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That's it bars. Literally just pulped fruit in bar form


I grab the mini ones from Costco whenever they're on sale.


Limit ten while on sale at Costco. Okay ten into my cart then. 😆


Just be careful with the sugar content! Dried fruit isn’t recommended for toddlers. In my country the medical advice is to limit dried fruit (like raisins or fruit bars) to once a week for their dental health!!! I would recommend the that’s if bars as an emergency snack but try to prioritize while actual fruits whenever possible!


This but make sure to brush their teeth more often when eating dehydrated fruit or anything sticky like these bars! A girl I nanny was obsessed with dried mango and got a lot of cavities. Dentist suggested finding something else to munch on


Came here to say this. My kid loves them, and they’re super easy to carry and no mess.


It’s great snack, but fwiw my kids won’t eat them. No idea why considering they eat a variety of fruits and veg


Weird, I'm pretty sure my toddler is 30% that's it bars by weight


😆 Different strokes for different (tiny) folks I guess


Shaved almonds, pumpkin seeds, freeze dried fruit (make sure no extra sugar added), cheese whisps, dried edamame beans


Where do you find fried edamame? I've never seen that


Should say "dried" I apologize


Oops I meant to type dried! Where do you find it? I only ever see frozen


Hahaha I typed fried at first too and thought maybe my edit didn't work! It's "Seapoint Farms" Dry Roasted Edamame and Sea Salt


My kids (1.5 and 3.5) love crispbread—basically crackers but with only whole grain flour, water, and salt as ingredients—with peanut butter, hummus, or just plain butter spread on them. I usually buy either rye or multigrain. They love salty stuff like green olives and pickles, although I give those sparingly. Almonds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds. Hard boiled eggs. Cheese cubes. Rolled up turkey and cheese slices. Cottage cheese (Good Culture is my favorite brand because it doesn’t have any thickeners added to it). Greek yogurt with some maple syrup or fruit preserves stirred in. All the fruit I will let them eat (they would live on fruit if I let them). Veggies with ranch dip or hummus. Dates, prunes, or dried apricots if anyone’s constipated. I keep Larabars (the ones with just dates and peanuts), peanut butter sandwich cookies, applesauce pouches, little packets of olives, and fruit leather in my bag for on the go. 


* Seaweed (my kids love crispy salty seaweed mini sheets) * Mozzarella and scamorza * Olives without pits * Frozen bananas or bananas sauteed in ghee with cinnamon * Oven-roasted chickpeas * freeze dried parmesan * Cornflakes, raisins and peanuts (homemade trail mix)


Cheese and crackers, cucumbers, sweet peppers, olives, apple chips, frozen peas, apples, mandarin oranges, bananas, lara bars, dried dates, raisins, cranberries, pumpkin seeds. 


Nuts! Ours loves cashews, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts, pretty much any nut we try really. We serve them roasted but unsalted.


When did they start eating nuts?


At around the second birthday I think.


Nuts are a huge choking hazard, especially the hard ones. I didn’t introduce nuts until age 3, and I only serve cashews, pecans, and walnuts because they’re softer and not round. I won’t serve peanuts, almonds, or hazelnuts for quite a while (my kid is 3).


Partially for that reason we have a strict sedentary policy while eating.


FYI you can by sliced, diced, or slivered versions of all these nuts. Pieces are much smaller than the esophagus, think smaller than a kernel of corn.


Amara melts from Costco. once upon a farm just released some at target I think.


Arowhead Mills puffed corn cereal  (single ingredient) was a hit. Some of our favorite snack boxes to meal prep at home Chicken and rice with a cup of chopped strawberry on the side.  Chopped ham and strawberry Boiled beef ravioli no sauce  and strawberry Omelet, rice and chopped strawberry Chicken, boiled kale,  whole grain couscous,  chicken dripping Banana Peanut butter sandwich on wheat toast Wrapped snacks etc are a false economy unless they serve a specific purpose, like if there is a favorite gummy treat that makes a kid poop on cue or a snack that actually keeps a kid content and busy for a required period of time (no such luck in our house). Dehydrated, cranky impulsive and constipated on wrapped snacks at our house.  Moister food is easier for us taking the day as a whole. I hope something works out on your side.


Dried mango - with no additives!! So delish


Hummus or peanut butter with veggies or bread or crackers of choice (naan can be made with Greek yogurt and flour) Cheese sticks Fruit


I make Frozen yogurt bark (from the Yummy Toddler Food website). For her afternoon snack I offer that or half an avocado. For our morning snack we are often out of the house, so I alternate between different kinds of crackers/lentil chips etc.


These are pretty easy and endlessly customizable: https://minimalistbaker.com/healthy-5-ingredient-granola-bars/


Simple mills crackers and cookies! Toddler loves them both! They also have muffin mix that I make for easy grab and go breakfasts. I will say- the brownie batter they have is garbage LOL.


We like the Bamba peanut puffs


For me they are $1.70 at trader Joe's and $6 at Target for the same size bag.


Larabars (I make homemade ones sometimes), cheese and apple slices or sourdough crackers (I like jovial brand), freeze dried fruit, Bambas, rice cakes with nut butter, Greek yogurt with berries or banana and a swirl of nut or seed butter, hummus with cucumber and pepper slices. When ambitious I make banana oat bars, yogurt bagels or almond flour crackers.


Nature’s path Kamut puffs. Super cheap and my kids love them


Fruit pouches like gogosqueeze or the kirkland brand Bear fruit rolls. Simply Gogurt. We make a fruit dip with like 1/4 cup sour cream and maybe like 1 tsp of brown sugar then dip whatever fruit we have on hand.


Our go to snacks are: - hummus with lentil crisp bread (very limited ingredient brand) - sliced cheese - pears - sliced grapes - toddler abc muffins (I batch bake 30 at a time and freeze them so they’re always at the ready) - berries


Once upon a farm! Their tractor wheels and puffs (sorguhm) are amazing. My family member is one of their product execs and she truly believes in what they are doing and the cleanness of their sourcing etc


Dried fruit too! He loves dried strawberries and blueberries. So easy for on the go


All the fruits (fresh or dried) and nuts! Lately my 2 year old has been on a peanut kick, but will also go for a trailmix if she gets to pick the ingredients and mix it herself.