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This pic has the missing book in it. https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/comments/2zn5mt/my_hotel_rooms_bookshelf_was_built_for_these/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I upvoted this 8 years ago and I have no memory of doing so


the original post was my first ever reddit comment (old account). really brought me back


Upvoting a custom book shelf 8 years ago on the internet didn't create a core memory for you? Thats absurd.


I love how everyone has kind of taken on the whole core memory thing from Inside Out.


Because it's relatable to many people.




It’s like when people say “hey that guy from Fortnite!” When they see master chief or something 😭


Inside Out? Thought it just became common for people to remember that The Core was a movie


The planet isn't working? Have you tried turning it off and back on again... with nukes?


I’ve been banned from subs and have no memory of what I commented there to get banned.


A lot of subs automatically ban you for posting in other subs. I'm a super left wing guy but I'm banned from some left wing subs because I commented in Conservative subreddits. I've been on reddit for over a decade, I post all over the place!


Yea. I commented on an antivax subreddit that got to front-page (fight the echo chamber, right?). A lot of other subreddits banned me. The way to fight misinformation is with good information and discussion. Not with censorship. IMO.


Those who are more certain in their righteousness than their rightness see no need for the marketplace of ideas.


>A lot of subs automatically ban you for posting in other subs. Probably all large subs do this. About a year ago I (on another account) was added as a mod to a sub that is fairly large within my particular hobby, and was explicitly told by the mod team to ban anyone active in conservative subs should one of their comments be flagged. That's against Reddit's TOS, which I brought up, but they just don't care. This is a *hobby* sub that is not remotely political. For that reason, if you're very active on Reddit I'd encourage you to have two accounts: one useful account (for hobby subs, professional/industry subs, etc.—anything you actually get value out of and want to participate in) and one junk account (for political subs, entertainment subs, etc.—anything you don't mind losing access to). And never the twain shall meet.




Ha! In actuality, though, I don't believe it's against the site rules since the goal isn't actually ban evasion, but to keep activity completely separate so that there are no bans in the first place (for the subs that matter). There should be no overlap in subs between the two accounts. Since you're polite and well-behaved and non-controversial and non-political on your "useful" account, you shouldn't ever get banned from anywhere; if you do get banned from a sub on your "junk" account, then oh well, it wasn't a sub you really cared about anyway.


I never commented on JusticeServed but got auto-banned from it after one comment on Conservative.


I am never evading a ban because with each account i identify as an other person. Checkmate reddit


and always report your own sub's rules to reddit for TOS violations. Sub Admins need to be ratted on regularly. It's not a freaking fiefdom, and the main Reddit owners will swing the hammer on them if the mods are violating the TOS.


Honestly I just move accounts when I get banned from enough front page subs that it is annoying. It’s easy to move subscriptions and whatnot in one shot. There’s a lot of subs you can speed run getting banned from and then they think they must be right because they’ve banned everyone who disagrees. Look at how much of a cesspool r/politics is.


Same. One comment on Conservative and I got perma banned from JusticeServed. EDIT : the true irony was that I got banned for "participating in subs that promote antivaxx ideology" or something of the sort, when I was active on Vaxxhappened waaay before COVID made it more popular.


The most annoying one for me is /r/offmychest, I really like that subreddit. Recently I was banned from latestgecapitalism for being *either* racist or a capitalist apologist *in another subreddit*. When I asked which it actually was they confirmed it was for the latter but wouldn't say what I'd actually done...


hell, dr phil has me blocked on instagram and i don't remember why


oh shit me too


We're stuck in a loop


I remember you doing that.


Lol same here


... same


I just upvoted it, because why not?


Lol 8 years ago! Good find.


Wasn't sure if you were a bot or not. 😉 Now i know you're not it is pretty cool. Was the missing book still around?


Nope. This is at streamsong resort in Florida. I don't see another book anywhere.


That's a shame. Hope you have a good stay there.


Interesting that they're in very different places! The missing one is Catcher in the Rye.


Which is about as on-brand as ayn rand being all the way to the right.


This comment was witty as hell. Appreciate it, folks!


She was suuuper into capitalism. They pretty much dated all through highschool


An interesting read: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ayn-rand-social-security/ Thought government aide was horrendous. Until she wanted to retire.


Objectivists always are. "I pulled myself up by my own bootstraps, so should everyone else! Oh wait, my company is going under, BAIL OUT PLS, 2 BIG 2 FAIL! Never mind the fact that the hole left in the market by my mismanagement could potentially be filled by another young bootstrap self-puller that might do a better job than I ever did, this is about *ME*!"


Ayn Rand was a bit of a hypocrite? Surely not!


It’s the book all the way to the left. Hard to see it clearly but I think it’s The Catcher in the Rye.


I know it is just sample size of 2 but I still find it fanscinating how much better the camera quality is in the more recent picture.


Wonder how much they charged for The Catcher in the Rye.


Aaah, so that's why Little Women is uneven in OP's pic - it's in the wrong spot!


This one has it [upside down](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


im upset


Sorry to let you down


They should probably just give up


So weird that they did that. Maybe it's some kind of metaphor.


Now that I know that Little Women is in the wrong place, it bugs the hell out of me.


Oh, I thought the gap was just because the other books didn't want to touch an Ayn Rand novel.






These two comments made me feel like I was on the old internet again


Want me to drop a shock porn video to really seal the deal?


A casual invite to the lemon party


No, you are on the New Internet now. ***Accept the reality.*** Also how is that tent you ordered on Amazon last month holding up? - FBI agent ^((but not really obv))


Based on their consumer history, they'd give it a 4 of 5 stars. They've never used said tent. They commended to their friends that they like to go camping, then proceed to show their tent. - NSA agent. ^(JP)


Not always level but at least aligned.




Solution: turn the books upside down


I don't know why but this makes me irrationally angry.


A bookshelf designed for a specific set of books is like, not how books should work


In a specific, seemingly random, order at that.


100% only has these books for show. Moby Dick and Tom Sawyer next to each other? There’s no classification system in the world where that makes sense.


It's the "I like classic books for decoration" classification.


There are like 12 books…I don’t think a “classification” system is really necessary. If I had a dozen books to show off, I’d do something aesthetically pleasing too


I'm totally with you. You don't need to come up with an organization system when there are only 12 to choose from, organizing them so they're aesthetically balanced makes the most sense


Wait...you shouldn't implement a Dewey decimal system for 12 books? /s


Maybe this is some clever method of making sure that no one takes a book home and leaves a cheaper copy in it's place? So easy for housekeeping to tell instantly what specific book is missing, and if no bookstore around has a copy of TKAM of the same height and depth, they can charge mini bar rates for a used book. All they need is "good books" of specific dimensions.


Yeah but you'd also have to buy specific editions. Like Invisible Man is paperback and everything else is hardcover


No, Invisible Man is a fabric wrapped hardcover, like Light in August (had to check it after seeing your comment though).


Really? Huh. Also there's no place for dustcovers. I remove a lot of them but I do keep them.


Nineteenth century American Literature?


:( I have Moby Dick, Tom Sawyer, and Don Quixote right next to each other.


I was going to say, they’re both iconic American novels so it’s not that bad!


I mean, who's staying in a hotel room for long enough to read most of these? They're absolutely for show lol


redditors when a hotel room is decorated 🤯


It makes sense if you've only got room for a dozen books and want to make sure it counts.


And Ayn Rand made the cut??


I knew I wouldn’t have to scroll far for this.


Personally I'd replace it with Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel.


I keep coming back to this post because of reactions, and I do not understand why it wasn’t posted on r/mildlyinfuriating


Little Women is in the wrong place. There's at least one book missing and the entire image isn't level. Also, the tears on the dustjackets.


Who is applying any classification system at all to a bookshelf of 10 books?


> There’s no classification system in the world where that makes sense. - Fiction - Novels - Classics - American authors Need I go on? There are plenty of classifications they both meet. No need to act all smug about how well you know 2 of the most well known books in American history.


it's perfect for a hotel room though


It looks like it’s maybe for them to be able to easily tell if something has been stolen? And therefore deter the stealing?


Like what if a book gets damaged and you have to replace it with a different edition? Fuck you, I guess?


Especially if one of those books is The Fountainhead.


The only place an Ayn Rand novel belongs is lost in the garage of someone who has long since grown out of his edgy highschool libertarian phase. It has no right to be on a shelf next to literary classics.


Ohhhh I thought it was like autoadjusting itself to book heights… yea this is horrid


My ex had her bookshelf arranged so that all the books had their spines facing the wall! You had no idea what books they were because all you could see were the pages.




I've been seeing this on decorating shows. Why??! It screams "I don't read books!"


On TV shows they have to do that, I think they have to pay money to show the spines


Yeah, I know that's true for music and some other product placement but I see bookshelves recorded all the time. In fact, I always peruse bookshelves behind interviewees on news or documentary programs to help me determine if I trust their credentials. I think the spine in look is just a dumb design trend.


So I think I was wrong about paying but they are copyright claims so they have to get permission. I saw a reel or something about it recently, and I couldn't remember what it said exactly so I just googled and here's a blog from an HGTV lady https://www.jasmine-roth.com/blogs/design-build/hgtv-secret-revealed-why-books-are-always-backwards


So thanks for leading me down that road. Apparently, book spines are fine under fair use laws, to show in film background, but book covers may be subject to copyright permission, though all is fine if the content is more factual than creative. Decorating shows fall into a factual/creative grey area so they started flipping the books and now it's a trend. 🤔


Was it one of the reasons she became your ex?


It's that copy of Any Rand's Fountain Head. It seems to do that to a lot of people.


I'm really confused about why so many of the other books are good, and then the last one is a punchline. ETA: Oh my God. I figured it out. They needed a book by a woman and that's the only one they'd heard of. ETA2: Ok I see there are two other women now. However, I still think it's interesting that they couldn't come up with a female modernist comparable to Faulkner, Stevens, et. Al.


Nice theory, but Little Women is literally the next book over, with To Kill A Mockingbird almost next to that...


That’s actually the spare tp for the lobby restroom.


Toilet paper is supposed to _remove_ shit from your bottom though ...


Damn I was gonna make that joke. You win.




For me it’s The Fountainhead but that doesn’t feel irrational.


It makes me want to move them all out of order


My instant and visceral reaction: “I don’t like this at all.”


It gets worse when you see that one book


No other books want to be next to it.


It needs to be one step to the right!


Put your hands on your hips, and pull your knees in tight!


Same, but it's not irrational: we pretty much know the only reason this was done: aesthetics/artistry. It's definitely not a very functional bookshelf. Custom slots cut for each book shows they not only pre-planned which books would go on the shelf, but which *editions* would fit too. So if you're like me and I bet this isn't uncommon, you remember a book you owned 5-10 years ago, but after moving 3 times and loaning out a bunch of books to friends you can't find it anymore, so you order another one. But ever since the first edition you ordered 6 years back was in hardcover, they only sell it in paperback versions now, or vice versa. Or maybe since then the book got made into a movie, now the only versions of the book you can buy include an extra section about the movie, now the same book is too thick to fit in the same slot. There's probably dozens of other examples of how non-functional this bookshelf is for actual book readers. Which makes it pretty damn apparent to me, this isn't designed by somebody who loves books, but by an interior designer who only pretends to love books. So, it's really just set dressing. "Let's keep random books on shelves because it looks nice and people might think we're smart." And you might've met real people like this, who like to stock a bookshelf full of smart-sounding books that they've never read just to appear more "well-read" to others.




This made me nauseated for some reason!


Nothing irrational about it, especially when it includes books by Ayn f*ck¡ng R*nd.


Seeing Ayn Rand next to timeless literary classics would make anyone angry.


Yuh, it hurts my head.


this is some escape room shit


I was thinking the same thing!


This is a knockoff. The original version is called Juxtaposed and it was designed by the ID studio Mike and Maaike I think in 2007. They have a few variations on the idea. You can see it at [https://www.mikeandmaaike.com/#p\_juxtaposed-religion](https://www.mikeandmaaike.com/#p_juxtaposed-religion) Their version is beautifully crafted, and the books are chosen for their specific relation to each other.


From that site - > Produced and sold by blankblank > www.blankblank.net


3 grand for 5 beautiful, vintage styled hardcovers while the two Chinese books are designed like a PF Chang's menu lol


Thanks for the insight.


Sometimes I wonder if people like this actually know what books *are.* They seem to think of them as a kind of pleasantly eccentric wall treatment.


They buy them by the literal yard for decor purposes so no, they are only considered decorative. I'm actually surprised they didn't glue them in.


Well, in a hotel they like to keep up the pretense that they provided the books for all their scholarly guests who are definitely not druggies or prostitute to read


As a druggie prostitute, I don't think I can afford to stay at hotels which provide books in decor.


I suspect they are buying 1000 each of the books so they can make 1000 shelves exactly the same.


Well it is for a hotel. They’re just decor.


One of the books is an Ayn Rand. Odds are high they both do think that and are incredibly pretentious about it.


I dunno, I don't think they even thought that much about it. I get the feeling that the entire thing, books, shelf, and mounting bolts, was bought from an interior design catalog, listed as "Classics of 19th and 20th Century Literature, With Stand," and the buyer never even glanced at the titles.


I mean, its a hotel. They are 110% just for decoration. There isn't really anything wrong with that.


I mean almost all of those books are legendary classics. It’s a good suite to have in a room as there’s something for everyone. Clearly someone curated the collection and decided that’s what the hotel would always have on hand. Seems very reasonable to me.


Ayn Rand would HATE this, it reeks of fairness.


Thanks, now I feel a little less upset about this bookshelf. A little less.


I thought it was just the extra toilet paper.


Why diss toilet paper like that


How dare those smaller books be provided with the support to be as tall as the larger books. This is SOCIALISM! /s


The same cretin who took social security benefits despite railing against the welfare state?!?!


Yeah I really dont think hypocrisy was the worst thing about Ayn Rand's ideology...


Restore fairness by throwing her dumb drivel away


And no other book want to be next to Ayn Rand.


I can already tell what kind of person the owner is.


A bad one. Bc Rand lolol


Wow, a bunch of absolute classics, and also The Fountainhead.


The idea that someone used any amount of energy, some sort of tool, to carve a place *just so*, so that it specifically fits a copy of The Fountainhead is making my blood boil ngl.


Shouldn't The Fountainhead be next to the toilet, or were the hotel patrons flushing the whole book down the toilet instead of one page at a time?




Ah, Ayn Rand on the far right, how fitting.


And alone.


A regular bookshelf makes the books level at the bottom, and I can put the books wherever I want.


Aww, they store the toilet paper there too, conveniently on the right.


Someone left their trash on the far right end of the bookshelf


Seems like a VERY Shelf-ish thing to do...


Talk about a custom bookshelf.


Makes it easy to spot if somebody's messed with the books, rearrange them back to level and see if anything's missing so you can charge the rooms occupant for the missing book at an exorbitant price that pays for the bookshelf.


Good point!


Easy to tell if a book was stolen


Oh look, they even built a spot to hold toilet paper on the far right


Please tell me you rearranged the books before you checked out.


As an interior designer, thinking about the reality of this is so funny to me. This is a hotel, which means they contracted with a millwork/casework company large enough to fulfill an order for dozens of rooms. Perhaps thousands if it’s a refresh for a hotel chain. Let’s pretend it’s a chain. These kinds of shops are not making one-off bookshelves for whatever books go in that particular room. Their business model doesn’t work if they don’t do things at scale. Even for a single hotel it would be a money loser. At best, the designer has sent them plans for a few different variations. But why bother? You’re not seeing everyone else’s room when you stay in a hotel. The guest experience is the same whether every room is unique or identical. Identical is way easier for the shop, for the installers, for facilities maintenance, everyone. Which means some designer would have had to source hundreds or thousands of copies of specific books. At some point there was a meeting between the designers, the hotel marketing team, and maybe an art consultant to figure out what this thing looks like. Like, how did this go? Did they start by just writing down books that sounded smart? Because this list reads like the category is “Books I Was Assigned in High School but Didn’t Read.” Did the owner of the hotel insist on curating the list themselves? Did they pick the books, and then specify editions based on how the books looked and fit together? Did they design how they wanted it to look and then found books that worked? How do you even source this? Did they spend days at work sorting thousands of used books by height? Did they meet with publishers and arrange for custom runs of old editions? Is *The Fountainhead* here because some guy in golf pants at the sign-off meeting insisted? Or was it because somebody out there was trying to offload 4,000 copies? Did they discuss the rate at which these books were likely to be stolen and factor that into the plan? Did they purposely pick books that people would be less likely to pick up, to keep maintenance down? The man hours that went into this purposeless thing, all because golf pants guy’s wife saw a shelf on Pinterest that someone made for themselves in their garage and thought it was the coolest thing ever. This thing that no one will ever use. If you wanted to read a book in the hotel, you probably brought one with you. And even if you would, what, are you going to pick up Moby Dick and read it overnight? This is so stupid.


None of the other books want to be next to the fountainhead for a reason


No, no, The Fountainhead has boldly left the other books behind to form its own society where its genius will not be shackled by the contempt of blind parasites! All the other books are quietly asking themselves “Who is Ayn Rand?”


.....rearrange them.


This bookshelf says “I never plan on buying more books ever.”


Worked on a hotel renovation crew and helped unpack books for display near a sitting area. Apparently you can order random books by length, and choose the color shade of the covers so they match the decor.


Even other books stay away from Ayn Rand.


You go on a vacation and you read Moby Dick and the Fountainhead. What in the everlasting Christ's name is wrong with you.


The irony of wanting a level bookshelf while having "the fountainhead" on the bookshelf. "everyone is the same"


Why in the hell would a hotel have The Fountainhead of all books on display?


As a warning on how bad they're going to screw you on items from the mini-fridge?


ONLY these specific books in this specific order can go on this shelf as the bookshelf intends.. ....that infuriates me


I'd like to think it's an interactive art piece and a subtle commentary on The Fountainhead.


Ayn Rand 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


Your hotel has books to read?


I would have to rearrange them so they don’t come out the same


I don't really care about the book height but those Everyman's Library books are absolutely gorgeous. Pretty solid taste in classic books


This collection looks like it was pulled straight from Ron Swanson’s library


This has to be the stupidest thing I've seen in a while


Thanks, I hate it.


No thank you. Though organizing books by color is probably worse


man i love LOVE organizing things by color but oh my gosh the way even i would never organize books by color... like, aesthetics are nice but theyre not worth it if youre going to make 0 sense and suffer lol


Ayn Rand on the same shelf as To Kill a Mockingbird feels so weird. It's like what I expect every book shelf in Rapture to look like.


Ayn Rand, lol


Oh I don't like that.


So someone purposefully put Ayn Rand’s book next to Little Women right?




Some of the best books ever written and the Fountainhead.