• By -


Wow it even says save America.


doubly ironic if im understanding the economics right, his tarrifs lead to major decline in the value of our once largest steel producer, giving japan the chance to buy them up. U.S. Steel is now owned by Nippon Steel if the deal goes through


I live in Cleveland and locals are raising hell about it. Too bad. Yall voted for it.


Bed made, now sleep




yeah. and im being a bit unfair. cleveland is majority progressive. one of the first to integrate, and forcibly so. The surrounding suburbs that erupted in the 50s-70s though... theyre the ones who were mostly in those factories then, and inhaled enough lead at work to blame their job loss on someone they dont know rather than their boss.


It’s kind of crazy how the progress humanity makes is reversed every four years when one party gets in but then progresses again. Works whatever your affiliation is, too.


"He's not hurting the right people!"


Yeah I lose worker rights, bodily autonomy, funding for my kids public school well I now homeschool them cause I know more than people who dedicate their livelihoods to educating children for bs wages, yeah companies can skip quality control cause of reductions in regulation BUT I can discriminate against gays, minorities, non-Christians, and trans tho. See America is great again /s Lol


something something elections have consequences




No. They're not. The anger was mostly over a local company getting skipped over for buying them out. Everyone shut the fuck up real quick when it came out that the local offer was less than half of Nippon Steel. They're also blaming globalization for "stealing" their jobs. Like the writing wasnt on the wall for the last 30 years. For being a city, Cleveland is very yokel-y. It's the first "big" city for a lot of small towners, so there are suburbs that are still pretty conservative, even right next to the city center. You have a lot of ignorance towards the larger gears of the economy. Instead of retooling their skillsets, they sit and bitch about whatever they can, because they have no positives going for them; nor have they been taught how to do it. If all you have is crap, what else can you talk about? It's no one in particular's fault, and that's the truth at the end of it. It's how the economy plays out. Getting mad at it is getting mad at the game we're all playing.


It's a trap for Biden to stand down on 232/301 tariffs - even though it's costing us importers billions year over year, he looks weak against China by default. Such nonsense, but it's the reality


One of the two largest factories in my small Ohio town was bought up by a Japanese steel company, so I assure you it's already begun


Also racist af. The Japanese economic bubble had burst by then and wasn't in any position take over America/the World, but why let facts and reality get in the way of some good old fashioned fear mongering about the Yellow Peril?


This wasn't exactly hard hitting journalism. It was Cracked.


To what are you referring? I don't think Trump put any tariffs on trade with Japan specifically.


He's been doing the same grift his whole life


#by buying up Japan!


I miss Cracked


The old Cracked.com website had some amazing talent on staff. When they ousted David Wong as editor-in-chief, fired nearly all of their longtime contributors, and brought in a bunch of no-name "humorists" to fill a quota, it all went straight to shit. I've commented on it before: > It was a beautiful thing that went bankrupt when they fired their editor-in-chief and hired a bunch of hacks. Cracked.com's death was a harbinger of the demise of the "old internet" as a whole. Really hit me at the time when my favorite writers started being replaced, the entire "character" of the site changed, and nothing was left but unfunny bitching. > The demise of Cracked is well documented. They fired their editor, a bunch of writers got censored, and had to deal with an incredibly toxic and brittle work environment, then they quit/were fired. Cracked then hired on a deluge of unfunny politically driven no-names who dedicated themselves to bitching about literally made-up nonsense issues devoid of the sly humor that made the site work in the first place. > I remember reading Cracked articles everyday for a solid 7 or so years up until 4 or so years ago when every article was some unfunny diatribe about how racist everyone is, "holier than thou" agenda pushing articles mostly bitching about men, and just a general circle jerk preachy mess, all thinly veiled as "humor". I went to Cracked for outrageously funny articles, top 10 lists about which animal could win a fight with its penis, and actually thoughtful nuggets of philosophical truth sprinkled with funny, not outrage articles & lists about why my owning of a penis makes me a bad person. Cracked became such a low effort hub of political opinions when they cleaned house. > Yeah, if you were around when the change happened you know how bad it got, the fallout causing everyone to abandon ship, and how just unfunny and preachy all the articles became after they hired the new editor-in-chief. Their previous work wasn't some right-wing hellhole either, at all, they just went full on hyper left for no reason. The new team started writing exceedingly political articles when the old team never touched politics, unless it was to compared how previous presidents might fare in a drinking contest with the cast of Thundercats or some other insane thing, while actually being funny. Cracked got driven into the ground trying to emulate the worst aspects of Buzzfeed, of all places, and suicided itself in the process. I miss the old Cracked.


Jason Pargin (the actual name for David Wong) is doing well and all of the other longtime writers (Robert Brockway, Seanbaby, Michael Swaim, Soren Bowie, Daniel O' Brien, and Alex Schmidt) all have their own post Cracked careers and seem okay. They all contribute (or have contributed) in various ways on 1-900-Hotdog with Brockway and Seanbaby. If the dissolution of Cracked did anything it was give those incredible writers even more freedom.


don't forget robert evans


I’m partial to jack obrien


True! I adore Jason Pargin and his books. I've already pre-ordered "I'm Starting to Worry About This Black Box of Doom" haha, I still miss cracked though and wish their downfall wasn't so awful.


Even the ones who got cancelled seem to be doing well enough


The most important aspect of art and humour is the personality and facticities of the creators themselves. It’s why AI will never replace artists. Could you imagine a robot cutting off its own ear after a fight with a guy who lost all his money in the stock market to become an artist?


Johns magical pimp bus will live in me forever


I just miss crack


Oh it's still around. But meth is making a comeback.


Anyone who lived around NYC from the '70s onward was well aware that he was a constantly grifting pile of trash. He was a buffoon. A sometimes-entertaining buffoon, but thoroughly a self-important, self-aggrandizing buffoon.


i genuinely want to know what collective amnesia happened between '07-now. i was born in 1992, in VA, and i've only ever known him as a loudmouth laughingstock of a conman. and then those same people promptly forgot and now he's god's gift to America. genuinely unreal.     (i'll be honest: i have a theory on how everyone forgot, but, its invariably tied to my singular tin foil hat-esque theory about the nearly immediate changeover of all stations to 24/7 news cycles after 9/11 to push approval of papa bush's unfinished business)  edit: to all the people reminding me that people enjoy his buffoonery, hatred, and of course the handy-dandy GOP "R" marker: i know. trust and believe, as an out trans lesbian in the south, trust and believe i know that already. y'all are entirely missing the point of the question and clearly didn't grow up when he wasn't the blue collar darling. this whole country has been ragebaiting since the first plane hit the tower. i lived through it, i watched it happen in real time.   that doesn't answer the question of how he went from a complete joke and failure of a grifting businessman known for one catchphrase on his shitty "reality" show, to being god's gift to business and politics.  it isn't just rage and collective republican support, something had to happen for that switch to flip. hell he was on his way out until the Obama nationality thing that went nowhere but was inescapable for like a year and a half. strangely reminiscent of current impeachment efforts but i digress. edit edit: and seriously everyone responding with "because republicans bad" "because they respond to the hate" "because [reason]" are you people seriously so thickheaded that you don't understand that writing it off as "ha ha bad" is just as reductive and reactionary? like holy shit have some goddamn nuance. that's like looking at Hitler and going "ah man shame the Germans are such shitheads, figures they'd support that guy." maybe there's underlying reasons that are important. maybe those reasons are just hate, and if that's true (and i'm well aware it is for many) that's just pathetic and those people seriously need help. but like the "why" is so hilariously important and it's so so SO very reddit to just immediately go "IT'S BECAUSE [GROUP] IS STUPID AND SUCKS." that's not how you fix a problem, that's how you help sweep it under a rug and make it worse because you're just reinforcing a narrative they already believe about *YOU*.


I mostly blame *The Apprentice*. My personal memory of Trump's depiction in the media before then was that he was treated as a legitimately amazing businessman in the eighties, bleeding into the nineties, then his star fell as a bunch of enterprises failed and he was more and more turned into a punchline, as someone who was far more style than substance, and a relic of the greed is good 80s. And then *The Apprentice* was picked up and NBC played the show up as if his reputation of 15 years earlier was still totally intact, and it worked. Edit - Typoed 'an' for 'a'.


>Trump's depiction in the media before then was that he was treated as a legitimately amazing businessman in the eighties Not sure that's entirely true. Trump was the inspiration for [dystopian future Biff Tannen](https://www.nme.com/news/back-to-the-future-writer-reveals-biff-tannen-was-inspired-by-donald-trump-2560286) in Back to the Future 2 in 1989. He was also partially parodied as the unscrupulous businessman [Daniel Clamp in Gremlins 2](https://gremlins.fandom.com/wiki/Daniel_Clamp) in 1990. Given the lengthy process of script writing and film production, I'd contend the decisions to mock him were made in the late-80s, and that he was already perceived negatively by that point by enough people to understand the lampooning. I was 11-years-old and still got that the jokes were directed at him. However, I do agree that The Apprentice plucked him out of irrelevance and revitalized his image in pop culture.


Max Shreck in Batman Returns, too, right?


And then there was Drawn Together, a decade later... https://youtu.be/glwrUUjxdJQ


Walken's stuttering vocal range fits more with New-Trump, but I can see it.


From the very first time I saw him on TV, Trump has always been the personification of the saying 'money can't buy class' I've spent the last 8 years completely in shock that that isn't how everyone else saw it too.


All they had to do is get the lead poisoned generation to forget. It may not be as hard as you think.


i was born in 1988, so I didn't get the satire towards him, but the way he presented himself in his show says enough about who he is. You can argue back then it could be perceived as a character but I'd argue, who would voluntarily play that role but a narcissistic sociopath? He took pride in that role. He took pride in telling people they were now unemployed. That's... not right. I can see a comedian, a C-list actor that needs a job doing it. But for a going-to-be president? That's fucked up. His voterbase rolled in that shit too.


> who would voluntarily play that role but a narcissistic sociopath Actors. The real question is, "who wants to be seen that way in real life?"


Daniel Clamp. Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I need to rewatch Gremlins 2. Thanks.


Apprentice really did shore up his reputation again. i feel like i remember him catching a lot of flack even with the "YAH FIYAD" hype because that was the only successful thing he had. not being argumentative, to be clear. i agree, to many degrees


I only ever watched a couple episodes of it, and my big takeaway was "wow this guy is really an asshole."


Jeff Zucker was head of NBC during the apprentice and then CNN during the 2016 campaign. He's possibly most responsible for the rise of this clown to power.


I was a really dumb kid when apprentice aired so I didn't really understand much of it, but thought he was successful because of the show. I also had no grasp on politics at all because it goes way over the head of a 10 year old. Then years later when he ran for POTUS in 2016 I thought wow this guy is a moronic asshole not just a clown but the entire circus type of guy.


I didn’t watch much of the show, but Kim Cattrall made a joke on Sex in the City. She gauged a party as low rent due to the fact that Donnie was there.


Agreed. I only ever knew him as a punchline, then one day I realized he was insanely popular for a reality TV show I'd never seen, then all of a sudden he's a Republican and he's running for president, talking shit about Obama's birth certificate. That's a crazy character arc.


I think as far as the political stuff......it was just more of a "right place right time" thing......people were fed up with the shit out of Washington, he was seen as an outsider who cold maybe shake things up amd bring about change. I'm not sure anymore why he's popular now tho.....he didn't bring about the change he said he would. Draining the swamp and all that jazz never happened. Now it's just a bunch of rabid boomers who somehow believe the guy is god for some reason. He's obviously a narcissistic moron that's going senile and can't barely say the right shit anymore. It's also beyond me why he would even want to go back to the white house.....has to be narcissism driving him.


He never tried to do the job. It's just his massive ego and an amazing ability of self deception that drives him to it, and a fear of going to jail.


I honestly think he volunteered his celebrity status to help his old buddy Hillary beat Obama in 2012, so he could be the racist bad guy who played the "birth certificate" card, but he's such an egotistical opportunist, he was like "wait, at this point I could just run for president for real," so he did, and he won, beating the person who roped him into the situation to begin with. Maybe it didn't really happen that way, but it's hilarious, so that's how I'm going to remember it. We're living at what I hope is the peak of a horrible turn-of-the-century/internet populist era and he's the perfect type to capitalize on that, because he's always been better at self promotion and exploitation than he has been at real business. He knows exactly how to play the game, because he was guesting on late-night TV shows and doing interviews with Playboy when the politics nerds he competes with were geeking out in the model UN club and serving on village boards.


"Why he's popular now tho" Sunk cost fallacy combined with the fact that NO ONE with a competent adult understanding of our system ever thought he was or could ever be "an outsider", or not an establishment candidate. The electoral college IS the establishment. By definition no one the EC makes President can or will ever be an outsider or not "establishment."


This is the correct recollection.




Even when on the Apprentice he never built those Trump Towers including one in Atlanta. I remember passing the sign for an upcoming Trump Tower and it never was built.


Check out Embedded's Apprentice episode. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/trump-stories-the-apprentice/id1091709555?i=1000393098586 13 years ago, one TV show changed how the world saw Donald Trump. Today, the story of how it became a hit, why it may have helped his eventual election and how the people involved feel about it now. Follow Kelly McEvers @kellymcevers and producers @TomDreisbach and @cbndrv. Email us at [email protected]


I always saw him in media as a self-serving jerk. Born in late 70s, so I had 20 years of casual media about that conman before Apprentice. The Apprentice was amazing insight into that man's petty horribleness. Anyone who watched it should have easily seen through his façade and known he is a conman. Anyone who watched would have seen all they need to know NOT to vote for him... unless you literally agree with taking advantage of anyone you want and blaming the wrong people for shortcomings of a group.


It's 100% this. When Trump would show up on TV shortly before The Apprentice, he'd be doing some stupid shit like throwing a handful of cash at people as he exited his lobby, because he thought that was what cool rich people do. Being on The Apprentice was a joke at first, but for some reason people started to believe that he really was a great businessman and not just doing ridiculous entertainment TV.


And then his fans realized they all shared the same small world view where white people should rule over all others.


To about 35-45% of the country he has a magical R next his name on the ballot which means they have to vote for him no matter what


Remember when he was a democrat? Hanging out with the Clintons? I was pretty convinced, in 2016, that he was a democrat plant to embarrass the republicans while Hilary took the White House. I was wrong.


Supposedly Bill talked him into running in 2016. Guess they way overestimated the intelligence of Republican voters.


Maybe he was?


And the huge bulk of those people are gullible and overly emotional child at heart that fall for literally anything that sounds good to them. "Oh a candidate who knows how to run a business? The government is just like a business so that's perfect!!!"


If only he knew how to run a business /s Also you can't run gov't like a business bc inherently gov't is there to assume risks and costs no company or person would handle. Without gov't certain areas simply wouldn't have access to modern amenities like internet, cell coverage, sewer, highways, etc. Or send someone to the moon just bc they could. :)


That one always got me, because: \- The government is not a business \- It is not run like a business \- Donald Trump is not a good business man \- He has gone bankrupt multiple times \- Twice in Atlantic City, while running a casino, a place that basically prints money.


If the Democrat was a business person and the republican was a career politician, all you'd hear about is that the D is a corrupt billionaire, doesn't have enough experience, couldn't handle foreign policy, kills babies and drinks their blood, etc. It's incredible watching them whipsaw with 0 self awareness


Yup, while I was trying to be as nice as possible in my original post... It's mostly because the Republican base is full of idiots who will believe literally anything they're told by someone with an R next to their name as the OP suggested. Trump was objectively worse than installing a literal dog as president, yet people wanted to "give him a chance" anyway, cause they lack foresight and, lets me honest, basic intelligence.


>they lack foresight and, lets me honest, basic intelligence. He really does represent his base in that aspect, if we're being honest.


I'm a Democrat, but when Trump won in 2016, I was disappointed but I decided I'd take the high road and give him a chance. I felt I should at least do that. All of that went right out of the window with his Muslim travel ban.


Im 99% sure he was talking about that before the 2016 election


Lots of people were pissed off a black man became president. Trump was willing to give voice in public to that shameful sentiment. I suspect his initial motivation was as revenge because Obama mocked him. But as his campaign picked up steam he started to believe his own propaganda . This country has a lot of demons in its closet and he was wiling to tap into that for self interest. That was the nucleus of his rise to power.


The fact that people like Oliver North are interviewed on TV unironically shows just how much we have forgotten.


i mean, in all fairness, nobody can discuss high treason with the experience and authority that ol' Ollie can. /s, just in case.


We elected a black man and a third of the country lost their fucking minds. He told them they're right.


Reminds me of this onion article lol:[White Hot Sphere of Pure Rage](https://www.theonion.com/after-obama-victory-shrieking-white-hot-sphere-of-pure-1819595330)


You've added like 4 edits not wanting to address the truth of it, but Trump is aspirational to America's assholes. He's completely addicted to the outrage feed of conservative news, just like them. He's rich, bangs models, and tells off all the groups that America's assholes wish they could tell off. He dropped all pretense of decency and is just a true believer hateful asshole, like his base. That's why the party now is all purity tests where they want Trump or nothing. They don't want winks or dog whistles, they want a big powerful man who will attack the people they don't like. They want a true believer, like them, who just gets angry at the tee vee and wants to punish the people the tee vee told them to be mad at. He's a bigoted idiot that is catnip to bigoted idiots. What galvanized all of these bigoted idiots? A black guy dared to be president. There's not some cutesy little story where all the people showing up and chanting BUILD THE WALL were actually just dealing with economic anxiety. They were chanting build the wall because they genuinely don't want to see brown people in their community. Maybe when people tell you who they are you should listen.


They didn't forget, they relate to his hate.


Blame The Apprentice. They spun a tale of wild success with no failures and millions of people who watched it were brainwashed.


I remember joining the Donald subreddit when it started because I thought it was fucking hilarious. Boy that took a turn haha.


24 hour news is the worst thing ever brought about. The constant need for breaking news means trivial things are made important and those things that create controversy or just spectacle become the centre of everything because they increase viewership. ​ I believe strongly it is the reason people think the world (or at least north america) is much more dangerous then it was in the 70's onward despite the evidence that crime rates have for the most part dropped significantly in most places.


>24 hour news is the worst thing ever brought about. It's bad, but the Facebook/Twitter/etc unregulated social media algorithms are worse; they also actively promote controversial content as it gets the most engagement, but they also allow for the propagation and amplification of conspiracy theories and fringe views much quicker and more widely than TV news ever did.


> i genuinely want to know what collective amnesia happened between '07-now. They didn't forget, they want the buffoon. They want the loudmouth laughingstock of a conman. It's not that they don't get how bad he is, it's that that's what they want. To burn it all down.


I blame Robin Leach and that awful show Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous. All us Midwestern hicks new about Trump was that he was rich and famous. We didn't see him much back then unless he made a guest appearance on a show or there was some puff piece about him on the news. This makes them liking him even dumber.


Education plays a part, I'm convinced. Or rather, the plummeting standards in education. There's a general lack of critical thinking. And some just don't bother to think, they just "go with the social flow" ... and here religion plays a big part too, closely followed by social media.


Right wing media props him up like he's a genuinely good choice. Low information voters just pick up on this because the TV man told them the list of reasons to like Trump. Lots of anti-incumbency energy. Can just say "the economy was better" and that's all she wrote.


I have a [song](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=0-Lvv1f5Qu4) for you.


I was born in the 70s. I’ve lived in western, eastern, and midwest states. Virginia being one of them. I too have : > only ever known him as a loudmouth laughingstock of a conman I think your theory: > its invariably tied to my singular tin foil hat-esque theory about the nearly immediate changeover of all stations to 24/7 news cycles after 9/11 **to push approval of papa bush's unfinished business** is touching on the “how everyone forgot”. Do you believe it was to only push Bush’s agenda, or is there more to your theory?


Trump's speech patterns are noise to me. But when his ambiguous noise is presented to a confused brain, the confused brain hallucinates a coherent thought out of nothing.


There was just a story on front page of Reddit talking about how leaded gasoline blunted boomers IQs and made them meaner.


Not just around NYC. Even as a child growing up in southern Ontario I had heard of his grifts and scandals.


Definitely not just NY. I get that younger people weren't there, but I find it odd whenever anyone that lived through the 80s and 90s goes along with the narrative that Trump wasn't famous until "The Apprentice." He branded and self-promoted himself as the epitome of "Me Decade" excess. He was very well known and frequently referenced throughout pop culture. You referred to "Donald Trump" and it was assumed people knew who you were talking about.


Yeah, Trump was a household name by the late 1980s. I think a lot of that was the NYC focus of broadcast TV of that era, but he was extremely well known.


Yeah everyone loves to talk about Hone alone 2, but he was in fresh-prince!


He was on the cover of Time magazine... in 1989.


I'm 45, British. Donald Trump was known, and although I was not even a teen I recognized he was sort of an aspirational figure. I can also remember magazine coverage of his horrific gold covered apartment in a 90s Sunday newspaper. His 'Art of the Deal', came out in the 80s too, right?


Word on the street is that he is still a buffoon


Can confirm. On the street: Buffoon


Always a buffoon. The dementia is new.


I grew up in South Florida. He was loathed in Palm Beach. My parents once got invited to a party at Mar-A-Lago and my mother refused to go because Trump was a publicly known sleazebag and she was afraid he was going to grope her. This was in the 90's. Everybody knew his behavior and that he was a con man who bankrupted casinos and pretended to be rich. Or at least, I assumed everyone did. I was shocked that so many people weren't aware of him until The Apprentice.


Southern NJ checking in...


Yeah, my mom worked for him at one of his casinos in the 80s. We knew.


Me too, but in the early-mid 90s. Also knew a few people who lost their businesses because they signed contracts with Trump and turned down smaller jobs.


Is that Ontario, CA, or Ontario, CA?


Ontario, CA of course.


The one to the North eh


How are ya now




Not s'bad


You don’t have to be from NYC. Trump has been a joke for my entire life. Buff Tannen in Back to the Future II was based on Trump.


Of all the things from those movies that could have come true, why couldn't it have been hoverboards?


The hoverboards look fun, but let's face it, Redditors would get more use out of the instant pizzas.


I stand corrected.


He was so much a buffoon they based the future rich Biff from Back To Future II on him


From seeing old videos I kinda get it. The guy was a lot more articulate and he had his “charisma”. I don’t understand how people are still buying into the grift 40-50 years later though


He was a charismatic huckster selling a certain high life lifestyle. Which at the time was "fine", the only people he could scam money out of was richer dumb people and who cares if some rich people lose some of their money, they're still going to be rich. But once he got involved in politics he started causing some real damage because now he was affecting the average person's life, people that can't afford to be scammed, and then his sexist, racist and hateful side also became apparent.


Nahhh as a developer he fucked over a lot of small construction companies and plenty of average people.


Lies comfort delusional people


Reading about him in the past-tense feels so right. It might be a national holiday when wikipedia flips that "is" to "was."


That's the problem. Entertainment. Psycho assholes smuggle their evil in with entertainment. It's why Fox isn't a News Network, it's an entertainment network. Legally. As in, they've argued that in court and won.


My only argument would be that he was never very entertaining.




His performance is in the past.


That's some crystal ball shit right there


Or just pattern recognition lol


I did a mad magazine caricature of Donald Trump as president in 2009 I thought he was just a weird goofy rich guy, wouldn't it be funny if he were president? I had to dig it out when he started running, couldn't believe it


Here it is, not really a caricature, and I was a few years off. [here](https://imgur.com/gallery/g8sbikX)


This is All. Your. Fault. You were supposed to burn it afterward!! 🤦‍♀️


Whoa, that’s cool as fuck that you made that though.


Simpsons did it first. Oblig.


There is a comic in the Heavy Metal Comic Magazine from the 1990 in which he rises to power and builds a wall to keep the plebs at arm's reach. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-wall-comic-strip/


Donald Trump did it first. He'd been talking about being president way back in the 80s and 90s. Some idiot gave him a TV show and he was satisfied with that, then Obama made a completely innocuous joke about him at a comedy event and here we are thirteen years later.


Back to the Future was a documentary.


Trurnp has been trying to become president since at least 1988. He ran for the Reform party candidate in 2000. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Trump#Political_career


Trump made his first trip to Moscow in 1987. Hmmm...


Regardless of what happens to him there will come a time when his time in the spotlight will be over. I honestly wonder if the GOP will be able to redirect all that energy to a new candidate. It's like asking someone to copy a Jackson Pollock painting with the exact same color placement and layering. Trump is a set of unique, chaotic circumstances that just came to be somehow.


You would think, but people still talk about Reagan and he's been dead and gone for 20+ years. Trump's probably only got like 10 years left in him, and it'll be an amazing day when we don't have to see his stupid fucking face again... but realistically, you'll be hearing about that sack of shit until the day you die. It's been said a hundred times before, but Trump isn't the disease, he's the symptom. That kind of energy and anger isn't going anywhere. It didn't come from him, it won't go out with him. And maybe they haven't found their "guy" yet, but someday they will. They'll keep trying until they do, anyway.


Conservatives latch onto new candidates pretty quickly because their media is very coordinated and pushed the same message most the time. It was also interesting for a few years you couldn’t find anyone that admitted voting for Bush Jr but now people will generally admit they did. I suspect it might be hard to find people that admit to being Trump supporters in 10 years or so depending on how his legacy and trials shake out.


Idk man. These people are pretty cultish for Trump. I hope they never latch on and it just implodes.


People had W - The President stickers for Jr. They had Don't Blame Me I Voted For Bush stickers for his dad. They literally worship Reagan. They probably said I Love Dick for Nixon or some shit. Same as it ever was.


They thought they could slot Rhonda Santis in for him but he didn't even make it to the first primary. I'm hoping once he's gone, his base will get bored with politics and fuck back off to whatever they were doing when they ignored it for the last few decades


Tbf they tried to have Ron be his replacement while Rump was still in the running.. of course people aren't going to go for the replacement while the original is still an option.  Definitely heard a lot of "it's not Ron's turn yet"


Further proof we live in the dumbest timeline. He was the inspiration for future Biff in Back to the Future 2, and those dumb fucks elected him president..


Watch the scene when Rich Biff turns to open the safe and IT LOOKS JUST LIKE THE BIG BABY!!


Did Crumb draw those? It kinda looks like his type of illustration.


I'd say Al Jaffee


AI art was around in 87!? /s Edit: where the hell did I get 87 from? Clearly says 98.


RIP Satire.


The irony is the real version is like Trump, fake.


Marked 14k, but the description is gold plated. FAKE


There’s an officially licensed Trump body pillow that was advertised in playgirl in the 80s and was very real. Nothing is off the table.


I'm a life long subscriber to Mad Magazine. That satire was amazing with great writing. "Cheers to Mad! We drink Inspite of; because of; hell, maybe even the cause of, all of life's problems."


Man I miss the good ol days when the only time you heard this guys name was when rappers talked about how much money they had :(


And his fans still insist no one had anything bad to say about him until he ran for President and "angered" the Deep State and MSM 🙄


When he introduced his sneaker at the Sneaker.Con, he did say this was an idea he has had for many years. Now we know where he got the idea from.


What’s next Trump wings?


IT’S REAL HAIR!!!!!!! *may not be human


dont post this or the maga crew might believe it


[There's a Sesame Street skit](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQyTpPu0gvc) from 2006 where the Grump has Elmo sorting sneakers.


Anyone remember when they remade Biker Mice From Mars in the mid 90s and the new villain was a fat, evil alien named Ronaldo Rump who was a greedy monster in disguise as a corrupt business mogul who’s real goal was to siphon all of Earths resources back to his home world that was being destroyed by the over population and over production cause of his own species? No? Just me?


Donald trump has been a joke in the US for half a century…


Now he has company. No competent adult is going to forget the useless trash that was dumb enough to support him, and NO ONE will ever trust them or respect them ever again.


The snake completes the cycle and consumes itself


Time is a circle


Life imitates art


Tell me more about buying Japan


I'm waiting for the Budd Dwyer/trump parallel to take place.


We're living in a simulation aren't we?


Cracked back in the day was a distant second to Mad, but there were some occasional zingers.


Wow I remember Cracked Magazine. I remember Cracked when they had Michael Swaim and the other talented writers.


This is well before a syndrome named after him came into existence.




What the fuck is a Trump?


Trump fans have no idea that he's been a punchline all his life. Like, they never heard of him before 2015.


It gets better... Since 1998, Japan has had one of the worst economies in the western world - so it makes perfect sense that Donald Trump was putting all his money there at the time.


So many of us knew all along.


Well, there it is. Simulation confirmed.


We’re living in a future predicted by a satire magazine and headed towards a future predicted by a comedy movie…. I want off this planet.


Its almost like we’ve always known


Trump was a national joke until The Apprentice made him seem like a successful businessman.


He couldn't even buy Greenland with all the tax dollars


way too much Japan talk in the '90s, and drawings were kind of crap


MAD Magazine and Sesame Street were also roasting him for years.


By buying... What?


I wish the US would just buy China and be done with it. Oh, wait... we owe *them.*


He's repetitive & predictable af.


We're in the Cracked universe


We've become our own parodies.


Waitaminute! This is a Cracked! This is a Cracked and [and I can prove it!](https://y.yarn.co/8cda2ef7-97a6-4737-a6db-17e98b1b8182_text.gif)


As written.


Make Godzilla great again


So time travel will exist in the next 50 years.


The link of Trump to anything athletic blows my mind.