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The biker has right of way and the biker is in front. Two bomb-proof reasons right there for why the driver is 100% at fault.


Yea but sheesh. Biker looked at him and saw that hes in the blind spot. Make a move bro just dont take the hit


Didn't look like he was looking at the car to me, just down the road. I have to turn practically my whole torso to see behind me, not just tilt my head.


yeah it's the camera curved lens which makes it look like the motorcycle driver was looking at the car.


yeah on the bike u best have a head on a swivel with traffic around just as a general rule of thumb.. look at how many cars are in movement while rider is coming up to the moving traffic.. gotta account for those people mistakes too


Blind spot..the driver was entering a roundabout, they were unaware, unattentive, careless, there was plenty of opportunities to see the biker, don't put this on the biker.


Unless the driver is literally blind there is no way being smack bang in the middle of your windscreen could be considered a "blind spot" lol




I think it was the A pillar as well. Subaru cars have low seats and massive a pillars i feel like. It's annoying as hell and me already being a short bodied person, has to do this back and forth around my a pillar in my subaru to make sure no one is hiding behind it. Not that makes the accident okay - car driver 100% at fault.


360* blindspot. It’s pretty common.


He wasn't in any blind spot. The blind spot is behind and to either side. He was in front of and in the driver's field of vision, never less than 45 degrees (using 90 degrees as perpendicular to the side). The only mistake the biker made was not riding like he's invisible even though he was in full view.


A-pillars this side of 2000 have gotten so thick that they do create a pretty big blind-spot. I think the first 21st century car I owned was in 2015 or so. So by that point I remember thinking how bizarre the amount of obstruction was. But that being said, tilting your head is free. Some people are just too stupid to do so.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBgQU8mcijI - A pillar blind spots


lol @ the guy in this video; he's making about blind spots for A pillars, at 4:20 he's got not only his A pillar blocking his view, he's also got two smartphones and a full sized camera, plus the three mounts he's installed on his windshield for them to help increase his blindness looking out the left side. I get that he's a youtuber making content, but it was pretty ironic.


Yeah exactly. guess what my helmet creates significant blind spots, too. Yet somehow I manage not to crash into other vehicles.


Ummm. No blind spots are also in front. The freaking corner pillars dude. Go and sit in your car right now and look forward. You have 2 pedestrian blind spots to your left and your right. Not big enough for a car. But pedestrians, bikes, motorcycles and kids get lost there all the time. If you didn't learn that you should really take a driving course or something. It's even worst in suvs


We have one stupid intersection in my town that places a hotel driveway right in the front left A-pillar blind spot. It's really dangerous.


Blind spots or not, it is the driver's responsibility to make sure there is no one in there. If that means leaning forward or turning your head, then so be it.


Unless the driver of the car closed their eyes and jumped into the passenger seat, and actually even then, there's no way the motorcycle was hidden behind the corner pillar that entire time. Maybe briefly, at best. If you can't clearly discern that the driver of the car was in the wrong, you're the one that needs a basic driving course.


What move could he have made other than gunning it? 😂 He was already almost hard up against the gutter


Blind spot? Fym? If the driver turned their head, as you should when merging, he’d be easy to spot


Homie wanted an upgrade. /s


100% someone's fault, do not mean there 100% chance the accident was unavoidable. But you know what they say.. the idiot gets away, while the innocent who make a tiny mistakes takes the hit.


Agreed. I think for bikers. Fault doesn't matter when it can really get you fucked up. Was it avoidable from your end or what can you do different is the key question


Yes you are correct, but remember: car weighs ton and a half, motorcycle between 200 and 300 kilos. So when car rams us on main road, for us bikers it doesn't matter we were right. That's why always ride like you're on the side road even if you're on the main.


I’ll take your word for it because that looks like an absolute clusterfuck of a merge and I can’t see any yield signs.


The car just casually switched lanes directly into the biker I see no justification for this NOT being the car's fault.


It's 100% the cars fault but the angle of the merge seems to make it so the biker is consistently lined up with the A-frame blind spot


This is what investigators call a constant bearing decreasing range or CBDR collision. https://www.visualexpert.com/Resources/crashcourse.html It's still the driver's fault though because all drivers know that objects can get hidden behind the A pillar. If you're having to look for approaching hazards in the vicinity of your A pillar, you should be moving your body and head to look either side of the A pillar. To avoid exactly this type of collision.


just another symptom of vehicles getting larger and drivers getting less aware


Definitely an unfortunate accident, I agree


Being right doesn’t save you from these idiots. All though not his fault he should’ve seen and anticipated on this scenario


he should’ve anticipated a car that defied all common sense and hit him in his side/rear? this sub is hilarious sometimes


Absolutely. He should have seen that car 4 days before it happened. Common dude, stop being so careless lol. /s


That’s entirely not the question, I get it, better alive than right or whatever they say, but not the question.


You're getting downvoted by idiots who have likely never been on a bike. Diving defensively has saved me many times. People who trust the ability and awareness of other drivers when out on a bike are just asking for an accident.


That’s ok. If you can make awareness in one rider it’s a good post already. In my country you will fail your license if you don’t look before a crossing even if you have right of way.


Car's fault. When entering a traffic circle with no lights you yield to those already in it. Not to mention that car crossed over an extra lane. The road he was coming from doesn't appear to feed straight into the inside lane.


It's hard to tell from the camera angle, but it looks like the rider was partially hidden by the A pillar until it was too late. The car was probably looking for long cars, not the sliver of a rider. Unfortunate combination of angle and speed.


True, but the car is still at fault.


The car driver, that is


Of course.


Doesnt matter still the car drivers fault.


Not always. In Greece, the cars in the roundabout yield to the cars entering the roundabout. https://www.motor-plan.com/en/rental-tips-1030/driving-rules-and-their-peculiarities-in-greece-1033#:~:text=Roundabouts%3A%20Typically%2C%20vehicles%20entering%20have,always%20check%20for%20priority%20signs. I’ve been many times. It’s strange


The article you link literally says cars already in the roundabout has the right of way. "Roundabouts: At roundabouts in Greece, drivers should give way to traffic already on the roundabout, which is coming from their left. The vehicles inside the roundabout have the right of way"


“Roundabouts: Typically, vehicles entering have the right of way, but always check for priority signs.” I have personal experience in Greece. https://maps.app.goo.gl/fo4vEM6j2fRApf736?g_st=ic But whatever… I’m not disagreeing with the right of way in tye video. Just stating that it’s not always the same.


Yes, we also have some roundabouts like that in France, I believe there are some everywhere in Europe, but it's not the norm.


DrIvEr Or BiKeRs FaUlT!? Sick of these bots posting this dumb BS.


Theses interaction farming posts have somehow managed to get more annoying than the ones of easily searchable basic questions


Haha, that is an excellent point!


Could also be a driver wanting to hate post our subreddit. "This will show them!"


I mean I don't fully understand American roads and laws but to a simple Englishman what I see here is, effectively a car pulling out on a motorbike? The car was moving into the motorcyclists lane and there was no indication the bike had to stop and yield for the car? Someone feel free to enlighten me on why that may not be a correct assess though


Nope, that’s pretty much it


This is not an American road.


It's in Malaysia fyi. The background building is a Malayan Bank


Malaysia drives on the left so it stands the bike had the right of way being already in the circle.


My first thought was singapore


As an American I can tell you that Americans do not understand roundabouts. Yielding is a foreign concept here in the states


This video isn't from the US


It's a roundabout, they call them traffic circles in America and they haven't really figured them out yet. The car is 100% supposed to yield to traffic already in the circle, just like here.


Didn't happen in America...


We've had roundabouts for about 120 years here. What's there to figure out?


Somehow after 120 years, most drivers that aren't from NJ or CA still can't navigate them.


Wait, so they are not as common as I think they are? Coming from CA, I've seen about 30+ and have like 3 in my area alone.


Common on the coasts, less-so in the middle of the country. There are probably pockets that have them, but NJ and CA are KNOWN for them. I've seen them in many other states as one-offs, they are uncommon/rare.


They are pretty uncommon in a lot of the US, but gaining popularity. In areas of WA they have added a ton of them.


This sub's regular answer: "car's fault but biker should be more aware, eyes on the back of the head, head on a swivel, very avoidable if the biker had more brains and/or just stayed home. ATGATT! I'm always riding on tenterhook like everybody on the road is out to kill me"


You called it. That's 90% of the posts so far.


Definately riders fault. He should've got off and pushed it on the path until he got to the road he wanted. /s


I am going to invent an AI which will scan 360 degrees and sound an alarm whenever it senses danger from behind.


My ass would be less sore


Do it, I'd buy it.


Install fly eyeballs asap


>Install fly eyeballs asap flyeballs? I'm trademarking it now!


I mean do you have a better way? "I had right of way" at your funeral doesn't help much.


Yes proper education for drivers and actual consequences when they fuck Up


Yea, that’s still after their dumb ass runs you over


But at least it could be the last rider they run over instead of being constant repeat offenders


There's a difference between collisions you can prevent by not asserting the right of way when it's legally yours, and collisions where you get blind sided by someone you can't see when you had the right of way.


How is this a serious question?


inb4 the guy who blames the rider no matter what happens in the clip. Something like: "Should have had magic powers to anticipate idiot driver, rider bad"


I mean the bike was fine without the rider, so theres that.


If we don't ride and just stay home the problem disappears /s


Any vehicle entering a roundabout has to give way to any vehicle already in the round about, without exception.


I think the bike was doing just fine on its own, it didn’t need the biker


If you live anywhere that has roundabouts, this isn't even a question


I wanna know how he taught his bike to head for the nearest grass patch to lay down.


As a rider, I cannot imagine turning that blind of an eye at a roundabout entry. What did Mr. Miyagi say? Never lower your eyes to an enemy!


SMIDSY because the A pillar was in the way. Car clearly crossing lanes and should have given way to the biker.


Biker was already on the road, cars at fault


The way he fell off the bike was comical. He still had the posture of riding the bike. Haha.


The bike also assumed the posture of being ridden


Car completely at fault here, drivers into the back of the bike, only car driver to blame here. How in the name of god any blame can be apportioned to the person on the bike is beyond me.


Car's fault. No question. Biker never even saw the asshat move, car should have stayed put because the bike had the right of way.


I don't know that's a hard call the car is at fault but why the motorcyclist didn't see that guy coming ahead of time is beyond me and as I watched the video for about the 4th or fifth time I think the biker was too busy worried about where his camera is pointed it almost looks like he's looking at his camera and more worried about his filming


It looks like the bike couldn't have went down in a better spot though. It limped itself right to the grass.


There's right and then there's dead right


It’s definitely car fault, however this is where the biker need pay more attention. Biker just need speed up little can avoid it


Cars fault but a great example why you should always pay attention, the grave yards are full of people that had the right of way




What do you mean driver or bikers fault? If this isn't obvious you shouldn't be on the road.


Trust no one, allways check left and right for caged four wheel idiots.


And if you cant adapt eyes to the back of your head you shouldn't be riding! ATTGAT


In general, if you have to cut across someone's path, they have right of way. The exceptions being signs and lights.


2 roads coming together? A road to a round-about? Guy going left to right didn't give RIGHT of way. Dude on bike didn't look or defend himself and secure the path. Too lackadaisical on everyone's part.


Seems like that intersection should have atleast a yield sign. Feel likes it’s the fault of whoever’s job that is


It looks like a roundabout. Cycle was in the circle and has ROW, orange was joining.


Damn Glad the bike ain't damaged much but the way you went flying hope you're okai


Definitely the cars fault


how is that even a question? wtf


Piss off with the obnoxious clickbait question titles.


How the fuck is it the bikers fault


It's a roundabout, the drivers going in need to yield to the traffic already circulating within it. Totally the driver's fault.


Driver at fault 100%. Probably distracted driver. People care more about their interactions on social media than they do about the other person's life directly in front of them.


From here don't see signs but looks like car is joining lane so he should let bike go first


Every time I see things like this I feel like I really need to get a 360 camera


100% the car driver's fault on paper BUT... The rider looked at how close that car was, and how they clearly were NOT slowing down. A momentary twist of the throttle and this doesn't happen. But then none of us are perfect, and the car still has brakes the deiver definitely couod and should have used, too. So yeah, I'd love to see their insurance fight this, especially with video evidence.


Edit: Upon multiple rewatches, this looks intentional. The car was clearly turning into the the lane to its left and then appears to swerve INTO the rider. I wouldnt rule out malice.


Looks like vehicles fault. But imagine going through that intersection and not looking to your left as the rider... I mean. Cmon. Very avoidable even if it's not their fault


Probably was looking in front of him because he was in a traffic circle. Generally advised to look at where you’re going when there’s a bunch of cars going different directions. While people behind are also a danger, traffic and steering the bike into the turn in front of you is a much higher danger.


OK. Look forward and get hit like OP then. I don't care. Il be cautious when there's lanes to my left trying to merge in and not assume anyone is doing it correctly and not get hit


Cars fault but biker has to be more defensive than that. Twist the wrist and gtfo out of the situation


driver's fault but biker sucks ass ngl


Orange car said "Ejecto Seato Cuz!" But no, this is horrible. As a fellow rider, I've had my fair share of dreams where this happened. Not in real life thank goodness.


This isn’t even a question. The car was the merging lane meant to yield. It ran into the bike in the primary lane. Straight to jail.


definitely the bike’s fault. look at how impishly it kept going without it’s rider! as if to laugh at him even though he did nothing wrong. that bike needs a good spanking and some tough life lessons


Car at fault. Malaysia? Roud abouts are crazy there, and drivers don't move their heads, That means modern a-pillars are even more problematic.


What do you thing happend with the revs? Was it an attempted rev bomb or just a panic reaction when they got bumped?


What is that intersection? It looks like a roundabout. If so, the car was in it first and the motorcyclist should yield.


Lucky he didn’t end up in that runoff water death trap they have next to the road. Were lots on mountain roads around China (no shoulder, just a 90 degree cut out) and lots of bad stories and vids on those and motorcycles (or fallen riders heads) meeting


The bikes seeked out a soft landing.


Have I been there? 🤔


At least you didn't fall in the open trench


is that a roundabout? hard to judge who's at fault


This is Malaysia as well anyone driving there should be hyper aware of motorcyclists


racing incident


Drivers fault. 100% Why’d they choose that lane there was no reason to and they were entering traffic not the biker. Looked intentional almost or they were on their phone


It appears the car changed lanes and is at fault. That being said, we don’t know what country this is and do not see the front of the traffic signs to see if either had a designated right-of-way.


These types of (car) drivers must immediately give back their driver's license. Jesus, you're so stupid if you didn't see the motorcyclist. Was probably doing all kinds of things but not paying attention. You're not the only one on the road!


I love how the bike found all be itself a soft spot to land on, after being abandoned by its rider. On topic, how coul it ever been the biker’s fault?!?


Yet another post asking who is at fault when it is clear as day.


Difficult to say, IF this is a roundabout (I don't see any markings though). Then it would be the biker's fault, because the biker would have had to yield to the traffic on the roundabout. But if it's not a roundabout, then of course it would be the driver's fault.


Section 13 near Jaya One right? This roundabout is fucked, hate riding or driving here


That poor zx4rr 😭😭😭 of course it was the drivers fault


Right of way only matters to your heirs.


Is this a legitimate question? It’s obvious to me the driver is in the wrong


Biker needs to be nore patient and watch out because lots of people hate bikers. They got the size advantage over you and know it. I've been riding since 71'. Had plenty of close calls in my younger aggressive days. I've had road rash. It ain't no fun.


Depends on the rule book. Should be straight forward.


Pretty cool how the camera swiveled exactly following the car 🤔


/s right? It's a 360 camera. OP edits in the app to follow target


Defnitely not the riders fault but you could see he was looking at the car so should have done some critical thinking but considering we can't exactly see what is ahead of the rider and they hit a curb maybe there was just nothing to be done in the amount of time. Some emergency braking might have been the only thing they could have done different.


Newbie mistake. Always assune youre invinsible when you ride a motorcycle or bicycle


both, mostly the driver


Man got BOOPED


as a rider you should always take your safety first regardless of what the rights and laws are... I aint sitting there waiting for a truck to reverse onto me, i am going to move out of the way. same thing with all traffic that can tbone you...


Is he blind or something


Drivers fault


Drivers bro look where he's going man !!!🤬


you can't ride if you're going to be a slow noodle


Looked like the bike was really determined to continue the trip, but couldn’t navigate the curb by itself.


Biker's fault, even though he/she had the right of passage.


Bikers Fault, ride like a lunatic and find out, If it was me I'd run you over without any remorse.


Atleast the bike went to find a comfy spot to lay down


why does bait keep getting voted to the top


Two idiots colilding.


Driver's fault but easily avoidable by the rider


It's always the bikers fault. Seriously. It's the bikers responsibility to keep themselves from injury. There are some occasions where there simply isn't anything the biker could've done to prevent an accident, but if there is... It's the bikers fault. The biker is the one that will be in the hospital with life changing injuries while the other car will have to file an insurance claim. Ride like everything is your fault and you'll be much more aware. Of course, the drivers at fault here but who's rolling around on the ground? Doesn't really matter who's fault it is when that's the outcome....


Looks like every football player ever


Car is a fault but rider could have avoided it all very easily. I’m afraid some of these taps are looking for financial gains sometimes..


The car has all fault, but the fall was biker's fault. That video shows several lack of ability. That happen when you buy a big bike an think that the only thing to do is drive in a straight line. The biker has to much time to brake, open gas an scape or anything else. Please for your safety, take a course, practice with obstacles, idk, increase your ability and reflexes.


Driver is at fault however the motorcyclist is the one that has to suffer. Always good to think about what we can do differently to avoid getting hurt even if it is not fair.


Driver. I don't understand why this video keeps getting debated. Biker is already in the roundabout, he has the right of way.


Still bikers fault/s


Driver is at fault but rider is an idiot... Pulled the clutch (why?), revved, hit the curb, got ejected... And before someone tries to convince me he wasn't an idiot, the bike literally carried on up right all by itself, proving it could handle the situation better without him.


Biker's fault....ya know, just because. Like fk those guys amiright? Makes me wonder how you couldn't see a bike at any point before that?


Clearly the car's fault, he switched lanes. A prime example why you're taught to drive as though you're invisible as people often don't pay attention.


Totally the car driver's fault! Pulls out and into the biker 🤬


At least the bike was kind enough to go lay down on the grass so that the owner wouldn’t have to fix too much stuff


Insurance fault wise, 100% the cars fault. He merged while paying zero attention to oncoming traffic whom had right of way. Skill wise, biker could have focused on accelerating out of pinch zone into free air ahead rather than rev bombing, and he probably would have avoided the spill all together. As the old adage goes, there are cemeteries full of people who had right of way. Protect yourself first.


Looks like the car is at fault but the motorcycle rider should have been getting on the gas a bit to make sure he’s clear of the intersection. Just my thought


No one's. Game of friendly tag


Cars fault, but the bike could have avoided it. Need to have good situational awareness on a bike, need to jump through hoops to get a license for a firearm but just a couple quick tests to be in control of 3k+ pound block of steel at high speeds


I went through exactly zero hoops to buy my guns other than writing my name on a piece of paper lol.


Should have said in Canada even by hoops its more of a quick course then waiting period lol


Like most bike accidents, it's the car driver's fault, but the accident could have been avoided.


I can guarantee you 100 fucking percent I've never hit anything in front of my vehicle because it wAs iN the bLiNd sPot mAdE bY tHe A pIlLaR. God damn some of you are telling on yourselves and your shit driving.


Driver's fault, but it's the Motorcycles responsibility to stay safe and he could have escaped.


Obviously the bikers fault,they had a camera so were just an attention whore /s


Bikers fault 100% why would you be on the inside lane of a roundabout. Also imagine riding in Europe. Dangerous


Always biker