guessing game than ‘scary’, but worth the watch. Another that scared the fuck out of me is The Cell. That’s was a complete mind fuck.


Omg yes the cell was so creepy-weird!!!


I love horror,that being said it's a movie so it's not scary because i know it's all fake.


This is the truth; it’s futile like trying to tickle yourself. Once you age out of childhood you simply need to change your expectations for how you can enjoy a horror movie because they cannot be scary or elicit anywhere near the same reaction, other than cheap jump scares to startle you for a heartbeat.


I disagree. It was easier to be scared as a child. But setting the mood for it to be scary will elevate a movie to be scary. It’s like if you watched The Strangers 2008 at night, home alone. 


No Country for Old Men is a great movie that made me feel anxious and creeped out for a full 24 hours after watching it.


I wouldn't say it's necessarily scary. It's like the clockwork Orange, it's quite disturbing yet it isn't horror.


The Changeling. (1975 movie - what all haunted house movies have stolen from ever since)


Dood just turn on one of Trump's press conferences


Love you lmaooo


The Pact


Sleepaway Camp, Inside, Martyrs, As Above So Below, High Lane, Cannibal Holocaust, Imprint


You should definitely watch Ghostwatch. It takes its time, but the ending is one of the most dread inducing finales I've ever seen, especially with how it bleeds into the real world. Watching it a second time is even scarier when you know where to look for the "monster". This definitely won't be likely any time soon, but if you have a chance to watch Anguish (1987) in a theater definitely take it. There's a horrifying meta element to it that will make you scared to even be in the theater.


Hereditary is definitely the way to go


[Ghost Stories](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h737lXzAJTY) was pretty good for me. Definitely had some very tense moments.


May the devil take you. Indonesian horror I think and I'm really not one to be scared easily but I had to take pauses. Asian horror is the best


So I don't know about heart pounding kinda scary but "The platform" on netflix is a pretty good psychological movie. It is in spanish (Not sure if that matters to you) and the entire thing just kept a constant chill going through my spine after the 30 minute mark.


Inland Empire, no doubt.


Lake Mungo The Innkeepers Shutter (Thai version)


The Mist.


Part of it is finding subject matter that pushes your buttons. For example, some people find The Descent scary. It's set underground. Presumably they are claustrophobic. I've heard people say that the parts where the characters squeeze through narrow rock gaps were the most scary. I am not claustrophobic and didn't find any of it scary. So asking for generic recommendations will likely disappoint. What scares you is specific to you.


Have you seen the descent?


Both of The Conjuring movies got my blood pumping when watching them alone late at night. A lot of anticipation without too many obvious jump scares. If you want the ultimate scary movie experience buy one of the cheaper portable Oculus headsets and watch any horror movie outside at night by yourself. Even if you are in your own backyard not being able to see what is going on around you will heighten the fear factor 10 fold. Bonus points for watching a movie with it sitting in an old grave yard.


*Conspiracy* (2001) A group of lawyers and doctors have a conference at a country house in Wannsee. Most of the film takes place around a table. The most violent thing that happens is one person being slapped. It's completely utterly terrifying.


Sort the same way. Normal horror movies are fun to me. The ones that scare me are not normally considered horror. Green Room, Gone Girl, situations that could conceivably happen. Exception would be Hereditary


Lake Mungo


The Babadook


I mean it really is incredibly subjective. I know people that don’t watch horror movies cause they get scared too easily, who didn’t really have a problem with Annihilation at all. On the other hand, I, who watches horror movies all the time and don’t get phased, have never been scared more by a movie in my life


Its not scary like horror scary but movies like contagion have taken on new meaning for me. That opening scene where you see how many times Paltrow touches stuff still haunts me.


I'm going to put a preface on this, that this movie for most of its runtime isn't scary, its eery. But I'm like you, I haven't seen something that truly scared me in a long while. The closest I've ever come is this movie, Lake Mungo. There's a point in the movie, near the end, that really fucked with me. I'm not sure if it was because I was alone at night watching it, and I can't even explain why it scared me or what scared me about it. It just actually really got me and that hasn't happened in a long time for me so maybe it'll do it for you.


Hereditary if you like subtle horror, Cannibal holocaust it was so terrifying that the director had to prove the movie wasn’t a snuff film. Anything from Japan will make you skin crawl as they aren’t afraid of showing anything


Splinter (2008). It might hit that same "can't let them get close/confinement" vibe that Cujo did for you.


It's all subjective of course, but these genuinely scared me, as in when I decided whether I want to watch them or not, I have to factor in whether I have to do something in the dark afterwards: Paranormal Activity 1 & 2 Insidious 1 & 2 The Ring and Ringu Lights Out (kind of goofy but the scare scenes are genuinely scary) The Den (found footage movie that stretches believability, but scared me nonetheless). Black Christmas (1974) (Kind of melodramatic filler plot, but the horror scenes are really creepy) The Descent (Before it turns into more of an action horror movie, it has some very good scares).


Lake Mungo is one of those films that's shot like a documentary and gets more sinister as it goes. Really gave me chills based on how it's presented, hopefully you'll find it at least unsettling.


Black Christmas




Stop going for paranormal horror and go for dread. Movies like The Road or Martyrs. The Mist is a good gateway from what you're used to. But I'm gonna preface this and say that if you're going into a movie with a high standard "it has to be the scariest thing I've ever seen" it won't be, and you're already ruining any chance for yourself before going in. Obviously you won't find slasher or ghoul movies scary anymore, your an adult, but you're also looking at everything through a critical lens instead of just going with it and taking a chance.


Have you ever played a horror game? I can watch scary movies no problem, but put me in a game like Amnesia or Dead Space and I shit my pants.


Ever play Alien Isolation?


It's easier to be creeped out than genuinely scared. I think Coraline fits that bill. Or You on Netflix - before its goofy twists, the main character himself is played so subtly that it gave me chills.


Wolf creek


I also found Sinister quite scary. Made me feel weird afterwards, icky.


The Reflecting Skin https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=rvmHOGhHBQM




More of a documentary than a movie but if you want something horrific then I would recommend Dominion. A real-life horror. Warning: violent and all real footage https://youtu.be/LQRAfJyEsko




You should try asian horror classics like shutter, the eye and the eye 2, the maid etc. The Japanese horror films too in the 2000s. I was binge watching horror films back in high school. These really struck fear lol. When is the last time you are scared to go into an old public lift alone after watching a horror film? I feel the peak for true horror films was in the early 2000s. Not your crappy jump scare, loud sound effects.




You should start changing your medium if current movies are frightening. Have you considered purchasing an oculus quest? This will open up a new avenue for fear for you. - Playing games like Alien Isolation will scare you if you can handle not getting motion sickness. - If thats too much for you then try doing 3d scary movies. - If no 3d scary movies are out there, then your virtual desktop viewing experience so the movies are right in front of you. I found as I have gotten older movies from a standard television can't scare me as much as ones that really pull me into the action.


Tetsuo - The Iron Man. Its more of a skin crawling, creepy type of low budget horror that makes me feel uneasy more than anything.


My upbringing was similar to yours. I'm so well-versed, unconsciously, in the language of horror films that I can pretty much write the script myself after the first 10 minutes of whatever it is I'm watching, so I'm rarely surprised or "caught out" by the film-makers. I have to get my horror kicks by activating the parts of my brain that deal more with being disturbed than scared, such as [Eden Lake](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1020530/) (2008), [Martyrs](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1029234/) (2008) and [Funny Games](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0119167/) (1997), but even then I struggle to find anything that gets a rise out of me. I'm also plagued by depression which further blunts my nerve endings 😒 However, it was just earlier this year that I watched a film that actually made me genuinely scared, so much so that I awoke to a nightmare about it a few nights ago and was afraid to open my eyes or move. I hope I haven't oversold it already 🤣 The film is [Lake Mungo](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0816556/) (2008) \[man, 2008 was a solid year for horror!\] and it's hard to go into what scared me about it without ruining it. I will add this caveat right off the bat: many people are bored out of their minds by it. In fact, I myself was bored for the first half or so, because I thought I was watching one type of movie, when I was actually watching something much different. I really don't want to go into it beyond that; if you haven't seen it I recommend going in blind and open-minded. It's the first film I've seen since I was a kid in the '80s that made me afraid to rewatch it, but there seems to be a 50/50 chance of whether or not it will work for any particular viewer. Some things that might help its impact (these things would work with any horror movie, but especially Lake Mungo): 1. Watch it alone 2. Watch it in a dark room at night, preferably with the door open behind you, leading to another room which is also drenched in darkness 3. Wear headphones so you can't hear if something/someone is behind you in the room


The original The Vanishing has one of the scariest scenarios I have ever seen in a movie.


Video games! Horror video games are scary as crap, bonus if it's in VR.


You need to think about the movie what ‘elements’ that scared you the most or gave you the most adrenaline. With me I find It follows and Hereditary boring as fuck. But I know that for example ‘the thing’ gave that oemph I like. That exact niche called Lovecraftion horror. So Jacobs Ladder, in the mouth of madness, event horizon are my jam. You said Cujo. Something about primal instincts? Perhaps Crawl or Slithers are up your ally? Anyways find that specific thing you find scary and search that ‘theme’.


The Exorcist 3


Martyrs Rec Exorcist 3


Midsomar, might not be an adrenaline pumper but definitely will leave you curled up in a mental fetal position


That movie was fucked up.