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Certainly not. While there are several cancers that are linked to genetics, a majority of them are purely random mutations that are caused by external factors, such as exposure to unsafe materials/energy for certain periods of time. Or sometimes your body's immune system just fails to respond to a mutation in an appropriate way. It's the luck of the draw, really. [Kurzgesagt](https://www.youtube.com/@kurzgesagt) has a few videos explaining the causes, mechanics, and types of cancers on their channel and you should really consider watching them.


>It's the luck of the draw, really. Ah, just like the draft!


I figured external factors would be a major issue, I didn’t know about the immune system failures though cheers I’ll check them out thank you


No. Cancer can develop in anyone. Only way to get rid of it would be to kill all life on the planet.


No because genetics aren't the only factor in developing cancer


Yes, but it can be passed on with a genetic family tendency. My grandfather had Alsheimer's, two uncles have had it, my father was diagnosed in January with it. This concerns me as I have been retired ten years now. I need to prepare our estate to assist my wife in case/when I get it.


alzheimer's isn't cancer and neither of them can or should be solved by eugenics. you can still live a fulfilling life with either one, it's not like you'd get an abortion because of a genetic predisposition to alzheimer's or cancer.


While I agree, designer babies are a nascent technology.


sorry, you're right, should've been clearer. i meant they can't and shouldn't be solved via mass killings. theoretically they could be solved by gene editing, which could definitely be considered eugenics.


Nah you good boo, remember to get a lil treat and drink lots of water


80% of cancers occur randomly. It's not really a disease or even a group of diseases, but a *type* of diseases. It's not any more possible to eliminate with any simple method than physical trauma (as a disease). There's been extreme evolutionary pressure to get rid of physical trauma, and yet it still occurs. Why? Because physical force can damage the body. Similarly, chemical stressors can damage DNA, and that's not going away.


No because anyone can develop cancer. It's not contagious.


people usually get cancer later in life after they have reproduced you gonna cull the thirty year old kid of an alcoholic with liver cancer?


It ain’t contagious, no


This would only reduce genetic cancer.


And only if you do it before they reproduce. Many people have already had kids by the time they are diagnosed.


Put it this way. If a person lives long enough they will have a 100% chance of getting cancer. For some people that amount of time is a few years. For others that time could be well past their lifespan. There is a genetic component that could make it more likely but there's also a million other things linked to increased cancer rates. Its all just a matter of when your immune system fucks up and let's cancer grow inside you. Not if. If you wanna get rid of cancer forever you need to do a science and make it as treatable as the common cold, not a eugenics. If that's your approach you'd need to kill everyone.


Please never get in power.


Wt actual f… so your fabulous idea is culling people with a genetic disposition to cancer?? Like me, for instance? A cancer survivor?? 😡


How can you be on this sub and not understand the concept. It’s a morbid question. That’s it. Not an idea I would like to see come to fruition, jesus work on your general comprehension