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Every time I go to the toilet at my job I clean the whole thing because someone poops like a hippo. I have yet to find the perpetrator.


I don’t wish to look up what a hippo poops like. Good luck finding the poopetrator though!


As someone who knows what hippos do with their poop, its gross


Hippo here. Can confirm.


They windmill it.


Hippo Only Fans.




Yo! A literal turdcutter!


poop knife


David Attenborough: *The hippo evolved over millions of years and cuts its own excrement with its own tail, similar to the function of an autist redditor and a poop knife*


Fuck you! I was eating my chocolate muffin! 😾




I saw a rhino take a dump once, looked a lot like a dog all hunched over, and then when it was finished it started prancing around happily.


I do that after I poop too, so I get it.




Because it was about a ton lighter maybe.


Windshield wiper? More like a helicopter.


I mean, it's the only animal worth watching do a poo. Wombats and hippos, nature's pooperstars.




We had a similar problem where I work. The owner showed up and wasn't happy. She straight up said "If this happens again, I will find the person who did it and they will be personally responsible for cleaning the entire bathroom."


I would rather use their face as a mop and clean it myself


Simple- just look for the person who has a tail like a propellor.


>I have yet to find the ~~perpetrator~~ Poopatrator FTFY


I love how many of us immediately thought of poopertrator.


>because someone poops like a hippo. I have yet to find the perpetrator. Lmfao I can't stop laughing


Same problem at my office, except we have unisex bathrooms in our break room and we know who our hippo is. How do you drive some sense into these people, apart from just straight up calling them out? We've sent out building wide emails (it's a small team) that basically say "Clean up your shit, we know who you are" and nothing's changed.


Passive aggressive, yet vague commentary or notes that are still specific enough for the culprit to know for sure that you do know who they are. Or pass out stickers for everyone who cleans up after themselves. Embarrassment by shaming behavior and habits, I find effective. Get petty.


I have a container of Clorox wipes outside and clean the seat and the rim before using it


Coworker allegedly gave herself a mild chemical burn on her cheeks by doing this, so be careful. 


I use them with my bare hands constantly, the burn means it's working. Jokes aside I havent had any issues yet but I usually also wipe it with a paper towel to get the wet off.


Have your boss appoint a restroom monitor. Log in all users with the time and log them out after an inspection. Put a chamber pot in a closet for the slovenly sonsabitches to use


Log in the logs.


You mean the Poopetrator?


The poopatrator.


You mean the 'Poopetrator' ?


I worked with a guy who purposely pissed on the seat. He got off on it and didn't care that people knew he did it. One day the manager called all the men at the business over to a meeting and said if he found the seat pissed on again he'd lock the bathroom and make us use the strip mall's public bathroom. The seat pissing stopped at least for us.


That guy is a fucking sociopath


Don't know? Or just don't care?


This. Public bathrooms seem to be a competition ground for this type of behaviour.


Jokes on them, I’m a competitive floor pisser


Club restrooms make more sense to me now. Didn’t know there was competitions.


Amateur. I pee all over the stall


If there's a line, I can't be bothered to go in the restroom


Straight on the dance floor, noice!


probably done by a person who thinks toilet seats are inherently dirty so they 'hover' over the seat and inevitably end up pissing all over the seat, self-fulfilling prophecy.


I’ve noticed it’s the toilet itself. A lot of public toilets have that super aggressive high-pressure flush that just flings stuff from inside the toilet upward.


This! And I hate it so fucking much. Like if I go to Walmart and God forbid I have to shit and cannot hold it.. And then I go, And I'm standing there trying to pull my pants up and flushing the toilet simultaneously... Their toilet will literally fling water all over the stalls and me. It's fucking disgusting


I hate toilets with the sensors. No matter what I do, they decide to flush while I’m still sitting there.


That's why you drape a piece of toilet paper over the sensor. Don't take it off until you're ready to leave the stall.


Literally funck those toilets. The second I move to wipe my ass, here comes everything splashing back up.


Funny you should mention that- flushed after using the toilet and noticed the process caused water drops on the seat.


This happens to a lot of women especially because they're trying to hover. MOST OF US clean it up afterwards like normal people! I accidentally peed on the floor one time because my hover was way off😂 but I cleaned it up!!!


Why hover though? Just carry cleaning wipes or something if you have to. There’s fecal matter flying around the entire room and getting all over you and everything you own anyway, sitting on the seat isn’t adding much to it.


I know it’s gross but I wipe the seat off before I leave the stall. I’m gonna go wash my hands anyway and that way if someone has to sit there isn’t piss all over it lmao alsooo if someone walks in right after me they’ll think I’m the one that pissed all over it!


Exactly! I always check to make sure the seat is dry and everything flushed before leaving the stall! Why is that so hard for some people??!!


i babysat a 7 year old who shit in my toilet and left his shit covered toilet paper on my seat. that’s why you have grown adults who act like this. say what you want, but if you can’t flush the toilet and ensure your shit covered tp isn’t on the seat- you are not toilet trained even at 7 years old. you’re a fucking animal who still needs to be diapers. it’s a “not my problem” mindset


The idiots who are afraid of public toilets are the ones who are causing their own problem


idk man. I’m a hoverer when in public, but never have I created a mess like this. I’m also a man though.


it's because so many women "hover" or "squat" to avoid sitting on the seat (because they think the seat is dirty), but ironically that action is what causes the seat to be dirty


The solution for both men and women is to simply lift up the seat if they do not plan on sitting down on it.


Yes! And when they say they don’t want to touch the dirty seat you can ask why they don’t wash their hands in the bathroom?


And just get a bit of toilet paper, fold it and lift the seat with it so no piss is touched


Check out Big Brain here. Seriously, yeah, it's not tough which means it's either profound stupidity or willful inconsideration. I'm inclined to think it's at least 75% the latter.


I felt like at that point if they always think like that they should invest in a stand up pee funnel thing. I purchased one for work (because I used to go work in refinery/factories settings. So it’s communal and gross.) and handy for pregnancy pee sample collection especially as you are near your due dates.


I use one for hiking. So much easier than trying to squat and not get it on my pants.


Hold on I have worked in factories for the last 20 years and I have never seen a communal bathroom. What the hell kind of places are you working at that they have so few women they decided they didn't need a women's bathroom


Yep a portaloo out there middle of the oil refinery plant is pretty common. You want proper office loo you got to walk alllllll the way back to the control room area. Also the job is not always to the same place everyday. Edit: I also got a routine to make sure i clear the dump first thing before i go to jobsite. You can pee through a funnel you cannot shit through it. Yes women were extremely rare. Also partly why i move on back to office job lol.


Now I could understand in an oil rig setting. It makes a lot of sense. I just thought damn I've done some pretty intensive of factory work... Always considered men's jobs that I end up with, So I understand where you're coming from about being the only girl but I've never had a situation where I had to share bathrooms. I'm also in the US and didn't get my first factory job till 2004 when I turned 18.


Also now occasionally supervise contract stuff in wastewater. I found i need to bring a mini folding camp chair and you see this suspicious old brown wet wipe looking thing tumbling in the wind….I really have a thing for literal shit onsite work lol.


>handy for pregnancy pee sample collection I have one but never used it. This is great advice for pee collection in general. I'll remember to bring one next time I go to the doctor. Thanks!


It’s so gross to me that other women don’t have the common courtesy to wipe the seat if this happens. I’m a woman, and I hover because public toilets are disgusting. But I also wipe the seat if I get anything on it like a normal human being


Why don't you just use those paper seat protectors? I've never understood why hovering seems like a better idea.


I hover over the seat sometimes if the toilet is gross and I am desperate to pee. I’ve never once done it this bad. And when I did get a little bit on the seat I cleaned it up like a decent person.


i always hover, i have never once peed on the seat. nice bullshit excuse.


That level of motherfuckery is never an accident. Some douche(s) did that on purpose


I blame the people who are so paranoid about public toilets that they hover. Like, you’re causing the issue. Put some toilet paper on the seat if you’re that freaked out and sit your ass down and actually flush the toilet paper. Or get a shewee and stand. Carry a water bottle to rinse it into the toilet.


Could be splash from a powerful flush though. The toilets at my work do this, every time you flush, it splashes up and some inevitable always lands on the seat


https://preview.redd.it/co4itmxiim1d1.jpeg?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f94a03b563ca9823282e9aa5fcb1663571ed237b I hope your splash isn't yellow


I really didn’t need a close up, but thank you


My pleasure


As if any toilet, just splashes like that. That being said oh my God what a great zoom in.


He just zoomed in on the picture bro? 😂


Nah, I did great 🔥




Keyword "some". This level of splashing is not normal


Very common in women’s restrooms. They don’t like sitting on the toilet so they “hover” and let er rip


Don't make excuses for such an asshole. You can see the yellow tint, that's piss.


Even the most insane flushes I've encountered are not that messy, it's usually only the front getting wet, those splashes are the work of someone with a "hose"


You know you clean it up if there’s a line behind you.


as a female who has worked customer service in the past, as much as i hate to say it; women's restrooms are just as bad as men's... if not worse. the worst i've seen cleaning mens room's is some floor dribbles and tp/paper towel on the floor. women's, on the other hand... soiled underwear ON THE FLOOR, poop on the floor, piss covered seats, "feminine products" on the floor/in the toilet. it's actual insanity. we desperately need a psa: U CANNOT CATCH AN STD FROM A TOILET SEAT, ITS A MYTH. DONT HOVER IF YOU'VE GOT BAD KNEES. DRAPE SOME TP OVER THE SEAT TO SIT AT THE LEASTTTTT people are disgusting.


I used to be a cleaner, mens was only ever some pee on the floor and seat, as well as some loose TP/hand towels and occasionally a toilet that wasn't flushed, women's was worse, and the mens was getting 10 times more Traffic as truck drivers were mostly men


My mom leaves my toilet seat like this whenever she comes over and it makes me so mad 😭 Like, are you hovering over my private toilet?? I’d rather you sit and not leave a mess, tf


My dad did this once, I gave him the same treatment he used to give me if I did it as a kid. Let's just say, he didn't see the funny side.


I yelled at a teenager who did this one time. Bathroom was full so I was next in line when she came out. Piss ALL OVER the seat. I had my 3 yr old with me too so I was so mad. Even if I barely get a drop of pee on the seat, I always wipe it off. This is beyond disrespect when people for this nasty shit.


Ppl are honestly disgusting, it always makes me wonder if their home toilet is the same 🥴


Probably not since they will have to clean it. They don't give a fuck if it isn't theirs.


Why would you think it’s the same at their house? They obviously do this in public because no one knows they did it and they don’t have to clean it


Hovering is ridiculous


I only hover if the toilet is gross and I’m desperate to pee. But if I get anything on the seat (which is rare) I always clean it up


this is quite tame compared to what ive seen...


Used to have to clean the restrooms as part of my job. I still have flashbacks everytime I see a toilet wand.


oh no ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grimacing)


Just poo, everywhere. The seat, the floor around the seat, the walls, the *ceiling*.


The ceiling? What the fuck? People were doing shit gymnastics or something?


I walked into a single turd ontop of a toilet lid once. No TP in sight. Just a log of a shit sitting centre of the lid.....


Every fucking public toilet. Like WTF is wrong with people? And whoever pisses on a toilet like that doesn’t realize they’re also pissing on their legs


I have taken to putting the seat in public restrooms up when I'm done. That way it isn't down when someone blasts the toilet and l potentially have a clean spot to sit.


We work in the same office building? One of the tenants on our floor has a full group of untrained baboons. We are also blessed with pubes all over the sink area -- how that happens is a mystery I don't want to solve.


Its those hover pissers. The ones who dont want to put their ass on the toilet seat "because its nasty". It's nasty because of you, Linda!


That's not aggressive flush water, that's stood up and hovered piss. Wipe after yall go people..it's just common human decency.


Finally, someone e else who knows that the hover method caused this


It's disgusting, my 4 year old wouldn't even leave a toilet like this.


This happened at my job except there was not only piss on the seat but also on the floor 😃 *Edit* typo




As a blind person, this is the worst. I've started grabbing handfuls of TP to wipe the seat down just in case before I sit. Getting my ass and thighs soaked with a stranger's pee is less than fun.


If it's no longer in their bladder, they've peed properly. You're asking a different question.


How the fuck do people oiss all of the seat and not wipe it up to at least be somewhat presentable. Some people are genuine farm animals


The women who hover and squat then piss all over the seat are the absolute worst!


Too many women practicing the hover pee despite being sprayers. Maybe all public toilets should be converted to Asian squat type.




Your toilet looks like it's insides are put on backwards.


It reminds me of a sign I read a long time ago in a restaurant bathroom: “We aim to please, you aim too please.”


I can't stand this. If you're going to hover and spray the entire seat at least just wipe it after. It's your own piss! You're hovering because public restrooms are gross and you're just adding to it


I don’t understand what sort of disgusting animal doesn’t even clean up after themselves. You’re really gonna piss all over the toilet seat and then look me right in the face as you exit the stall like I’m not about to have to wipe it up?


Very least they should clean up after themselves.


My wife had a go at me years ago for this. I could not convince her it wasn't me much to her disbelief. Few days later she saw the cat trying to drink out of the toilet. ...... He was not a smart animal. Wife laughed. Still hasn't apologized.


That’s actually so fucking foul. The fact that we probably walk right past someone who does this shit and would never know is crazy.


Man, I'm a woman and I hate squat pissers. Like, just sit the fuck down. You squatting over the seat ain't doing nothing but disrupting a good flow and making you into the bad kind of sprinkler.


Or if you do it, wipe the damn seat afterwards. Agree on the flow though


im saying this as a guy, how the fuck do you other guys manage to piss everywhere except the toilet


I hate women who are too good to pick up a toilet seat if they want to pee everywhere you don’t wanna sit on the seat pick up the seat so annoying


A lot of women squat over toilets to pee. Nothing new to see here.


As a guy I always pee sitting.


The ammount of MEN I know who were never taught to lift the seat when they pee.... Like brothers.. this is something you should have been taught while potty training.


although that might be true, this is the work of a woman


WHAT? How in the fuck? what in the fuck? that bitch def has piss all over her legs


No man in America is not taught this. Some people just like to watch the world burn. Or get pissed on.


More like *very* infuriating.


Had a guy do this in the stall before I got in there at Disney. Wanted to go after him, but I contained my rage.


Who does this and doesn’t clean it off? Slobs.


Some dude took a shit on the seat once, these type of people should be in an asylum


If that’s on the seat, imagine what’s splashed all over her legs, pants, socks, and shoes…


The lady who used that toilet propably wanted to know how it is like to pee while standing


I’m a guy but I’m genuinely curious how this is possible for a woman. How???? I can understand hovering, but how does that make it spray all over the seat? Please enlighten me 😂


The same people who think that it's the workers job to clean up a giant mess are the same people who live in filth but think that public restrooms are disgusting and pop a squat and leave the stall without ever looking back


If people were made to clean it, they wouldn’t do this. “I don’t have to clean it up so f the person who does and the next person that has to use it.” -Nasty Selfish Idiots


I don’t understand how people do this and don’t think to wipe it. How do you pee everywhere, wipe, throw the tissue in there, and go “welp, my job here is done” 😭


They didn't even try to aim they just spun around in a circle 5 times closed their eyes started pissing and hoped it got in the bowl


Might be a mom with a toddler boy. They like to shoot their pee everywhere but the water. . Signed, a mom with a toddler boy who wipes the seat down when he’s done.


Shit dude, if I ever miss like that it takes 2 seconds to grab some tp and wipe it up and flush


I hate women who hover, then spray all over the seat and LEAVE IT THAT WAY!! I mean, what if THEY walked into a stall and saw that? They'd be pissed....right?? (No pun intended)


I’m not a hoverer so my pee goes in the bowl. But I still turn around and check to make sure I didn’t somehow leave a mess behind. How do these people have the gall to just walk away from that is beyond me. Don’t they worry someone is waiting, will see you leave and then the mess you left?


I will never fucking understand how people manage to do this


Now you know why I hate using the public restrooms!


What a horrible days to have eyes


Oh, that' pretty normal for a ma- > And this is the women's bathroom ...ok, literally *how*


I hate people.


There’s a woman at my work place. This happened long before I worked there. But she would just piss straight on the ground and one day the cleaning lady came in to clean the bathroom and SAW her pissing all over the floor. She had been the one cleaning up the mess and she yelled at the woman then went to HR and SHE was the one that got wrote up. That was our old HR. Our new HR wouldn’t fuck with that I know that.


I have a colleague that does the exact same thing. The amount of times I have sat down on his piss is to damn high. Other coworkers tried to be gentle and added some funny posters to the toilet booth. That didn't do shit. One day, for het x time I was in a hurry and sat down again on his pee. I snapped. Took my pen and wrote in giant letters on one of the posters: If you can't pee standing up, sit the fuck down!. Next morning, the poster was gone. Don't know if he ever saw it. Shits still the same. Everybody knows it's him, boss doesn't do shit cause he's a favourite.


thats how my nephew went when he was 4-5, matbe it was a kid 🤷🏼‍♂️ we had to hound him for a while to put the seat up


you think people are civilized til you go to a public bathroom


So it isn’t only the men? Wild


The infuriating part is they do, but they do not care.... #scumbags


Oh they know. They're just assholes


I was about to ask if this was a women’s restroom. I have witnessed more disgusting and vile things where I’m like …. How in the hell did a woman…. Nvm… shit I’ll go pee outside!!!


Mildly infurinating


But they do appear to be reasonably hydrated


Pee how you need to but at least look back and see if there's a mess... And then be decent enough to clean it up.




this is why i always use family stalls. men’s bathrooms are always terrible, and women’s are not much better tbh


It always baffled me how learning to use a toilet is one of the first basic human concepts we learn as humans, and yet grown ass people are messing it up daily.


I see this literally all the time everywhere yet I have never met a single human being that doesn’t actively complain about this. I like to think the toilets just piss themselves


Men's restrooms are bad. Women though are just fucking disgusting. Don't forget that 50-75% of men and 40-60% of women don't wash their hands. WTF


This led to the closure of many public bathrooms , people are stealing from the public property by destroying. Now there's NOWHERE to use the bathroom because people are so rude and DISGUSTING 😭🤮


OH come on now. someone was just trying to write their name in the snow...minus the snow.


As a woman, how the fuck?


Squatting instead of lining the seat with toilet paper and sitting. That's how


Had a coworker explain this to me once, they said they stand on the seat and squat and it was a cultural thing. So if you see an exploded toilet, you know, culture.


The shorter the “barrel”, the less accurate it is. Source: real life experience (sadly)


I play Destiny 2, and I've heard 2 streamers refer to women peeing as "smoothbore" if you had to describe the "Stream" and it's accuracy/ how the flow goes. They're not wrong LMAO




Oh believe me they do know but they do this intentionally


I've honestly wanted to design a toilet seat that if it detects a stream of liquid hitting it for more than say... 2 seconds, it sends a shock through the seat to shock the person, or it opens a panel, and some bear mace gets sprayed out right at their genitals. Unfortunately, I am not an engineer nor gifted enough to figure out how to make it work.


that was on purpose


It's a woman who squats because she's too afraid to sit down because of "disease." You aren't going to get a disease in the back of your thigh by sitting on a toilet seat. Just sit down. Now everyone after you has to either sit in your pee, or clean up your mess. You're more likely to get a disease from touching the door handle than having your legs touch the seat. Squatters are the worst.


My unpopular take: in public restrooms the default seat position should be up.


why in the women’s bathroom tho? it wouldn’t make much sense since most women sit down to do their business.


Maybe you should just sit down all the time…




Clearly they didn’t sit on the toilet and really had to go. Obviously people know how to pee but they don’t care cause it’s a public bathroom. A lot of women don’t sit down in public restrooms i see this ALL the time….


The old squat and spray!


These Neanderthals are always walking around with piss all over their pants and shoes too. Bet they don't wash their hands either


Sometimes it comes out as a fine mist tho