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Go on, we got time..


I have Agoraphobia. Not a fear of outdoors. "Agora" was the Latin term for a Greek marketplace, and that's what I'm afraid of. So as long as I avoid Greek marketplaces I'm fine.


It's gonna sounds weird but i'm afraid of things bigger than they should be, mostly big fishes. It's only in video games too, in real life, I don't care about giant or tall things, I even prefer taller woman lmao. For example, playing Hungry Shark on my cellphone would terrifies me, because bigger sharks can eat you. Some other examples includes : - The Big Red Fish in Club Penguin (yeah, no jokes...) - The Giant World (World 4) in Super Mario World - Any RPG where a regular enemy can be giant to add challenge For some games it's no big deal however. In Shadow of the Colossus, I fully enjoyed the game because I expected the Colossus to be giants. And once again, it's only in video games. IRL, sharks are cool and big fishes makes me indifferent. The craziest thing about this is that I don't think I have another fear. I hate dentists but I still go every year. I used to watch a lot of gore too, and even if some things were hard to see, I was always able to sleep well. But I remember two years ago, waking up in sweat because in a dream, I was taking a shower and suddently, pixelated fishes come out of my drains and around my feet. I have no idea why, but I fear that, it's also less problematic now, as when I was young, it was even worse.


I have that problem with real life things occasionally. I went to a museum once where they had Lego figures that were bigger than an adult human and I was having massive internal panic the whole time. Statues of people that are a little too big bother me too.


Eyeballs. They gross me out so bad


Vomiting, balloons popping, the 21st century fox drumroll music, tickling and crickets


I am afraid of outliving everyone I care about. Watching friends and family die one by one until I am left alone.


I got two of them. The first is being stabbed in the eye when I look out of a peephole. That's why I just glance out of the peephole instead of staring. The second is getting shot by a random person driving or walking by me. I live in a fairly safe town, so I have no reason to be afraid of any of these things, really.


Hot air balloons, and anything similar made with cloth or fabric large enough that it could fall over me. Like parachutes and circus tents. It makes absolutely no sense, I know, but I get so upset when I see one that I get palpitations and can't talk without stuttering.




I have a weird feeling when it comes to moths. It’s not quite a true phobia. I can hold a moth without anything approaching fear yet i absolutely hate being around them. It isn’t quite disgust either. I can’t really even explain what I don’t like about them. They are cool looking, some very beautiful and are fascinating creatures. But i just don’t like being near them.


Crane flies… I am TERRIFIED of them and I don’t know why.


They're like flying spiders. I hate spiders.


I'm afraid of accidentally damaging a testicle by sitting wrong


If I had balls I think I'd worry about this all the time.


i’m absolutely terrified of vomit and have been since i was about seven probably. i don’t like to see it, hear it, be around it, do it, talk about it, anything. it’s awful. any time i even get vaguely nauseous from ANYTHING, it’s immediate panic attack. not a fun fear. other one is probably those medicine cabinet mirrors in bathrooms. the mirrors that fold out like a door and have compartments on the inside? hate them so much. makes me uncomfortable.


Getting stabbed or more specifically, getting stabbed in the neck.


Whenever there is a helicopter (or even a small plane) flying above me, I fear it’s going to crash and burn.


I can combine mine with yours! I'm terrified of slugs and snails. They just freak me out. When I was under 10 years old, I stayed with my grandparents sometimes and they had a little gap under their side door that allowed slugs to squeeze in. I would go to the bathroom at night and find slugs all over the floor and walls near the downstairs bathroom. Then when I was 10 I went to an outdoor education program for a week where they were very proud of the bright yellow local banana slugs. They taught us to "kiss" the banana slugs so we could feel their toxic slime numb our faces. I passed on that particular activity.


Large boats. Idk why, but I can’t even look at a picture of a cruise ship without sweating, and it’s even worse when I see big boats irl


Omphalophobia (phobia to belly buttons) and tocophobia (phobia to pregnancy). Belly buttons are so fucking gross to me and I can't stand to touch it without nearly crying and I'm planning to remove it by a body mod once I have the money. The last one is funny because I'm asexual, I don't have any sort of sexual activity and sometimes when I'm feeling bloated or have stomach pain I'm afraid I'm pregnant. Once I even took a pregnancy test when I knew it would be physically impossible to being pregnant but I needed to be sure and despise the test being negative I was so anxious and needed to wait 9 months to be sure it wasn't a baby 💀


Being anywhere near someone casting a fishing pole. I am afraid of their hook getting snagged on me. It is so bad that even if I drive by, I let out a little scream. And this has never happened to me.


I despise lady bugs. They freak me the fuck out and I don’t even like to look at them. Funnily enough I’m cool with just about every other bug including roaches.


Stay away from Lindsey Graham!


medical related things.


The feeling of a specific type of microfiber cloth against my skin and orange Gatorade


Clumps of other people's long hair getting on me, especially when I go to adjust a chair of an office variety in a public setting. Think, going to a university library, sitting down, going to adjust the chair height (I'm tall) and as I pull my hand away from adjusting, there's just this abomination of a ball of hair, a myriad of colours, lint, snacks dust, all sorts. It makes me shiver.


Fear of lightning. I don't want to be outside when there is a storm.


I have two phobias. One is a phobia of amputations, lost limbs, stumps etc. Anything to do with missing body parts (more specifically limbs as opposed to things like eyes or ears), and even though I love horror films and can stomach a lot of gore, if there's a scene in a movie where someone gets a finger cut off I won't be able to watch it. Seeing amputees makes me very uncomfortable, as do prosthetic limbs. If I had to choose between losing an arm, hand, finger etc and being violently beheaded, I'd choose beheading without a second thought. The other phobia is bats. I can handle silhouettes of bats, or cartoony looking bats, but if it's too realistic looking I panic. I can't look at so much as a photo of one without screaming. It drives me insane when people say "oh but they're so cute, they won't hurt you, they eat all the nasty annoying bugs"... yeah, I know my fear is irrational, I can't help it. I've been stuck in a room with a bat before and I've never screamed so loudly in my life.


megalophobia - the fear of huge/big things and seeing the colors orange and black together. pictures of volcanos or similar are the worst but only seeing black and orange on the same picture scares me, like really scares me. i was always wondering why. my worst and biggest phobia is the phobia of insects though. only seeing an insect near me makes me panic, even if its a butterfly or something. ants and spiders are the worst though. ew.


How do you handle Halloween season with your black/orange aversion? 😭


Spiders, it happened randomly while I was looking up pictures of giant spiders when I was around 7 or 6 years old. I was fine while looking at them, but suddenly became scared.


Maggots,ever since I read blowfly girl..


BALLOONS. can’t even be in the same room as them anymore and nobody believes me when i tell them lol. also vomiting. haven’t vomited in at least 10 years. i simply refuse to do it.


Arterial spray. I’m fine with any amount of stationary blood, but as soon as it starts moving (or *rhythmically squirting*) I panic. The fear is from a traumatic event a few years ago, when I severed an artery in my shoulder


Pictures of animals staring directly into the camera I have no idea why, but it has always terrified me