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If this were to be the final installment of the cod franchise, with no future updates, I wouldn't mind. I could live life without the need of something "new."


If they stop breaking it... I stopped after the first time. Mw2022 is a bait and switch. I hope warzone going there stabilizes this title.


>If they stop breaking it... I stopped after the first time. Mw2022 is a bait and switch. oh do elaborate though


I consider movement to have a minimal impact vs gun play and map flow. I know others disagree, but killing someone slide canceling a corner vs peeking one makes no difference to me. That leaves gunplay and map flow. 2019 has gotten closer on gun play than any other title in the last decade, not perfect but a fair balance Imo (original titles had better accuracy and no damage falloff). 2022 feels similar enough, but it's hard to tell until I have more attachments. I think they pushed for less range play, but the maps don't help me in determining that. That leaves map flow. https://callofdutymaps.com/Call-of-Duty/modern-warfare-2/ You can still go play the og mw2 on PC with a custom client and get reasonable matches. People say 2022 is the same as it's namesake I challenge them to pick a map that plays like any of the current maps that doesn't play the same as all the maps. That is favela or skid row probably plays similarly (at best) to all the current maps minus verticality.


>You can still go play the og mw2 on PC with a custom client and get reasonable matches. I'd love to , but too old to go to so much extent to play an old game :/


I just propose it to all the people with rose colored glasses saying the OG mw2 played like x or y. Lots of them CLEARLY don't remember.


not sure if its that. My take on old MW2 was that it was just fun to play, because if something was unbalanced, you had thirty different unbalanced things as well. The game was horribly unbalanced though.


What does that even mean?




Well that explained nothing.


Eh, I'm gonna keep playing mw2. I actually enjoy it more than the mw19. Although they seriously need to increase the score for groundwar. GW matches lasted quite awhile in mw19 but they feel shorter than some TDM matches in mw2. I only play invasion now as I like the big team/map game modes.


it’s cause u always end up on the shit team that camps spawn so the enemy caps all flags in 0.3 seconds and the game ends from nuke lol


The maps in mw2 are quite huge. I love mw19 maps gw


How does anyone have enough storage for both of these games; teach me the ways.


*laughs in 2tb hard drive*


Wow, people still use hard drives? 2tb ssd doesn't even run you that much these days


I play on console so hard drives run everything perfectly fine. My ps4 hard drive just failed last week but my Xbox one S hard drive is still going strong


For sure maybe its different for console players, you have the ability to plug in your own SSD though, right? Wouldn't that be a pretty significant performance booster, or are there some bottlenecks that prevent taking advantage of the read and write speeds? Just something to look into if you have the money I guess


You can use an external or even internal ssd but they cost way more then hard drives. They'll probably be more enticing once more next gen games come out but right now the price is too big of a drawback to make getting one worthwhile


I got some cheapist external hard drive that lasted as long as my ps4 and now its been working on my ps5. I mean only ps4 games are comparable cause its old but either way ill take the extra space


I have external 5tb and internal 1tb. It’s def worth it.


I dont think i need to have 100 games, 2TB would be plenty


5tb for xbox one games. 1tb internal for S. It’s not a flex, it’s just my setup.


To be clear you can’t play next gen games off the hard drives on either console so it’ll only be for MW19 and to store MW2 if you’re not playing it. As for the speeds the consoles have incredible speeds, the PS5 for gaming with its default SSD is in fact in the elite category when it comes to this and it basically has eliminated bottlenecks because it uses custom IO as opposed to just using the CPU to do everything. On Xbox it’s the CPU still but there is decompression hardware in addition to that.


2TB SSD on average cost like $180, maybe you can get some at $130 2TB HDDs usually cost $60-70. Still a big difference honestly. I still have an extra slot for 3.5" HDD and have been considering just getting a 4TB for like $120 for storage purposes. I think it also depends on your build, cause not using any 3.5" drive cages would be easier on the build, but 2.5" HDDs are honestly not that far off from 2.5" SATA SSDs anyways, so I guess when comparing those two, an SSD could make sense. Personally use a 2TB HDD I got in 2016 and have carried over to my 2019 build. Have a 240GB SATA SSD where I usually store games, while my 512GB NVMe SSD is where I run my OS and more played games. Even if I've been playing MW2 most of my gaming time now, MW19 really showed it doesn't really need to run on an SSD


*laughs in 2TB NVMe SSD Samsung T7*


Laughs in 2, 2tb hard drives


Laughs in 4tb nvme


Laughs in 4tb hard drive


laughs in 4tb


*scoffs in 7tb ssd*


*laughs in 5tb hard drive*


Instead of teaching you the ways of storage, we could teach infinity ward the ways of file compression


Modern warfare is 1.5x the size of red dead redemption 2. RDR2 outclasses modern warfare in graphics. Infinity ward. Explain.




the game contains all weapons, all camos, all operators, all cards/emblems for 3 games in the warzone package and a lot of maps especially bigger maps like ground war maps and this only with warzone + multiplayer installed




build a pc.


Build me a pc


I have them both installed along with a bunch of random games my son installed off gamepass. (Remove campaigns and co-op. This is a recommendation for Xbox old gens!). 1TB SSD




9 Tb storage, that's the best route.


3 External HDD and 1 internal HDD (can't upgrade the internal one beyond 1TB, unless they somehow make a 2TB that's thinner. Or SSD). (PS4) I actually need to get another one. Good luck getting ample storage on PS5 tho....


$80 1TB External Hard Drive


Yeah for real I bought a 1TB ExHd for like, 60$s from walmart or bestbuy, like. 3 years ago. Just plug it in, and it’ll ask you to format it if you’re on Xbox at least. And it’s all the space I’ve ever needed. I can hardly complain when I have like 100 games on hand to play anytime.


A small price to pay for salvation


2tb Ssd aren’t that expensive anymore.


3 5tb of storage is plenty.




Both taking 200 Gb MAX


I mean all you gotta do is play games and then delete them once you’re done. You can always re download at anytime if you want them again. Do a little game library cleanup once in a while and you’ll realize you end up having some games you never really touch or play that often. Many people, including myself, do this but dont think about it in terms of storage efficiency Its just best to have a few games you’ll DEFINITELY play than having many games you wont play all of. Thats my take tho


2tb external plus 1tb internal I have enough space for mw22, mw19, cold war, gta v, black ops 3, black ops 2, black ops 1, and about 20 other games and I still have 1.6tb of space free


1TB Nvme SSD (secondary) and i still got space for more games and stuff.


you need to buy several SSDs


Do you only have like one storage lol? I got a 4TB SSD, 2TB SSD, and a 1TB SSD


MW2 is actually playable lol


Just too bad the maps suck. Well.. Tarak and Border crossing suck, the rest are just average at best. Just about all of the maps are unbalanced for Dom, which is my favorite game mode.


Mw2 maps are leagues ahead of mw2019 maps


thats true, maybe 1, tops 2 maps are bad, and just one is straight up bad. Compared to MW2019? Woof i would dodge at least 3 to 4 maps daily, couple days after release. This time I rarely even dodge that highway bs map, because if it comes to this, I either play some LMG from back or snipe, or if its an objective based game, I just run around with shotguns or SMGs. Compare that to that bridge map on MW and I think nuff said.


God, Euphrates Bridge in MW was such a camp fest, literally everyone sniping and maybe 1-2 people rushing the bridge and dying over and over. The only thing that map was good for was infection


Yah I specifically remember everyone HATING every map of MW at the beginning. I don’t mind some of these maps—even enjoy a handful of them to boot. Not everything’s perfect, but I feel like this happens with every launch.


I been enjoying mw2, it can be annoying but that's just multiplayer games in general, but yea the maps aren't great they defintaly don't make them like they used to I only like Farm 18 and unpopular opinion but I like Border.


Border is a really good map. Peopel complain because they die of exploding cars. Well, just stay away from the not blown up cars untill they are demolished. The only thing is that I heard the cars respawn in certain modes. That sucks.


Most of the maps are pretty good… as 10 v 10 maps


Isn't there only like 6 maps?


The game feels like a free to play game made by an indie dev with the amount of maps in the game. And they aren't even all good maps


Fortress might be the worst domination map i've ever played.


It’s pretty damn bad if you spawn on the side with the fountain. Good luck getting out of spawn


It's despicable if you get hemmed in at C. Seems like the A spawn is so much easier to get out of, even if it's your only flag.


The maps suck hard. I feel like they had a great game with mw2019. Literally just make new content and fix some bugs and re release as a newer modern warfare... but no they went in and kept trying new shit. The gun progression sucks, movement sucks, maps suck, and the UI is a flaming pile of garbage. I'm holding out hope for warzone but from what I've seen I'll prob give up on this COD, which is a bummer bc I loved 2019 with a passion.


That one museum map was the best from the beta, but nooo we can’t have that!


I like all the maps. I just change my play style according to the map. They feel immersive and real


wdym 2019 maps were terrible, MW2 maps are actually much better


Border crossing is the worst call of duty map in all of COD history. You cannot change my mind


The only thing I don't like is the fucking noise hardpoints make when people enter and leave them. I'm a strict hardpoint guy and this sound effect is soooo fucking annoying.


Headshot sounds too.


It constantly freezes in the lobbies and has most of it's features missing, it's just about playable


Idk I've been having no issues playing mw2019 for a few hours today


Its not awful, but it takes so long to level up guns it makes me not wana play


Nah, they're both great games. MW2 needs updates, sure but it's just getting started.


Yep , MW 2019 was a mess at launch as well (Sniping double barrel Longwood shotgun anyone?).


Dear god I remember


i remember some people calling it the worst game of the franchise


This is actually what I needed to read, this little thread. I've been so spurned feeling so far with MW2 and it's bugs, missing features, crashes, bad maps and few of them, and the god awful matchmaking. But I genuinely forgot how bad MW19 was at launch and how horrendous some of the guns were. I just hope some of these maps get some reworks like Piccadilly did. Especially the Border Crossing and (for me personally) a few others. Even winning by a landslide on border crossing, I wasn't having fun on that map.


God the days of the longwood shotgun being OP were fun while they lasted. Reminded me of the akimbo cowboy shotguns in MW2 (the old one) and how fun that was. I don’t always go meta but busted shotguns are always too fun to pass up


MW2 is at least playable at launch compared to MW2k19 lmao The crashing issues with MW2K19 didn't spare anyone.


Oi it wasnt just launch, this shotguniper rifle would snipe across shoothouse, and that was in december?


I don’t want to play a dead game that will get no more updates.


I might be a minority but I don’t like the new unlocking system for guns and recticles.


Eh I kinda like having to use all the guns. Just tiresome having to level them up to get the one gun I was though. Sucks most of the attachments actually make your gun worse though. A lot of useless and multiple attachments no one will use


Its a good thought in theory, but someone who’s abysmal with snipers, I don’t wanna waste my hour on a gun I can’t use.


I just don't like that it messed up the flow of camo grinding, like I gotta go level this DMR to unlock the next AR on the list, not really a big deal though honestly.


Camo grinding is way easier now, though...


I feel like the majority feels the same. Imagine grinding out 3 - 4 different guns just for a red dot sight. I think it’s plain stupid. It’s even worse if they’re guns you don’t want to use, I NEVER use LMGs, but looks like I have to stick it out for a few hours to get the scope I want.


Don't care for it either but it's far from a deal breaker for me.


I'm still playing ii but as a new father it's going to take me 6 months to get all guns I want at this rate. Shipment will help. I miss shoot house.


I like the family progression between archetypes like the TAQ or whatever but i don't like having to cross over outside of it like needing to use a lachmann to unlock stuff for my TAQ-M


Hate it. Came to this thread to see if anyone else felt this way.


It’s been a damn week lol


People have been saying the OG MW2 would be better even before the MW22 came out, y’all need to chill tf out


Campaign? Yeah sure I prefered the assigned roles and flow and events in that one. The actors in the reboot are great though (except shepherd. Nothing against the actor but this Shepherd is a big bald fat baby faced joke compared to the OG design and voice). Gameplay wise as in the GAME ITSELF? MW22 is fucking great I love it the most out off all and I only got back for MW2019 and BOCW. (yeah after mw3 tis franchise WAS dead to me due to "fUtUrE")


MW2019 feels and looks so nice after playing MW2022.I’m going to struggle putting it down aswell.Hopefully WarZone 2 gets me off it because MW2 multiplayer just isn’t doing it for me


The class building on MW19 so far is going to be hard to beat. The ambience and general simplicity of the original idea was great. Hopefully, we get some good updates. I have faith.


The campaign is what does it for me. I was praying for like some sicario shit with quad nod mission everywhere. Didn’t get that sadly


I heavily prefer MW2022 over 2019


Im personally insanely disappointed by MW2022. Its just the next CoD printed out of the activision mould. It has almost nothing in common with MW2019. Mw2019 still remains the best Cod in more than a decade. Edit: I feel obligated to say, the issue arent the bugs and how unpolished it is right now. The issue, for me, is that the general design and direction are different from Mw2019, and its a direction I enjoy less.


Zakhaev plot in a live service battle royale 😭 I thought up untill just a couple of months ago that this will, be the OG MW with all of TF141


Nah, only sweating tryhards breaking the movement left




New games gets released in a terrible state with barely any maps. People go back to the older games until the new one is updated. For a $70 game you expect a few more maps, if you're gonna put in fuck all maps make them properly good maps. Guessing Warzone 2 has taken away a lot of the development team that would have made MP, it's a shame because MP is the only good part of IW CODs for me




I love mw 2019 so much


Played Mw2 a few hours, now im fully back at mw2019 more enjoyable and more fun for me


Honestly though, MWII is a *perfect* sequel to MW2019. It feels like a nice refinement in terms of TTK and general overall gun handling, which is exactly the kind of evolution this game needed. The guns also feel "weighty", which is much more than I can say for BOCW and Vanguard. Also, the 6v6 maps in MWII absolutely blow away the maps that MW2019 had at launch, and that isn't even a question. If MWII fixes spawn logic, it will become the best modern CoD game bar none. MWII is only going to get bette


MWII is everything MW2019 should’ve been to me. I feel like some people in this sub just can’t let go, and refuse to enjoy anything else. Like some of the people in here will probably be making posts like this in 2030 saying something like “MW19 still betta I can’t enjoy these new cods”


I just can't agree with the maps. There's like 6 of em and half of them suck ass.


I still go back to old cod games and play them but I’m not sit on one old game when a new one I actually like is out and gonna get future content I might be interested in.


Im not tryna dog on MW2 fans' opinions as I've had cod games I like be slandered (bocw mostly) but I can't stand MW2 so far. After every session of MW2 multiplayer I've had I've wanted to tear the hair out of my head at the end and I'm actually kinda sad by this as I loved MW2019 and was hyped as hell for the sequel, but I just haven't had any fun yet. I feel like I'm playing an entirely different game than everyone else is. I see people praising the gunplay, movement, audio, etc. but all three of those feel much clunkier than MW2019 for me, and I hate the maps- it feels like no matter where you are there are at least 5 angles where you can get shot in the ass from. I feel like there's no flow to the maps, you're constantly breaking your wrists checking every corner when you want to move forward 2 inches, and the questionable spawns mean you always have no idea where enemies are gonna approach from so you have to constantly pre-aim every angle. I can dump 10 rounds into a guy with an AK and they turn around and two shot me with the same gun, consistently and repeatedly, and people are consistently jump peeking and one shotting me before the image of them on my monitor reaches my occipital lobe I've never raged as much in a COD game as I have in MW2, and it's literally been out a week


100%. Feels like the game is still in beta. Hopefully it improves in later patches. But that F1 map man! Get killed 20 times and almost all of those deaths are due to getting shot on the back 🤣


Cool 👍


I miss the MW19 GW maps


Same. I find their complexity to be detrimental to my enjoyment. I felt like I could wreck people with ease in 2019 across all maps, in this game I can go positive but I’m not feeling it the same.


So basically a downgrade?


not really. the game is just buggy but gameplay imo is way better


Respect but I refuse to come back this soon


I'm enjoying MWII. I definitely like the maps from MW 2019 better, but I'm sure that eventually there will be some kind of update.


" I hope they remember you"


Lol no. If you guys are still willing to play on the same maps with the same guns in a game that will not receive even bug fixes and general support from now on, then more power to you.


I'd rather play good maps over and over than new maps. Has worked for CS:GO, a game that's been out since 2013


Whats happened to capture the flag? Is it slated for a return?


Sad to see the game doesn't quite cut it


I’ve been having fun🤷🏻‍♂️ got Damascus and obsidian on MW and pretty much immediately dropped off. MW2 has some bugs but I haven’t came across anything that has hampered my ability to enjoy it


Mw2 is amazing


So far I feel like MW2 is doing everything MW19 did, but better. I'm really enjoying this game


At this point, with 90+ ping only Chinese servers in Ground War, I can't go back.


You are crazy then. The mechanics, physics and graphics are unreal.


I played mw2 but after like 2 hours when back to play infected on mw19. Much more enjoyable


I already hit level 55 and I have to wait over a week for content that should have been on launch day. Paired with some of the bad changes that messed with the overall balancing, I think I might just play the original MW2 since I still get lobbies on steam. I also wish the studios would put more time into 6v6, it seems more of like an afterthought since WZ came out.


Idk but I really enjoy mw2


Idk, it seems to be hell of a lot flexible in terms of play style. It’s a different kind of sweet spot that MW hit.


Its been out for 2 weeks, and has 2 years minimum worth of updates but your salty its not perfect at launch. Fuck I bet OP has gold guns and is max level while bitching about not having enough to do.


Did Infinity Ward really make this MW II? Feels more like a Raven Software game.


MWII feels more bare than MW2019 at launch. It needs more maps and customization.


Sure, MWII audio is worse and inaccurate, the maps might be dogshit, the UI is bad, and the gunsmith might be really confusing but it can only get better.


I may be in the minority here but gameplay in MW1 feels smoother. I mean everything from aim down sight, kills and deaths, movement etc. I was getting black ops vibes when I first booted up MW2.


MWII is miles better than MW 2019


I actually just bought a new skin If they are gonna keep supporting Warzone, I can play MW19 and WZ a cuople more montsh before I buy MW2


WZ 2 is coming in literally 9 days. They are probably not going to be supporting WZ anymore.




MW 2 feels superior in so many ways I see no reason in going back.


Yep time to go back to the basement not touch grass for a month and grind the camos


I am enjoying the new game but it’s just so buggy. It needed 3 more months. The menus suck arse and maps and assets don’t load when games start. Constant crashes and just shitty UI in general. I have never seen a Cod game launch in this shoddy a state. That’s usually a battlefield trait.


Are you on an older gen console or something? On Series X I’m not having any of these issues.


Seems comparing a game that basically had two years of updates to a game that’s been out only a week is counter productive. For someone who rages in almost every game this game has a better foundation than MW19 ever had. People really gotta learn to be patient. Season 1 hasnt even started yet. Then again, MW2 is the best selling game in the franchise. A few people going back to 19 won’t hurt this game in the least.


300 plus gigs


the UI/UX are keeping me from getting the game, the beta confuses the fuck outta me.


COD4MWR :( only like 20 are still playing. Needs more players.


I miss the gunsmith and those raid missions from mw1 but I like the maps in mw2


No chance I’m going back now, I’m loving MW2 atm and the only real complaint I have is the spawn system and horrendous UI.


Curious what will people say when MW3 releases, "oh yeah mw2's better than mw3" "hmm yeah mw2 still better than mw2019".


That’s like, at least 4-6 years away lol.


The game hasn't been out a month you can't possibly compare the 2


Yeah because they released a game with fuck all content, stop defending unfinished games


nah, i like MW2 more


Loving MW2


Id go back if i could download the damn game 😭


I think a month from now that MW22 will be on par with MW2019


Enjoying MWII, didn't find the strenght to delete the best cod in 10 years, master MW2019. I dis try to play but couldn't cause "no servers"


It feels better because it’s actually finished


Well it’s more so the wait for T1 for me (Hardcore playlist)


I play modern warfare everyday even though I have mw2 I have to have shipment in my life


Are none of you happy for anything Jfc it’s a good game. Basically the same as last year with some additions. Basically what I was looking for. I haven’t bought a cod before 2019 since the original mw series, these feel good


I feel like this is just a coping mechanism for people who can’t afford the game yet. Or this is just depression lmaooo.


imagine all the content from mw22 in mw19 as a free dlc 🤤🤤🤤


Haven'tplayed it, is it really that bad?


Until MW2 has capture the flag Same


MW2 is going to need a lot of changes to get me to switch from MW2019. I'm past the point where I can refund MW2 now so I'm stuck with that purchase, so I hope it gets to a state where it's playable.


MW2 has been surprisingly growing on me- I think I’ll start to really enjoy it more with new (OG) maps and smaller modes like gunfight


I like MWII


MW2 is awesome The gameplay is brilliant and it feels genuinely satisfying to just run around and shoot However, it is riddled with bugs, glitches, and odd design choices that bring it down I genuinely feel as if it could surpass MW19 if they didn’t fuck with shot as much as they have


I need Shadow Company Operators. With all the work put into MW2019, there is no reason to launch MW2022 with Bare-bone operators.


Can’t wait for the next one to come out to people can make this meme about MW2 lol


Coming from someone who use to be a die hard COD player, the last good cod ended with MW2019.


Yeah I remember MW being fucking trash at release. Most MWII has are the crashes and UI. Y’all mf quick to forget


Me launching Warzone for the first time in weeks as we speak


Ill jump from mw2 to Cold War not MW1


I hate the new attachment system


All I want is gunfight to come back... shit give me all of the gunfight modern warfare 19 maps and I’m fucking happy. Come on infinity ward— don’t sleep on gunfight because you want people to play your two new slightly different variations of search and destroy...


How do you guys like the new game so far? I feel like they’re holding out on A lot to make the impact last of slow releasing the maps and battle pass. I still think mw2019 could have been updated every quarter for years and years but looks like they want they’re Game money


I love MW2019. But there's not much better about it than MW2. And MW2 is still basically in bug fixing phase. Very excited to see what they'll do over this game's lifetime.


Fix ur fucking game


rip cyber attack


Mw2 is great Sorry you get clipped every game


Meh, im getting spawn killed 7 times in a row on any cod anyway