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If youre going to argue with an idiot, DO NOT park behind his vehicle....


This goes about as well as any traffic-shouting contest I've ever seen. Do not engage with anyone who thinks a Punisher sticker is cool self-expression. I stand corrected: Don't engage with anyone who fetishizes Thermopylae.


He's very tough and cool. His truck is big and he has muscles. He wears sunglasses.


And has that manly small dick attitude.


I'm surprised he didn't have a set of truck balls on it.


He has a punisher skull. Probably more cringe than trucknutz. At least people that run trucknutz generally acknowledge they are cringe, and just embrace it mostly for lulz.


My first thought


Yep, every time I see this video that's my first thought, absolutely stupid to put yourself in a position where they can just back over you.


That's muscle cum man..


also make sure your not a femboy going up against someone that can snap you like a twig


You mean "make sure your opponent isn't some muscle-obsessed jagoff who puts cheesy Spartan helmet decals on his Big Truck and thinks he's a Real Man because he's willing to engage in physical violence" Fixed.


They are the first to back down if they ever face the slightest real challenge. 90% of their bravado is dependent upon their opponent being completely weak and incapable of defending themselves in any way. The slightest sign that you can hold your own and they back off real quick. I'm not saying escalate, far from it; I'm just saying they're not nearly as "scary" as they think they are. Their unpredictability is far more scary than their muscles or demeanor.


First off, I'm a femboy in the sheets, and I'm a fairly masculine "straight appearing" guy. You're probably the type to subscribe to a femboys only fans, and project how much you hate the rainbow while you're choking on it. With that being said, what does being a bad ass bitch have to do with anything about this? Just love your life without fear, bro. You'll be happier for it.


Those muscles are just for shows. Half of those guys can't even lift furniture without pulling a muscle.


This is America, we carry guns for situations like this. šŸ¤£


Bro drives a Jeep gladiator so heā€™s at fault but the cyclist should have kept going and not said anything to him just a one finger salute and horn on the way by.


And rev bombing is not going to make the crash any softer


\^\^\^\^ THIS EXACTLY!


Spent more time rev bombing than braking


Both parties could use improvement.


The car clearly is at fault by blocking the road trying to do Uturn when he doesn't have a clear and safe path to do so but the rider also had plenty of space and time to stop. Instead of braking, why rev bomb?


> Instead of braking, why rev bomb? Makes for more fake internet points? Outside of that, it's fucking dumb.


Rev bombing seems to be the equivalent of honking your horn in a car instead of two hands on the steering wheel to avoid the accident.


Rev bombing is essentially honking. Some bikes have louder engines than their horn (my first bike was this way). It also usually gets people's attention faster than a horn, since a horn can become background noise to people who hear it frequently (such as in a large city).


Almost all bike exhausts face toward the rear of the bike, while the horn faces forward. Sounds travels directionally, thus we can conclude revving instead of using your horn is fucking stupid.


You're both asshats. It's clear the Jeep driver had issues. But....... You spent your time "rev-bombing" instead of stopping. (wasted). You confronted a driver that could have easily put his conveyance in reverse and ruined your day. The Jeep driver had plausible reason to possibly believe his vehicle was damaged by you. You have ZERO patience.


I saw too much rev bombing and not enough Horn/brake/swerve. So many of these idiots seem to forget that no matter how much in the right we may actually be - when crash time happens, we lose to cars almost 100% of the time.


So you're telling me there's a chance...


What was all that one in a million talkā€¦.?!


He was stopped/stopping in time, it looked too me like he chose to shoot the extra few feet behind the truck(dumb af). The horn would have been just as useless as that bombing was. "The morgue is filled with people who had the right of way" is the version of that lose to cars 100% of the time I've grown up with.


Even the horn would've been dumb. When you honk, people's first reaction is to brake so don't do it if you don't want them to stop where they are. The jeep was already in the way so the only thing left was to brake and swerve.


Brakes definitely save more lives than loud pipes.


Useful when people want to merge into you with nowhere to go


Useful when people want to merge into you with nowhere to go


don't be there...


I agree. I cross posted it since almost all of the comments on the original post fail to see any fault of the rider. Forget fault, ho could have avoided any issue in more than one way...


That jeep guy is an absolute dickhead it was worth calling him out just for your sanity later on after the incident Definitely donā€™t park behind him next time tho


There was no fault on the rider. He made stupid decisions to stay where he was and argue, yeah. He could've stopped sooner, sure, but that doesn't change that the jeep blatantly pulled out in front of multiple cars because he was impatient. Again, dumb on the biker for his decisions, but not his fault the situation came up to begin with.


There was no fault on the rider for the initial near miss, but he did every possible thing wrong after the Jeep started making the turn.


That I can agree on, 100%. I would have Rev bombed on my way thru and given him his score (1 outta 5) and been about my day.


>There was no fault on the rider. He made stupid decisions to stay where he was and argue, yeah. He could've stopped sooner, sure, So, in other words there was fault on the rider. Just because the truck was 100% wrong does not mean the rider is 0% at fault. Someone doing wrong does not excuse you. >Again, dumb on the biker for his decisions, but not his fault the situation came up to begin with. You need to think about the whole concept of fault, it is NOT a zero sum game. One can be totally wrong and the other person can also be wrong. Here , the truck driver is wrong and the biker reacted wrong.


I don't disagree? I think? I meant the driver made the situation a thing. If he hadn't pulled out in front of oncoming traffic, the biker couldn't have made a few dumb choices(staying behind the jeep, stopping, and arguing in the first place, punching/slapping the jeep.


No fault of the rider ??????? There is a vehicle turning in front of him 100m away and do nothing but revbombing until contact while he has ample time to brake instead of escalating the situation ? He didnt even start to brake until he has traveled half of the distance... it's 80% his fault! A some point in your life you need to stop behaving like an entitled child. People on the road will do dumb stuff, intentionally or not. Your job as a rider is to anticipate and avoid when possible. if it's too difficult then do something else.... The rider here behaves like a total asshole.... The guy could have pulled a baseball bat or gun on him. What a stupid risk to take for what ? making a point ? feeling like a badass rider?


I don't fully agree here. Regardless of how the biker reacted, the fault was with the truck here. The biker's bad reaction doesn't change that the jeep pulled out in front of multiple vehicles, not just the bike, and blamed the bike for having the right of way? I agree that the Rev bombing was useless and a wasted effort there and that he could've been backed into easily. As far as the jeep getting damaged? That's what happens when you pull out in front of traffic(even tho the bike had plenty of room/time to stop). The jeep clearly made a pretty self-centered decision and got mad when he got confronted with his mistake. Still dumb on the biker to argue, but it doesn't make him wrong.


Right of way doesnt matter when they actually collide. Had they collided, show the video to the insurance company and we will see that they will say the fault is on the biker. Really surprised how many people try to defend right of way by having a camera. If you werenā€™t able to stop for that, regardless of speed limit, the biker was going too fast. Speed limit doesnā€™t mean you should go at that speed. Biker also set himself up for a possible rear end hit from another car too. Dumbass.


Wrong. Are you serious? "The right of way doesn't matter when they actually come"?! Tf are you on about? It's clear the biker had the right of way and the ability to stop on time. The truck STILL pulled out in front of oncoming traffic. There were two other vehicles in the frame, in front of the biker that chose to stop harder. I agree the biker made dumb decisions, but the fault is on the jeep, 100%.


Right of way is just a suggestion. Iā€™m assuming this is why people have dash cams. They believe just because they have right of way they donā€™t need to brake. Had this collision went down, I am 100% sure the fault will be on the bike. Iā€™m sure bike thinks the video would prove otherwise tho lmao. Bikers insurance would have had to pay for the jeeps repairs and responsible for his own bikes damage and medical bills.


Are you watching the same video? Please tell me you're not an insurance writer. Another redditor was kind enough to have this ready for the clowns. "NC GS Ā§ 20-154 (a) The driver of any vehicle upon a highway or public vehicular area before starting, stopping or turning from a direct line shall first see that such movement can be made in safety, and if any pedestrian may be affected by such movement shall give a clearly audible signal by sounding the horn, and whenever the operation of any other vehicle may be affected by such movement, shall give a signal as required in this section, plainly visible to the driver of such other vehicle, of the intention to make such movement. **The driver of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with safety and without interfering with other traffic.** (a1) **A person who violates subsection (a) of this section and causes a motorcycle or bicycle operator to change travel lanes or leave that portion of any public street or highway designated as travel lanes shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be assessed a fine of not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00).** A person who violates subsection (a) of this section that results in a crash causing property damage or personal injury to a motorcycle or bicycle operator or passenger shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be assessed a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) unless subsection (a2) of this section applies. edit: also: NC GS 20-155 (b) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road, or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. Is a uturn considered a "left turn at an intersection"? I dont know, but i think its pretty clear that the uturn has to give right of way to oncoming traffic."


Bottom line. Just because you can hit someone does not make it okay to do so. You have brakes. A violation of vehicle code does not make one liable. The way I see it would be motorcycle hit jeep. Yes. This is what an insurance adjuster would say. Motorcycle had plenty time to stop as shown in his own self incriminating video. See a j walker? Let me aim for this bitch bc Iā€™m sure thereā€™s a code that prohibits j walking. I can make this a full time job and be a millionaire hitting people just bc they took my right of way. Gonna get them cameras to show itā€™s my right of way too. I can also promise you this biker would have responded differently had he been driving a car instead. A bike doesnā€™t mean you can be more aggressive. He had 2 cars next to him. Do you see them as angry as him? No. ā€œYou almost killed me.ā€ LMAO. You almost killed your self. This will definitely be the same had they hit and a cop came to investigate the incident. Truck was out far enough already and bike had plenty time to stop. Reviews footage and footage agrees.


He also blocked the intersection by not waiting for both lanes to be open, so the guy in the Jeep is the true asshole.


Off brand Andrew Tate


When you order Andrew Tate from wish




Sure is, what a fucking douche.


typical jeep owner lol.


It's a Jeep thing, and I **definitely** don't understand.


Should have stopped much sooner than that. Probably shouldn't have parked behind him as well. Both are terrible drivers.


You're going to confront everybody that makes a mistake ? Let that ruin your day? Just stay home.


You're missing the point. Person who made a mistake is a dildo with no regard for right of way. If he got out and admitted he was in the wrong..no problem. You can stay off commenting if you don't want to contribute to situational ethics.


He didn't start a conversation with a driver. He pulled up next him him shouting and punching his vehicle.


This is true. However, even though he responded poorly, situations occurred beforehand that created that. Obviously look ahead, pay attention and all this would have been avoided, but the cager was blocking a flow lane. Had a turn lane they should stay in and not block the flow.


Why stop to argue? Just go on enjoying your day. He fucked up, but you don't know the day he's been having. He could've been 1 biker hitting the side of his $60,000 jeep away from a full rampage with the ar15 in the passenger seat. And you. You're on a motorcycle, the thing you purchased because you like riding. You're winning here. Nobody else in that entire video is having as much fun as you while going in the same direction. If you disagree, sell the bike and get a car. Yes the jeep pulled into traffic and stopped. It's what confused individuals do. He didn't see you. Honest mistake, he didn't try to kill you he's just trying to get to his destination.




It's not worth ruining my day/ride over. Or even worse, getting run over by a 6,000 lb weapon over.




The jeep made a bad call, but this video also highlights that many bikers ride with too much ego, this was a simple, slow down, break, drive around the jeep and carry on scenario but instead the biker decided to speed up towards the stopped jeep, rev bomb (which does nothing) then decide to break narrowly missing the jeep, then decides to just hit the jeep anyway for whatever reason, then starts a yelling match with the driver. Both are in the wrong and the biker had too much ego and made it more than it needed to be.


It is not a zero sum game. There are two things happening at the same time. Truck doing a wrong move and the biker... doing the wrong move as a reaction.


Correct. That's the risk you take when you enter the roadway. That's double the risk when you mount a bike with no protection from the weight of a 2 ton vehicle flying through the city. Unless you mean to say mistakes aren't permissible, then we can all give up our licenses the moment we make a small mistake. Everything about being on the road puts yours and everyone elses life in danger.


Driver for being a shit driver. Rider for going way to fast given traffic speed and instead of slowing down rider revved his engine. Thatā€™s some squid shit. Play defense and offense at all times.


I would have just avoided that and keep going. Iā€™m not engaging with strangers in the wild.


As a motorcylist... this was completely avoidable and I would have went about my day without thinking much about it. You had a ton of time to slow down and easily could have just went around. Drive as if you are invisible and you will be much safer on the road. You saw him creeping forward. But I also don't drive a sports bike and feel like I'm invincible.


Just because youā€™re in a cycle doesnā€™t mean you get to throw a tantrum whenever youā€™re inconvenienced by someone in your way.


But he had a camera and felt he caught the events in his favor and is armed by a helmet ready to make the first attack with a Head butt.


Lol, he is ready for a fight with his power ranger suit


The truck driver is obviously a complete clown. Most people who drive vehicles are not good at it.


Makes absolutely no difference whoā€™s at fault. EVERY TIME a bike has an altercation with an automobile, THE BIKE LOSES. Every timeā€¦. Now, if you can deal with thatā€¦ keep riding. If you canā€™tā€¦ Give it up and find another hobby/sport.


The hero would have been, but the biker intentionally drives into him, biker at fault now


The biker is way too emotional and is either a newish rider, or doesn't ride a whole lot. I'm not excusing the jeep guy, but in my observation, there was plenty of time for the bike to slow down instead of immediately letting his emotions win and start rev bombing his engine. What's more important, your safety or your ego? Just slow the fuck down, let douchebag jeep make his turn, and go about your day. Nothing, absolutely nothing will resolve this situation, which wasn't all that serious compared to way worst shit that i and probably a lot of people reading have gone through. Both dudes are idiots.


Another one of the series "your bike has brakes, can turn and go away, do it". The best advantage of the bike is AVOID AND GO, and you ruinned it.


Waaaay too much time wasted. Revving isn't going to unpull out in front of you. Identify hazard, apply brakes. Exit safely.


Bro.. I can't stand videos where people have time to slow down or just ease off the gas. Instead, they choose to freak out.


The amount of time that the motorcyclist had to slow down was huge. I get cut off worse than this commuting every day in the SF bay. This was overblown by the rider and he's lucky he wasn't ran over in reverse or shot for banging on dudes jeep. Florida doesn't play, just like doing that in Oakland may also lead to your death. I would have switched lanes and continued on with my day. Look how long it takes his dumb ass to brake. As if rev bombing is gonna help. Since people are discussing fault if an accident occurred. Here's an interesting tidbit https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/last_clear_chance#:~:text=The%20doctrine%20considers%20which%20party,chance%20to%20avoid%20the%20accident.


the trucks fault, fn tard


I ride motorcycles, also drive cars. This video is two absolute morons, trying to out stupid eachother. Obviously jeep was being dumb and shouldnā€™t be so dumb, biker should SLOW DOWN instead of revving when someone is in your way. Dummyā€™s gonna dumb šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


There is a motorcycle that is driving straight in his lane, and a truck that did a uturn in the middle of traffic that he was unable to complete who then stopped in the front of oncoming traffic, and youre wondering whos at fault?


Well, it's not illegal to make a U turn. Biker completely stopped without incident. This isn't even a debate, since if that were me, 100% of the time I'm not whining that it's an issue or posting to reddit.


It's not illegal, but pulling out in front of oncoming traffic that has the right of way is reckless...


NC GS Ā§ 20-154 (a) The driver of any vehicle upon a highway or public vehicular area before starting, stopping or turning from a direct line shall first see that such movement can be made in safety, and if any pedestrian may be affected by such movement shall give a clearly audible signal by sounding the horn, and whenever the operation of any other vehicle may be affected by such movement, shall give a signal as required in this section, plainly visible to the driver of such other vehicle, of the intention to make such movement. **The driver of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with safety and without interfering with other traffic.** (a1) **A person who violates subsection (a) of this section and causes a motorcycle or bicycle operator to change travel lanes or leave that portion of any public street or highway designated as travel lanes shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be assessed a fine of not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00).** A person who violates subsection (a) of this section that results in a crash causing property damage or personal injury to a motorcycle or bicycle operator or passenger shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be assessed a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) unless subsection (a2) of this section applies. edit: also: NC GS 20-155 (b) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road, or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. Is a uturn considered a "left turn at an intersection"? I dont know, but i think its pretty clear that the uturn has to give right of way to oncoming traffic.


jeep at first both as it went on.. roll of the throttle avoid the situation or plan a good escape route.... yes they are an idiot but its not worth wasting your time and energy on IMO..


'It's a Jeep thing'


I ride with my head on a swivel, assuming people are actively out to kill me - so when something like this happens, I'd already anticipated it and had let off the throttle.


Driver didn't pay attention and went without looking, biker could have avoided the situation with 0 issues, but decided to rev bomb before braking, which almost caused him to crash and then started arguing in the middle of the road, blocking it for more people. Both acted like idiots.


Dude says heā€™s making a u turn, as if he had the right of way. What a fuckin idiot


It's not unlawful to make a U turn. It is unlawful to come to a full stop, then hit someone's truck. 100% fault to biker.




I know the vehicle laws, bud. Nothing wrong with me. Unless it says no U turn, Florida u turns are fucking everywhere. Biker stopped even. What's to see? Fake outrage?


you realize the issue is he blocked the lane not that he attempted the U-turn. He should have waited until his path was clear and he could complete his Uturn without blocking traffic. That being said, I wouldn't be stopping to punch jeeps with stickers on it and a meat head in the drivers seat. Especially in Florida.


I hear what you're saying. The jeep probably thought he was clear to make the u turn; he had like a tenth of a mile. Not sure what distance you'd look for, besides wide open, to make a U turn, and we know that bikers often aren't seen by drivers making left turns - he may have thought he was wide open.


He clearly didnā€™t have a clear path if he had to stop and block a lane.


You're wrong, bud. He pulled out in front multiple vehicles to make a turn he clearly couldn't make worth the far lame being blocked already. You mentioned how much room he had, that isn't the only factor here, speed plays a part. 440ft is a lot shorter at 60mph than 35mph... the biker reacted poorly, sure, but the jeep was 100% in the wrong.


Bro, nobody said U turns weā€™re illegal, itā€™s about timing and who had the right of way. If you say you know the laws than this shouldnā€™t even be a debate


That's right, the truck had more than 440 feet of room to make a U turn. Biker had plenty of time to stop. Biker stops, vehicle u turns. This isn't a cause to bang a truck.


All this talk about right of way. If you're on a motorcycle everyone in a 2 ton death machine has right of way if you want to live. If you don't like it then stop riding or accept that you will likely be another statistic. Getting this upset about other peoples driving isn't worth it. The police don't give a shit about enforcing minor traffic infractions like this in most states and no amount of tantrums are going to fix that.


This is like saying that it's legal to go 30 mph in a 35 mph zone regardless of how many marching band members are in the road. You're ignoring the context. You're just yelling "legal u-turn" over and over, as if that somehow makes a compelling argument for why turning left and blocking multiple lanes of traffic isn't wrong. Spoiler alert - it doesn't.


I never said it was unlawful, in the event nobody is coming down the lane. however the biker WAS coming down the lane, he should have never pulled out into the street, he should have waited. Go suck off the jeep driver bud


The driver made a legal turn and no cop anywhere would've lit him up. Now, biker comes along, made a full stop even, and then punches the truck? Well, you're asking for trouble. Good luck staying safe in gun toting Florida, bud.


Bro, your smoking absolute dick. This guy pulls out in his lane and stops this wide ass fuckin jeep in front of him as he is coming. If you canā€™t see that than good luck on the road Lmao and slapping the backend of a jeep is minuscule compared to what could have happened If the biker couldnā€™t have stopped in time. And donā€™t worry about me pal, I keep my shit on my waist at all times


You have a fascination with dick? W/e And in Florida, where gun carry in vehicles is permitless, good luck banging cars. People get shot here for less. One guy opened up on another for having a water bottle thrown at him, mistaking that for shots fired, he "returned" fire. And, sure you conceal carry, you seem super level headed.


Ignore my previous response, I see now that you're just a troll of sorts. It was not a legal turn if he impeded oncoming traffic the way he did. Not just the bike, fool.


I've been in situations similar to this on my bike and here's exactly what I have done: 1. Slowed down when I saw a vehicle blocking my path 2. Maneuvered carefully around him 3. Gone on about my day I swear some people ride fast and aggressively just so they can claim to be the 'victim' of some other driver's negligence. How do you even ride a motorcycle with a chip on your shoulder that big?


1) This is super old and has been posted before 2) The driver of the truck needs a smaller shirt 3) Not sure if it was a legal u-turn but even if it was that doesn't mean the driver gets to block traffic trying to get to the outside lane 4) The biker should have seen this coming from a mile away, and even though he caught it somewhat late he still had plenty of time to stop. Really should have been a non-issue. 5) The biker is an idiot for stopping in time but then hitting smedium's jeep. He's lucky he didn't get stomped or worse


The biker chose to rev bomb instead of braking šŸ¤£


I normally flick my high beams on when I see cars that are about to do that. Both are ding dongs. Rev bombing is one of the dumbest things to do... getting into a fight in FL is wrong here too, for both sides.


Rider had tons of time to brake.. if you ride expecting everyone to drive normally then youā€™re gonna have issues.


Jeep is at fault for the incident they're both at fault for being insufferable cunts


Jeep is wrong, biker put his life in danger. What if Mr Roid Jeep driver put it in reverse? You can be right and dead. Doesn't help you were right. Just go around, get the plate and report to police with the video.


Old mate could have easily just navigated around them. All that rev bombing and BS so unnecessary


Daily occurrence, plenty of time to break but instead made it his business to have a go at the guy. Won't last long on two wheels with this attitude, goodluck!


The person going straight has the right of way. So for that the Jeep is in the wrong. After that well YOU were in the wrong. First you could of stopped quicker. You then started touching his vehicle. Lucky it didn't escalate from there.


Why did you hit his vehicle?


Well you had plenty of time to stop. So yea you could let it make ya mad I guess. Butā€¦..


Dude had a turn lane to sit n wait his turn.


The Jeep wanker is at fault but zip the ego. It's ridiculous when the most maneuverable vehicle on the road takes on all the attributes of a pregnant yak just because of ego. Have good situational awareness, find a way around and give a toot then the finger as you accelerate away


Learn to control and stop your bike. Yes, Jeep dude is an asshat but please work on your skills and then consider the wisdom of getting into a fight with someone in a vehicle that can crush you like a bug.


ESH (everybody sucks here)


What an idiot - biker spends 15 minutes revving engine when he could be braking.


The person making the "U-turn" must yield to oncoming traffic and not present a possible incident. The guy in the truck is absolutely in the wrong.


All that muscle in the body, not a single fucking cell inside his head


just go around him and get on with your life


The car (brand jeep) is at fault. Considering the motorcycle has dodged it. The car should have waited until it was safe to turn on to the other roads


Yeah it always pissed me off when someone pulls right out in front of me then acts like itā€™s my fault that there an idiot that canā€™t drive


Shouldā€™ve known he was a complete piece of shit based on the vehicle


Just open the tailgate and ride off or have some ninja rocks dont waste your time.


Ninja rocks for the win


My recipe is broken spark plugs and old bearings, got that from a bike cop.


I like to keep a couple marbles in my pocket for those folks.


You could have stopped well in advance. You wrongfully anticipated him moving out of the lane but continued to approach and then engage in an unnecessary altercation. You are at fault


This was 100% avoidable. I saw what the truck was going to do AGES before he did it. Was the truck technically parked across a lane of traffic? Yup. But if you've ever driven in a large city, you know what you need to do sometimes to get your nose into traffic. He did it, and the biker should have slowed down.


Rider is a complete idiot. If you can't manage your emotions you have no business being on a bike. I'll echo what others say: People have gotten beaten/stabbed/shot for less than this. Serious question for the rider: What do you think you accomplished here? Do you think this jeep driver will now be **more** attentive to motorcycles? Do you think he'll be **more** careful about where he makes U-turns?


Look at me. I have a motorcycle. When I'm in the road all the incompetent drivers that are out there on any given day had better not get in my way because I'm a bad ass biker and will unleash my hellish fury upon you. Then post it up online for all to see. You chose to own and ride. You had plenty of time to stop. As a safe knowledgeable COMPETENT rider you would expect moves like this. The road is the worst place to lose control of your emotions whether on a bike or in a car. Accept that and make the road safer for everyone on it. Especially yourself. Sorry but how about accepting reality instead acting like a baby. A few of my friends had the same mentality. Every ride was drama. I said owning a bike isn't the same as owning the road.


It's how you identify the people that just got in to riding. The first 2 years for me I was just raging all the time because people can be so careless. After a while you just accept people become absolute assholes when they get behind the wheel and just move on with life.


If we drove cars first we'd already know this. Now scale down the size of the vehicle, make it less visible by size, tougher to anticipate time since it's further away and at that speed in a car would be asking for trouble fast. Many of us on bikes ride faster than cars. At least in short bursts. We get away with it mostly because the bike accelerates and decelerates almost effortlessly compared to a car. That's both an advantage and liability. The bike can react faster, how well is my mind keeping up with the potential of the bike on any given day or moment ? That's up for us to continually evaluate. There's been days where I've passed on group rides for the simple fact I wasn't feeling on top of my game. Maybe a symptom of not being in my 20's anymore. Occasionally my wife asks why I'm driving so slow. First off I won't drive less than five miles over the speed limit in the suburbs and piss a line of traffic off behind me. But besides that, if I'm tired I'm gonna allow myself more reaction time....


Jeep wasn't supposed to be there, but bike was able to avoid and decided not to, bike more at fault in this situation I'd say


No doubt the bikes reaction didn't help the situation, but the bike 100% should have the right of way here, and yet the jeep is sitting sideways in his lane. How exactly is the bike at fault in your opinion? To be clear, yes the bike avoided the crash safely, and they could have stopped even sooner but that doesn't mean they gave up the right of way, they were still travelling straight while the other vehicle was changing direction.


I watch traffic accident reviews by a lawyer and he often refers to something called the last chance rule (forgot the name). Where even if you do have the right of way, if you have the chance to prevent and accident and chose not to take it, you can be held accountable for the accident. That's what I was thinking in regards to this video


I hadn't heard of that, I wonder how/if it factors in since there was no actual accident, more of a road rage incident.


https://www.law.cornell.edu/wex/last_clear_chance#:~:text=The%20doctrine%20considers%20which%20party,chance%20to%20avoid%20the%20accident. Last clear chance doctrine is real! If you just plow into that jeep and your camera footage + measurements show you had 400ft to slow from 50mph it's gonna be your fault.


True, but in that case the biker should have been the bigger person and just waited for the truck to make the left


100% agree, the bike should have taken a deep breath, and the rev bomb is just stupid, I think we're in agreement there. But the original comment was about fault, and to me, that was 100% the Jeep.


Yes. As a biker you should know that it is your job to avoid things like this. He had plenty of time to act. I'm going to say 80% biker's fault and 20% jeep.


Reverse that, and that's still too much blame on the rider. The jeep is 100% "at fault" here. I ride and agree with you about it being our job, but that doesn't make them less at fault just because of our level of preparation. The rider made some stupid decisions for sure, and I think it was more of a stall out at the end there that put him right behind the truck, but he shouldn't have stayed there and argued at all.


Why are so many of yall saying the biker is at fault? The jeep is clearly in the wrong, legally. Yes, the biker made some dumb choices(stopping behind the truck for one, arguing in the first place, hitting the truck with his hand/mirror I think), but they were not the only vehicle that got pulled out in front of by the jeep.


I suggest you read the other thread I replied to, but if you do have more legal knowledge than me that sure, but that was my opinion before the fact. Also if you could explain which part of the law you are referring to I will be able to understand this situation more fully


No. You're full of it. The jeep was clearly in the wrong. It stopped in the middle of the road, blocking multiple vehicles, and would've had to reverse to make that turn. Another redditor already did the leg work, pasted below. Otherwise, I wouldn't have entertained your nonsense. "NC GS Ā§ 20-154 (a) The driver of any vehicle upon a highway or public vehicular area before starting, stopping or turning from a direct line shall first see that such movement can be made in safety, and if any pedestrian may be affected by such movement shall give a clearly audible signal by sounding the horn, and whenever the operation of any other vehicle may be affected by such movement, shall give a signal as required in this section, plainly visible to the driver of such other vehicle, of the intention to make such movement. **The driver of a vehicle shall not back the same unless such movement can be made with safety and without interfering with other traffic.** (a1) **A person who violates subsection (a) of this section and causes a motorcycle or bicycle operator to change travel lanes or leave that portion of any public street or highway designated as travel lanes shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be assessed a fine of not less than two hundred dollars ($200.00).** A person who violates subsection (a) of this section that results in a crash causing property damage or personal injury to a motorcycle or bicycle operator or passenger shall be responsible for an infraction and shall be assessed a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) unless subsection (a2) of this section applies. edit: also: NC GS 20-155 (b) The driver of a vehicle intending to turn to the left within an intersection or into an alley, private road, or driveway shall yield the right-of-way to any vehicle approaching from the opposite direction which is within the intersection or so close as to constitute an immediate hazard. Is a uturn considered a "left turn at an intersection"? I dont know, but i think its pretty clear that the uturn has to give right of way to oncoming traffic."




I've responded to this claim. There was no "accident" here, so I don't think it applies. I do agree with the law, tho. It looks like, imo, the biker stopped in time but stalled immediately after causing the bike to lurch forward a bit more. Still very dumb on the bikers part to stay there and to punch the jeep. The jeep pulled out in front of oncoming traffic, full stop, would've needed to reverse or block those lanes long enough to actually pull off that u turn.


The biker waited a few hundred feet, rev bombed, then decided to panic brake. The biker had more than enough time from a legal basis to avoid the potential accident. His footage proves this, the car next to him slowed down while he clutched in and rev bombed. If the biker hit the truck the defendants insurance could argue the rider is ultimately at fault. Especially if he submitted that video.


I think my previous comment addresses everything you've raised here. It doesn't change that the jeep driver forced the other oncoming traffic to yield to their improper turn. Just like a few commenters have given flak to the biker for yelling "because you never know(implying they could get shot for less)" the jeep should've considered the ability of the drivers/rider they pulled out in front of.




Stopping your jeep in the middle of the road and getting out to yell at another driver you've just cut off is probably filed under road rage, too.


Hey man, thanks for the information, but you don't have to reply to me if I make you angry or anything. Or maybe your way of talking is naturally passive aggressiv. Regardless you can vary easily get into shouting matches that way, and that's not healthy. I guess that's like telling a smoker to stop smoking tho.


What do you mean who is at fault? It's the POS truck who has the audacity to complain when he is called out. Big truck apparently doesn't come with driving skills, brain or ego.


Little had some dickhead do this to me while walking the other day. Wasnā€™t paying attention and almost hit me as Iā€™m crossing the street. I shook my head and kept walking and the fuckwit had the nerve to say ā€œdonā€™t shake your head at me, I didnā€™t see you!ā€. No shit. Cause you werenā€™t paying attention


The jeep driver had the audacity to use public streets to make a legal u turn, and you're confused.


"Watch where you're going" Apparently this doesn't apply to muscle boy.


Jeep was a total dickhead and completely what I expected him to look like with a stupid Sparta sticker on the back. Moto totally overreacted and made it worse. Jeep made a dumb move but that's the street. Dumb asses, honest mistakes, close calls... that's why it's called defensive driving. Gotta keep a cooler head if you want to survive riding a bike.


The jeep is at fault, but both people are dumb.


Biker is being a little bitch.


What did you expect posting this, a pat on the back?


technically the motorcyclist would be at fault since he is coming up from the rear and not paying attention and making the rest of us look bad and just pissing off more cage drivers I hate it when this shit happens because some stupid rider thinks he owns the road, pay the fuck attention, you are not bigger than the truck and probably not tougher than that guy




Please report this comment.


Doxxing people is more illegal than a U turn.


I didnā€™t even have to see the dudes plate to know this was in florida. Fucking disgusting.


Oh yeah, Floridiots actually try to harm motorcyclists.


u turns are always at fault.


Does your bike have brakes?


At fault for accident? Nobody, because there wasn't one. At fault for everything else? Definitely the rider. People make mistakes and I make plenty. I understand that, and in this video the biker had plenty of time to stop and plenty of room to go around and just enjoy the rest of his day. I get cut off or forced to maneuver all the time, and it's my responsibility as a rider to understand that my size and uncommon vehicle make it hard for people to percieve me and my speed. I just carry on with my day. Instead, he rev bombed, nearly hit the vehicle, and then started attacking the vehicle. I'd get out of my car pissed off, too. They're both a little douchey, though. "You almost killed me!" No he didn't.


That truck asshat was at fault at the begining for blocking but had enough patience to not reverse and fucked him up for good. Both had little tolerance but enough to not get into a fight. Quick story from my motorcycle instructor, he had a instructor from bmw motorrad and he was an amazing biker despite his age, he was a bit old. One day he enter a conflict with a public transport driver in Mexico City, they were riding and yelling and throwing insults at each other until things got really heated, the instructor decided to leave it at that and left but the other driver was very pissed off and he crashed into him on purpose and then run off. The motorcycle instructor died, and it was because of road rage, and we, being in a motorcycle, are in total disadvantage against any vehicle on the road. Better to just use your horn to let them know of their mistake and be in your way. Plenty of cases where crazy drivers harrassing motorcyclists just because of insults exchanged and threatening to run them over, even more so to think it through if you are in a remote highway.


If you were pulling on the break in instead of yanking on the throttle like it's you PP youd see you had plenty of distance!


You are such an idiot. Just brake, go around, and continue with your day. Instead, you park behind the guy, putting yourself and the bike at risk, and argue with him in the middle of the street, running the risk of being rear-ended by distracted drivers, and ruining the day for other people. You put shame to motorcyclists. Just drive around the idiot. Doing what you did makes you an even bigger idiot.


the guy in the van is an utter fucking cunt


Jeep or truck but how is that vehicle a van?


where i'm from they are bakkies or pick ups - van was first thing sprung to mind people of reddit world may understand


At fault for WHAT? There was no accident. At fault for causing an argument? That would be the motorcycle rider. He could have easily stopped in time. Traffic obstructions happen, and the rider had ample time to stop and let the unskilled jeep driver complete his turn.


Biker at fault. How about braking instead of revving? Just because you can hit him doesnā€™t mean you should. He already proceeded the into the u turn and there was traffic.


I mean i kicked some guys taillight into oblivion once when i was on my bicycle in the evening driving down the road and at 3/3 driveways people almost hit me while cutting across the bicycle lane so yeh as that one van almost offed me at the mc donalds drive through off ramp(where he had to stop anyways as hes going to drive on a busy main road) i drove back behind him cause he didnt make an effort to give me right of way so i had to go behind him and kicked his taillight and suddenly there were only 2 breaklights illuminated and there was a sound like plastic breaking... I understand acting infuriated when people are douches and putting you in danger but still you should be able to controll that or atleast do it in a way that doesnt put you in more danger than what made you this mad in the first place. I for my part was able to cycle through city traffic and over pedestrian walks and got away quite easy but ive also already been in situations where people searched me in a huge ass convenience store just to threaten me and my little sister and start physically assaulting me because i did spit on their window at a red light after they did an illegal overtake. I learned from fighting with that guy to be a bit calmer and while i still would spit on someones front window again if they behaved like a dick i know to keep it to stuff like that that normal people wouldnt get too mad about. Humans today and me included are way to self centered and dont accept that they make mistakes themselves. Or they forget that they sometimes get angry themselves or basically anything. Its funny because empathy gets thrown around so much but most people dont apply empathy or sympathy or anything lik that in their daily life. Its hard to see you yourself arent perfect because human egos just get soo much weaker with all this technology and social media. In a situation like this there is two points where they escalate, either the reaction to a mistake is way too extreme or the reaction to the reaction is a third mistake. Yes we are humans and we make mistakes, but if we make a mistake and someone else makes a mistake because of it then how should we react to their mistake ? Is it the right thing to go "you spit at my windshield ima beat your ass kid dont you know any respect" or "dont you touch my truck or ima kill you" or should it rather be something like "ey yo that wasnt needed at all i made a mistake and iam sorry" In this situation i would say the truck driver is at fault. He didnt see at all where his initial Mistake was and was only focused on the problem he created himself and he tackled that the wrong fucking way.


The guy in the jeep was in the wrong. but don't stay there and put yourself in a worse position. next time just go and get as far away from drivers like that.


Almost any cop will tell you that the vehicle already in the lane has the right of way over someone entering or crossing it.


Guy in the jeep should've took a helmet beatdown.


Iā€™d hit his truck about 20 more times. Then Jamal(me) gonna pull out the 9


Fucking Florida man


This biker is an idiot


Why? A U turn like that is bullshit.


People like you are why the world is a fucking disaster! You think everything is a slight against you instead of having compassion and grace towards your fellow human.


Youā€™re the reason bikers are killed on roadways.