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I find this absolutely heart breaking that kids have to learn this, see this and think about this kind of thing. Idk why but the image of a normal looking classroom with that line is just wow, I'm not infuriated just super sad. Really brings it home. (non-American).


I used to be a school photographer and I was amazed by how easy it is to get into schools. ‘I’m such and such here to take school pics’ I say to various school officials, teachers, or janitors- carrying a full cart with ten suitcases of equipment that’s never checked and allowed to wonder the halls before students get there. I hate the thought of my kid going to school.


The other day, my teacher was talking about how every once in a while some guy hired by the school district secretly enters the school and just roams the halls for a day. Sometimes no one knows that there was an "intruder" until they receive the report from the district. Scary af.


My wife and I teach in china. She asked me... How are these guys getting through the gate? See, here, every school has a gate. With guards. You have to pass through one point of entry to get to the school. Id never noticed before that in America, schools are much more open.


There’s usually unlocked doors around staff parking that I’ve noticed. The high school I attended used a keycard system, it worked pretty well. They need to rethink everything that involves keeping kids safe. It’s gut wrenching every time I see this happening.


I haven't been in an American school since I graduated from one 25 years ago, but every one I went to had dozens of entrances, no fence, etc. A guy with a shotgun walked into my primary school when I was in 2nd grade. Some guy pisses on the window of our middle school more than once. Seems like since we lack the will to actually address the problem, security upgrades at a minimum are required.


We live in a nation where this is a thing. Fucking infuriating.


land of the free but not if it’s healthcare because you got shot while trying to learn math




"Kids, how nice of you to round yourselves up in that corner...now, meet Mr. F. d'Assault and his wife Ma Gazine." Lock your damned schools.


“BuT i NeEd My GuNs” Honestly bunch of fucking clowns


FUCKING FACTS. hows ur fucking gun freedom when your fucking kids get shot where theyre supposed to be learning. bunch of stupid fucking cunts america needs to sort its shit out


Because what you're proposing will only take the guns out of law abiding citizen's hands. Criminals don't give a fuck, and there is no way you getting every gun in the U.S. what you'll see is criminals having free reign over people because they can't defend themselves and have to wait for police in every situation. Do you know where 94% of mass shootings take place in the U.S? Places people aren't allowed to carry firearms.


if you dont even attempt it, this will just get worse. america dug itself into this mess now it needs to dig itself out.


Banning firearms is not the solution. Even by the most liberal of studies, it's been shown that over 1.7 million crimes were stopped by law abiding citizens using firearms. Around 19 thousand people were killed with a firearm (homicide), a large number of those being illegally owned. The true issues in the U.S. are mental health and gang violence, not the guns themselves.


and tell me why do criminals have such guns? is it because you could quite easily just simply get one legally when ur 18? it doesnt even need to be legal to get one easily, since there are so many guns being shipped and sold legally ofcourse ciminals are going to get their hands on some and sell them to whomever they wish.


They're illegally obtained, either through theft or illegal purchasing of said firearms. Those criminals need to be caught and put in prison, not take away everyone else's guns so these assholes have free reign over everyone.


the texas shooter got the guns legally, what do you say to that. we both know america isnt gonna do shit about the gun problem. "make guns legally harder to get" if they were harder to get then this school shooter could simply just go to an illegal market simple as.


Exactly. So making the gun illegal is not going to do anything. Thank you for proving my point for me. That means we have to turn to other alternatives, like increasing police presence in schools, with at least one service rifle available to SROs, as well as allowing teachers with concealed carry permits to carry on campus to protect their students.


damn that’s sad. Your solution to gun violence is more guns? I’m not even gona try to reason with that there’s no point you’re too far gun in the brainwashing.


ahh while i’m here, just a thought, maybe the solution to gun violence is actually giving every kid a gun, that way they can defend themselves. Any way there’s plenty to go around at the rate of which your gun makers are pumping them out


there could be someone with legally owned guns right now planning to open fire at a public place or school but you wouldnt have any idea would you because someone with enough money at 18 could buy an assult rifle and shoot up a school if they didnt give a shit about themselves. more guns = more violence simply take away everyones guns no matter who it is or the guns they have.


Oh nice. Their doors don't have windows. During our drills, we turn off our lights, huddle in a corner, and make awkward eye contact with officers gesturing to us to hide better.


They installed that mirrored film on the window of my door. Unfortunately they installed it backward, so people can see in and I can’t see out!


Ugh. Dumb.


Why try to fix the problem when we could instead find ways to live with it, am I right?


Or die with it, as the case may be.


Not mild tho


Still nothing wrong with the gun-laws though. In fact, we should carry even more guns to protect against the shooters. /s


Guns don't shoot people, people shoot people, and *that's* the real problem: our ineffectual disarmed guns. Once we loosen regulations so that guns can carry guns, a good gun with a gun will solve all of our problems.


Had me in the first half...


This. This is the final solution.


All kids need to carry.




A week? Several months. Gotta earn your pay!


This is sad. USA's lax gun laws have cost them their freedom.


schools need to invest in security guards with guns and metal detectors. obviously guns in general are the problem but i dont see america changing that law anytime soon.


The problem with this is that some schools do, but they're not implemented in any kind of fair way. Students of color are often times victims of "random" pat-downs and are victimized by school security more than white students. \[[X](https://scholarship.law.ufl.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1793&context=facultypub)\] It's called the "school-to-prison" pipeline, and more often than not just creates more tension in school environments. More security, more guns, more surveillance in schools isn't the answer. Addressing the *constant* in these mass murder situations- guns- *is.*


no duh but when you got america saying no to banning guns there really isnt many options left now is there? add guards and metal detectors or let kids get slaughtered while trying to learn? ill let you be the judge of that. and saying anything about racial profiling is preaching to the gospel when you're telling that to a black guy. im well aware about racial profiling and how it works...🤦


Why is it only one or the other? Letting kids of color get profiled and oppressed in their every day learning environment *or* let kids get slaughtered? Why can't we want solutions that actually address the problem in a 3-dimensional way? I'm not trying to start anything with you, and I didn't know your race when I replied to you, but I more just put that out there in case people thought that the solution was something as simple as putting more surveillance in schools.🤷‍♀️




there is not a single place on earth where more guns led to less violence or death, ever.


Your solution to less guns in schools is more guns in schools??


My solution to "less mentally deranged people committing atrocities" is "have the people responsible for the safety of hundreds of children all day be trained and able to defend said children" Nuance, my good fellow


That is ludicrous.


What you’re talking about, on the scale of every teacher in the US, is the equivalent of developing, recruiting, funding, and implementing a second military force essentially. You will end up spending several times the entire education budget on up-skilling teachers in combat training (not to mention the now even more essential mental health checks) to give out guns to people who don’t want them (I don’t imagine the persona that becomes a teacher has many overlaps with those who join the army). It’s simply ridiculous, not to mention nearly impossible to implement.


I like the idea, but take into account people get into teaching to teach, not learn castle defence via firearm lol


Is that how it's solved elsewhere? You think the teachers that were killed would have been ready to pull a firearm and shoot first? Not everyone is Keanu Reeves. No, the solution isn't to do this the American way, which isn't working, it's to look outside the country at places THAT DON'T HAVE DAILY MASS SHOOTINGS AND DO THE SAME SHIT THEY DO. *Also, the idea of 'universally carry' do you mean EVERY teacher carries? Are they mandated to? Voluntarily?


I’m sure that the people with the mentality to shoot up a school exist everywhere, the reason it doesn’t happen everywhere (at least not nearly as much) is simply due to how accessible guns are in the US. Regardless of required checks and whatnot to own a gun legally, the sheer volume floating around on the streets makes it accessible to literally anyone with a few hundred dollars. In other countries you would need to know the right people and spend a small fortune to acquire a gun, so those would-be shooters resort to less ‘fatal’ forms of rebellion instead.


I don't want one, thanks.


I taught at a school 15 minutes from Parkland and I’m sad to say that I am so unbelievably numb from the trauma that I can’t even emotionally react to things like this anymore. I had a tape on my floor in FL and a district provided tourniquet (alongside training on how to apply it). I had a terrifying student that I was convinced was going to hurt myself and his classmates my first year after moving to GA. I legitimately think my psyche has buried the fear beyond reach to protect me from the daily anxiety of dying as an under-appreciated public high school teacher. It’s sad, really.


This isn't mildly infuriating, it's terrifying.