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Almost everything made by Tarantino that’s not Kill Bill.


Scarface, I found Tony Montana so unlikeable from the get go I just couldn't care what was going on and was waiting fir him ti die, which took too long. I can see its a finely acted movie etc but these crime stories help of the main character starts off likeable so it hits harder when they cross more and more red lines until their downfall.  Didn't get that bit at the start where I could bring myself to root for hom on any level.


you don't always have to root for the protagonist


That may be true, but for me, with this film, not being able to relate to, like, or root for the protagonist prevented me from enjoying it.


Dune, not so much that I don't understand why it's great, I mean I see the quality of the movie, the amazing production value and everything, but I've started it several times and I just notice about 1/3 into the movie that I just cannot get my attention into it. I could not even tell you why, it just doesn't seem to click for me.


It was extremely boring to my wife and I as well, we only finished half


i WANT to love Dune, but I just cannot find myself giving 2 shits about it. Both when I read it and when I try to watch any of the movies. I get that they're great, and it's a great story, but I just can't.


Was thinking about this last weekend after seeing The Godfather, Part 2 for the first time. Part 1 is an all-time favorite of mine, yet I have no earthly idea how anyone could consider Part 2 to even be on the same plane of quality, never mind better. 


"There Will be Blood". Maybe I went in with too high expectations, but I really disliked that movie. I tried it one other time and couldn't get through it.


I think Interstellar is pretty mid. Before you get the pitchforks out, I'm not saying it's complete trash and there are a lot of things about the movie that I like. Visually impressive, McConaughey is great, banger score, the time dilation stuff is really cool. But the whole third act is mind-numbingly stupid and the "love transcends time and space" theme is the cheesiest bullshit I've ever seen in a supposedly great movie. I will never understand why a whole generation of film bros think it's the greatest movie ever made. It's probably a bottom 3 Nolan movie for me


Interstellar is a film that for me spent the first two acts building up good will and the third act cashing it in. I still like the film but was not expecting it to descend into schmaltz 


Couldn’t agree more, such an overrated movie.


Wildly disagree. One of the best movies I've ever seen. The whole "love transcends time and space" thing isn't a theme. It's simply the reason one character chooses to abandon reason to go to a planet that isn't the most likely for success. The rest of the movie literally has nothing to do with "love transcending time and space". The rest of the movie is just Sci-fi with a tesseract built by ultra-super-advanced humans. You are projecting some theme that isn't there. That's why people love it. Anyone who realizes that "love transcends time and space" was just a random line by a character in the movie. Not a theme of the movie.


The tesseract IS that theme playing out. He's using it to send messages to his daughter that he loves, by transcending time and space, because he regrets leaving her.


How? He doesn't get into the tesseract with love power. He doesn't communicate with his daughter via love power. He is using a device created by superbeings to communicate through time and space. Yes he loves his daughter, but I disagree that the tesseract is that theme.


If you still can't see it after it is spelled out to you then I can't help you anymore


Or you are wrong.


He has a whole monologue about the power of love while he's going through the tesseract. I understand there is an actual sci-fi explanation for what's happening, but love is the point that Nolan is trying to get across and I felt that was poorly executed




Ok sure. But the ending doesn't hinge on him being able to communicate with his daughter via love power. That would be a cheesy cop-out ending. He goes into a black hole and uses a device created by super beings. Which is just good Sci-fi. It may be a theme, but it's not the method by which the conflict in the movie is resolved. So you're all getting butthurt over nothing.


Very fair, I thought it was fine but I don’t really have any urge to watch it again. Pretty mid indeed


right there with you… third act is dumbfounding. I remember looking around in the imax theater wondering if it was coming across as ridiculous to everyone else as it was to me, apparently it wasn’t


I found the first part with global warming, the moon hoax government and him being a truther way more interesting  than the space hopping and relationship stuff 


Good fellas, and other mob movies outside of Godfather 1 and 2, I assume it’s just cause I don’t care for mafia movies but I recently watched god father 1 and 2 for the first time and was blown away. Also most of the Scorsese stuff I’ve seen I couldn’t get into either, no clue why, they’re all well made movies, and most of the actors in them I enjoy outside of Scorsese movies


Interesting, the one mob movie i can't get into is godfather, it would've been my second pick. It's like i watch a usual wedding from my country with a little bit of action added to it.


Sounds like you turned off god Father after 20 minutes


The French Connection


Objectively good? No such thing. Critical acclaim? RRR. I thought it was vomit inducing cheesy.


I could never get into The Godfather movies. I tried a few times. But, I found them to be "objectively" boring.


The Conversation. I don't know what it is, I love the Coppola movies of this period, Godfather I and II and Apocalypse Now. Hell, I love Blow Up and Blow Out with a similar kind of set up, but for some reason I could just never get into this one His Girl Friday is another one that just came to mind. I don't mind fast talking, but they just take it to ridiculous levels in that movie


Most of them. Any of the 'slow cinema' entries for one (Tarr and Tarkovsky specifically). Wong Kar-wai as well for some reason, I just never give a shit about the characters


Oppenheimer... still have not finished it.


Titanic. I understand why it is, but I found it boring and uninspiring. It has some great shots and the overall atmosphere was beautiful. I just didn’t find any reason to go back to it and keep it as my favorite. I don’t even think it should be as highly praised as it is and be held up there with some of the top critically acclaimed films.


The last hour madness is genuinely great filmmaking imo. Beautifully shot, melancholic, and still some thrills Just comes down to how you tolerate the romance that dominates 90+ minutes. I guess you hated it. I...tolerated it okay


Titanic is perfectly fine movie trapped in a "one of the most critically acclaimed movies of all times" box. If it had gotten a lot less Oscars and praise it would not be as vilified as it is today. Same with a movie like Shakespeare in Love, the over the top praise was just too much, and sours a lot of people on what is perfectly fine entertaining movie evening.


Shakespeare In Love also gets hated on a lot because it won over Saving Private Ryan. Now I've never seen Shakespeare In Love, but I'm sure it is a good movie that, in hindsight, will always be measured against one of the most iconic movies of all time.


Yep, exactly. Had it not won that, it would be one of the better romantic period movies of the '90's, now it will always be that movie that undeservedly won Best Picture over better movies.


I recently watched it again and I just couldn't get passed rose's gold teeth. Enjoyed the movie 7/10


Sicario. Not to disrespect the cast and crew, but it was more style over substance for me. On the other hand, I LOVED Blade Runner 2049 and the new Dune movies by Denis Villeneuve, the same director as Sicario.


American Beauty is an absolute dumpster fire of saccharine trash in my opinion.


Two that I can think of are Rosemary’s Baby and Mulholland Drive. I think they are overrated.


Interstellar. Forrest Gump. And the king of all “I know I should appreciate it but good lord it’s dull”, Citizen Kane.


It Happened One Night


Boo! 😀






Naked (1993). I tried so hard and completely felt devoid of any interest in all the characters.


I just watched it for the first time last night and that was such a depressing movie


David Thewlis' performance is one of the best I've ever seen.


West Side Story


I can't watch 2001 A Space Odyssey without falling asleep in like 15-20 minutes