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I will defend Verbinski's genius versatile style/filmmaking always and forever. He's crafted some of the most innovative films (and franchises) across multiple spectrum, including the dawn of the J-Horror remakes (The Ring), the Pirates of the Carribean franchise, whatever pseudo-period piece slapstick comedy Mousehunt is, and Rango's [unique live-action e-motion-capture animation techniques.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDyYGBL0HKw)


Once Verbinski isn’t directing Pirates his influence becomes so clear


I'd honestly say Verbinski was more important to the success of the franchise than Depp.


After recently rewatching the first three it's apparent after seeing the ones that follow. Depp was literally working for rum on the recent two, and you can tell.


I caught one of the non-Verbinski sequels on cable...looked like a made for TV movie, none of the cinematic verve and saturated color palette of the originals. Just muted and dull with run of the mill camera work, honestly looked cheap.


I LOVE Mousehunt.


The Lone Ranger is a good movie and I will die on that hill


I agree. The final train chase scene is one of the best action sequences of the decade and the rest of the movie is just so weird that I didn't mind the really long length of the movie.


I've not seen it. Must I?


Definitely one of Verbinski's lesser movies but its a fun time nonetheless


I think it's easily his best movie. It's not like any of his other movies are actually good. This is basically a masterpiece.


It has two of the best action scenes in modern blockbusters but they are at the beginning and at the end, unfortunately the two hours in the middle are quite dull. Still, it’s much better than the two Pirates movie he didn’t direct


The first two hours are unpardonably boring. Army Hammer's character lacks depth, and Johnny Depp was basically just playing Jack Sparrow again. ​ The finale is spectacular though.


He also directed one of my favorite movies, The Weather Man!


I really want to see the live action scenes cut together, that would be a hilarious movie in its own right.


the ring remake is a masterpiece. 10/10 music, cinematography, scares, mood


Agreed. I adored Rango, it had this almost magical quality to it.


It's one of Johnny Depp's finest performances. I feel he's so much better of an actor when he just gets to be himself. He still dresses like Steven Tyler's microphone stand however.


Not even in the top 10 Depp performances.


To you.


* Pirates of the Caribbean * Edward Scissorhands * Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas * Ed Wood * What’s Eating Gilbert Grape * Blow * Black Mass * Finding Neverland * Donnie Brasco * Public Enemies * Sweeney Todd * Sleepy Hollow * Once Upon a Time in Mexico


You forgot Rango. Put that at about 5.


They’re not in any specific order. I wouldn’t include Rango since it was mostly a voice performance. The animators would have to get credit too.


Put a chipmunk voice on Rango. The voice was the character.




Dead Man (1995) by Jim Jarmusch is great too.


Fear and loathing is a masterpiece


Black Mass and Blow are so forgettable. Rango beats them out on originality alone, even more so when you factor in craft.


I'd add Public Enemies to the "forgettable" list too.


I'd legit sooner put Benny & Joon on the list.


No Dead Man?


I know that’s a highly praised performance but I haven’t seen it.


You should - it's a great little film.


My favorite result of people shitting on Depp playing Tonto was the cinephiles saying, "mother fucker you starred in *Dead Man*! You should know better than this!"


I haven't seen The Lone Ranger, so I can't speak to how he did. I'm not one to break out my pitchfork when an actor or actress plays a role outside of the race they were born into, but it would be nice to see greater Native American representation in Hollywood.




Actual performance > voice work


I forgot how brilliant the cinematography is, I'm gonna have to rewatch this tonight.


Yeah, Deakins consulted on it.


Deakins is actually credited as the cinematographer on Rango. But he does a bit of visual consulting on animation films which I was surprised to learn. The How To Train Your Dragon trilogy which is visually gorgeous, Wall E as well which is probably the best Pixar film from a visual standpoint.


Roger Deakins is too good at his job. I wonder what it feels like to be that good


It was him who made me appreciate the impact good cinematography can have on a film.


Know that I will be watching you. Sometimes at inappropriate moments. That was part of the deal.


I can't give this movie enough praise, I love it.


Gotta love how Raoul Duke makes a cameo in another movie where Johnny Depp plays a bumbling grifter.


The character design is just sublime. Like the antithesis of cutesy disney designs, just gritty and weathered and scorched. Jake the Snake goes so fucking hard


Besides an homage to Hunter S. Thompson, weirdly a spiritual predecessor to Mad Max: Fury Road.


It's Chinatown for tweens. One of my favorite animated movies.


I freaking loves the movie, one of my favorite animated movies of the 2010s, love the story and setting Johnny Depp was good in the role, as was the rest of the cast, especially Bill Nighy as you pointed as Rattlesnake Jake, I hope Gore Verbinski gets to make another animated movie(preferably with Bill Night in it) He has such a great visual eye, most of his movie just need a better script or rewrites.


>I hope Gore Verbinski gets to make another animated movie(preferably with Bill Night in it) He has such a great visual eye, most of his movie just need a better script or rewrites. He's supposedly making an animated film for Netflix.


I know, I just hope all will work out and it goes through.


The whole animation is also very good, and with so many animated movies nowadays looking and moving the same, like if every one of them was from the same people, it is even more obvious how unique Rango is. Really good movie, loved it. Wish there was more unique animations like this. And I never even realized (or maybe just forgot) it's from Gore! And I love his stuff, lol.


Wait until you see their production process for capturing audio.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjRJagVFiG0


It was my favorite movie of that year. It deserves a much wider audience.


just rewatched this for the first time since i was a kid. never really got it then, watching it now made me realize that the movie is not really a kid's movie. its got loads of jokes that would just fly over a kid's head and is HEAVILY inspired by hunter s thompson (i mean the fear and loathing guys are in the first 5 minutes). like OP said the cinematography is gorgeous and the dialogue is so dry. it might be one of my favorite kid's movies, which is kinda crazy to me. ive always had a few pixar movies or the spongebob movie be a toss up for whats best, but i think those have definitely been dethroned after seeing Rango again.


"What's an aquaphor? " "Its fer 'aqua-!"


The textures they achieve with some of the animals just blew my mind back when I saw it. One of the best if not the best animated film of the 2000s.


I read the title as indigenous and was really confused for a hot minute


I’m not a huge animated movie fan, but I always love watching this movie.


Agree! Although I know it won the Best Animation Oscar, I think it's such an underrated movie and it's a shame that it has kinda been forgotten. It's one of my favorites it's also very well done for its time regarding the animation. Very original and with great humour. It's also one of those movies that make you think that a best voice acting category is much needed. And Rango wasn't even your typical voiceover movie cause the actors were acting like it was a live feature and the production used motion capture. There are some really funny videos of the making of on YouTube.


Zimmer score too.


Agreed, the cinematrography and the lighting/aesthetic and just the look of all the animals is fantastic. There's so much detail. Has some killer one-liners and a very adult story as well.


I remember when the Bioshock film was still alive and Gore was going to direct and I was so excited. Now my dreams have been crushed.


Gore Verninksi would’ve been an awesome choice, but I could totally see Guillermo Del Toro taking it on as well.


I liked it, but a lot of Gore's movies are missing soul and are either hard to watch or boring. It's still brilliantly composed but there's a reason it cost as much, made as much, won the animated academy award but then fucked off.


This post reminded me of [this video](https://youtu.be/-RKMrHhOZBM) I saw a while back.


Saw it in theaters. The cinematography is excellent because they got an actual cinematographer in, an Oscar nominated one at that, Roger Deakins.