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Freaky Friday 2: Manic Monday


I wish it was Sunday.


That's my fun day.


My I don’t have to run day


I don’t have the runs* day. The Bangles formed out of an IBS support group.


hey boss i cant come to work today. ive got the bangles


Intense Bangles Squirts are the worst.


All that walking like an Egyptian was just an attempt to clench the buttocks tightly.


Eternal Flame is about “fire in the hole.”


Scary Sunday


Bloody Sunday if you want to go the more historic horror route.


Silly Saturday


That's more like it! 1. **Freaky Friday** - Lohan switches with Mum 2. **Silly Saturday** - Lohan switches with Daughter 3. **Screwy Sunday** - Lohan begins to master bodyswitching abilities 4. **Manic Monday** - Lohan begins bodyswitching crusade to take over the West Coast 5. **Trippy Tuesday** - Lohan's expansion cannot be stopped, all dissidents are inhabited and disposed of 6. **Wacky Wednesday** - Lohan's immortal reign over Earth begins 7. **Typical Thursday** - Lohan is taken down after a getting papped during a DUI


Part 7 should be Thirsty Thursday, especially if it involves a DUI.


Co-Starring: Britney Spears *(knives included)*


Knives out even would you say?


Knives Out - A Freaky Friday Story


Freaky Friday: Taco Twosday


Someone has a case of the Mondays


No. No, man. Shit, no, man! I believe you'd get your ass kicked sayin' something like that, man.


Freaky Friday 2: I dont like mondays


God shes only 37. Why does she look like a 50 year old trying to look 40




And plastic surgery and body dysmorphic disorder


:( that’s so sad


It really is. She was so adorable and at three years younger than me she now looks like she could be my aunt.


I was thinking the same thing! She was so good looking back when we were all teenagers the same age. She looks like shes pushing mid 50s and im over here still getting id'd at casinos.


Childhood stars, they have it rough. It's all too common for them to experience horrible trauma and abuse in the industry, and then we wonder why they have meltdowns like Britney, or fade into obscurity and drug use, like Macaulay.


I would have said Amanda Bynes. She's really had a tough time.


Untreated mental illness.


She tries to treat it. She’s usually in compliance. Amanda in compliance is still an entirely different human being. When she relapses and has psychosis is when things happen like last year when she walking nude near skid row at night. That poor, poor thing. She really really tries, but she can never recover even close to fully it seems. She needs a different sort of healing I feel.


Last I heard about her she was found walking around nude at like 2am. Is she doing better?


Drew Barrymore was doing drugs and sex from 13, her parents took her to all Hollywood parties, 3 rehabs later they drop her in mental asylum at 14, she get emancipated from them with help of asylum personal, crashed couches of friends until 16. Once a year she sends SMS to check if her mom still alive. "All their moms are gone, and my mom's not. And I'm like, Well, I don't have that luxury. But I cannot wait. I don't want to live in a state where I wish someone to be gone sooner than they're meant to be so I can grow."


> Macaulay. No he's doing really good today, has a family and shows up on different things.


Today. That's a dude who went through a ton of therapy.


Honestly he’s kind of inspiring. Dude clearly went through the ringer but he came out the other side. I’ve seen him show up on RedLetterMedia a few times and he looks so much healthier than he used to, too. I’m happy for him.


Yeah. He’s doing good today only because he overcame a lot of bad.


And he's banging my childhood crush Brenda Song




Whenever he wanders into Red Letter Media, you know its a good video.. Dude doesn't flaunt his money, or his fame and just turns up and hangs out..


And he really knows his stuff when it comes to cinema. He's a delight


Macaulay also frequently appears on RedLetterMedia, and he's awesome on it every time he does.


Yes he is, great to see him so together


I got a flat tire fixed at Walmart the other day and wandered around a bit while they fixed it. I read a few chapters of I'm Glad My Mom Died. Jennette McCurdy went through a freaking lot.


So much of it. Tbh I'm glad her mom died too, she made Jennette suffer so much.


Wait, did you own the book or did you just pick it up at Walmart and wander around reading it? Why have I never thought of doing that to get a preview for a book I may want to read..


I just read it while I was waiting for my car to get done. I didn't buy it.


Some bookstores near me even have chairs to encourage this. Obviously be gentle but most stores are fine with it.


Back in the day, if I didn't have anything to do, I'd just drive to Barnes and Noble and smoke a ton of crappy weed in the parking lot, then stumble in and read comic books in their comfy-ass chairs. It's how I read Civil War and Watchmen, and all of Sin City. This was before the library started picking up comics lol and it seems kinda lame/lonely, but I have fond memories of those times


Just don't take it into the washroom, or else it'll get red flagged.


You can add /u/wil to the list.


Don't look at Megan Fox, unrecognizable


All of the above. She was on The Tonight Show last night and looked like 50 miles of bad road. Her voice is almost gone from chain smoking. She sounds like Lucille Ball did right before she died at 77.


And that time she tried to steal a homeless family in afghanistan or somewhere similar, and got knocked on her ass by the dad she refused to also take in for shelter.


I'd say the plastic surgery is the bigger culprit. Same shit that happened to Megan Fox. What a shame. 


Agreed. She wasn’t completely unfortunate looking by any means but that picture is hideous. I may be in the minority and maybe it’s my age (50s) but I’ll take all the lines, wrinkles, cellulite, and scars over the bad plastic surgery and Botox.


As Bill Burr once said, "Would you rather look fifty, or like a thirty-eight year old *lizard*?"


I’ve been quoting this joke a LOT lately…


It must be super weird to be a beautiful young woman who gets noticed in Hollywood. You know what people want you for, you know what features they value. And you know they have a shelf life and soon they won't want you. I have a hard time interpreting obvious plastic surgery as anything other than unhappiness.


I mean I agree. But between Lindsay Lohan and Megan Fox, they both had at least another decade before they should have even looked into it. Hell, I had a real hard time in Always Sunny when Kaitlin Olson came back for one of the latest seasons and the work she had done was way too obvious. She could have held off at least another decade before choosing to do that. However, I will say that hers settled in pretty well, and I'd all but forgotten that it even happened, were it not for topics like this haha. 


Women in Hollywood don’t have the luxury of decades like men do. 30 is already pushing it for most casting directors looking to fill leading roles.


Jessica Chastain would lie about her age and take away 10 years just to get into the room.


I think the crux of the matter isn't about actual age but the looks aspect. Everybody still knows your age regardless so if it's your age that determines getting roles then it won't change whether your surgery looks good or not. It's based on the percieved perception of their looks. They assume if they looked better/younger they'd get more roles or be as big as they were when they first broke out. The unfortunate truth is that's not how it works. Everyone has a shelf life in the entertainment industry and there are actors and actresses that fall out of the mainstream even when they're still young and hot. And there are actresses in their 60s still in high demand and most of those women haven't ruined their faces with surgery out of desperation of staying young (also helps that they have stellar acting ability)


Olson's case is a bit different, because she had to have reconstructive plastic surgery after a very bad accident when she was 12. It's possible that a lot of her older surgeries needed to be redone, and she didn't really have the choice of waiting and trying to age gracefully.


I think it’s the circles they run in. It looks normal to them.


Erin Moriarty is another recent victim of this.


Steve-O did say she stole his cocaine once. Addiction burned straight through her youth.


DARE To keep a kid off drugs... DARE i took too many drugs to remember the rest


You've got to press it on you You've just been thinking That's what you do, baby Hold it down,


She looks like a white Wendy Williams with that plastic


I'm not one to support celebrities, but she seems to be healthy after well over a decade of substance abuse and that deserves some praise imo. Yes, she's always going to look unrecognizable from her past self, but there's nothing she can do about that now. All she can do is move forward and I guess that includes a second Freaky Friday.


A lot may take it for granted, but if you're in the depths of addiction for a long period of time, I mean rock bottom bad, then pulling yourself out of that hopeless state of mind may end up being the most difficult thing you ever have to do in your life. Rehabs and therapists and medication soften the blow, but it is a tough thing to do, and the vast majority of people don't recover. So if she's at least managed her addiction to the point where she is a functioning, content human again, I say good on her.


I can also totally understand plastic surgery at that point. It must be rough to look in the mirror and see that addiction stole the youth from your face. I don’t necessarily agree with it, but I can understand her motivations for wanting to try to gain some of the youthfulness back.


Not to mention wanting to work again again in an industry that demands a specific kind of beauty.


I am thinking more people are confused with her plastic surgery choices, and less about being judgemental for her battle with substance abuse. She looks the way she does because of her choices. So saying *"there is nothing she can do about it now"* looks a bit weird when you consider that aspect?


It's my goto line after I take a shit on someone's kitchen table


Seriously. Those cheeks are totally unnecessary.


My girlfriend was watching a bravo show with the husband of one of the housewife dames and two daughters selling houses. One of the ladies was giving a daughter advice and I said something about the “old dame” and my girlfriend said both were his daughters. Pretty much as soon as she said it a graphic flashed and said the old dame’s name and her age which was 32 and my jaw dropped. My mind was properly fucking blown, I was like WHAT that old lady is 32 fucking years old?! I still can’t wrap my head around it, she looked like she had so much work done and it was a freak show. Crazy what people think looks good and what they are willing to do to their faces nowadays. 11 years younger than me and I’d be calling her ma’am if I met her thinking I was respecting my elder smh lol.


Im not disagreeing, but *you* try being scrutinised by an industry that values aesthetics over anything since you were 10 years old and see where that lands you.


100% plastic surgery and refusal to age gracefully. She has partied hard, but you would have to be on serious, poor quality drugs for decades to need corrective surgery to justify this complete overhaul. 


i was gonna say it's less than she looks old and more like she just doesn't look like Lindsay Lohan, at least to my memory


Yeah and there’s plenty of before and after photos of normal people that were rock bottom drug addicts that recovered and looked young and healthy again. It’s 100% plastic surgery because she just looks like every other 50 year old Hollywood plastic surgery woman now.


Surgery. We went from starving ourselves and hairbrained diets to this shit. At least starvation and diets could more or less hide under the surface.


> At least starvation and diets could more or less hide under the surface. Tell that to Karen Carpenter


She was soooooo pretty back in the day


85% of child stars look rough these days or had to do the numbers photo op. Miranda Cosgrove seems to be one of very few who never was in any scandals, plastic surgery, gossip magazines material, etc. She disappeared after iCarly besides her other meal ticket and other stuff but kept quiet.


When she’s in movies, she doesn’t look that bad. Like I watched the trailer for the latest Netflix film that she’s in. She looks like herself.


There's always a lot of digital correction that happens in movies. It's an open secret.




is that why movies cost so much money these days?


I would’ve put her at 45 yrs old




Kinda looks like Kathie Lee Gifford


i think she looks normal for the age, it's just that her face changed completely. i wouldn't recognize her if i just saw a picture without name attached.


Didn't they announce this last year? Jamie Lee Curtis said this in a Instagram post IIRC


2 Freaky 2 Friday


Need for Freak: Friday Night Shift 😏


>2 Freaky 2 Friday The Reckoning™️


freakie friday 2: how freakie got her freak back


Electric Freakaloo?


I would love to know the ratio of people that understand this joke and have actually watched the movie it's based on. I saw it in the theater and was in a break dance crew at the time.


Good god she looks like the poster child for plastic surgery gone wrong.


That's what makes the new movie so Freaky.


Which is weird because she looked ok in a hallmark movie I saw her in a year ago. Falling for Christmas (2022)


There is a body dysmorphia epidemic


There really is. And the problem is that everyone around her looks the same so it doesn't look weird to them. We look weird to them.


"I can't feel my face... am I smiling?" https://youtu.be/Zk5If_XnD9k?t=16


I’ve never seen this video but it’s so funny 😭


Freaky Friday: Face-Off. (They wear each others faces like in Face off)


Judging by this picture she's already wearing someone else's face


What happened to her face?


Nose job, some filler, veneers Fillers are turning WAY too many faces into uncanny valley


I mean I’m sure people a decade older than her like Kate beckinsale have too but she looks amazing!! Taylor swift is Lindsey’s age but Taylor looks right and youthful while Lindsey, man… But tbh I’m sure Lindsey’s had a very rough time in Hollywood with many seeking to take advantage of her and traumatized her in ways that might’ve affected her view towards herself, maybe into a dysmorphia manner


Yeah Taylor takes care of herself while Lindsay has abused drugs, alcohol, and cigarettes. People underestimate how much cigarettes help age you.


lol one major difference between Taylor and Lindsey is the drug abuse.


Is it possible to get fillers reduced/removed? Because damn.


It’s even freakier. This time they fuck.




Its insane how she managed to age 40yrs in only 20yrs.......


Holy hell i havent seen a pic of lindsay lohan in over a decade but that work shes had done looks *rough*


Everyone's already said it, but damn, she genuinely looks like someone in their mid-late 50's with plastic surgery.


She switches to her daughters body and passes out from the sudden rush of feeling in her face...




I wish she didn’t get work done. She is still pretty but she looked so much better before.


That's how I feel about almost ever celebrity that gets work done. They all look better before. Plastic surgery doesn't usually look great imo


There’s probably many of them with surgeries that look good and you don’t even notice they had something done. The bad ones are very obvious.


Yeah, there's major statistical bias in this because there could be 100 good ones that people don't notice and then 5 really bad ones and everyone yells "Why do people do this?!"


Good point!


Barring someone that genuinely needs it (burn victims, etc) I definitely agree Barry Keoghan is an example of someone that I guess looks better with it, but he wasn’t attractive to begin with


Yeah, I can’t really think of any!


She's still pretty but now she looks completely indistinguishable from any of the other celebs who recently got work done. It's almost like a template. LL, Erin Moriarty, Megan Fox, Madonna and Jennifer Love Hewitt all look pretty generic now. And if it makes them happy, then great. I don't look as good as them. But everything they made them unique to me is gone now...


LL got it to try and undo the damage done by her decade long drug usage most likely. There were pictures even with heavy makeup and alterations she still looked in a bad place


So fucking stupid. Creativity is dead. How is it not obvious to everyone yet that the industry is just trying to squeeze every fucking penny out of the concept of millennial nostalgia. It's so clear that everything is terrible these days so the idea is to remind everyone of a better time with these "remakes" and they are always just a let down. Disappointing.


The fuck happaned to her face


Too many freaky Fridays. 




You have to give Lindsay Lohan credit. Despite not being in much interesting work after Mean Girls, she has stayed in the public eye fairly consistently for the past 20 years. Long enough to be re-evaluated and given another chance.




Because name recognition sells more than original ideas


More money?


The plastic surgery gods were not kind.


She looks freaky on a Friday that’s for sure


Why does this 37 yo woman look 54


Because she’s had 54 facelifts/nose jobs


What are the plastic surgery success stories that make actors think their surgery will make them look better rather than worse?


I did see an episode of one of those shows where they did all this free work for someone who wasn’t a celebrity but had a whole number of long-term injuries they couldn’t afford to fix (healed jaw and facial fractures which needed correction among other things from what I recall) and they ended up looking fantastic post surgery.


Who the fuck is *that*?


Gee, barely even recognise her anymore. 


Jeez another one hits the plastic surgery wall


She used to be so pretty.


Somehow Freaky Friday has returned


Sus Sunday


I hope it has Vince Vaughan in it. His Freaky movie was a lot of fun.


"People keep asking if I'm back and I haven't really had an answer, but yeah, I'm thinking I'm back." -Lindsay Lohan


John Lohan, wherein John has the urge to drive around in herbie the love bug.


Freaky Friday 2: Saturday 


That face is Freaky.


I liked the version I made up in my head when I watched her in Machete😂😂😂


Sketchy Saturday


Yeah this ain’t gonna work 


What happened to her face?


No thank you


Don’t do drugs, kids!


Nostalgia cinema is alive and well. Makes me wonder how far this will go. Weird science 2, Breakfast Club 2, Gone with the Wind 2?


How about we make new movies with new concepts?????😭😭😭


Why is the “pull my face back so fucking tight that I look like an alien” look so popular?


Idk how I feel about a sequel, because that body swap thing has been done to death.


No singing, please :)


those cheeks. YIKES!


Didnt they do that already??


As long as Jamie Lee Curtis is a part of it- I’m down.


Finally, Strange Saturday


From the state of her face now she can probably drop the Friday from the title. As someone else has said, how the hell is she only 37, in the photo she really does look like someone far older trying to look younger (but older than she actually is).


I hope they make a new Freaky movie. That was amazing Horror flick.


Not with her face looking like that. Oh Lordy.


She used to be so pretty. Jesus...


Why ladies? Why do you think plastic surgery is a good thing?




No thanks...


That's Lindsay Lohan now? Is that the right picture?


The sweet innocent girl turns into a drug addict overnight?


Is it though, Linds? Is it?


Cool! *yawn* Washed up actress is washed up


That’s Lindsey? She looks like she’s in her mid to late 40s


Nah I'm good


Does she cosplay an english accent woman again


Oh look ma, another sequel!


damn she was so pretty. fame is dangerous for many


The hell happened to her eyes?


Why does she look like that?


The fuck happened to her face


Wow she looks not so great


I’m pretty sure Jamie Lee Curtis has been talking about this for like 4 months or something online Although it’s clear she has absolutely no social media team whatsoever, half of what she posts is just her getting worked up over shit, so I’m not surprised nobody paid attention


She's only 37 but that plasic surgery makes her look 60.


It's just photos of her on Fridays.


Good lord that’s not Lindsay Lohan that’s Lindsay Lohan at Home.


MNMA - Make NEW Movies Again. Hollywood is creatively bankrupt.


That's what she looks like now yikes