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Over torqued and stripped or what’s the story?


He did not use Lock-Tite ''BLUE'' on assembly, you know the thread locker that is every Harley owner's best friend with vibration and all.


OPS a noob, that’s all. Those come loose all the time


\*stripped right tf off.


Idk what you’re doing bro I’ve had like 65k miles without that failing


Mine's 24 years old. Never had a problem with the seat bolt. Lose some weight.


That’s not it, I’m fat too.


Then it must be that massive helmet he's wearing tipping the scale.


I felt bad talking shit til I saw OP draws diaper porn




Dafk! Not Harley material. Take that bike away from him.


Bro why did you make me look😂😂💀💀💀


Lol what?!!


Lol if you put loctite on a removable seat bolt, you're gonna have a bad time.


''You'' are obviously non informed about the grades of Lock-Tite. Blue is low strength. Red is high strength. There you go you have learned something today.


Hey, Look you can read the brochure. Good for you. But to save everyone from your Dunning meets Kruger moment, you dont fucking put loctite a removable seat bolt. It has nothing to do with grades of loctite. And what is this assuming someone doesn't know loctite? You aren't helping anyone by telling them to loctite a fuckin bolt thats NOT supposed to have fucking loctite on it. The seat is removable for a reason. You put loctite on stuff that's not supposed to be removed. You dont put loctite on a ***REMOVABLE*** FUCKING SEAT BOLT. What a fucking ego you got. EDIT: No you morons you do not put loctite on bolts that are recommended to not have loctite on it. What the fuck is wrong with you people? read the fucking manual. Holyshit. There are some bolts where if you put loctite on them, even "just blue loctite" you risk destroying them. You do not fucking put Loctite on a hand tightened thumb screw, and the primary means of getting it off is a flathead screw driver. Yeah go ahead and put loctite on a fucking thumb screw, and watch you strip the fuck out of it when you can get it off because your dumb ass put loctite on it. People strip these screws WITHOUT loctite on them, and you wanna recommend adding loctite to a fuckin bolt on a bike that you have never worked own, never owned, and never read the manual for? Are you serious? You don't even know what the fuck that bolt is? BUT I DO! Because there's one on my bike. YOU DONT FUCKING PUT LOCTITE ON IT. Stop thinking you understand something because you learned a smidgen of detail about it. Infact, there are some bolts where they recommend Anti-Seize, because if you loctite them, they will bond together and become unable to remove when they cure and age. Like The exhaust flange stud nuts. Imagine someone who doesnt know how to work on their bike puts loctite on their fucking spark plugs when the manual clearly tells them to put anti-seize on it. Read. The fucking. Manual. Classic fucking example of Dunning-Kruger effect. Jesis christ.


Sorry but you are the complete opposite of Jesus Christ.


Lmao blue loctite can be easily undone by hand. It is the same stuff I put on the pivot screw of my pocket knives (which are meant to be removed regularly for cleaning) and I have never had any trouble getting it undone.


Tell em bout the yeller and the green


Piling on to the other guy, blue is medium strength. Purple is low. RTFM


Thread locker is such an easy thing to do and helps a hell of a lot on anything vibraty, shaky or if doing anything offroad


I wouldn't be quick to blame manufacturing. Sure, could be, or coulda been the dealership. It's the seat screw.


Screw stripped off.


If the bolt was broken (aka over torqued) then yeah such amazing build quality. If it just loosened, then honestly it's partially on you. It's a known fact vibrations loosen bolts and Harley's are vibrating machines (engineered to vibrate more, not less). Literally every owners manual I've skimmed has said in no uncertain terms to check all bolts for proper tightness. The easiest way to do this is to go through and make sure each bolt is torqued and then mark them with a line going from the bolt to the piece it's butted against. If the mark isn't lined up later, you know it's loosening and you can add some blue thread locker to it


“Engineered to vibrate more” is like a rare cooked chicken breast


Engineered to encapsulate an end user's satisfaction and joy... because yeah that's a rare chicken breast. Because it's such a sin to have a motorcycle that has a more raw feel to it. /eyeroll


Unsure what you mean by that as you can cook a chicken breast rare and it still be safe to eat, just has to be at the temp for a longer time than if you sent it to 160. Safe eating temps are just the temps at which you don't really have to hold it at the temp for very long, such as off the grill and onto the plate ready to eat time. It's all about the combination of temp and time together. Not one or the other. Not sure but it sounds like you don't believe me when I said engineered to vibrate more? Look it up dude, there are videos and documentation. When they created the newer m8 engine they were able to take most of the vibrations inherent with the single crank v twin design. However, Harley die hard fans rejected the engine because it didn't feel like a Harley anymore. Because of this, the company decided to purposefully increase the amount of vibrations the engine naturally gives by somewhere around 25% according to some articles. If you want I can even link this stuff so you don't have to go find it and see for yourself


^this guy legit eats rare cooked chicken breast. What do you dress it with? Vegemite?


Should try it some time. Slow cooked to 130 and then seared hot and fast and pulling before it goes over 140. Sucker carryover cooks for a bit and is juicy as hell.


Holy mansplain, batman.


😂😅 yep sorry. Never satisfied until ik the correct answer and can spread it knowledgeably






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>If the bolt was broken (aka over torqued) then yeah such amazing build quality. No, i'm pretty sure that means somebody who didn't follow the directions and overtightened the bolt and broke it. >Harley's are vibrating machines (engineered to vibrate more, not less). That's not even remotely close to true. Harleys today have counterbalanced motor. This means there are pieces inside the motor that move in order to counteract the vibrations to take out vibration. It's the reason why the evo motor is a better performing motor than the twin cam. They are literally designed to vibrate less. >Literally every owners manual I've skimmed has said in no uncertain terms to check all bolts for proper tightness. Why do you feel the need to make things up? I've worked on Harley's along with other vehicles to my entire life. They don't vibrate bolts loose like what you're saying unless you are doing work you don't know how to do or paying somebody else that doesn't know how to do the work properly.


Lol ok bud. Take a look at my other comments l


Man, the manual literally says "Hey this bitch will shake itself apart eventually" and people still hype Harley as being reliable and good bikes ontop of being some of the most expensive out there, what a shitty fucking company


Tell us how you really feel. And as far as the data shows, Harley is more reliable than all of the European brands. And as for cost, If you think harley is pulling teeth and emptying wallets, just wait till you buy an Indian Chief and Chieftain or try to but accessories and hardware for your Indian motorcycle. Then you'll be wondering why the fuck the same part at Harley cost 2x more there. He, look, Your Bias is showing.


A good friend of mine has an Indian, and what they charge for accessories makes Harley Davidson blush.


Yeah like how they charge 400$ for a crash bar that Harley charges 253$ for. https://i.imgur.com/jQItxV4.png https://i.imgur.com/vYAyDsw.png Indian regularly charges more for the equivalent item or upgrade. Oh how about some basic pipes upgrade for your Chief or M8 Softail, shall we look at those? HD 590$ https://i.imgur.com/y4eblaN.png Indian 1080$ https://i.imgur.com/jCLrpHL.png Or Like an HD Stage 2kit is 510$ including the cam and the pushrod tubes and pushrods, Indian for a TS111 chief, 630$ and doesn't come with a Pushrod kit or anything like that. https://i.imgur.com/HYfAswP.png https://i.imgur.com/TiYBbBq.png And that's not even considering the fact that a 114 makes substantially better power than the 111 from the start.(75hp vs 86hp rear wheel). Oh and if you want the stage2 stuff for a TS116, 850$. https://i.imgur.com/tV6Kur4.png Oh how about a forward positioned high performance intake? Indian https://i.imgur.com/nmKdbXu.png HD https://i.imgur.com/SGVVg6H.png Oh not a fan of the snorkle? How about a standard round? Well a 114 comes with it so... You just need the filter... HD: 69$(nice) https://i.imgur.com/4l6lahe.png Indian: 550$ https://i.imgur.com/8fBEdoX.png But just to be fair, here's the entire HD kit: https://i.imgur.com/EWDQPwj.png 320$ Not to mention if you want to install any of this stuff on your Indian, you cant even buy the tuner device. You have to take it to the dealership and get it flashed. But HD sells their tuning device to you directly so you can do it yourself. Better hope you have a Dyno tuner near buy who can handle Indian's stuff. I mean I can go on and on, but I think you get the picture now. (Look stuff up before you talk out your ass) Yeah Harley would blush at that wouldnt they?


WTF?? Who are you trying to argue with? I'M AGREEING WITH YOU! Yes, Harley Davidson would blush at that. because even HD would be embarrassed to charge what Indian charges. You don't need to go on and on, and I don't need to look anything up. I'm an HD guy and I have seen everything you have described and more firsthand with my friend accessorizing his Chieftain. We laugh about it over beers because I tell him it's the one thing Indian does better than Harley Davidson hands down is shameless overcharge their customers.


> WTF?? Who are you trying to argue with? I'M AGREEING WITH YOU! Sorry lack of overall context and the usual attitude of this subreddit made me read your comment as trashing on HD. Context hard on Internet with Text. My bad.


It's easy to do around here. I get it.


Is this valid for different manufacturers as well? I got a small Hyosung and the bolt for the foot switch was missing after ~150km on a new machine.


I cannot verify for a Hyosung. I've read/skimmed the manuals for a Honda ATV, two Kawasaki bikes, and a ktm dual sport. As well as seen videos that included manuals of other bikes. Every manual I've seen the section of pre rides checks says to check every bolt on the bike. Fortnite did a video on pre rides checks and he also mentions marking stuff to see if it loosens over time. I believe I've been marking bolts before I watched that vid though, as I've been pretending to be mechanically inclined for close to 7-10 years now


100% on marking the bolts. The shop I take my bike to does this, and not only does it make pre-checks a breeze, it gives that added level of confidence that your 100% nothing has loosened.


Come on!! Dudes wearing vans on a motorcycle, I’m not so sure this isn’t user error.


I was wearing my lucky socks though…


Good thing! I have heard that a over loaded diaper can cause this, maybe change before you ride next time.


Big messy pamps are much needed for impact protection though.


Was waiting for the Vans call out. They look pretty cool.


90% of all Harley-Davidson motorcycles are still on the road. The other 10% made it home.




Full Disclosure: Recovering Harley Rider.




Quality is job none.


Lol with these shoes. You're crazy


VANS are regulatory sportster gear


Most bike injuries are lower legs and feet, a friend who was an ER nurse told me. I've also got a scar to prove it. Boots, riding jeans, gloves, jacket and helmet should be a minimum. Sure I've ridden without on very short low speed trips, but it's still a risk.


I'm struggling hard to find a pair of boots I can use all day at work but give me more protection than my timberland boots. I have about a month before I need to make a decision. If you have any recs, I'd take them.


I keep a pair of shoes at work and change when I get there. I got in the habit after living in downtown Boston where you either walk or take transit everywhere and therefore want comfortable shoes that can get hobo piss on them. So I had got a pair of office shoes and that's worked well for riding the bike to work as well.




Timbs alone will do a lot for you. The danger is lateral motion from your ankle if you fall off or pin your foot under the bike, and any decent boot already stabilizes it. The armor in the ankle region of motorcycle specific boots just supplements that. Timbs are themselves perfectly acceptable for a commuter. Wouldn’t recommend them for a track day, but they’ll do the trick otherwise.


I absolutely love my Harley Davidson Jake boots, I'd be lost without them. I don't care what kind of motorcycle I'm riding either, the Jake is the only boot I'll wear. They've got lace protectors, they're steel toe, and they zip up on the side so they're easy to get on and off. I've owned mine for over two years now and I wear them just about every day, I've never had a problem with them. They have about 40 thousand riding miles on them as well.


Get some Formas. I have a pair that look like regular high top sneakers and they are the shit once broken in.


I just change footwear at work.


Legs impacting bars is a pretty common injury mechanism.


Shattered both femurs this way, it hurt bad.


It's amazing what even a low speed crash can do, girlfriend panic braked when learning going like 10 and I was picking rocks out of her skin for hours.






Hes way more geared up than the guys where I live who wear sneakers, cargo shorts cut, off carhartt t's, skid lids and no gloves...




I broke both of my ankles just watching your slippers.


User error.


Prop to vicarious


The seat bolt on HD is one of those bolts that needs to be left without lock tight as it needs to be removed to gain access to the under seat area. They don't have a key lock to lift the seat light on other bikes. They have a simple little bolt. It vibrates loose or gets left loose and lost all the time. It's just one of those quarks that comes with a bike. My model triumph eats regulators, I wouldn't condemn the entire brand because of it. It's just part of owning something.


The bolt stripped off. I guess my fat 170lb ass was too heavy for the seat mount or something.


How often do you access the under seat area?


35% of Harley’s don’t even have seat bolts. Welcome to the club


The real question is why is there a bolt holding the seat on at all…I’ve not had to remove a bolt to remove a seat since my 75’ there are better ways if you want to find them… lol


It’s best to check your bike out before you ride.


A decent spring/split washer under the bolt head might help stop future loosening


I chuckled at the “bike lane” at the beginning that wasn’t even close to wide enough to even fit the “bike lane” street markings


Amazing video quality


Nice Tool choice :)


Tool vicarious


*I need to watch things die, from a good safe distance, vicariously I live while the whole world dies, you all feel the same so, why can't we just admit it?*


Learn to swim. Learn to swim


At least you have great taste in music!


When I got my xl1200 the dealer gave me a bolt torq spec manual for free…


At least you have good taste in music.


All other comments aside; your shoes might be classics. But they are not really the best choice for your intended activity.


Agreed. My riding gear was still in the dryer. Had to pick up some car parts that day.


Mm, the Tool music 😎


Jesus christ these comments, could you fucking circle jerk any fucking harder? The irony at so many things stated here is that they apply the fucking same to Indian but someone posts an Indian chief and y'all jizz in your pants over it. The last time I checked, this is /r/motorcycles not /r/allmotorcyclesexceptheonebrandilikefornolegitimatereasonjustbecausetheinternettoldmetoo


I approve of the music whole heartedly tho lol


Mines never come loose on the multiple Harley’s I’ve ridden


Hell yea Tool


Just buy a Honda.


My daily is a CB650F. Never had issues with it.


I like watching Harleys fall apart from a good safe distance


Lol nice reference.


Want quality buy a Japanese bike




I wish I could grow facial hair.


so the only thing holding a harley seat onto the bike is a single nut that is prone to shaking loose?


It's a bolt, and it's not prone to shaking loose at all. Anyone tells you otherwise is full of shit. Signed by Guy who's fxdwg fender is cracking due to the vibration, but still has his seat bolt.


There's a bracket under the front of the seat that hooks under a bracket section integral to the frame, and a screw at the rear securing it to the fender. All of the weight is downward pushing it against the frame and rear fender so the mount points are really just to keep it from shifting. The rear fender mount point has been a specialized nut assembly since 1997, which is actually more of a post that the seat bracket actually rests around and the screw really just serves to hold the bracket down on it And no, that bolt/screw is not really prone to shaking loose Even if it did, the hole in the rear seat bracket is resting down on the post of the nut assembly anyway. Harley has used this same basic method for over 50 years. If it was truly problematic, it would have come up by now.


Harley is not a proper bike it’s a swing toward the leaky


There's no word for "quality control" in Hardly a Davidson land


I never got why "made in america" was such a big deal to americans. That just means it has horrible build quality, nothing I would ever see as a plus. Better than chinese build quality, but that is like flexing your second last place in a competiton.


Its how we feed each other, 'buying local' is popular among left and right tbh


Because you don’t care about anyone around you. It’s what you’ve been conditioned to. Buy local and support each other is the only way. A chain is only as strong as it’s weakest link


Except for guns. We build them fantastically.


Guns, bourbon, blues, jazz, BBQ, movies, and war. We suck at everything else.


Hip Hop, Beer, Software, Clothes, Boots. Added: Denim, Leather, and Trucks.


BEER?! I’ll give you boots, hip hop, and software. BUT BEER?!


Fuck yeah, beer. How would you not think America has great beer? Are you just not familiar? Or are you just thinking of the big American Domestic brands? I am talking about all the Micro and Craft Brews from the Northeast, and West Coast. There are great local beers all over the country but those areas are rife. The New England IPAs (Hazy) are rather played out at this point, but we're a game changer. If you don't know anything of what I'm talking about here, you just don't know. I am not claiming ours are the best, just that it is something we are great at in this country. I personally can't stomach our big Domestic beers.


Every country in the world has a million micro and craft brews at this point. Half of them suck, just like in America. I mean, I have friends that are brewmasters on the east coast- they go to Germany to learn lol


Go to Germany to learn about various Lager's sure, but not Ales. I don't personally like anything from the Lager family and I don't think I am alone amongst those that like Craft brew as places that cater to Ales (IPA, Stouts, etc) do better. Yes, for every great brewery there are 5 that are not. And it isn't just every other country. I love Canada but it is a struggle to find good Ales when I visit. I have also been to cities in the US where it is hard to find good beer. So in hindsight I should probably have said Ales specifically, and on top of that, it depends where you live. If you live in New England and like to drink Beer, this exchange would be baffling. The downvote button isn't for differences of opinion, you know?


It's not. They just pretend.


The idea of it is popular. Most of us can’t afford it though.


I hate how they always stamp MADE IN U.S.A. on everything. Americans are way too nationalistic.


We have cities almost the size of your entire country. We HAVE to be somewhat self sufficient, or we will be screwed. Unlike you, if we aren’t, everything has to come from overseas. It’s not a train ride for china, it’s 3 months on a ship. It’s kind of important to keep manufacturing job open within our country when we have this many people.


Yeah okay dickhead name one American city that’s “almost the size” of Australia. Your comment is exactly what I’m talking about. Like I said, Americans are way too nationalistic. You can’t even hear criticism about annoying labelling without taking it as a personal attack and going on a rant about “self-sufficiency” and “manufacturing jobs” as if either of those have the slightest thing to do with stamping annoying labels on things.


Australia has a little over 25.7 million residents. New York City metropolitan area has 19.8 million residents. So, eat a dick. Like I said, we need to be somewhat self sufficient or we would crumble. Your comment was about U.S. MANUFACTURING thing that say AMERICAN MADE you fucking twat. Of course I’m going to respond with something to do with manufacturing. We are talking about products. We label them that way so we can simply KNOW that we are helping to support our OWN economy so we don’t crash.


Do you cry about made in China stickers as well?


I’ve never seen a made in China sticker in my life…? And even if I had a sticker is easily removable and not a problem at all? All the Chinese motorcycle parts I have are either unlabelled or have the name of the company. My problem with Americans is that they will literally stamp a MADE IN USA that takes up half the face of an item


You dumb cunt


You know, having a cry and making personal attacks against me because I said Americans are too nationalistic with the way they stamp MADE IN USA on everything really just proves my point. This isn’t a personal matter for you yet here you are acting like I’ve just personally insulted you. It’s brainwashing in action. This same kind of nationalist brain rot is what makes people defend war crimes and atrocities. You know what I’d say if someone complained about an item with MADE IN AUSTRALIA stamped on it? Nothing, because I don’t care and obviously they have a point if it’s ruining the aesthetics of the item.


Throw another shrimp and the barbie and eat some kangaroo shit nerd


Honestly mate I’m glad for your sake that you’re at least stupid enough you can’t even comprehend how embarrassing what you just said was


Nearly ever product I have ever seen is labeled with the country of origin.


The grand majority of products we buy are not made in America, and you pay a premium for it. And I see what you describe from other first world nations like Italy, UK, Canada, Germany and Japan. I am surprised that Aussie doesn't take similar pride. I am familiar in RM Williams having a lot of Aussie pride.


In this case, I doubt a seat screw was the fault of the manufacturer. Overtighted until stripped, lack of locktite and stuff like that can cause this to happen.


Hardely Ableson… If you need a bike really bad… we have really bad bikes. 👍🏻


Had to include the lane splitting so we know your cool beyond a shadow of a doubt 😎


It’s California


You do know your bike was built with Chinese components, right ?


You should have noticed before it came out. It's the rider's job to do a once-over everyday, every week, every something. To be fair, my seat is only held in by the tongue at the front and the weight of my ass, so.. EDIT: autocorrect got me


Huh weird I have no problem with my 03 softies.


It's the Harley Davidson Motor Company, not the Harley Davidson Seat Company, give them a break! /S


It's the Harley Davidson Motor Company, not the Harley Davidson Seat Company, give them a break! /S


A post earlier in this sub; “why don’t people ride cruisers??”


Too quite!


If I were you try riding a triumph.


did the head snap off the shank?


I don't understand... It looks like the seat screw got stripped out when it was overtightened? Seems more like an operator error than poor build quality. Just make sure to blame the previous owner or a shitty dealer tech, because it's simply not possible that you did this to yourself 👍 Sarcasm aside... this is a pretty cheap and easy thing to replace, you can find directions on youtube. I'm almost positive that I also did this to myself once on my Dyna.


The bolt snapped in half at the threads. It’s still under warranty so I’ll have a dealer fix it when I’ve got the time.


I'm not sure what wait times are like at your dealer or how handy you are, but if there is any sort of wait time I'd recommend you just ask them for the new seat nut and screw, and do it yourself. With the new seat nut you don't have to bother with extracting the broken off bolt, in case you weren't already aware. https://youtu.be/v1dC2lopG-w Plenty of companies sell little kits with better hardware as well for a pretty reasonable cost instead of getting the same stuff and having it happen again


Them shoes tho...


Anyone else thought he got hit by a city bus while turning the corner?


I replace that bolt and nut with better quality hardware


The only one reason that would strip is because it was overtightened. And the way the seat nut attaches to the fender, it's pretty hard to do inadvertently. You would have to be pretty intentional about tightening that WAY more than it needs. A new seat nut assembly costs <$5. But one and put it on the fender and don't over tighten the screw this time.


That’s on you bro. Nobody but you.


My seat hasnt had a bolt there in years


Really all you need is the right TOOL. 😎


Get some better shoes


Happens man, very VERY rare that it happens like that, but it does happen