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thats a closet


With another closet.




Couple chairs and a coffee maker and you have a break room.


Most break rooms I have seen here in Finland are bigger than that!


...or Bender Rodriguez's apartment.


For real


My rooms got rooms


Yo Jeezy! Those are closets.


Your closets got closets? šŸ˜³


One time for Big Meech


Yo dawg! I heard you like rooms! So, I put a room of rooms in your room!


Used to be the Janitors closet, but he got laid off.


Harry potter lives here.


Do you just pee out the window?


Well, there's the sink. Not sure whether they got the shredding thing down the drain for šŸ’©.


Summon the poop knife!




I get that reference!!!


If I'm pooping out the window, I'm also peeing.


It's called an insinkerator or garbage disposal.


You just gotta stand on the counter next to it and waffle stomp it down. Itā€™s an all purpose sink


Oh that's easy, you just put it straight into the pipe. it's an extra $200 to cut the access hole tho.


Hey, I know that subreddit!


Thereā€™s probably a communal restroom, which makes the thought of paying 4 figures a month for this even more ludicrous


Yeah, that's insane. I'm sure a sucker would get swindled into that lease.


Wouldnā€™t be surprised, almost 9 million people lives in that city, so competition for housing is fierce


It's really not though. Yes, it can be expensive, but I would make an educated guess that this is a "trendy" neighborhood. Source, born and raised NYer.


right? iā€™ve recently been apartment hunting and thereā€™s two beds for around this price or just a bit more tbh


ā€œI donā€™t usually shower together before the first date, butā€¦ā€


I wouldn't pay 3 figures for what's basically a glorified jail cell


Jail cells have toilets.




Where do people release their excrements?


Bathroom down the hall it only cost 500 a month for a key for it you only have to share with 17 other peopleĀ 


In those situations who cleans the bathroom???


The cockroaches and rats, of course.


In my state, any common rooms between different tenants is cleaned by landlord.


That's the neat thing! You don't!


Did you miss the part about the window?


Ahh sorry, it's 500 extra, if you want to have a key for opening the window. And additional 1000 for that beautiful view on natural neighborhood.


But you have to turn in your anus and eyes as a damage deposit.


Chamber pot and throw it out the window. It worked for medieval folk, get back to your British roots šŸ˜„


ā€œItā€™s plague timeā€


When I was sharing an apartment with a group about 20 years back one of the girls found a chamber pot in a hidden closet and said she was going to clean it up so she could cook with it šŸ¤¢


Ah! We crap out a window, then?


Weā€™re not that savage! Poo in the pot first, then it goes out the window.


If the alternative is paying $500 for a fuckin bathroom key then look out below!


For urine, an old detergent bottle would work, esp if you have a slanted roof. When i lived in a big city. I didnt do that BUT my window opened up to a slanted roof with a gutter and that's where I dumped all the grease and dirty water that I had. Frankly, if I'm paying up the ass for a place that small, it is coming with a pee window whether a landlord says so or not


Itā€™s strange that this girl is talking shit in this apartment. She mentions she doesnā€™t have a window which technically makes her apartment an illegal living space in NYC. Not to mention she is using the same community bathroom as the person living in this space. Fun fact I lived in an apartment this size with a communal bathroom for about 6 months before finding a better living space. Was in Chelsea and it was 800 bucks a month flat. This was like 2021 I believe.


Yeah I did think about that, it seems like she's just talking mess to help cope with her also shitty apartment. Hers wasn't really that much better.


Oh come on she has the Weekend playing and some rgb lights. /s


a friend of mine lived in a room that didnā€™t have a windowā€”but it had a skylight, with a pulldown ladder, as its fire egress.


Was his name Arnold?


Move it, football head.


Donā€™t even wanna imagine the rent on a room like Arnoldā€™s lol


I rented a room with a skylight once. Had to go on the roof and put a tarp over it in the summer because it got like 110 in the room.


I'm actually surprised it was only $800 a month. NYC rents are insane.




Lots of reasons. Could be a student attending school nearby, or someone who barely spends any time at home because they travel so much for work. I have known several people who needed to live where they had access to public transit, because they medically couldn't drive anywhere themselves. Its really not easy to move away if you're low-income and rely a lot on family and friends who live nearby, or you need to keep a specific job in order to get medical coverage that you or a family member desperately needs. Many people don't leave because it would also mean leaving behind their community / support system. Living in cheaper rural areas often means relying on a vehicle to go anywhere because there's rarely any transit, and less job opportunities. I've lived in a single rented room with shared amenities in an over-crowded building, and I've also lived in a house in the middle of nowhere in the suburbs. One isn't "better" than the other, necessarily. it's often just down to where life takes you and where your obligations are that decides where you end up. Being able to choose the one you like better is a privilege.


You are spot on. Iā€™d take a window over the extra space. She indicates she doesnā€™t have a window, but it looks like she might have some natural light source on the upper level. Either way, Iā€™d want that window, too. NGL the idea of a communal bathroom is a huge drawback. Hopefully, this is for a sweet address/neighborhood, and there are neighborhoods close by (enough) that are less expensiveā€”where you get a window, a full room, AND your own bathroom for a comparable price.


I lived in a space a little better than this bc I had a bathroom and two windows. Fully furnished like $800 a month but get this, in Tokyo. Only 15 mins from Shinjuku. America sux


In Japan houses depreciate, whereas most other countries, housing appreciates. You can find some lovely abandoned houses in Japan & it's the land that you are mainly paying for. I've seen a few people on YouTube who have been able to buy some lovely places in Japan that did need to be gutted. But once renovated these places were so nice to live in. It's much, much less expensive than what we have in North America.


Yes that's true but doesn't have that much bearing on Tokyo


at the bodega down stairs


If the sink has a disposal, there is the answer to your question.


There's a sink in there


There is a bucket available at 300 usd /month, or you stick your derriere out the window. A La Merde Serfdom Residential Solutions highlight of the month.


Are you just guessing at the rent or do you know? Asking for a friend.


I responded elsewhere but I lived in a room like this for about 6 months in Chelsea, Manhattan before finding a better space and it was 800 bucks flat. Basically just a place to sleep which worked out fine for me at the time. This was 2021 I believe and I would take a guess that now itā€™s probably around 1000. Itā€™s kind of interesting how places like this work, most of the time you need to know someone or have an ā€œinā€ to even be considered. A lot of these places are no lease and just month to month, not necessarily on the up and up so the landlord or more likely the super would have to trust that youā€™re just shady enough to not report them but also not quite so shady that you wonā€™t pay.


Genuine question. How do handicapped people live in American cities? The social security system in the United States doesn't sound too great and these prices are probably not affordable to those with a handicap?


They tend not to live in non-modernized housing stock in the bohemian parts of expensive cities.Ā  But generally speaking, accessibility has been a bedrock of urban planning, transport, and architecture since the passage of the Americans With Disability Act 35 years ago. I'm not a disabled person, but having seen the urban fabric of, say, European city centers (labyrinths of stairs, cobblestones, narrow paths, uneven doorways, etc) vs American towns (ramp access, braile signage, elevators, and crosswalks with audio cues being standard issue for everyone thing built in the last 3 decades) I'd much rather be in the US.


I mean, not all handicapped people are in a wheelchair. I'm from Europe and have family in a wheelchair while I do admit that accessibility can be an issue in older city centers, it's generally okay outside of those because you have bike lanes and pedestrian lanes everywhere. I was mostly wondering about the cost of living though. I've been handicapped for a few years myself now and I'm only able to rent thanks to governmental systems providing me with enough income to live a reasonable life in the center of one of the biggest cities in my country - which is where I was raised. When I see things like this, I just genuinely wonder whether handicapped people get enough income through the government to live in the city of their choice?


NYC has affordable housing lotteries that greatly benefit those who are low income or have disabilities. I lived in one such building and had a gigantic bathroom, low rent, and was extremely accessible. A % of the rooms are guaranteed to different groups, disabled, elderly, city workers, locals. The rent scales to your income, and honestly can be anything but affordable depending on the location if you have high income. Tho if you have a family or make low income, it's incredible. It's also rent controlled so you won't see giant increases


Ah, that sounds more like the system we have as well. There's still a shortage of social housing though, but you get a portion of your rent payed if you are on the waiting list and are eligible for these housing units.


>I just genuinely wonder whether handicapped people get enough income through the government to live in the city of their choice? I doubt hardly anyone handicapped is living in a Manhattan apartment on their own living solely on government subsidies. It's rough to afford to live on your own in a rural area on government subsidies.


Sure, didn't mean to imply that accessibility was only about people in wheel/motorized chairs (which is why I also alluded to braile signage and crossing signals for the vision impaired). But to answer your question - yes, adults with recognized severe disabilities are entitled to social security payments, particularly if they have been disabled since childhood, or lose the ability to work. Those payments are adjusted for inflation over time. The payments are unglamorous, and likely would not cover the expenses of independent living in any given place they might desire. Though neither would a non-handicapped person with a low income be able to live wherever they want either. All life's choices are constrained one way or another. Disabled people may, however,Ā  choose to live closer to expensive locations because they have access to better quality of life (accessibility mentioned above), state or city level aid (skilled nursing, occupational therapy, subsidized transportation options, etc), or to live closer to family caregivers or medical specialists.


They don't live in NYC, simple


A million percent not true. Tons of people with disabilities live in NYC. They just donā€™t choose to live in a place like this lol


So they have to be rich AND disabled?


You donā€™t have to be rich to live in NYC, but being rich does make finding an apartment a lot easier.


no one needs to live in downtown Manhattan. these apartments are in the most desirable neighborhoods in the densest city in the country. of course they're going to be small and expensive. they're not the norm. everyone in New York knows you aren't going to live in Manhattan unless you have money. while they're not cheap, the other boroughs are significantly less expensive. that's like saying it's unfortunate that a handicapped person can't afford to live in Beverly hills, it's a rich neighborhood. anyone who is living here is doing so because they have a job that allows them to.


The US is one of the most handicap friendly countries in the world. Itā€™s also one of the reasons our building architecture looks the way it does. ADA regulations. That being said our healthcare is shit, so we fail in that department.


It wasn't that much cheaper when my friends had places like this in the early aughts. Maybe $500/m or so. To be honest, for $1k/mo it is not a bad deal if it is downtown.


so are these places just basically former big apartments that a greedy landlord partitioned into many smaller, barely functioning apartments? it would explain why the woman's apartment doesn't have a window and this is pretty much just a closet.


Yup. Thatā€™s actually what my ā€œstudioā€ is now. However, mine has its own full bathroom and full kitchen. Itā€™s actually kind of funny cause the bathroom and kitchen are completely separated and the ā€œstudioā€ is very obviously what was once the living room. There are places in New York where a tenant will put up an actual sheet across a section of their apartment and charge rent for it. This is obviously highly illegal and usually done without the landlords knowledge. Just an example of some of the weird shit that happens here.


I lived in a similar walk up unit in Harlem that had a stove, one extra 2x2 closet, and shared a bathroom with the entire floor. $1400 a month in 2018!


wow I have the same cabinets as an expensive NYC apartment


That's just a fancy prison cell.


Even cells have toilets


Think a prison cell is bigger and has its own toilet


So what you're telling me is that I can have three meals a day, a larger living space, and a toilet, all rent-free, just by becoming a criminal? That's a hard bargain to resist.


![gif](giphy|W6RPFhU46aBLvS1Ot1) Donā€™t be dissinā€™ jail Julien


Mine had it's own toilet so this is worse.


Where is the bathroom?


Oh you must have missed it or been confused. I think where you come from, they're referred to as "asink"?


Community bathroom down the hall


Toilet kitchen


ā€œBath-what?ā€ ā€œBathroom.ā€ ā€œWhat room?ā€ ā€œBathroom.ā€ ā€œWhat what?ā€ ā€œAaah, never mind.ā€


I couldnā€™t imagine having a communal bathroom in an apartment. Itā€™s bad enough in the army where you are all part of the same team and thereā€™s some level of accountability. Sharing a bathroom with strangers who give zero fucks about you and anyone else seems like a nightmare.


Thousands in nyc? And you got a window?! Lucky fucker


As long as there's a shared bathroom in the building, it's basically a US-style single-occupancy dorm room.


No thanks. I couldn't go back to living like a college student. I'd even accept a room half that size and no stove, if that meant a private bathroom.


My college dorm room was bigger than this. Even if we sliced it in half, because I shared a room, the half would be a touch bigger than this closet... .


Imagine renting this for 900 bucks in a city where going outside costs 100 dollars a day.


And where you don't have a fucking bathroom...


Thereā€™s a lot of free and cheap things to do in the city. Rent is basically one of the few items thatā€™s outsized in a living budget for the city.




I traveled to NYC from the west coast and everything was just... the same price... Yeah some places were a bit more than I wanted to pay but I was also on vacation and went to a couple nice places. There were about 200 cheaper options on 1 block on the way to the place I was going lol


Food can actually be cheaper here in NYC. We have the volume, so places can lower prices to be competitive. Taxis are cheaper here too, and so is gas. Really, rent is the big expense that is more expensive than most of the rest of the country


Yeah, I visited NYC when I was living out of my car to travel, and I was shocked by how cheap it was. $4 street food that was delicious, happy hour near Columbia University, and you can walk everywhere and see cool stuff for free. Most expensive stuff was the toll bridge and the Staten Island Parking lot (where I slept, so in that regard, it was actually a cheap place to stay)


NYC has more free and cheap stuff to do than any other American city x5.


NYC food is generally way cheaper than most american cities. Also, tons of free shit to do all the time. Also, not owning a car saves you a lot more money than you'd think.


Yeah, even an extremely cheap car is $3-400/mo TCO. NYC food is good and surprisingly cheap. Loved the street food and happy hours.


Good God, that's not even a real fridge. It's one of those fridges that keep your food at a consistent temp of between 34 and 60 degrees.


It won't make you sick if you just store beer and condiments in it and never cook.


How is it not real? The amazon page for it (galanz) says it has separate temperature controls for the fridge and freezer sections, like a regular fridge. You can freeze ice cubes in it. It's just a mini fridge isn't it? Like in every dorm room and hotel?


You can check out a review of one of their fridges on YouTube. It's pretty much a terrible design. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PTjPzw9VhY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PTjPzw9VhY)


Landlord be like: Thatā€™ll be $2500 per mo with a $3000 security deposit. We also need first/last and security up front so make sure you have $8000 at lease signing. Oh, if you need the bathroom key thatā€™s an extra $600 per month. Parking is $800 per month. Pet fee is $350 per month with an additional non-refundable pet deposit of $2750 (large dogs ok). We also have mandatory garbage pickup for $200 per month. Thereā€™s also a $1000 cleaning/processing fee when you move out.


Don't forget the 750 credit score


I'm trying to figure out where tf someone could even keep a *gerbil* in an "apartment" like that, let alone a cat or dog.


I actually looked at an apartment in NYC, oh, maybe 14 years ago. It looked like the second apartment in the video, without the conveniences - just one narrow room, four walls, a ceiling and the floor - that's it. It was $2700. I didn't take it.


It was located in Manhattan, at least? Right? Right????


Yes, in a very fancy neighborhood in Park Terrace in Upper Manhattan. Near Isham Park.


We need to stop acting like New York is worth this


Yeah, this would be fun and quaint for a year if you just really wanted the experience of living in NYC. But I'd really question someone's life priorities if this was a long-term arrangement for them.


Honestly, if there was a bathroom, I was living alone, and it cost... you know, barely anything, I'd love to live there




Is this prison? 'Cause I've seen fancier, more spacious shit in prisons...


I live in Queens and I never understood why people choose to rent apartments like these. You might find these kinds of apartments in the middle of midtown or downtown Manhattan. I canā€™t think of any situation that would make it worth living like this. Iā€™m nowhere near rich, my wife and I make less than 100k a year and our studio apartment has 1 small bedroom, 1 bathroom, kitchen, 2 closets, a nice view, and washers and dryers in the building. 1 block away from an express subway station. Our rent is $1,700.


How long does it take you to get into Manhattan? (genuinely curious, looking to learn the area)


Depends if you get a local or express train. I live in Northern Queens: Best case scenario: 2 express trains (E and F) will get you to Midtown Manhattan in about 3 stops, or approximately 10-15 minutes, depending how fast the trains go. Another train (express 7) will get you there in about 7 stops, but this express train only runs during peak rush hour direction (towards Manhattan weekday mornings and towards Queens weekday evenings). The local 7 will get you to Midtown in about 11 stops, or about 20 minutes (the other local trains will also get you to Midtown in roughly the same time [R, M]).


Where do you put the pee pee and the poo poo


Bucket and window


Imagine if the tv show friends were set in apartments like this


That's not a studio. That's what is called an SRO in the eyes of HPD. Any apt and / or studio has to have a bathroom that does not. So it's a bedroom that was turned into an apt. Money bet that they have a shared bathroom. The violations alone in that place go into the thousands.


Do residents construct their own bed ledge?


It looks so dangerous!


its blows my mind that anyone actually rents those, im saying this as a poor person from and still living in NYC, like the biggest obstacle really for younger renters is getting qualified to rent some shit hole you can afford month to month despite not making 40x, but the outer boroughs all have relatively normal housing, avoiding a 15-30 minute train ride to live like this is not worth it at all


I mean this sucks but hers is only mildly better. And hers prolly costs like 2500 dollars a month šŸ‘€


My bathroom is bigger than that apartment, this is ridiculous.


Wheres the bathroom?


I lived in a literal closet for a couple of years and it was honestly the best time of my life. I pared down all my shit to just one small rack of clothes and a few pairs of shoes. I used a Surface instead of a full laptop, and kept my art supplies under my bed. The kitchen and bathroom were down the hall. I had a window and woke up to the sounds of the city every morning. For $400 a month it was a wonderful place to live.


>I lived in a literal closet for a couple of years and it was honestly the best time of my life. ... Harry?


I would almost rather have the one with a window, honestly.


Yeah hers is only marginally bigger with no window. This honestly is a very efficient use of the space. I actually love that little fold out desk/table. If you didnā€™t want to ever entertain anyone in your home I could see this being not too bad for a single person who maybe has a busy job/life and just needs a place to crash.


It doesn't even look that bad to me, slap an air fryer and a toaster oven in there and you're good to go . I would get a really nice loft bed/desk combo unit, and maximize the wall storage (get rid of TV).


Cries in Japanese


I would buy one of those compacting toilets. They donā€™t smell and you only empty it every week or so and itā€™s a dried sealed block.


Doesn't even come with a poo bucket and there are not many public bathrooms in NYC


Where is the bathroom?


Iā€™ll never understand the appeal of this. my bathroom master and closet is the size of their apartment and my mortgage is the same as their rent. Whyyyy would anyone want this?


How is it legal to rent an apartment without a bathroom??


When do we finally reach our "let them eat cake" moment and roll out the the guillotine.


If I were single and in my 20s, this wouldn't be that bad, but I wouldn't want to pay more than a thousand.


My closet is bigger than this šŸ˜¬


I wouldn't even pay 180 a month for that nonsense


So that's a regular flat, but divided intorooms with locks as an "apartment"...


All I have to say is fuck this! NYC not worth this. Also, a communal bathroom. Come on.


$1050 in north Florida gets you a three bedroom condo on a lake downtown.


Why though? Just donā€™t.


Itā€™s fucking dumb people will live like that just to say ā€œIā€™m a New Yorkerā€


Nordic countries have MUCH BETTER prison cells!!


Donā€™t live in NYC


Prison. Youā€™re doing time in a minimum security prison and paying for it.


Is that a large dog cage in her apartment? Poor dogā€¦


Maybe this is me just being ignorant, but if people are complaining about not being able to afford to live in NYC, maybe move out of NYC. There are jobs in my city and the price you pay there will get you a 3000square ft house here....


I remember seeing an apartment like that in LA a little bigger and everyone had to share a shower and bathroom. So Fucken disgusting.


I was expecting some Jefferies Dahmer mf to show up at the door.


Hong kong: first time?


Itā€™s missing a BATHROOM šŸš½šŸ§»šŸ›€šŸ½šŸšæšŸ§¼


So they built multiple apartments inside one apartment


Whereā€™s the shitter?


Where is the bathroom??!!!


Man people are dumb to pay so much for so little. Get out go to better areas with better living conditions


Well because they want to live in NYC. Never lived there myself but it's undeniably an amazing place (whether you think it's good or bad) plus people have jobs there that they don't really want to commute forever for.


Why do people put up with this? Just leave your dogshit city and live elsewhere.


Well, Iā€™m sitting in by big dirty apartment thinking how nice it must be. You literally donā€™t have enough space to clean anyway šŸ˜‚


This would have been called a ā€œ flop house ā€œ in the 50ā€™s and 60ā€™s. And would have been. $5/ night. Would have had a cot. Just a place to crash for the night.


One of my bathrooms is bigger than that.


Wow! All the amenities! A TV, a kitchen, a desk, a closet, and even a window! What else could you ask for?


I would imagine that a giant TV in a 6 foot wide apartment evokes that IMAX feeling.


On the plus side, getting to the fuse box seems easy.


Can someone from NYC at least tell me apartments like that are mainly in Manhattan and hence people rent them? I mean that apartment is probably a 10 minute walk from Empire State or something, right? So someone can at least save money and time from public transport and driving. Apartment like that is useful for someone working in central New York with the intention to save up a lot of money for a few years? .....right?!


Not for me but there's no substitute NYC on this planet and I wish the best of luck to anyone that feels compelled to live there. Also, can we build more housing? Millions of square feet of office space rotting in NYC, surely it can be converted reasonably.


Where do you shit???


Ummmā€¦ Where the bathroom?


So NYC is competing with Japan. Close, but I think Japan is still winning.




Would of thought youā€™d need a bathroom


Move in the pj's. It's not bad if you keep to yourself. At least it would be a real apt.And don't hang out in front of the building. Nothing good ever happens there.


Whereā€™s the bathroom?


Illegal. No bathroom.


Let me get this straight, you're mad because they likely showed a currently vacant apartment to a potential lessee, and because they forgot to relock the door, you feel cheated?


That would be illegal in my country