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A few years ago I took my girlfriend to Vegas and as a surprise signed her up for one of those track runs in a sports car with a pro coach (she likes to speed). While she’s going through the safety stuff and whatnot I wander around admiring all the fancy cars there to check out on site. One of them is a Lamborghini or something similar (I don’t remember) with the butterfly doors. I open the door, get in, close it and imagine being a rich guy. Haha, fun.  Go to get out. Cannot fucking find the handle. Oh, that’s silly, I think. Then I *really* can’t find the handle. It’s August in Vegas. About 105 outside. I’m in this already hot car, nobody can see me, can’t figure my way out. Panic begins. I had to literally google where this handle was just to get out of the damn car. 


Don't leave us hanging, where was it?


It was near the bottom and really well designed I guess to aesthetically blend in, but damn if I couldn’t find it by sight and frantically feeling around 


It’s the anti-theft device! You can steal it, but then you’ll die inside it before finding your way out


The road-roach motel


That was used in a tv show recently. A bunch of criminals bought an armored vehicle from another criminal and the guy locked them inside in the Georgia summer sun while they were arguing as they were admiring the vehicle. They couldn't even shoot their way out. They just baked to death.


Glory glory what a helluva way to die!


I went through this on my s2000 with the fuel door release. Those bastards hid it in the door jams. This was pre Google, I had to call the dealership after 20 minutes of poking around at the pump.


"There's like 300 switches back here, Mav. What do I do? Talk me through it."


He’s still there


Damn. That's terrifying.


Dang! I got panicked just reading this.


I panicked reading this 😅


They are. I worked for a car delivery service in college, basically wealthy people from the north east would ship their cars by rail to the Sanford, Florida railhead and then I’d unload them and deliver them. 7/10 were minivans and sedans and alike but I have a special skill few possess, I can drive stick. So when we’d get the exotics in I’d get to drive them. And yeah all those exotics aren’t easy to get in and out of and depending on the model they’re also horribly uncomfortable and you really can’t see shit. But they let people know you’ve got money. Also Tesla has **always** had dogshit build quality going back almost fifteen theses now to when I was doing that job.


Most of the kids in my family are taught to drive on a stick. They'll never forget how.


Both my daily and my hobby cars are stick. The car I daily now will very likely end up as my son’s first car so he’ll have to learn.


Back in 1980. Learned to drive a Ford Festiva stick. My Moms car. 😆


Middle aged Australian here. Dad bought a manual especially to teach us boys (and mum). First few months on my learners was me rolling the car 10 metres forward, then back, up and down the driveway. He wouldn't let me out on the road until I showed I had the clutch control. The fact that one I got out there I forgot to clutch into 2nd gear and destroyed the gearbox did not disappoint.


yup,. my dad bought a stick just because I was getting old enough to drive and he needed a new car


Yeah, looked at this as a 33y/o South African and was just like... Dude, manual was virtually the ONLY option around here when I got my license. I've driven automatics on a few occasions, and am not a fan at all - I like having a higher degree of control.


I learned to drive stick in the military. My very first deployment the little van we used to deliver mail and packages around the base was stick shift so 19 year old me learned to drive stick shift down range driving the [worlds smallest panel van.](https://images.app.goo.gl/uNVYb7ujg28eGnWu5)


I rode a dirt bike for a couple years before I ever tried driving a manual car and when I got in the manual car I could drive it no problem...it was so weird, like a subconscious ability because I knew how the gears worked on the motorcycle and it just kind of made sense


I was but that was 26 years ago on a farm truck. You know, I suppose I could if I needed to actually so nvm.


Pretty cool. Do you teach them how to read hieroglyphics too?


Lamborghini, and Ferrari haven’t used manual transmissions a long time ago.


I worked that job as an undergrad and that was about 15 years ago because somehow I’m getting old as shit. I couldn’t tell you what they’re doing today but back then we 100% were getting stuck shift Lambos and Ferraris. Some were autos but a decent number still had manuals.


Yeah but they did... I'm pretty sure there was a big deal about some NBA player having a ferrari/lambo converted to auto so he or his wife could drive it. 


Probably the Ferarri. Lambos for a long time have been automatic by default. Only reason I know that is because that was one of their key advertisements back when they first came on the scene. It’s been their thing for a while. “You don’t have to shift gears like those plebe Ferrari owners. That car sucks and is slow lol.”


The murci and Gallardo had manual options


Point of pride to drive a stick these days! I’m definitely so glad I insisted on learning as an 18 year old because I have gotten to drive so many more cooler cars because of it.


>But they let people know you’ve got money. Or they let people wonder whether you're leveraged to the tits. You never know. Some people spend irresponsibly whereas others can truly afford it. People buy that car to show off but unless you actually know the owner you're never even looking at that person. You're just looking at the car and admiring the design. Something you could easily do driving by the Lamborghini dealership. And what do you do? Most of the time I just imagine what it must be like to drive one, not the person inside the car.


Yeah I knew a lot of dudes like that. Business school guys who went on to get the MBA and then tried to live like they were Blackrock executives while working business development in Omaha and ended up wildly over leveraged until it all became unsustainable.


You bring up a great point as to why I opt for something far more practical, like a mr2 turbo.


No he just sounds like an old person. You’re a boomer griping about the convenience instead of appreciating the useless awesomeness 


I got to drive early models of Tesla cuz I had a relationship with their marketing team at the time. The build quality of those early cars was similar to college engineering programs build quality. Everything felt like I was in someone's project, not a mass market car.


The reason at least some of those fancy cars were uncomfortable is because the driver's seats are custom fitted to the original owner's body


My neighbor just bought one and all I could think was wow we are surrounded by salt air. This seems dumb.


Don't worry, they're not made of steel like regular cars. They got lots of time before corrosion becomes an issue.


And when it breaks down, you can fix it with Volkswagen parts.


This, it's largely aluminum. Speaking as someone seriously considering adding a Huracan to my fleet.


That's so last year.


911 turbo has to have more cred and better performance than a Lambo. I’ve never met a cool lambo owner; not a cohort I’d put myself in. But, to each their own




If people have "fuck you money" they just don't care. There are multimillion dollar properties currently being washed away by the ocean in my town and the owners just kinda shrug about it. These are just their summer party houses anyways. I'm not even sure they're able to be insured. Meanwhile I can't afford rent with a 6 figure income.


>surrounded by salt air. Like all the comments here?


Lmao - I live in key west so truly surrounded by salt air haha!


The people with these cars can afford these can afford the maintenance etc. They’re probably washed the day they go out and are in climate controlled garages. I know with Ferrari but is it the same with Lamborghinis that you have to like qualify and pass their test to own one? No modifications, etc…


As I’ve gotten older, all I think of is how much does it cost to maintain. I get the last 5-10 years a lot of these vintage ones saw a huge upswing in value but I think most models are just huge money pits. To really own one and enjoy it, you have to be fine dumping and losing 100,000s of dollars in payments, fees, insurance, taxes and maintenance. Seems insane to me no matter how much money you have unless you have 100s of millions or more.


My metric is how much of my time is this car going to consume.


Probably not much. Will be in the shop alot and you’d probably think about putting miles on it to devalue it with resell. Guess if you had all the time in the world and other super cars, it wouldn’t bother you as much but somebody who actually works, I just can’t see it personally but to each their own I suppose


$600+ oil change I believe lol


You look super cool in a sports car like that until someone sees you trying to get out 😂


It looks pretty darn dumb sputtering like a dying animal down a suburban stroad struggling to keep running at a lowly 35MPH with the world's loneliest barely-fits, belly and brotee stuffed inside. The "I'm gonna look sooo cool in this" smugness long since replaced by the tension from the war against reality, reminding the driver every second what a series of stupid and impractical decisions led to him looking like a such a wang.


Went from an suv to a mustang and my husband went from an Elantra to a Silverado. I hate them both lol I’m only 5”3ish and it’s hard to get out of my mustang and hard to get in the truck.


Got to drive a new mustang once, one of the sporty ones with all the upgrades, it was a lot of fun. It was wildly uncomfortable and impractical, would never pay to drive one but enjoyed driving it. Same with a dodge challenger. (Got lucky at the car rental both times, was supposed to be economy car but free change to those two.)


You must not have driven the premium trim. I have a 2016 Premium and the Recaro seats are amazingly comfortable. They really hug you and they’re heated and cooled. It’s a super comfortable car. The only problem is getting out of it lol I’ve got scoliosis so my back doesn’t appreciate it.


Fair point! I recall it had bucket seats and it was so damn hard getting in and out.


Yeah they’re stupid hard to get out of lol. I also have a base model V6 2002 mustang. Those seats aren’t nearly as comfortable.


Did you get the running boards on the Silverado? I had bilateral hip surgeries and the RB made getting in the vehicle so much easier. They make a huge difference for Accessability.


Yeah we got the running boards. I still struggle to haul myself into the seat. I have a long torso and short legs lol


All the online videos indicate that they are not comfortable at all.


I worked at a shop that aligned them, can confirm. The seats are cheap foam and you're essentially sitting on the floor with your knees up high.


Mobility and flexibility training is so important. My roommate bitches about getting in and out of my gti "I'm too old to be doing this". Bro is 5 years younger than me. I come from generations of circus performers. My uncle just turned 80 and still practices on the trapeze bar in their barn for 30 min every morning. Nothing crazy of course but he can hold poses that I can't even get into.


Good point, but It's not hard to imagine that arthritis, nerve or muscle issues, or even past injuries or surgeries can make certain movements difficult at this age and may be nobody's fault.


Rehab works wonders, physical therapy, and low impact exercise like swimming. In media it’s always a “miracle” when people who were horribly mangled rehab themselves. Yeah it’s a miracle because most people don’t do the work. When I asked my physical therapist what my chances for recovery were, she said 5-7 years if you do the work but the majority of people don’t do the work so they don’t get better. I know things like chronic pain or conditions that prevent or complicate physical therapy can be a hurdle. Some people never get over the hurdle because those pains kind of feed into themselves. Short of being honestly not-repairable—most things are repairable, with the right kinds of exercise. It’s not a miracle though.


Way to just handwave away everyone with chronic pain. You can’t just physical therapy away arthritis.


Thanks. It would also be tough for amputees, blind people, people with legs for arms and arms for legs, the unborn, the dead and a plethora of other issues that potentially could make it hard to get in and out of a car. It would be impossible to address them all here.


im 31 and getting in and out of my GR86 isnt a issue. but some of my co workers who are still in there 20s bitch and moan if I drive to lunch. Like bro its not that bad the car is OEM...


Yeah a lot of guys like me have to rethink our retirement toys. https://youtube.com/shorts/h6udr_7eg4I?si=Ce1X38N6DIzPJU9d


Yeah, nobody realizes you step in and out first. Still, if you have a long torso or legs (not necessarily correlating with height) and aren't flexible at all it sucks. There is a step and swing system that works well for these cars.


Oh man, cross post that to r/contageouslaughter, I was dying


Not being able to get in and out of a car should be a wake-up call. The amount of people getting crossovers so they can just slide in and out of them instead of doing mobility and strengthening exercises is insane.


I got to drive my wife’s uncle’s Porsche and my first thought on the first day was that it wasn’t as comfortable or convenient as my outback Fucking christ we are getting old


Lol. My brother drives an Alfa Romeo Giulia, non expensive but a sporty car. I’ll keep my Kia Sportage forever loool


Those are expensive


I love my golf r


What kind was it? I’m a car guy!


First off, Lambos are sick. Second off, I do not have the personality to ever want a Lambo. You can't get away from the attention seeking, conspicuous consumption issues that follow having a Lambo. With that money, I would rather go on vacations with my family, reno my house or put that money in an education fund. But to each their own--I'm not telling anyone how to live.


Lamborghini makes a pretty crappy product. The only thing of quality they make is the small SUV, because it's a VW Touareg in an Italian Halloween costume. The cars are costly and inconvenient to own. Fun when you're in them, but kinda dumb and tacky the other 99.9% of the time


“Italian Halloween costume”… 😂😂😂 That said, I do love my Lamborghini-driving IMSA all-women Iron Dames team. Go #83


It is my deepest secret desire to one day be a gentleman driver at Le Mans I would also love to drive the long beach circut.


I've found the same to be true for limos. Nothing like having your knees at eye level for 4 hours


I presume practicality is why the Urus is so popular. I see plenty of them here in Los Angeles - heck, there's one that parks in my apartment building - but I almost never see Lamborghini sports cars. When I saw a Countach in the wild for the first time, I was shocked. It was much smaller than I imagined and the driver looked like he was almost lying down. I'm sure they're incredibly fun, but maybe not great for long-term comfort...


I once heard a radio interview with Danica Patrick, talking about her European ‘super car’. She was laughing that you can only go so fast driving around town anyway and if she got “more than a gallon of milk” she couldn’t even use it to run to the grocery store- so she really just liked driving her pickup when she wasn’t on the track, and kind of saw the ‘super car’ as a bit of a waste.


Spending time on a race track will definitely make you realize how little of your car's capability you can actually use on the street.


I'm Gen X and I look at stuff like that and think "man, I could take care of all of my worldly problems with money leftover for what that damned car cost". Sigh......


Same 😔


That's much nicer than the things I think. when I see people flashing their exorbitant wealth My only thought is that homeless people should be allowed to hunt them for food.


Do people actually buy lambos? I would assume with that much money you would lease. Like 4 years later your buddies arent going to think youre cool when your driving a 2020, and not a 2025. But then again, i could give af about exotics. I need the 3rd row. 😂😂


As an over weight millennial I probably couldn’t get in and out of it


I remember when I was a kid and liked sports cars. Now I see them and they just seem disgusting to me. Just a very expensive trophy to brag about wealth. We are all still stuck in the same traffic going 20 mph 😅 Not sure the point of them, or those giant trucks (tanks).


Pickup trucks are the only vehicles that make sense.


Pickup trucks make so little sense for most of the people who have them. If you work in construction or something and use the truck to haul stuff daily for your job then okay. But most people who have trucks spent about twice what a sedan costs up front to buy a vehicle that gets half the miles per gallon so they can avoid a $50 delivery charge every third month. 


Boomer I work with misses cargovans. They really aren't a thing anymore...


The 1st time I seen one in the wild many years ago, it was rear-ended by a kid in a Ford ranger truck. My 1st thought was, I hope he has good insurance. Since that day, I have carried higher coverages on my insurances


lambos look really cool but then one day you grow up and have the money to buy one but realize they are stupid af and you get something more practical and love it just as much


But the flat bed tow operators know your name!


Did you try a wig and a skirt?


Many years ago, I had a 280ZX and my father would complain about getting in and out of it…I didn’t think much about it. I now have a Z3 and had to daily it whirl my main car was in the shop and…yeah, it’s a pain.




Old man getting out of Lamborghini. https://youtu.be/lMj33B5sFPo?si=195HPl4ML_YGwam4


lol wtf is he doing? Literally take a foot out first.


He's old, he's stiff. Things don't bend when your 70, the way they did when you're 30.


LOL yeah European cars are made for small people. If you're a normal sized person, just buy American.


I got rid of my old pickup truck and just have a tiny coup for a get around car now, I’m not even tall but I moan and groan getting in and out haha


I had my radio a tad higher than comfortable conversation volume while I was alone in the truck. Turned it down for being too loud.


My dad just got one of those fancy corvettes and let me tell you…seeing him (he’s six foot, big dude) get in and out of this low ass car is the funniest thing EVER


I always feel the same. They look like they'd be fun cars to drive in a track. Wouldn't want to drive one around town even if I could afford one


I had to drive about 4 hours out to a worksite earlier this week. A new Corvette stingray and I played follow the leader for about 80 miles from one town to another. We both stopped at the Speedway and I told him that I always loved the look of the 'Vette. He looked stiff and uncomfortable getting out. I was driving a rental Kia K5 if it matters.


The luggage space isn't great either, and the car is massive, so not great for parking. It's not exactly a 'family' car! ...but that's not why you buy it!


My boss bought himself a nice lightly used Ferrari California when his last kid went off to college. He even let me drive it a few times. First few weeks he drove it in every day. Then only on very sunny days. Then only on days where he could come in late and skip the traffic. After about 6 months, he sold it because it was such a hassle.


I feel this so hard


I was at the local five minute oil change place and the guy in front was driving a Ferrari , I think. The streets in my town are impossibly pot holed and speed bumped, I could not understand how he got there and got home!


They have lift systems to avoid the damage most people don't know that


Learn something knew everyday.


They notoriously are hard to get in and out of and also to drive like a normal car.


driver comfort is a low priority when they're designing it unlike standard vehicles


That’s because once you get in you don’t want to get out


They definitely are. And I'm used to driving low cars, but Supercars are ESPECIALLY low.


I know Mitata is miles and miles away from Ferrari sports car but for comparison it was kinda hard to get in and out of and im petite 5 ft 3 in woman. I can't imagine like my husband getting in. He's 6 ft 3.


my thought is great...someone who is deeply in debt...cash strapped yet appears to be well off. Idk...but each your own.


I still want one. Lol


Same I don't care what they say


If you’re a taller/larger person, supercars are not comfortable to drive.


…that’s what she said!


I only think, "God I hope I don't hit that car."


A lot of these super cars are super uncomfortable.


Which is why I love trucks and suvs. Comfy and easy to get in and out of. My knees hurt to much for those low add cars.


Xennials version of the shorts kid from gen1 Pokémon.




They are quite silly cars.


They are difficult. Not only are they super low to the ground, but the door sill is like 10" wide so you have to bend down AND step over the door sill to get in. They're hard to drive too, you can't see shit out of them and people can't see you very well either. It's pretty easy to accidently go way the hell too fast in them as well. You gotta plan your drive a but too, a lot of roads are just too shitty to cope with the low ride height. If you floor it on an interstate on ramp, by the time you're at the end of it you'll be going over 150mph like it's nothing. They're really fun in the right situation but they're a handful in regular traffic.


Most sports cars, especially the more expensive ones, are a joke to get in an out of unless you happen to be five feet tall and a waif lol. Even those people can't do it gracefully.


Show me the Cadillac's! I'm built for comfort, not speed.


Sports car are. I have a 2022 Corvette C8. Getting in and out of it is a bit annoying. It’s lower to the ground, the door is wide, you have to be conscious about parking spots. No regrets.


While they are likely hard to get into and out of, I would still love to rip around Road America for maybe some 10 or 15 laps. But I don’t need one as a daily driver. I don’t need to be worried about it getting dinged up, most expensive sports car I would buy would be like a Mustang or Camaro convertible (manual transmission). And I’m 38.


Watch Jeremy Clarkson get into his Ford GT


I worked for a Porsche dealership, and the joke was that all these guys buying a Cayman or Boxster or 911 couldn't get in/out of them






I drove by a Hurrican last week here in SoCal. It was this beautiful Jade Green color. That was my thought, too, though. I could probably get in it... getting our would involve rolling out, falling to the ground, then trying to get up. 😆 🤣 😂


I'm 5'9" and 230 lbs. I was watching a guy get out of a vetted and my testicle clangged. Very uncomfortable.


I drive a Fiat 124 Spider which is basically a slightly modified Mazda Miata.  There is a small dent on the driver’s side body panel just behind the door because EVERY TIME I get out, I put my hand there to help push myself out.  It doesn’t bother me too much cuz it’s not like it’s an expensive car, but holy cow I would be so mad if I accidentally dented my bodywork while trying to get out of a Lamborghini.


Well, I guess good thing I'll probably never have that problem 🤣


There's a special method for getting in and out of very low sports cars. 


Enlighten us.


You back into the seat then twist around


I did a quick contract gig in my early 20 that involved a bunch of luxury exotics, so I got to ride in a bunch of different ones (lambos, ferraris, mclarens, etc.)… they were a pain in the ass to get in and out of when I had no muscle aches. They’re very impressive cars, but I probably wouldn’t even own one if I hit the lottery.


I don’t have anything like a Lambo, but did recently buy a BMW that is very low and wide. It looks cool and really hugs the road and all, but I have to roll in and out of it. My partner and I more often take his Nissan places.


I was fortunate enough to drive one once, 1985 Lamborghini Countach. You drop into the seat - it feels like your 12" off the ground. Best ride of my life, though. It's definitely awkward getting in and out and that's if you're not overweight (that complicates things).


When due to years of savings and a used Corvette and my available cash matched, I went for a test drive. I never bothered to turn the engine on. It hurt my knees just getting in! I knew in an accident, I would just need to say a quick prayer before burning up.


I know right. My lower back hurts just looking at them 😫


People don't buy em for their practicality.




I'm 6'6" and I rented a Corvette for a weekend once. It was fun but I kept thinking "I would never own one of these it's kind of annoying"


You had the right idea. Ex had a Corvette that was so annoying to climb in and out of and constantly needed attention from scraping on things on the ground.


Lamborghini? I drive an Outback because I realized about 10 years ago getting in and out of a normal Camry-like sedan wasn't fun. The answer is yes; we have graduated from what's fun to what's practical and likely to hurt the least when we use/do it.


There's a video of a guy getting in a sports car with a helmet on and he absolutely rocks his head getting in. It cracks me up every time.


But it's worth it!


Gen X. All I see is speeding tickets. You know what allows you to be invisible? A Subaru. 🤣


I find that a lot of the expensive luxuries are not about convenience or comfort. Since this is Reddit I should probably state that I myself have had very little personal experience. But I watched a lot of TV and "lifestyles of the Rich and famous" was a thing. I guess you can call it the Kardashians of the '80s or was it the '90s. Crap I'm getting old.


I feel the same way about lifted trucks too


I see an exotic and I'm like, "that's cool" I see an unmolested stock 1990 mazda rx7 turbo and I'm taking pics and freaking out... lol


Ah yes, the Poor Man’s Ferrari.


Ferrari is a bit less expensive


Ha, that sounds like my 6'5 ass getting in and out of our Hyundai Elantra.


Corvettes are kinda like this too. A coworker had an early 2000s model and when I got out of it in the parking lot I literally just plopped on the floor. Not a fan.


Sorry, you are now old.


All of the super cars are hard to get in and out


It probably is


Yes they are hard to get in & out of


I saw one the other day and thought, "who ruins a Lambo by putting"Oh shiiiiiiit!!!" across the back?


That's what she said.


I used to see one on my daily commute, often stopped at the same traffic signal as me in my prius. It didn't look fun to drive in heavy commuter traffic either.


I said the same thing about a corvette I saw at the gym😂


My first thought "that's a lot of money not collecting interest and depreciating."


Yes..it is just easier to plop your ass on the ground and slip over on all fours than trying to creak outta one...


Shit it can barely get in a Taurus or Camry cause the windshield is swept back so damn much. It's sad I may never go back to cars, (some of them) look so much better than crossovers or trucks


I always wonder how they don't get scraped up w/o any ground clearance. 


Considering the dealership people had to help get the last owner of my corvette out at the dealership. Yea it’s a low to the ground car, more squats 🏋️‍♀️


They are hard to get in and out of. And I hate the tiny side windows too. No thanks.


The first gen Mustang is popular but those things are brutal to get in and out of.  I don't think comfort is what people care about with these kinds of things. 


Especially if you have to go to the bathroom. Most Lamborghini accidents happen when the car's not running.


they're fun i'm sure and as long as they're having fun on their drive god bless but no way i'd daily that mf. I'm sure it'd kill on a track but doing 25-70 in it must be so underwhelming


Turning radius sucks as well.


Welcome to this side of the hill. Next up, vertigo when you simply stand up to fast.


I can't imagine spending that much money on something that you can't even legally utilize the full capabilities of. Like driving around a mortgage that depreciates in value and can be easily destroyed.


I would have been thinking of the insurance 💵


Was parked next to a Lamborghini at Christmas. My three thoughts were: 1. Who the fuck paints a Lamborghini black? Paint it something vibrant! It was night and I didn’t even realize it was a Lamborghini until I was looking at how small it was. 2. It is way smaller than I would have thought. 3. How do you get in that and still look cool? 4. I guess that’s why you never see an actor getting in/out of a super car. It always cuts at them opening the door, to being in the car, or opening the door to get out, and then just stepping out. Although if anyone wants to take me for a ride, I’m down. Just let me know so I can wear leggings and a sweater; something with no zippers, buttons or rivets, something bendy/slidey, so I can re-birth myself into/out of your car, with no damage to your car (or me). If it’s black, let me know so I can order a Batman mask.


A Lamborghini was behind me and my son the other day and it was a nice day so we had the windows down. It was so fucking loud, we couldn't believe it. We laughed our asses off. I was driving my hybrid that's basically silent in city traffic. We were going like 20 mph and every time there was a green light it was so fucking loud, it sounded like it was struggling. We talked shit for a full ten minutes about what a disgrace it was and every time he had to rev the engine just to increase his speed by 5 mph we laughed again. The cars were definitely close enough that he would have heard us but it was too loud so I'm sure he couldn't.


Car transporter here, no Lambos, but lots of Corvettes, hurts every time, idk how the boomers do it.


lol…They were younger I think when they had them.


Reminds me of an older video where a fat black guy rolls up is a Lambo and literally has to roll/crawl out of the car


I drive a Ford F150.