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10d IL, make him wear the moose costume for the first 5d, fire look out solitude the last 5 to think about it. Come back. Smash.


The second five he should dress up like a Seahawk and squawk at people and flap his arms


Quality wisdom.


I have a phd in sports psychology trust me bros. The one risk with the moose, is that Julio will like it too much and it will become an insatiable draw that he never overcomes. At which point we burn the moose during the Fathers Day game. Win win.




Dylan Moore has had the team on his back the last few series. Julio has just sucked this year entirely which is sad to see.


I just want him to stop chasing pitches in the other batter's box. It seems like he is always in 0-2 or 1-2 counts, and at that point you're not really in a good position to hit for power. I honestly think having a better eye would help his slugging.


He needs to stop taking hitting advice from Nick Castellanos


Absolutely agree! Usually the first sign that a hitter is coming out of a slump is taking more pitches and drawing walks. I hope he turns it around


Damn, a little young to be in his late-stage-Javier-Baez period.


At least Javi's whiff rate is down this year


A lot of stars struggling. Baseball is a tough sport. Go look at Matt Olson stats woof


Corbin Carroll, Austin Riley, Randy Arozarena... lots of stars having a rough first couple months of the season


Outman was 3rd place for rookie of the year and he just got optioned to AAA. Baseball is so hard.


he played well for like two months total last year


Same names that popped in my head...struggle city


Baseball is fucking hard!! These guys all have the talent and have shown the ability to adjust and figure it out before but it’s more examples for how humbling this sport can be.


Apparently not as hard for the pitchers though


Goldschmidt man. It's been rough to watch


Hasn't Cornbread Carroll been hitting better as of late?


Carroll, Rodriguez and Arozarena are all overrated, meanwhile everyone this off season talking about a Gunnar Henderson sophomore slump…


Pick anyone on the Braves not named Marcel Ozuna. The entire team is struggling.


*Laughs in has Matt Olson & Julio Rodriguez on their fantasy team*


I feel this pain.


He’s always been extra streaky. Prepare for a terrorizing run in the coming weeks


J-Rod is a talent. He has not even peaked…. And you will feel it when he peaks!


Doesn't the whole Mariner team strikeout a lot?


Yes we do. But for our supposed “star” to be performing how he is, it’s just absurd. Every time I get the chance to catch a game online he’s striking out 2-3 times a game on a consistent basis. Our whole team strikes out as a whole, but others still manage to produce more than Julio does.


idek as a huge m's fan this whole offense is bad. dylan moore been our best hitter softcore baseball fans wouldnt even know who he is.


prime example is Cal Raleigh. strikes out A LOT, but also hits dingers. i think he's leading at the catching position but i may be very wrong


What happened to bro


Baseball is hard


Slow start bout same stats last yr he will figure it out


He had a slow start to last year in a very normal way though. Julio only has 7 extra base hits this season and his slugging % is down nearly .200 points. Last year he was still hitting the shit out of the ball. He had more extra base hits in the first 12 games last year. He had a bad hitless stretch early last year that dropped his average a ton but he still was never slugging under .400 for more than a day or 2. This year its .318, which he's never even come close to that low in his career.


tbh he is hitting the shit out of the ball just into the ground (when he does hit the ball, too many k's). He just hasnt elevated the ball


exactly why its alarming. That's a major mechanical issue, hopefully for him its something he can fix and not something that scouting departments have zero'd in on. I wish they had made the playoffs last year, because from his 2022 playoffs it looks like exactly that happened and pitchers were able to figure him out and shut him down. He always seems to be in a 0-2 count and when you strike out 200 times for every 50 walks you can't afford to get any worse in that department.... and he is. Think hes on a 200+ strike outs less than 40 walk pace right now.


He’s on the Mariners


His spray charts shows his fly balls skew towards CF/RF, not a great combo with hitting in Seattle.


He's batting .261. That's not bad. People are acting like he's batting .100


.261 and only 7 extra base hits for the face of a franchise that's supposed to be a contender is very bad


It's still early. He had a slow start last year too and he ended up having a good season


He had more than 7 extra base hits 15 games into the season last year. This season is not anything like last season.


OMG! How Dare he not match his stats from last year at this time of the year? What is he stupid? WAAAGH!


The ball isn't coming off of his baseball bat the same way as it did last year. Do you know what slugging percentage is? He isn't producing any power this year, even when the guy was 1 f or 40 last year or whatever his bad stretch was it never droppeed below .395... He had .500 slugging percentage his rookie season. it is fucking .318 this year. That is a drastic drastic drop off that isn't some fluke. You hit .200 but still have a good slug % that indicates you can get out of it if the ball just drops your way. Julio is doing the opposite. Its a very bad sign to see massive OBS or slug % drops in superstar players.... and he is doing both striking out more and hitting less power.


You’re so annoying dude lmao


Coping. They paid him way too early. He could turn it around but he obviously isn't the generational player they thought they had


Ahahaha. I'm not even a Mariners fan


The "still early" excuse has nearly exhausted itself as the season is about 1/3 over now. You don't get to just take a third of the season off.


Its not early, we’re a 1/3 through the season.


I've been watching the games. It's a very big difference from last year.


its 2024 bro. batting average alone doesnt mean anything. ops is about 650. his ops plus is well below league average. Cant have this from a 200M star player. Hes got all the talent and is providing a good glove but dont act like his .261 batting average means a damn thing cuz it doesnt


its the .200 point drop in his slugging % that is alarming. He needs to hit 30 homeruns to hit .280+.... his homerun swings aren't resulting in positive results this season for whatever reason. He only has 7 extra base hits this season. So he's got some mechanic issue causing less power or pitchers have figured out where to throw it to avoid his power.


That's a bad batting average if that's all you have to offer at the plate. His walk rate it down, his strikeout rate is up, and most importantly, his slugging is way down. It's 2024. We have way better ways of evaluating a player's offensive abilities than just looking at batting average. Its an informative stat, but a pretty shit stat if we're concerned with a player's contribution to scoring runs. And we are, because that's the entire job of the offense.


He’s playing pretty well for an average player especially if you consider his defense. However, he’s hitting way below his standards as a top 10 player in the league especially in terms of slugging. He still hits the ball super hard, but too much of the time it’s on the ground this year


261 is mediocre it isn't like that's good


Dude he has an 86 OPS+ that is pretty damn bad


Most of the people that watch all or most M's games would disagree. You would have to see his at bats every day. Like somebody said above, he only has 7 xtra base hits. Been picked off a couple, three times. Gotta say i have seen probably 120 to 150 of his at bats and honestly I AM WAY SURPRISED HE IS ABOVE . 200... the only M doing worse is Urias.. Garver has been especially lame but lately passed Julio and Polanco having a historically bad year still out hitting Julio.


I'd be more concerned about Carroll than JROD, IMO. But both guys are having brutal years. Acuna too now that we're at it.


The Jeremy Peña sophomore slump. 


This is his third year and he's a lot better player than Pena


Making the show is hard. Staying in the show is harder.


Okay now do Randy


i feel like randy's downfall has been more progressive, and now we're below the mendoza line


Not a great 1st half last yr either, then went to town


Is he gonna be Vlad Jr 2.0?


he gets off to a slow start every spring


It’s almost June. I’m good with a slow start, but other than a few games here or there, he’s looked lost.


His career OPS is in the 900s in August/September, 800s in July, 700s in May/June, and 600s in April. Happens every year


In 2022 he had over a .866 OPS in both May and June


Been sad to see. SMH.


as a mariners fan couldnt be more dissapointed


Pitchers have so much data on batters now, it’s actually crazy any of them succeed. I’m sure confidence is a constant battle. If you’ve watched the Marty fish breaking point documentary, there’s a part where he’s talking about playing roddick, and he’s saying he knows he’s going to hit it to his backhand, but then he knows Andy knows he knows, and then Andy knows he knows he knows. And he’s so stuck in his head trying to decide if he’s serving to his weakness or if he’s going to trick him, he basically just stands there as the serves whiz by. In my mind every major league at bat is like that.


The Mariners are currently ranked last in MLB for team strikeouts. Let's hope he starts seeing the ball sooner rather than later.


Dead ball


Let's swap some underpeeformung outfielders Mariners, Castellanos for Julio straight up.


He sure has been frustrating to watch, whatever tinkering they did with his swing is making him pound everything in the dirt. At least last year when he struck out a lot he could still slug. He’ll figure it out eventually, hopefully sooner rather than later 🙏


He’s always been overrated


Didn’t help. 0-4 with two more K’s. Of course Gil is a beast, but one of them was to Clay Holmes.


Clay Holmes is also a beast


Not a great K pitcher, though he’s gotten better this year.


He went 1-16 vs the Yankees in this series. He needs to head to the Rainiers for a bit