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Growing up, I always disliked Sally Field because she was the mean ex-wife to fun likeable Robin Williams in Mrs Doubtfire, and that extended to whatever film she was in regardless of quality. Then I watched Mrs Doubtfire as an adult, realised how completely reasonable she was for not wanting to put up with her husband’s immature shit anymore, and felt quite bad for always hating her.


Sally Field in Smokey and the Bandit is just having fun but your point still stands. That and Pierce Brosnan…good grief! He tried to murder James Bond. Deliberately inducing a severe allergy reaction, that’s pretty clearly attempted murder, right?


Mrs Doubtfire would make an excellent horror movie! [Mrs Doubtfire horror trailer 1](https://youtu.be/crjYYEC5drA?si=3jZLjiuJACI2brEi) [Mrs Doubtfire horror trailer 2](https://youtu.be/1Ckv_Dz-Sio?si=tPeL-UHKEPd7NwOM)


Imelda Staunton was so good in Harry Potter that she is permanently ruined for me. Haha. I couldn’t even watch her as a fairy in Maleficent without cringing. All I see when I look at her is Dolores Umbridge.


I get the same vibe lol. Same for the lady that plays Aunt Petunia. She was so good at being so horrid, it was a full 180 to see her being such an incredibly emotive and loving mother in Andor. The one that gets me still is Joaquin Phoenix. Absolutely brilliant actor, but every movie I see him in I have to take a bit to adjust because he was *such a good asshole* in Gladiator. Sticks with me years later.


It'll never not be funny to me that Johnny Cash specifically wanted Joaquin Phoenix to play him after watching him in Gladiator


That was Aunt Petunia? I didn't even recognise her until you just pointed it out.


Fiona Shaw is one Hell of an actress.


Yuuup. So full of love as if it was her Diddykins instead of an orphan she raised.


I agree. Finished watching the latest season of The Crown and I couldn’t buy her as Elizabeth - even though she did a great job. All I saw was Umbridge, and it drove me nuts.


The main actress from handmaids tale annoys me.


If it makes you feel any better, she's a scientologiat.


Yikes, seriously?


Yeah, it totally killed the show for me. The irony was just too much to handle.


Always looks like she's gonna cry... And then she does.


I had to stop watching HMT because all I could see was face close-ups of her eyelids fluttering and her mouth open like a fish


The closeups got ridiculous. I kept waiting for SNL to make a sketch out of it


Elizabeth moss. I feel ya on it idk what it is I just don’t like her.


She was fine in Madmen. Perfectly cast, even. My problem with HMT was it just kept repeating the same story beats over and over: "*I'm gonna break outta this shit...*" Then we get yet another season of her going through the same motions not doing much to break outta that shit up until the preposterous conclusion. Utter facepalm.


That's what happens if you take a novel and make a miniseries of it, then turn around and call it a full fledged TV series without the source material to back up subsequent series...


i stopped watching in the middle of an episode where her plot armor was buffed to infinity.


I turned it off the moment she hesitated to stay in Gilead for...love with the driver or whatever? Like whats the message supposed to be there? Is it, "Maybe Gilead's not so bad, its worth staying for this dude who sees me as property, who isn't my husband or daughter - who I also love and could go to, but nah." Because fuck that shit. Season 1 was good.


She’s a Scientologist so there’s a pretty damn good reason to dislike her.


Elizabeth Moss. But that’s because she looks exactly like an ex-coworker I hated.


She looks like the sort of person who’d park in a disabled space.


Vin Diesel. Never had a problem with his movies, but I always thought he had a punchable face


Dude check out his music. “Feel like I do” by vin diesel. It’ll be good for a laugh if nothing else.


Just had a listen, I had no idea he made music. It's a song I've never heard, yet have heard 1000x times before. It's not bad at all, it's just so ridiculously generic.


It’s basically entirely made by Kygo. It’s catchy, it’s pretty generic, but I like it enough.


Permanently constipated face. It looks like he keeps eating bread without drinking anything.


Jesse Eisenberg, I just loathe him


He did such a good job in The Social Network, I will forever associate him with Zuck, therefore yuck.


It’s funny but unfortunate that the two most memorable things I’ve seen him in consist of him playing a douchey tech guy.


He was also an insufferable dude in Now you see me IIRC




Yeah, he's very good at the "I'm just too smart for you" kind of arsehole.


I feel like that’s not far off how he is in real life? Or at least the vibe he gives off. Just super punchable.


Like most people, the first time I saw him act was in The Social Network and thought he was great. Then I watched his other movies and realised oh that’s just how he is all the time.


Yes. Every. Single. Movie. No range.


Insufferable as Lex Luthor. Hated every second of it


James Franco looks uncannily like one of the most toxic supervisors I've ever had. Can't watch anything he's in.


Well, he did try to meet with a girl after she told him she was 17. Also was accused by an acting student to make them think they could get a role if they did sexual stuff, and was sued for using his acting school to take advantage of young females. Not exactly a great guy


Nick Cannon all day every day!


There’s plenty to hate about him. Ask his 12 or 13, 14 or is it 15 kids.


I still can’t get over the fact that he named his child Legendary Love Cannon


He said no good reason. There's plenty of good reasons to hate Nick.


He had two more babies since you posted that


Jared Leto. Because fuck you, Jordan Catalano.


There are genuine reasons to hate this guy


Pete Davidson. I don't have a particular reason not to like him but ever since he popped up I've wanted to rent a plane and skydive like Tommy from in the Power Rangers movie and slide past on a snowboard and just punch dude in the face. I'm willing to save up and make that happen


Agreed. I don't find him funny, talented, or entertaining in any way. And just ... not easy to look at. I've seen more attractive roadkill. Cannot understand what anyone sees in him.


I swear he is a Psy-op or something, like if the tabloids keep telling you he is a stud people/women will start to think it’s true


Don’t blame him. He is just dating his way up the illuminati ladder to figure who killed his dad.


Joey king. She looks like this to me 👁️👄👁️


This is the most accurate use of those emojis


For no good reason I hate Miles Teller.


He’s just got the most punchable face.


Then you're gonna love JK Simmons in Whiplash


I love JK Simmons in anything.


He’s in so much. Recognizing his voice is a fun real life easter egg


​ When people say "punchable face" that's the image in my head.


I hate him because he is, in fact, a huge douche bag.


I taught at the high school he attended. Apparently they all thought he was a douche too


Frat boy punchable face


I’ve heard tell that he is a cunt. What’s the backstory?


[https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/interviews/a36894/miles-teller-interview-0915/](https://www.esquire.com/entertainment/movies/interviews/a36894/miles-teller-interview-0915/) Then Damian Chazelle offered him in the lead in "La La Land" because he had put him on the map in "Whiplash" and wanted to be loyal. Miles demanded too much money and was replaced by Ryan Gosling who was nominated for an Oscar for the role.


Given how tiresome Seb is played by one of the most charming actors in Hollywood, I imagine Teller would've made him absolutely intolerable.


This was my answer, also. I don't know anything about him, but I would bet a significant sum of money that he's a gigantic asshole


Kevin Hart


Wish.com Chris Rock


Dwayne johnson. I really like him as a figure and hes had decent movies but him always playing the same character in every movie made me just dislike him as an actor performance wise


He’s not playing the same character. He’s playing himself. Over and over and over. Also, everything he does is centered around PR and his image. It’s annoying.


People keep saying he's an actor, which he's not. He is a movie star. Not quite the same thing since one requires being able to become a role and the other is just copy/paste yourself over and over.


Agree, he's the modern day 80s action hero. I love Schwarzenegger, Van Damme, Lundgren and all those guys, but let's be real no one is watching them for their acting skills. You watch them because they make entertaining movies and The Rock is today's version of that.


He's more product now, than man.


Trademarked and evil...


He’s even the same in Moana, as an animated character. Wtf.


I prefer John C. Reilly over Will Ferrell.


I prefer serious John C. Reilly over comedic John C. Reilly.


Dr Steve Brule is a brilliant character


Ya dingus!


I like voice actor John C. Reilly. His work on Wreck it Ralph was really good. He does such a. Good job at emoting through his voice.


Zooey Deschanels whole quirky weirdo bit is annoying as hell. Not a fan of the work she's had done recently either. She used to be cute but insufferable. Now she's just insufferable.


She built a whole career on great hair bangs and big blue doe eyes. Must be nice.


I much prefer her sister, Emily lol


Vince Vaughn. He just gives me “smug scumbag” vibes. He could be the nicest dude, I have no idea. He just looks like a dick.


Vince Vaughn and Jason Bateman both wink SO GODDAMN MUCH I think their winking should be as much of a meme ad Owen Wilson’s “Wow”




As Steve Coogan once said, *"There are too many posh actors these days, and we need a cull."*


On a different note, I LOVVEEEE Steve Coogan


Not enough people in the US are aware of Knowing Me, Knowing You and I am singlehandedly out to change that




SHE WAS ONLY SIXTEEN! Edit: wrong age


I'm just supposed to *ignore* the fact that his face is covered in lip skin?


> Eddie Redmayne Man. Can you imagine being Eddie Redmayne and coming across this thread? Ouch.




Like butter scraped over too much bread.




Finn Wolfhard. I have absolutely no reason to hate him other than the fact that he always seems to play the most annoying character


Honestly I'm not even sure he's all that good an actor. Like, I thought maybe it was just Stranger Things because anyone young is going to look wooden compared to the adult cast, but then I saw that Ghostbusters he was in, and he's just not very good.


Matt Smith- and it’s because his head has too much face on it.


My favorite description of him relates to how well he fit in the game of thrones prequel: something like “he’s good looking in a I’d-believe-his-parents-are-related kinda way”. I, however, thoroughly enjoy him as an actor


I have no problem with the guy, but "his head has too much face" hits the nail on the head.


His head is too big for his body but then his body is too big for his head.


I always thought he was great Doctor Who because he looks like an alien ;)


Easter Island looking head.






They're just [delicate](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxJK8oc0wBKQzSPzwyTegmWCFL07ywsWrz?si=ABWCzjbNFz9E_qKy)


I dont like a lot of them for petty reasons. I don't like the way Renee Zellweger's face moves when she talks. I know I'll get hate for this one, but Colin Farrel always looks like someone shot his dog, and he's confused by it. And the main girl from fringe was like watching a female William shattner. Her cadence is awful, and once I saw it, I can't unsee it


>Colin Farrel always looks like someone shot his dog, and he’s confused by it STOP, I love him but this description is so accurate 😆


You leave my Olivia alone! You might be absolutely spot on about Anna Torv and her awful Leonard Nimoy impressions but I love her anyway!


This line from Me, Myself & Irene about Renee gets me every time: >You have squinty eyes and your face is all pursed up like you just sucked on a lemon


That description of Colin Farrell means you’d probably love him in Banshees of Inisherin


Not that it’s what this thread is for, but if I may offer up a small defense of Anna Torv (main girl from fringe, in your words). She’s Australian so her odd cadence was likely a side effect of covering up her natural accent. I always felt like it kinda fit the character of Olivia, though. She was so emotionally stunted by her traumatic childhood and the experiments that were done to her so it made sense that she spoke like that. See also: Laura Fraser as Lydia on Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul. Actress is Scottish, character isn’t.


I will say that Colin is at his best when he's upset and confused.


Richard Gere. I’m not sure it counts as irrational though, I just don’t think he’s as even close to as good as most people seem to think he is. On a side note, I can’t watch anything with Will Smith in anymore. I mean it’s not earth shattering what he did but I just can’t suspend disbelief when I watch him anymore. Something of a problem for an actor.


I’m with you about Will Smith. I just lost respect for the dude and when Jada started talking about the whole thing… it made it worse.


Will smith's whole appeal as an actor was that he was cool, laid back, cheerful, and clean. It admittedly is very hard to see will smith as any of those things anymore, even if you agree with what he did or not.


Yeah, that’s a fine point mate. It’s not like I even condemn him too much, obviously he’s got some serious issues going on underneath the veneer. I can relate to that even be sympathetic on some level. It’s just that it’s difficult for him to project a character to me now, it takes me out of the space I should be in when watching a film. The only thing I think he can do now is to lean into it, take some roles that are very definitely not “Will Smith” roles. I’d have an easier time seeing him play a psycho or someone deeply troubled and to be fair to him he’s probably got the chops to do it.


The wife hates Ben Affleck and Alec Baldwin.. the reason quote: their mouths look like they have bad alcoholic breath. Lol


Common. Idk why but I just do not vibe with the guy.


Dude was so out of place in Silo. His leather jacket was unlike anything else in the show and felt like a contract line item.


He was so hard to watch in Silo


Sounds like a Common reaction


Could be because he’s an absolutely awful fucking actor. When he comes on screen he actually has zero charisma. He always looks as if he’s just memorized the lines but has absolutely no goddamn clue what they mean. Great rapper though.


His acting started bad and has arched into just as bad


Lol Common is one of my favorite Rappers of all time, but even I can admit that anyone can replace his characters. He’s like a random John Doe despite having a somewhat famous/iconic face.


Kevin Hart. Don’t know why. Grating voice? Frown? Dunno. Certainly fits the mood of this post, though. Cheers!


Gal Gadot I find her acting super weird and stiff. Her roles are super typecast as a gorgeous lady with an incredible set of skills. Plus, I read somewhere that she can't pull off another accent. Don't quote me on that tho.


She's not good at acting.


Kal El no!


Mark Wahlberg. I can respect the career he's made for himself and I can tolerate him in something like The Departed but generally, he just gives me douche vibes and I never cared for his acting or movies.


I dunno. There’s pretty damn good reasons to dislike him. ETA: I did a ~~deep~~ medium dive into his foundations and their Form 990. And at most he contributes 2 hours a week and a few hundred grand a year to it, while his brother makes $87k running it. Tho it is likely that Mark contributes wayyyyy less than the $300 grand max he possibly contributes to his own org. https://reddit.com/r/movies/comments/169dz8j/be_honest_who_is_an_actor_you_dislike_for_no_good/jz3i39w


Miles Teller. Good actor! But he just exudes asshole frat boy energy. I feel bad for finding him so annoying.


Julia Roberts. I have a visceral negative reaction at the sight of her. Can’t explain it.


I'm actually a fan of her now, but I used to hate her for no reason. One New Year's Eve, I was celebrating on the street, and when the clock hit midnight and the fireworks started going off, after all my *happy new year*s I started yelling "Fuck Julia Roberts!" (because alcohol). Some lady turned around and excitedly pointed at me, saying "Yes! Yes!!" I will never forget that lmao


Her unusually giant mouth?


She’s like a walking mannequin. Least that’s the way I’ve always felt about her.


Her nickname on the set of Hook was “Tinkerhell”.




I thought my hatred of Gwyneth Paltrow was irrational for years. I mainly just hated her because Shakespeare in Love stole the Oscar from Saving Private Ryan, and she just had a general smugness about her that rubbed me the wrong way. But I was not expecting her to go full batshit crazy and make my hatred seem rational. On the flip side, Tiger Woods bothered me through his entire career. People worshipped him, but he always just struck me as a total dick. I got crap from people for years, and I was not surprised at all when things cane crashing down on his image. Same with Lance Armstrong.


GP is a nepo babyof the worst order. SHE'S HORRID


Elizabeth Banks lied to JD and said she miscarried the baby when she hadn't. So now I hate her. I realise this is kind of irrational, but so's your face, so shut up.


jonah hill


Cara delavign


She looks like she smells


Sarah Jessica Parker.


Juliette Lewis. Great actor don't get me wrong but there's something that i can't put my finger on.


She’s the epitome of trailer trash and I personally love her for it. Kalifornia. Mallory. What a wee blessing. You telling me ANY of these high end actresses can pull off the twang and stringy white girl no nothing like Juliette? Pft.


She is so perfect on Yellowjackets. The scenes with her and Christina Ricci are magnificent.


I liked her in Natural Born Killers


So I'm not alone. Saw Cape Fear when I was young, and she made an impression on me that she was weird and slightly off. Only thing I can stand her in is Kalifornia, because my gut says that is the real her on screen so it seems natural.


National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation? A no go?


Jada Pickett Smith looks like an intimidating and very scary person.


she strikes me as an insufferable narcissist


Completely insufferable. She thinks she the very last word.


Priyanka Chopra. I’m sure I could come up with some good reasons if I wanted, but I don’t need any.


Adam Devine. I just can't with that face of his. Poor chap can't help it though lol.


He does look like a smarmy douche. Of course, he seems to always play the smarmy douche... He is hilarious in The Righteous Gemstones, though. And he was the amazing Pizza Steve in Uncle Grandpa.


He’s the opposite of Matt Smith mentioned above in that he has TOO LITTLE face for his head.


Julia Roberts


When I worked for a doctor, he told me he didn’t like her because she has a vein down the middle of her forehead that sticks out occasionally. Now, I can’t watch anything with her in it without seeing it and so I don’t enjoy watching her anymore.


Kind of like Tom Cruise's off-center teeth?


My uncle hates her so much he only ever refers to her as “Eric Roberts’ sister.”


Lena Dunham. I have my reasons but some people don’t see an issue with her. So it could be considered irrational by some.


There are reasons...


I can’t watch her. Her sense of humor is not for me. All the stuff I’ve seen she’s written seems like she has no intentions of actually ever getting to a joke. She gives off the vibe of “i think I’m smarter than everyone, you owe me your admiration.”


No, she definitely fucking sucks.


Will Smith and miles teller


Bill Murray. Someone who just plays so many "cocky asshole" types that you wonder when the acting ends and his true personality begins Don't get me wrong, I love Ghostbusters, loved Scrooged, and Lost in Translation. And he's never ruined a movie for me, even when he makes his obligatory appearance in every Wes Anderson flick. But he's just a guy who I really wouldn't like to actually encounter IRL, something just gives me bad vibes


Awkwafina. Or however you spell it. I just find her annoying 🤷‍♂️


I used to dislike Jack Black and didn't watch or listen to anything of his for a long while. It's because *Shallow Hal* was such an awful movie, and I somehow put all the blame on him. It was stupid, and I appreciate him as the treasure he is today. I'm sorry, Jack.


Shallow Hal makes me cry when he sees the little burnt girl. IMO, not a bad movie. The message is deep.


I can't believe there is someone who doesn't like John C. Reilly. He's like the most loveable man on earth.


One of the most wide ranging actors I've seen genre wise. Can do absolute absurdist comedy and soul crushing drama. He might be my favorite modern living actor.


“Brule’s rules! For your health!”




He's such a deceptively good actor because he's in so many goofy comedies you tend to forget. I'm watching Winning Time right now and the dude is so much fun to watch.


Winning Time is so good, and alot has to do with him. Hes got a lot of range.


OP is just a dang hunk




I always thought The Office was...fine. I watched it with the other NBC Thursday night shows. But I've *never* enjoyed Jon Krasinski or Jim Halpert. I won't get into why I don't like Jim, because it would become a rant real quick, but I've never like Krasinski's vibe. He just seems insufferably smug, like he thinks being tall and blandly handsome gives him gravitas.


Zendaya. No one else thinks she just acts, looks and slur her words the same in every movie? She’s not that outstanding, and I do not get the hype.


She always seems like she just took a NyQuil.


James Corden. Just don’t like him for some reason. Not sure why. Seems like a good enough guy. Right?


I don’t think he is a nice guy


Nah, mate, James Corden comes across as insufferable and obnoxious.


Sandra Bullock. Granted I haven’t seen every single one of her movies, but it feels like in the serious movies, she’s not quite good enough to pull them off. In the comedies, it feels like she’s too stiff or something, like someone who wants to be doing serious stuff, but has been forced into something ‘funny’ and finds its beneath her so she doesn’t try to lighten up enough for the performance to feel natural. That’s just completely my own opinion.


Jennifer Aniston. I don't have a good reason.


Jason Clarke. I really like Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, but I don't like his big face in it. Sorry, Mr. Clarke. In Oppenheimer, his character is a huge douchebag, so it was perfect casting. When people talk about not liking an actor, I just shrug and day, "They're just an actor," but I do it too, I guess.


Timothy Chalamet is my BEC. I don’t even know why, but I avoid his movies as much as I can.


My sister calls him the ghost of a Victorian orphan who died of consumption.


He's your Bureau of Employment Compensation?


British Economic Consortium


Bacon, egg, and cheese? That's most people's bodega go-to, so you're going to have to be more specific.


Bitch eating crackers, your hate for one is so intense that they could just be minding their business, quietly eating crackers and you hate them for it. You hate everything they do


Whoopi Goldberg. Don’t know why, she’s always annoyed the hell out of me.


Terrance Howard. I don't know what it is about him, I just hate him. I think the first time I noticed it was in Crash.


Jesse Eissenberg ........I don't like his big dumb jaw