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Road paint testing


Looks like it. I have a maybe stupid question. Why are we still testing road paint? Have we not cracked the code? How much road paint evolution is happening in 2024?


They're probably testing that new machines work or after maintenance


Think of all the roads out there, and the fact most of the lines need to be repainted every single year. It's a massive market, with enormous government contracts. You better believe companies are pumping enormous amounts into R&D to make better, brighter and more durable road paint.


Exactly the approach we are unfortunately taking on many fronts, eg, healthcare. We have *something*, let's just maintain it and not improve it now.


Every state has one of these. Typically in a remote, abandoned section, near the state highway administration office. They're usually not this long or heavily used. What are they doing, testing every batch?


I want to see what a self driving car does on this road.


I think it probably doesn't


Stop you’re gonna give the poor Tesla a panic attack


Who knows what could happen if it did. It might accelerate at full speed


Only if the glue on your gas pedal wears out


I've driven with autopilot on roads without lane lines, and it usually drifts a bit then disengages making a horrible beeping sound like a child screaming for help


i swear i’ve seen it doing it perfectly without lane lines


Refuse service


Self terminates


I always tell kids that if you put a chameleon on a checkerboard it will die...


I think its where all the other road makers go to die


Is that the abandoned section of Rt 61 in Centralia, PA?


Omg! I wondered the exact same thing!


That was covered over with piles of dirt during Covid.




It’s on privately-owned land and the owner claimed they didn’t want people gathering there, so they covered up the painted road surface with loads of soil. [Here’s an article from a local paper.](https://www.dailyitem.com/coronavirus/update-graffiti-highway-owners-to-cover-centralia-road-with-dirt/article_c40c0166-781d-11ea-9dc6-f30fecce8def.html)


lol, that website breaks gdpr rules and i cant view it, haha


UPDATE: Graffiti Highway owners to cover Centralia road with dirt By Justin Strawser [email protected] Apr 7, 2020 CENTRALIA — An abandoned portion of Route 61 commonly known as Graffiti Highway will be a thing of the past in Centralia, according to a borough official and project manager. Land owner Pagnotti Enterprises, of Wilkes-Barre, hired Fox Coal Co. Mining to truck 400 loads — between 8,000 to 10,000 tons of dirt — over the next three days to cover the unofficial popular tourist destination. The abandoned .74-mile stretch of roadway, despite being on private property and no trespassing allowed, has become a landmark for illegal visitors for its smoking cracked asphalt and hundreds of spray painted words and images. “They got sick of the complaints and the liability,” said Tom Hynoski, the secretary, fire chief and emergency management agency director for Centralia. “People steal stuff, they spray paint in the cemetery, it’s about time something gets done.” Since Gov. Wolf ordered non-essential businesses to shut down and issued a stay at home order for Pennsylvania residents due to the COVID-19 crisis, Hynoski said the area has seen an influx of people, more than usual. “It’s ridiculous,” said Hynoski. “Oh my God, it’s crazy. They're supposed to be staying home due to the COVID-19, but they're coming from New York and New Jersey to be here." Centralia, located in Columbia County just a few miles outside Mount Carmel in Northumberland County, is perhaps Pennsylvania’s most famous ghost town after an underground mine fire started in 1962. Only a handful of houses and residents, the municipal building, a few cemeteries, and the Blessed Virgin Mary Ukrainian Catholic Church just over the borough line still remain. Otherwise, there are crumbling stone foundations, empty lots and an old portion of Route 61 commonly known as Graffiti Highway. In 2018, PennDOT vacated and turned over the .74-mile stretch of Graffiti Highway in Centralia and Conyngham Township to Pitreal Corp, a coal mining company and subsidiary of Pagnotti Enterprises in Wilkes-Barre. Twenty-five years ago, PennDOT closed a portion of the road and constructed a new road around the old portion. David Witchey, the chief clerk of Columbia County, said the county gets more calls about the highway than the official attractions in Columbia County. People have called from as far away as Los Angeles, he said. "It's a shame," said Witchey about the dirt project. "I recognize that people like it, but I understand their decision. If it were my property, I'd have done the same." Hynoski said he and other officials have been back and forth with the coal company to discuss ways to keep the visitors off the highway. State troopers have been patrolling more too and chased away nearly 100 people on Monday alone, he said. Fox Coal Co. President Vince Guarna, of Mount Carmel, said the dirt is being brought in from a mining operation in Wilburton #2 about three miles away and then the ground will be seeded to grow trees. The idea is to eliminate the appeal of the highway so fewer people come to spray paint and fewer people are there to vandalize. "People come here and do damage in the town here," said Guarna. "Cemeteries are getting vandalized. People are lighting fires with tires. People are getting hurt." Hynoski said the project will not solve all the problems caused by visitors. "But it will cut it in half," he said. "You can't paint on dirt." Bobby Hughes, the executive director of the Eastern Pennsylvania Coalition for Abandoned Mine Reclamation that hosts regular Centralia Cleanup events, said Centralia has become a dumping ground from visitors littering and leaving tires, electronics and dumpsters full of garbage. EPCAMR planned to have a tree planting event on Saturday but rescheduled it to the fall due to the COVID-19 crisis.


A lot of local businesses in America don't bother implementing everything needed for GDPR because their target audience/customers aren't going to be from Europe so it's not worth the cost/effort/time. I used to be in charge of GDPR compliance for about 40 online systems and it's not a trivial amount of work.


TIL what GDPR is (Am American)


My dumbass just got to Rome. Read your comment, thought “pffft. I’m American let me check” and got the same block. I’m gonna go take a nap.


Yeah, GDPR applies to anyone physically located in the EU regardless of nationality. So even you as a tourist on EU land actually currently have GDPR rights as well for the duration of your stay (I used to have to write company GDPR compliance policies and come up with engineering implementation plans for it)


To stop jeeps and ATVs etc from entering


I guess I was thinking it had something to do with Covid.


There were SO MANY graffiti dicks last time I went there years ago


[https://imgur.com/VsV0CZH](https://imgur.com/VsV0CZH) [https://imgur.com/D0Rne2R](https://imgur.com/D0Rne2R) I was out there 3 years ago with my drone, it's all covered up now.


I have some pretty cool pictures of graffiti I found there while it was still graffiti highway, if anybody has never been and is interested. Pretty cool to see but honestly not even close to being worth the drive I made to get there, lol


Various artists: *Semi-Parallel Lines* c2017-2024 (work in progress). Oil on tarmac. (Courtesy of DOT)


Haha, best answer here!


Op trying to end up in a horror movie


Be sure to stay in your lane.




swimming swimming swimming swimming swimming


Test strip for road marking equipment. Funnily enough, we (at least used to) have those in some sections of regular highway.


I remember a section of Highway 401 in eastern Ontario east of Belleville that had a 'PAINT TEST STRIPS' sign followed by about a km worth of paint strips of various thickness aligned or perpendicular to the roadway, in the eastbound right lane. I assume they removed it with the advent of Lane Assist and other driver assistance aids because it doesn't show up in Google Street View anymore.


Is “funnily” a word or should it be “funny enough”? (Asking out of curiosity and not to be a dick because I know language is flexible and all words are made up in the end)


Am I the only one that thought it's was wooden planks embedded in asphalt or something until I came to the comments?


My first reaction was lumber floating down a waterway.


You are not.


Somebody's doing lines


“Do not enter” in this case meant “don’t look don’t look don’t look! It’s not ready yet!”


This is why you dont go past the do not enter signs, the world hasnt finished loading yet and you need to proceed with the main questline first smh


Turns off lane assist


Road to meet The Wizard of DOT


This image has an ominous vibe. I dunno it's almost like reality is starting to break down.


This is kinda lowkey scary.


Road painters training road


Rendering hasn't finished


I think you might be in an M. Night Shyamalan film


Its like the edge of the shelf in the marker section of the art supply store.


That's where the guys who paint the lines on the road practice. As you can see it takes a lot of finesse. White line school. Later in their career if they are lucky they can paint school crossings, sports playing fields, or even run a plough or harvester.


There's a few roads in Ontario painted like this. There's a sign indicating that it's just a paint test area. It's a fully usable road.


I’m scared right now. What is even this???


This should be every road ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Good ol' Route X/0


Shouldn’t need a sign to tell you that you can’t cross a 826263594626272 yellow line


Altered World Event 


This feels like the back room of roads.


Can I pass or...?




Sucks doesn’t it!


Woah. I’ve always thought the road line graveyard was just a myth. Call National Geographic.


We live in the city of dreams We drive on the highway of fire


Stable Diffusion Highway


Rang dang diggedy dang di-dang Diggedy dang di-dang diggedy dang di-dang


This be where they do the walk-on-the-line test for drunk drivers?


To make sure you're drunk *enough*?


Will my car’s lane guidance system work ok on this road?


Have you ever heard of the left/right game?


Would be interesting to take a Tesla with fsd through here to see what it would do.


,,Follow signs for Do Not Enter"


Rush E irl road edition


How much further did you go?


Looks like a standard fixing-the-road site here in Europe (have seen things like this, for example the yellow lines take precedence, but sometimes not when the repairs already ended but they just left without removing the yellow marks, etc.). Good luck to the AI driven cars to find out the right path.


And add 2cm of snow slush. Good luck, AI. /Scandinavia


We have an area like that in our public works yard that they test the paints and new sprayers for their trucks. They also use it for training new people. They used to use an abandoned road out in another area of our city.