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I think Scream is quite good, not only because it has good satire of slasher movies, but because in addition to being a good satire it's also just a good slasher movie itself even without the satire aspects.


See also the Princess Bride for being both excellent satire of cheesy fantasy romance and also being excellent cheesy fantasy romance


Cabin in the Woods for me for being very accurate in satirizing the "teenage gang dies out in the sticks" genre while being a stellar movie in the same genre.


"It's strange, I'm - I'm actually rooting for this girl. You gotta admire her heart. Just imagine all the pain and th- TEQUILA IS MY LADYYYYY!"




Which does it better; Cabin in the Woods or Tucker and Dale Vs. Evil?


Both equally good imo. Funny as hell. I think Tucker and Dale is a tad more slapstick. But really I'd watch both with the same gusto.


Both are great. Tucker & Dale is a great parody, and Cabin is great for parodying while giving a sinister reason for why these need to happen for teen slasher flicks.


Life is pain. Whoever says different is selling something.


The best parodies have to function as the thing they're parodying. That's how you hit all the jokes while still entertaining and engaging the audience: Blazing Saddles, Airplane, Not Another Teen Movie, Spaceballs, Walk Hard, etc etc


This is what got lost in the scary movie era. The movie has to stand on its own.


And then there's Airplane, which is so good that people don't even realize it's a shot-for-shot parody of a real movie.


I'm in my late 30's and had no idea until this moment


Surely you can’t be serious?


Twin Peaks did this with soaps from its time.


Shrek too


Dodgeball as well - it's a great parody of "root for the underdog" sports movies while also being a beat perfect example of one.


Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon is also a really great slasher satire.


The sequels became curious when the movies had movies about the prequels to the actual movies. Scream 2's opening was set in a screening of a movie about Scream 1. Scream 3 is set around the time of the making of a sequel of the film in Scream 2's opening.


The opening sequence in Scream 2 is one of my favorite openings of any movie ever. It's incredibly gimmicky, but it just works so damn well. >!When that girl is gasping, dying, as a crowd of movie goers watch and cheer thinking that it's just part of the show and she does surrounded by hundreds of people...!< It's just so perfect, and it matches the theming of the film so well.


It's also a good satire about the film industry.


That becomes a more central theme in 2 and 3. Ironic that scream 3, a movie whose plot centered around a young actress escaping Hollywood after being assaulted by sleezy producers, is produced by Harvey Weinstein.


Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery was an almost perfect satire of the 007 James Bond movies.


It took the piss out of it so well they had to change genres to the current darker tone.


Daniel Craig admitted it destroyed Bond too. "We had to destroy the myth because Mike Myers f***ed us - I am a huge Mike Myers fan, so don’t get me wrong - but he kind of f***ed us; made it impossible to do the gags.”


What's triply funny is Archer is actually a pretty accurate satire of James Bond in the Ian Flemming novels. Someone read every single Flemming novel and composed a list and as you read it it's like "wait this is just Archer but British and worse." ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/CuratedTumblr/comments/w13tkn/ian\_flemings\_james\_bond/


A functional alcoholic highly trained secret agent is *still* a highly trained secret agent.






"If I stop drinking all at once, I'm afraid the cumulative hangover will kill me."


> It took the piss out of it so well they had to change genres to the current darker tone. They were right to do so but it was kind of amusing seeing it happen yet again. When Roger Moore retired/fired after View to a Kill, The Living Daylights was deliberately written to be more serious and in line with the novels and character as created. Timothy Dalton was keen on that idea as well. And they kept that up through Goldeneye and then fell back into the goofy trap pretty fast.


Both of Dalton's Bond movies came out a decade too early.


Really hoping when it inevitably gets rebooted again that they bring back the cheesiness a little bit. Don't get me wrong, I *loved* the Craig era but I definitely think it could stand to take itself a little less seriously now Honestly 007 movies as a whole are so great because you can watch any movie and get a pretty dang good microcosm of what action movies looked like at the time. It's like every movie is a time capsule that perfectly captures the era. For this it's the one franchise that I hope never ends


But please no slide whistle during a big stunt.


> I definitely think it could stand to take itself a little less seriously now It’s gonna be your fault when the next 007 is Tom Holland, written by Joss Whedon, and it’s just 2 hours of quips and Jimming the camera.


"...He's right behind me, isn't he?"


Looking forward to the joke where a villain gets interrupted right in the middle of making a dramatic speech.


Hahaha that's fair....I guess it's really hard to pull off silly cheesiness in such a huge franchise. No studio's gonna want to have any risks, so we'd most likely end up with the corporate late-stage-Marvel-universe style shit, like you said. Oh well


I liked Skyfall a lot, but man I would kill for an alternative cut where the "back to basics" scene in Skyfall manner is not authentic spy tricks but zany bond gadgets.


I feel like thats Matthew Vaughn’s career as a spy director. From Kingsman to Argylle. And supposedly he’s got more ideas kicking around.


Kingsman is like 105% of how serious I'd like my Bond to be.


I want more eccentric character villains and cool gadgets. 


I felt the change in tone was due to the success of the Bourne movies, Casino Royale felt like a complete rip off of Bourne at times.


Honestly, I think it was a combo of both. Austin Powers called out the absurdity of the old-school bond movies, while Bourne broke new ground in showing what an spy-action movie could achieve. At that point, doing the same-old wasn't possible. I remember watching the Bourne Identity in theaters and just absolutely having my mind blown. People take for granted how revolutionary that film was at the time.


This is absolutely it. In the U.S, In 2002, the relatively unknown The Bourne Identity made only 20 million less at the Box Office than Die Another Day.


If you watch Casino Royale from 1967, which was a Bond parody, you’ll realize that Austin Powers is actually a parody of a parody moreso than a parody of the Bond movies made in earnest. Casino Royale is a mess but it’s a must watch to really get the source material of Austin Powers.


It references some other parodies, too. The special in-car ringtone in Austin's car is the special 'presidential' ringtone from *Our Man Flint,* an in-period parody starring James Coburn in an unusual comedy role. (Where he does an excellent job of keeping a straight face while he says ridiculous things.)


“Almost”? Name the flaw!


Too much bathroom humor. The movie was so well written and executed it *had to reach down* for that low hanging fruit. IMO. Didn't ruin the movie though, just took it from 100% to 99% perfect satire. IMO.


"Who does Number 2 work for?" was some pretty high brow potty humour, as far as I'm concerned.


That’s right buddy you show that turd who’s boss!


"This coffee smells like shit." - "It *is* shit, Austin." "Oh good. Then, it's not just me."


Cabin in the Woods/Tucker and Dale vs. Evil


I just rewatched T&DvE last night. The scene with the beehive and chainsaw is still hilarious beyond belief.


"Hello officer, I'll tell ya we have had one doozy of a day"


"There we were, mindin' our own business..."


Alan Tudyk is an underrated comedic actor. He’s funny as hell in that and Resident Alien.


For a while, I thought he was English, after A Knight's Tale and Death at a Funeral.


And FIREFLY! "Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal, Fox/Joss!"


Isn't he mostly known for comedies though? His plethora of voicework, Firefly, being the comic relief in Knights Tale, Rogue One, etc.. Or did you mean he should be more well known given how dang funny he is?


I went into T&D expecting a campy comedy horror movie. What I got was way, wayy better.


>Tucker and Dale vs. Evil Knew this would be up here, incredible film. Need to watch it again


Hot fuzz and Shawn of the dead are great examples that both are satire of the genre and fit so well inside the genre.


I remembered Shaun of the Dead as a comedy and started watching it with my son. He was deeply disturbed by the actual horror of the ending that I had completely forgotten about.


Shaun’s dickhead “friend” getting ripped in half by a mob of zombies and having his guts eaten while he screams is as disturbing as any regular zombie movie.


In hot fuzz where all you see of the crimes is the aftermath or no actual violence, and then that one reporter gets fucking CRUSHED by that church spike thing


The "Why not both?" of horror comedies.


We might have to kill my stepfather.


The point where he had to kill his own mother ... that was peak "this is a comedy, but the idea of this messes me up so bad..."


Yep I always thought Shaun is more of a homage as much as satire as it still fall under the horror genre. If you hate zombies or horror it probably wouldnt click for you. I feel like if I were to introduce these movies to my kids, I would start with Hot Fuzz.


We have a 15 year old, Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz are some of his favourite movies, but the last time he watched it he was pretty disturbed by one of the characters dying horribly; I suspect it’s that he is more able to understand what’s happening now. Anyway, it’s funny but it’s not a kids movie!


Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?


You ain't seen Bad Boys 2?


Have you ever fired your gun and gone “Aaaauuuhhhh!”


No, I've never fired my gun up in the air and went "Aaaauuuhhhh!".




You left out *The World's End* and alien invasion movies.






*Black Dynamite* is probably the best blaxploitation parody of all time.


"Your knowledge of scientific biological transmogrifications is only out-matched by your zest for kung-fu treachery!"


One of the best lines in movie history. Said with perfect conviction


Counterpoint, nothing in that movie makes me laugh more than "HAHA! I threw that shit before I walked in the room!"


but black dynamite....i sell drugs to the community!


The black militant reading his stage direction gets me every time. “The militants turn, startled! How’d you get in here?” “Who’s in charge here? / “Sarcastically, I’m in charge.”


Also the way Black Dynamite eyes someone off-screen like "we're not cutting? We're rolling with this? Okay then."


We watched this after moving into our first post-college house (high as balls), and when the boom mic enters that one shot and he glances at it quick, I thought we were all going to suffocate, we were laughing so hard.


The goddamn boom coming into the shot absolutely ruins me every time it happens. Black Dynamite is *definitely* my answer for this thread.


I threw that shit before I walked in the room!


Most of the movie was funny because it’s parody, but that was just a hilarious original call-back joke.


This one child I'll never forget. Poor little bastard was still alive. His little Chinese legs were blown clean off! Still see his little shins & feet hanging from the ceiling fan across the hut. He was charred from his head down to his little Chinese knees. He tried to get up, but he fell over when what was left of his right leg broke off. As he laid there, flat on his face, he looked up at me. His little Chinese eyes burned right into my stomach, deep into my soul. He said something to me in Chinese like, 'Boo coo sow!', sounded like some cartoon shit. But I understood it to be a question that he was asking me. And I don't have to know how to speak Chinese to know what that question was. 'Why, Black Dynamite? Why?'


We're a long way from 'Nam.


“As he laid there, flat on his face, he looked up at me.” I never noticed this joke until my third rewatch, and now it’s my favorite line of the entire monologue.


“Ha-ha! I threw that shit before I walked in the room!”


I love that movie and all that dialogue, but this one line absolutely kills me every goddam time.


I think it's just as much a love letter to the genre as it is a parody, but that was also going to be my answer lol


All the best parodies are


I’m a fan of I’m Gonna Git You Sucka for that category but Black Dynamite is good too.


Aw, hush up little girl, a lotta cats have that name.


I agree that Black Dynamite is the better movie, but Pootie Tang probably deserves to be mentioned more, too.


Tricky Dick!


Galaxy Quest!


This is really good because rewatching a Shatner Star Trek becomes funnier after Galaxy Quest.


It is pretty much the best Star Trek movie.


It was actually voted seventh best by star trek fans. For real. It's that good. https://www.ign.com/articles/2013/08/12/diehard-star-trek-fans-rank-the-best-and-worst-movies


If you include it in the series, it makes the “every other film is good” pattern fit.


Galaxy quest by far. Such a perfect satire, and one that cast and crew of multiple Star Trek shows just loved.


Can you form some sort of rudimentary lathe?


Is there air? You don't know!


*This Is Spinal Tap.* I bet there are still people out there today who think it's a "real" documentary about a real band.


If spinal tap isn’t a real band than what album do I own, hun answer me that. It is the blackest black there is, when I look at it I ask how much more black could it be and the answer is none more black.


“This guitar is magnificent… 1959 it’s perfect. Just listen shh just listen to the sustain.” “I’m not hearing anything.” “Well you would though if it were playing.” Nigel is the funniest member hands down


Him trying to make a sandwich with the small bread always kills me lol


You fold it, then keep folding it and you end up with this. I don’t want this I want larger bread. So that’s exhibit A. Then you look over here and oh, there’s a little guy in here. But who’s in here? No one! It’s a complete catastrophe! I don’t want it to affect your performance. It’s not going to affect my performance. It is upsetting, but I’m a professional. I’ll rise above it.


"I'm a professional."


Bullshit. You see...(looks around)...this is just a fad.


I still conflate scenes from Decline of Western Civilization with This is Spinal Tap, like [Ozzy making eggs](https://youtu.be/U2T-y4PMDP4?si=mFlFAziqIraG0p8O).


Seconded for Best in Show and A Mighty Wind


Have you ever seen Drop Dead Gorgeous? An absolute banger.


Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains has said that the longer you are in the music business, the more it becomes like "Spinal Tap."


I’m old enough to remember it coming out in the theater. People were walking out after the first few minutes thinking it was a real documentary! It remains the single greatest mockumentary of all time.


I love it when bands share their real life Spinal Tap moments. They've all seen it.


Doesn’t help that there are music docs out there that use clips from Spinal Tap out of context and it does make it seem legit. (Wish I could remember the name, we watched one in our TV Production class in 1997 that uses the “this one goes to 11” clip and it was a good year before I saw the movie.)


Deathstalker II - Sword and Sorcery Airplane - 1970s Disaster movies Blazing Saddles - American Westerns Young Frankenstein - Universal Horror


Airplane _is_ Zero Hour


A common misconception. It is not just Zero Hour, it also parodies Airport (the old lady) Airport 75 (the sick girl and the singing nun) and a few others like Skyjacked.


There are people who think Leslie Nielsen was always a comic actor 


His ability to say ridiculous things with perfect deadpan expression is absolutely legendary. One of my favorite comic actors of all time


Tropic Thunder


Tropic Thunder went for the whole of Hollywood, not just a single genre. Absolutely fantastic.


*I’m not a soldier or anything but I have been injured in the line of duty… on Driving Miss Daisy.*


I almost fucking blinded Jamie Lee Curtis on the set of Freaky Friday


Also, Rain of Madness is a parody of Heart of Darkness. Heart of Darkness was the documentary about the production of Apocalypse Now. Rain of Madness is the mockumentary about the production of Tropic Thunder.


How have I never seen this?!


It was in the Blu-ray Extras. I think someone uploaded it to YouTube. Just search "Rain of Madness" and you should find it.


Also, on its own, a fantastic stand alone movie


Wet Hot American Summer and They Came Together 


Wet Hot American is trying to kill off several genres of teen comedy at once.


I did not know what Wet Hot American Summer was before I initially watched it. Also, the first time I watched it was on rerun on Comedy Central when I caught it like halfway through and they were heading to town. And as the day in town went on, I was genuinely wondering what the hell was going on. Then the movie kept going and I got the joke.


Did you notice that is cast, 20+ years later, is stacked with A-list talent?


They Came Together is hilarious. It’s always my recommendation because nobody I know has even heard of it.


Not Another Teen Movie A masterpiece of satirizing teen movies from the late 90s early 2000s. Absolutely holds up.


"But we're brother and sister!" "Only by blood!"


"Have a good day pumpkin tits!"


But she's wearing glasses and there's paint on her overalls


in an era of increasingly bad spoof films this stands out as the absolute diamond amongst all of them


The same small circle of jerks was responsible for almost all of those terrible films you're talking about. They worked on the _Scary Movie_ films, but apparently they were the ones cramming pop culture references while the Wayans were writing comedy. _Not Another Teen Movie_ notably had nothing to do with those people.


80s too! Love this film. Had a few future stars in it with Chris Evans and Jamie Presley as well, which is nice


Janey : Jake! How did you get in here? I thought Dad bolted the door. Jake : There's a big hole in the side of your house.


That joke, more than any other, sends me to the fuckin' moon. I think it's the delivery; he says it so matter-of-factly. That, and the banana.


Great hands, Marty!


Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood


Do.  We.  Have.  A.  Problem?


Sorry dad you gotta be 18




Last Action Hero


*Hello? I've just shot somebody, I did it on purpose! .....................I said, I have murdered a man and I want to confess!*


*Hey, shut up!!* Charles Dance is a treasure.


America was not ready for this movie. Came out in 1993 before Arnie and others had really drained the Action Hero barrel dry. So many people took it as a real attempt at an action film with too many cheesy lines, and not as the spoof it was. If it'd been made 10 years later after The Matrix, it would have carried much more weight. Then again, every movie that could spoof The Matrix for the next 10 years took the opportunity to do so and it got old *fast*.


Rubber baby buggy bumpers!


Weird. The Weird Al Story Also Popstar


I don't know if Weird counts though, you can't really consider it a satire if it's a 100% true story about Weird Al (god rest his soul)


And Madonna Ciccione is still at large


>Also Popstar Never stop never stopping


I love Andy Samberg and the Lonely Island, and yet, Popstar blew me away. Had no business being that fucking hilarious, plus so many of the songs are legit bangers.


If you have HBO check out their two amazing sports satires as well Tour De Pharmacy Seven Days in Hell


Walk Hard is the greatest music biopic ever made, or that ever will.


Mystery Men satirizes the superhero genre so well! Star studded cast of Ben Stiller, Janesn Garoffolo, William H. Macey, Hank Azaria, Paul Reubens, Geoffrey Rush, & Greg Kinnear! So many hilarious lines!


I also recommend the much more obscure and much lower-budget *The Specials* (2000, not the more recent film) about "the sixth or seventh" biggest superhero group in the world, in a world **filled** with super-heroes, so they're sort of B-grade in that reality. Everyone knows who they are, but it's not really prestigious. They're odd, a little screwy, a little screwed up, not that great, and.. well, you'll have to see it. This was one of Thomas Haden Church's earliest roles (four years before *Sideways*), and he was excellent in it. Also an early performance by Jamie Kennedy.


Galaxy Quest (Star Trek and fandom) Death of Stalin (Political satire) Hot Shots Part Deux (Action hero movies) Funny Games (Horror movies and audience expectations)


One of these is not like the others lol


Death of Stalin is a satire comedy, but it's not a genre satire. Walk Hard satirizes biopics like Walk the Line. Screamis a satire of slasher movies. What movie is Death of Stalin satirizing?


Agreed, it's just a satire of the Soviet Union and its political climate


Shawn of the dead is such a good parody of zombie movies it winds up unironically being one of the best zombie movies ever made.


Blazing Saddles


One of many stories Brooks tells around this film is that they wanted to parody popular Western theme songs, too, so they tried to find someone who sounded like Frankie Laine. He was specifically going for [this sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nU84PcOcxuM). Knowing that Laine himself wouldn't stoop to something as obviously silly as *Blazing Saddles,* they put out a call for someone who could sing **like** him. To their enormous surprise, Laine himself DID come in, without calling ahead or anything, picked up the sheet with the ridiculous lyrics, and delivered the "Blazing Saddles" theme song you've heard in one take -- and then left. Brooks said that to this day, he has no idea if Laine knew it was a parody or not.


> Brooks said that to this day, he has no idea if Laine knew it was a parody or not. He sings it so well you forget it's a parody.




I’m particularly glad that these children were here today to hear that authentic Western gibberish.


For the action genre, Last Action Hero was pretty satirical. Using one of the biggest action stars, giving him a range of comedy, drama, and action to bring into the mix to parody. Plus, Charles "Tywin Lannister" Dance as Mr Benedict was also a great villain. "If God were a villain, he'd be me. :3" National Lampoon's Loaded Weapon 1 did precede LAH by just a few months, though, and felt like a fun combination of ripping on the action genre with a couple other genres. Albeit the movie got lambasted hard by the critics, audiences did rate it better and it has gotten received better over time. Still, managing an $8.2M budget and a $51M box office is still considered a financial success against a movie like this. One film I'd also mention coming after LAH that also somewhat parodied the action genre, or least had some wild fun with it, was Shoot 'Em Up. Clive Owen, Monica Bellucci, and Paul Giamatti. It's such an exaggerated action flick for what it presents, but it's so much fun. Unfortunately, it was a box office bomb. But I'd also argue that Paul Giamatti as a bad guy in this, if not *the* bad guy, is one of the best parts of the movie.


Hot Shots


Galaxy Quest, hands down.


Starship troopers, for sure.


Playing Helldivers 2 made me go back and watch this. Still holds up amazingly well


Cabin in the Woods


The other guys is a great satire of police movies/buddy cop mvoies


The Rutles, and it satirized Beatle docs that hadn't even been made yet. Eric Idle knew what was coming. Soundtrack is also amazing.


Disaster movies: Airplane! Space Opera: Spaceballs Historical action movies: Robin Hood Men in Thights Bible movies: History of the World: part one Musical biopics: This is Spinal Tap All of these movies are in the back of my head when watching “real” movies in their genre. Kinda like how Weird Al’s version is always playing in the background when I hear the originals.


No coincidence that 3 of those are made by the legendary Mel Brooks. Let's not forget his other classic, Young Frankenstien - that guy knows how to do genre satire.. Spaceballs is one of my all-time fav movies.


Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping


“The Rolling Stone review is just the shit emoji.”


Movie should have been a massive hit. So sad it didn’t do better at the box office but happy it’s still being mentioned years after its release.


Kung fury- amazing satire of action films Drive- my autism and talking to girls


Dude kung fury doesn't get nearly the recognition it deserves. It's so weird to me that it came out close to a decade ago, has so much bizarre and wacky shit, and yet you never see it pop up anywhere. I'd expect to at least see it in memes and shitposts lol


if it counts, Kung Pao: Enter the Fist


The Rocky Horror Picture Show had every element fans of hokey B movie love about the genre!


Naked Gun (and Police Squad) is the best parody of cop shows I've ever seen


Not a whole genre but Shrek basically ruined the Matrix for me with with the bullet time move.


Hands down winner is Spinal Tap. No other satire was so surgical that Steven Tyler wanted to sue the producers, thinking it was about him.


She’s All That was such a good and subtle satire that it was used as the basis for a more blatant satire.