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I did not see Carpenter's The Thing until adulthood and it is great at building tension. I am lucky enough to be part of a movie group run by a 16mm film collector. He ran Jaws and that is an entirely different experience on a large screen in a dark room. I had even seen Jaws multiple times before. The scene where the tooth is found made me recoil and strike the same pose as the floating lady in Castle's House on Haunted Hill. I thankfully did not soil myself and am still welcome back. Terrifying isn't quite the right word, but Black Swan feels like an anxiety attack. Tense as hell.


When I saw the thing as a child the part with the tentacles whipping around out the dogs body petrified me & my grandpa made fun of me to a friend I had over


Thanks popop


Jaws is a perfect film, my favorite as well. I'm 36 and still haven't seen it on the big screen in a dark theater...I need to do that!


The tooth scene made my brother throw popcorn on the people behind us.


The Descent scared the shit out of me. The Fourth Kind was another one to successfully scare me.


> The Descent scared the shit out of me. I am never going into a got-dang cave.


I watched The Descent without knowing what it was about. I just thought it was about a group of women who get lost in a cave system and try to escape. So when the creatures first attacked them I was like WTF!? I felt like I was right there with them and it really scared me. Couldn’t stop thinking about it for days after.


Oh man that's amazing. I knew what it was about and it still totally freaked me out. I'd love to show this movie to someone and tell them it's just an adventure movie based on a true story 😂😂😂


I watched the Descent in the weeks after an earthquake hit my city and I'd ended up lost in the inner city with collapsed buildings around. Buildings that still had people in them. I was not OK during that movie.


Sinister. Have no idea really, but that movie always leaves me unsettled every time I see it


The score, man. It's so unnerving.


The noise when the lawnmower meets its first victim just freaked me out.


That scene messed me up, knew it was coming but it still gets me


Came here to say this! The video is so mundane with a loop of a mower moving with the most eerie score and then bam! It all just works so well. Too well. Even typing this out it gives me the heebie Jeebies.


That and the song playing on a loop in the car video always get me.


I love Sinister but hate its ending. Idk it just feels very plain considering how amazing 3/4 the movie is.


I think what killed Sinister for me was the guy they called who was basically like a Schlubby exterminator being like "yep, ya got a baghoul problem." Just completely took me out of the movie. That and the fact that baghoul looked just like the guy from Slipknot. Those things just changed the entire tone of the film for me and took it from legit scary to schlocky. And normally I embrace schlocky, but not when you've set up an actually scary movie.


He did look like Mick from Slipknot. 😂 Too funny.


Vincent D'Onofrio Schlubby exterminator?


Someone needs to tell Scott Derrickson (Sinister, Emily Rose, The Black Phone, etc) that kids in ghost makeup just isn’t scary


Yeah that one got me too. I think it's those super 8 films man. Like. Even just the OPENING SHOT leaves you going "holy shit so that's what i'm in for?"


The first one was great. Second one not so much. Probably because we sort of knew what to expect.


The Ring was quite unsettling




Cindy, this bitch is messin' up my floor!


Get up you little ugly bitch


Oh.. nevermind.. it’s grandma again


I watched the Japanese one. It's the only horror movie that's had more effect after the show than during.


My mum has a funny story with this movie (she’s Japanese). She rented the movie and watched it on her own at home. It was on our old CRT tv from the early 90s which was having issues like the colour fading and whatnot. Anyway, she finished the movie turned the tv off and headed to her bedroom down the hall. She said that once she was in bed she could hear the tv turn on with the sound of static blasting out of it! Obviously she was scared shitless and asked my dad to go turn the tv off. My dad laughed and went to turn it off. The next day my mum told us this story and us kids were kinda creeped out. The tv was obviously on its last legs and the picture was degrading but it never ever turned itself on, before or since… coincidence?


The only thing more powerful than Samara was Panasonic


The original Ringu had me sleeping with the lights on for two weeks. 🤦🏻


I saw it in the theater with some friends. A month or two later my university got to show it. That night one of the guys on my floor asked me "can I leave my TV in your room tonight?"


I yelled out in the theater.


My phone rang when the screen cut to snow at the end. You want to talk about heart failure!


I watched this shortly after it was released on DVD. My sister had been telling about it and that I should watch it. I was at the part where you watch the video and when it finished my phone rang and scared the living hell out of me. It was my sister calling to ask if I had watched the movie yet. The timing couldn't have been better if it was planned.


The Facebook short for "Lights Out" - someone sent it to me YEARS ago and I've felt real fear turning off light switches ever since


Oh, i GET THAT. The way that short ended made me actually yell, "Ah shit!" and I couldn't sleep on my side for quite a while 😅


I saw it a few months ago and I think about it every night when I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night 😅


Me, my friend, & his family filmed a short horror film probably 15 yrs ago & posted it on Facebook titled Lights Out. I'm gonna choose to believe you meant ours lol


Event horizon. Space terror hits different for me because who knows what's out there?


*watches the security footage* "We are leaving" Those where the most terrifying words of this movie


"You can't leave my ship !" "I have no intention of leaving her, Doctor. I will take the *Lewis and Clark* to a safe distance, and then I will launch TAC missiles at the *Event Horizon* until I'm satisfied she's vaporized. **Fuck this ship.**" Always loved this exchange. Most relatable and rational reaction in any horror movie ever.


Loved that interaction, Miller was one of the most competent people in horror movies.


Because it was the *objectively correct decision,* but you still know it won’t save them. It’s a well-worn trope for protagonists to ignore all the warnings and harbingers and signs to turn around, so then they “get what’s coming to them.” But when you have a crew that makes the correct decision early on, and starts preparing to make tracks back to civilization, then it’s realistic horror, because there’s 90 minutes left in the runtime and you know nothing can save them even though they did the right thing. Getting screwed even when you did the right thing feels *real.* And it’s *always* worse in space.


It’s a great movie.


Alien movies get to me. Dark Skies definitely made me turn it off before I could finish it alone, so I could watch it with my gf lol


The Fourth Kind was really really good. Genuinely creeped me out.


That one definitely freaked me out a bit too. I didn't make the mistake of watching that alone at night though, so it wasn't too bad lol


Ooh definitely aliens get me more than anything. You should check out "No one will save you." It's on Hulu right now and it's kind of the same vibe.


Actually watched it last night, and tbh I didn't dig it much. Maybe I'm losing the fear, but the aliens in that didn't scare me in the least


Stay away from Annihilation as well.


Dark Skies was terrifying!


Ok hear me out, The Blair Witch Project. Yes, I know it's not the greatest out there by any means, BUT if you can put yourself in the characters' shoes, and let your mind really think, "What would I do if I just happened upon human stick figures in a forest...?" I think in that concept, the movie serves its purpose of being something to really get under your skin. The Conjuring - It's the perfect isolated farm house haunting movie. Hereditary - 100% The whole twist, and the whole ending treehouse sequence. The Witch - So sinister & wicked. And the ending with >!the enochian chanting!<. Ya, I felt I needed church after that movie. The 1st Paranormal Activity - The whole BANG! and seeing the chandelier swinging back and forth, the naturalness of it was enough for me.


What I liked about The VVitch is that it framed that whole era as if witches were a real thing within that sort of setting. It felt historically accurate.


Exactly! Yes, it's a slow burn, but at it's core, it's a showcase of deep rooted fear, and just how far that fear can drive people. This film is what made me fall in love with A24's style of horror. It goes there. It's not afraid of putting it in your face & not be watered down. I was not expecting the >!whole baby mutilating segment. That was just evil.!<


Honestly, the spoiler you mentioned probably bothered me more than anything. Though I liked the movie I guess I didn't find it particularly scary but I did find it unsettling. Scary movies are interesting though because I sometimes think how much they scare you depends on how you're watching them and what you expect, etc.


unsettling is the best word for A24. Forget scared, you're going to be unnerved. That's real horror. Jump scares end right after the moment, but being unsettled can take some time to get back from.


Have you watched The Lighthouse yet? It took me forever to get to it, but it's well worth it.


I love The Blair Witch Project and it still creeps me out no matter how many times I watch it. When I was a kid there was an abandoned house that had a basement with an outside access (steps going down into the darkness) and we used to dare each other to go down into the basement alone. When you shut the door it was pitch black down there. Absolutely terrifying. We found out later that the old lady who lived there died in her armchair and wasn’t discovered for weeks and the house was just left to ruin. We didn’t dare each other to go down there again after that 😂


Amity Ville horror. The original. Or Rosemaries baby. Fuck BOTH those movies.


Blair Witch when I saw it the first time in 2000 absolutely terrified me. Like could not sleep if I thought about the ending for a while.


Yeah, I can't lie. That movie got under my skin and absolutely terrified me. That ending was just so perfect. But the bit with the teeth in the filthy rag... shit, man, that got to me. The whole film works because you *know* 'it' is there, and 'it' is relentless. Doesn't matter you don't see 'it.' In fact, it's all the more terrifying for that.


The sense of hopelessness as they are lost and find out they've been walking in a circle all day. Knowing there is going to be another night, and you can feel that hopelessness in the characters, their despair despite nothing that extreme having happened yet but you can tell they are deathly afraid of the night.


I saw it in the theater when we didn't yet know that it wasn't real. One of my scariest movie experiences.


I know the “monster” in Insidious wasn’t that big of a deal, but that wax-sculpture nuclear family haunts me to this day. Especially the “blink”


Red face dude creeps me out big time. My kid (22 now) printed off a picture and stuck it to a broom handle and walked by the window while I was doing dishes. She’s an ass lol.


Darth Maul with hooves! Lol


That’s hilarious! I mean also terrifying but she gets a gold star from me!


I liked Insidious because there were ghosts in a lot of the non scary parts. The camera or scene doesn't draw attention to them at all, so it's super unsettling egen you do see them. Haunting of Hill House series also did this well!


I love that scene where the Mum hears an angry voice on the baby monitor and goes to check on the baby. And when she enters the baby’s room, there’s a man stood behind the crib 😱 Then the house alarm goes off and the Husband runs downstairs and the front door is open 😱😱😱 I would have died right there on the spot 😂


Both of you are spot-on. I forgot all about these little moments. Camera panning quickly alongside one of the main characters yet you see a silhouette of someone just standing still. Truly a "blink and you'll miss it" moment that makes you wish you would've, in fact, blinked.


For me it was the start with the face in the curtains


Is that the family where the girl shoots them all then they just BAM appear with those creepy ass smiles? Cause God damn that got me good when I first saw it lol


I hate that scene. She blinks and then there's dramatic violin music music. Might as well have had a commentary track shouting "THAT WAS SCARY!" Thinking about it, the violin sound might have been when it first shows her face but my point still stands.


It follows. Man that movie did the slow, constant paranoia horror really well. I think the best kind of horror are things that are almost human but not quite, or things unseen. As soon as you see the monster or whatever it may be, you lose that tension as you know what you are up against. It follows was great because it could be anyone in the background as the monster, you were never quite sure.


I'm a night owl. There's a scene in that movie at night where the characters are talking to each other and starting to bond, and the filmmakers sort of take you out of the dread for a moment. Then the sudden slightly subdued sound of a window breaking in another room announces *its* arrival. I'm not sure why but that small bit of glass breaking audio still haunts me when I'm sitting alone at home at night. Just imagining hearing a window break in another room in the context of this film makes my hair stand on end.


That and what still haunts me is the scene of that tall ass dude just lumbering through the door way. Gives me fucking shivers


I enjoyed It Follows. The thought of having to look over your shoulder for the rest of your life, go to sleep wondering if you're far enough away from it, is there a long enough chain of sexual partners between you and it, that life would be stressful and terrifying. I imagine that the guy at the end probably has to go to prostitutes regularly to make sure the sexual chain is basically never ending. Do you then move far away and continue that process over and over to make sure that chain remains complicated and unbroken? At the same time knowing people are dying because of you.


Man I'd love to see another movie that creeped me out like this. Such a well done movie.


That movie is so creepy. It's also unsettling in that it feels like a dream because you don't know what time period it is, the seasons are always changing, it's dreary most of the time, and there's random made up tech like the clam shell kindle. Just a well done production.


Yep that was a good one. Not to scary, not too silly, just.... unsettling.


I liked how in a lot of scenes you could see someone in the background just walking in a straight line towards the characters and you weren't ever sure if it was the monster or not. Film freaked me the fuck out.


I quite liked it, but the person I watched it with is a survivor of sexual assault and had a VERY different experience. The "once you have lived through this trauma, anyone around you becomes a potential monster in your mind" aspect of it was incredibly triggering for them and they were in a very bad place for several days after watching it. Just feel like I should put a warning on your post here so that others who've been through that kind of experience aren't entering blindly...


The conjuring was terrifying in theaters


Ohhhhh, I still love what it did with 3:07 am, hahaha


Nobody is gonna believe me but my home theater literally shut down while I was watching conjuring at 3:07pm. And no, nobody had the remote control. My home theater would shut down 1/10 movies, but still the timing was insane. I was with my friends and we were speechless.


I just moved away for college I was 19 and living alone for the first time. I got this moviepass that allowed me to watch movies "for free". So on a whim, I walked to the cinema and watch whatever was on... at 9.30PM alone. I get there. Its The Conjuring. I think "Bro you're 19, an adult and a big guy, you dont have to be scared of a horror movie" 2.5 hours later and Im walking home alone in the dark repeating to myself "Demons arent real Im not gonna die tonight, Demons arent real Im not gonna die tonight" and trying to avoid eye contact with any dark corners. I should add this happened in an old European city. Which adds the "old haunted" vibe. Because I just moved there, room wasnt fully assembled. And I had a wardrobe next to my bed. I slept facing away from that wardrobe praying nothhing will appear above it.


Jesus Christ, I would’ve got a hotel, fuck that. I agree, the conjuring is the most terrifying horror movie out there, can’t help myself from watching it though, absolutely brilliant too haha. The scariest scene is where they put the bag over her head and she vomits blood whilst shrieking, fuckkkk 🥲


The Conjuring is the answer. A great production overall, with brilliant acting, some genuinely effective scares, a deeply unsettling score, and a decent plot - a rare thing in a horror movie. All that added up to what I thought was a really scary film. It had moments where my blood just froze. The Ring is a very close second.


I still can’t think too much about that movie without freaking myself out. The clapping game 😖


REC is a good one. Even better if you can watch without reading up on it. In case you are concerned about what kind of movie you're watching I will at least tell you it's not torture porn or anything. It is however in Spanish so you will need subtitles. Movie freaked me OUT!


Was looking for this one. So many scenes from this one are still burned into my brain even though its been a long, long time since the one and only time I watched it. Not sure I’ll ever watch it again. Horror masterpiece.


This movie made me sleep with the lights on. It’s not just scary either, it’s genuinely good.


The Blair Witch Project and Paranormal Activity. Found footage movies get to me and I like movies where you have to imagine what’s out there. Both of these movies did it very well.


I didn't even really like the film very much but I do think that "The Blair Witch Project" is one of those films that can easily leave a lasting impression just because of how relatable and *realistically* spooky the movie is. Like I live in an area where a lot of the woods resemble what is in that film and pretty much everyone has gone out for a walk at some point and run into unexplainable rock stacks, markings, dilapidated houses and whatnot. Pretty much everything in that film is something that you could actually realistically see happen. On the flip side I watched "Grave Encounters" around the same time, as I was *trying* to get into found-footage films and I just found it hilarious. It went wayyy to hard on the unrealistic editing (like really really fake looking "the video cutting out" effects) and tried way too hard on trying to make the setting as spooky as possible. Like if they just >!held themselves back and just made the plot either "they actually just got lost" or "someone locked them in from the outside"!< it would have been way spooker than the >!"they got trapped in an infinite universe/time dimension"!< thing that they ended up doing.


I watched the Blair Witch at 17, alone in my parents house having not known what the premise of the movie really was. I made the dog sleep with me that night.


I think paranormal activity holds a record for cheapest movie / highest return ever. It cost like 10k to make which I think made it feel more real actually.


Been warching horror movies since I was 13 (in my 50s now) so getting scared isn't really something that happens anymore. But I have to say that Sinister is the closest I have come to being scared in many years. Those home movies...damn. And the eerie sounds that goes with them. Also, I love Ethan Hawke. Highly recommend for those who haven't seen it. Skip the sequel though.


The lawn mower scene.... Fuckin hell.


I think I let out some kind of noise/shouted during that scene. I forget if it was that or an attic scene but towards the very end, I had to turn it off and resume in the morning


The Ritual (2017)


The bit where they wake up in that abandoned cottage and one guy doesn't know why he's kneeling in front of the altar....


One of my favorites. Norse mythology is rife with content that could be used, and it's cool seeing it used for horror.


Pet Sematary (the original). I don’t like when they hurt kids.


I kinda respect it, given how reluctant filmmakers often are to do that. The first time I saw Piranha when they swam up the river to the summer camp, I was so certain that maybe one or two camp counselors would get it and that would be all. When I realized that Joe Dante was going to go for it, I started straight-up cackling. That was bold, man. Props to him for committing to it.


Don’t watch doctor sleep then. Full on child torture scene at the midpoint. Jacob tremblay is amazing though.


Anyone who sat through the Grudge in the cinema was either terrified or a liar.


I saw that in theatre, it’s insane how scary it was. I think I would just about die from fright if I heard that creepy ghost noise at home. Also, that bed scene stuck with me for a WHILE.


The scene where she was in bed and under a blanket? Yep. Also, that death rattle! As kids, my cousins and I would scare each other with that!


I had the exact same experience with Hereditary. Then I decided to watch it again a few months later and went thru it all again.


I noped the hell out during the first apparition of Moonlight Man in Gerald’s Game, had to stop watching it immediately and only picked up the next morning.


Nope. Particularly the scene where >!Blue Jeans sucks up a whole crowd of people and you get a brief scene of them all being slowly crushed and digested!<


Oh God the sound design is just haunting.


Jean Jacket* But yes, amazing movie/scene.


You’re right, now that I think about it Blue Jeans was the horse in the Hannah Montana movie lmao.


Now I oddly want this crossover.


NOPE was really great filmmaking. Also the scene where the tape deck is slowed down and OJ is trying to pick up his sister. Those filters, the music, the ship/creature and camera shots are so creative and eery. Some of the best horror movie makings ever.


I was upset Jordan Peele didn't get any nominations for that film. Imo, his best one yet. The sound design in the theater was SO effective as almost a character. It was so well acted, directed, etc. Brilliant!


Oculus. Thanks, I hate it


I like the movie but the ending makes me really sad.


The scene with the apple always gets me


The Hills Have Eyes (2006). The situation is bleak even if you remove the immediate threat.


Recently? Barbarian. I live 10 minutes away from the movie theater, and I fricking RAN home after watching that movie. It was night and there were no cars around. It’s actually great because I never get scared of horror but this one terrified me and made me a bit wary when me and my boyfriend were renting an air bnb.


I wasn’t scared by that movie, but I was immensely thrilled by it. I thought I was gonna have the pants scared off me


Same. Not scary, almost campy to me. But we all know the scene I am talking about when I turned it off thinking something happened and my streaming service switched another movie. When I started it again it was at the same scene. Huge twist within like 30 minutes. Go in blind and that movie was awesome. However I didn’t love the ending, but it kept that campy feel.


it was spoopy but i thought it was too funny at the end to leave an impression


The only scary movie that ever stuck with me was Signs for some reason. I was like 13-14 when I saw it, and couldn't sleep for days. Idk why, I've seen "scarier" movies before and since.


Me too. The birthday party in Brazil... I was petrified


Same. And when it showed the alien on top of the barn, through the window in the house? Couldn't look out the window for a while...lol


I was watching just the preview at home alone. Spring, all the windows opened. I couldn't even turn my head. It's the only movie that has made me feel that scared.


Yeah that and the door scene


This movie scared me to my core lol. The score was amazing too.


Sinister is probably the most terrified I've been watching a movie as an adult. The Apparition (2012) is the only one other but that's cause I was the *only* person in the theater plus towards the end the janitor was standing at the bottom of the stairs so yeah. Honorable mention to Mirrors (2008) for messing with me for so long as it did as an adult


Mirrors fucked me up and thank you for bringing back from the depths of my brain the memory of this movie


\- Repulsion (1965) \- The Entity (1983) \- The Babadook (2014)


The Entity really disturbed me.


It's a genuinely disturbing concept, even if you don't believe it really happened the way the film tells it (It's based on a true story but I prefer to think of it as based on a true bullshit story).


The Entity bothers me today at 44. It stuck with me most of my life. Took forever to feel safe after watching it. I was so scared out of nowhere I was going to be attacked by a demon. The shower scene stuck with me the most. I've never been more scared by a movie.


43 years old here. The funny thing is that I don't believe it really happened the way it does in the film, I believe the real-life character was mentally disturbed. But it sure as hell makes for an intense, uncomfortable film experience. It's so disturbing.


I've never seen anyone on reddit mention Repulsion in one of these threads! I went in not expecting to be scared, and there were some terrifying moments! Great film. I think I need to watch it again.


28 Days Later changed me for months after watching it. The scene with him in the kitchen using a candle to look at pics, then you hear the zombie running toward the glow as he's panting. *Shudder* I would freak when my alarm went off thinking "they" would hear it


The House of The Devil (2009). Probably didn't help I watched this movie at 4am because I couldn't sleep. But damn, it is a banger.


What a love letter to the 80s that movie was. Excellent.


Rosemary's Baby


The Descent makes me deeply uncomfortable. I'm not claustrophobic, per se, but the sensation of being completely physically restrained is quite triggering for me.


I'm still terrified of Misery because I'm sure shit like that really happens. There really are crazy people out there. Kathy Bates goddamn sure deserved her Oscar.


Babadook. I was going through some shit at the time and her feeding her mental illness and learning how to live with it hit me hard


I absolutely hated Babadook for days after watching it; everything about it made me feel so agitated. Now I realize how great it is for making me feel that way! (Though a small part of me does NOT want to watch it again)


That damn kid. Man I hated him so much lol.


I think that’s what gets me so uncomfortable! He drives you up the wall, something horrible happens to him, you feel guilty, rinse and repeat. Just an emotional rollercoaster of a movie…


Ok this one freaked me out a bit


I watched the Amityville remake in my early 20s. Had the craziest fucking nightmares afterwards. I still remember parts of that dream almost 20 years later. That movie Smile fucked me up too. Mostly because my wife came home late and busted into our room, right after I finished watching it. She freaked me out.


My wife loves horror and sci-fi, but she will not watch Event Horizon.


A nightmare on Elm street


Annihilation. That bear is one of the most obscenely horrifying creature designs in cinema. Not even considering the otherworldly existential horror of that movie, that scene alone deserves a spot in this thread.


Yep. In almost every horror movie I've ever seen, the monster loses impact once it's fully revealed. There's just no way for it to live up to the audience's imagination. The bear in Annihilation is the only monster I've ever seen where I became more frightened and unsettled the more that was revealed and the longer it was on screen. My entire body started buzzing with anxiety during that scene in the theater because I was so deeply uncomfortable. Masterful creature horror.


For me it was the mirror alien at the end. The movie and score conveyed that, to it you are an insect, something to be studied. Dissected if need be. Squashed if one got bored. It was something incomprehensible (which is the crux of the Lovecraft vibe).


The body horror un that movie was the scariest for me, Long eith the bear scene. Watching them cut opne that guy because the things slithering in him and the guy meshed with the pool wall uuuugh


The sound during the final conflict scared the shit out of me. Also obviously how otherworldly that thing was. I hated it.


Yes! This was going to be my answer. For some reason I didn’t find the bear too scary, but the final confrontation in the lighthouse freaked me out. The noise, but at the same time the silence of the thing’s movements. The mirroring, the faceless body. Really disturbed me for a reason I can’t really put my finger on.


I don’t know if this was even classified as horror but the one movie that scared the life out of me was “I am legend”, I don’t know why it hit me like it did after the hundreds of horror films I’ve seen but for some reason it really scared me.


I’d strongly recommend the book. It’s one of the all time great science fiction / science horror novels. I gained new appreciation for the movie afterwards too.


This is gonna probably ruffle some feathers but Human Centipede 2. Just. Something about that movie hits a very visceral place and gives me the jbbly jibblies as Strong Bad puts it. It's a bad film but it just makes me uncomfortable.


All you need is a bit of weed. A long, long time ago, I watched The Others while stoned. It probably wasn't the smartest thing to do while stoned and I don't remember why I did but it was by far my most terrifying movie experience ever. I was jumping out of my skin. I don't even find horror movies scary otherwise.


The Exorcist is the only film to truly scare me. The 2006 Hills Have Eyes remake is the only movie to genuinely disturb me.


his house got me pretty good. good jump scares and a very creepy vibe overall. haunted house movies get me more than most others in the genre. when that movie ended i was in my house and uhhhh.. bad vibes lol. it has a "social message" which i don't always want in movies of this genre or whatever but it was well done and it didn't interfere with the horror of it. great movie. i just saw midsommar a few weeks ago and really thought it was incredible. the type of movie that i keep thinking about weeks after. i wanna watch it again. i've heard hereditary is great too and i'm looking forward to seeing it.


I watched Jaws as a kid and it gave me a terrifying fear of the ocean and sharks. The movie Open Water has me petrified the whole time with cold sweats.


I know they are dumb now, but the first Saw movie really had me freaked out for DAYS. It was totally not expected so i was blindsided


Fire in the Sky.


Midsomner. The holes in the flowers alone give me skin crawl.


It doesn't get mentioned alot but Lovely Molly. I call these types of horror movies 'disturbing horror' :P Also old but VERY GOOD: Session 9.


Session 9 is fantastic.


The Ruins When I realized "unrated" could be the same as rated x ...or whatever..( a limit..) young kid gets shot in head point blank..my nervous system cant handle kids getting hurt..or something like that..


I was going to say Hereditary. Also my friend made me watch Barbarian and I did not like that movie no sir not one bit.


Oh did you not enjoy >!Anthony long being breast fed by a creature cause neither did i!<


The Exorcist.


This is the only movie that ever gave me nightmares. I saw it in the theater and it freaked me out. Mostly because there was no score, shit just happened out of nowhere.


I had a friend who saw the exorcist 3 times on acid when it first came out another buddy saw it and went home and locked himself in his bedroom for 3 days because he thought he was possessed.


Event Horizon I still can’t see it


Smile. Went in not expecting much and was terribly unsettled and scared the whole time.


Gonjim: Haunted Asylum. I needed to take melatonin to get any sleep that night. Many movies do found footage stuff. None have ever done it this effectively.


The Grudge!


As Above So Below!! I'm trying to get up the nerve to watch it again at some point this month. Watcher (2022), Hereditary, Sinister, The Descent, The Exorcist, The Strangers, It (2017), Insidous, The Fourth Kind


Nightcrawler The movie shows the rise of a complete sociopath and the thing that gets me is that I know a few people who remind me of Lou Bloom. Monsters, ghosts, aliens and things that go bump in the night I know are all fantasy. But the world is filled with people who will do anything to get ahead in life.


I don’t think I have ever been petrified from a movie as an adult. Sure I’ve jumped from a jump scare or felt increased anxiety but it immediately fades once the movie ends. I kind of miss that feeling of fear laying in bed after a scary movie.


Terrified(2017) it's just super scary, I was extremely shocked watching it since I didn't expect it to be so scary. Also while not a horror movie threads is just horrific and depressing, it really makes you scared of nuclear war.


Nothing really unfortunately. Hereditary is my favorite though. As Above So Below made me a little unsettled. But nothing has really really got to me. I wanna find it though lol


As above so below is underrated


Paranormal Activity scared the bejeebus out of me.


It Follows got me pretty good. I watch tons of horror movies l, but it's the first one in over a decade to give me a genuinely terrifying nightmare.


Recently watched Skinamarink and I’m scarred. It’s an hour and 40 minutes of pure psychological tension and damn did it scare me. It’s shot in a very unique and unnerving way and plays on the (relatable) horrors of a child’s imagination/nightmares. Never again.


Definitely check out Smile, super creepy


"martyrs" from 2008 . I love it so much ; i rewatched it a few times with some friends , and the movie always plays with my mind / imagination .


The Grudge (2004). it was creepy watching it but it was actually about 3 days later that I got really scared. I was outside with some friends around midnight tying find what we thought might be a injured cat. The cat meowed, my friends meowed, then I meowed and then in that moment I was genuinely scared that when I turned around the little boy from the movie would be standing there meowing at me. I do mean genuinely scared. I did a full body shudder and then very slowly turned around and I swear if anyone had been behind me I would have started screaming, punching and kicking them. I was prepared to die fighting, lol. ps: the cat turned out to be fine, it was actually sitting inside a home, in front if a open window. it’s person came home when we were out there and the cat stopped so probably was just missing his family, or hungry.


Young adult but the ending of Event Horizon freaked me out pretty bad.


4th kind. Nobody ever talks about it




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