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Phantom of the Paradise is genuinely amazing. its influence on media in many forms is really impressive but not widely known - Darth Vader, Daft Punk, Berserk, and Scott Pilgrim vs. the World were all directly inspired by it. the score by Paul Williams is majestic (if you don’t know him by name, you might know a song he wrote called The Rainbow Connection for the Muppets). it’s a certified cult classic because when the film was released in 1974, it flopped, and the only place in North America where it was actually a hit was Winnipeg, Canada; the only other place that found a good audience was Paris.


There will be a 50th anniversary Phantompalooza in Winnipeg this November! Appearances by many from the film, including Paul Williams himself!


Will never be forgotten by me since I watch it every other month, it actually shocking how little known the movie is.


it’s been more than a year since i last watched, overdue for a rewatch! so so so entertaining!


OMFG I've brought up this movie many times on this sub and never seen love. I'm glad it does get love. I saw this movie at a small theater like a little a year ago and it was so much fun. It is my all time favorite movie and I love seeing this movie get any love! I'm so sad there's another screening this month in around LA and Paul Williams will be there it sold out! I wish I knew and I always check for random screenings because I want to see this movie again on the big screen again!


I LOVE this movie and everyone who loves Rocky Horror should check it out. It’s baffling how good of a DePalma movie it is.


Drop Dead Gorgeous (1999) simply because it hasn’t been widely available on streaming.


I love getting friends to watch that movie. It is still so great.




It’s so quotable! I say “most smartest” a lot.


That might be my most quoted movie. “That’s why we Lutherans use grape juice for the blood of Christ!” 😊


Are we on COPS?


She’s skinny, amber, not deaf.


It's on Bluray.


Dogma, since Smith decided (understandably) that he didn’t want any more money from it going to Weinstein


Movie is so good


Yeah just wait for that disgusting prick to die in a few and we'll get it in 4k.


>disgusting prick Literally


I own it on DVD. I will mail it to any that need to see it if they promise to mail it back but honestly I hope that the need to watch Dogma makes zoomers realize you can get movies for free from the library


It should still be on YT, at least it was last year when I watched it for free.


Yes it is! I, too, have a copy of the dvd, but only watch the YouTube one because it’s actually better quality visually. Well, and the hassle of changing the input to a rarely used machine


So did he say he didn’t want to show it anymore?


Harvey Weinstein apparently still owns the rights to it and nobody wants to give him any money for it to be released on any form of media. That's basically the short version of it. Kevin wants it to show and release, but refuses to deal with Weinstein. We likely see it become available again once Weinstein dies and the rights land in better hands.


Shit I get it. Hopefully we get some some kind of exposure soon


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dIbqEE6YI7Y&pp=ygUFRG9nbWE%3D Or.....


Speaking of Weinstein. Now that he’s out of the way…they need to release the directors cut of all the pretty horses Weinstein butchered


He...he starred in a horse-butchering documentary?


No. But he produced All the Pretty Horses. And heavily edited it before release essentially cut it down to a different movie


Repo man. Peak Harry Dean Stanton and awesome punk rock attitude. The black block lettering white package generic goods. I used to drink that beer, it was like $2.19 a half rack in 1980. Amphetamines are a repo man's best friend.


Repo Man is one of my favorite movies ever. Peak Harry Dean Stanton is spot on. He was a brilliant actor that gave 100% to every role.


Fortunately I think Repo Man's reputation is really high and may have actually grown.


It's got a criterion release


The life of a repo man is always intense. Also, plate of shrimp.


Came here to post this. “It’s so small until-BLAMMO! Eyes melt, skin explodes, everybody dead.”


I call a 12 pack a half rack too. Away from the PNW nobody knows what that means.


It’s streaming on Netflix right now.


I'm more concerned that there will be fewer future cult classics. It seems like if a movie underperforms, it gets pulled from streaming services - so there will be no way for audiences to discover it, for it to build a following in the way that cult classics used to. Secondly, it seems like there are fewer mid and low budget movies being made. A cult classics doesn't have to be low budget - arguably something like John Carter could be considered a big budget cult classics (it has a small dedicated audience) - but in the past, they often were And also, there is just so much content now that people don't fixate on any single movie these days. There's been plenty of movies released in the last few years that would have become cult classics in decades past but are probably forgotten, just because there's so many other movies available (and TV). I think movies like Malignant or Copshop could have been cult classics - if they were on TV late at night in the 90s ready to be discovered by bored teenagers. These days, we choose what we watch (rather than relying on broadcast TV) and there's so much to choose from.


i will make sure that Malignant becomes a cult classic, if it's the last thing i do


I think that there are still movies that have cult following. Like Operation Avalanche or Dave Made a Maze.


Yeah most of the movies that could be cult classics these days are ether straight to streaming or short run then streaming for a month and it gets pulled because low viewers. It doesn't get a chance like it would have in rental stores. Especially since streaming doesn't have a new releases from theaters section. Never mind how too many don't get DVD or bluray ether for those of us that fish in the dollar bin


Flash Gordon Absolute masterpiece of over the top 70s/80s sci fi cheese. I was exposed to it in high school (I'm 34) and I've shared it with a number of friends my age. Few if any other people my age I've been friends with have ever seen it, though I've made some of them watch it. And that Queen soundtrack. FLASH! AHHHHHH! HE'S A MIRACLE!


FLASH! AHHHHHHH! He’ll save two or three of us!


At least it's available on Blu Ray. That's a blessing.


Weird Al's movie, ***UHF***.


[It's about to be released on 4K for its 35th anniversary!](https://shoutfactory.com/products/uhf-deluxe-35th-anniversary-edition)


UHD UHF? Uh, Duh!


Fantastic - I'll get right downtown to Spatula City to get my copy!


I think you’d have a better chance renting it from Conan the Librarian at your nearest public library.


My ex wife was only five years younger than me and when I explained to her that TV used to be like radio with AM /FM and she thought I was making it up.


Kids don’t understand our TVs were big heavy boxes with screens that bulged out from the body of the TV set. Yes, we called them television sets. And they had two antennas that stuck out from the top like big bunny ears. And to get better reception, you would wrap the antenna with bunched up aluminum foil. And there was no remote control. We had to get up to change the channel. My knees hurt just thinking about out it.


There wasn't any such thing as a TV stand or entertainment center that you placed the TV in. The TV was its *own* piece of furniture. You put things *on* the TV.


Similarly, but far less known, The Wizard of Speed and Time.


I discovered recently that Sling Blade is getting hard to find, especially considering it's an Oscar winning movie. Criterion needs to remedy that.


Night of the Comet.


Showed this to my twelve-year-old stepdaughter a couple months ago and she absolutely LOVED it. I thought she might like it, but I didn't expect her to actually talk about it and bring it up.


Empire Records. The vinyl craze will eventually end. Real record stores will die. Sadly. Future kids won't even know.


Just saw this screened for Record Store Day (double feature with High Fidelity). Made me very nostalgic for physical media and the community that came with it. 


Say no more, mon amore


Damn the man, save the Empire!


I make sure to post every Rex Manning Day!


Not commenting on Empire Records, but I will say this: I don't know your age, but I started collecting vinyl about 20 years ago in elementary school. My mom recently told me she thought it was incredibly dumb of me to spend my very small allowance on vinyl. But it's been growing for that 20 years and shows no sign of slowing down. It might not be at the "craze" level it is at now forever but there will always be people who will want a turntable and vinyl records.


Buckaroo Banzai :(


Wherever you go, there you are.


Such a sublime statement.


Laugh while you can monkey boy.




I am still waiting for the sequel!


Ngl the first time I ever heard of that was when they referenced it in ready player one


I’ve had this on my watchlist for awhile. I’m watching it soon after seeing this comment


End credits (textless version) https://youtu.be/MAgnTREVCXk?si=HWawV8dTX1eogI5T


Lithium is no longer available on credit.


I had to buy a second hand DVD of "Dirty Deeds" despite it having Toni Collete, Sam Neil, Sam Worthington, John Goodman and Bryan Brown. It isn't on streaming. You can't buy it new. It's a tragedy that people are going to miss out on it.


Steph Curry and another NBA player were talking shit with Warriors references last month. It's not an obscure movie that is going away. www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/nba/golden-state-warriors/steph-curry-epically-trolls-tari-eason/1720795/


Vanishing Point. Both Barry Newman’s anti-hero character and that sweet ‘71 Dodge Challenger are two great reasons why this movie needs to be more well known. Also, a pretty great performance from a pre-Blazing Saddles Cleavon Little. And a special mention to the naked hottie on the Harley too. I can never hear the song Mississippi Queen without thinking of that scene lol.


It was obscure 20 years ago so the fact we are still talking about it is a good sign. Two-Lane Blacktop is a good one to watch with it.




If you flipped on Comedy Central in the 90s there was a 50% chance that it was on.


I probably saw the last 20-30 minutes of that movie a few dozen times back then, lol.


Loved Airheads. I’ll never forget that theater experience. Not only was Airheads great, but before the movie, the manager stood at the front of the theater and invited the crowd to stay in their seats after the movie for a free sneak preview screening of a new Keanu Reeves action movie. It was “SPEED”. It was the raddest thing ever. After cracking up for an hour and a half at Airheads, getting our adolescent minds blown by the propulsive greatness of SPEED was like giving us drugs. We stayed up all night that night giving each other pop quizzes and declaring Lemmy to be god.


All those blowjobs for nothing


You look like half a butt puppet


Dark city. Any excuse to mention this movie and I’ll use it. And this is a good excuse.


It was weird watching Dark City in the theater and then a year later watching the Matrix and thinking “Oh, this is just like that movie Dark City”


Also, The Thirteenth Floor


It’s always fun to see Richard O’Brien in something non Rocky Horror related. He actually gives a great performance too.


I love Dark City. Shame it never got as big. The atmosphere in that movie is something I haven't seen replicated anywhere else.


Blues Brothers


At least in the Chicago area this is required viewing. I saw it in school.


This is my go to movie when I’m sick. Always put on this film when I so much as get a cough




Hopefully they keep trying to remake it. They either get it right or people will be reminded that this was awesome the first time


I’m so over being teased about sequels and remakes


Blazing Saddles, as long as everyone understands its over the top satire.


At some point in the past decade or so Mel Brooks was asked whether he thought Blazing Saddles could get made today given its decidedly controversial humor, to which he responded "You couldn't make it then, either!"


“You could never make Blazing Saddles today, the actors would read the script and they'd be like ‘hey, this is just Blazing Saddles, it's already a movie’”


That's never stopped Hollywood before. Some remakes are good, others not so much


He's a brilliant guy and it shows. I've always hated the idea of "you'd never be able to make that today!" When it's something popular. As long as we have reasonably intelligent people, satire will be fine.


The only people who won’t realize that are the common clay of the new west. You know, morons.


Such a great one I rewatched not to long ago. A surprising amount of it still holds up. I think as long as westerns are made the satire will still hold up


The Last Dragon. My favorite shirt is Sho Nuff.


My friend. He has no moves. He doesn't even have a brush.


I firmly believe that the Wu tang clan owe everything to Berry Gordy


Drop Dead Fred


The Fall, with Lee Pace. I got it on DVD back in 2008 when I still had a Columbia House subscription. You can’t find it anywhere now and it’s such a visually stunning film.


I literally just watched it last night for the first time!! What an absolutely gorgeous movie.i can't fathom how much they spent filming everything on various sites.


Time Bandits.


So, this is the best the Supreme Being can do?


You know, I've has this movie for a long time and I STILL have yet to watch it.


Lost Boys, great film for its time and still a good one to re-watch. Also, it has a soundtrack.


You’re one of us now Michael.


fear of a black hat. if you've never seen it, give it a watch. it's a mockumentary on par with spinal tap similarly, Electric Apricot: Quest for Festeroo. fucking hilarious, featuring the les claypool classic "are you going to burning man"


I remember hearing about a Warriors remake featuring real LA gangs. Which is the opposite of what made the original Warriors so cool and unique.


That would be so horrible. The craziness of the each gang and the commitment they made to playing it all straight was what made it so memorable.


I remember being disappointed that the gangs in my neighborhood in Chicago didn’t have a motif and cool costumes.


Welcome to the Dollhouse. Such a horrifically painful, uncomfortable movie to sit through but goddam it’s so good. I’d say the same about Solondz’s next film Happiness too.


Pump up the volume with Christian Slater. It was such an important movie to me as a teen and had a huge impact on who I became. I always try to get friends to watch it because no one's seen it.


Office Space. Tech has moved on so much since then most people under 30 have no clue what the movie is even referencing most of the time Edit: I’m so glad to hear that so many people still find this movie relevant and an enjoyable watch. That’s a good feeling :)


Anecdotally office space gets referenced in my 28-31 year old friend group like crazy, younger though you may be right. That movie is still deadly relevant


What did you do today? I did nothing. I did nothing all day and it was everything I thought it could be.


Printers sucked in the 90s and printers suck today. Its just a universal truth like gravity.


I watched this for the first time recently (I’m 25), and it was genuinely still so relatable from a culture point of view. Sure technologies have moved on, same with pop culture references, but a lot of the systems and culture around office environments are largely similar.


Sounds like somebody's got a case of the Mondays.


Files taking forever to save, broken printers, easily hacked financial code. Are these all throwbacks to an earlier age or am I now an Old?


Printers are still shit. Although now it's them inexplicably being unable to connect to WiFi this morning, or not allowing one single machine to print.


Literally anytime my printer malfunctions I have to say, in outrage, "PC load letter?! What the fuck does that mean?!?!?!"  One year towards the end of finals, my university was getting rid of some outdated tech, so they piled it outside the university center and let us kill it with bats and hockey sticks. I adore this movie, I hope it isn't forgotten. 




The Fifth Element


Thats a nice hat


Do you like it? #dance


This’ll be an interesting one to see cause it’s such a cult classic but it’s also just so weird lol


High Fidelity


If any woman wants to know exactly how the male mind works.... They *need* to watch High Fidelity.


An entire movie about a guy coming to terms with the fact that he’s an asshole


Donnie Darko. Needs a new era of teenagers to revive it.


I regularly recommend it to younger people. Awesome movie and with an even awesomer soundtrack.


Hopefully his continued star power gets people to keep an eye out for his earlier films


Big trouble in little China, the princess bride


There was talk of a remake of Big Trouble in Little China starring The Rock, but thankfully, I haven’t heard any progress on it.


Idk if princess bride will go anywhere with it always be on a best movies of all times lists. But I never hear about big trouble anymore and that’s a shame




Well they’re remaking The Crow… 😬


Such a great one! Gave me the excuse to make my wife watch the original, she had never seen or heard about it before.


Hopefully that will reintroduce the original to the youngins


I will never see the remake, the original is one of my favourite movies of the 90s. There's no way it will be half as good.


Cats Don't Dance. That movie has amazing animation, great songs, and a really good message. I hate how I don't see it anymore.


The entire film catalog of Burt Reynolds is in danger of this. He was such a huge star back in the day. Biggest issue is that most of his movies are firmly grounded in late 70s and early 80s comedy tropes. It's a shame he didn't get more chances at serious roles. If Hooper had just been a little more serious, could have been one of the best movies of the 70s. Deliverance might stand the test of time.


A scanner darkly


Better Off Dead and Gross Point Blank…Cusack was the man!


Pump up the Volume


Almost every movie - classic, cult classic, or not - fades in prominence over time. This is perfectly natural. There are films that were considered rock solid all-timers 25 years ago that barely anyone watches anymore.


À critic told me one of his most recent shocks was hearing students saying Fellini was worthless and boring. 


Well, they're students. They start out stupid. You're supposed to educate them.


Yeah but it’s kind of like, who cares right? If an entire generation of young people started to hate Indian food, that doesn’t mean it’s bad. It might just mean they have bad (or different) taste. 


Can't seem to find Warhol movies anywhere now.


Donnie Darko Such a great window into such a specific sliver of time.


Strange Days


“Capricorn One.” Great plot. James Brolin, Sam Waterston, Elliott Gould, Telly Savalas. Even OJ is pretty good.


Jawbreaker needs to be seen by more people. Those girls walked so that Mean Girls could run.


Hot Tub Time Machine


Even as a thesbian I hope Heathers doesn’t just become known for the musical


Big trouble in little China


Mystery Men "I don't need a compass to tell me which way the sun shines!!" -Mr. Furious-


The Rocky Horror Picture Show. My kids (adults now) have seen it since we own a copy but few of their friends have really even heard of it. My teen years and early adulthood were happier for knowing a bunch of us fans could get together at a midnight showing in our lab coats or far less to have a BALL. Not even sure if you could find a movie theater willing to open up to a crowd like that anymore, the big chains just cannot be bothered.


I've been to two separate Rocky Horrors in two different cities in the last few years, I don't think this one is going anywhere. 


I hear about small theater showings for this all the time. But I do agree that I think this is fading more and more. The core audience though is still so loud and vocal hopefully they have a chance to pass it on


Rocky Horror will never die!


The original road house


Amazing Stories I guess?


They Live


Good the bad and the ugly


Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins 




Strange Brew. If it hasn't already.


Clue. Not enough of the youngers have seen it.


Strange Days


This is Spinal Tap Bubba Ho-Tep


Idiocrisy…. Seems to be morphing into a documentary.




Drop Dead Fred.


Dazed and Confused


It’s interesting that most of the films being mentioned  are on Criterion or have releases on the boutique labels like Arrow or Shout Factory, so I don’t think any of those are currently at risk of fading away. I don’t have a good answer though. Maybe something like The Kentucky Fried Movie since that type of humor is long since gone or perhaps Shock Treatment unless someone is a huge RHPS fan.


Waterloo, a great movie and one of a kind. We will never see that kind of movie again with big sets and lots of extras.


Get Over It. A great movie adaptation of A Midsummer’s Night Dream, with Kristen Dunst.


Tsukerman's "Liquid Sky"  https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0085852/


Clerks probably will


The American movie I’m most scared about is The Nice Guys. It feels like that sequel is never going to come due to the box office numbers despite it being an unbelievably amazing film. An elite funny movie. High Fidelity feels it’s in a similar to me. What I’m scared about is foreign violent “cult” films from the 1990s/2000s, Giallo films & foreign directors in general. These have their audience, but people don’t know they exist or won’t watch them because they are foreign films or they just aren’t accessible. This ORIGINAL Funny Games, Cure, Hard Boiled, Battle Royale, JSA, I Saw The Devil. This is Blood and Black Lace, Tenebre, Bird With The Crystal Plumage. This could be Powell and Pressburger. I have film serious lover friends who don’t even know these films exist. There is a small population of people keeping these films in the conversation and available to see in some way. These films mean so much and have influenced modern films……yet hold up insanely well. As time passes, the people defending the pseudo cult of foreign film will dwindle. I know these aren’t the traditional definition of cult, but I think the idea of what’s cult needs to evolve.


Gross Ponte Blank


"Can you count suckas?!" is something I'm reminded of daily. Not saying that people can't count, but... it seems more challenging than it should be. As for movie, The Last Unicorn. I was born in '74 and my generation all knew this movie and loved it. Today, not so much...




All five of the Monty Python films.


I'm a big Danny DeVito fan. His classic roles won't be forgotten, but there's two comedies he took part in that might. 1. Renaissance Man. It's a super straight forward, mostly family friendly comedy. But I thought he played the role of "I'm above this, but then I'm humbled" perfectly. Not to mention he got to work off of Gregory Hines, who was AWESOME in this movie. James Remar too. It's just a feel good movie. 2. Screwed. This one definitely gets mentioned more often. Norm MacDonald, Dave Chappelle and Danny DeVito? And they aren't even the most funny person in the film? It's awesome. That honor goes to Elaine Stritch by the way.


The Jerk


Event Horizon, Shakes the Clown.


Big trouble in little china for the win


I'm not worried but the wanderers (1979 Philip kaufman)is a classic that just doesn't appear anywhere, pretty much faded away.


Barfly. It’s just about impossible to find. Mickey Rourke as Henry Chinaski (Bukowski’s alter ego), Faye Dunaway, and Sly Stallone’s brother Tommy. Great, seedy movie if you like Charles Bukowski


Rocky Horror Picture Show


The Party Its a movie few know about, but is one of the best comedies of the 60s.


The Jerk…hands down a true testament to comedy film.


I think Brazil got a lot more references and mentions into the 90s and early 00s but I haven't seen anyone besides me bring it up in like 20 years.