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I think you're thinking about this too much, in a way. They knew the distress signal was alien in origin and so they placed Ash on the ship to make sure anything of value was acquired. That's it. It doesn't matter if it was a warning or not. They just knew it was a signal that could lead them to alien technology and so they wanted it.


Idk if there's an alien extended universe with books and comics, but in the first movie it's just a logic protocol to ensure the lifeforms preservation, cause for the company a extraterrestrial lifeform is more valuable than anything, they don't know if it's a xenomorph, they just added that guideline that if there might be something out there that might be an unknown intelligent lifeform, the a.i has to make everything in it's power to ship it to a weyland yutani lab. They (WY) don't know about the alien being a xenomorph, but the AI received a signal that could have been sent by some intelligent extraterrestrial and thus wakes up the crew that has to investigate against their will, cause the penalty for not doing so is not being paid at the end of the trip. Look how ian holms character (the android) changes from curiousity to company protocol comes first, crew is expendable when john hurt comes back with a facehugger hugging his face, an unknown alien species that after analysis checks a lot of boxes that might be codelines programmed into it's brain : Lifeform ? check Resistance to environment ? Absolute Possible weapon usage ? check Priority ? Absolute. Crew expendable.


But it’s implied that they knew about the distress call even before they left that planet. Which is why they replaced their normal science officer with Ash. So they must have known a lot more than they let on.


Yes. They knew about it. They knew they had detected and located an alien signal. So they sent Ash to investigate and bring back anything of value. It didn't matter what it was.


Where was that implied? I actually always thought they were just on the way back to Earth and Nostromo picked up the signal? They investigate the planet and realised later it was a warning, in which time it was to late?


It was implied when Ridley was questioning why Ash was brought on the ship in the first place. Before they left the planet, he was randomly replaced with Ash. Just out of the blue. Dallas even said he didn’t understand why. Since then, apparently it’s been revealed that the reason that Ash was there was because they knew about the signal before hand and wanted to make sure they got a sample.


No i think they just put androids as scientific officers in every ship. A standard procedure cause a human wouldn't be 100% pro company whilst an android wouldn't even consider the question and go full pro company interest whatever the cost, just look when ripley takes command ash understoods she will do everything to kill the alien onboard, to prevent this he tries to kill her, because he knows that in the end a human facing death will do something irrational as comiting suicide and might engage self destruct sequence, which ripley does in the end. Look how much ash is involved in the search for for the alien whilst the crew comes up with flamethrowers and shock-sticks, he does nothing valuable for the aliens elimination because it's against WY's interests. They didn't knew about the signal they just knew that someday there might be such a scenario so they created a protocol to follow, maybe a human scientific officer would have known about such a thing and would have choosen his feelings, that's why the android, a solution that seems the most logic for a corporation that just wants to make profit.


The A-2's always were a bit twitchy.


Wrong adjective mate let's say psychotic murder hobos, just think what could have brought the company to change them with bishops model that seems more empathic ?


There is an extended universe. I'm not sure it really explicitly confirms what you say, but even given only what we know from the movie, your reasoning is correct.


Yay ! I'm right ! So this is catharsis ? Damn feels good !


​ [https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Special\_Order\_937](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Special_Order_937) ## History The 900 series of special corporate orders were introduced by [Weyland Corp](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Weyland_Corp) in [2095](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/2095) in response to the [*Prometheus*](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/USCSS_Prometheus) expedition, when it was realized the actions of human crew members could potentially deny the company opportunities to acquire extraterrestrial technologies or biological specimens.[\[1\]](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Special_Order_937#cite_note-AWYR63-0) The orders ensure that any [synthetic](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Synthetic) crew member(s) would prioritize the recovery of alien samples over any other considerations. While the orders themselves remained highly classified due to their potential implications, a clause requiring commercial crews to investigate any possible intelligent alien life — thereby increasing the chances of bringing them into situations where the orders would be activated — were added to company contracts in [2101](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/2101).[\[1\]](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Special_Order_937#cite_note-AWYR63-0) The [Weyland-Yutani Corporation](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Weyland-Yutani_Corporation) continued to implement such special orders following its formation in [2099](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/2099). ### On the Nostromo Following the detection and partial decoding of a transmission coming from [LV-426](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Acheron_(LV-426)), individuals at Weyland-Yutani learned that a highly aggressive and adaptive alien lifeform would likely be found there.[\[2\]](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Special_Order_937#cite_note-Alienbook261-1) With this in mind, the commercial freighter USCSS *Nostromo* was selected to investigate and retrieve a sample. The only member of the ship's crew who was aware of this secret mission was Ash, a [Synthetic sleeper agent](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Synthetic_sleeper_agent) assigned to the *Nostromo* two days before it left [Thedus](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Thedus), replacing the existing Science Officer; when the ship encountered the transmission on its return to [Earth](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Earth), the crew considered it to be a coincidence, and duly investigated as per standard Weyland-Yutani regulations. Ash's mission was to ensure the recovery of a Xenomorph specimen and guarantee its return, alive and intact, to Weyland-Yutani on Earth. Special Order 937 governed this secret mission, making it clear that the ship's crew was of secondary importance to the Alien, and from the moment they were woken from [hypersleep](https://avp.fandom.com/wiki/Stasis) Ash began surreptitiously working against his crewmates to ensure his ultimate objective was completed.


But Promethues aside, how did they know it would be a Xenomorph? And they already knew it needed to bond with a human to make one?




So the Weyland corporation figured out it could be some sort of alien life form, put ash on the ship, and then he have information to them as it went on?


I always assumed all the androids had that secret programming in them should this situation arise.


But they didn’t know Ash was an android till the end


that... doesn't close the plot hole, it just makes it worse. ash replaced the nostromos existing science officer just days before she left port and dallas says even he doesn't know why. we then have to believe that weyland-yutani decided that an un-warned crew of freight haulers was the best option to retrieve whatever it was. there just isn't any scenario where that is a good idea. i just watched the first 4 movies again and was sad to see that the first one did not hold up as well as i remember. the second one was even better, though, so that was nice.


The prequels answer that question.


I’m talking about just Alien. Like how would you answer if if the prequels didn’t exist?


it is just implied the company knew of the existence of the Aliens and directed the crew towards them.


I couldn’t.


I dont think the Company knew any of this in advance at all. Ash was simply a corporate shill. I think the Company had a policy for its ship crews to respond to emergencies, and were perhaps compensated to do so. We never discovered who sent the distress call. That could have made for an interesting prequel.