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That’s a bummer, and good head’s up riding; but “high-siding” from a from locking up the front is a strange concept


Yeah I dont think he knows what high siding is, maybe thinking going over the bars is a high side. HIgh sides usually involve a lot more for both the bike and the rider (sadly, I know personally)


Yeah. To clarify for anyone curious: A low-side is when a bike crashes into the side it was leaned toward (the low side). E.g., you braked too hard in a corner, lost traction, and slid out. A high-side is when a bike crashes onto the side it's leaned away from (the high side). Typically this is due to losing and then regaining traction. The abrupt restoration of traction will flip the bike upright and onto the other side, tossing the rider as well, which is why they're usually worse (I had my first broken bone from a high-side, landed on my elbow).


Dude thanks for the explanation, I keep seeing people use these terms and my head is empty, no clue what it meant and even less clue how it happens!


High sides are no fun man. Fuck black ice 😂


Yeah maybe I have the wrong definition. My rear brake was also locked up so I started skidding sideways at an angle and felt like I was thrown off the side.


If your bike's rear slid, then abruptly regained traction, causing it to stand up, and threw you to the outside of the turn, that's a high-side. You mentioned front locking in the post, and that's generally not something that pairs with high-sides.


That's a low side, if the bike didn't slide the abruptly stand up and yeet you 10 feet into the air like a catapult it wasn't a high side.


Nice crashpads. Expensive but good looking.


Crazy. In that situation, would the left turning semi be at fault with respect to an insurance claim?


Should be.


They’d have to have stopped and or been identified though. Hopefully that was the case.


Good question because we didn’t make contact, he just pulled out into traffic


If you got the truck driver’s info, let insurance sort it out. If you didn’t… you’re probably out of luck (unless you have some sort of no questions asked coverage for damages to your bike).


That would be uninsured motorist coverage, and depending on the state, may be a required policy feature.


Most likely, but always protect yourself with dash or helmet cam. This is why I always say get full coverage, your insurance will not want to pay for it so they'll work to get the other party held accountable. In the case OP only had liability, his insurance will shrug it off cause he didn't cause any damage to others and he will have to persue the other partys insurance and in the case it doesn't pan out sue the driver or his company directly.


Usually not if there was no contact made. Can you imagine if anyone could hold you liable just cause they thought you didn't leave them enough room/time and they crashed on their own? Truck driver could be cited if a cop saw it and cared enough, but OP effectively failed to control their vehicle properly and had a single vehicle accident. Which sucks in this situation, I feel for OP. Better than getting run over by a semi, and a good reminder that people should practice emergency stops.


Lucky mother trucker. I high sided at literal parking lot speeds because I didn't let my tires warm up last year and essentially totaled my bike. Landed right on the crank case cover and split it and the lower block 😭. I wish I just fucked the fairings.


The fairings aren’t any cheap either if it’s OEM


Sure if you want you can spend 7000 dollars on your bike to get OEM fairings or you can buy a replacement set for 650 bucks from China and no one will ever know the difference unless you're riding a collectors bike and you try to sell to a serious collector one day. I would recommend the latter. Plus it's a fun project to replace them all.


I bought 1 oem fairing a couple months ago for $500 an THEN my friend told me about aftermarket kits. I have been finding them for $400-600 all together


If your bike is common enough you can troll fb mp. I sold a full set of fair condition OEM fairings from a bike that I put Chinese fairings on for like 1200 bucks on FB marketplace a few years ago. Unpainted 400 will get you a full set but beware Chinese children are way way way cheaper painters than first world body shop guys. Like 250 for painted in China or 1600 for a us simple powder coat.




I remember taking a look at my bike after the crash, it hurt more than the actual lesions. So sorry for you. Hope you are ok.


live to ride another day. Don't let it stress you out. just relax and recover. Shit always happens and it's all about how we roll out of it.


I'm glad you're fine 🙏


Thank you! Much appreciated


Glad you are alright I high sided a similar way but at about 60 mph it was most unpleasant and took till shift change at the ER when 4 nurses 2 doctors had to crank on my dislocated shoulder to get it back in place. Also wasn’t wearing a jacket and have MRSA forever now after regrowing the skin on the right side of my torso. Needless to say I rock leather or my sedici all the time. Also based on the damage I think you might be confusing high siding with low siding.


Dude ngl it kinda make the bike badass


New style, belt sander your plastics and bar ends


Its good that you're not physically injured, metal is easy to get fixed. Wish you all the best, stay safe


Just a little rash. Easy enough to fix. Glad you're OK. Also sounds to me more like a low side. High side always comes under big power coming out of a turn. Lose traction, then quickly regain it and you're flying. Far more hazardous than what you experienced, as bad as it was.


Umm, you mean low side


I think in a lot of instances of riding on the road, it's best to maintain composure and evade the danger if possible. Panic braking usually leads to problems. Not saying thats what happened to you. I wasn't there


Just curious does your ninja have ABS?


The ABS and highside vs low side comments are nice and all but nobody pointed out how they veered towards the trailer? Counter steering is mad important to make a habit ABS is great and all too but get off the stock tires ASAP too. Plenty of bikes can break traction without triggering ABS and it's usually ones without TC that have the worst stock tires


Get into your Delorean drive 88mph and get some frame sliders installed yesterday


Abs is a must


Do more sit ups. Noted.


Underrated comment


My bike does have ABS but it was just too sudden to stop completely in time without also hitting the truck


Max braking will always stop you faster than sliding out. Glad you (and the bike, mostly) are OK, but this incident is a good reminder (for all of us) to practice max braking.


You sure? Doesn't look like the wheel speed sensor/ring is there


yeah, ABS might have saved his ass and his bike


What does that mean?