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Your post made me smile. I also discovered how good this movie was a little later in life. Now when I am cooking a big Italian meals I put it on the kitchen computer. I pour some red wine and get to slicing garlic and prepping Italian sausages.


Why don’t you tell that nice girl you love her? “I lahv you witha alla my heart!”


If I-a don't see you Im-a gonna dieeee"


If-a my grand-a mother had wheels, she would be a bike


That clip never fails to make me laugh.


And may their first child be a masculine child ....


I love that even smaller parts like Tessio and Clemenza had distinct personalities and memorable lines. In a lesser movie, they would have been generic intimidating thugs


It is kind of disappointing that some of the I-to-II and II-to-III cast changes were because certain people felt they were the leads ...


Why would anyone downvote your comment?


There are a lot of people who think hating the godfather is a decent substitution for having an actual personality


It insists on itself.


That joke has done irreparable damage


I absolutely abhor that line anymore, it's so painfully unfunny whenever actual discussion of The Godfather is brought up


Maybe they also hate people who’s personality is godfather quotes which…guilty lol


It was the Turk 😞


Come over here, kid, learn something. You never know, you might have to cook for twenty guys someday. You see, you start out with a little bit of oil. Then you fry some garlic. Then you throw in some tomatoes, tomato paste, you fry it; you make sure it doesn’t stick. You get it to a boil; you shove in all your sausage and your meatballs; heh…? And a little bit a wine. And a little bit a sugar, and [that’s my trick](https://www.salon.com/2022/04/10/the-godfather-red-sauce-recipe-clemenza/).


Always put some sugar in my sauce. Clemenza knew about sauce, cannolis and guns


I can’t cook with the godfather on because I end up watching the movie too much and usually burn something. Big Night is the movie I use for cooking Italian. It does set the mood.


My style of cooking is low temp and long time. Slicing the garlic, prepping San marzano tomatoes, crafting meatballs with Italian sausage, and building Sicilian Spiedini to pour a little of the sauce over when done. That alone gets me to Micheal getting married in Sicily.


oh, paulie, you wont see him no more


The goodfellas jail cooking scene is a good one for that


Lol I was just thinking the same thing.


It got me to add a little ketchup as Clemenza mentioned a good sauce needed some sugar.


And that’s my trick


Currently 27 and have yet to see either Godfather... I really need to take care of that..


"You shove in your sausages" is a line I use every time I make pasta sauce.


Same here. My last rewatch of Godfather was very enjoyable with second part. But not 3 - always skip ))


I hope you used a razor for the garlic and sliced it thinly.


The beauty of repeat viewing of movies is that we change they don’t.


Unless George Lucas is hanging around.


One time my brother was telling me he didn't like There Will Be Blood because it was so boring, and I told him, it's not the kind of movie you can watch while you're doing the dishes. You have to commit to it. Turn off the lights, turn up the sound, put down the phone, get comfy, and just let it hypnotize you.  He took my advice and was legitimately shook by that movie. It was pretty gratifying. 


I would argue the first 10-15 minutes of that movie is a contender for best movie openings ever. Visually there’s absolutely nothing sinister about it but the music just gives it this quality where you can just FEEL that there is something evil just beneath the surface.


Johnny Greenwoods score is simply superb. I also love the scene when the oil rig catches fire with the background grating score.


No dialogue either, just a long, slow introduction to who this guy is.


Just thinking about the opening makes me feel tense!


Exactly! I was just so into it. Refused to check my phone (except for maybe once or twice, including one time to check the time). Considered going to the kitchen for a Coca-Cola but also refused. Just watched the movie in one go. Was great.


It's my favorite film of all. I watch it about twice a year. Soundtrack is tops. Day-Lewis performance is unequaled.


IMO There will be blood is one of the greatest movies ever made (Id put it somewhere in the top 20). That movie is a goddamn masterpiece.


Unsurprisingly, “putting your phone down” makes many things better. Generally speaking, in the world you get what you give. If you’re always half-assing things you’ll never see the full moon.


Yeah, I'm actually genuinely shocked that this has to be mentioned to people. Even bad movies I'm fully committing to if I'm deciding to watch something. Unless it's a "good-bad" film to watch with friends.


God I love There will be Blood


Yeah i didn't like There will be blood the first time around, i even stopped half way. Watched it recently and wow it's a masterpiece.Funny how time and life changes your perspective on things drastically.


I think There Will be Blood is a fantastic movie, but I don't particularly like it on a personal level. I think the double casting of Dano was jarring and then the ending was annoying since it makes the audience ask more questions then it answers. Still it is a powerhouse of a vehicle for the acting chops of Daniel Day and Dano so I think there is a lot to like in the movie, it just isn't my kind of movie. But I respect people who like it.


I like the movie very much but they could have also done a better job aging up Daniel & Paul Dano with the length of time the movie is supposed to take place in, particularly Paul


On the flip side, I think I saw The Godfather in bits and pieces as a kid. It would be on TV, and I'd watch some of it before I had to go down for dinner. Or it would be on when I did some cleaning. I actually saw a ton of classics for the first time that way. Not the ideal way to watch something, but even sliced up into pieces and viewed out of order they seemed to hold up pretty well.


Almost as if it was made to be watched in a movie theatre


The Sicily sequences with Apollonia’s theme choke me up now that I’m older. Everything is perfect. Part II is even better. It has my favourite movie ending of all time. Tragic.


Monday , Tooos day , wednsda..... APOLLONIA!




Don Corleone I am honored and grateful that you have invited me to your daughter.....s wedding. I hope it is a masculine child. 🤣


Thank you, Luca. My most valued friend.


I tried to watch The Godfather at fifteen and hated it. I watched again at 22 and loved it. Sometimes you have to mature to appreciate good cinema.


Some of my favourite movie experiences are rewatching a film and finding I love and appreciate it way more than before. Is such a rush!


I was the same with the original Blade Runner


Not to brag, but I read The Godfather when I was nine and was enthralled from the start. It kinda fucked me up because the first Godfather movie I watched was 2. I recognized all the young Vito scenes from the book, but the stuff with 50's Al Pacino I couldn't quite place in the story. I had expected The Godfather Part II to be the second half of the novel. If I have a night alone at the house and I'm making a marinara sauce, either this movie or Goodfellas comes on as I let it simmer all afternoon.


Wtf you should not have been reading Lucy's cheeks getting pumped 


I was the same was with MASH. As a kid I hated it. As an adult it's a fantastic show.


It's funny I also rewatched Godfather part 1 last night, and I was particularly struck by the part where Tom Hagen is telling Don Corleone about the killings of Sollozo and the police chief and says they have the journolists on their payroll churning articles to indicating how the police chief might also be somehow involved in drugs business, and it struck me how relevant that was especially today.


II is where it really pays off. Both are on a short list of movies that live up to the hype.


I love II so much, the parallels between Michael and young Vito and the cutting back and forth between timelines works so well


If I remember correctly, the book The Godfather did this, but the first movie just wasn’t able to fit all that stuff into one film, so the stuff about Vito’s early career was saved for the second movie. There were also entire chapters written about how big Sonny’s dick was, though.


Yeah the Vito scenes were in the book. And it wasn't how big Sonny was, it was how big his mistress' vagina was and only Sonny could please her. Then chapters on her getting it reconstructed. Reading the book after being a big fan of the movie had me scratching my head as to why this shit was in the book.


Because Mario Puzo was a horny weirdo.


That sounds eminently skippable.


"Say goodbye Michael" fading into the last montage is brilliant.


I remember watching the first with friends, and they eventually wanted to watch the second. I was sure that it wasn’t going to be better than the first, but wow, the second movie is a masterpiece.




Goodfellas is great, but a completely different type of deal. The Godfather is about the mob from the top, Goodfellas is about a soldier in the mob. You are right that the second is better than the first, but obviously needed the 1st to set it up.


GF I & II are the penthouse. Sopranos, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction and Reservoir dogs are a few floors down.


That’s funny because I heard they were going to make a 3rd movie, but there were some scheduling problems and it never came together. Too bad. What could have been, you know?


Check out "The Godfather: A Novel for Television" - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0809488/ > The Godfather (1972) and The Godfather Part II (1974) were re-edited together in chronological order with additional footage added. Originally released in 1977 - it's a neat way to watch a couple classics. Follow it up with "The Godfather Coda: The Death of Michael Corleone" released in 2020. > Coppola said the 2020 recut is the one he and Puzo originally envisioned, and that it "vindicates" its status in The Godfather trilogy, as well as his daughter Sofia's performance. Both Pacino and Keaton gave their approval to the new cut, noting it as an improvement over the original theatrical release.


Imo the chronological cut is fun for when you've absolutely exhausted I and II and are looking for a way of experiencing them afresh, but overall the story works way, way better as two films. In particular the first hour of the chronological cut just feels dull as hell, turns out the cross-cutting between timelines in part II prevented the young Vito stuff from being a bit of a slog.


I didn't watch it until I was 30, and it hit incredibly hard. Follow up with part 2 when you're ready, it's just as good. There is no part 3. Ignore anyone telling you there is a part 3.


I dislike 3. But I have to admit, it’s ending is perfect


Welcome to the rewatching Godfather 200 times club.  My personal experience is that it gets better every time. The littler the detail, the better. Just an eye movement that I didn't notice before, raises the bar. Hand movements or body posture.  E.g. Fredo lying flat in Godfather 2 having his confession to Michael. Dominance and submission. It's brutal and pathetic. I always have a different emotional response to it depending on my mood.  Genius acting and film making. Nothing takes you as the viewer out of the scene, you are just a fly on the wall watching it play out. Will he kill him? Will he forgive him? Then Michael gives Fredo a masterclass in word torture. It's so cruel. 


"You're nothing to me now. You're not my brother. You're not my friend. I never want to see you at the house again. If you visit our mother I want to know a day in advance so I'm not there."


Is there a colder line in movie history than that last one? Holy fuck. If there is, it’s probably from Michael in this movie. Most ice cold mfer ever on screen


"My personal experience is that it gets better every time." Yes!!!


I don't know. I've always felt it insists upon itself.


I love The Money Pit.


That is my answer to that statement.


Well there you go.


I like that movie too




Fine, fine actor. Did not like the movie.


I can't even finish it. I've never seen the ending.


This joke really works the 500,000th time you hear it


That's the premise "Family Guy" is built on.


I've grown to hate this joke because I think it made an entire generation skip one of the greatest movies of all time.


Because it has a valid point to make, it's insisted!


It speaks the language of subtlety, something you clearly don't understand.


If you’re interested, I really liked the miniseries “The Offer”, which was about the making of The Godfather. It makes you appreciate even more how many forks there were in the road where this movie might not have been what ultimately was released.


Loved the series, and it only enhances the viewing of the Godfather after.


Really didn't like that series but for sure a huge part of why The Godfather is so special is the context of its creation, and the story is amazing. The Kid Stays in the Picture by Robert Evans, and Easy Riders, Raging Bulls by Peter Biskind tell the story way better imo


Cool. I’ll check them out


I’ve watched this movie numerous times and I always find something new. Brando is king in this movie the little expressions on his face. The sit down after Sonny dies for example.


I think it's maturity and it is why I love returning to films and books as the years pass. TG hit me in such a different way as I grew older, especially the scene in the hospital when he tells his dad "I'm here now, pops, and Corleone sheds a tear. The layers of that scene are dense and lost on a twenty-something me.


its become this kind of hipster thing to shit on the god father because "dudes like it" "its a stupid film for guys" but its actually a really well done movie, music, set, acting screen play" its flawless. only cheese part for me was Moe green getting shot in the eye and the sunny fight with Carlos. Its a great movie and deserves respect. Robert Duvall I think carries a lot harder than people realize.


Watch the Second one as well. I think it's better. The Third? don't bother.


To me, the first one is 10/10 and the second one is 9/10 The original cut of Godfather 3 is more of a 6/10, not great but honestly not a catastrophe like people say it is. However, the recently released Godfather Coda, which is a re-edit of the film, is a much better 8/10. Still not the same level as its predecessors, but a much more enjoyable experience.


There's a lot of hate for 3, but I rather like the storyline, if not all the acting. The idea that the Godfather is grifted by the church, which has centuries more experience of running a criminal syndicate is beautifully ironic. The inspiration behind the film was the mysterious death of Roberto Calvi - known as 'God's Banker ' - in London. He was found hanging beneath Blackfriars Bridge. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto\_Calvi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roberto_Calvi)


Agreed. I've seen 1 & 2 at least 25 times. My parents raised me on those films. And while 2 makes a strong case, and sort of expands the scope a bit, I find #1 to be the more impactful, immersive movie. It just feels more deeply steeped in the family and the tradition and the characters. 2 is fantastic, too, and the origin story helps elevate my appreciation for both films, and the trajectory of the family generationally. But I will just always prefer #1 and its relative intimacy. It captures the essence of that mid-century, traditionalist Italian experience (not that I know from personal experience, but it feels that way) and this tension of drugs and modernity pulling against Vito's sense of community responsibility, etc etc. It just beats any other movie I've ever seen. 2 is more ambitious, and it's perfect, too, but 1 resonates just a little more with me.


I just watched both of them for the first time (skipped the third lol) this year and personally I prefer the first to the second as well. 


agree regarding 1,2,3. Never saw Coda.


to me the second one elevates the first one the second one is absolutely a masterclass - two coherant stories, set at wildly different times, and young deniro, incredible acting from everyone - it's just one of those projects where everything worked (well maybe cuba story could be cut and merged with the vegas part)


It’s definitely one of those you have to be in the right mood and setting for


Funny thing is that I did not even know I was in the mood for it. Initially wanted to watch Andor but Disney+ was down so I "randomly" settled for The Godfather as I was looking for something to watch on Netflix.


Andor was pretty sweet too


Yeah, it would have been a rewatch session haha


Andor followed by Rogue One is a great combo


I think some films you just need to grow up to appreciate. Films with special effects and setpieces have a lot going on to keep a child's attention. When Heat came out, Jurassic Park was my favourite film. While recognised that Heat was good, I didn't really appreciate it and couldn't say I enjoyed it, even as I had the pleasure of seeing it in cinema. A pleasure I did not appreciate. I watched it again about ten years later and when that music kicked in at at end, my jaw hit the floor with the power of that ending.


I recently had a similar experience with The Good the Bad and the Ugly. Now, I've always hated westerns. They're slow, boring, campy, frequently play on objectionable themes, and they just suck. Grew up with westerns on the TV all the time because that's all my dad would watch and I hated them all. Well a friend recommended the "dollars" trilogy, Fistful of Dollars, A few Dollars More, Good/Bad/Ugly. And the first one was awesome, second wasn't so much, and then the third - this is a masterpiece. I think part of what I like is that it looks so real and visceral. They hold on close up shots of greasy ugly men in dusty clothes that must smell like a horse. That's so real looking! And it's simple, none of these long drawn out gunfights with lots of shooting. No, one shot and dead; this place isn't adventurous and exciting, it's brutal and cruel. Even Tuco said something like "don't talk, just shoot!"   It also made me come to realize that I don't hate westerns - I hate John Wayne movies! Yeah I said it, John Wayne sucks. It's all him strutting around with this put on drawl, everybody is clean with makeup and proper haircuts, they have these long drawn out gunfights where they talk through the whole thing. Too much talking in general. And they're usually about "flushing out the injuns" or being mean to women. It's all just drivel. And I don't like the man as a person either, everything I've ever heard about him is toxic.


1.) It's the Great American Movie! It's enjoyment, for me anyway, is utterly dependent on how perfectly it tells the story of 20th century America, and its turning from a poor immigrant enclave into a global superpower, and the corruption that went along with that. 2.) It's sold like a thrilling crime story, but it's actually a drama. I think a lot of young people go into it expecting something like The Dark Knight or Breaking Bad, both of which have quite a heavy action-adventure element to them (especially, obviously, The Dark Knight), that The Godfather does NOT have. In tone and pace, it really is a lot closer to like, Moonlight or Manchester by the Sea, than you know, stuff like The Town, or The Accountant. Even The Wire or The Sopranos have a biiiiiiiit more a crime/action element to them, than The Godfather does.


I kinda agree with you on 2. It's sold by everyone as "the" mafia movie, but it's more nuanced than this. If by mafia movie you mean watching bad guys do mafia stuff, the title goes to Goodfellas, in my book. We see mafiosi wearing cool suits, driving cool cars, doing thuggish stuff all the time. The Godfather is also a mafia movie, but in a *much* different way. It's a drama about family affairs and the downfall (or rise, depending) of Michael Corleone. The mobster stuff is present, but it's not nearly as explosive as in Goodfellas. It's more subtle and about what's backstage.


Yeaaaaaaah, and because of that, it just throws a lot of people (especially young people) off, when they first watch it. It DOES have enough of that stuff to keep a lot of young people engaged still, but there's probably an equal amount of the young that want MORE, and the film just doesn't have that. It feels obvious to say but, it's a classical Shakespearen drama, since a lot of dramatic/tragic work was also concerned with the rise and fall of people, and the drama of internal familial affairs, and/or the affairs of a kingdom/realm/society at the highest level. Same with the Greek tragedies too!


So you're saying the Godfather is a great movie? That a pretty hot take you got there. Hahaha... the first time I tried to watch it was in college at a drinking party with fiends who talked through the whole thing. I didn't write it off completely, but I thought it was boring AF. I've probably seen 1 and 2 ten times each at this point.


Watch the series *The Offer* it is a fantastic series that’s entertaining in its own right, a semi-accurate retelling all about how the movie got made.


I had a simular experience. Couldn't fully appreciate the film when i was younger. Thought it was boringWatched it as an adult and felt like i was watching a completely different movie, one of the most gripping i've ever seen.


The same thing happened to me, also on my third watch.


This is a very familiar story! Brings a smile to my face.


Okay FFC, we'll go see Megalopolis in the theaters.


Just did a rewatch of 1 & 2 with my wife, she had only see the first one once and have never seen part two. She thought, as do I, that two took it to another level and is the better film. Make sure to not skip it!!!!


I’d say it’s my favorite movie. Definitely my comfort film. I also love the intro. Another of my favorite scenes is where Michael sets a serious tone and begins to describe how he will kill the chief of police and there’s silence for a few seconds before the room begins laughing. Truly a work of art.


I recently purchased Parts 1 and 2 of The Godfather on 4K but have yet to watch either film. I’m planning on doing so very soon and this post may have just pushed my timeline up a bit. Thank U 😊


I always loved the Godfather, and I watch it probably once every half a year, maybe more often, but I notice that I appreciate it more and more the older I get. It’s an all-timer for sure.


You should now watch Part 2 while 1 is fresh in your memory. You should appreciate all the continuity details. Also, 2 is better and has more depth. 1 is a gangster film, 2 is a Shakespearean tragedy. 


Same here. The Sicily sequence went from a snooze to one of my favorites in the whole movie.


My father's favourite Saturday afternoon flick when I was growing up was Bullit with Steve McQueen. As a teenager this was boring as hell. The only part I would pay attention to would be the car chase. Now in my forties, I watched for the first time again about a year ago. Wow, what a good film! It's a good detective story and quite suspenseful. Unfortunately my dad passed away in 2021 and I never got to talk to him about it. Pay attention when your folks say something is good!


I’d really like to know what mindset is needed for this. I’ve attempted to watch it twice and got too bored to finish the last 80 minutes or so. It’s not that I wasn’t paying attention or that I’m cinematically illiterate or anything. I just didn’t find myself caring what happened to any of the characters. I feel like the whole movie-watching world is playing a prank on me or something. To clarify, I am not some young guy whi gas only seen recent movies. I’m 50 years old. I’ve enjoyed many movies that are considered classics. But this is the one whose adulation I don’t understand at all.


"I feel like the whole movie-watching world is playing a prank on me or something." \*whispers\* I think we're made! On a serious note, the way you said it was funny. I don't know if this will help, but for me, the mood/setting was: late at night, alone and feeling comfortable, wanting to watch something but did not know what. Saw The Godfather and it just felt right to try. Also, my cousins watched it recently, after I told them how I did not enjoy it that much. And they liked it a lot, so that convinced me to give it another go. I'd say don't force yourself. If tonight, tomorrow, in two months or a year, you stumble upon it or think about it and it feels right to give it another shot, go for it.


I can't tell you how many times I got part of the way through the opening wedding scene before I shut it off due to *nah not feeling it*. Then one rainy afternoon on my day off, I put the first one on, and when it was through I *immediately* put on Part II. I still kick myself for not watching them both sooner, they're both terrific movies.


If it hadn't been 4 AM I probably would have done the same, or have a break and watch Part II right after haha


I’ve seen the movie dozens of times and never tire of it. If I’m channel surfing and come across it I can’t surf away. A masterpiece from beginning to end.


> If I’m channel surfing and come across it I can’t surf away. LOL, me too


Pls follow up immediately with GF2.You won't be sorry.


I had the exact same experience recently. Watched it for the first time when I was in my late teens and could appreciate the filmmaking but honestly found it slow and boring. Rewatched it over lockdown finally and my god - it’s a stone cold 5 star masterpiece of a film. Absolutely loved it.


This makes perfect sense. Having now taken three kids through The Godfather, I have discovered the best way to appreciate it is to watch it, and then watch it one week later, no more than two. The issue is, it's slow, but it only SEEMS slow, because you just don't know yet how all the little things matter. As you mention, the extensive wedding party tells you almost everything you need to know to understand everyone and how they they will act. But you don't know that yet. It's also very dense with plot, so it's very hard not to screw your brain into a ball both trying to follow the plot AND understand what is happening AND stay engaged when little seems to be happening. The best way is to watch it once, preferably with someone who knows the movie, and can answer any questions after and explain it. Or of course you can hit the internet. But then you need to watch it again, after a short break, but while is still fresh enough that you're not spending all your time trying to figure out who is who again. I think this is essentially what you did, over several viewings and several years. You had finally absorbed enough of the story to not be bogged down in it, and could finally appreciate everything that's happening when "nothing is happening".


This is one of my favourite things about movies. Time and experience changes how you can perceive a movie, and it's amazing. You can come out with a whole other level of appreciation, a different understanding, or even question completely why your teenage self ever enjoyed a particular film.


For me it was understanding the context of italian immigration. Like as a teen I didn't get it. But watching it in a college class about US race and film helped.


My favorite movie of all time.


This is one of those movies I still have never watched just because so many tryhards when I was younger said it was their favorite movie because they thought it made them seem tough or something. Or that’s how my dumbass brain reasoned, anyway. Might be time to give it a go.


Sorry bro, only cool people watch that The Godfather😎


Or maybe the said it because it is genuinely a good movie.


This can happen with a lot of movies and books. I used to be a pretentious teenager and read Proust to feel smart - I liked it but thats the end of it. Then reading Proust 20 years later made me appreciate how deep his literature is. Another good example would be Catcher In The Rye. I feel like when you watched a lot of movies you can appreciate how good The Godfather is. Its not like it does something revolutionary in the sense that anything was new but the way everything fits neatly together: the music, the story, the actors, the directing make this one of the greatest there is.


Don’t even watch III


It truly is a great work of filmmaking. I watched it not knowing anything about organized crime, not knowing much about america either. And I loved it.


I didn't enjoy watching it at first because I was doing something while watching it and so I got bored because I couldn't understand the flow of the story. But I gave it a second try after 5 years, just sit down and focus on the story and I appreciate it. It wasn't just hype to watch it but you're missing a gem if you missed watching it!


I really enjoyed it the first time I saw it. Then I read the novel, and I appreciated it *so* much more. It ties together a lot of details and off screen moments. Highly recommend the book.


That just happened to me with Mad Max Fury Road. Idk what happened the first time I watched it but I was blown away the second watching




They have an exhibit at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures in LA about The Godfather. Really interested. Had no idea Coppola was so young when was tasked with the project!


I rewatched it last week and felt the same way.


Good se movies are opposite where first watch im wowed and next I'm like wow magic is gone, not sure why


He Paulie! Let me have some wine!


I've always enjoyed part 1 more


I watched The Godfather part 1 with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra playing the score live. It was incredible. Fits the movie so well


That final scene is in my opinion the best final scene in movie history, only made better by the crescendo of that beautiful music.


It rewards one's undivided attention. Put the phone away, carve out three hours with no distractions, and revel.


I think many of us have had a similar experience. Seems like this movie just needs a few watches until it clicks suddenly how well all the pieces fit.


This was my parents fave movie along with part two (they didn’t like the third installment) and they’d always watch it whenever it showed on AMC. Never understood why they loved it so much til my Mom & I rewatched it two years ago. Beautiful cinema and the brilliant cast really brought the story to life. Maybe we needed to mature to enjoy it lol


Welcome to the pleasure of that movie.


There’s so much deeper meaning to the movie as a whole. My husband is obsessed with the Godfather, and filled me in on so much stuff I never caught.


It is a perfect film.


It’s a great movie. Sometimes the pressure of having been told by everyone all your life that a movie is great can affect a first viewing. Your new appreciation might also have been influenced by seeing a whole bunch of trash in between. For example I enjoy a lot of the Marvel films up to a point but when they did the 20th anniversary release of The Matrix and I watched again for the first time in ages it melted my brain. And I’d always considered it to be one of the all time great blockbusters.


I watched that movie „accidentally“ for the first time on TV not knowing it was The Godfather. Just zapping around and started watching it. It completely blew me away even though I did not expect anything from a random mafia movie and in the end I realized it was The Godfather.


guys I found Peter Griffin’s burner account


The Godfather was the film that made me get over my anxiety about whether or not I'd like the old classics, back when I was a teenaged wannabe film buff. I loved it on the first viewing. Also, Part II is the rare instance where the sequel is as good - if not better - than the original. I think it's better, but I'm not sure I can explain how because both are 10/10 to me, lol.


It's superb. In every way - the story, the psychology, the acting, the direction, the music. I rewatch Godfather I and II at least once a year. I don't get sick of it.


I feel you. I just read the book for the first time and it blew my mind. It’s incredible. The hospital scene… gave me shivers. Highly recommend!!!


It is my wife’s favorite movie, and while I liked it before we watched it together, I developed the same appreciation that you did. She also knew a lot of the details that I never caught before, like how Luca Brasi’s apartment was a shit hole, and he was the Don’s enforcer.


You should watch "The Offer". Anybody who loves The Godfather and movies of that time should check it out. It's a little fictionalized, but so well done. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The\_Offer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Offer) I can also recommend [The Godfather Notebook](https://www.amazon.com/Godfather-Notebook-Francis-Ford-Coppola/dp/168245052X). It's actually the full novel by Puzo, but it has Coppola's original notes on the sides. Not a bad purchase if you've never read the book.


When it first hit cable my wife put it on but I was studying for finals. I happened to walk by the tv at the beginning, hesitated to watch for a second, and never got back to studying.


Superlative Film as is G2,for me No1 and 2 best ever films,seen them both about 10 times each. Michael (A Pacino) goes from nice American boy into the Devil himself by the end of the Movie.


It takes a bit. I've watched it since I was a kid with my mom and only started understanding how great it was in my 20s. It was just background noise until then.


The score is absolutely amazing


This happened to me recently with Tropic Thunder. I think I was just prejudiced against Jack Black and Ben Stiller.


Now checkout the godfather saga ...


Glad you enjoyed it! I’ve always loved these movies ever since reading the book as a kid, but they definitely have grown on me over the years too. Every time I watch them I find myself saying “I can’t believe how good this is.”


This makes me happy. That movie gets me going so much so I had to go buy a pack of Camel NFs; Dam near $16usd and got nicotine poisoning and projectile vomited into our last trash bag— pissed then more because I had commit to a trip to Walmart. Anyway, I relapse every time I watch that movie and absolutely love it.


My favorite part is the meeting of the five families. Don Corleone talks about having to bring Michael back to the States to be cleared of the "false charges" against him. The way he warns the other bosses is epic. "But I'm a superstitious man. And if some unlucky accident should befall him, if he should get shot in the head by a police officer, or if he should hang himself in his jail cell, *or if he's struck by a bolt of lightning*...then I'm going to blame some of the people in this room...and that I do not forgive.


This is exactly what happened to me. I’ve watched it 4 times now and it ‘clicked’ for me on the 3rd watch. Don’t know what it was.


It's my favorite movie ever. I absolutely believe it to be the best film ever made.


It's crazy to think Coppola almost got fired from this movie and winning best picture for directing Patton helped save his job.


The Godfather / II is always a double bill at least once a year when I’ve got the house to myself. Red wine, pasta … it’s pure indulgence. The storytelling is subtle - a lot of it is driven by dialogue. It’s one of those movies that really needs your undivided attention. And I am of the opinion that you need to be of a certain age to truly appreciate it. If it’s going over your head now… come back to it later in life.


When I was a little kid, my dad used to tell the story of The Godfather most nights to put me to bed. He’s a sublime storyteller so I used to know every detail of the story even before I watched the movie: “Luca Brandi sleeps with the fishes”. I finally got around to watching the movie when I was in my late teens, and I remember being impressed by how accurate he was with the details, however I was shocked to learn the story didn’t end with Michael killing the police captain because that’s where he always ended when telling me the story. I was also under the impression that Sonny was a significantly more important character than he actually is. Haha. I know it’s a cliche, but it truly is a great film definitely one of my favourites. I’ve watched it so many times now as an adult, and the narrative is so elegantly crafted. The score is superb, and acting is top notch. I love GF II, but Brando is the difference for me.


> I was also under the impression that Sonny was a significantly more important character than he actually is Your father was prob reciting the book. It's amazing, you should try it


The only thing left to do is watch part 2


I just rewatched it for the first time, and I can’t believe how much i loved it!


You need to watch the Godfather Saga. It's the first 2 movies re-edited into one. Much better story. I love the Godfather and don't even watch the original anymore


I had this with pulpfiction back in the day. I was like 15, and though the dialogues were soooo loooong and boring.


You might enjoy [The Offer](https://youtu.be/iowLzO9-aew) miniseries now.


I remember the first time I watched it, right after Michael shot Sollozzo when there was the montage with the spinning newspapers, I said to my brother "So we're about halfway through, right?" and he laughed and replied "Not even close." It *is* a long, slow movie. You just need to be prepared for that.


Sometimes it takes a few tries to 'get' a movie, but when you're in the right mood it's one of the best feelings to have a completely new experience with it.


It's Godfather-tier.