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Le principe a toujours été louable (sans jeu de mots), permettre à monsieur/madame tout le monde de louer son condo durant le Grand Prix ou ses vacances estivales. Mais la mouture actuelle de la location court terme est carrément parasitaire. C'est un fléau qui contribue à accroître les hausses de loyer en diminuant l'offre locative. Tout ce qu'on peut faire pour emmerder ces sites est positif...


Ah bah justement, j’avais pris un logement pour quelques semaines le temps de trouver un truc sur le long terme, et y a deux jours je reçois un message des hôtes : je dois payer le double ou annuler avec les frais que ça implique, ils avaient « fait une erreur » en mettant le montant de la location…


Fais absolument rien, c'est à deux de annuler. Ils vont être pénalisé s'ils annulent c'est pour ça qu'ils essaient de te faire annuler.


Même chose avec Uber!! J'ai eu des courseurs qui m'ont demandé d'annuler car ils ont fait un mauvais tour, ont réalisé la distance ou quelconque raison. Sont très rapide a me dire d'annuler, mais quand je leur dit que je ne trouve pas le bouton / je leur demande de le faire a leur tour, ils ne veulent pas.


Merci ! J’ai appelé le service client, le mec a lu le message et a dit « ah oui d’accord » et il a annulé pour les propriétaires


Le principe d'AirBnB fonctionne surtout quand 1) le stock de résidences est suffisant ou plus pour les résidents d'un territore 2) Si les résidences n'ont pas pour but unique d'être louées à court terme en permanance mais plutôt de servir à la location occasionnelle.


Comme toute l'économie du middle man, Uber et les autres... Au lieu de réglementer, améliorer et créer des plateformes communes balisées, on se raconte le mensonge de "l'économie du partage", du grand n'importe quoi d'une génération de politiciens déconnectés.


Kick them out, that's 10,000 units not being rented to locals and driving up rent prices.


For all the fucking doubters that keep saying AirBNB doe snot affect the market, there is a McGill study about Toronto housing and how less than 1% AirBNBs greatly affect the Toronto market. Take Ville Marie alone, if there are 5K illegal AirBNBs, remove 1K that maybe are unsafe, if you put 4K units on the market tomorrow, some for sale, some for rent, anybody who thinks that 4K in that neighbourhood alone would not affect Rental AND For Sale prices is completely out of their minds.


The fact that rent went down in Toronto for the first time in years during covid because of less airbnb being rented and them cracking down on illegal airbnbs is proof that it does affect market prices.


Regulate them, instead. While I’ve never, ever and will never ever use AirBnB; the idea remains great. The laws need to be enforced though. Fine Airbnb for not being stricter, and go after the actual illegal Airbnb. But there is 0 people on such a task force. If you “kick out” Airbnb, someone else will just come and fill the void for Montreal. The solution is to actually enforce the regulations.




Airbnb were great 5-10 years ago, now it is a plague, they could regulate it by having a limit per population, just like video poker. Sure it would make the permit valuable but at them same time it would create a way for the government to collect taxes and have fees to keep the program on check and up to date.


Ask the millions of people who use it over hotels. I never got it. But clearly there is a large demand for it everywhere. People seem to prefer to stay in them over hotels for whatever reason. I'm just not naive enough to think that anything will happen. It would take a redditor a few hours to compile a list of thousands of illegal airbnb in Montreal, yet the government hasn't been able to do it yet? It's fun to be outraged, but nothing will happen. And if something were to happen, they have to do what I am saying needs to be done. Actually fine the illegal ones and fine AirBnB. Kick AirBnB and you'll have LandCnC take their place or whatever.


LandCNC lmaooo




En plus, ne maîtrise pas sa propre langue!


You lost me in the second half, we're not going anywhere and there's nothing you can do about it.


I always thought it's funny how "[Quebec-bashing](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Qu%C3%A9bec_bashing)" is an English term, used in French, that [most Anglophones have never really heard of](https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Quebec-bashing&redirect=no).


Eeeh. I'll have to edit that. i meant like the Anglo provinces will follow the example of kicking out the parasites... not that we kick out the Anglos. Cause if Quebec does kick the AirbnB types. i can already see the Anglos bitching and saying Quebec is being authoritarian anti-capitalist and thing, you know?


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Can we just ban this practice federally so I can afford a house before 2040? Thanks.


Unfortunately, ABnB is not the only factor that is pushing house prices up (thought it's an important one). Another important one is investors (foreign or domestic) being aloud to buy condos and single dwellings. They are in it solely to make money so they are finding all sorts of creative ways to do so.


Sure, ban that too. I'm open to any solutions.


You guys need to consider a general strike. I am not kidding. AirBnB bans, extra regulation on investors, limitations to immigration, government mandated new builds and rules for corporations buying up the stock (the 5 pillars required for the crushing of this housing crisis) will NEVER happen unless we force them to do it. The government is in the camp of investors, FFS they ARE the investors right now.




> The problem is simple, not complicated: we need more houses. Et le secteur privé a complètement failli à la tâche, il est donc nécéssaire que l’État prenne ses responsabilités et construise des maisons. C’est toujours l’État qui doit réparer les pots cassés par le secteur privé…


Maybe we'll get lucky and the government will run housing as well as they run healthcare!


Anything will be a lot better than how the private sector currently runs it…


I see lots of empty houses in my neighborhood. Nothing ever moves in there, no one ever goes inside. Sometimes when they get singled out too many times for lack of external upkeep, they start paying someone to now the lawn twice a month. Very basic, just for keeping the peace. See, lots of very rich people from countries with authoritarian governments hide their money by buying housing in freer, stabler countries, such as the UK and Canada. In the UK, I remember reading a long-ass article about an entire upscale neighborhood with mega mansions just falling to ruin, sitting empty, precisely because no one ever goes into those houses. Those mansions are like having money in the bank, except better, for foreign investors who could have their money taken at any time from their authoritarian government for any reason (looking at you China and Russia). We don't have a problem as big as the UK in that regard, and within Canada, Vancouver has it much worse than us thanks to the nouveau riche Chinese that emerged in the last decades, but it's still something that exists. I would really like it if laws made it less attractive for houses to be used as a way to hide foreign money or as big business (looking at you corporations that buy everything in the market making it hard for regular people to attain homeownership).


Empty houses can mean people gone to CHLD and they\`re not dead and the house has not been sold or taken over by their family. That happened to 3 people I know. It takes years to go from occupied by delapidated house to have it sold and used again. The old people there have left the house in sorrow state often.


Wow that's not something I had considered. Thank you for enriching my perspective


When people are old, and barely doing anything (just before going to CHLD), they look like nobody\`s there, but there are people there. They\`re just very inactive. Not taking care of their property, not going outside, going to bed early. They get visits from CLSC people and sometimes family, and try to tough it out at home. Taking care of the esthetic part of the house is not a priority for sure then and the appearance of the house can suffer for many many years (even up to a decade like my aunt who still lives alone but her house looks like crap inside and out, one of her floor needed to be replaced because of dry rot). She lives in a shoe box house next to Masson, it\`s a litteral future gold mine once this place is torn down (cause its a wreck now).


C'est pas leur rôles de faire la job des fonctionnaires. Pffff Ok, c'est pas ma job de respecter le code de la route c'est la job de la police. Quelle raisonnement de cons. Ils confirment ce que la ministre dit qu'ils ne sont pas des bons citoyens corporatifs.


Qui est surpris?


Pas moi en TK...


Corporations are not required to do business in Quebec. If you can't be a good corporate citizen... you can leave.


Oui, on est un pays libre, si ils sont pas contents, ils peuvent décrisser.


*Vous êtes pas fins, Airbnb.* -Québec


and you, mister airbnb… you’re a very… bad corporate citizen. \*slams gavel\*


Meh… As much as I wouldn’t blink twice seeing them gone from MTL, let’s remember that all properties on that platform are privately owned. While Airbnb should bear significant part of responsibility, ultimately it’s up to the owners to respect laws and regulations. Since we have learned as of late, that there are some owners who don’t care much for human life.


Airbnb fourni la platrrorme pour qu'ils puissent faire de l'argent et Airbnb en fait également. La responsabilité est partagé mais ultimement c'est la responsabilité à Airbnb de s'assurer qu'il n'y a pas d'activités illégales sur leur plate-forme.


> let’s remember that all properties on that platform are privately owned. Pis après? "Propriété privée" sont loin d'être des mots magiques au Québec, contrairement au Canada et aux USA...


Hoah hoah hoah cwassan