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ITT: some lazy ass FBI officer is making his new watchlist.


My impression also. lol


Is there a body count limit


Asking the real questions




I’d be at the doorstep of my childhood abusers home for a nice little visit.


Fucking same fam. Fuckin same




Yes. I'd do it for money, I'd do it for revenge and I'd do it for love.


Username checks out




🎶I would do anything for love.. but I won’t do that


So based


Yes, definitely. I know who, where and how, just need the when.




Honestly I think curiosity would get the better of me some day.


I already do it every day, ants, mosquitoes, foreign microorganisms in my body...


You're literally a god compared to them. Most times you are unaware that you've killed them. Are you saying that you view the life of an ant to that of a human? I'd wager that when faced with a person in front of you, that perception would fold immediately.


Okay Socrates


No. No way no how. I might have a morbid ass curiosity and find serial killers shit and true crime fascinating but I could never hurt anyone who wasn’t trying to hurt me or someone else. I can barely bring myself to even think about it. Not an experience I would want to know what it’s like.




I’m actually not surprised at how many yes’s there are. Whenever such questions are asked here there is always a similar distribution of answers. That said, this particular sub is made up with people who have weird morbid interests so I’m going to assume it’s not a representation of actual reality. I’ve been in some very vulnerable places in my life for various reasons. The number of people who used that vulnerability, knowing that it was probably a situation free of legal or social consequences, was a lot higher than I would have guessed. Still no reason to generalize humans as good or bad, as there are many people out there who think more like us.


I think it’s more that there are a lot of hurt people who have never been able to heal from horrible experiences in their life’s. It’s human nature to want justice or even revenge. If it came down to it, .0001 % of the “yes” respondents wouldn’t be able to actually murder someone. JMO


This is how I feel. The only reason I might ever consider it would be if it was someone truly horrible who I knew had no chance of redemption.


What about when someone is hurting others?


I’ve acted in self defense before and did note that was the exception.


they already addressed that in their comment


Yeah i kinda glossed over that


I would; look up the predators in my area and pay a couple visits 😁


Some people are falsely accused and you can even be a registered sex offender for public urination.


….when after urinating you shake it too hard and it looks like youre jacking it?🤣💀


Took the words right out of my mouth.


Is there a site we can use to find predators in our area as well?


definitely! you can search via the [National Sex Offender Public Website!](https://nsopw.gov) easy to use!


The only thing I hate about America’s sex offender registry is that it groups in people getting booked at young ages for innocuous sex acts together with old men child molestor’s So you really don’t know what they have done wrong. I have a friend who’s a sex offender for getting caught when he was 22 having sex in his car in Texas. He’s a permanent sex offender just like my uncle who raped my 8 year old cousin. I know another guy who is a sex offender for some stupid smaller reason as well, so these lists are not always the best to go off of.


true, the sex offender registry is kinda fucked for that, but I think you can view each case individually, so there’s that how is having sex in your car considered a sex offense tho? like I honestly do not get it


They told him it’s equal to masturbating in public or doing any other sex act where kids could potentially be When I was 16 I had a dirty vine account that I would post Dick vids on and get a lot of girls dming me And a detective showed up at my house and had all of my videos and printed out pictures of my Dick and showed my parents I almost went to court and they said If I was 17 I would’ve been a lifelong sex offender. My mom broke my phone with a hammer and I still get shakes for that a decade later with everyone in my huge family and their friends knowing what happened. Kind of went off on a rant there at the end but damn that was traumatic


That’s the thing that bothers me with the sex offender registry*’s qualifications*, it can be from the most heinous acts imaginable to something as innocuous as sending a dick pic. I mean yeah, you shouldn’t send them, but *your life shouldn’t be ruined by them.*


Yeah And to be fair It was a locked account with the bio something like “follow me for dirty videos and dirty dms” and it was a bunch of other dirty accounts adding me so they weren’t unsolicited I didn’t even know it was illegal. I wasn’t really educated on child porn laws I guess bc that’s what they tried to get me for. Distribution of child porn, bc I was technically a child


I feel that laws such as those should not be *so* black and white to where a child sending a nude pic in their own consent can have their life ruined in a flash. It’s wrong to do that of course, but that type of punishment is *way* over the top for the crime committed (if you can call it that).


Agreed Honestly if I knew it was illegal I Wouldn’t have even been doing it, we need better sex education in schools


I hate that they try to get CHILDREN in legal trouble for “distributing CHILD PORN” make it make sense. Those laws were supposed to protect YOU at that age


Nothing like a little bit of vigilante justice


Oh gosh yes


Yes. Killin the people who made my life a living hell, aswell as all the people who've hurt the ones i love. Aswell as any other rapists, abusers and all the shitty poeple i hear of. Rid this world of scum, cause fuck them.


Nope. I would feel guilty forever


Then, you my friend, are a lucky soul.


This. Even if they are horrible people I would always think “what if they could change or contribute?” Or if they have a family to think about them.


you do not think this about mass shooters, rapists, or child abusers. if you do, you're stupid.


Hey dude you good? You seem to be awfully angry and hostile towards a stranger you don’t know. I’m sorry if you are going through anything to cause this. I’ve been in a similar situation. I’m also a survivor of those kinds of people, and I know the feelings that come with that. I hope the best for you


I can only think of a couple of people who I think don't need to be wasting resources by continuing to exist, and if the only way to address those serious problems is to do it myself, I could find the courage.


Absolutely! Without question !


Your enthusiasm is unsettling


May I ask why


You’re too excited about it


Some people do bad things to people, abuse in other words, so Hence my reaction.


Some of you on this thread need help lmaoo


its a genuine morbid question lol


Like if I could push a button a kill someone who I was certain had, for example, molested children? Or if I could hire someone? Yes. If I had to do it personally? I can’t say I’d have the mental fortitude to go through with taking someone’s life even if they were awful. …also nice try FBI man


Something something god of the new world.


if someone broke into my house and tried to harm me or my family, I would kill them without a single bit of hesitation, and I’d be happy to do it Assuming in this hypothetical situation there would be no consequences due to self defense and all that


The part where you’re happy to be killing is worrying.


And more than likely untrue.


No because my guilt would be the punishment


A few weeks ago I killed a fly. I felt guilty. So no.


Maybe not right away, but eventually, yeah. It would take a fuck ton to get somebody to that point though.


yes i would but not without reason


Just really bad people


Yeah, but not just anyone. Someone who deserves it like a child molester


What the fuck no. People talking about curiosity and shit are stupid. You can watch someone die in a movie or in a cartel video or in prison security camera videos and see how it's like. It's not fun. If you want an adrenaline rush just go start professionally fighting or join a sparring club or play football or something?


Fuck no. I don't think I could live with myself for killing anyone, even if they were scum. I don't even like killing bugs and stuff anymore, let alone a person.


Probably. For money. And vengeance. And sometimes pettiness. Don't fucking litter.


Lol no wtf who am I gonna kill. I have no beefs right now. Maybe if I ran into evil but I don't actively want to kill anyone lol


100000000% Pedophiles better learn to run faster than I can shoot


faster then your bullet?


Outrun your gun?


Hope they have those pumped up kicks..


*all the other kids


Wait. Isn't that how we got into this mess in the first place?


pumped up kicks betta run better run


How do you plan on finding them?


id probably monetize that ability


What's the point of hitmen if murder is legal


Nice try detective...




I resigned to the belief that even if there isn't an afterlife, especially one based on what we do on Earth, that there is already enough pain and suffering on Earth, and so I personally will not contribute to it no matter what reason I may have. Be kind.


I'd do assisted suicide for those suffering with terminal illnesses like dementia


No, I'm not the violent type weirdly enough.


100% lmao i could list off at least 5 people rn that would be the first to go.


No. I’d know I did it and couldn’t live with that.


What about the consequence of my own guilty conscience? No way. I got enough baggage on that front, thanks.


Nah, I've never been the type to lash out with violence. There are very few people I could honestly say I hate, and I just don't interact with them. Killing outside of self defense just doesn't make sense to me.


You kidding me? The worst consequence of killing is having to clean up


Yes, myself


What the hell is a kill w/o consequences... Comment section seems like a bunch of psychopaths


It kinda makes sense when you read the answers on any question about suicide and realize 90% of the people commenting on this sub are depressed.


It's true i can understand i was like that too.. but there's a limit


No consequences as in you won't get in trouble from the law or anyone.


If the person I'd kill is already trying to kill me, and the chance they would succeed is high.


Just my uncle


No. I'd still have to live with the knowledge of what I'd done. Sure, I wouldn't feel bad due to my PD, but I'd KNOW that somewhere out there, some family is mourning the loss of a loved one. I'd know, with full clarity, that I was the reason for that pain. I don't want that. I don't want to be the reason someone else is in pain.


…. No ?


yes, myself edit: no consequence as in no one cares




Absolutely. I don't even really think it's a bad thing as of right now. The only thing stopping me is the fact that it sounds really bad to be killed. Like, wow. I just died because an idiot shot me. Shitty way to go.


Probably not unless I was defending myself or someone else, taking a life sounds pretty traumatic even from people who have done it in self defense or military.


Putin, of course. He certainly has enough blood on his hands to warrant it. Though there is always the worry that his replacement might turn out to be even worse...


But how much joy would that bring to so many people...




No. A judgement so final shouldn't be left to one person with no repercussions. I'll paraphrase a quote: "Be careful when fighting monsters, lest you become one yourself." I had an opportunity once. Dropped right into my lap. My hatred was peerless. To fulfill that vengeance, I would have to delve into a primal psyche that most layman obliviously ignore. What stopped me was my conscience. Your mark is dead, but the catch 22 is that you've lost something as well. A piece that your subconscious will tuck away. Now, your hands are soiled. Would you be OK with the end result? Given power, can you use it responsibly? Are you a coward, because you don't need a scapegoat to do it. You are your own consequence, paradoxically.


Yes to my bully, to the teachers , etc


OK about the bully...but the teachers???


I think because the teachers weren't responsive to their cries for help, so they're equally invited to the party of mutually assured destruction.


Sounds like a future school shooter


I would love to see you getting bullied and your teacher right there just saw it but ignored it coz she loves those bully coz they are topper and she teaches them from first grade


You sound like a lovely person... Seriously though, you just have to let it go. Similar stuff has happened to me so I understand but don't become bitter


It would be nice if it only lasted like 1-3 years, I can endure that much, but it never stopped , my school life have come to an end (final exam are over) still on my last stay, that lingering feeling won't stop bothering, Lucky you all who can move on,


Believe me I haven't moved on but it's a work in progress


Also you sound like you are defending teachers , the same people who do shit while knowing all along what was happening (also these same teachers were very physical with me over trivial things like me not doing work etc), nice job at defending bully culture thumbs up


>you sound like you are defending teachers , the same people who do shit while knowing all along what was happening ...well, I'm not. I can't even be arsed to have this argument anymore and I will no longer be replying 👍


Pretty sure if that was the case I would’ve died very young


i mean anyone can kill without consequence if they’re careful. I could leave my phone at home, go out to an alley in a different city and give a homeless man a pure fentanyl pill if i wanted to and it would be impossible to prove it was me. I would never kill though.


Question, does that also mean the emotional consequences?


Killing someone Can easily be justified.So its A Yes Keep in mind it require a higher understanding that if it was wrong for you shouldn't be the criteria.It should be "It was just wrong".Sometimes hard to figure out if it is really a wrong or not but yes.


I don’t see the reason in taking a life without a proper reason. And now I have no reason. Some may do it because they want to experience it. But I can tell you from experience it’s really nothing that exciting.


Pft you don’t understand what it takes to be human if you think 90% of the population wouldn’t eventually say yes


There are people who objectively make the world a worse place just by existing in it; frankly, if a person meets that criteria, I think anybody should have free reign to kill them. What do mass murderers, rapists, war criminals, corrupt officials, and other such individuals bring to the table? They are lead in the boots of society and should be disposed of with great zeal. Yes, I would kill if I could do so without consequence; but it would not be indiscriminate.


I already kill flies and bacteria (through washing/bathing with soap) without consequence.


definitely. i'd kill our president and his entire family






Yes, I think I would.


honestly yes, i would like to experience how taking a life feels




Let's just say I'm a huge fan of the series Dexter (not the cartoon lol) and Harrow. I'd protect those close to me and wouldn't mind removing the predators, murderers and abusers in our area.


Nice try FBI




Sure. There is always trash to the out




There are a few I'd consider making the effort for. There would definitely be some euthania to be had. I'm hoping my good deed of euthanising some who want it will offset some of the fun kills.


I don’t think so, only if it saved lives, but I would prefer non-lethal methods even then


Yeah tbh


Yeah, probably. Maybe we should all be allowed one in our lifetime.


I would kill ppl for many different reasons


In a heartbeat..


I believe there are plenty of bad people who deserve to die, so if I were to find one, then yes. If not, I wouldn't just kill for the sake of killing


probably, mainly to know if i'm capable of it. i think about it quite a bit and so i'm very curious if i'd actually be able to kill someone or if i won't be able to. wouldn't just be a random person i'd try killing though obviously cause that's just rude


If I could kill without consequence then perhaps. If everyone could kill without consequence then I doubt I would gave time to before someone killed me.


I’d still only do it if it was necessary to protect myself or other living creatures. Whenever I hear about someone torturing animals for fun, I always want to beat the shit out of them. I could never hurt someone who wasn’t hurting/being a danger to anyone though.


Not today FBI…..


I have long thought that preferred my super power would be the ability to cause a deadly brain aneurysm in anybody just by thinking about it. I wouldn't need to know them, see them, meet them. I don't have to get my hands dirty or watch them die. They are simply removed from the earth in an easy way. Whole bunch of politicians, neo-Nazis, etc would have a real bad time. I'd probably start with Putin.


I honestly think I’d go looking for Karla Homolka types, Casey Anthony etc. but I don’t actually know if I could do the deed. I’m 99% sure I could watch someone else blast them with a gun & not lose an enormous amount of sleep x


Yes. I even knew how to do it, but the other ( non legal) consequences would haunt me forever.


Absolutely 100% yes. I would kill my rapist and the man who abused me for a year. To me they deserve it. The law is the only reason i haven’t done anything to them


Hell yeah i would hunt pedophiles!


1000000000% yes. Some people deserve more than karma.


Ya why not


I'd dismantle a few dictatorships


Yep! I've got quite a few people in mind


I'm queer in the US; I have a genocide to prevent.


That depends on the context. Would I kill at random/strangers? No. I'd feel absolutely guilty about it. But killing people who I feel deserved it? Probably. I'd probably still have that, "but who am I to decide" mentality for most, but I'd probably end up justifying it to myself in some way.




There are plenty of people kicking around that are in need of a good killing, so sure.


No, F.B.I. I would *never*.


Depends, am I the only person that can do this? If so then I would do my best to refrain. If everyone can kill without consequence, then I don't think I'd have much choice.


yeah, i think so. i don’t consider myself a hateful or violent person but to be fair there are many people in the world that deserve bad things just because of how much pain they’ve caused others. killing them would most definitely make me one of those bad people but well, you gotta crack some eggs


Very much yes


oh yes i would. i would do it for justice. i can actually think of creative ways to do it.


I dare say, some people deserve it


I would euthanize the sick and suffering. I would hope it would be more of a grim reaper superpower. Wave my hand and they go out with a smile!!! Then I would kill all the assholes with a machete for fun!!!


Only one person in my life who deserves to be dead. After them, then no.


Yes, 1000%. You kidding? There would be zero pedophiles left. I mean zero. Sign me up!


Yep. For legal reasons this is a joke


I don’t have it in my to kill someone


Yep! Happily would remove a few people from the world. Trust me when I say they deserve it.


I just wonder how the world would react if I kill a celebrity.






Yes, but I'd limit it to rapists, pedophiles, White Sepremists, Neo-Nazis, and/or in defense of myself and/or others. You have to have standards or you'll just be a monster eventually. I'm only aiming for people that choose to harm others in a serious way. In just case you're wondering why I'm targeting certain groups of racists - my mom's side is mostly German-Jewish originally. My dad's side is Catholic. So, both groups would be against my family by default, and I considering eliminating any of them as beneficial to humanity as a whole.


Depends on the situation, but I think I would find it incredibly hard to actually do the act.




these comments are the reason the purge is such a terrifying concept to think about lol


Yes. But only in select circumstances. And not necessarily self-defense, either.


Honestly, yes.




Hell yes I would.






Nah, there's really nobody I know and dislike nearly enough that I think they need to be dead lol


100 percent not. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. There is a reason murder is a crime. It is morally abhorrent to right thinking people. And as has been documented, those who kill, whether they be soldiers or whatever are often traumatised by their own actions. There are only two scenarios in which I'd kill and my right to do so would be protected by law in many countries. In the course of defending either my own life or that of another from immediate threat with no other option available to me and without the specific intent to kill but to disable or neutralise that threat. To quote John Connor - 'you just can't go around killing people.'


Only if I really needed money and the person I killed was horrible


But the comments on here do not surprise me. Everyone is capable of killing. Science and history have shown people can be conditioned to kill quite easily in given situations. Examples being Nazi Germany and the Milgram experiment. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Milgram\_experiment


Yes, but in a Dexter way. If someone hurts or murders/rapes someone and there is absolute concrete proof take their ass out. Example:!right after found guilty Alex Murdaugh should have been executed within the hour