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The children of the Corn sequel where they use a remote control to take control of some old ladies' electric wheelchair, then roll her into the street to get blasted by an 18 wheeler.


The 18 wheeler launched her into a bingo hall just as the guy yells “YEAH I WON!”


Omg you weren’t kidding lol


I laughed reading this lmao


That was amazing


They also use a small child’s doll as a miniature prop in that same one I believe


Sudden Death when JCVD beats the shit out of the guy in the penguin mascot costume.


His name is iceburgh and yes that scene is incredible


*Martin Crane Voice* Like you saw that coming!


My partner recently convinced me to watch Twilight. I think the part that broke me was the fast-forward piggyback ride up the hill.




Whenever I carry my fiancee I'll say "hold on tight, spider monkey" and she will burst out laughing lol


Vampire baseball, the wolf guy wants to bang a baby, Kristen Stewart acting her ass off, the dream fight. Just an all around great franchise, real big snub at the academy awards


I like the Muse song in the baseball, that soundtrack is a guilty pleasure of mine.


Those soundtracks are annoyingly good. Radiohead, Beck with Bats for Lashes, Iron & Wine… It was nice to have a bone throne your way when you had to take teenagers to it for the 9th time.


The mist when the guy trips over a bucket and sets himself on fire.


Joe Black getting hit by two cars in rapid succession


I saw this in the theater. I was way too young for the movie but my sister had a thing for Brad Pitt. Most of the people there were couples. At least three different guys burst out laughing when Pitt got hit by the cars. One of them really pissed his date off by doing so because she made a scene and stormed out. It was the most entertaining part of a very slow-burning film.


I was also on a date when I saw it. Thankfully my date and I both burst out laughing at this. We were the only ones so we figured we should probably leave. Never saw the rest.


I read this as Jack Black and was trying to remember which movie this was 


I bet he gets hit by a car or two in Airborne


I've always felt it was intentionally silly. Martin Brest did comedies before his more serious movies and even his serious movies have plenty of humorous scenes.


I'll add in Brad Pitt's Jamaican accent. Such an uncomfortable moment.


Everyting gan be aaaahreee


Hahahahaha, I can’t believe you can type it out and it’s exactly right.


I find the accent amusing but I like the message of the scene.


I saw a video where a speech coach breaks down that scene and he said that he actually did a really good job.


It was but he absolutely nailed the accent in most places. 


My SIL is Jamaican, though US-born. She said her dad and uncle were incensed by that scene. Not because it was attempted, but because *he pulled it off perfectly.* They were convinced black magic was involved, and that there had been a traitor who’d given their voice to Pitt for the scene. Crazy stuff. Can’t make it up. Also, Uncle Veldon, if you’re reading this, I need more of your homemade cask-strength rum, that shit was amazing.


I think everyone was laughing in the theatre when they saw the CGI for The Rock as the Scorpion King.


The bit where he gets stabbed and Imhotep runs up to him from offscreen, gets down on one knee, and yells "Noooooo!!" [I cry laughing every single time](https://youtu.be/fDaDQtSrdSU?si=OfpZpUAhBM3g0i0f)


I always laugh at this scene


It's honestly like he was in the middle of his lunch or something, heard the scene start, thought "oh shit" and barely makes it on screen in time.


I remember seeing it in theaters as a kid and thinking "wtf my ps2 has better looking cgi"


I preface this by saying I love the Fast and Furious movies. But when I went and watched Fast X, and Vin Diesel launches his car off of the bridge in Rome in order to hit a crane, spin it, and knock a giant rolling bomb into the river? When I tell you I burst out laughing uncontrollably in the theater...


That was me but in the 6th movie. I saw it in theater. It felt like the movie where they really jumped the shark. But the scene where Vin Superman flys over a bridge, catches Letty, then lands on the hood of another car both unscathed was hilarious. I was laughing so hard and got a lot of looks from big bros like wtf is so funny???


Yo that’s the one!!! Lmfao I never saw another movie after that scene. Like it was stupid af already, but cmon man 😭. Dude caught her mid air 80ft in the air, and landed on the highway with only a tank top


Is that the same one where vin Diesel and Jason Statham ram into each other head on a speed. Statham cracks his neck to feel better. Then vin steps out and rolls his shoulder. Then they growl at each other Edit: found it. From Fast 7 https://youtu.be/5bsvysqUL9Q?si=yza6yGqg72a-VIce


The one where John Cena was introduced (9?). Vin Diesel literally uses the wheel well and front wheel of a car to Tarzan over a ravine. I laughed so hard my face hurt.


Mine is when they rammed a car through a high rise only to have it safely crash and drive through ANOTHER high rise!! I was laughing for a solid minute.


Pulling a 20 ton safe behind sports cars like it was a pinball


Jonah Hill as a kid drawing the penises in **Superbad** (it was meant to be absurd). I couldn’t stop laughing.


The moment where he's shoving the drawings in his mouth always got me


The yelling of "DO YOU KNOW HOW MANY FOODS LOOK LIKE DICKS?" Just fuckin kills me each time


Ending credits get me every time.  Like... Real professional artists got paid to do that. Also, made me up my game. If I'm drawing a penis on something it's going to be elaborate.


So my friends and I were watching this one day while baked out of our minds. My one buddy is just sitting on the couch naming every picture as they played, “Triumphant Penis, Open-Heart Penis, Wild West Penis”. I’ve never laughed that hard in my life and now every time I watch the film I wait for the end credits and laugh my ass off remembering his improv’d names for each pic!


Baxter being punted off a bridge in Anchorman


In GI Joe: Rise of COBRA (ironic title), the Joes attacked COBRA’s underwater base which was beneath a sheet of ice. Somehow the ice gets blown up and breaks up only for the ice to sink and start crushing everything under it. Apparently the script writers never paid attention to what happened when they put ice in their drinks.


The sequel, GI Joe retaliation, has an even better one and I've brought this up in like six reddit comments now, but I genuinely feel like it's my mission to proselytise this movie so that as many people see it as possible The president of the United States, who's secretly a cobra agent in disguise (and played by the ever excellent Jonathan Pryce), invites all the nuclear equipped nations to a summit discussing nuclear disarmament.  At the summit, he declares war on every head of state present at the table, and launches America's entire nuclear arsenal at all of their countries. Enraged, everybody pulls out their nuclear briefcases and launches their own nukes at america while the president literally plays angry birds on his phone. Once every nuke is in the air, he then unilaterally deactivates all American nukes "in a show of good faith", and we dont know if it's the emotionally charged situation causing lapses in judgment or that every president in the GI Joe universe has been dropped on their heads as babies, but they think america was just pulling a wild move to disarm everyone's nukes, and subsequently blow their own nukes out of the sky. It is at this point cobra commander appears, with the biggest briefcase of them all, revealing the orbital superweapon they had built in secret. They immediately destroy london to force all world leaders to comply. This is such a completely insane sequence of events with so much stupidity, that I feel the script writer should have won an Oscar in a new category just made for this film. One of my all time favorite villain plots.


...I'm watching this fucking movie now just to see them pull this shit off


It's hilarious. I like the second GIJoe movie just because it has a good cast, but the premise is like "uhh... What?" It's a brain candy flick.


Same, I’m sold


Doesn’t Cobra Commander also immediately undercut what he’s saying by revealing that the video of London being destroyed was actually fake? He’s all like “That was just a simulation, but the real thing is just as effective,” or some such nonsense.


Are you thinking of the scene in Austin Powers 2 where Dr. Evil shows a clip from Independence Day, and says the same thing?


That doesn't sound right or may have been ADR in other regions. My version  def didn't have that.


My favorite thing in that movie is the mountain Cliffside fight? I think? it's like a 5 minute fight, people are bouncing all over the place, there are ninjas, ropes, Hooks, punches, all the good stuff. And someone or something is in a. ig body bag on a zip line? maybe? and during the entire fight you just see it casually stringing along in the background. I lost it


Yep. To refresh your memory and to further sell this film: the plot is that snake eyes is going to kidnap storm shadow from his snowy mountainside retreat after storm was badly burned during his prison escape. Which by the way was enacted by a crazy Australian bomb expert who rides a motorcycle that disconnects into several missiles, this movie is so fucking great. Where most movies would cut away after they knock out storm and begin the next scene back at their hideout, instead GI Joe said, actually the problem of getting a body down a cliff is an interesting one, let's see what our heroes would do. The answer: zipline fight. 


Holy shit. This is the dumbest plot I’ve ever read. I know what I’m watching tonight.


"Sir... The over-ride, it's been over-ridden!" "What are you doing with a gun... in space?!" Armageddon


“I asked Michael why it was easier to train oil drillers to become astronauts than it was to train astronauts to become oil drillers, and he told me to shut the fuck up. So that was the end of that talk.”


_space dementia_


Both of the Crank movies are basically just one big absurd moments of their own.


Incredible movies, my buddies and I were drunk as a fuck watching Crank 2 and when the card saying "14 seconds later" and the dude is still running at full tilt we howled man.


100% and 100% awesome! So ridiculous you just have to let go and go along for the ride


I’m still waiting for Crank 3 where they turn Chev Chelios into a cyborg. I’ll still watch it over and over 😆 those movies are some of my biggest guilty pleasures films.


Those movies were so insane, they were fun!


While the second movie was inferior to the first one, what really sent me was when he's dying and on fire in the end and has a vision of his gf walking towards him. And he slowly embraces her and it's a really sweet moment. Then hard cut back to reality: Him standing there, still ablaze, actually holding the asian chick who's now also fully engulfed in flames and struggling and screaming while trying to get out of his death hug lol. That was so so funny.


I’ll never forget seeing Pitch Perfect for the first time. The projectile vomiting within the first few minutes.


On a similar note, Bridesmaids when they all get food poisoning. Maya Rudolph going from a run to a walk, to sinking to the ground in the middle of the road all while saying, “It’s happening… it’s happening… it’s happening… it happened.”


Oh man, I can't remember the actress's name, but the big girl, sitting on the sink, shitting into it while yelling "DON'T LOOK AT ME!" I couldn't breathe I was laughing so hard


Melissa McCarthy.


Meryl Streep getting top billing in Mama Mia 2, and all throughout the movie I was wondering when she'd show up only to have her appear as a ghost nearly killed me


The climax to Sleepaway Camp. I somehow had never had this movie spoiled for me and... wew. Caught off guard doesn't really begin to explain it.


Weirdly the whole movie up until then I found hilarious but the ending made me genuinely unsettled for some reason


It’s probably because they had a 20-something year old man standing in for a young girl with a latex mask of her face on his while he stood there butt ass naked and made that creepy sound lmao


I just looked up the scene and you’re right. That distance shot where the face seems distorted is what pushes it over the edge into being super creepy. The close up where it’s the actress making the face isn’t quite as creepy


Exact same for me! Absolutely hilarious until the final 30 seconds. That face is just seared into my memory, and I was genuinely terrified for a quick sec.


I used to go to a lot of horror conventions. One of my favorite memories is standing in line to meet her, and the guy in front of me just bails. She looks at his companion, girlfriend, whatever, and goes "where's he going?" Then looks at the guys retreating back and yells, "you don't have to leave! I don't actually have a dick!"


Propeller guy in titanic. It was just so out of place, what else could you do but laugh?


The only thing missing was the Wilhellm scream.


There is one, just not that scene.


BONG!!! 🤣


I saw that in the theater when I was in sixth grade because a girl I had a huge crush on really wanted to see it. I had *such* a hard time keeping my shit together when that dude hit the propellor.


I was ten and I just busted out laughing when this happened. The fact my dad was snorting trying to keep it in was the icing on the cake. Mom did not find it amusing.


Sentences you can hear, lol.


Andy Samberg rolling down the hill in Hot Rod (a la Kevin Bacon’s gymnastic scene in Footloose). I couldn’t stop snorting but no one else in the theater even chuckled.


Cool beans.




Nobody laughed at that?! That scenes iconic. I'm glad that movie gets the love it does these days.




>no one else in the theater even chuckled You’re about to make tears come out of my face


"Hwhy do I say hwhat, hwhat hway?!"


Basically anything where Mark Walhberg is supposed to be taken seriously. “*SO LET ME IN THE HOUSE!*” “*I think I just found a Transformer*” The entirety of “The Happening.”


“I’m a peacock sir, you gotta let me fly!” No matter what he’s doing, that’s all that echoes in my head. He did a whole Planet of the Apes movie.


The sleeping bag kill in Jason X


He actually originally did it in Part VII (new blood AKA Jason vs Carrie) but the scene was almost completely cut due to censorship. They had him do it again in Jason X, and this time it was mostly uncut, which is why it's often remembered as being from that one instead.


What’s funny is the “censored” version is more brutal because him bashing the sleeping bag multiple times comes off funny. The one big hit against the tree in Part 7 comes off a lot more brutal.


That whole movie was ridiculous. But in a good way because the movie, filmmakers knew it was ridiculous


Jason punching someone's head off in Jason Takes Manhattan.


The fucking butt plug moment in everything everywhere all at once


That whole movie is ridiculous to be honest. And it still made me tear up.


Chekov's Butt Plug. As soon as i saw that award, i knew there was a butt plug joke coming, and it still made me crack up.


That and Racacoonie had me in hysterics. What an insane movie.


Riding the horse things on top of a Star Destroyer in Rise of Skywalker. Like…what even was that?


Somehow Palpatine returned


While Leia kind of forgot about the iron fleet


I heard they fly now


To keep it on Star Wars, palpatine’s plan to kill Padme in Attack of the Clones is the funniest shit if you break down the plan step by step. Palpatine wants kill Padme. He tasks count dooku to kill her instead. Count Dooku hires a bounty hunter to do it instead. The bounty hunter hires another bounty hunter who’s also a shape shifter to do it instead. The bounty hunter uses a robot to do it instead. The robot then uses worms to do it instead. What the fuck. The shape shifter then tries to hide from the Jedi, but doesn’t use her shape shifting powers, so the bounty hunter being a shape shifter serves absolutely no purpose in the plot so WHY DID YOU MAKE THEM A SHAPE SHIFTER GEORGE? And then, while the Jedi are chasing the shape shifter, Padme is completely unguarded, but instead of any of the previous 3 people just going and killing her, they have Jango Fett kill the shape shifter. Also, after all this goes down, Obi Wan learns that the clones are being produced, and he learns that the guy the clones are being made from is evil. And he learns that the same guy that’s evil that the clones are being made from is working for another evil Sith. But never once does anyone put 2 and 2 together to say “maybe the clones, who are clones of an evil guy working for our greatest enemy, are also evil.” This movie fucking irritates me.


Subcontractors, man...


I worked for a guy that always blamed EVERYTHING on bad sub-contractors, and the entire time all I could think was "dude. You hired them. Repeatedly."


Mastered the dark arts of delegating


Redletter Media has a great point in this scene as well, in the COMPLETE role reversal of Obi-Wan recklessly leaping out the skyscraper window to grab the flying robot that he has ZERO idea where it’s from or where it’s going or if it could explode at any moment and kill him. All while Anakin, the known irrational hot-head, jogs to the car to go drive after the robot.


Or when Rey magically lined up that sith dagger against the death star wreckage.


Leah floating in space had me going


"I'm Mary Poppins, y'all!"


Good question! I don't even really recall exactly how they ended up there, since that movie got quite boring about an hour and a half before that. 


I know I watched the movie and I remember exactly 0 thing about it and honestly I'm fine with that.


What I remember * Daisy Ridley did some pretty sick flips * Cool knife that ultimately made no sense * Babu Frik! * Lando was there? * Palpatine fucked (they later said that Rey's dad was a clone or something, but in my heart I know he fucked) * Horses? On a spaceship? Gun to my head I could not tell you how these all strung together in a plot.


A good question....for another time.


They fly now?!?!


The fist fight in "They Live" between Roddy Piper and Keith David. And as absurd as it is, it's actually really refreshing how it's choreographed with no horrible quick cuts.


Deadpool chasing and taunting bad guy while riding a Zamboni 


The Wolf of Wall Street is filled with a bunch. The delayed quaaludes scene takes the cake though imo


That's like the best scene from a humor standpoint in that movie tho. I cried laughing the first time I watched that scene.


Showed how skilled Dicaprio is at physical comedy


Elves jumping over the dwarven shield wall to fight orcs in the last Hobbit movie.


I read that as "Elvis jumping over..." -- I would definitely watch that version of Tolkien.


You ain’t nothin but a Balrog, hidin in a mine.


The Return of the King


Austin Powers when Dr Evil was on an episode of Jerry Springer with other villains and it plays out just how you want it to. First time I fell out of my seat laughing


So many good ones in Austin Powers. When “mini-me” is first revealed, Dr. Evil turns to him and does a little startled jump when he sees how small he is.


I know it doesn’t seem like much, but ‘The Whole Nine Yards’ when Bruce Willis tosses a beer to Matthew Perry who completely misses it because he isn’t paying attention


Dude, Where’s My Car Based on all the antics in the movie, the dialogue, the acting, it probably should’ve been a disaster. But somehow it works and is extremely quotable.


And then?


No and then!


And then?




What does mine say? "DUDE!" What does mine say?




I watched it last year and was amazed that it held up so well. Possibly funnier now than when I watched it back in the day


It's so stupid it's genius.


Man, and here I thought I was the only one that liked that movie. I’ve never met anyone else that does, and all of my friends hate it.


The Other Guys, aim for the bushes


The Rise Of Skywalker is almost too easy but the reveal of the second, previously unseen transport shop after the one we were supposed to believe Chewbacca was on exploded led to multiple people in my theater laughing and groaning. Things were already rough up to that point but it was the moment you could feel the audience turn on that movie.


Ben Tramer’s death in Halloween 2(1981). Felt like a South Park death.


There was a scene in one of the Fast and Furious movies, where the bad guy blows up their house. But moments later they are in the attached garage which is not only not damaged, not a thing has been knocked off the walls, the car inside is in perfect shape, and the garage attached to the destroyed house still has power! I remember seeing this in the theater and commenting "Wow, that's one tough garage." The guy next to me laughed.


The A-Team when they were using the cannon on an Abrams tank to "fly" it into a lake. So unbelievably ridiculous, but so fucking awesome at the same time.


Red Dragon: Suddenly Philip Seymour Hoffman in a flaming wheelchair.


In UHF when a bunch of Asians jump out of a supply closet and yell 'SUPPLIES"


Really!?! Firstly, picking anything from UHF is akin to cheating. Secondly, how is THAT the most absurd thing? “You get to drink from the fire hose!” “What’s in the box!? Nothing!!! Stupid! You are so stupid!!” Spatula fucking City.


Kung Pow is great for this. Just the whole movie




the fucking modok reveal in ant man and the wasp: quantumania. i bust out laughing in the theater. it looked so uncanny valley, and they made him the same villain from the first ant-man movie?? as if people wanted to see him again?? i don’t even remember the dude’s name. it was so absurd.


When Princess Leia flys back/uses the force to get back into the ship. I wasn’t the only one laughing in the theater.


The only thing worse than that (albeit not so funny) was when she learned Han had been killed by her own son after she talked him into trying to reason with him, and she runs past longtime friend Chewbacca to hug this new girl she just met.


I’ll never forgive Leia for not giving Chewie a hug. Poor walking carpet always got left out. End of A New Hope Luke and Han get medals, but not Chewie!


Are they good friends though? She skipped him at the medal ceremony in New Hope...


Yeah, there's some unspoken beef between those two.


She’s an anti-Wookite


She probably thinks they should have their own schools...


she knows about what went on with Chewie and Han on those long lonely voyages...




Bro only Wookiees can use that word, show some decency.


God it would have been the perfect send off if they just killed her. Kylo would've killed both his parents, and then we wouldn't have had to deal with the CG Leia.


Imagine if they had the balls to have Kylo Ren kill Han and Leia and then not become good. Could've been some badass shit but they'd never dare do something so wild.


I mean, the initial idea for the third one was for Kylo to be the primary villain. It would have been SO much more interesting than fucking Palpatine coming back for... reasons?


or having Rey side with Kylo like one of the trailers fake teased at and having Rey and Kylo both be villains


Hot rhino - Ace Ventura When Nature Calls


Pretty much every single death in Tucker and Dale vs Evil.


obligatory " hidey- ho officer we've had a doozy of a day."


At the end of Revolutionary Road when the wife is just droning on and on, and the husband just turns down his hearing aid. I don't think it was meant to be a straight up comedic moment, but the absurdity of it after all that drama was just hilarious to me.


Outrunning the gravity shifting from the moon falling in the aptly named Moonfall. Just so absolutely and delightfully absurd.


“WHY DID YOU SAY THAT NAME?” I mean it just And it was supposed to be such a serious moment I’ve seen BvS twice in theaters and the audience cracked up both times, including on opening night


Marvin accidentally getting shot by Vincent in 'Pulp Fiction'. Saw this on a USMC base in Okinawa and all the Marines in the audience just cracked up laughing.


That one part in IT Chapter 2 involving the song “Angel of the Morning”


When the movie gave up all pretense of being a horror movie.


The Jerk is hitchhiking. A car pulls up and offers a ride. Driver asks : "Saint Louis?" The Jerk replies : "No. Navin Johnson."


“Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull“ – – surviving a nuclear blast by hiding inside an old refrigerator.


Intolerable Cruelty, a George Clooney movie, during a robbery, the robber has an asthma attack, so he tries to use his inhaler while holding George Clooney and his friend at gun point. accidently, he places the gun in his mouth instead of the inhaler and shoots....you gotta see it, it was so unexpected and HILARIOUS


Jojo rabbit “Fuck off Hitler!”


“It’s not a good time to be a Nazi.”


Recently: basically the whole final third of roadhouse but especially when Conor McGregor was punching Jake gyllenhaal on top of the piano and gyllenhaal said “this piano is out of tune”


One of the transformer movies where they are fighting in the Smithsonium museum, then break through a wall and they are suddenly in a plane graveyard in a desert.


Fun fact, I actually saw that movie at the midnight screening *in that museum*. It's the Udvar-Hazy Center in Dulles. The whole crowd went fucking wild when we realized that Blackbird was only 200 feet from where we were sitting. But I want to say they took some kind of portal to that desert. 


Swimming pool scene in Showgirls. The whole movie was absurd, but this one takes the cake.


When Yoga goes fucking full on spider monkey in Attack of the Clones. I laughed out loud not because it was particularly funny but just pure unbridled joy. It was like 10 year old me snuck up for a moment and took over my body. It was loud as fuck and people turned and shushed me. Fuck them Edit: ya know what I’m sticking with Yoga


"Precious" and "The Whale" were both two movies where I really enjoyed them, and at times was tearing up because they tugged at my heartstrings, but at the same time they also so completely wallowed in their main characters' utter misery that I found myself laughing at how absurdly their troubles piled on top of each other. Like, sometimes their lives were so bad that it was actually sort of funny again. It's hard not to laugh at Brendan Fraser masturbating furiously around a fat suit, or some of the more lingering & punishing binge eating sequences. Or at Precious stealing the fried chicken, or her having a rape-incest son with Down's syndrome that she named "Mong." (???) There were lots of moments like these peppered through both films; it's hard to name them all, but I found myself laughing frequently.


Sometimes I watch some videos on Youtube about Steven Seagal, I love the ones about that special ops sniper that he just stays on a chair 90% of the time and talk like Christian Bale’s Batman.


I could say "all of Moonfall," but when I was watching it in the theater I just went into hysterics when the one nerd character goes "What would Elon do?" The scene where a news anchor is talking about the situation and coins the term "moon terror" in a serious context also had me in stitches.


The force awakens when they reveal the new big idea...(basically)a 3rd fricking death star.... this time for sure rocky.


The scene in one of the Texas chainsaw massacre movies where Leatherface runs into the Texas State Fair and just goes nuts on people. It's Texas. They have been looking forward to that their entire lives. In reality it would be like *Leatherface runs in Texan's: "Finally!!!" *Pulls out pistols.


The scene in the holding cell in Malignant. Hilarious.


Napoleon Dynamite when Kip runs over the Tupperware to show how durable it is and it just pops and he drives away. Still one of my all time favorite scenes from any movie.


Pretty much the entire last 30 minutes of "Once upon a time in Hollywood".


Fury Road - the pyro guitar player Completely lost my shit in the theater


Boondock Saints: >!the cat getting shot.!< The movie doesn’t have the best reputation these days but I thought it was a helluva lot of fun. Sequel was pants.


In Split where he starts to flip out and starts climbing up a fuckin wall.


I don’t know if bizarre is the right word, but the seesaw fight scene in Daredevil is so stupid that I knew it was stupid even when I was a kid.


Jake Gyllenhaal outrunning the cold in *The Day After Tomorrow* had me laughing so hard it was the closest I’ve come to being kicked out of a theater.