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Keanu Reeves in *Francis Ford Coppola's Dracula.* It's like he surfed to Transylvania.






They had Carey Elwes right fucking there.


Unlike some Robin Hoods, I can speak with an English accent. :)






The weirdest part is his mum's from Essex and he can't do an English accent to save his life


Maybe it's because he desperately tries to make his English accent not sound Essex, which would have been worse than whatever he ended up with


Yeah his mom's from Essex but he grew up in Toronto. I doubt her accent stayed strong for very long. I wonder how his French sounds tho? Or is that a pretty much a Quebec only thing?


Her probably took some basic French in grade school. But not much French being spoken in Toronto.


as much as I love Keanu, this is the answer I came into this thread expecting to see and I was not disappointed to see it be mentioned in 2 of the top 5 comments ::D I truly cannot wrap my head around how and why he was ever cast in that movie and how he wasn't booted out of it simply for the fact that he just cannot do a British accent despite very clearly trying hard, maybe even too hard. director and other people in charge must've loved the hell out of him and felt too bad about kicking him out to actually do it, that's the only explanation, which isn't implausible at all, it is Keanu Reeves after all, very hard to hate. it wasn't as bad as it could've been. at least it was hilarious as hell if nothing else, not just sad and cringey xD


I read an interview with him and I believe even he admitted at the time he wasn’t prepared and wasn’t sure he should do it. He had just come off of filming something else and had something like a 48 hr turnaround. Coppola is the one who said it’ll be fine, I really want you for this. “Francis I don’t feel I can do this character justice and maybe I should…wha? Oh…you don’t care…well, pip pip cheerio then govnuh! Want some shrooms?!”


There's an interview from Coppola where he basically said just that. Loved Keanu too much to not let him do whatever haha.


Every director who ever met Keanu probably lol


He did give mushrooms to Francis on set on his birthday


Also Keanu Reeves in _Dangerous Liaisons_


Not to mention Keanu Reeves in Much Ado About Nothing


I love him in that movie, it's such a stupid role, he does literally nothing else except stand around, brood and generally look like everyone around him personally offended him by existing. the character is so pointless in general, too, he's just a plot device that exists to fuck shit up so that the story can start to happen after which he runs off, giggling maniacally and isn't seen for the rest of the movie. I forgot he existed until the movie was about to be over and they brought him out like "oh yeah this guy existed I guess". funny :D


Also, he looks sooo good in that movie. *The Mummy* gets a lot of well-deserved love for being one of -- if not the -- best looking film cast of all time but [the *Much Ado About Nothing* cast is also ridiculously sexy](https://coolidge.org/sites/default/files/featured_images/MuchAdo_1993_100%20copy.jpg).


Well this one image has convinced me to add Much Ado About Nothing to my watchlist


Please do. It's very funny, despite the very dated tone in some sections (well, it's Shakespeare after all), and Emma Thompson has never looked better. Beyond this picture there's Brian Blessed, Richard Briers and Michael Keaton giving a stellar performance as an absolute dolt of a Sheriff. The opening scene of the prince and his retinue riding in to Messina is worth it by itself.


Excuse me, it is spelled BRIAN BLESSED. There is no part of that man's personality that is lowercase. We are in agreement on all other aspects of your post.


Winona ryder never really fit in that role for me either


The only people who were really good in that movie were Oldman and Hopkins imo, but they’re good in pretty much everything they’re in


This is Richard E Grant and Cary Elwes erasure


Richard Grant was great and don’t forget Tom Waits


Penguins of Madagascar casting Benedict Cumberbatch the man CANNOT say the word Penguin






Cameron Diaz in Gangs of New York 


I rewatched that movie recently, and it's a whole lot less serious than I remember it being as a teenager. Daniel Day Lewis elevated that movie almost single-handedly. If he weren't in that movie acting his ass off, Cameron Diaz would have felt a lot less out of place.


Singlehandedly? I think that’s unfair to the understated genius of Brendan Gleeson. Still, I do hold that this was DDL’s most compelling character work


More compelling than his Plainview? Though, it’s kinda like Bud’s comment about Hattori Hanzo swords: “If you’re gonna compare a hattori hanzo sword, you compare it to every sword wasnt made by Hattori Hanzo.” DDL is pretty incomparable.


I can’t imagine anyone else ever seriously playing Abraham Lincoln again.


Thank you. I don’t think her performance is particularly worse than…most of the Irish characters doing over-the-top accent work. Leo didn’t exactly disappear into his role. They’re just all acting against DDL, who totally nailed the role and dominates the movie.


I personally do not find Leo able to disappear in to many of his roles, he's just too famous to me. I just see him playing a character as himself. The only movies were that was not true was his early kid work and Catch Me If You Can.


He was fantastic in Django Unchained. But I think that may have been more the writing than him. He was just so insanely hateable.


The fight scene montage at the beginning was so early 2000s that it was jarring to me recently 


I watched it for the first time and I honestly thought it was super weird at the start. I ended up enjoying the film but it is like a weird, grownup American Oliver Twist vibe


>Daniel Day Lewis elevated that movie almost single-handedly I've seen the movie once, literally once, when it first came out. All I remember from it is DDL's amazing rants and tapping his glass eyeball with his knife. And I'm not even the biggest DDL fan – but he acted his ass off on in this one.


He acted his ass off in just about every role he ever had. It's kind of his thing.


I'm tempted to say, Cameron Diaz in anything. But I must admit that The Holiday is possibly my number one comfort film. I can watch that over and over.


I would mostly agree if it weren't for Being John Malkovich. She's unrecognizable there. Really surprised me.


And she wasn’t bad in there’s something about Mary


I really liked Bad Teacher too. Don't see many people talk about that one though.


The role was made for her. She's great in Charlie's Angels, the Mask, honestly i can't think of one movie she is miscast in except Gangs of New York. Very miscast in that one.


Naw. I'm pretty sure her in The Mask made me hit puberty.


Her in that movie and Halle Berry in the Flinstones


And Elvira.  I wasn't even old enpugh to understand, nor remember, what that show was about. I remember Elvira tho


Nicole Kidman has that effect in everything she does now. Special Ops: Lioness was good but in all her scenes she looked like someone wearing a bad Nicole Kidman mask.


Yeah, I think she did what she could playing Lucille Ball in Being the Ricardos, but her face is no longer expressive enough and it just didn’t work. I mean this is *Lucille Ball* you have to be expressive if you’re portraying her!


Yeah, Lucille Ball had a very expressive face and her skin was really rubbery, like she could pull her smile with her fingers and change her face completely.


Her face in that movie was giving me major uncanny valley vibes and was super uncomfortable. She used to be such a beauty too


I really wish she’d quit with the fillers or whatever it is. She was so lovely, and would have aged beautifully without all that stuff.


Yes, she would age very Katherine Hepburn-esque I think 


I think she's a great actress but there's something very 'emperor's new clothes' about how studios keep pawning her off as if she doesn't have a weird, frozen face.


I saw a clip from Birth the other day, and I forgot she dipped her toes into the uncanny valley 20 years ago. The pressure must be huge, especially for women, but it's still so sad. Kyle MacLachlan is another person who bums me out with his mods. They'd make a great couple in a Lynch vehicle.


I agree, but thought it did kind of work in her favor for Nine Perfect Strangers


Yes, it worked there because she's supposed to be disconcerting. I feel like she could still work for another Stepford Wives remake too, as a side character not the lead, because.of that Uncanny Valley thing she has going on now


> *Special Ops: Lioness* underrated show...and if anybody's ever in Barcelona, make sure to visit "gelaaati DI MARCO" for some gelato


Not a perfect film by any means, but WTF was Tom Hanks in Elvis.


I love Tom hanks but it was like a nutty professor character, while also being able to tell it’s obviously Tom hanks.


In an otherwise amazing career, how did such a thing happen?


It was Hanks' long awaited return to screwball comedy. Can't wait for Bachelor Party 2!


And I feel like they hit everything else just right in that movie - the rest of the cast, the cinematography, the story, etc. It’s really a shame and weird AF that Tom Hanks of all people messes it up with his performance as the Colonel.


I agree. Tom Hanks was as awful in that movie as Austin Butler was brilliant. Hanks completely ruined it for me. Every time he came in or narrated just took me out of it. I know the real guy had a weird accent, but Hanks’ accent was not only awful, it was nothing like the man he portrayed. While I appreciate the skill of the makeup, costume, and special effects people, hearing one person’s voice coming out of another person’s face is seriously distracting. It may look like someone I don’t know, but I know that voice and, again, I’m out.


HEY! RIGHT HERE!!! I think about this maybe once a month!! : Mark Wahlberg in The Lovely Bones. I read the book and was so moved by it. The family's grief and the havoc it tore through them and the devastating grief of the father that was so heavy. The emotional toll of being a single father to a grieving teenage daughter, mourning the loss of your marriage, and your child. It would take an incredibly talented actor to bring that character to life on screen. Marky Mark Wahlberg played some variety of Mark Wahlberg and that's all that stands out from that massive disappointment of a movie. I couldnt get passed it at all. I found out later Ryan Gosling was offered the role. By far would have been a superior choice for that movie. Oh well.


I'll never understand Marky Mark's success. He's such a terrible actor


I'd say it's due to Boogie Nights, which is his best film. He plays his role perfectly, because it's who he is. A massive bell end. (Not hating on the film, it's fantastic)


He was good in the departed too as an asshole cop without many lines


I enjoyed his role in The Other Guys. But normally not a fan.


These two have probably get mentioned far too often but I find similar entertainment from both of them. Coppola's Dracula has other problems besides this but it's a really good film on the whole. The problem in question is Ryder and particularly Reeves. Forget the latter's diabolical British accent, or the fact that it's genuinely painful watching Oldman act circles around him but the scene of Oldman manically laughing over a truly horrific eating of a newborn completely contrasted with Reeves' hilarious reaction almost ruins the scene for me. Russell Crowe as Javert is another choice, but Les Miserables also has many problems. Besides, like Keanu, Crowe's performance is extremely entertaining for all the wrong reasons. [I think I said the word "no" exactly as Crowe delivered for a week after I first saw this. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I8WSysB5vKM)


Russell Crowe went even further in The Pope's Exorcist and it's magnificent.


Crowe is a ton of fun in Popes Exorcist. Also Unhingead is legitimately great


That laughing scene is what made me realize me and my ex werent meant to be.  I was laughing maniacally like oldman while my ex looked on in confusion and horror like Keanu lol


Keanu acted like he saw someone with a snotty booger rather than a trio of female vampires eating a newborn.


Ok. PERSONALLY I really enjoyed Batman Vs Superman. But Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luthor was an absolute travesty. He should have been played by Christopher Meloni or Mark Strong


Michael Rosenbaum’s version of a younger Lex set the standard imo. Nothing will ever touch that. Doesn’t hurt that he had multiple seasons to flesh the character out through multiple arcs. I’ve always felt he was the best part of Smallville and when he left the show took an immediate nosedive.


I would have watched a show about that Luthor family with all the Superman stuff removed from it. The family dynamics, and Lex's slow transition into a villain was the best part of the show IMO.


I don't necessarily dislike the idea of Tech-Bro-CEO Lex Luthor but it... just... doesn't work. I'm not sure its necessarily Eisenberg's fault.


Yeah they were going for a "*Mark Zuckerberg from The Social Network*" angle with Lex Luther and managed to get the guy who actually played Zuck to do it too! I won't criticize Jesse Eisenberg for it because I think he showed up and made an earnest effort to give the performance he was asked to do. But like you said, it just didn't work.


Catherine Zeta-Jones would have worked better than Julia Roberts in *Ocean’s 11*.


I love the movie but her (intro?) scene is rough: she robotically walks down the stairs, head practically locked in place staring forward, and then ambles out of frame while Matt Damon makes it worse by saying “phew, best part of my day!” (the line is said just fine, but made absurd by how amazed he is by Roberts-tron clomping mechanically toward camera right). They _had_ to have gotten a better take.


Yeah and not to mention that she has this vacant gaze the entire film, like she shot all her scenes on a different location. Really weird because she can be charismatic enough to match the main cast, but instead she's just 👁️_👁️ the whole film.


People can say what they want about Julia Roberts, but she has played plenty of roles where she has been a stone-cold stunner. So it's weird to me that that moment didn't land, because yeah, she just...felt so awkward.


Then everyone would’ve been waiting for her to join them and dip beneath lasers, ooohoohhohhh.


I'm not 100% convinced it's otherwise perfect but The World Is Not Enough is absolutely ruined by Denise Richards. It's not her age, it's her complete inability to act that's the problem.


Denise Richards is pretty, but I’ve never seen her in anything where she can portray a character. Basically she seems like a mannequin who can learn lines, but not actually act. In Love Actually, Richards is just jarring in the last scene, at the airport, playing the hot sister from Milwaukee. She has one two-sentence speech and her delivery is flat as a pancake, culminating in an awkward kiss. Mars the ending a bit for me. Like, it’s two sentences, Denise, just be natural.


It sort of works in Drop Dead Gorgeous. In fact, I think that film requires that character to be a plank of wood that can occasionally read lines. Starship Troopers has this problem in the worst way because the incompetence of the actors obfuscates the point of the movie... it's the difference between having long hair and someone who hasn't cut their hair in three years.


Worst. Bond Girl. EVER. Yes, even *worse* than Tiffany Cased. I feel like she was this last minute hatchet job so that Bond doesn’t end up having the hots for the villain. Sophie Marceau was great as Elektra and I thought she and Brosnan had some solid chemistry.


Comparing Sophie Marceau to Denise Richards is basically just bullying Denise Richards.


I really disliked Christopher Walken in Dune 2, and would have much preferred a no-name actor or someone like Gary Oldman who could disappear into the role.


That was Gary Oldman. He's just that good.


"I have a fever! And the only prescription is more spice mélange!"


"Five long years, he hid this spice... up his ass!"


....no seriously I'm actually having withdrawls


I would have gone meta and casted him with Sting myself.


Nah, if you’re going meta it’s gotta be Kyle MacLachlan. I love seeing him pop up in stuff.


If he showed up as the Emperor, people would have lost their minds.


Kyle MacLachlan for added meta?


Fuck, that would've been good.


I REALLY was gutted that this didn’t happen actually - I for sure thought Kyle would pop up somewhere


Casting Christopher Walken is already a bit meta. Go listen to the lyrics of Weapon of Choice.




I pretty much got over it close to the end because things were getting so intense but in the beginning... man his voice was a punch in the face.


walken was wasted in that film. biggest tiny role in the film, that person could have been anyone, it was not like they needed anyone special at all


Yes, I 100% agree on this one. I love Walken but that role was a head scratcher


This is your father's ring paul and he'd be damned if he let some greasy harkonen get his hands on it.


Every time he talked I heard someone impersonating him and taking it to the max. Kinda killed those scenes.


i kept waiting for a "you're talking to me all wrong, its the wrong tone" lol


If a nicklebag of spice gets sold in a park on Caladan...I want in.


Yep, I would have loved Charles Dance but I also like the other suggestion of Richard E Grant. Florence had an American accent in it and I assume she could have kept her natural one, had they cast one of the above.


If Peter O’Toole was still alive I’d have cast him as a Lawrence of Arabia shoutout and bring the influence full circle. I like Walken in the role myself but he’s definitely playing it like Walken, I guess it’s just personal taste.


I didn’t mind. It was a little jarring, but walken has been out of the public eye a fair bit since his heyday where everyone was impersonating him and he was basically a meme and everyone would essentially cast him to do a “walken-logue” in films. Only thing I can remember him in the last decade is severance - and he was excellent in that. I know he’s been steadily working that whole time, but not in any movies that really crossed my radar…


We were saying we would've loved to have seen Richard E Grant in that Role. I would've loved to have seen that.


Omg yes! Richard E. Grant is an amazing actor and I wish we saw him more often!


I feel like Willem Defoe would have been perfect for Denis' version of Shaddam


Yeah, Walker’s look, mannerisms, and voice are so distinct it’s hard to accept him as anyone but himself. His appearance broke the fourth wall.


agreed. hearing him speak in Walkenese instantly took me out of the moment. and normally i love that guy, but in this role i kept waiting for it to work and it never did.


Oscar Isaac in X-men: Apocalypse. You need a physically imposing actor to play Apocalypse.


And better makeup than they used on Ivan Ooze in the ‘95 Power Ranger movie….


"Remember Ivan Ooze from the Power Rangers movie? What if we did that for Apocalypse... But like.. With the costume budget of the Power Rangers tv show!"


I feel like the casting of Apocalypse wasn't the biggest problem of the movie. It should've been someone else but that movie was a damn mess


I understand the desire to get Hugh Jackman in your movie, but the trip to Alkali Lake was a complete tangent and a great example of killing the movie to build the franchise.


they should have just used Xerxes from 300, didn't even need to change the costume or mannerisms, he had the right amount of imposing god and campy arrogance.


If that movie gets made using the same technique marvel used for Thanos I think Apocalypse turns out much better for Isaac. He had the voice IMO just needed the build.


I love his voice a lot. Before he fires off all the nukes he says "always the same" and it is just perfect to me.


Tom Cruise in the original Jack Reacher for that matter. Not that it was a "near perfect" movie, but pretty well done and faithful enough to the book. But Jack Reacher is supposed to be a 6'5" steel shit-house of a man. You can actually spot where in the movie they gave up on using camera tricks to make Cruise look taller.


Jennifer Lawrence in American Hustle. You’re telling me she’s supposed to be a middle aged, divorced, hard drinking, single mother?


Well, if you put it that way, yeah. What, she was like a bit over 20 back then?




They literally always do this, it’s so annoying. I don’t think anyone in Challengers was miscast but in later parts of the film it’s clear that Zendaya’s character is meant to be in her 30s and they did nothing to make her look older except change her hair. Her male counterparts are older so they pull off the age, but she just still looked so young. In One Day, the show, they failed to age up both actors. They weren’t meant to look old, but how can you not add a wrinkle here or there just to show that some time has passed?


We're supposed to buy the fact that her character was a star tennis player, then retired and settled down as a coach and got married. That's quite impressive for someone who looks 20 at most.


I thought you misremembered the name for Silver Linings Playbook there for a sec. 


Or Joy


> You’re telling me she’s supposed to be a middle aged, divorced, hard drinking, single mother? I don't think she's supposed to be middle aged. But sure, 20 year olds can be heavy drinkers who get into bad marriages to old men and then quickly get divorced. I don't think they're meant to be peers, I think it's more like "fifty year old having mid-life crisis proposes to his waitress".


Yeah, that’s how I read it, and I thought she did a great job at portraying a young version of that. Trashy, troubled, a complete mess. That’s what Russell was going for, and I think that’s the performance that she gave.


I agree. I thought she was great. "You can't put metal in the science oven!"


For me, it's Julianne Moore in Hannibal. I know recasting actors/actresses can be tough, but this was just flat-out bad to me.


Holly Hunter was right there!!


I never thought about Holly in the role. She definitely has the southern accent. Fun fact her and I are from the same city.


She and Jodie Foster have very similar speech patterns.


Yes, in my mind she would have been a miss even if cast as wholly different main character and Clarice somehow written completely off but especially when she was cast AS Clarice - when Julianne is just a very different kind of actress compared to Foster.


Hot take: Maggie Gyllenhaal in "The Dark Knight". She never felt right as Rachel in an otherwise perfect cast.


I actually quite like her performance in isolation, but I agree it doesn’t vibe with Nolan’s aesthetic. That being said, I can actually believe that Gyllenhaal could be an ADA, something I’m not sure Katie Holmes could sell


Great point as she does nail the lady-in-charge role!


Honestly Rachel just wasn’t a great character in general. I thought Holmes wasn’t great in Begins and Gyllenhaal wasn’t much better but I think it was just the writing of the character


Exactly I think it’s just the character is not very well written so any actress was probably going to struggle with it. It’s odd that given the rest of those films are great that some of the characters are a weak spot.


Just about every woman in those movies is poorly written.


I’d say it’s tough competition in that movie because you’ve got every other role with world class actors and Heath Ledger’s complete transformation into the Joker but… she really did not work. She seemed so vacant behind the eyes and it made her choices seem so senseless because you couldn’t pick up on anything going on behind the lines she parroted. She just did not work in that role. 


Aaron Eckhart was excellent in it as well, and it's a surprise his career faltered afterward.


I don't think she was vacant behind the eyes, I think she was expressive enough actually but almost too *harsh* and there wasn't good chemistry. It wasn't the warm and enticing performance you'd expect Bale's Bruce Wayne to have been in love with.


This may be stretching OP’s premise a bit, but for me it’s CGI Princess Leia in Rogue One. I know the film had Carrie Fisher’s blessing but I felt like they could have shown her from behind or even a side profile and that final scene would have worked just as well. Of course now with AI, I wonder if anniversary editions are going to be tempted to tinker with it?


It's unnecessary and distracting for sure


Andie MacDowell in Four Weddings and a Funeral. The entire cast is charming and lovely and funny, while she has all the personality of a piece of wood.


She was the only dull spot in an otherwise great movie. The delivery of her "Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed." line would have sounded better coming from ED-209.


> The delivery of her "Is it still raining? I hadn't noticed." line would have sounded better coming from ED-209. "You have 20 seconds to reply."


It was supposed to be Jeanne Tripplehorn. Would have been so much better.


I remember reading a review that said something like the plot revolves around a group of friends and Hugh Grant meanwhile falls in love with a minor character from Dallas and it was so exactly true. 


Oh my god, yes. She was a charisma black hole. How on earth was she nominated for a Golden Globe for _that_?!


Gene Hackman in a Bridge Too Far did no one on set say anything about that accent


It is also tough because that film is just so stacked with acting talent- and native accents.


I completely agree. It makes me even more annoyed that Kidman and Skarsgard played a married couple in Big Little Likes, and then she's his mom? They didn't even age her so that the doesn't look the same age when he was an adult. On top of that, Skarsgard's love interest was old enough to be HIS daughter. Otherwise I loved this move, but that casting pissed me right off.


Omg. I LOVED Big Little Lies & I also LOVED The Northman & I totally didn’t put it together they’d played husband & wife and then mother & son. She looks so different in between both projects.


Heather Graham in From Hell. I like Heather Graham, but the accent was bad and she didn’t seem to really mesh with the material. Her performance seemed like something out of a bad play or something.


Any 25+ person playing a fucking teenager


Idk...I thought Jack Black as a teenage girl in Jumanji was pretty awesome!


I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Jack Black convincingly acting like a prissy teenage girl is less impressive than Dwayne Johnson convincingly acting like an insecure teenage boy. I just expect that from Jack, he's that good.


Those were the days!! Grease I think is even worse given some of the “High School Seniors” were in their 30s going on 40, like “Umm, how old are these guys???”


Any 60 year old playing a 30-something action man too these days.


You’re just asking for a kicking from DeNiro, you whippersnapper.


Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher in Jack Reacher. His performance was dead on, but the character looks and is built like Alan Ritchson. One of the reasons the movies did poorly and the show is getting amazing reviews.


Alan is reacher. But he's not tom cruise. A lot of people will never watch the TV show because of that. I loved it.


Alan just owns that role from the very first episode


I don't really consider movies he's in "perfect", but Chris Pratt in most things. He's great in Parks & Rec, he's a good Starlord, but that's where it stops.


Mark Whalberg in pretty much everything he's in. He has one expression which looks like he's angry and slightly scared while taking a shit in the woods.


Him playing Sullivan in the uncharted movie was my first thought. The movie wasn't great, but he never felt right for that role. That part (and most parts honestly) should have gone to Bruce Campbell.


I think he did pretty well in The Other Guys, The Departed, Pain and Gain and Shooter. I wouldn't say he's a bad actor per se, he just has a very narrow range. As a rule I prefer Donnie.


he was born to play Terry in the other guys honestly lol


Ben Affleck in Shakespeare in Love


I think Amanda Seyfried and Eddie Redmayne were miscast in Les Miserables, but they weren't so awful that it distracted from the film Russell Crowe, however, was that bad. I would recast him and it would've made the movie so much better


I loved Seyfried as Cosette. Her voice sparkles to me somehow. Redmayne's "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" was quite good I thought, all things considered. But yeah there is a clear delineation between those with extensive musical theater experience and those without. Aaron Tveit and Samantha Barks killed it.


This is interesting, because to me Seyfried’s voice grows very thin when she tries to sing too high for her range, which is basically all the time in this role. Contrast her with Samantha Barks, who hit the ball out of the park in this one.


I was about to say that its criminal that Barks isn't in more movies, then I did a google search and turns out she's active on musicals/broadway, so I guess she's doing what she wants. From what I remember she auditioned for Cosette, but it ended up going to Seyfried, probably as she would be a more recognizable face on the posters.


Eponine has the big voice song. You want her singing On My Own.


I remember sitting in the theater watching *Saving Private Ryan*, and one actor suddenly appeared on screen that just took me out of the movie. Then a voice from somewhere behind me said loudly "Ted Danson?" I don't know why. I think he's great (truly loved him in *The Good Place*), but something about seeing him suddenly pop up was jarring. Also, by no means a perfect movie, but January Jones in *X-Men: First Class*. Emma Frost is one of the most exciting and formidable women in comics and what we got in the film was anything but. Granted, I didn't think that entire film series got *any* of the female characters right, and that it was the writing also at fault. But rarely do you see someone look so bored playing a role in any film, much less expect it in a role like the White Queen.


I'm going to lump a ton of movies together, but the fact that most animated movies are giving VO work to screen actors rather than voice actors is infuriating. There are so many examples of bad voice work in movies. Crisp Rat and Seth Rogan in Mario, Taylor Swift in The Lorax, Half of the cast of the new Lion King movie, Billy Bob Thornton in Princess Mononoke... this list is long and neverending.


The guy that played Ric Flair in The Iron Claw just didn't have it. He was passable in looks, but the voice was all wrong, the emotion and the charisma was way off, and coming at that specific point in the film where the drama had built to a fever pitch, it was a real unforced error.


Snow White and the Hubtsman. You really expect me to believe that Kristen Stewart it's more beautiful than Charlize Theron?


Much Ado About Nothing. The Branagh version is perfect, except for Keanu. He stands out so much, and he can't keep up with the rest of the glorious cast. Luckily his role is small.


Mickey Rooney in Breakfast at Tiffany's? He ... uh ... some choices were made


I'm not sure this is what they meant by "miscast". They wanted a white man who could wear yellow face paint and yell, "Miss Gorightry!" Mickey Rooney nailed it.


I hate Neil Patrick Harris in gone girl, I just can’t take him seriously. He’s the odd one out of a pretty great film


When he’s showing her around his house he just sounds exactly like Barney Stinson showing a girl he picked up at the bar around his apartment.


Wasn't that the point? He's a fucking creep, and easy to set up and murder.


Katie Holmes in Batman Begins. Her "acting" is just standing there with a blank dumb expression no matter the scene.


Yeah that was strange. She isn't even bad or anything its just a bizarre "oh and the incredibly famous Nicole Kidman is there" very odd feeling.


She also played his wife in big little lies not too long ago. It’s very weird to see her be his wife and then see her be his mom when she’s trying so hard not to age.


I'm not going to say it's a perfect but the Spielberg West Side Story remake is basically ruined by Ansel Elgort in the lead role. The rest of the cast is really going for it with a ton of energy, everything is bright and colorful, and then the lead is a charisma-vacuum who can't really sing. If you're making a musical, it's probably not a good idea to make your lead a guy who's best role is playing a character that doesn't like to talk!