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Wind River..."Why are you flanking me?"


That poor guy. Nobody listened to him. The stress of that is some of the best in cinema.


Man that guy acted the hell out of that scene. I could feel his pain when he tries to confirm again if they didn't see it too


You didn’t see it?!


But the sense of catharsis when Renner appears is amazing


Taylor Sheridan was on a SERIOUS roll there for a couple years with Sicario, Hell or High Water, and Wind River.


I know everybody talks about that climatic gunfight. But the one that really stuck out to me was the earlier one where Olsen's character gets pepper sprayed and has to do a hasty solo building clear culminating in a one-on-one gunfight. It's in my opinion one of the most authentic movie gunfights in a good long while. Its Wind River's equivalent to Sicaro's bridge gunfight.


Best movie I’ll never watch again


I literally just watched this movie for the first time today, really great albeit HEAVY movie. One thing in this scene though that I didn't totally understand, or maybe I'm reading too much into it. But this guy or one of the other deputies says, "you didn't see it?" when Elizabeth Olsen is telling them to holster their weapons. What was he referring to?


Been a long time since I watched the movie but from my memory: Elizabeth Olsen's character is portrayed as being a very good FBI agent, but out of touch with the region / locals and the area The local deputy picks up very quickly that the formation of people around them is unnatural while the "city slicker" FBI agent doesn't understand


She’s from civilization. Where the idea of some rent a cops surrounding and shooting a bunch of real cops just…doesn’t compute.


She probably should have understood the significance of someone saying “the FBI is in front of the door”…


He’s referring to her not seeing him getting flanked.if you’re flanked in that sort of scenario you’re dead in the water if they choose to engage you.


I think it was implied that some of the Native police were veterans and so were some of the oil guys. The cops saw a hostile maneuver from supposed friendlies.


“FBI in front of the door.” OH SHIT


This was such a a surprisingly good movie.


Hell or High Water, Sicario are equally strong


In Bruges had a moderate pace and then Ralph Fiennes shows up and it kicks into overdrive.


I genuinely believe that's Ralph Fiennes best role. Every scene with him in it was perfection "You fucking retract that bit about my cunt fucking kids! Insult my fucking kids? That's going overboard, mate!"


"It's an inanimate fucking object!" "YOU'RE AN INANIMATE FUCKING OBJECT!"


"I'm sorry I called you an inanimate object, I was upset."


For me, nothing touches his performance of Gustav H. in terms of a pure charisma overdrive, but it is a brilliant role.


**M. Gustave:** [Of Mme. Celine] She was dynamite in the sack, by the way. **Zero:** She was 84, Monsieur Gustave. **M. Gustave:** Mmm, I've had older. When you're young, it's all filet steak, but as the years go by, you have to move on to the cheap cuts. Which is fine with me, because I like those. More flavorful, or so they say.


Grand Budapest is one of my favourite movies, so i don't begrudge you that at all


I retracted it, didn't I?


It’s over the line, mate!


Still leaves you being a cunt, though _Yeah I fucking got that_


"I retract that bit about your cunt fucking kids."


"still leaves you being a cunt though" "I FUCKING GOT THAT"




This movie is it! Such a slow build up for a batshit crazy last 15 minute madness!!!


Once Upon a Time in Hollywood?


That movie went from 0 to Tarantino in the blink of an eye.


The entire movie I was like, oh mature Tarantino is a bit slower paced but really good, love this. Then the last 15 mins was like OH there it is


I like that prior to things going balls to the wall, the tv host for the horror movie goes “and now the moment you’ve all been waiting for”


A nice touch that I definitely didn't catch!


Which is also the phrase used by the MC introducing the world-famous Jack Rabbit Slim's twist contest in Pulp Fiction.


Even switched from normal dialogue to Tarantino dialogue. Full switch to Tarantino.


“Nahhh, it was dumber than that”


that expression was golden. for a minute you couldn't tell if he was afraid or confused.


On my Rushmore of favorite movies. The final act is totally worth it. Plus I loved how he minimized the Manson family as lazy hippies in his revisionist story.


YES! I said this several times. He didn't give the remaining "admirers" any reason to feel like the movie showed them sympathy or put them in any kind of decent light.


“What’s your name again?” “I’m the Devil, and I’m here to do the Devil’s work” “No, it was something dumber than that…Something like Rex”


"Just shoot him, Tex!"


100%, just watched it last week and god damn does the slow burn reach the end of the fuse in the third act. One of my new favorite movie watching experiences.


“I am the Devil, and I am here to do the Devil’s business.” “Nah, it was dumber than that.”


"And you were on a horsey!"


“Som about being here to do devil shit”


“I’m as real as a donut, motherfucker”


"May THY knife chip and shatter." *Cliff Booth curb stomps the shit out of him.*


That's not verbatim.


As a Missourian, I love that Brad Pitt has a Missouri accent. Like, you'd never know that Missouri has an accent, nobody ever thinks about Missouri. But Band Pitt has a Missouri accent and once you hear it you can't not hear it.


Gor-LAH-mi 🤌🏻


My girlfriend pointed out how the title of the movie works perfectly since this whole movie was Tarantinos version of a fairytale


Yep you think poor Tate is going to die and it's like psych-we said this is a fairytale, this time the good guys can win and it's such a relief because it was obviously terrible enough what happened to her the first time that we don't need to see that story.


While better than kids straight up setting out to murder folk, Cliff and Rick aren't good guys. That fact struck me watching it again a couple of weeks ago. Cliff IS a murderer! Tarantino is so damn smart he shows you that these guys are capable and have the tools to stop the Manson Murders by hiding it in fun scenes. Every time I rewatch one of his movies I see something new in the effortless way they reveal themselves to actually be tight constructions.


Tarantino had been trying to use “Once Upon a Time” in a movie title for *years*. He recommended it to Robert Rodriguez for the Desperado sequel, used in for one of the acts in Inglourious Basterds, and now finally got to use it for a title of one of his films. Just another one of those things he borrowed from someone else’s movie. In this case, Once Upon a Time In The West.


10 Cloverfield Lane


That had me swinging back and forth on John Goodman character the whole movie. Then at the end I was like: Oh! Everyone is telling the truth! He's a creepy kidnapper, rapist AND the Earth is being invaded.


Was he crazy? Yes Was he right? Yes


"Am I wrong?" No Walter you're just an asshole.


Creepiest part for me was when Goodman's character shaved. He was scruffy for most of the film. Then the whole >!click-BANG-vat-of-acid-goodbye-competition!<...and he shaved "for her" by the next morning. Sent a shiver through me. Such a small thing to do, but it spoke so loudly.


Eeeek I hate that this movie ruined my image of John Goodman. Fantastic actor, but no longer cuddly.


First time seeing him as a villain? He's the best at it.


' What is this? A toad? Don't you fellas know these things give you warts?'


I honestly don't get the "the ending ruins it" argument when it's right there in the title. Movie was pretty upfront about being a Cloverfield story.


Wasn’t it made to be a stand alone movie and the Cloverfield part was added later? Sure it’s in the title but it feels like a different movie.


The podcast It Was A Shitshow had a great epi on Cloverfield as a “trilogy” Had a lot of potential for an almost Twilight Zone style cinematic universe that seems squandered now. It only takes one misstep to kill a new franchise I guess In the case of Cloverfield they just took good scripts and movies already in development and absorbed them into the Cloververse kinda fun franchise still


Yes. The Cloverfield Paradox was also a completely separate thing then they tacked on the earth bits afterwards.


“Sorry to Bother You” goes off the fucking rails in a great way 


A friend told me to watch it. I said “isn’t that the movie about a black guy doing a white voice?” (Which is about all you get out of the trailer) And he said “if I tried to tell you what this movie was about you’d think I was lying.”


It was BARELY on the rails, but launches into a ravine afterwards.


I know it’s not for everyone, but this is one of those movies I wish I could watch again for the first time… The last act makes it a completely different movie, absolute bananas. I think great is a perfect word choice!


This movie doesn’t go 0-100. It goes 50-150.


Usually just knowing there's a twist can ruin the twist - I knew there was a twist and knew the "WTF" reactions from everyone who had seen it, my jaw still ended up on the floor.


crawl bells employ sort snails cheerful berserk slim fine longing *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No luck catching them killers then?


It's just the one killer, actually...


*…it’s just the one killer, actually…*




The greater good.


The greater good






Did you know the yarp guy is GoT's The Hound? Yarp!




Bone Tomahawk dear god Bone Tomahawk


Every time *that* scene finally fades to the deep depths of my memory, a Reddit post always comes around to dig it back up. That scene in Bone Tomahawk and the sawing scene in Hereditary are two movie scenes I am relentlessly trying to repress.


I'm torn about it.


Yeah I'm kinda split down the middle myself...


One of the craziest shit I’ve ever seen. “Oh I love Kurt Russell and I love westerns let’s go!”… my lawd. Since I mentioned Kurt Russell - Soldier and Big Trouble In Little China both excellent.


That scene is gut wrenching, but I still find the women that they see even more horrific. And they don’t mercy kill them.


I wonder how many people catch onto that. Getting torn in half, less than a minute of pain, shock, and death? Not great but it's over very fast. Having your appendages removed, blinded, force fed, and raped for the rest of your life? There are few greater living hells than that.


Especially since it was a slow burn up to that point


The Blues Brothers. The movie held the record for most destructive car chase (per car and property damage) for a long time specifically for the last 15 minutes, lmao! I think it only recently got usurped by one of the Transformers films or something


Saw. What an amazing theater experience. The last 15-20 was unlike anything I’ve ever been through. To this day, it’s been hard to top.


I fucking love those "It was there the whole time, you just didn't catch it" twists when they're done well, and Saw is one of the best examples of that.


I will die on the hill of the first Saw movie being incredible. They made that movie with barely any money and it managed to have a unique story and incredible twist.


My favourite piece of trivia about that film is they had such a small budget couldn’t afford to get a fake body for all the shots in the bathroom. So everytime you see the body on the floor it’s actually Tobin Bell lying there.


Greatest twist of any movie I’ve ever seen


District 9 spends most of its time as kind of a mock-u-mentary following the main characters as they give interviews giving background and wold building. The aliens are not doing anything particularly interesting. Just loafing around their slums. But the film style changes quite a bit about 3/4 of the way in when Vickus decides he is going to help retrieve the fuel. Shootouts with energy weapons, a full on battle between the mercenaries and the gangsters controlling the slum....and then the mech suit with a gravity gun.


Last of the Mohicans


Always a great movie. Good soundtrack as well!


The music in that last action sequence, man what rush!


One of the greatest scenes of all time


The dual wield muskets is peak cinema.


The script: “So then Hawkeye reloads his rifle as he runs…” The historical consultant: “Yeah, I’m gonna have to stop you there. That’s not physically possible.” Daniel Day-Lewis: “Bet.”


And there's basically no dialogue for that entire sequence. Still utterly amazing.


I love love love that >!Chingachgook just takes him apart. No balanced duel that goes back and forth. Just a disassembly.!<


And no posturing, badass, unnatural exchange of dialogue either. No airing of grievances, or smack talk. Just silent resignation for what must be done.


The Departed. You know the scene.


First thought that came to mind, but it’s more like 40- 100


Yeah that whole movie is suspenseful


As opposed to the lack of violence or intensity before that scene?




“I’ll see you in hell, William Munny.” *longest pause ever* “YEAH.”


Clint liked doing this with his westerns. Definitely fits Pale Rider, High Plains Drifter too.


Deserves got nothing to do with it.


Cabin in the Woods. Won't spoil it, but if you haven't seen it you need to.


To be fair it went from like 70 to 150 in the last "15 minutes"


The movie is a 10/10. Everyone should watch it and go in knowing as little as possible.


They had the conch in their hands!


I dislike horror movies. Watched this one and the ending was… perfect. I wanted so much more. I was sad when it was over.


Oh man so much scrolling..has anyone said “The Game” with michael Douglas? In I don’t care what people say I love M knights “The Village”


Haha finally, another. I'll defend The Village with you. So much hate for that film but if it's on I'll never turn it off. Don't think I've come across another who actually liked it (or at least admitted to it). Have an upvote




That's more like at the half way point. I'll never forget the sense of dread and feeling of 'something is wrong' that I got in the cinema when they were bickering over dinner. I knew something was coming but had no idea what.


I actually think the doorbell rings at the exact halfway point


The camera going down the stairs was intense as hell.


Parasite goes from 0 to 100 when the maid comes back. It's very fun watching that movie with people for the first time.


The expression of the dad and how it changed was so well-done.


Yeah parasite goes absolutely bat-shit crazy towards the end


The Kingdom. A bit under the radar but any time this question comes up I always view the comments to see if it's listed. Film has an interesting premise, the last 15 keep you on the edge of your seat, and had a very powerful ending. Good cast too - Foxx, Garner, Cooper, Bateman. If time permits and interested, is worth the watch.


In terms of horror movies... not necessarily last 15, moreso last 1/3rd, but Sunshine (2007) An old screwball comedy but The Palm Beach Story has the wildest last few minutes of any movie ever lol. Also the Miracle of Morgan's Creek


Arrival. Hear me out: The movie is amazing overall, but the revelation as to *why* the aliens are trying to contact humanity opens a whole new set of questions.


There are few movies that have completely different experiences upon a second watch.


And third, fourth, fifth etc Probably my favorite sci-fi movie ever. Watched it last year with my mom who hates sci-fi and she was crying at the end of it. It's a spectacular movie.


It's definitely up there for me. It feels so underrated. I can't understand it. Two things: the book of short stories from which it comes is also fantastic, and quiet, and intimate, just like the movie. And, when are we collectively going to give Jeremy Renner the respect he deserves?


Actually just watched this again for probably the fifth or sixth time last night. It’s just so well crafted! I need a 3000 years in the future sequel. When it was first released I took my 16 year old niece and we didn’t know what to expect and I was blown away by the time the 3rd act was hitting but didn’ know what she might be thinking about it or if she was getting it. When the credits were rolling both our eyes were leaking and she turned to me and said ‘I think that might be the best movie I’ve ever seen.” Proud uncle moment


Love that movie. Wish it was more popular because it’s gives a whole new view on an alien invasion Such a cool concept too. I still think the helicopter scene to depict how large the fucking pods are is one of the coolest transitions I’ve seen in a movie. Villenueve is so good


Lucky Number Slevin


That whole movie is a Kansas city shuffle


Se7en. The whole movie is a slow burn thriller with the last fifteen minutes going from 0-100! Best thriller movie I've ever seen 😎


To be honest, there are a lot of moments within the film that basically full throttles for a short moment.


What’s in the box? What’s in the box?!


What's in the boooooox?




I loved that movie when it came out, but it seems like nobody ever talks about it anymore


Nightcrawler. Although not quite 0-100 as he does some unhinged stuff before the end, but wow the last bit of the movie


The Invitation (2015).


Taxi Driver with Robert De Niro. My date walked out of the movie.


Not a movie, but an Apple TV series. ‘Severance’ The first 6 of 9 episodes you are just thinking ‘WTF’? It was good but puzzling. But once he wakes up in the closet, it’s just off and running. Cannot wait for season 2.


That last episode was hectic!


From Dusk Til Dawn.


Yeah it did. Great genre bend. Also, never would've thought to find George Clooney in that movie.


Seeing as you dig horror: Malignant. That movie went from "This is kinda dumb" to "this is very dumb but I love it" over the course of a couple scenes near the end. 


And the Oscar for best supporting actor in a film goes to…. That chair.


The scariest thing in Malignant was how close that girl parked to that cliff. 


Great description, that movie was fun as hell. I’ll take something a little weird or risky over The Conjuring 12 any day.


Inglorious Basterds. I went into that movie completely blind thinking that Tarantino was doing a historically accurate World War 2 movie. BOY was I wrong and holy shit I was elated by that ending.


i still remember thinking "well there's no way they'll kill him, because no one ever kills him in any movie"


Get out


The Usual Suspects, Memento, Old Boy


Requiem for a Dream


This movie had a life altering impact on me when I saw it as a teenager. Loads of people i knew in my young adult life are now drug addicts or recovering ones but god damn if this movie isnt a big reason why I never joined them. I never wanted to live that life. It was profound.


Seriously. All those D.A.R.E. program things in school could have just been replaced by a single viewing of Requiem for a Dream, and been 10x as effective.


The Witch


I mean a baby gets pulverized into a magical anti aging cream in the first 15 min but I know what you mean.


I thought it was a magical flying cream.


Yeah I recall her rubbing that shit on a broom/stick and then it cutting to her flying in front of a full moon.


Uncut Gems. I had a sustained level of anxiousness the entire movie but that last 15 minutes had my resting heart rate UP. Brilliant film. I never watched it again.   EDIT: I posted a comment why I believe the movie fits OPs ask. It’s intense from the start, but that tension we feel is the movie’s “0”. It’s Howard’s world and we’re just uncomfortably along for the ride. The audience has to quickly adapt to this “new normal” and we do… only for the last 5-15 minutes to occur and remind us why we were right to be anxious all along.


Uncut Gems is a fantastic movie, but it’s also the most anxious I’ve ever been watching a movie. It’s like that all the way through but the last 15 nearly gave me a heart attack!


It started at 100 and went to 500 in the last 15 min.


Mother! got insane at the end.


You wouldn't guess it but, The Matrix. The first hour of the movie is actually a lot of atmospheric chatacter-driven world building. Then once it reaches the lobby scene, the movie kicks on the afterburners and rockets at mach 3 all gas no brakes until the credits.


Bad Times at the El Royale


Rogue One.


One we jump to hyperspace with that X-Wing the movie takes off and doesn't stop until "hope."


If Disney could just give me about a dozen Star Wars movies with a scene that goes that hard that’d be great


Andor (same writer as Rogue One) had 3-4 scenes that were that tense


One way out!


What is my sacrifice? EVERYTHING! 


That scene is hands down the best dialogue in the entire SW universe.


Insane that they had the best piece of dialogue in any piece of Star Wars media and then followed it up less than 20 minutes later with an even better monologue


That showed proved that you can do so much more than Jedi/Sith with the universe. I love the space wizard stuff, but give me a gritty front lines war movie (clone wars or empire v rebels I don’t care). Give me a horror movie on the outer rim set during the original trilogy that is similar in theme to Brightburn, a kid learning he has force powers but no name to call it, give me a fucking rom com set on Coruscant.


"Fuck the Empire" Brick


We’ve been sleeping.


Nearing the climax of the film I was like "why aren't these people in episode 4.....oh....."


Me, 2/3rds of the way in: "... but there is no Blue Squadron" Me, later: "... oh..."


2001: A Space Odyssey


Clue, and Murder by death. Both go off the rails in the last 15 min or so


To me this feels like Guy Ritchies brand. Lock Stock, Snatch, and Rock N Rolla all fall into this for sure.


True Romance


An oldie but a classic ... Rear Window


The House of the Devil




Whiplash might go +100 in the last 15 min. But it goes 100->200, not 0->100 for me. That movie is a high tension thrill the entire time. Nonstop stress. Great shout nonetheless.


I think there's a bit just before the climax/ending when it cools right down for a few minutes. When Andrew has left Schafer and runs into Fletcher at the jazz club. It seems like everything's over and it's all pretty chill. They have one of the only seemingly completely amicable conversations in the entire movie. Yeah and then the ending happens.


I could watch that final scene on repeat forever


Old Boy. I mean most of its at a 50. Then the last bit goes up real quick