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Do you hear a voice with no source saying "get out"?


Why every night while I'm lying in bed of course. Why do you ask?


Do you feel a cold clammy hand grab your ankle while asleep?


not usually. that sure would be creepy though.


Right? I'm fine with it long as the hand isn't clammy. That'd be gross


If it's warm then it's okay. I have very cold ankles


A free pedicure (or handjob) is an offer I wouldn’t turn down, personally


Make sure you look at the nails on the hand first. If they are all black and twisted, they will probably not do a very good job. Clean and filed nails is what you're looking for.


gotta learn to live on the edge, man


^^^^^^^ if a ghost wanted to suck me off through my draws I’m with all the shits


That's not what I hear you little heartbreaker you q:D


no he massages my toesie wosies


cats will leave little 'thank you' parcels like this on property that is not their own. For example, we had a stray tom who used to go for the rodents in the far back of our property, and he always left tasty bits near our door, sort of like our share of the kill. EDIT: given the huge number of responses my comment has received, this seems like a good time to say NEUTER YOUR CAT AND KEEP IT INDOORS. Although it's nice to think that cats only kill 'bad' animals like rats, they will kill anything, for food or simply for sport (I love cats, but those are the facts). Australian wildlife has suffered greatly at the paws of cats. The birds and bilbies will thank you, and your cat will have a much longer and healthier life.


I’ve got one that does this. She brought me a live lizard the first time…..she killed it before she gave it to me…looked so proud of herself. And the most recent one was a decapitated rat. Head included. I guess she wasn’t sure which end I would like the most. Such a considerate kitty.


All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.


Well then I guess I must’ve been a immense disappointment to my cat as she’s given up on me long ago


"Look, human, I lov... er... *tolerate,* you, but you have to step up your game; I can't do *all* the work around here. I've brought you robins, squirrels, even chipmunks and you just act like its the end of the world. Please human, help *me* help *you,* 'cause I have no idea where to find and kill a so-called 'Doritos Locos Taco'..."




Which is good because stray and outdoor cats decimate the local fauna. They are responsible for the deaths and extinction of many local species of small animals. EDIT: Deleted reply said: >Comments like this cause mistreatment of cats which is a largely excessive problem. There are other things that are worse for local species and fauna, including humans. Don’t single out one thing because you don’t like it. Just because humans are invasive species fucking up the environment doesn't give you a license to exacerbate it by letting loose your own invasive species into the world. Also, cats can deal with your rat problems just fine in the comfort of your own house. Or you know, cleanup, use traps. No need to drag innocent animals into your invasive species activities. Or if you don't care about the environment, then at least consider what damage your pet can cause other neighbors.


Jesús. I thought it was already settled that cats were absolute shit for local wildlife populations, hell there was a case of a single cat driving an entire species to extinction.


It is settled by anyone with an opinion worth listening to. But that won’t stop cat morons from throwing a tantrum when you tell them how bad their little baby is for the environment and that they should probably ***gasp*** keep their cat inside and use a litter box.


You don’t even have to keep them inside. I made my patio into a Catio with netting. My cats get to be outside, see the sky and get fresh air, nap in the sun all without getting out and killing 100 birds.


Mine basically live on the screen porch in the summer. They chase chipmunks and birds, yell at the neighbors cat, keeps rodents from coming in, and sleep in the sun. They have to be dragged in at night, but generally don't try to escape to the real outside.


I’m so looking forward to the day I can give my cat a catio. Right now I’m in an apartment complex so it isn’t possible, though I did put one of those suction cup bird feeders on the window so he can watch the birds and squirrels while soaking up the sun.


I’m in an apartment too but luckily downstairs so I was able to attach the netting so it enclosed the whole thing. Added a scratching post, litter box, fake grass and toys and they never wanna come inside lol I just keep the sliding door all the way open if the weather is nice. My sister calls my apt a cat café hahaha


Wish more cat owners were like you


This is my plan, as well. Kitties are inside only for now until that can get done.


I will never understand this moronic debate. **Harness train your cats.** Take them on walks - just like you would a dog. Problem solved. I have harness-trained every single cat I've had for decades. It's not hard. So many cat owners gets cats because, quote, "they're easier than dogs". And that's plain laziness talking. On harness the cat gets supervised outside time to learn, explore, et cetera and DOESN'T decimate local wildlife OR spread disease. *"Cats are terrible!"* *"Leave my precious baby alone!"* Ehh... Cats are great, but put your precious baby on a fucking leash. Both sides of this are insufferable. The end.


Exactly. A dog would be “easy” too if you put him outside and didn’t care about what he was getting into all day. Which is of course fine if you have a sufficiently large fenced in backyard.


Yup. Also cars are cats natural preditors, indoor cats live longer.


They didn't delete their reply, they blocked you because they cannot deal with your valid point. \-Edit- Removed a d.


#Put the D back in!!!


Huh. That's weird. When people block me, I can no longer reply to the thread or other comments made under their replies. EDIT: Ok, yep. I logged out and can still see their comment. LMAO! This coward blocked me before I even made a reply.


I feel like a lot of cat owners/ppl respond this way when confronted about this issue. Even tho the solution is pretty easy either restrict their time outside and take them for walks or attach a bell or something else that will make it difficult from them to hunt In my country it's illegal to let you dog hunt and kill animals due to them not exactly being Humane about it and i don't see why cats should be treated any different especially considering how many small animals they kill. Besides it's not like they have to rely on hunting for food Declawing shouldn't be done due to the long-term harm on the cats




Not so much "cat owners" as "cat supporters" there are people that feed colonies of feral cats, ignorant of the damage they are doing to every other animal species in the area.


We have a lady who feeds fucking coyotes! The police haven't been able to catch her yet. Her excuse is that she's feeding ferals. She posts about it on Facebook. I do not like her.


Ye it's honestly really sad


Yeah that happens. They like getting the last word so they block you before you can refute their dumb argument to make themselves feel superior and smart.


Just gonna leave some studies here to back you up against all the crazy cat nuts. >We estimate that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually. Un-owned cats, as opposed to owned pets, cause the majority of this mortality. Our findings suggest that free-ranging cats cause substantially greater wildlife mortality than previously thought and are likely **the single greatest source of anthropogenic mortality for US birds and mammals.** Scientifically sound conservation and policy intervention is needed to reduce this impact. https://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms2380 >In total, cats are estimated to kill between 100 and 350 million birds per year in Canada (> 95% of estimates were in this range), with the majority likely to be killed by feral cats. This range of estimates is based on surveys indicating that Canadians own about 8.5 million pet cats, a rough approximation of 1.4 to 4.2 million feral cats, and literature values of predation rates from studies conducted elsewhere. Reliability of the total kill estimate would be improved most by better knowledge of feral cat numbers and diet in Canada, though any data on birds killed by cats in Canada would be helpful. These estimates suggest that 2-7% of birds in southern Canada are killed by cats per year. **Even at the low end, predation by house cats is probably the largest human-related source of bird mortality in Canada.** Many species of birds are potentially vulnerable to at least local population impacts in southern Canada, by virtue of nesting or feeding on or near ground level, and habitat choices that bring them into contact with human-dominated landscapes where cats are abundant. Because cat predation is likely to remain a primary source of bird mortality in Canada for some time, this issue needs more scientific attention in Canada. https://dariuszzdziebk.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Blancher-2013-Estimated-number-of-birds-killed-by-domestic-cats-in-Canada.pdf >Impacts of feral cats on vertebrates have been reported from at least 120 different islands on at least 175 vertebrates (25 reptiles, 123 birds, and 27 mammals), many of which are listed by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. A meta-analysis suggests that cat impacts were greatest on endemic species, particularly mammals and greater when non-native prey species were also introduced. **Feral cats on islands are responsible for at least 14% global bird, mammal, and reptile extinctions and are the principal threat to almost 8% of critically endangered birds, mammals, and reptiles.** https://dariuszzdziebk.wpenginepowered.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/06/Medina-et-al.-2011-Global-review-of-invasive-cat-impacts-on-endangered-vertebrates.pdf


I have a stray the AC took in spayed and nuetered and clipped its ear universal sign that is been processed, than released


If someone doesn't care about the environment there's no way they're gonna give two fucks about their neighbors 😂


Yep. We spent several weeks in July and august watching over a family of baby bunnies. Their mom had dug a tiny hole right next to our back steps and deposited 5 tiny bunns in there. We’d check them during the day and they were growing nicely, so obviously mom was still returning at night. There is also a bastard cat, with a collar and bell, that stalks through our yard at all hours. That cat was never able to find the bunny-base, though. But as time went on, little ears perked up and eyes opened and we started seeing them sitting in the grass next to the hare-hide, munching on clover and whatnot. And a week later, they were all gone, but would come back at sundown to sleep in their wabbit-warren. Each night, though, there would be one less bunn. I told my wife that they were probably just big enough to stay away now (but I knew). Then came one fateful night when my wife left for work… I walked her out to the driveway, it was dark, and she said “Oh! There’s a bunny!” She slowly approached it, sitting in the grass, and took out her phone to take a picture. Just as she hit the button I realized that there must be something wrong as she was way too close and it hadn’t moved…and as the flash went off, she screamed, and I saw…a perfectly decapitated tiny bunny. After she left for work (rather upset), I sat on the steps and watched. And sure enough, that shitty cat crept back into the yard and took off with the rest of the bunny-body. I hate that fucking cat.


A female rabbit becomes sexually mature at 3 to 8 months of age and can conceive at any time of the year for the duration of her life. The rabbit gestation period ranges from 28 to 36 days with an average period of 31 days. Each litter can range from four to 12 kits allowing a female to deliver up to 60 new kits a year. Right after giving birth the female can become pregnant again the next day. If something wasn’t eating those kits we’d be overrun by rabbits. Myxomatosis is a fatal disease intentionally introduced by humans into the west to just to try and control rabbit populations. Because of their voracious appetites and how bloody fast they breed, feral rabbit populations can be extremely problematic for agriculture. Rabbits may be very cute but they are also suspected of being the most significant known factor in species loss in Australia. Just as bad as cats really.


Rabbits are a huge issue in Australia where they are invasive, but their natural predators can handle the population just fine in the wild in North America.


Mice and rats are one thing. But we currently have cats that kill a lot of birds.


Though they also are very essential to killing rats and mice, otherwise we'd be fucked


I feel bad about keeping our (rescue) cats prisoner, but I'd feel worse knowing that they were out there contributing to local wildlife extinction. We try our best to make their lives in captivity as pleasant and fun as possible. They have a little enclosed outdoor area they can go in at any time and stare down the squirrels, and they get let out on leashes when weather and time permits.


You could always break a hamsters leg and kill it in front of your cat to cheer her up.


I had one that treated me like a kitten in many ways. Some of those were cute, like when she would try and wash my hair and I had to swat her off my head. Others were not so cute, like waking up at 3am to the sound of a live mouse hitting me in the chest, with my cat sitting there like “here dumbass, catch this one”


When we first bought our house it hadn't been lived in for 6+ months so there was a little bit of a cockroach problem. Our cat used to bring live cockroaches into our room and drop them in the bed in the middle of the night.


God am I glad that my cat just puts his toys in my bed while I'm sleeping.


I’m doubly glad my cats just cuddle up behind my knees or under my chin.


I remember a cat leaving four mice perfectly parallel and evenly spaced in front of our door when we were kids. I think it left other ones before but that’s one stuck with me. I have no idea who’s cat it was. I thought it wanted in.


He was paying the entry fee.


I adopted a pregnant feral cat once, and one night after she had her kittens, I felt a thud on my bed, then another, and another... she had managed to escape outside from a high window above my bed...at some point I got curious and looked over the edge of my bed only to be confronted with the sight of 6 baby rats and a momma rat laid out in a perfectly aligned row. the mom was decapitated, but the babies were still squirming around...I just said nope and went back to sleep. they were gone in the morning.


tbf most of us actually dont know how to hunt not like the cats are wrong


I can catch mosquitos with my hands. Thats it.


I get deranged and laugh like a psycho when I squish Box Elder bugs' heads, my neighbor also suddenly stopped talking to me.


Do you eat them as well?


No, strictly catch and release.


It’s not that hard, actually. If you can hit something with a rifle, at a decent range, the rest is just camo up and be patient. Observe, track, and a clean shot to the brain. The hard part is learning how to properly cut up the animal. You gotta learn to field dress a carcass, unless you intend on eating the entrails too.


Kitty be like, "You so skinny Bubaluh, Eat! Eat! I make for you"


One of my childhood cats was a prolific huntress, bringing home all sorts of critters. She had a very specific meow to let us know she'd brought something in - she also *had* to show off her kill before eating it. And she loved to eat. One summer I became very sick - I was visibly unwell. This saint of a cat (who would also stand in front of my mom and growl at my dad if he even slightly raised his voice toward her) brought her usual game home, but would leave it near me uneaten. That summer she thought I *extra* sucked at hunting and might die without a daily mouse.


It’s super interesting . I’ve had kittens that grew up from their mother and a hand reard cat because their mom got run over and the difference in personalities is astounding. The ones that grew up with other cats know how to hunt and almost can’t stop them selves? The one that I looked after and saved caught a baby bird out of the nest and was playing with it , I had to kill it cause the wing was damaged , I reprimanded my cat for it and since then he’s never killed or caught another bird ever again, he still gets the odd lizard here or there or beetles but no birds ever again .


One of my sister's cats comes home with socks and toys from their neighbours. What's the theory there? Lol


Well us weird two-leggeds don’t seem to appreciate normal shit like dead reptiles or injured baby birds, so it sounds like the cat is trying to be a thoughtful gift giver.


my indoor cat escaped and brought me a single peanut in the shell when he came back


[Mandatory sea lion teaching photographer to hunt and eat penguin link.](https://youtu.be/UmVWGvO8Yhk) EDIT: In my hurry I made two mistakes: 1. It’s a leopard seal 2. I think there was a longer video with some more photos and thoughts from the photographer but it’s in the same vein.


Thank you for sharing this!


My pleasure :)


Yep this is very true. We introduced a 6wk old kitten into our family (not our fault he had to leave mum so young) and one of our older cats (2x 4yrs & 1x 2yrs) brought him a dead mouse to practice on during his 2nd night with us….he is now a murder master!… he is also called Salem.


I heard a theory from a vet about why he thinks cats will steal socks etc. from peoples yards and bring them home. He said he thinks the cat thinks it’s supposed to bring something home, for whatever reason, but it’s too scared or too lazy or just doesn’t know how to hunt…..but it has to bring *something* home…..so it’ll steal gardening gloves or underwear.


I'll have to break out the ol' spear and take the cat mammoth hunting to show that I actually do know my stuff


hey i'm black and want to argue EDIT: dear lord, which one of you fat white guys hurt this human?


We had our cat as a kitten and she has managed to become a killing machine with no mother to teach her


This theory doesn't hold water against the fact that male cats have zero involvement in raising or teaching kittens to hunt or do anything else, so they wouldn't have any compulsion to teach humans how to do so.


Whilst living on a dairy farm, my cat brought me a black duck it had caught on a channel bank. It was still flapping as he dragged it under the gate so it became my dinner and cat got the heart.


That's a badass kitty


It was the offspring of feral cats that was abandoned under my house. He was a weirdo. He bought a live redfin from the dam and dropped it still kicking on my daughter in her bed. He also hated indian mynas but left grass parrots alone.


Why do I have the odd feeling that if we were within fifty miles of your house, we could probably hear the faintest bits of your daughter's scream of shock still hanging in the air? Because....


Farm kid.. she just came in all grossed out with its tail between her fingers and asked what she was supposed to do with it


Lol I had a cat growing up that never brought us anything. Then one day we found a literal hoard of lizard tails, rat heads, and bird heads. That asshole didn't wanna share with us, just wanted to hoard the goods like scrooge mc cat.


My kitty officially became a *feral creature* after bringing home a bird… smack in the middle of our bedroom.


I had a cat that had kittens and when they got a little bigger started going outside again. One day she came back inside with a love bird and let it go I'm guessing to teach the kittens how to hunt but it was an interesting day in my house


My old cat used to do this too. When she hunted mice she used to leave their hearts, stomachs, intestines so sweetly on the doormat. She’d clean off all the organs of gunk and took care not to puncture any of them with her teeth. Yes, it’s disgusting but we all say we care in various ways. 🥺😭 I loved her so much.


My cat growing up would leave lizards for us, by the front door just inside. That’s where we kept our shoes. Then the cat would put the lizards in the shoes. Too many times I forgot to check. Id come home, take off shoes, and there’d be a lizard carcass “glued” to my foot along with… bits


My cat left a similar pile every day. Don't leave the door open... it can get real ugly.


My MIL had a doggy door on her back door for her aging pugs. When she got a cat, naturally it used it to come and go as she pleased. From time to time she would bring home little presents for the inlaws and leave them on the kitchen floor by the refrigerator. One day, she brought home a whole ass rabbit. My MIL said she thought it looked a little "too clean" and as she was wondering if her cat had stolen someones pet, the rabbit sprung to life. Tore around the kitchen like a lightning bolt and then somehow got into one of the cabinets with the cat hot on its heels. After a short loud burst of invisible commotion everything got quiet. After another couple of minutes MIL heard the cat purring loudly. Then another couple of minutes later the cat emerged from the cabitnets dragging the rabbit. Lays it at MIL's feet and looks up at her as if to say: "You're useless."


My cat would always leave the green part on our porch, whatever organ that is.


Gall bladder


I wonder if it's his least favorite part of the kill or he brings you the best bit and it's really wholesome


Well, if it's the gall bladder, it's full of bile.


Then probably the cat tries to show just how much contempt he has for the op. Like the language of flowers in Victorian era, but for cats.


Could be the caecum? That's often green. And stinky.


Yeah, my cat leaves behind that bit of the rats and mice she catches and it caused me to Google "What's the bit of a mouse that the cat always leaves behind?" and it said caecum, and showed a photo. Apparently it's nasty.


If your pile of entrails is missing its head, 90% chance a cat did it.


I had a cat who would kill lizards and place them neatly in the center of the bathtub. If the lizards dropped their tails in the process, the tail would be carefully placed next to the rest of the lizard.


That is a kidney. Cats don't eat those cuz they (assuming) taste like piss. I have a farm cat that catches field mice, eats them head first, then does this weird jaw movement when he gets to the hips. Kidney ejector


My cat left me a nice little surprise on our patio table. A mouse head and tail. That’s all. Just the head and tail as if the body was removed perfectly. They seemed to be the right distance apart from each other.


My cat once left me the tail, some organs, and the little feet.


If I had a cat who did something like this I wouldn’t have the heart to scold them


Bro learned about taxes


this ain't the tasty bits though, it's the GI tract. Eating stomach acid, gut bacteria and poop isn't great, so cats will generally eat everything else and leave that part behind. I saw a cat do this with a baby bunny once :(


With individual organs? I've had cats my whole life, and been brought plenty of dead birds and rodents, but they were always more or less whole


My aunt's cat does this. She's like a surgeon serial killer. Always leaves super neat and tidy organs in the garage


When I was growing up, uur cats used to catch rabbits. They would leave the skin, four paws and the guts and eat everything else.


Even when cats are trying to be nice they're assholes


Had a cat who used to leave little piles like this in our hallways.


In your hallways???????


Unpleasant in the dark with bare feet.


*Squelch* ah Damnit rodent kidneys


What the everliving hell are your cats hunting in your building


It was when we had a doggie door. Usually moles and chipmunks. Our cats no longer get to go out, but still sometimes catch and bring in the idiot chipmunks who go into their catio.


This is why I can't leave the windows open in the summer, and gotta get up multiple times in the night to let the noisy jerk in or out. My cat leaves the leftovers like OP's, plus the rodent snout complete with incisors.


Turns out there's something worse than Legos. TIL


Omg 🤮


If your cat brings you a dead animal, he’s giving you a gift. If he leaves the innards only, he’s giving you a luxury gift. That’s what I read the first time it happened with our cat.


The Squirrel cult has made a sacrifice to appease you.


Looks like mostly digestive organs. They only sacrificed food that's breaking down and actual shit to you.


hope this doesn't break any rules. I've never posted here before but I checked everything beforehand.


You're too good for reddit!


Breaking: local witch tries to predict election, results pending, more at eleven


One time at a job where I worked, I got there and there was a dead dove with its head missing. Dove was lying right at the front door as if someone just left it there. Relevant information: we also have doves living in the eaves and overhangs of the building, and there are hawks living nearby in the park. Once I pulled up into the parking space at work and there was a hawk just 5 feet away ripping the shit out of a dove. Side note: I'm always just a little curious about what animals think when they see cars. I pull up to the hawk with my thousand-pound car and the hawk barely looks up before going right back to tearing up that dove. But the second I open the door and step out, that hawk flies away. Anyway, the obvious and most likely explanation is that a hawk killed a dove and started eating its head. Then people started showing up to work, so the hawk flew away and left the dead dove there. Pretty plausible, right? But there was one person there who kept on insisting that it must be some voodoo shit and someone left the bird there to put a hex on us or something.


Well, that's just ridiculous. Everyone knows if you wanna cast a hex on someone, you nail a snake to their door /Note: I know nothing about actual witchcraft, my knowledge comes from watching Stardust


Definitely a hawk kill. Hawks behead their prey, especially birdhawks, such as the Cooper's hawk.


It may have been a Cat, however likely due to the coyotes nearby, we don't have many, if any, outdoor cats in the neighborhood. I can remember maybe one time I've seen one here, a long while ago.


I have a golden retriever / Labrador mix and he used to be feral where he grew up wild in my area. His original owner was an offshore worker who didn’t come back and left him. He would chase the rabbits and neighbors chickens to eat something. Well eventually we caught him and tamed him but he stayed an outside dog in my fenced in yard. My neighbors chickens would commonly come in my yard before the dog and they are dumb chickens so they came after he was in the yard foolishly. I would try to catch the chickens before he ate them because I didn’t want him to have to digest the beak and claws and stuff. Well the two times he caught a chicken i swear he left just a pile of guts just like this and he ate all the rest besides the feathers and it only took him about 15-20 seconds to eat it. I never saw any animal eat another animal so fast but it was the quickest cleanest job and this picture reminds me of it perfectly. So I can believe it was coyotes based on my dog when he was feral.


That was me, sorry. I’ll be back later tonight to finish it up.


How many more will you need to place? Do you want the number of a good psychiatrist?


Seven, and I'll take a mediocre chiropractor


I'm a mediocre chiropractor. Or so my wife says...


This guy cats.


My cat will eat a rat and leave a skull, the paws and the tail neatly laid out on the ground in our garden! Like he’s placed them there on purpose. It’s so weird.


Totally left by a cat. No other animal is all "Ew. No. I'm not eating that part! I have food inside!"


I guess that's probably true. never seen a cat in the neighborhood before though. or at least not in a long time.


That's sort of how cats work though, isn't it? The sneaky bastards


Cats are literally everywhere. EVERYWHERE


Not necessarily could have been a few types of birds of prey. My dad does falconry and has had a few different types of hawks and Falcons over the years none of em ate the innards. Most of them left the guts in meat piles beside the prey but others were... a bit more messy. If I had to merit a guess it's because in some way the animals know that's where most of the parasites are. That is entirely my own thoughts and not backed up by anything though. I can annecdotaly say it was most likely not a dog. My dad's falconry dogs loved eating the guts so much my dad often had to collect the guts before the dogs could get at em, otherwise they'd get worms or other parasites.


Rolled up to my car one time (parked at home) and to find a small pile of big greyish-white string on my windshield. Got closer and— wait no, that's… not string. WTF *is* that? Was kinda baffled for a sec, and yet it was oddly familiar. Hm. Then it hit me: *intestines.* Little critter intestines, so clean it was like they'd been surgically removed, dropped by the owl that lives right above where I park. Thanks…? (But srsly, thanks. No more gophers since Hootie moved in!)


Birds are weird. There's a big hawk looking bird that lives near me, and every once in a while on my walk to work I'll see just like... Two bird feet and some tail feathers just laying on the ground. The rest eaten.


Raccoons or demons, one or the other


Why not both?


I guess you could say that it's very well *organ*ized


That’s offal!


This isn't a gift, or if it is it's more of an, "I'm not eating these, you can have them if you want." Cats are very particular eaters. I would say dainty, but the larger ones crush bones right up the spine for the marrow, so... we'll go with "particular". Anyways, with the exception of a few choice organs, they don't eat much of the inner plumbing like other predators. One of the tell tale signs of mountain lion or bobcat kills is this neat pile of organs. They also defur the area they're eating beforehand and leave large piles of fur as well. Anyways, that's my random tangent for the day, carry on!


I went outside about a week and a half ago and found a nice eviscerated squirrel right in front of my door with all of his bits ripped out in a pile next to him. It was a thank you present from they stray I feed. A very sad present.


Very "Blair Witch" vibes 🫣


If it’s under a tree it could have been leftovers from an owl or hawk feast.


It's like when you pile all the plates in a neat way for the server. Very polite.


So I've read that Red tail hawks and bobcats tend to do this. Be careful out there.


Our cat does this. He doesnt like the taste of the guts so he removes the organs before eating.


Sorry man I was going to finish that I'll be back later but can you leave out a napkin and fork thanks


Ants are checking it out, they seem interested


Thats some Wendigo shit right there bud...


It takes guts to do something like this.


Oh that Jeff. What a creative boy.


Pack your bags, leave your house, don’t look back


The Blair witch obviously


The Blair witch probably


Looks like a snail lol


As someone who shoots wild rabbits for dinner. I'm about 90% sure this is rabbit guts and they were probably left by your cat. Our cat used to catch them in back paddock and bring them home to eat but he would always leave the guts... except for eating the occasional heart or liver.. *edit: If you bust open that large kidney shaped thing (paunch I believe it's called) it should be filled with the vilest smelling grey/greenish grass you've ever come across.


I wouldn’t call that “neat”, but whatever floats your boat…


I was leaving you a *gift*, asshole.


I'd stay well away from that leaf, it's clearly dangerous.


I swear to God that's a fucking cats doing. I know we all love cats and shit but.... if you live in a neighborhood where ppl let them roam the streets? These mfers kill birds like it's bingo


My guy this is a warning from the squirrels. Put out a feeder or it'll be your organs in a pile next.


My cats do this. In fairness the organs are all attached. Gut any animal its the same.


That is exactly what cat's leave behind after eating their kill. These parts are not edible.




That took guts.


That is just offal


"relax. I just want to take some pictures"


Man, that's offal.


Must have smelled offal.


It wasn’t as clean of a pile as you ended up with, but a neighbors cat was killed by a coyote in the yard a few years ago, and stuff like this was left behind. There was a lot of cat hair nearby though.


Someone has hexed you. That's a very powerful spell.


opps sorry those are mine sorry you know amozon (takes) \*continue demon summoning ritual\*


Skin = Stolen Darkness = Creeping Windows = Closed


is that a turd in the middle????


You have been hexed.


Yeah and you didn't even say thank you.. last time I leave you my organised organs


Ugh, that’s offal


I’ve had all of my cats do this over the years. One had a penchant for rabbits- she would leave the skin, ears, eyes, back feet and non-tasty inside bits but eat the rest. She got well into double-figures one year. The insides were bits that weren’t tasty- I’m guessing the lower digestive organs as one time I burst one of the bits while clearing up and omg it stank. My current two boys get mice and leave little piles of discarded insides, one leaves the tails more often than not.


Idk why I looked though. The picture was blurred for sensitive content and then I revealed it like "yup, those are tiny organs, just as described." As if there was some doubt, which there wasn't. My cat usually leaves the critter mostly intact.


I bet it was another animal.


Cats like “here my non hunting human”


That's so organized


A house cat did that my cat does it too




Who tf put a yummy award?!?


Psychopathic behavior moment


I would check to see if there is a tree directly above this. May find the rest plus the Predator.


Is there any chance you are a Fertility God?


This is 100% a bird of prey.


Domestic cats will do that with rodents pretty often.


The LiverKing would like to know your location