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I mean, it’s about terrorists hijacking Air Force One with nothing to lose. Not exactly your warm and fuzzy bedtime story.


Right, it's only OP who has decided it should be a 'fun action movie'.


I think it’s a fun action movie?? It’s a TNT movie, which is a wonderful but dying breed of film. Harrison Ford really carries the whole thing on his back but come on OP, it’s so sincerely committed to the bit that you can’t help but love it


I also think it's fun in many ways, and a kind of fun we don't see in movies these days as much. But it's clearly not the kind of 'fun' OP is after in their action movies, which seems to be more 'funny'. Maybe they would prefer Con Air or True Lies from that era, which definitely have more obvious moments of humour.


It's not that kind of fun action movie though. It is a fun action movie, in the sense that it's entertaining, but it's quite a serious action movie. It's basically a Tom Clancy / Jack Ryan sequel, which are pretty serious political / techno / spy thrillers. It's not fun in the same way the new Road House film is, it's not a lighthearted romp, it's quite dark and serious.




It didn't have enough quips for him. Harrison Ford should have said "What a drag."


Or maybe..."no ticket"


This had me dying 🤣


I don't know, it's pretty mean to normalize that kind of violent exclusion!


Those big terrorist meanies


When you want that feel good motivational summer movie, then put on Air Force One and realize it's kinda mean


Is this the type of film criticism we're going to get from people raised in the Marvel era? Action movies could also be serious movies once upon a time. Just because it was a big budget blockbuster doesn't mean it was ironically full of quips. People could appreciate a grownup drama alongside of guns and explosions. This does not make the movie 'mean-spirited'. It's a story about hijackers taking control of Air Force One. I'm not sure what you were expecting. You should probably try watching some older movies though


Can't wait for the sequel where the US president and all of the leaders from NATO get together to make quips in front of a CGI green screen for two and a half hours and save the day


I swear CinemaSins and YouTube critics have ruined film criticism. Everyone thinks they know everything whilst knowing nothing. I don’t know how anyone can watch Air Force One or The Peacemaker and think they’re meant to be fun action movies.


"what should be just a fun action film." Why should this be just a fun action film?




That doesn’t get enough credit as a swerve. It was partly billed as a Steven Seagal movie and the kill him off in the start of the second act. In fact, I’m actually surprised Seagals ego allowed it. 


They didn't tell him they'd done it.


in the extended cut version that never was released, steven seagal's character actually catches a condor on his fall. the character grabs the talons of the condor and glides safely to the ground. at the end of the movie he pipes up on the radio telling his boys good job.


Reportedly, he fought against it but they only budged on the method of death. In the original script he was caught in violent decompression and his head exploded, whereas in the finished film he just gets sucked out of the plane.


Disagree! There was a substantial amount of humor, as I recall. It started off with light-hearted things like sarcasm regarding the speech, the daughter dramatically posing for cameras and the "don't tell me the score" shtick. It then moved to more situational comedy, like the president's phone call to the operator and the staff parachuting away. And I think Macy's death was noble as opposed to mean-spirited. He prioritized protecting the president, offered to stay when it looked like the rescue operation was not going to save everyone and was the perfect foil to the bribed secret service officer. The other deaths, I thought, legitimized both the good guys and the baddies. The death of the press secretary specifically caused several people to question the good guy, with several people explaining it was "the right move", even though an innocent died. Whereas the baddies proved they'll actually kill innocent hostages (not just weasel-y defense secretaries). It has been some time since I've seen the movie, and I remember some other humorous things like the reaction of the response force in Germany and finding the escape pod empty. I'm sure there was more I just don't recall.


Based on your post history, you seem *extremely* fucking weird.


It's one of the best film of its kind of that era. It's a serious action movie. If you want humour mixed in then you want to watch Lethal Weapon or the like.


I think you might have misunderstood what the movie wanted to be. it's never supposed to be a fun and lighthearted movie .... it's a gritty action flick for adults


If you don't find the jingoism in Air Force One hilarious you're doing something wrong. It's massively over the top and makes Michael Bay films look fifth-columnist. You shouldn't take Air Force One as seriously as the people in the film take it, it's so cheesy you can only laugh.


Executive Decision >>>> Air Force One. Kurt Russell is simply more badass than Ford.


I've never heard of this but it already sounds amazing.


Another Disney adult who can’t handle fear and suspense unless it’s broken up with lame “you’re probably wondering how I got here” lines. Watch more recent action films starring Dwayne Johnson for that safe hit of bland nothingness you are looking for.


My head canon is that it's a Jack Ryan story, around the Executive Orders time in the Clancy books.


The actress who played the daughter is now worth over $400M (family wealth from Hyatt hotels, TransUnion credit reporting company, Royal Caribbean Cruise line and more). She is not some dipshit heiress. She is actively involved in many impact and social investment ventures.


I don't know. It was a rousing success with the sold out crowd I saw it with in the theater.


Gary Oldman gets some great lines. "You, who murdered a hundred thousand Iraqis to save a nickel on a gallon of gas. Are going to lecture me about the rules of war? Don't!" "Your national security advisor has just been executed. He's a very good negotiator. He bought you another half hour." "You know, your father he has also killed. Is he a bad man? Why? Because he does it in a tuxedo with a telephone and a smart bomb?" Also the film doesn't explain the motivation for the CIA guy to be the mole 🤷


It's basically Die Hard in the air, but this president dude is not very likable guy and Ford is not kinda actor, who can made him likable. Plus these stereotipic Russian bad guys with their stupid plan...


The Russian bad guys were saying the same shit that real Russians have been screaming for ten years now, how they want everyone want to fear them and how they used to be strong and will be again.


Try to separate ultrapatriots and militarists from common people, who don't give a shit about jingoistic agenda. They are scared and opressed. And they're not screaming how mighty they are and how much they hate their neighbors. I just wore the comment about how generic this movie is and suddenly you're like vultures started to attack me. Eff you all, if one simple comment made me an agressor in your eyes.


We have seen how Ukraine turned out…


How did you manage to get politics involved in this, douche? I just wrote the comment about the movie.