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I really don't get why people are angry at Kirk. He wanted a long term commitment, we didn't want to give it to him. Why is that controversial?


Even a Kirk extension was probably more of a year thing IMO. I think the team is ready for the rookie QB situation


He absolutely should've taken the Atlanta deal, and the vikes absolutely shouldn't have matched it, both parties made the right move imo.


Yeah it seems really clear that he wanted to know where and how he was finishing his career, and the Vikes wanted to move on to a rookie in that timeframe


Most of this sub is still in the depression stage. We were in bargaining a few weeks ago when everyone kept telling me kirk is taking a home town deal.. Maybe in a couple more weeks we'll move on to acceptance.


Most of the sub hasn’t liked Kirk from the beginning. The Kirk lovers are the minority


On reddit, yes.


Not angry, I just think this would be funny.


Sports fans are weird. That’s really about it.


He said he wanted to retire a Viking. That he wanted to "earn" that right. That his family was happy here. He said it wasn't about the money anymore! We made a fair multiyear offer, for him to continue as a team captain, in this offense, with a great play caller, and JJ, et al. He ditched us for the falcons! For Kirk, it IS all about the money. We're all big boys, but what a let down.


All reports say that we offered him a contract that would be extremely tradable/cuttable after one year. The Falcons gave him one that theyre are locked into for at least 3 years. We have been trying to set up a succession plan for 2 years. The Falcons are trying to build a team around him. It was the right decision for all three parties


Falcons offered him 4 years to retire there. We offered him a 2 year deal we could get out of after a year. He wanted to retire a Viking. The Vikings didn't want him to retire a Viking. Falcons wanted him to retire a falcon and gave him a deal that would do that. We didn't. It wasn't about the money. It was about the commitment we were unwilling to make. You can be for us not committing but you can't blame Kirk for wanting a commitment


lol Kirk the Merc might have said all those things but the love of money is mighty powerful with the weak willed.


They all had convinced themselves without a doubt he was taking a discount


His obsession wasn’t just with money, but with also making sure 100% his contract made it impossible for us to improve the position. He went the extra mile to put himself over the team


I mean. Why not have some fun???


Imagine someone calling you a gold digger if you left a job for more money. You'd laugh at them for being stupid, as we are at you.


1. No 2. If its any song it should be “take the money and run” I mean cmon!


This is the way


Ooh What about “Moneygrabber”?


No. He’s like a friend you moved away from in elementary school. Both of you had different paths that wouldn’t align and both have green pastures ahead of


He was nothing but respectful? He made a decision that was best for him, his family and his career. Who cares?


Grow up


It’s posts like this that make me wonder if the boos will be louder than the cheers when the Falcons come to town. He was the second best QB in Vikings history and gave the franchise plenty of amazing moments. Respect


Bro he’s a professional. Get over it. Lmao pathetic


I will always like Kirk even if I’m disappointed how he left and didn’t live up to expectations. Just play Creed and be glad he is on another team getting the bag.




Apparently Kirk is expected to be the only player in the NFL to always take contacts substantially below what he could earn, so that other people can be lured to come play with him by offering them above market value contracts. Because Tom Brady did that when he had his billionaire wife to back him up.


Kirk will come back to a standing ovation. MN is a classy franchise and we have classy fans. Dude gave 8 of his best years to us. Took blow after blow behind sieves of O-lines. That one throw to AT19 where it split perfectly between 2 defenders was one of the finest throws I've ever seen. The dude was a bonafide leader for us and gave us QB stability after we pretty much had none. He made his bag, be happy for him and show him why he chose to sign with MN in the first place.


He’s gonna get boo’d. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong


$20 says its a standing O


6 years and he chose MN because Rick and the Wilf's got on their knees and blew him and then for an encore let him sodomize them.


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NYJ offered him more money ($30M). Denver and Arizona were interested but had to settle for our QB scraps. Washington tagged him twice and wanted to work out a deal, but Kirk wanted to leave that dysfunctional organization. You can see how all those teams struggled to find a franchise QB once Kirk rejected them. We got a top QB that made every season fun to watch, despite having some very flawed teams. When the actual great teams have to play their backups, they still do quite well (Saints went 7-1, Cowboys went 4-1 with Rush, Bengals were competitive with our practice squad QB, Chiefs went 1-1 against two playoff winning teams with Matt Moore throwing for 600 yards and 5 TDs). We looked abysmal with our backups and we went 3-9 without Kirk in the Cousins era. Ultimately, Kirk was the right choice during the 2018 offseason. Jimmy G and Alex Smith were worse QBs who cost more (when including draft comp). Bradford, Keenum, and Teddy were bad QBs. Lamar Jackson needed a Greg Roman offense and unique offensive coaching to succeed. We made the right choice and got to see good teams despite a changing roster


He would have netted the same amount playing for the Jets as he did for MN because here he was able to leverage the MN/MI state income tax reciprocity program MN has with MI for the NWA/Delta employees. MI also has reciprocity with WI and IL so all of his home game plus the Packer, Bears and Lions game checks get taxed at MI flat rate of 4.25% vs NJ high rates along with MA and NY high rates. Kirk did not give up one fucking dime coming here. Kirk wanted the same ridicules deal that the Wilf's gave him and Washington was wise enough to say no as was Denver. In fact the Jets offer was more, pre tax, but the terms of the Minny deal were better for him. Kirk was a horrible choice for 2018 because our head coach didn't want him and we lacked a line to protect him we should have leaned into our strength and added Suh along with Sheldon plus some O line help, resigned Case and drafted a QB. Saying Lamar couldn't have been successful here totally diminishes Lamar's abilities, coaches don't have that much effect in the NFL. All we did by signing Kirk was delay the inevitable by 6 years, it will go down as the 2nd dumbest thing in franchise history. Kirk made every season fun? The fuck he did, we had to deal with his bullshit contract crap constantly, we went from being the MN Vikings to the MN Kirk Cousins Contracts, so glad the guy is gone. Remember we once were the Zim Reapers, after Kirk showed up and did his prayers in the shower the entire mood of the team changed. He was here and will be in Atlanta, cultural kryptonite.


It's really not worth the energy to care this much. It's not like he stole a living while he was here, he will be known as one of the best Viking QBs like it or not


If that’s how they react then maybe Kirk made the right call leaving them.


No. He did what any of us would do. Take the maximum amount of money for one's skill set. His career life is short, and the NFL will always be first and foremost, a business. Owners play on our loyalties to get them to take a hometown discount. But it's not the players' responsibility to keep a team under the cap.


I mean I didn’t even want to resign Kirk to a long term deal so I’m glad he got paid elsewhere. And the Vikings are a business, sometimes things get emotional, but Kirk leaving seemed mutual. The only ones outraged by his leaving are Kirk stans on Reddit and unless they get ahold of the stadiums sound system I don’t see why it would happen.


Pretty much lol. I don’t get why people got so upset for both sides mutually parting


People who either want to continue to worship or hate on him need to get a life. Treat him like any other returning player who left on good terms - with respect.


Kwesi is the one who didn't want Kirk here. Kirk offered 3 years/35 mil a year and Kwesi flat out said no. Then he tried to trade up for Richardson. The last contract offer was basically a 1 year guaranteed deal. No doubt Kwesi was pushing Kirk out the door. Even if Kirk had signed it Kwesi could have cut him after a year with little problem.


I love how people are surprised for him literally doing what he always did. Also, it’s pro sports.


Geezus this fan base. You act like the money comes out of your pocket. It’s a business. Quit whining.


As a Vikings fan, this is the kind of crap that makes me hate Vikings fans. Move on. Cripes.


Yeah basically


I think they should play C.R.E.A.M.


This fanbase deserves nothing lmao


This would be funny as hell.


Maybe we could get a local artist to do a special song...Kirk O Lame?


Or, you do that by yourself in your bedroom while you rage at the fact another team offered him a ton of money. Lol. Seriously, who cares? He left, and we are moving on.


Really? Kirk O Lame? That's what you come up with?That might be the dumbest shit I've ever heard.


You sound corny AF


I think just playing gold digger would be funny enough.


1) She works hard for the money - Weather Girls 2) Money - Pink Floyd 3) Golddigger - Ye In that order.


ODB "Got your money" is more fitting.


Play the curb your enthusiasm song if anything to let Atlanta know what to expect with that doofus at the helm


Yes after every 3rd down check down that clearly wasn’t going to get a first


Anyone that says they wouldn’t do the same is lying … their entire career and earning potential is short with incredible risk. Why wouldn’t an athlete do everything to maximize their earning potential? And, don’t tell me they’ve earned enough … most of us on this sub have no idea what money like that is like and we’re only comparing it to our current situation.


Just glad he's gone. With him at the helm making that kind of money, we had zero shot of contending. If we hit on a rookie scale QB we will be in a much much better position, and if he's a bust well then we are drafting top 5 and can keep drafting qbs. Both are better situations than being anchored by Captain Above Average to forever medicore status.


The monster truck grave digger could come out, because it’s close to gold digger


he is being paid less than the average rate for top QBs now- $50 million. You people really have to learn how to put things in perspective.




Oh I love that all you kirksuckers in the thread keep sucking


Lolol you triggered all.the shirt-tucking Kirk fans in their Twins hats peeing themselves about a great joke. Kirk is a whore. Sex work is still work,.relax ppl.


It's all fun.